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Fantasy Academy of Possibilities


Senior Member
Dear student,

I am pleased to inform you that you are qualified to attend the Academy of Possibilities. Depending on who you are, you may not have ever heard of this school, let alone applied to it. There is a reason for that. No one applies to this school, so much as the school applies to you. If someone meeting the required qualifications is found, this letter is sent to them automatically. Now, you are probably wondering what those qualifications are.

It is difficult to really explain in a letter, as each person meets different qualifications from the others. Though each of you has met qualifications, you are all very different. And that difference is precisely why you qualify. Each and every student at the Academy of Possibilities has something about them that makes them different from those around them. Not all of these differences are obvious, but you all have something special that can be practiced, honed, and perfected.

You may not think you need any help taking control of your difference, but there is always some help tat our school has to offer, even to those who had thought they'd mastered control. Of course, there are some differences that simply can not be controlled; in which case, you need to learn to work with it, rather than against it. Further more, there are those that only need a place to stay where they can relax and be themselves without worry of normies (self-proclaimed "normal people") learning of their differences.

Regardless of your perceived level of control and education, we would be happy to take you in. Please, at least consider coming to the Academy of Possibilities.


Eric Mills

Eric Mills

A dark haired man sat in his office, staring out the window behind his desk and ignoring the paperwork that had somehow managed to pile up on his desk. No matter how long he spent working away at it, the menacing mountain of repetitive drivel never seemed to go down at all. Today was only the beginning. Students were finally arriving, and he would have more work to do than ever, but the man smiled happily to himself, knowing that these young people were going to be here to liven up the place.

Turning back from watching the front gates, he pressed a button and spoke into a microphone, so everyone within the school grounds could hear him speak. "Welcome to the new students arriving today! And to the returning students, welcome back! As you should know, this first week will be spent settling into your new home away from home here! Yes, children, that means no classes until next Monday." He laughed softly before continuing, "You should have already received your keys and room numbers, so I'd just like to remind everyone that Girls' rooms are in the East Wing of the Dorm building, and Boys' rooms are in the West Wing. The Dorm building is the one to the left of the gates. On the right of the gates is, yes ladies and gentlemen, a campus mall and food court. The main building between the two of these is, of course, the actual school building, where most of your classes will take place. Now go do whatever for the week!"

He leaned back in his chair with a satisfied smile on his face, being sure to flick the mic off before sighing dramatically and turning to the mountain of paperwork before him.

Luke Ryder

The young brunet sighed softly to himself as he made his way through a hallway on the second floor of the Dorm building. The first floor was communal, with a bunch of spacious rooms filled with beanbag chairs and pool tables, along with whatever else people thought to put in there. Those were the places where everyone could hang out on rainy days or whatever, since the girls' rooms were off-limit to boys, and the boys' rooms were off-limit to girls (but not until after 8:00pm). In other words, the first floor was where most of the noise was going to be as everyone gathered to ogle the opposite sex and pretend not to notice the ones ogling them. And have loud parties.

Luke glanced around himself, coming to a stop in front of a door marked 213. Setting his black duffle bag on the brown carpeted floor beside him, he dug out the key he'd gotten in the mail, unlocking the door and stepping inside. The room, thankfully, was the same one he'd had the year before, when he'd finally had no choice but to attend the strange school that claimed it could help him learn to control his flying problem. Without another thought, Luke set to work making the room feel like somewhere he could be comfortable.

The small girl made her way up the stairs sighing at how nonathletic she seemed to be, hoisting her large satchel higher on her shoulder she lunged up the last few steps; Using the last of her minute energy. Resting against the wall she looked down her previous climb only to laugh, only she could be tired out from going up a single flight. Realizing she must seem like a mad woman she pressed on to find room 201.

Once she discovered the door that supposedly held her new future she grasped the long chain that draped around her pale thin neck, placing the cold metal bit into the hole she turned the key; A new blast of excitement making her giddy without cause, she stepped into the room. Letting out a sigh she flopped her bag on the bed and gazed around the room. "There is a load of work to do on this place" She chuckled.
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- Kotios -

As he watched the other male students make their way to the west wing, and he followed, Kotios looked around the seemingly old building, admiring the decor. He took the slip with the room number, 214, and his key out of his pocket and proceeded to find it. Once he made it there, he turned the key in the lock, and pushed. As he inhaled the view through his eyes, he set his belongings down on the bed in the corner, and sat there, thinking about his life at a new school.


Elizabeth had already added some personal touches to her dorm. A few strips of photobooth pictures of her and her friends and some lights strung around her bed. She'd still have a lot more decorating to do to make the place feel like home but it would be fine for now. She skipped happily over to the bathroom, where she had already laid out some basic toiletries. Shampoo, perfume, toothpaste, ect. She took the pink brush that rested on the sink and ran it through her long soft brown hair, which had been needing a trim for a while. It had grown to just below her ribcage. But her hair wasn't Elizabeth's main concern. She was to excited for the year ahead. She applied a little mascara to her lashes, swept on some shimmery peach lip gloss, and spritzed on her favorite perfume called Passion Struck. It smelled fruity and tropically sweet but had a bit of a musky note. She slung a purse over her shoulder and headed out the door, where a girl from a few dorms down greeted her. "Ready?" Jenna asked. Jenna was around Elizabeth's height, and they looked fairly similar despite Jenna's eye color being a dark brown. "As ever." Elizabeth answered as Jenna led her down the hallway to the stairwell.​
Rhea walked towards the school, she looked down at the letter she had received. She was confused as to how this school even contacted her. She lived in a cave in a forest. She thought she was pretty much unreachable. She was wearing

'Do they even allow pets?'

She looked back at Fang who had spoken. She frowned at wolf.

Of course, I think they would have said something if it was different.'

She looked over at Shade, who had yet to express as much doubt as Shade.

You are rather quiet Shade, everything alright?'

'I am fine, just keeping my guard up.'

She shook her head the wolf's response.

'Stop being so paranoid.'

She made her way to the dorms. She was in room number 202. She made her way upstairs she had a medium sized burlap sack with her stuff in it. She found her room which was not to her liking. It was very open. She quickly went to work to make a blanket fort to mimic the cave she had been living in. Shade and Fang helped out as well. If she was going to be living here she might as well make it more comfortable to stay in.

Morie hummed as he weaved his way down the hall looking for his room. He hoped it wasn't to small or anything. That would make fitting his laptops games and other stuff in it much harder. He soon found it and entered slowly glancing around. He brightened finding it was the perfect size. Tossing the door the rest of the way open he skipped in and set his multiple bags down before going to explore a little. There wasn't much to explore honestly but that was fine. It was bigger then what he was used to. Opening one of his larger bags he began to decorate. If he was living here he was going to make it his home.
Oskar walked through the hallway to his room listening quietly to the conversation that the bird on his shoulder was making. To anyone else it was just normal chirping, but to Oskar, it was like a human was speaking. He felt something whack his head and he turned and glared and the white goshawk. "Did you have to Black?" "Definitely. You weren't listening. Room's over there just to let you know."

Oskar sighed and stopped in front of the room labeled 216 before placing his key in it and opening. Black instantly flew off his shoulder and was commenting on how big it was. Looking around himself, Oskar found it was comfortable. "I think I might just like this place."
Shiori sighed as she made her way down the hall, to her room. 'I hope I have enough space to decorate...' She thought, rolling her eyes. She looked around, there were many details on the wall. Almost as detailed as her wall from her house. The memories struck, making Shiori clench her fists at the sudden thought. She shrugged it off. 'It's a new day, a new year. Chill out.' She thinks, and starts running to her room in excitement. Once she reaches room 205, She pulls out the keys from her pocket, and smiles.

Turning the keys, Shiori pushed the door open. It wasn't much, but it was a decent place. Had a bathroom and everything. The one thing she noticed it that her room as empty. "Looks like I get to decorate after all! Yay!" She yells to herself, spinning in circles. Shiori could tell this was going to be a fun year, full of learning and meeting new people her age. She looked out the window, her eyes now green.
Sighing softly to himself, Luke stood, knowing he couldn't put it off any longer. It had been less than an hour since he'd gotten here, and he was already finished setting up his room the way he liked it. (Which, if he was being honest, wasn't very different from the way it looked when he'd first entered.) Sadly, his aunt had made him promise to spend at least an hour in one of the common rooms on the first floor every day. He knew she was just worried because he'd spent the entirety of last year with no friends to speak of, hanging out alone in his room and reading or playing video games, but he really didn't like the crowds that gathered there. Luckily for him, it would only be an hour out of his day...

He finally settled on one of the less-crowded rooms, with only a few small groups chatting excitedly with each other. Making himself as comfortable as possible in a large armchair in the corner, the brunet pulled out his iPod and set it to play Awesome Mix Vol.1 from Guardians of the Galaxy.
Shiori stood as tall as she could, her head held high. "I did a pretty good job, didn't I?" She says to herself, her eyes turning blue. She had just finished decorating her dorm room, now all that was left was to set up her computers and put her clothes away. Shiori is very skilled with technology; though she was not on electronics all the time like some people. After playing with the different wires and cords, she finally hooked her devices up and let out a sigh. She then shifted her gaze to the huge mountain of clothes, and crossed her arms. 'You know, I might have to put these away later.'

Shiori made her way down stairs, now in the community rooms. Her long, black hair flowed behind her as she ran through all the different crowds and areas. She made it to a quiet room, it had an easel facing a large window. Smiling to herself, Shiori walked up to it, using her imagination to think of many different things to paint. Now holding the paint brush, she dipped it in the blue paint, and stroked lines of the pretty shade of blue. Shiori wasn't sure what she was painting; she just went with what her hand had created. Shiori was now relaxed again, a small smile on her face as she continued to paint.
More made his way down to the community rooms looking around curiously and finding that it was his style. Grinning he plopped down in one of the bean bag chairs and watched the TV as the boy beside him listened to music. He recognized the band and song and liked it but said nothing.
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The painting was turning out to be quite good, it looked like the sky. Shiori used a variety of colors. She stood back to admire her 'hard work'. Now she was bored. Shiori walked around, observing the many students that were hanging out. One was sitting alone, listening to music. The other was watching someone play video games. Shiori sighed. "There's NOTHING to do!" She cried out, as most of the activities were crowded by groups. Letting out another sigh, she attempted to climb on the ceiling. Shiori failed multiple times, but she grabbed a hold of one of the ceiling lights.

Now higher than anyone else in the room, Shiori looked down at the groups, getting a better view than before. Now she knows who not to mess with, who to befriend, and who to make her rival.
(Who's the boy playing a game? If you're talking about Bell, he's listening to music.)

Kotios got out of his bed once he was done with his short nap. He decided to put his baggage in the Rift for time being, as he was too lazy to put his stuff away right now. He made his bed, so that his room looked as if no one had ever been there, and in an effort to fuffill his new year's resolution, he went down to the common room, and his mission was to be social.

He went over to the room where a girl was hanging from the ceiling lights, however it didn't seem like she got up there by accident. In the room, there was also a boy listening to music, and another over his shoulder, doing who knows what. Kotios decided the guy listening to music already had enough company, so he went over to the monkey girl. "H-hey... What'cha doin' up there?" He mumbled, not quite sure if he was good at this 'socializing' thing.
Shiori looked down. "Hmm? I'm just bored." She responded, jumping down. "The names Shiori. You?" She then asked, blinking. She was happy that someone actually talked to her before classes started, they had all week apparently. At her old school, they had to start classes immediately. She wanted something to do, and thought maybe this guy had some ideas. She quickly glanced at her painting in the other room, and saw that students looked at it. 'Hmm.'
Kotios backed up a little, the acrobat jumped down a bit too close to him. "M-My name is... Uh, Kotios..." He knew he sounded like a bumbling fool, but one day, after enough practice, he'd have socializing down to the letter! "I saw your painting... You're a really good artist." He hoped that was the right thing to say. Who knows how other people think that would sound?
(Say you were late to school then go to your room, then come down to common room. 213,214,215, and 216 are taken for the guys, idk what rooms are taken for the girls.)

(Your room is 206, actually.)
"Really? I thought it was random. I guess that's what get's everyone's attention!" Shiori said sheepishly, rubbing the back of her head. "I'm so bored. Wanna see what other people are doing? Might as well meet some people while we're here." Shiori asked, looking around. "Also... Nice to meet you, Kotios! What's your first class?" She continued. Shiori mentally facepalmed. WHY, exactly, did she ask that? It would make it more awkward.
Luke stared blankly at the guy next to him out of the corner of his eye. There was someone sitting next to him. Should he speak? No; he wouldn't know what to say. Besides, what if the guy didn't want to be spoken to by some weird kid that was suddenly floating. Dang it. Face quickly turning red, the brunet tried to lower himself from his position in the air slowly, hoping that no one would notice that he'd messed up in the first place. He was here to learn to control it, not to make dumb mistakes in the common rooms.
Song rushed across the hall with a single suitcase and a bluejay in her arms. She was making good time, but then this bluejay started calling out to her. It said it had a broken wing. She didn't have any choice in the matter, do to her personality. So she took the bird out of the tree. She got to her room 206 and opened the door. She put her suitcase down. She opened it and got out bandages. She applied some medicine to the wing and wrapped it with a bandage. Rest there for a while. It'll get better. She said. She exited her room and walked down to the common room. She walked inside.
"Nice to meet you too! Uh, lemme see... My first class is uh, Herbs and Medicine." Kotios looked around for the teachers name on the schedule, but he couldn't seem to find it. "I don't know what teacher I have though. I wonder how the teacher will be like. Anyway, who should we stalk first?" Oh no, did I screw up? Did I ruin it for myself? He went over to the 2 guys from before, the one on the chair listening to music and his shadow. "Hi." He said to no one in particular, facing the boy in the chair.
Feeling a shift in the air Morie glanced toward the boy next to him and was a little shocked to find him floating. He didn't show it though as he thought over it. A boy that can float? What a strange discovery! Then again it wasn't much stranger then what he could do. It couldn't be a coincidence that they could both do impossible things which meant that they weren't the only ones and its likely that this school is for people like them. Feeling a smile come over his face he hummed. A place they could belong. "You should learn to control that little gift of yours."
Once Luke was safely back in the chair, he'd waited a few seconds before concluding that he was safe. That was until the guy actually spoke to him. His body tensed up and he stared at the stranger with wide, fearful eyes. (Well, technically, only one of his eyes was visible, but, yeah...) He had agreed to hang around in the common rooms. No one had told him that someone would actually make contact with him. This was not part of the plan. And the worst part? He'd noticed his mistake. "U-um... Yeah..."

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