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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

(Great, now respond before I do extremely inappropriate things with Nick! Well.. more than he already has done)
Writer stiffens feeling Nick poke her side. She buries her face in her pillow thankfully before she saw any part of Nick. Once she heard the bathroom door shut, she thought it'd be safe to look up from her pillow. She saw the steam coming from the bathroom and sighed. "Hurry your ass up fuck face!" She yelled, grabbing her iPod and drawing utensils. She put on a random song and smile hearing the beat to "Self-Inflicted Achromatic" unaware of who it was by. She couldn't sing along to most of it because it was in Japanese, but whenever she had the lyrics to it she sang along easily. Ever since she saw a video that went with it of one of her favorite character, she felt a bit saddened by the song. She still loved it though.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nick laughed audibly from the bathroom, "Dude, just hop in if you're that eager to get a move on to class. I mean it's not like I give a shit. Do you really expect me to give any kind of shit? I mean... Fuck I just kinda do things." He said as he opened his bottle of shampoo and began lathering his skin, small bubbles forming as he soaped his body up with a sigh.
Writer sighed, a small laugh escaping her lips. "There is no way in hell I'd ever join you in the shower. Zachary would probably just go and die because he can't kill you. Ashton would kill me. And then Zoe... I honestly have no idea what the fuck Zoe would do." She said, looking up at the cieling. She decided to grab her clothes so that once Nick was done in the shower she could just pick up her clothes and hop in the shower and get ready.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nick got out of the shower, drying off his hair, whistling, "You act like all of them aren't eventually going to have a night that they will never wish to speak of ever again with me. It's only a matter of time." He said hanging the towel on the door and rummaging through his clothes, picking out a pair of boxers and sliding them on. Nick decided to go with standard apparel, jeans, white tennis shoes, and a captain America shirt with the shield on it. "It's all yours madam."
Writer knew Nick was right about all of her friends soon going to encounter some horrible sexual even that was all because of Nick. She grabbed her clothes, ran into the bathroom, and made sure to lock it. Once she was stripped of her clothing she entered the shower and put it as hot as her skin would allow. Which in all honesty wasn't very hot, because the heat of the water mixes with the heat of the fire inside of her and it is painful as fuck. She groaned, regretting her decision of leaving her iPod on her bed, fearing Nick was going to mess with it.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
(I know... Why do you think I brought it up?! I do these things for a reason jas xD )

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
( xD well geez. Why do I have a feeling that He'd put up that one song that only says Ac-activate a-activate like that one time? xD )

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(Holy shit I have a heavy ass pitbull/boxer laying on my stomach... I think he's starting to cut off my blood circulation...)

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Nick went over to the phone, looking at it and unlocking it with ease, sending a picture of his naked upper torso to Zac with the message, "I'm ready for you big boy." before going over to Youtube, debating on whether or not he should play a song. He then shrugged and began singing along in a completely perfect tone, hitting every note as his strong, robust singing voice echoed through the halls:


"Springtime for Hitler and Germany!" Called Nick as his voice travelled through the halls and to the bathroom, dancing gracefully around the room in time to the music. "Winter for Poland and France."
Onyx stepped inside the shower smiling as the warm drops of water touched his skin.He then grabbed a towel put some of that good old old spice body wash on their and started to lather up that sexy body of his.Then he suddenly heard Nicks damned voice coming from the hall way.That idiot what the fuck is he doing Onyx thought.He quickly wrapped himself in a large towel covering his lower half.He poked his out and yelled"Cut that crap out".He then thought of something fun.He picked up his phone and proceeded to take a highly provocative picture of his upper body as water droplets fell down his back.He then put in the words'Lets be reckless K' he then proceeded to text this all to Night.

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Nightmare looks at her phone then sees what onyx sent her and ends up blushing.


Night: No onyx no onyx shut up
Nick looked outside, appalled that someone would want to shutdown his music as he kicked down the door and began goose-stepping while heiling repeatedly as he sang the breakdown, "Springtime, for Hitler and Germany!" He said as the fanfare kicked in, people watching and trying not to laugh as with his free hand Nick pretended to have a Hitler moustache.
Once Writer finished her shower, she stepped out if the shower and put on her clothes. She then styled her hair, and put on her normal attire of band merchandise and piercings. She hadn't been able to find her normal lip ring, so she put on another one she had received before leaving her old high school. She exited the bathroom, and grabbed her Pierce The Veil hat off her dresser. She placed it on her head, careful not to mess up her hair. She picked up her backpack off of the floor next to her bed and shoved her sketchpad and drawing supplies in it. She also grabbed her iPod off her bed, deleting the song that Nick had been playing. She grabbed some headphones and shoved both of them in her back pocket. She exited the dorm and rolled her eyes seeing Nick. "You are such a dumbass." She mumbled before heading to the office to grab her class schedule.

•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Onyx had just finished getting dressed when he received a text from Night it said'No Onyx no'.He starts to text her back when he hears Nick's stupid singing again.Hr bursts through the door screaming"Nick shut that shit down before I go all Katniss Everdeen on yo ass".Satisfied with himself he decides to send the exact same text to Jaz to see how she would react.

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