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Fantasy A Triple OP Isekai Adventure Discussion OOC



Your resident irradiated Kaiju King
Roleplay Type(s)

CHUUYAS_HAT CHUUYAS_HAT Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke DracoNightshade DracoNightshade

This will be our OOC Discussion thread for the RP.

I'm in the process of finalizing some finer details about each role and the early story/plot so we can kick off the adventure hopefully either tomorrow or next week first thing on Monday.

If you have any lingering questions about the RP or your character's role, feel free to shoot them my way. I'll be happy to answer them!


Okie dokie. Here's the updated info!

First, the Roles!

Note 1: Even though this says "role," it's just for descriptive purposes. Nobody in the RP world will refer to the Tank as a Tank, or the DPS as a DPS. The only one who's role may or may not be used in conversation is the Mage/Healer who may be referred to as one or the other since it's not just a role, but a class of warrior/adventurer.

Note 2: Even though the Mage/Healer is the strongest magic user in the group, all four of them are capable of using at least basic level magical spells like a fireball, water ball, lightning strike, etc. However, it must be understood that the Tank, DPS, and Ranger's magical damage output pales in comparison to the Mage.

The Tank

As stated in the Interest Check, the Tank is the vanguard of the group. They boast both the highest level of physical strength and endurance among the group, and have a unique Passive Skill known as Taunt. This has a chance (not a guarantee) to draw the enemy's attention and creates an unconscious desire/need to attack the Tank while ignoring the other members of the team. It's worth noting that Taunt will fail if the Tank lacks a desire or intent to do battle. This makes it especially dangerous for the group if they are caught off guard and the Tank doesn't have time to register the enemy's presence and prepare themselves for a fight.

The Tank possesses a second Unique Skill known as Passive Healing. This skill heals the Tank's health and stamina over time allowing them to remain in battle for longer periods compared to their compatriots. However, the skill is limited. And if the Tank is overwhelmed by sheer numbers of enemies the skill is all but useless as it will fail to heal enough damage to make a difference in the long-term context of the battle.


The DPS is the fastest and most agile member of the group. If you've ever watched anime like That Time I Was Reincarnated As A Slime, this unit would basically be a mixture of both Benimaru and Soei. As they increase in experience and uncover further depths of their power their rapid movement will eventually reach the stage of what's known as Blink Movement, wherein which they can literally blink out of sight and reappear great distances away almost as if teleporting. However, they are simply running at speeds faster than the naked eye can see. Blink movement is not a Unique Skill, and is something more powerful enemies will be capable of using as well in later stages of the RP.

Similar to the Tank, the DPS possesses two unique skills. The first is Weapons Master which allows them to rapidly gain knowledge and understanding of the use of close quarters combat weaponry, as well as thrown weaponry (i.e. throwing darts, kunai, knives, etc.). The second is Omni Perception, which allows them to feel their environment up to a certain distance and detect both life and magical energy of creatures and beings around them, even through walls. The distance of Omni Perception will begin at 5 meters and gradually increase as the user uncovers further depths of their power. However, it will eventually reach an absolute maximum of 30 meters.

The Ranger

The Ranger is the long-range unit of the group and is capable of using any and all ranged weaponry including bows, crossbows, and primitive firearms (aka flintlock pistols and rifles which are as far as ranged weaponry goes in this fantasy world). They also possess the strongest senses of hearing, smell, and sight among the group which makes them the most likely to detect any potential dangers, and detect potential food sources in the local area while traveling. They also have a natural sense for how far away the target is from their current location so long as it's within their sense's range.

Like the Tank and DPS, the Ranger has two Unique Skills. The first is Pinpoint Accuracy which gives them an almost preternatural perception of distance, movement, and timing to ensure they hit their target with near perfect accuracy. However, this skill can be defeated by other powerful skills and abilities later in the RP. But, for a large chunk of the adventure this skill will be nigh inescapable for the Ranger's targets. The second Unique Skill is Hunter's Instinct. This skill has two stages. The first is the Location stage wherein which their senses of sight, smell, and hearing isolate the tracks of whatever it is they meant to target, and it doesn't matter how old the tracks may be or if they're even still visible to the naked eye. The second stage is the Follow stage, wherein which they gain the ability to see a ghostly apparition of the target as if it were alive and creating the tracks in real time which allows the Ranger to follow them.

The Mage/Healer

The Mage/Healer is the penultimate magic user of the team, as well as the only one who can naturally cast Healing magic. They have a natural sense for magical energy and will always be the first to detect if a powerful magical force is in the area. They also have a sense for naturally occurring magical resources such as Mana Crystals which are sources of magical power which can enhance one's magical output beyond its normal limitations.

Like the rest of the team, the Mage/Healer has two Unique Skills. The first is Omni Magic which allows them to learn all forms of magic in this world with one exception: Forbidden magic (which is used by the more powerful enemies). The second Unique Skill is Mana Nullification. This skill allows the Mage/Healer to cast a massive barrier within which no magic spells can be used, and no spells from the outside may penetrate through. The cost of this barrier is that the Mage/Healer must remain motionless and concentrate on keeping the barrier up. If they move or are disrupted in any way, the barrier will fade immediately thus allowing enemies to resume magical attacks.


Magic in this RP world is a simple affair. If you have mana, which is basically magic fuel, then you can use magic. All beings in the RP world inherently have the ability to harness mana. However, some have a higher potential for magical output than others. Elves, for example, have the highest natural magical output of all humanoids whereas the Goblins have the lowest, almost to the point of not being able to use it at all.

One's magical ability can be enhanced by being in possession of a charged Mana Crystal, which is a crystal-like stone which can store a certain amount of mana which can then be channeled and added to one's own. However, there is a limit to the amount of mana any and all being's bodies can handle. Go beyond that limit at your own peril. The consequences of taking in more mana than your body is meant to handle can range from simple headaches to your body literally tearing itself depending on how far you push it.

Once your body is drained of mana, you'll no longer be able to cast spells. Thankfully, this is the only consequence. Once drained of mana your body will continue functioning normally. However, if fully drained your body will take a long time to get that mana back. Depending on how much mana it had prior to its complete drainage, it could take several days or even a week or more before you recover enough mana to begin using magic properly again.

World Rules

This RP world will be utilizing numerous different sources of inspiration to craft its lore and worldbuilding. And a lot of it is going to be shared through NPC dialogue provided by yours truly.

For example, in this RP world there are three types of Elves. Normal, Dark, and High Elves. The normal Elves are the most common, and are typically light skinned with various shades of brown hair and have shorter pointed ears which tilt slightly upwards. Dark Elves are a bit less common, and are more dark skinned with black hair with long pointed ears which are tilted almost straight out to the sides. High Elves are the least common, and are also light skinned with platinum blonde to silver white hair and have medium length pointed ears which point slightly downward.

Discrepancies like these are subtle, but are important when it comes to understanding why certain worldly issues are the way they are. For example, can you guess which of the three Elf types are most commonly sought after as slaves? I bet you can. It's the High Elves. Why? Because they're rare, and they have the lightest shade of hair. Why does their hair color matter? Two reasons. One, the Elven race is considered closer to deities/Gods than other humanoid races due to their longevity and magical prowess. And two, white hair is not a natural color found in other races, and thus is one of the reasons why the High Elves especially are considered the most valuable among the lot as their silver/white hair is considered proof of their link to the divine.

Details like these are going to be everywhere in this RP. So, be sure to pay close attention to what NPC's have to say along the journey. You never know when a line of dialogue, or a subtle action taken, could suddenly be screaming at you that whatever it was you just saw/heard is something important to file away for later.

This brings me to another point about the RP world: It's vast.

Without putting an exact number to it, this RP world is several times larger than Earth as we know it. There's going to be a lot of ground to cover, and there will be an almost innumerable number of opportunities for new side stories, quests, events, NPC characters who may or may not be important, and much more.

So, if you have ideas for things we could do, NPC's we could meet, historical information between two races to give some context to their in-world interactions if/when we encounter both in the same place, please do feel free to share them with me either here or in DM's.

As always I can't guarantee I'll accept every idea. But I will always hear you out and then do my best to engage in further discussion to help refine the idea and get it ready for implementation later.

For the start of the RP, our four characters are going to individuals of different backgrounds who, unfortunately, meet their end during a building collapse. The reason for the collapse is never revealed to our characters. All they know is that one moment they were minding their own business, and the next the building came down and they couldn't get away.

The next thing they knew, they woke up in this RP world in an open grassland with a few strangers around them.

That's about it!

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Glad to see you guys here!

Also, boop!

I've updated the original post to include new info about the roles, a bit more about magic, and a little bit about the world's worldbuilding and such.

Idk if you did it on purpose or not but the tank role reminds me of ironbull, and that just makes me so happy either way <.3
Idk if you did it on purpose or not but the tank role reminds me of ironbull, and that just makes me so happy either way <.3

Heh. It might have been subconscious. I remember playing that game a long time ago and loving every bit of it.

Here's a Character sheet page!

Mine's up, and I hope you like her!

what are the other races other than elves and ogres?

So long as it's humanoid, basically anything goes.

Humans, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Ogres, Goblins, Kobolds, Beastfolk (half human half animal), Giants, Merfolk, Faeries, Nymphs, Dryads, Treants, Imps, Succubi, Spriggans, Slimes (in a humanoid shape), etc.

Or, if you'd like to create your own all new and original humanoid race feel free to do so and send me the deets so I can look them over. So long as I think it fits this world I'll be very likely to approve it.
I am sadly struggling between being a normal elf or a high elf because I got two face claims I wouldn't mind but then being a high elf would be odd since they have like the most magic or whatever and you're already one but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

I am sadly struggling between being a normal elf or a high elf because I got two face claims I wouldn't mind but then being a high elf would be odd since they have like the most magic or whatever and you're already one but AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Hmm. Well, I did a casual Google-Fu and found out there's a bunch of other Elf types than the three I started with. And, honestly, I kinda wanna add them.

We have: Sun Elves, Moon Elves, Wood Elves, Aquatic Elves, Grey Elves, Snow Elves, and more.

I have no idea what half of them are supposed to be. But they sound cool enough that I wanna add them anyway and figure out the little deets later. XD
Hmm. Well, I did a casual Google-Fu and found out there's a bunch of other Elf types than the three I started with. And, honestly, I kinda wanna add them.

We have: Sun Elves, Moon Elves, Wood Elves, Aquatic Elves, Grey Elves, Snow Elves, and more.

I have no idea what half of them are supposed to be. But they sound cool enough that I wanna add them anyway and figure out the little deets later. XD

Time to become a sun elf ^^
Garrett.Hawke Garrett.Hawke DracoNightshade DracoNightshade How're y'all doin?

Still in?

If you need any help with characters or anything feel free to let me know.

Otherwise, if you're feeling like dropping feel free to say so as well. I won't hold it against you if you're having second thoughts.

Mkay. How so?

If you'd like some more info about the RP world or general suggestions I can definitely throw some your way.
My usual go to is a changeling named Niko/jk but I'm afraid it's cutting it too close to your role.

And I need some help with my charries bg too.
My usual go to is a changeling named Niko/jk but I'm afraid it's cutting it too close to your role.

And I need some help with my charries bg too.


Well, so long as the character was a normal human in the real world and died during the collapse of the building mentioned in my character's backstory prior to waking up in this strange other world in a new form, that's really all you need. I put a bit more than intended into Elincia's backstory. So, don't worry about matching content volume there. A single paragraph summary of life leading up to death, at the moment of death, and the awakening is fine by me.

For the character, so long as it's fulfilling the Tank role during the RP it's fine if the characters look alike or have a similar personality vibe about them, if that's the issue.

Otherwise, if the go-to character is cutting it too close for your liking then I'd suggest trying out something different. You mentioned that I made the tank similar to Ironbull. Maybe take that idea and run with it and make a character similar to him?

Just a thought.

Well, so long as the character was a normal human in the real world and died during the collapse of the building mentioned in my character's backstory prior to waking up in this strange other world in a new form, that's really all you need. I put a bit more than intended into Elincia's backstory. So, don't worry about matching content volume there. A single paragraph summary of life leading up to death, at the moment of death, and the awakening is fine by me.

For the character, so long as it's fulfilling the Tank role during the RP it's fine if the characters look alike or have a similar personality vibe about them, if that's the issue.

Otherwise, if the go-to character is cutting it too close for your liking then I'd suggest trying out something different. You mentioned that I made the tank similar to Ironbull. Maybe take that idea and run with it and make a character similar to him?

Just a thought.
Thank you for the suggestions, I greatly appreciate it!

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