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Fantasy Academy Of The Forest OCC

If its okay im going to edit my post on the character sheets and add a third Character. I would just add a thrid tab.
So um, remember when I said I would have my post up tonight? Well I started one, and then proceeded to make a chart of the elective classes and the students attending each one.
SadSnake SadSnake ayyyy I'm bout to reply. It's flooding in my area and it took me forever to get home

BloodWolfRising BloodWolfRising I may work on my second character tonight! I'm loving the role play so far! This is my first ever group role play so if I'm doing something wrong feel free to correct me lol
I'd like to take a moment to mention that the Dark Arts elective has the most students in it. Also the colors are more for my personal benefit to remember which electives are my characters. Sorry if that confuses anyone.
lol I still need to make a post, yet here I am. Making another character and making more charts for things. I have an organization problem.

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