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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

THEY is right here mew and as for the dorms i did say that they were Co-ed, if you want me to change it let me know. ^_^
btw, is there anyone in the Herbology class that isn't interacting atm? and, if so, would you like to have a large (for a spider) skull spider head over to start interaction?
btw, is there anyone in the Herbology class that isn't interacting atm? and, if so, would you like to have a large (for a spider) skull spider head over to start interaction?
My character just floated in. Im kinda interacting, like i came in with smby, but if they dont post soon, Lucille will abandon them anyways, so you could say hello to your friendly neighborhood death.
hmm...because midnight isn't interacting with anyone, and alli is distracted (so isn't really going to interact on her own), I think it might be better not to. maybe next time, though, or perhaps after?
Well then ill just do my post of Lucille going to her place and sitting down alone, cuz i dont have anything else.
Well then ill just do my post of Lucille going to her place and sitting down alone, cuz i dont have anything else.

I should probably rephrase this - I don't mind if anyone interacts with my character, its just that she wouldn't actively go to interact. if your character would interact with the three-eyed demon with huge wings and a skull spider, go for it - I'm not stopping you.
I should probably rephrase this - I don't mind if anyone interacts with my character, its just that she wouldn't actively go to interact. if your character would interact with the three-eyed demon with huge wings and a skull spider, go for it - I'm not stopping you.
Is your character a first year? If not, Lucille might know her, then she´d approach her. If not, not. Looks, specially eery, creepy or morbid ones really dont faze a grim reaper.
Is your character a first year? If not, Lucille might know her, then she´d approach her. If not, not. Looks, specially eery, creepy or morbid ones really dont faze a grim reaper.

hmm...I don't think it would make sense for her to be anything but first, since if she was second she wouldn't marvel at everything mundane, so I guess not.
Take a look at Lucille. How would they get along?

hmm...well, they appear to have fairly similar personalities - generally kind, surprisingly caring etc. that, and with them both being demons (does the grim reaper class as a demon? I always have, but I don't really know) I feel like that would be strong common ground for them to strike a conversation with, which may lead to friendship. of course, its up to you

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