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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones)

Leusis said:
About the tournament, you have to make Martyn join so him and Roland can finally get their inevitable melee out of the way. Either that or let Roland beat up on his sister ignorantly as he thinks its just another man lol.
LOL that would be great. Roland just kicks his own sister's ass xD
Leusis said:
About the tournament, you have to make Martyn join so him and Roland can finally get their inevitable melee out of the way. Either that or let Roland beat up on his sister ignorantly as he thinks its just another man lol.
I was thinking more of the latter. Celena will probably actually try jousting since she did the melee last time, but I'm trying to think of how she might be able to go get cleaned up and change before the finals, which people would expect her as one of the main Lannisters to watch/participate. I really don't think Martyn will be fighting at all though.
I dont keep up with the main thread. If Cayden does get to The Rock in time for the tournament he'll probably do both the melee and archery.
I feel like Martyn wouldn't take too kindly to seeing his sister getting beat up like that since hes knows its her in that armor.
Leusis said:
I feel like Martyn wouldn't take too kindly to seeing his sister getting beat up like that since hes knows its her in that armor.
I also don't feel like Roland's the type of dude to just keep hitting/kicking an opponent after he's down. That's some Gregor Clegane stuff right there xD
Leusis said:
I feel like Martyn wouldn't take too kindly to seeing his sister getting beat up like that since hes knows its her in that armor.
If Cayden is still in the melee at that point and he realizes it a woman he would probably help her. He had his own code of civility though he might help her without even realizing its a her to take out Roland who's a damn good fighter.

TheAncientCenturion said:
Women can't fight. Come on guys.
Tell that to Breinne the beauty
Akio said:
True. Im just saying in battle on the sea they would have a hard time matching up to ships made for combat the same way
They would be pretty sturdy ships considering they are meant to trade in far out places and avoid pirates and corsairs and would be fairly good in a fight, especially since no one has cannons so Naval warfare at this point is either boarding or ramming. They could also overwhelm them with sheer numbers. The Thirteen have 1,000 ships. The Spicers have 1,300 ships. The Tourmaline Brotherhood have 800 ships. This is discounting entirely Qarths actual official fleet which would belong to the Pureborn, which would likely be more numerous and war ready, Qarth is probably one of the greatest naval powers in the known world second only to maybe Braavos and that's only because Braavos can pump out ships in a single day.

Archon said:
I don't know about that, Qarth seem like they don't give two craps about the rest of the world, and why should they? For all intents and purposes they are completely untouchable. And slaver's Bay really isn't that close to Qarth, in-fact there's a good bit of distance between them.
Even if Qarth did jump up and join some sortof Anti-Ghiscari coalition; they'd be pretty much limited to allying Meereen, if Meereen is already taken they have nothing and nobody to ally, because the Free Cities would only care if New Ghis attempted to set foot in their territory, which I've stated they most certainly will not.

Also, despite the thousands of ships at Qarth's disposal, we don't realistically know how large a fleet New Ghis could host with the combined economy of Meereen, Astapor, New Ghis, and Yunkai. Meereen and New Ghis alone seem to be incredibly wealthy. And already New Ghis has a powerful fleet, not near Qarth or Braavos, but nothing to sneeze at.

It's safe to assume that any ships New Ghis pumps out will be superior to that of Qarth since their will be a 50/50 ratio of Warships/Trading ships, as opposed to Qarth's total trading navy.

Still not arguing the fact that Qarth most likely crushes even the Imperial New Ghis navy though. Because they very likely would.
Qarth would care because of the new trade New Ghis would generate, stealing much of the revenue that should be Qarths. Qarth is proud of being the richest trade hub in eastern Essos and the gateway to the east, they're not going to take a challenger sitting down, especially one that wants to take slavers bay, who Qarth are allied with and buy wares from, benefiting from the fact that they are three seperate cities as it helps with the price of slaves them being in compitition, one nation means one price and that price would be very high, Qarth don't want that.

For allies Qarth has the eastern cities who will be weary of someone wanting to form a new power within Essos, a power that would have access to the sea and the trade routes with Westeros and the Free Cities, allies shouldn't be hard to come by for the richest city in the East.

This is assuming you take Yunkai, Meereen and Astapor which you may not. New Ghis isn't mentioned as any Naval wonder so we can assume is fleet is fairly average rather than large as it focuses heavily on land combat rather than military, even with the extra money from the other cities (A lot of which would be lost in siege and in fighting because I disagree that the slaver cities would surrender considering their strong patriotism and the masters desire for control, plus New Ghis is coming and demanding their entire economy for free in the case of Astapor which is not cool) Just because a nation is on an island doesn't make it a naval power (Because I know that's exactly what you were going to say next :)

Qarth doesn't have a total trading navy though, it has colonies and cities to protect, you don't get to be the greatest city that ever was or will be without a massive ton of warships to back it up, they would have warships defend their trade vessels, collect important things, for personal use, as a sign of wealth and a lot of other reasons besides, it wont be 100% trade ships, the numbers I've pulled up don't even include the official Qartheen military.

New Ghis will have a very hard time trying to take Qarth and I wouldn't be surprised if they failed entirely, there is a reason that New Ghis hasn't tried to reclaim the empire sooner and its not due to lack of desire since they all heavily celebrate and remember the old days.
TheAncientCenturion said:
Women can't fight. Come on guys.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/dNVvntX.gif.f39c38479ff124f6fd413074de61ddde.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="117294" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_04/dNVvntX.gif.f39c38479ff124f6fd413074de61ddde.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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@WanderingJester also I've decided where our translator might come from. It could be our representative from the iron bank Cayden called or one of the guards of him
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Akio said:
If Cayden is still in the melee at that point and he realizes it a woman he would probably help her. He had his own code of civility though he might help her without even realizing its a her to take out Roland who's a damn good fighter.
Tell that to Breinne the beauty
Cayden's weird code of chivalry in which it is OK to break into a mans house insult him, ruin and ancient tradition, tickle fight a fifteen year with the intention of sleeping with her (Or marrying if you believe what he says) and break a centuries old vow but its a no go to keep an animal in cage whilst it is shipped off as a gift for a princess.
Lancelot said:
No that is reserved for the one true King Viserys Blackfyre.
Wow, Hightower/Seigfried really wants Pyke huh?

TheAncientCenturion said:
For your loyalties you'll receice a fortress worthy enough for a king.
Pyke, I knew it.

Lancelot said:
It all belongs to Cayden now
So... Dorne owns everything? Cayden can sell Viserys to slavery? xD
TheAncientCenturion said:
For your loyalties you'll receice a fortress worthy
WanderingJester said:
Wow, Hightower/Seigfried really wants Pyke huh?
Pyke, I knew it.

So... Dorne owns everything? Cayden can sell Viserys to slavery? xD
Well Siegfried is going to make a run for the King of Salt and Rock to MAKE IRONBORNE GREAT AGAIN!
WanderingJester said:
What do you mean "our representative?"
By our representative i meant he called a representative from the iron bank or at least sent one of his men to get one and open negotiation not this its ours xD

Hypnos said:
Cayden's weird code of chivalry in which it is OK to break into a mans house insult him, ruin and ancient tradition, tickle fight a fifteen year with the intention of sleeping with her (Or marrying if you believe what he says) and break a centuries old vow but its a no go to keep an animal in cage whilst it is shipped off as a gift for a princess.
He was actually never intending to sleep with Daenna then, that was just a friendly spar. Him marrying her is about the deal that Daenna might offer to draw in dorne. Also what century old tradition? What Vow?

WanderingJester said:
Wow, Hightower/Seigfried really wants Pyke huh?
Pyke, I knew it.

So... Dorne owns everything? Cayden can sell Viserys to slavery? xD
Wouldn't that man the war easier huh
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Akio said:
By our representative i meant he called a representative from the iron bank or at least sent one of his men to get one and open negotiation not this its ours xD
He was actually never intending to sleep with Daenna then, that was just a friendly spar. Him marrying her is about the deal that Daenna might offer to draw in dorne. Also what century old tradition?

Wouldn't that man the war easier huh
Huh, it'll be a challenge to get the translator to do what Cayden wants since he works for the Iron Bank and not him :P Ah well.
WanderingJester said:
Huh, it'll be a challenge to get the translator to do what Cayden wants since he works for the Iron Bank and not him :P Ah well.
It cant be to easy besides if they form an alliance he will have reason to translate for him.
Hypnos said:
They would be pretty sturdy ships considering they are meant to trade in far out places and avoid pirates and corsairs and would be fairly good in a fight, especially since no one has cannons so Naval warfare at this point is either boarding or ramming. They could also overwhelm them with sheer numbers. The Thirteen have 1,000 ships. The Spicers have 1,300 ships. The Tourmaline Brotherhood have 800 ships. This is discounting entirely Qarths actual official fleet which would belong to the Pureborn, which would likely be more numerous and war ready, Qarth is probably one of the greatest naval powers in the known world second only to maybe Braavos and that's only because Braavos can pump out ships in a single day.
Qarth would care because of the new trade New Ghis would generate, stealing much of the revenue that should be Qarths. Qarth is proud of being the richest trade hub in eastern Essos and the gateway to the east, they're not going to take a challenger sitting down, especially one that wants to take slavers bay, who Qarth are allied with and buy wares from, benefiting from the fact that they are three seperate cities as it helps with the price of slaves them being in compitition, one nation means one price and that price would be very high, Qarth don't want that.

For allies Qarth has the eastern cities who will be weary of someone wanting to form a new power within Essos, a power that would have access to the sea and the trade routes with Westeros and the Free Cities, allies shouldn't be hard to come by for the richest city in the East.

This is assuming you take Yunkai, Meereen and Astapor which you may not. New Ghis isn't mentioned as any Naval wonder so we can assume is fleet is fairly average rather than large as it focuses heavily on land combat rather than military, even with the extra money from the other cities (A lot of which would be lost in siege and in fighting because I disagree that the slaver cities would surrender considering their strong patriotism and the masters desire for control, plus New Ghis is coming and demanding their entire economy for free in the case of Astapor which is not cool) Just because a nation is on an island doesn't make it a naval power (Because I know that's exactly what you were going to say next :)

Qarth doesn't have a total trading navy though, it has colonies and cities to protect, you don't get to be the greatest city that ever was or will be without a massive ton of warships to back it up, they would have warships defend their trade vessels, collect important things, for personal use, as a sign of wealth and a lot of other reasons besides, it wont be 100% trade ships, the numbers I've pulled up don't even include the official Qartheen military.

New Ghis will have a very hard time trying to take Qarth and I wouldn't be surprised if they failed entirely, there is a reason that New Ghis hasn't tried to reclaim the empire sooner and its not due to lack of desire since they all heavily celebrate and remember the old days.
And would Qarth be willing to throw itself into a trade war with New Ghis? Beyond embargoing New Ghis for all eternity, they face the same problem Braavos would - far more powerful navies - no ideal way to use them, the economic loss on having no trade in New Ghis would be massive, but the strain on the Qartheen economy even higher. Since all a great deal of their trading ships would be parked in one spot, accomplishing nothing. New Ghis is a nation, a blockade would not starve them out - especially when a good deal of the army would be overseas in the taken Slaver's Bay cities. The war would have no outcome but to eventually end inconclusively.

Besides Volantis, allies would be hard to come by. As every other Free City in Essos can't afford to divert attention from the rivals at their doorsteps. Not to mention they'd have to march halfway across the continent only to be defeated miserably by a superior army. If anything, there's more reason as to why the Free Cities would seek to ally New Ghis.

And no, I wasn't going to say it had a powerful navy because it's an Island Nation. I was going to say it has a strong navy because it is a trade hub, like Qarth. Not too mention - as unreliable as it may be - the WiKi for ASOIAF directly states that New Ghis does have a powerful navy.

I also think you mistake patriotism for bravery. The Masters will have spent their whole lives far from danger, pampered, and in luxury. These men don't possess the Iron-Will of Stannis, what makes you think they all have such bravery as to resist an army that outnumbers their own nearly 4:1? It'd be a massive gamble, and should they lose, a gamble which would have them killed. If not worse. a siege may not even be necessary; it's shocking how effective waiting is against the weak-willed, several days of disease flooding the city from tossed over animal carcasses would likely remove any patriotism in turn of the more sensible self-preservation.

I also said a few pages ago, that if the Ghiscari Cities surrendered immediately, they'd essentially self-govern. The Masters would lose little power, and Astapor would not give up its economy for free; it would be paid for in gold by New Ghis, otherwise Astapor wouldn't be able to sustain itself.

You're entirely right, it's very plausible that New Ghis would fail miserably in an attempt on Qarth.
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