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Fantasy Academy For The Strange And Gifted ((Always Accepting.))

Ryan enjoyed the scratch behind the ears when he asked the other boy if they could keep her she was just like what but she just sat there rubbing her head against his leg.
Mason smiled and let the wolf softly. He was so excited to have a pet he had never had one before.

"Of course, I wonder what it's name is."

Mason smiled brightly and then moved back he sneezed and out came a small snowflake.

Mason had forgotten to tell Amaro.

"I'm allergic to cats and dogs even their sub species." He wrinkled his nose.

"But don't worry I brought allergy medicine with me, I just gotta take one each morning and boom allergic to nothing" Mason laughed and then sneezed again producing a couple more snowflakes.

@Dante Verren @ashlyn heckman
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Angelostar4 said:
((Glad to hear it))
Leona heard them call her name, and to her surprised what she spot on the table is four different books laying on the table. She let out a whistle, and gave the girls both pats on the head. "Good work you two!" She says a very pleased and happy tone. Leona grabbed one of the book pertaining to species and the like. She tries to look for something that look like her... but it would seem that she couldn't find it in the book she grabbed. She closed the book, with a smile on her face. "Well, it ain't that one."

(When your family decides to get better wifi so the house has no wifi for some time.)

Blue and Red

Both wore smiles on their faces when Leona praised them. They decided that there won't be any mischief going towards her, just help. Unless she breaks their trust of course. "Thanks!" They replied in unison. The twins watched as she grabbed a book and flipped through and so they did the same. Red grabbed one with a green binding and Blue grabbed one with grey. "We've never heard of these before. And we thought we've seen everything." "Yeah, I mean, a dark materialist? Seems to be another one of those elementalist races." The two of them looked up when Leona said it wasn't in that book. "Well we still have one more book to look in."

Puggie said:
(When your family decides to get better wifi so the house has no wifi for some time.)
Blue and Red

Both wore smiles on their faces when Leona praised them. They decided that there won't be any mischief going towards her, just help. Unless she breaks their trust of course. "Thanks!" They replied in unison. The twins watched as she grabbed a book and flipped through and so they did the same. Red grabbed one with a green binding and Blue grabbed one with grey. "We've never heard of these before. And we thought we've seen everything." "Yeah, I mean, a dark materialist? Seems to be another one of those elementalist races." The two of them looked up when Leona said it wasn't in that book. "Well we still have one more book to look in."

"Indeed we do have one more book to look into" Leona didn't feel any fear of not knowing who she is. Though if she did... she wouldn't have this charming personality of her's. Grabbing the last book that they haven't read, Leona opens it and shifts through the pages hoping something would catch her eye. Eventually something did catch her eye, it was the word... Lunar Whale. The book that she had in her hand was about unknown sighting that involves the moon. She closes the book, and puts it to the side. "It would seem that book was about the moon, rather then races." She says. "Though they did mention a race... that supposedly were on the moon."

" We'll if my theory is right we will have a name soon." Amaro stood back up in his feet and continued walking toward the main office.
Ryan didn't follow instead she headed back to her dorm she was going to change back into her normal self but she needed clothes. so she headed that way to make sure she wasn't followed she went around many turns and ran as fast as she could.
Amaro watched over his shoulder as the wolf ran around the first corner before turning around to face Mason"Looks like our new friend wants tu show us something. It would be rude not to go and see what it was." Amaro followed after the wolf at his walking pace. It wouldn't be much fun if they managed to catch up before they found what was at the end of the road.

@Ravensmikey @ashlyn heckman
ryan quickly got to her room and grabbed some clothes she then ran into the women's locker room she then took a shower and changed back to her normal self and got dressed. that way no one would be suspicious.
"Puppy... Puppy... Where did you go puppy!"

Mason had lost sight of the wolf. Mason turned to Amaro and frowned "I lost sight of the puppy."

Mason clicked his tounge such a shame.

@Dante Verren
Seer and Oracle, after moving into their separate rooms, decided to explore a bit more. Oracle stared up at the ceiling of the hallways, it was so tall, you could probably fly! Oracle communicated this idea to his mate who shook his head slowly.

"No, we'd risk flying into another student, only floating for now." he grumbled.

Both then started to float over the heads of the students walking in the hallway at a faster than walking speed.
Amaro remained silent as he rounded corner after corner. He had been able to track it by listening in on whispers of other students in the hallways who saw the direction the wolf went. Amaro stopped in his tracks he had lost the trail. Amaro grinded his teeth in frustration he new he was getting close but now he was back at square one. Then he had an idea. Granted it was a stupid idea but the thought of losing was more painful.

Amaro turned to face mason his face was dead serious. "What I am about to do is incredibly stupid. However do not attempt to fix my injury until I tell you to." as he was talking Amaro pulled a small pocket knife from his pocket and unsheathed it. Once he was done talking he stabbed the knife into the leg opposite of the one the wolf rubbed up onto.

His body tensed and his teeth grinned at the pain but thats what he needed. He then twisted the blade making the pain even worse and his body started to respond. The color of his eyes stayed the same but unlike the normal round pupils of a human, His where shaped like that of a lizards. Minus his eyes he still looked like a human but anyone who could sense energy could tel that they where no longer in the presence of a human.

With his partial transformation his seances had increased and he reached down to his other leg and plucked a small hair from the when the wolf had rubbed up on him off of his pants. He raised the hair to his nose and inhaled. With his increased senses, having the scent, and the blood lust he felt from the pain he could now track his quarry down. He turned towards the direction of the girls dorm and began his walk keeping the knife in his leg to keep a steady flow of pain.
Mason stared at the boy caustiosly and relaxed once he saw Amaro's eyes shift. He had grown to trust the boy so therefore did not hesitate when told not to help. He followed Amaro and kept a steady eye surprised by a his power and heavily intrigued.

"We're gunna find the puppy!" He yelled at the top of his lungs!

@Dante Verren
Ryan walked out of the locker room and saw amaro " umm amaro you do know this is the girls dormitory" her hair was in a wet messy bun she leaned up against the wall
Amaro stopped and starred at her. His reptilian eyes seemed to flow. His eyes told him that she wasn't the wood but his instincts screamed at him that she was the wolf. "Says the one who was in the boys dorm only a short while ago. Hey you might be able to help me. You wouldn't have happened to see a wolf run by here and I don't mean one of the two from earlier?" Amaro's suspicions where almost confirmed he was so close to victory that his dragon blood was burning. "Like I said we met an adorable wolf earlier but it ran away and it made mason white upset so we are trying to find it."

@ashlyn heckman @Ravensmikey
"yea I know I was tats why I said what you said to me and as you can tell by my hair I was in the shower so no I did not" ryan knew she was safe so she decided to tease him a bit more so she walked up to him playing with his hair "if I see the wolf ill be sure to let you know and as for the knife in your leg please take it out. the blood reeks to high heavens"
"Quite nose you have their. Though I think the knife will remain. Otherwise I won't be able to keep my dragon blood sactive enough and then I would lose my target. I don't like loseing." at this close proximity his nose was picked up the sent even after it being so watered down. Her choice to you with him had led to his benefit. "You know something? You have the same smell as that wolf. It's covered up and watered down but it's still there."

@ashlyn heckman
Mason was listening to the pair conversation slightly and then he felt slight tingling in his nose. He sneezed loudly producing a bunch of snowflakes that cascaded down to the floor. He turned to the girl.

"Oh, I'm sorry but it seems to be that the wolf is near, you see I'm allergic to cats and dogs and all their sub-species. Hi I'm Mason, I don't think we have met" he with a bright smile which then turned into a grimace as he sneezed again and produced a couple more snowflakes.

@Dante Verren @ashlyn heckman
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"well I haven't seen the wolf so maybe its my close that smell of it and are you sure your ok mason those are some big sneezes" ryan gave amaro a kiss on the cheek while pulling the knife out "i don't want to smell anymore blood so please don't put in back in or you definitely will not know my name" ryan handed him the bloody knife
Vaskar sighed as he finished off his food. "What about you where did you come from?" He buckled his sword and tanto back on and watched as the girl ate he could not deny she was beautiful but very young. He smiled as her bright green eyes seemed to gleam like star light
Amaro winced in pain as she pulled out the knife and his skin pales. "This school is a place for the strange and gifted. After all mason is a mage and I myself as much as I hate to admit it am half dragon. So what are you? You have the scent of a wolf that clings to you even after you just showered. I won't use my acquaintance's sneezing as evidence as it's more funny then useful. It wouldn't be unusaual at all to find a form changer at this academy." Amaro took the knife from her hand and placed his other hand under her chin. "You wouldn't happen to be a werewolf would you?"
Mason frowned and sneezed again "Aw man I'm really sad we lost the puppy! It was my first pet" Mason whined. He then laughed at Amaro as the girl kissed his cheek.

"Ooo it looks like she likes you too."

Mason then put his hands behind his head.

"It's fine if she wants to hide the puppy from us" He turned to Amaro.

"By the smell it was probably her puppy anyway." Mason said behind a huge grin.

"Can you just tell the puppy, that even though I didn't know it long, I will always be available when it wants to play" Mason was officially content and was happy that he go to say his piece.

His eyes turned blue and he looked the girl over slightly, before sneezing and coming out of it.

He then smiled and ask the girl politely.

"Will you be my friend ?" His eyes filled with hope.

@Dante Verren @ashlyn heckman
Mason was startled by the sight infron of him before leaning against the wall and laughing to himself. His eyes had reverted to its pure blue form and he relaxed against the wall, watching the scene no longer sneezing.

@Dante Verren @ashlyn heckman
Ryan smiled at amaro " if I were a werewolf don't you think I'd know it" Ryan then looked at mason " I don't have friend cause everyone around me dies that's how I became and orphan but we will see" she then looked back at amaro and kissed him on the lips "soo you don't trust me is that what your saying"
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