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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

Cayden let out a hiss like a furious cat. He hadn't even been here! How was he supposed to know his troops would go ahead and throw a party while he was gone. And higher station?! He was prince of Dorne while this guy was one the couple hundred pissant Magisters who got there ass kicked by Bravos years ago nor was this one particularly bright since he decided to challenge 2000 mercenaries with 50 men. Daenna was well aware of his temper and he took a long steading breath as he tried to remind himself a dozen times that he had an oath to House Targayan and that he was in a soon to be hostile city and that arguing with Daenna right now was probably not the best idea. With some effort he controlled his features, his expression shutting out like a mask.

He shrugged like it didnt matter to him managing to at least those who didn't know him very well the picture of nonchalantness. "As you say princess." He said his voice becoming cool and uncaring as he looked at Magister. "My apologies illustrious Magister." He said managing to sound sincere though Gerrard snickered because Cayden who had never backed down from a challenge before bowed meekly to Daennas wishes for any variety of reasons. Never the less the glare Cayden fixed him with made the laugh die in his throat knowing that Cayden had privately threatened a very painful spar in their future if he didn't shut up at that moment. He looked back at the Magister straight faced. "And what dies the Magister think fair reparations should be?We have already paid for the food and drink we used." He asked calmly which couldn't help but cause a few other men to start blankly in shock at Cayden given how easily he gave in, though inside it had not been such an easy struggle.


@Crimson smile


@general ostruppen


The Free City of Pentos

POV: Aetius Mahaeras

The two, the Targaryen girl and this '
prince' of Dorne were talking between themselves, leaving Aetius to watch. His facial expressions revealed bright red anger at being ignored so suddenly, but inwardly the magistrate was more interested in the dynamics of their relationship. Any piece of information he could gain would further his own agenda. The two were arrogant, but then they were from the nobility in an empire across the sea. 'Spoiled urchins.' He looked over at Paedrian, eyes narrowing. The scribe leaned forward, whispering into his masters ear.

"What is it you desire from me?" Paedrian wasn't meak, like some would expect a slave, but his choice of words pending on Aetius' mood were always wise. The magistrate appreciated his property enough for that. Freeing the man was always on the top of his mind, but the idea of paying his long time companion a wage would always sink that ship.

His voice was low, his head wasn't so much as turned away from the mercenaries in front of him. His lips barely moved as he asked Paedrian his question. "Who is it, the rebel trying to take that ghastly throne in Westeros?"

"That would be. . " Paedrian tapped the side of his head, the names of these Westerosi were all too similar to them. "Braedon Baratheon, lord of Storm's End. Last word we had is that he could raise twenty thousand soldiers." Aetius nodded, signalling for Paedrian to step away from the magistrate.

"Princess Deanna." He brought his hands together in a deafening clap before he opened his arms wide, in an open gesture of friendship. "And. . . Captain Cayden." The Dornish were no true princes, Aetius knew that much from his studies of Westeros. The Dornish man had an attitude to him, though it wouldn't be fair to say the Targaryen didn't. '
Inbred cretin,' He hissed to himself. "Paid for the food you did, but the disturbance is done. Our dear Prince sent word to me directly, requesting assistance. He feels. . "His tongue rammed itself against his teeth, "Threatened by you and your men. Likewise the disrespect towards him is the disrespect towards all of Pentos."

The Magistrate was growing bolder, stepping free from his Unsullied guards, "The fine would be heavy, I can tell you Deanna Targaryen, third born daughter to a dead king." He needed to hammer in her position, as if she forgot it. "But. . There are other ways we can work out such deals. Your friendship and a few favors, now and later, would suffice." His grin threatened to split his face in two as he finished. "But if you insist on this insolence, I can go. . Leave you to the palace until a mob comes to throw you out. I have other businesses to attend to." He turned around, and began walking down the line the Unsullied made for him, before turning on his heel to face them once again.

"An emissary of Braedon the Stag arrived days ago, requesting gold and ships now, and great fortune later. It's a very complex matter, I was prepared to think over his deal. He has already assembled forty thousand soldiers. . . With my gold he could afford another ten thousand sellswords and take the throne. A king is always a good friend to have, or so I hear." The threat was clear, or so Aetius hoped. They could continue to run amuck, they had the numbers to undo his Unsullied, but the damage they would inflict would be heavy. And the death of his own person would insight the crowds. Likewise the threat to destroy Kuvira Targaryen was there, Aetius snickered to himself yet again. The young girl and her fool of a companion would have no way of telling how sincere the magistrate was, '
Implication is all I need'.

@Crimson smile

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Cayden could not help internally thinking that of all the free cities he probably cared about Pentos the least. They could not hire him, they had the smallest army and if he needed to use a port to get back to Westeros there was always Bravos. He defaintly did not care what that idiotic lord figure head of Pentos thought. He rolled his eyes slightly to himself but otherwise gave no outward sign of his displeasure.

It was then he decided to speak again. "I can pay for a fine if need be, since my men caused the damage." He said coolly. Dallen was fairly wealthy with the money his own accidentally inherited estate gave him and the company had a fair share of its own savings considering that as a prince of Dorne he never lacked for money unless he got extravagant and he made sure his brothers did not ethier so the majority of their shares from their jobs had gone into savings. Worst comes to worse he could take a loan from one of the many money lenders across Essos. "And while i may speak for myself now but the worth of a favor is heavy, what exactly are you hoping to obtain from these favors Magister other then the withdrawl of my forces." He said asking simply which at the same time a gentle warning to Daenna to be careful making a promse less she be forced into something unpleasent.

@Crimson smile

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Daenna's gaze narrowed on the magister as she read his body language rather then his words. Such a greedy man. Stepping forward she ignored the unsullied around her. "You state that Braedon has contacted you but why would he do such a thing. He has plenty of potential allies within Westeros that can offer him more then you, or Pentos, can. So excuse me if I am doubtful of your words. Or the threats within them. As for your favors I don't believe that they are necessary. I would dislike oweing one such as you. I do not know you. Who knows what you might request. "

Clicking her tongue she tilted her head slightly as she gave the magister an icy smile. "Instead I believe that it would be best if my friend Cayden Martell, Prince of Dorn, and I simply took our leave alongside our companions. With promises not to return within your lifetime nor to draw any blood on our way out of your fair city. Of course you will be expected to promise us, on the behalf of Pentos and the honor of the free cities, that no harm would come to us as we take our leave. In the name of peace. "
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos

Aemond and Aerys were unfortunate enough to be surrounded by mercenaries, just when a Magister is angry about mercenaries, they seemed to share the same idea of clearing outso that they did not get grouped together so they planned how they would leave the room. When the conversation got heated Aemond and Aerys managed to make their way quietly out by one of the doors of the hall, they then made their way up the stairs as an attempt to distance themselves from the action, if they could they would have went to the chambers that they wold stay in tonight but unfortunately that was not possible without the Magister to show them which rooms they were so they instead decided to make their way to the front of the palace near a ledge that overlooked the entrance, they grabbed some and relaxed looking out into the city.


The Command Tent, Golden Company Encampment, Somewhere in Essos.​

Voggoro Lãra Perzys Moatte was a man of peculiar talents, serving many years under the watchful gaze of the Golden Company, his presence in the free company dating back even before the times of Viserys Waters and his Westerosi ambitions, an old acquaintance of the last of the black dragons Ser Baelor the black hearted and a man considered friend by all those that got to know him, at least those that could see through his psychotic and slightly deranged exterior. On this particular evening the old goat found himself awake in a tent that was not his own, abed with a woman that was not his wife, a whore, or so he supposed the man heavily intoxicated due to the strong Qohorik mead he had consumed before, a mead still present on his heavily alcohol infused breath. Some might call him a sinner, a heathen even, that disrespected his faith at every turn but in truth it was much to the contrary, the old goat was the most pious man he knew, after all, who else would lie, cheat, and kill in the name of the Lord? If the goat didn't want him to stick his dick in something then the goat should have had the foresight not to give that thing a hole, as it was Voggoro was content to continue pursuing his current lifestyle, a lifestyle given unto him by the Black Goat, creator of all, truly a blessing.

"Priest-Captain Voggoro sir!" the man was interrupted from his musing by the appearance of a young soldier, baring the look of a man born and raised upon the Essosi continent, though perhaps there was a hint of Westeros about him too, in truth Voggoro didn't have the time nor the patience to find out. The man recoiled a tad when he realised that they were not alone, the whore (a woman of Thyroshi decent with stubble thicker than the man's own) giving him a slight wave before removing herself from the tent, likely to find some other man to bed, unbeknownst to her likely spreading what ever horrible disease the priest had no doubt given her.

"What ith it lad?" Voggoro asked impatiently, his accent thick and heavy, the exotic sounds of Qohor spicing his words "Thpeak up, can't you thee I wath in the middle of thomething"

"Captain Silverspear has requested your presence in the command tent, he asks that you make haste"

"Thilverthpear?" Voggoro replied questioningly "Latht I checked Thilverthpear wathn't in charge around here, no matter how much he wantths to be, tell him to go fuck himthelf"

"I must request that you do as he commands" the soldier said, the irritability clear in his voice, the Golden Company had, had to put up with the old priest's disobedience for a long time and at this point a few men wouldn't be apposed to giving the old man a knife to the back "He was placed as acting commander by Captain-General Blackfyre before he left to make negotiations with one of the free cities, disobedience would be seen as treason and is punishable by death, as I have reminded you many a time"

"Alright then" He said with a sigh, stringing back up the flies on his brown leather riding trousers and standing to don his customary black priests robes, following the soldier outside, untying along the way the large black goat that was his companion, ignoring the gazes of those that passed him by, he had heard it all before and he was in no mood to do so again.

"Ther Lucath!" The priest entered the tent with a flourish, his eyes immediately drawn to the small array of trinkets and valuables left over from the time of Captain Baelor, a sorry sight he feared, and one that brought a twinge of sadness to the man's eyes. In truth him and the Silverspear had more similarities than he would like to admit and both saw the falling from the grace that the company was going through under the command of Viserys, though Voggoro attributed it more to the lads inability to see the darkness of the Lord, than incompetence, though no one could argue that the man put a lot of stress on his Westeros campaign "What ith it that you need?"

The Free City of Pentos

Aetius Mahaeras

A light chuckle escaped the magistrate, now oozing with confidence. He eyed the Dornish Prince first, half tempted to reply to the man outright, but the princess was the true gem in the motley crew. His arms bent inwards before his hands extended out, open palmed, another popular gesture many speakers in the Free Cities took to further their point. "Braedon hasn't just contacted me, little princess. The Iron Bank of Braavos has been called forth as well. Lesser banks, Lys, Volantis, even as far as Qohor, are receiving his emissaries. The cost of wars are expensive, especially when you're potentially fighting the entire realm. . "His eyes narrowed, but it wasn't anger they exuded, just more amusement and arrogance. "But The Lannisters of The West and Tyrell's of the South are neutral. What allies left does her grace have to call upon? Braedon has the potential to win the war swiftly, before any of the loyalists can strike. . Buying out their loyalties with gold from Essos is a smart move on his behalf."

He took another step closer, eyebrows rising as his arms parted, as if going to embrace the young Targaryen. "Please, let us not be enemies." His accent thickened in that moment as his voice died down, making it harder for the mob of men around them to hear him. "You are friendless in Essos, and may be an exile soon. Treat men of respect with respect, and we can get along, little princess. Hm?" He kept his arms open and arched his head inwards, "Embrace me and let us put this scene behind us. We can discuss matters of helping each other, instead of. .Bloodshed and violence." He looked back to the prince of Dorne, speaking quickly now. "Any favors I have of you would only be to the benefit of your party as well. It won't be too unreasonable. But. . " He paused, clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth quite audibly.

"If you prefer to fight, the Unsullied have a distinct advantage in such tight combat. Where flanking is problematic. I am no man of war like yourself, though. Who knows what the genius prince of Dorne could. . Scramble together in a defense." The jape was clear by his tone, if not by the facial expression Atetius made already.

The Disputed Lands, Golden Company Encampment

Lucas Silverspear

Lucas turned at the grating noise of Captain Voggoro's voice, it wasn't the worst accent in the company, that went to a half wit from Braavos, but it was a close contender. The old war captain gave Voggoro a grim stare and nod, "I have need of your particular services, old priest." The term wasn't spat with disrespect, but there wasn't much warmth in Ser Lucas' voice either. "Reports are in of. . A curious case." He shifted his gaze back to the ivory colored dragon egg, the embers of his night fire washing over it still. "Deanna Targaryen was spotted in Pentos. Captain Peake writes us this much, the city was ablaze when news hit. Just a day ago." He let the information sit with the old priest. A Targaryen away from Westeros was a rare sight, a valuable one. For both Lucas' ambitions and those of Viserys. 'The Ibben want a dragon princess too.' He'd be hard pressed to hand over the first one he attained. He'd give the Shadow King whatever girl was most unappealing in his personal chambers.

"Westeros is being split. The Ironborn are raiding the West, The North stirs, the Vale rests, and King's Landing is the center of all these conflicts. Alone the Golden Company cannot take on the Seven Kingdoms, that's why. . Why the Captain-General is looking for new allies. But mayhaps we could find a way to use this girl, either get in bed with the Crown, have Viserys marry Kuvira, or sell her to potential allies else where." He rubbed down his red whiskers as he stood away from the ivory egg. "If you would be so kind as to. . Invite her into our company, give the girl a proper gift such as this, I'd be most grateful. Men of faith are often better received than old sellswords like myself. Heh."

@Crimson smile


Pentos> Prince's estate

POV Daenna Targaryen

Why is everything a game of politics within war? Sure, there is much fighting evolved but with the amount of time spent preparing, gathering, and utilizing the forces the actual fighting seems lame in comparison. It seem's that this Magister like's politics and is well versed in them. He also seem's greedy and deceitful. Like most politicians.
Daenna felt her lips twitch up into a mirthless smile as her eyes met the Magister's. A light chuckle broke past her lips as she turned and walked over to stand beside Cayden and away from the Magister. Facing him once more she still retained the mirthless smile as she met his eyes once more. Her smile was edged with amusement but her eyes were cold. Dead. Belaying no emotion. "Anyone can tell, I am sure, that I am not a politician. I am a princess who likes to fight. I am arrogant, though I have met others more so, and I am rash. Though I like to blame my age. However, despite my negative traits I would like to believe I have some redeeming qualities. However, I doubt that many of them would be useful in this situation."

She paused letting her words dangle in the air. I don't know politics and perhaps I should invest some time to learn them but that doesn't mean I won't do my best to outwit any man that takes me on. Even if I loose as long as I am alive I come out having learned a new lesson. Hands clasping together in front of her she continued. " Excuse me, I seem to be rambling. So I guess I will get straight to the point. I need friends. Allies. And I have no wish for more enemies. So I will allow you three favors in exchange for letting any negative feelings between us go and allowing my companions and I to leave peacefully. Should they be reasonable of course. "

The Free City of Pentos

Aetius Mahaeras

The magistrate pulled himself back together, a bothered expression forming as the woman denied him. Aetius openly winced with the Targaryen's chuckle. 'An ugly noise. I shall not tolerate it again.' The Westerosi princess was far from attractive, to his experienced gaze. She was eight years too young to acquire the form most experienced Yunkai slaves held, and already was she into her birth giving years and not delivered a single whelp. 'Her bosom would be larger, had she.' As she rambled about her qualities, Aetius looked about her companies. The decision to come here was proving itself interesting. Aetius would either have the Prince further in his pocket and force the Sellswords out, or possibly have a key into the treasury of the last true dragons. "Your humility is. . a fresh rose in the cold months, princess of the Andals." He extended a hand, doing his best to hide his open disgust of her behavior. As long as she was now trying to be polite, however minorly that was, Aetius would do the same.

"Your friendship of course would be stupefying," He leaned his head forward, his lip's curled and eyes narrows as he continued, a wide smile on his face the entire time. "But what does it offer me, only three favors that you will limit? A proud and strong man like Lord Baratheon will seat me on his council, once he takes the throne." He let the words hang in the air, a hand folding under his chin as he assumed a thinking position. "But you, dear princess, are so much prettier." He doubted it, but flattery was key, even if both parties knew it to be the verbal equivalent of nipples on a breast plate.

The magistrate stepped forward, his scribe followed every other step. "Nor do I know what to request of you in the present. . Tell me, Lady Deanna of the noble Targaryen Family, where will you go after this city? What lands lay behind Pentos that excite you so? I will give you one of my desires after you answer the simple question"
Pentos> Free cities

"That is good to hear. " Daenna nodded not at all fooled by the man's flattery. His body language told her all she needed to know. Despite this she allowed a friendly smile to take the cold ones place. "I am going forward to collect my army dear Magister. One not within this land. When I do I shall uphold my families words and take my throne with fire and blood. From any who seek to take it from my family. As for your favors I'm afraid at this time three is all I can offer. I wouldn't want to offer any more and not be able to uphold my side. However, I will do my very best to ensure that the three favors are granted. Within reason of course. "
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Adam and popper

Palace, Pentos, the Free Cities.

Popper slowly leans his head towards Adam in a whispering voice, "So last night I recall a feint conversation about your old merc company." Adam smiles with glee as he hears. "What are the bastards up to now a days?" Poppers rubs his eyes and bends his knees as he tries to get himself comfortable while standing. "Oh the usual minor faction wars and such. Nothing new but some rulers dethroned and new ones rising and yeah." Adam nods with approval and recalls of the good days with his merc company. Always testing his skills against the captain, and thus resulting in Adam losing miserable but also improving with each skirmish. He focuses back on the conversation in front of him."You know In my opinion I think we should take our leave." Poppers looks at him with a question written all over his face. "And where else would she go?"Adam seeming a bit annoyed, "obviously anywhere but fuckin pentos, in fact not any of the damn cities in these lands. Nothing but shitheads with nothing better to do but live out their filthy rich and prestigious lifestyles. She just start finding one of those small factions and such or whatever. Damn magistrate not giving a care in the world but himself like other rulers and such. If I could I would gut him and give his body to the rodents." Popper looks around and luckily no one seemed to hear their conversation. "Well aren't you the man of diplomacy and civilized manners, you know you should go ask Daenna if you should be her negotiator." Adam returns the comment with a punch to the rib which popper replies with "dick" and Adam with "bitch".


The command Tent, The Golden Company Encampment, The Disputed Lands.​

Voggoro raised a singular greying eyebrow, Silverspear having his full attention, he didn't much care about the political ramifications behind procuring this Targaryen girl, nor the inner workings of Westerosi intrigue but a chance to meet with a pretty girl, and one with King's blood too, that was not something he would turn down lightly, especially if he were to be given a dragons egg to bargain with (May it be noted that Voggoro has not yet been informed of the girls age and is unaware that she is fifteen)

"Thilverthpear" He replied with a smile, giving his moustache a brief twirl "I will find your Targaryen girl for you, I athk no price but for coin for pay for the thupplies I will need for my journey and a little thomething ethtra for perthuathive reathons" he smiled a dark and slightly disturbing smile, Voggo was known about the company for his love of the eccentric and his definition of persuasion may be different from everyone else's "Will that be all?" he said snatching up the egg with haste, he saw little sense in prolonging the interaction, especially since it was clear that the two men were not particularly fond of each other.


The Free City of Pentos

Aetius Mahaeras

"An army, you say?" She implied that the current queen, her own sister, was either doomed or that this whelp would depose her. Aetius' snake like grin grew wider, something even he thought impossible, at the implication. Political ambitions was a field that he dominated in Pentos, and the magistrate often could turn or twist plots to his benefit, with or without the other party figuring out his end game. It was a talent, one that he would exploit again. "Forgive me, dragon queen, for all earlier insults. I thought you a child. . But I see what you truly are! A stunning dragon of white," His eyes narrowed as he pranced closer to the princess. "With fury in his heart." He was only a foot away from the girl as he began talking once more.

"Paedrian!" He called for the slave, and the scribe came in an instant. He remained a foot behind his master, but his neck was craned forward, already whispering into the Magistrates ear.

Aetius nodded at whatever mysterious musings the slave left out. His voice was low, low enough he was confident only the closest would hear him. "Tell me, what ships under my employment are in Pentos?"

Paedrian didn't hesitate to answer. "That would be. . Four galleys, all flying the colors of Lys." He thumbed a paper, taking his eyes off of the mob of sellswords and nobility. "But Magistrate Emilra has three cogs several ports south, unable to enter the city due to suspected sickness on the ship. . They've been there since last December."

Aetius smiled. "What chance is there that the sickness is authentic?"


"Write a letter to Magistrate Emilra, that I will be purchasing these cogs, out of our friendship, so he can concentrate his matters else where. . " His brown orbs scanned Daenna, the grin never dropping. "What of my treasury, what stories does it tell?"

"Sad ones. Your last expenses have left viable assets low, when your ships in the Summer Sea return, it may be. . More joyous. But now it would be prudent to not spend much coin."

Aetius shrugged off the scribe and turned back to Daenna. "Dragon Queen Daenna, your friendship is what I desire, and your ambitions have touched me. I will lend you seven ships, in honor of your seven gods, and a chest half filled with Braavosi coin. Let those ships take you anywhere it pleases you, to find an army I hope. And once you have an army, a great strength at your back, come see me, your old friend Aetius Mahaeras. For I will call upon these favors when you have an equal amount of wealth to bestow upon me, though minuscule compared to the mounds of gold you will acquire, I'm sure."

The Disputed Lands, Golden Company Encampment

Ser Lucas Silverspear

"Take what coin you need. Not without someone there to record exactly how much, though." He wouldn't have the priest taking much more than he needed, but it was also imperative to record every bit of coin used. "We don't have much to spare." How eager the priest was unnerved Ser Lucas, if only slightly. The man was motivated, just by how he grabbed the white egg from under The Silverspear. 'He is Viserys' creature, not mine.' He reminded himself. Ser Lucas was tempted to have the priest followed, but he would keep as many men in one place as possible.

"Write me letters when you can. If you can manage to bring the princess here without the use of force. .All the better. If she isn't cooperating. . " He dropped a hand to his stretched gut, patting it lightly as he thought around the problem. "Take more gold, for sellswords. I won't have any more of our brothers out in the fields. The Ibbeneese will be sending word of our mutual invasion soon. I need us as full power for that. If you so happen to capture or convince the princess and we are away, go to Tyrosh. To the estate of our Captain-General. There then you shall write me personally, and I will reward you for this task. . " He took a moment, thinking of anything else he might tell the man. "Do not wave our colors around so brazenly, either. Use what methods you must to bring Daenna here, but. . Be tactful."
Pentos> Daenna

Daenna's smile grew warm, losing it's glacier edge, as she saw that no current threat was upon them. Though she still held true to her wariness of the Magister and would have to be cautious of any favors he asked. "I accept your gifts graciously and I am certain that this is not the last you shall see of myself Magister. Hopefully, the next time we meet will not hold similar tension of this day. I am glad to have ended this day as friends instead of enemies. I hope it stays that way. "
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Cayden gripped his spear and several men tensed as the magister walked closer to the princess. When he came about a foot away a few bow strings were taunt and swords were half unsheathed. If he made a movement towards the princess in that moment half a dozen killing blows would land on him in seconds. Still the situation seemed defused after a few short moments and he even gifted her ships. Only Cayden and Dallen stayed on edge not for right now but for what this man may ask for after. "Then we shall take our leave." Several man were sent off by Dallen to kick awake anyone sleeping and gather Red Spear through out the castle. Cayden looked at Daenna. "Shall we go?" He had things he want to discuss with her.

The Free City of Pentos

Aetius Mahaeras

"For a thousand years and more, may this friendship last." The Magistrate was all too kind now, removing every mental curse he spat at the woman. She was valuable to him, and her price was cheap, it seemed. 'To be expected of a girl with next to nothing.' She needed men like him to fund her, push her forward. Even if she never assembled an army, and was only used as a figure head by some Westerosi Lord to depose the squabbling nobility, Aetius was confident in his ability to rise to greater wealth.

"I shall leave you for the evening. This time tomorrow you'll find your seven ships in the purple harbor, with the bright red colors of Lys upon their sails. They will take you anywhere you wish to go. May your adventures prove prosperous." He gave her a humbling bow, a lasting smile sent to Cayden, though where the looks he gave Daenna were friendly, this was only feral. The Magistrate turned around, Paedrian fast behind him, as they fled from the Princes' abode. The Unsullied gradually trickled after him, showing no hesitation or fear at showing the mercenaries their rears.

Daenna> Pentos, Princes estate

Breathing a sigh of relief once safely alone with no other but those she trust Daenna straightened and turned in her friends direction, momentarily pausing to send a reassuring smile to a worried Dom. " I believe we have overstayed our welcome. Gather your men and let us retire to some nearby Inn's. I am sure Popper won't mind housing us as well as a few of your men. Tomorrow we shall set sail as I'm sure Crawford is nearby. I shall head to Ibben and get this wedding over with. You shall use one of the ship's gifted to us to head to Westeros and see if we can find allies among those natural. It won't due to depend on foreigners to win our wars. We need natives. We shall discuss this further when we arrive at the Inn. First I believe a formal apology is to be made by yourself to the prince on the behalf of your men's behavior. I shall also need to apologize for my abrupt departure."
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]

Daenna> Pentos, Princes estate

Breathing a sigh of relief once safely alone with no other but those she trust Daenna straightened and turned in her friends direction, momentarily pausing to send a reassuring smile to a worried Dom. " I believe we have overstayed our welcome. Gather your men and let us retire to some nearby Inn's. I am sure Popper won't mind housing us as well as a few of your men. Tomorrow we shall set sail as I'm sure Crawford is nearby. I shall head to Ibben and get this wedding over with. You shall use one of the ship's gifted to us to head to Westeros and see if we can find allies among those natural. It won't due to depend on foreigners to win our wars. We need natives. We shall discuss this further when we arrive at the Inn. First I believe a formal apology is to be made by yourself to the prince on the behalf of your men's behavior. I shall also need to apologize for my abrupt departure."

"You still plan to go through with the marriage, but you don't plan to use their troops?" He asked sounding a bit dumbfounded. What point was there is going through the marriage? By now all his troops have already turned back to their own camps, Cayden didn't plan to stay long in Pentos. He was growing quite tired of this damn city. But right now he was not concerned about the possible apology he was gonna give out and stood with Gerrard and Dallen at his side listening closely. "Why would you do so! Isn't it better to keep your hand open to make a marriage contract in the seven kingdoms? Your throwing away possibility of bringing a great house on our side for an army you don't plan to use?" He said obviously agitated.

Adam and popper

Palace, Pentos, the Free Cities.

Adam steps in with cayden and also seemed a bit worried as well with the acceptance Daenna had accepted. "Ima have gonna have to also rant about this with cayden as well. But I don't think we should be affiliated or really have this magistrate help us. I can promise you that their are plenty of other folks that will help like cayden here. Its to damn risky." He looks at the magistrate. "Nothing personal or anything magistrate." Poppers stood back making sure that he wasn't in view of anybody. Just listening to everyone and hoping for Adam to not anger like cayden.
Pentos> Daenna

"If I marry the shadow king I will gain the 40,000 men. If I have them then my enemies can't gain them. If I don't use them then the houses won't be able to rebel calling it an invasion. After all if they never step onto our land it's just a means for an alliance and perhaps new trade. " Daenna explained. She had thought the idea through last night between cups of rum after the big man left. Not the smartest idea. "I will try to keep some close in case I have no other choice. But not on Westeros land. Sure the houses can rant about me marrying the shadow king and trying to become Queen thus giving Ibben influence over Westeros but considering they would only have as much influence as I give them and probably won't try to really affect Westeros their rants likely won't last. If they do then I'll find a way to silence them. There is also honor to consider and since Desgran shall die soon I can always marry another within Westeros. I may not be pure then but I shall still offer them whatever power I hold. An offer few will refuse if they are smart. However, I do still need an army that won't be seen as invaders. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]

Pentos> Daenna

"If I marry the shadow king I will gain the 40,000 men. If I have them then my enemies can't gain them. If I don't use them then the houses won't be able to rebel calling it an invasion. After all if they never step onto our land it's just a means for an alliance and perhaps new trade. " Daenna explained. She had thought the idea through last night between cups of rum after the big man left. Not the smartest idea. "I will try to keep some close in case I have no other choice. But not on Westeros land. Sure the houses can rant about me marrying the shadow king and trying to become Queen thus giving Ibben influence over Westeros but considering they would only have as much influence as I give them and probably won't try to really affect Westeros their rants likely won't last. If they do then I'll find a way to silence them. There is also honor to consider and since Desgran shall die soon I can always marry another within Westeros. I may not be pure then but I shall still offer them whatever power I hold. An offer few will refuse if they are smart. However, I do still need an army that won't be seen as invaders. "

He snarled raising his hands up in exasperation. "What do we have to offer them! I still have to discuss with my sisters before you even have Dorne if they agree? What do you hope to offer possible allies?" He said finding himself starting to pace in his frustration, he wanted to help her but he had no idea how she was planning to gain allies in the seven kingdoms like this. Dallen seemed thoughtful. "Keeping the Ibbens close is not a bad idea, but I do agree perhaps giving them a marriage contract will not leave much to offer the other houses. They would feel slighted if you offered anything with less value then what you offered the Shadow King. It's not impossible for you to win this war from what I know about the situation but if you offer to high at the start you may have nothing to give in the end." The fair man said offering his two cents in a much calmer way then Cayden had.


"Yet, if I decline the shadow kings offer for marriage then I will insult him. Even if I offered something else, which I don't have by the way, then there is still a chance he will decline and offer his army to an enemy. " Daenna argues calmly as Addam and Dallen join in the conversation. " Or worse be insulted and threaten to send the army after us. I don't know what I shall offer the other houses but right now I am trying to figure out a way to deal with this marriage and the consequences that will come with it if I decline or if I go through with it. Perhaps, I shall offer them the chance to support the true born heir to the throne so they are not truly rebelling but defending Westeros. Perhaps, I shall offer their leader the chance to kill Kuvira once we have her. Or maybe I'll offer them more land or more power once I'm Queen. I don't know because in the end anything I offer is just promises that may or may not be delivered upon considering I may not survive this war. It's a war. It's all about what if's and maybe's when pondering an alliance. The only thing I can do is try my best to be smart about every choice I make. Problem is every choice has consequences and I am decidedly rash concerning decisions. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]


"Yet, if I decline the shadow kings offer for marriage then I will insult him. Even if I offered something else, which I don't have by the way, then there is still a chance he will decline and offer his army to an enemy. " Daenna argues calmly as Addam and Dallen join in the conversation. " Or worse be insulted and threaten to send the army after us. I don't know what I shall offer the other houses but right now I am trying to figure out a way to deal with this marriage and the consequences that will come with it if I decline or if I go through with it. Perhaps, I shall offer them the chance to support the true born heir to the throne so they are not truly rebelling but defending Westeros. Perhaps, I shall offer their leader the chance to kill Kuvira once we have her. Or maybe I'll offer them more land or more power once I'm Queen. I don't know because in the end anything I offer is just promises that may or may not be delivered upon considering I may not survive this war. It's a war. It's all about what if's and maybe's when pondering an alliance. The only thing I can do is try my best to be smart about every choice I make. Problem is every choice has consequences and I am decidedly rash concerning decisions. "

Cayden rolled his eyes. "As if the great houses really care about honor, despite how much the prance about it." He said venomously still angry wondering what he can do about this situation. "The chance they may offer their alliance to someone else is not a good enough reason to accept it." Dallen sat there quietly as if going over the pro's and cons with a frown. He knew that allying with one of their enemies could be a very real problem and considering how outnumbered they were already if they did swear to her they would only have the situation worsen. Never the less the cost was high. Cayden looked at Daenna rubbing his temples with a sigh. He didn't know how like this how was he gonna convince his sisters to side with her and he would not turn against them. "Daenna, can I talk to you alone?" He asked simply calming.

"Who said anything about their honor?" Daenna questioned raising a brow. "It's my honor on the line. I have already agreed to the engagement. To break it off now without a suitable reason would tarnish my honor and my word. After all my sister may have agreed to it but she did not make me accept the request. It will tarnish my honor and then how shall I expect any to trust my word? Though if you wish to speak to me further on the matter alone I suppose we can do so."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]


"Who said anything about their honor?" Daenna questioned raising a brow. "It's my honor on the line. I have already agreed to the engagement. To break it off now without a suitable reason would tarnish my honor and my word. After all my sister may have agreed to it but she did not make me accept the request. It will tarnish my honor and then how shall I expect any to trust my word? Though if you wish to speak to me further on the matter alone I suppose we can do so."

He waved his hand and Gerrard frowned at him, usually he didn't pull rank on them but Dallen left without protest and after a second hesitation Gerrard followed. Cayden waited till everyone left the room, even her close guards before opening his mouth again. He sighed, running his hand through his hair. "Daenna, I'm gonna be honest with you right now, I have no idea how to explain this to my sister. Right now their is little benefit in following you and while my word means much it can only carry so much. The rightful ruler means little to Dorne, their all Targaryens in their eye's bastards or not. Such things are of little matter in Dorne. Dorne will take what will benefit Dorne the most. I need something to bring to my sisters to sway them to your side." He said honestly looking her. "Even if the Ibbens are not involved at court all that much a deal with them with chaff on my people. I need to settle this before we go on."

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