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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

not much has happened. People are arriving and settling into their dorms. If I were you, I would decide how your character would arrive and see who else is near there and what they have been up to.
Not exactly. I don't think everyone would have met everyone. I think the school is bigger than just our characters. Though if you want we could have them already know each other.
Depends on how big. I graduated high school without knowing or hearing of every single person in my grade, and that was four years.

I think our characters would have gotten along pretty well. friends?

Oh, and I am not sure if this has been cleared or not, but you put singing as an elective when it is not on the list.
Alright people so my glasses aren't fixed but I did manage to find an old pair that I can see well enough in so I'll catch up and get things on the roll! :) Sorry for the delay
The Fluffiest Floof The Fluffiest Floof Very much so, it's a reference. If you look up Supernatural, it's a TV show and they actually kill Death in the show. Like the Death, who is a character. There are other grim reapers though

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