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Fantasy Academy For The Supernatural & Gifted Humans

Nightmare shakes her head while looking at the ground. "It was.....a sad past if you ask me Mr.dru" mary sighs and hugs nightmare.

(Everyone died)

(Is anyone on right now)

Writer wakes up to the sound to her alarm clock. She groans and sits up dreading the familiar sound. She pressed snooze, not wanting to get up and tried going back to sleep.


•* Wr3tçh3d Åñd Dįvįn3*•
Alex groaned as his phone alarm started going off signalling the first day of class. He woke up in a bed not his own and looked around. He had gotten drunk and kinda can't remember the rest.

Ignoring the thoughts he got dressed and rushed out, scratching the new mark on his neck
Onyx sits in his bed listening to-BvB: The end on repeat-'Man im bored wish something exciting like the cool aid man bursting in would happen but to no avail nothing happened.
Nightmare sat at her desk reading a book with mary sitting next to her watching nightmare read the book while mist was asleep on nightmare's bed.
Jasmine walked around the halls, more tired than usual. For some reason she had a strange feeling, like something was going to happen. She didn't know if it was going to be good or bad. She just knew something was going to happen.

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(Ohhhhhh i have to call my dad.....but i'm scared to)


Sooooo lonely~

Allllllll on my own~

Lonely lonely lonely~)

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