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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

Yeah, I could see it being fairly decent. It just really needs to get over this little bump >< Hopefully soon.

I don't have anything in particular? ^^' It just varies for whatever it is I want to draw.
Coolio - I used to paint, but stopped. I often wish I continued - now I can't draw at all anymore, let alone paint anything worthwhile. Anywho - I guess, I should make a post. Since I have a few minutes.
Oh? What type of paint did you use? I've tried a few times before, and I believe acrylic was my favorite. Anyway, don't mind me. I'll be about and waiting for see how this all pansy out ^^

Oh? What type of paint did you use? I've tried a few times before, and I believe acrylic was my favorite. Anyway, don't mind me. I'll be about and waiting for see how this all pansy out ^^


I was a bit of a heretic - I used acrylic as a base then painted over it with oil, which I mixed with water colours - the integrity of the paint might be compromised - but the colour you can get is amazing. I liked watercolour the most though - it has such a light feeling about. If used right, it can make anything painted with it feel kind of ethereal. But, yea - see ya around.
BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising Would it make sense for the academy to have something to help students focus? Particularly werewolves, so they're not overwhelmed with their senses? And if so, who would they have to go to? (I was thinking of some type of her or else the headmaster)
Vernina will help with that at the meeting! Haha I just thought all the sensitive noses could suffer through one class!!! XD

Todd Grayson
View attachment 350124

Todd nodded to Ms. Fontaine as she spoke to him. He understood why it was that way. "As expected. Just like you walk before you can run" he said before twisting around and walking back to his seat. The end of Ms. Fontaine's next statement was to Todd's enjoyment. She was saying how this class may not be useful, but she stated a few uses of herbology, ending with killing an enemy. Todd chuckled. "I like that second use more" he said excitedly. Now, just because he is small doesn't mean he's quiet. He said it loud enough for a few people around him to hear it. He didn't like talking to people, but usually by talking someone else would try to start a conversation. Depending on the topic or the vocabulary the person used, he might go with the conversation.

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising @Anyone else that may be near him
He's close to the teacher, so he could or should have heard Lucille's stutters. Just in case.

Never mind, I just reread, he walked back, my bad.
Yeah, that's totally cool.

R RadZombie N Nonexisting Mind if I have Todd join your little "group" after investigating the thunderous shouting?[/QUOTE]

yea go ahead,also just keep in mind eris is from a all female species despite using male pronouns as choice he is still a woman and it may be confusing but she's picky about her use of words and likes taking slightly more masculine appearances. eris is not trans just particular for a mermaid.
N Nonexisting Raku Raku
Just so that you guys are aware of an important detail in this situation:

To ettins, to mental bond between siblings is considered sacred. REALLY sacred. According to ettin tradition and culture, they may only ever allow their thoughts/mind to be shared with their sibling, and no one else. To share the bond with someone other than their sibling would be downright sacrilegious.

That's why Daemor and Galtheus got so upset when Eris read their minds. He had just impeded on their most sacred space and breached one of their most strongly held beliefs.

I thought that I had ought to explain that so that you guys could understand better.

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