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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

also - I could've sworn you had an image with your character
I had, but it didn't really look how i wanted her to look.

Grim reapers are something own in my eyes, they are death impersonated.

Though yes, I think they would have at some point talked, found out they have similar personalities and might have grown friends.

When you say immortal in the classic way do you mean like... To time or... Generally?
I had, but it didn't really look how i wanted her to look.

Grim reapers are something own in my eyes, they are death impersonated.

Though yes, I think they would have at some point talked, found out they have similar personalities and might have grown friends.

When you say immortal in the classic way do you mean like... To time or... Generally?

to time and I believe natural poisons and stuff apply to that as well (I think I gave her resistance anyways but yeah)
Working on the post.

Depends. If she isn't immortal in the sense that nothing can ever somehow kill her and she isn't unread, yes.

well, when she 'dies' her soul turns into horrible mega demon dragon, and if that 'dies' she enters her final form - which reverts back to normal when that dies and so forth
well, when she 'dies' her soul turns into horrible mega demon dragon, and if that 'dies' she enters her final form - which reverts back to normal when that dies and so forth
Well, if she dies through Lucille, her soul doesn't do anything but flow through Lucille's hand and then... Disappear. Like... Poof. Gone. Into the nothingness. Rip.
Well, if she dies through Lucille, her soul doesn't do anything but flow through Lucille's hand and then... Disappear. Like... Poof. Gone. Into the nothingness. Rip.

what I mean by that is it isn't her activating the transformation before she hits the ground, its as soon as she dies the soul transforms (along with the body) if you get my meaning. to be fair, I feel like Lucille's arm would melt before she could trigger it anyways (since I imagine something like that would be painful)
oh, and a thing Ive just decided about Sin (coz I think it would be terrifying) - when it dies, a baby spider crawls out and eats/absorbs the body returning it to normal.
what I mean by that is it isn't her activating the transformation before she hits the ground, its as soon as she dies the soul transforms (along with the body) if you get my meaning. to be fair, I feel like Lucille's arm would melt before she could trigger it anyways (since I imagine something like that would be painful)
I got what you meant, but that doesn't change that a soul that is gone can't transform.

Yes probably. Depends, the slightest touch is enough. Also, the lost arm would return after like... A day.

That doesn't make the pain better though. Point for you.
so...quick question, I rolled a 1d20 and got a 6, does anyone want to have their foot stepped on? if not...shes going to stomp a hole into the floor if thats ok with the gm?

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