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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

"You disappoint me. I was hopeing for another quick witted response not a direct confortation. Maybe I'm the one who is out of your league. As for my name I am Amaro Fortuna age 17." Amaro starred straight at her maintaning eye contact with the girl. "What about you. What is the name and age of the fine maiden who decided to wander into the boys dorm."

@ashlyn heckman
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Dante Verren] [COLOR=#ff0000]"You disappoint me. I was hopeing for another quick witted response not a direct confortation. Maybe I'm the one who is out of your league. As for my name I am Amaro Fortuna age 17." [/COLOR][COLOR=#000000]Amaro starred straight at her maintaning eye contact with the girl. [/COLOR][COLOR=#ff0000]"What about you. What is the name and age of the fine maiden who decided to wander into the boys dorm."[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10287-ashlyn-heckman/ said:
@ashlyn heckman[/URL]
"maybe I was trying to disappoint you and as for my name and age you will have to figure that out. they way for you to figure it out is all up to you. and I didn't wander I was looking around." she was having fun picking on him and making him figure things out he would be the perfect person to pull a prank on. she whispered in his ear "I could have been looking for some thing or ... someone."
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[QUOTE="ashlyn heckman]"maybe I way trying to disappoint you and as for my name and age you will have to figure that out. they way for you to figure it out is all up to you. and I did wander I was looking around." she was having fun picking on him and making him figure things out he would be the perfect person to pull a prank on. she whispered in his ear "I could have been looking for some thing or ... someone."

Oracle crossed his arms and shook his head in disapproval, he started to wonder if he should step in and intervene. "Can you believe his female Seer-....Seer?" he was shocked to see his mate all glowey over.. her.
Dante Verren]Amaro whispered back to her.[COLOR=#ff0000] "I accept your challenge. This will be one interesting game."[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/10287-ashlyn-heckman/ said:
@ashlyn heckman[/URL]
"and I look forward to seeing you try" ryan walked away and went around the corner and sat down at the wall and started to read this way she could over hear and if someone were to go after her she would know or if they started talk she could ease drop either way she was happy.
Amaro had felt two pairs of eyes on him since the girl had arrived but he was enjoying the conversation to much to act on it. Now that the girl had left he in bolstered his pistol and pointed in the direction he felt the stairs. "You can come out now."

Dante Verren]Amaro had felt two pairs of eyes on him since the girl had arrived but he was enjoying the conversation to much to act on it. Now that the girl had left he in bolstered his pistol and pointed in the direction he felt the stairs. [COLOR=#ff0000]"You can come out now."[/COLOR] [URL="https://www.rpnation.com/profile/39823-flamelapg/ said:
Oracle and Seer came out from their previous place. Seer's heart had seized glowing now, as she was gone. "Who was that.." he mumbled, swishing his tail back and forth.

Oracle rolled his eyes. "Did you not hear her..? She isn't going to tell. She wants to be mysterious and have us guessing." It was odd for Oracle to the the one annoyed this time, he was usually ok with whoever Seer developed a crush on. Maybe he didn't see her as worthy? "She's really not that great Seer." Oracle grumbled, a bit desperate now to break his mate away from these feelings. It was true he was beginning to feel threatened by her...
Amaro saw them step out into the light and he had seen some strange things here but this was definitely the most strange. The creatures where unlike anything he had ever seen. "What the hell are you?"

Ryan put her book back in her bag and inched closer to the corner so she could hear better. She heard two other creatures and the boy "how many creature are in this school." She said quietly
The pair of them wrapped up the job in due time. Once everything was in its proper place, Jack clapped his hands, smiling wide. "Well, that's that! I suppose I'd better get my dorm sorted out too, and get a bottle for your flower... Won't take but a moment! Then we can go exploring!" With a pivot, he turned towards the door and offered Noel his arm. "Shall we?"

@Queen of Fantasy
Nathan22 said:
"Thank you." He says as he takes the map and bows. "I am Cthulhu. And you are?" He asks as his three headed hound begins to cautiously sniff at your feet.
"I am Hilja Takala, it is nice to meet you Mr. Cthulhu." She extended a hand to him and then turned her gaze to the hound at her feet. "I saw you being dragged by this one, and I couldn't resist seeing what following you would lead to." She lowered herself into a crouch and looked the creature over closer to its own height.

(I got caught up in XCOM again while waiting, sorry.)
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Noel smiled and nodded, taking his hand and the couple walked through the doorway, which led them right back outside the two doors.

(I'm so sorry for the short post. I have to head to bed, it's 12:30 AM here, ahaaa.)

Vaskar sighed and pulled his hood further over his face as the two went round and round. After awhile the girl seemed to run from the situation. Using his senses he could tell that she didn't go far and decided maybe he would surprise her on what he was capable of. Taking a breath his visible eye flashed from its primary gold color to a bright sapphire. Taking a step with the swiftness of the wind he quickly moved around the corner and leaned against the wall opposite of the girl before anyone could blink. "You know it's not polite to ease drop on someone."

@ashlyn heckman
Ryan was about to throw her bag at him till she saw who it was " yea and it's not nice to scare me like that now shhhh before you get me caught" Ryan said quietly he startled her for a bit but there were tons of creatures here so it was somewhat normal.
Mason frowned he was late to the party totally missed out on everything. He had grown nervous and had missed on his chance of talking to and meeting new people, he had spoken to late and came off as awkward he kept his head down. "Stupid stupid stupid" he commented to himself and then he began to get sad. He looked up at Amaro with a frown.

@Dante Verren
Vaskar almost chuckled at the way she took his surprise. Sitting down against the wall he wanted to know more about her "What's your name?" He asked in an honest tone. Maybe they could be good friends.
VaskarTheHunter said:
Vaskar almost chuckled at the way she took his surprise. Sitting down against the wall he wanted to know more about her "What's your name?" He asked in an honest tone. Maybe they could be good friends.
"Didn't you hear what I said to amaro you gotta work for the name I don't just give it out" she said with a smile "I don't give out my information of my name or anything unless they show they deserve it"
"I love puppies!" He laughed and then put a hand under his chin and started to think.

"Where to now?" He questioned

Clearly Amaro would lead them to more people or so Mason hoped.

@Dante Verren
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Yuubarin said:
"I am Hilja Takala, it is nice to meet you Mr. Cthulhu." She extended a hand to him and then turned her gaze to the hound at her feet. "I saw you being dragged by this one, and I couldn't resist seeing what following you would lead to." She lowered herself into a crouch and looked the creature over closer to its own height.
(I got caught up in XCOM again while waiting, sorry.)

Cthulhu crouches down and pets the dog. His hands are scaly and his fingers are tentacles. "It's name is Poochie." He says as the dog licks it masters hand. "The middle is a girl along with the one on the left but the right one is a boy." He explains.
Vaskar chuckled. "Fair enough maybe I can start by introducing my self." He held out his hand gracefully to shake hers. "My name is Vaskar Donashta, the sole survivor of The black hand clan." He almost hesitated as he mentioned the clan. Maybe she hadn't heard of them
"Well nice to meet you vaskar. The black hand clan what's that?" Ryan did think he was nice and was thinking about trusting him but she still kept her gaurd up. She needed to she could trust anyone not unless they showed they could be trusted.
"What am I your freakin compass. Can't you go anywhere in this place without a guide." He was still curious about the two creature that where way hint the rapier exchange with the girl but he guessed he could find something better to do. He still wanted to find out what her name was but he needed a plan first and as of right now he has no plan.
"You are right I'm pretty useless" Mason said with a laugh and tucked his hands behind his head. He didn't mind being viewed as the weak link or stupid. It helped keep some of the eyes off of him.

"Besides" he whispered his eyes turning blue.

"There is a lot people in this school" he finished as he picked up on heat signatures.

He than turned his eyes back to normal

He laughed slightly and began to walk forward, "where to next" he repeatedly asked his friend over and over until Amaro graced him with a response.

@Dante Verren

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