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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

First class is about to start please get your characters to class!!!! Thanks

Haha just for those who may not know or are still roaming!!! XD
Eh. I'll give this a go. I'm probably going to do a classic Beast character. I've had one from a previous rp I was in that I've been dying to use.
Eh. I'll give this a go. I'm probably going to do a classic Beast character. I've had one from a previous rp I was in that I've been dying to use.

Cool haha I promise I'll be more active now life kinda got in the way along with my broken eyeballs
Flecker Flecker

Why is James surprised that Maggie knows her name? I thought the entire class could hear him introduce himself to the teacher during his apology.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Are you going to be super upset if I have my one character (Nerrezza) miss the first class? (They won't miss the meeting) Just sort of part of her character

Raku Raku Also, I hope you join the rp, it's good to see/rp with you some more =]
Then perhaps its a good thing? If you think about it, if the school has rules against sexual stuff then theres no temptation on his part
As if that matters? If he is homosexual he might feel more comfortable around girls, because there is no sexual tension for him?

eh,not necessarily. it is really really hard to catch his interest considering his personality. i'm just saying it's weird they roomed him with two girls.
eh,not necessarily. it is really really hard to catch his interest considering his personality. i'm just saying it's weird they roomed him with two girls.
i think gender doesnt really matter for the dorms in this academy. They are all mixed up anyways. so its just coincidence i guess.

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