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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"She is accepting more help then most in her situation would. " Dom defended his charge slightly. "Asking for advise and not pushing away potential allies or plans until she can think them through. I believe that she is acting much more wise then one could expect from someone so suddenly thrown unto this situation. "

He grunted and looked at him. "Don't get the wrong idea, for a girl in her situation shes doing better then most would have, especially considering from this point she had no political knowledge." He said shrugging his soldiers. "By the way, how long have you been guarding the princess anyway?" He asked looking at him.
"About 11 years. Found her rolling in the dirt when she was four. She was causing trouble even way back then. I didn't know she was a princess but knew she was up to no good. I forced her to return to her father and soon after the man made me her guard. Something about the last one having a breakdown when he was found tied up and covered in ink, or something." Dom chuckled gruffly at the memory. He had no doubt Deanna was to blame for that mishap. "The brat is basically my kid for all the trouble she has put me through. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"About 11 years. Found her rolling in the dirt when she was four. She was causing trouble even way back then. I didn't know she was a princess but knew she was up to no good. I forced her to return to her father and soon after the man made me her guard. Something about the last one having a breakdown when he was found tied up and covered in ink, or something." Dom chuckled gruffly at the memory. He had no doubt Deanna was to blame for that mishap. "The brat is basically my kid for all the trouble she has put me through. "

Gerrard smiled at that, his face lighting up making the big man seem much more gentle. "I have two kids of my own, here in the city actually under watch by a trusted friend of mine so I know to see things like this. Seem's like her father didn't give her much affection, or much learning, or much of anything other then his blood. She may be the true heir of house Targaryan but isn't her father you in all the ways that matter? As i was about to say, you defend her as hard as any father would." He said chuckling slightly.
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Akio said:
"It is not the city of Pentos that we feel might be a threat, certain negotiations make this necessary in case of certain aspects come into play. Besides the main reason we have most of our power based here we may need to move out quickly at any time so having all our men in a condensed area allows us to move at a moments notice if needed." Dallen said calmly. He said as food was brought out to them by slightly overworked servants. Dallen's plate had zero meat on it even though many of the other plates did and it seemed some of the soldiers were actually helping to cook as crowded as the situation was. There seemed to be none of the slaves certain free sword companies kept around.
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos

POV: Aemond Velaryon

Aemond and Aerys helped themselves to the food while continuing the conversations.

Aerys chimed in "Are you sure the Magisters are ok with this, if you mean't to take the magistrate you could very well do so?"

Aemond began to pour wine for the men seated and handed a cup to each of them before seating again.
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Lancelot said:
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos
POV: Aemond Velaryon

Aemond and Aerys helped themselves to the food while continuing the conversations.

Aerys chimed in "Are you sure the Magisters are ok with this, if you mean't to take the magistrate you could very well do so?"

Aemond began to pour wine for the men seated and handed a cup to each of them before seating again.
"Perhaps we could, most likely I or Cayden will offer something if we ever come back to Pentos to ease over some frayed nerves and I doubt everyone is very pleased with us at the moment. But my men are paying for the food we take and the Inn's around the general area are getting quite a boon in business so all in all its not to damaging to our reputation. I will say Cayden is going slightly overboard with the protection detail, then again maybe not." He said that last part almost quiet a muse to himself.
"I guess. Her father was already going mad when she was born so didn't handle her to well. Not when his other 'daughters' were so obedient to a point. I'm surprised he let he learn to fight. Even if it was the only way to get her to calm down." Dom shrugged feeling awkward at the soft turn the conversation had taken. "Don't go telling her I said something so soft. She'll never let me live it down. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I guess. Her father was already going mad when she was born so didn't handle her to well. Not when his other 'daughters' were so obedient to a point. I'm surprised he let he learn to fight. Even if it was the only way to get her to calm down." Dom shrugged feeling awkward at the soft turn the conversation had taken. "Don't go telling her I said something so soft. She'll never let me live it down. "

He chuckled. "It's quite a thing isn't it." He said looking at the roof with amusement. "To watch them grow up." He said with a bit of wonder as he starred at the ceiling. "One day their ruling in the mud, next day their going off on their own." He patted Don on the shoulder. "I haven't know you very long but something tells me you were a good father to her." He said glancing at the door.
"Daenna is still rolling in the mud. " Dom stated bluntly remembering her little spar with Cayden. Hearing the tell tale shuffling around inside that Daenna was awake he snorted. Mayi left her own room across the hall and arched a brow at her relaxed companion and the large man next to him. "The little princess is awake. "

Nodding Mayi entered Daenna's room and stopped when she found Daenna trying to cut her hair with a letter opener. "Why?"

"Well, I figured it would be harder to grab if it was shorter. " Daenna stated as the sharp knife sliced through the last of her hair. It left her hair in an uneven cut just past her shoulder blades. Shaking her head Mayi clicked her tongue in agitation as she hurried Daenna over to the vanity to fix her hair. "Bad nightmare, then. If you wished for it cut you could have just waited for me. No need to be impatient. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Daenna is still rolling in the mud. " Dom stated bluntly remembering her little spar with Cayden. Hearing the tell tale shuffling around inside that Daenna was awake he snorted. Mayi left her own room across the hall and arched a brow at her relaxed companion and the large man next to him. "The little princess is awake. "
Nodding Mayi entered Daenna's room and stopped when she found Daenna trying to cut her hair with a letter opener. "Why?"

"Well, I figured it would be harder to grab if it was shorter. " Daenna stated as the sharp knife sliced through the last of her hair. It left her hair in an uneven cut just past her shoulder blades. Shaking her head Mayi clicked her tongue in agitation as she hurried Daenna over to the vanity to fix her hair. "Bad nightmare, then. If you wished for it cut you could have just waited for me. No need to be impatient. "

Gerrad laughed a bit rumbling deep in his chest when he heard that Daenna was awake he turned to the door. Once he entered he found her hacking at her head with a letter opener and strode forward though she cut all through by then. "Princess while it is true that its not so easy to grab it should also be done evenly to avoid any snags." He said gently, he was relatively straight forward guy and could be a little dense at times but even he could see she was spooked. "Do you need anything?" His voice was steady and gentle, while she was used to these other two he was the newest element and he wasn't sure if he would make the situation worse if he did anything to dramatic.
Where dafuq Am I?

After god knows what happened that night, Adam arose to the smell of more wine and a terrible stench. He slowly opened his eye's to find himself under the table with a cup next to him, and of course his trusty sword still their. He slowly makes his way out of the table and bumping his head on the way. Cursing under his breath. He is spotted by some servant who gave him a questioning eye. Adam looks at him and asked, "You aaaah....Got some pie around here?" The servant shakes his head as tho looking at an idiot and walks off to retrieve a plate of tarts. Laying it next to adam and leaving. Adam rubs his eye's and suddenly felt something was missing. "Poppers the bloody hell are you!" Suddenly another sound of a thud was a heard on the other side and out popped Poppers. (For any of you who don't remember him he is the bartender guy. Don't worry he has his wife to cover him xD ) "Morning you shithead" answered from the grumbling Poppers. He slowly approaches Adam before taking a seat and grabbing a tart. Adam belches and looks to Popper, "Do you remember a thing last night?". Popper looking at him with a stern look, "The only thing I recalled was you nearly getting into a brawl with a guard, then nearly getting hooked with some noble woman, and then after that demanded pie from the chef before I dragged you out to the corridors. After that I have no fucking clue." Adam nods in approval, "That is the best story of myself drunk I've heard yet.....Where's Daenna?"
"That's why I have Mayi here. " Daenna quipped swinging her legs idly as her hair was trimmed and straightened by Mayi. She was in a rather airy mood despite her nightmare. Likely because of the early hour. Mayi finished cutting her hair and shooed her to get dressed and bathed. It fell to her shoulders and was straight. "Go on now. After that party Cayden's friends threw we must formally apologize to the magister. He is likely spitting mad unless he participated. We still need to apologize for so rudely invading his home. Even if it wasn't our intention."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"That's why I have Mayi here. " Daenna quipped swinging her legs idly as her hair was trimmed and straightened by Mayi. She was in a rather airy mood despite her nightmare. Likely because of the early hour. Mayi finished cutting her hair and shooed her to get dressed and bathed. It fell to her shoulders and was straight. "Go on now. After that party Cayden's friends threw we must formally apologize to the magister. He is likely spitting mad unless he participated. We still need to apologize for so rudely invading his home. Even if it wasn't our intention."

Gerrad suddenly looked sheepish as it occured to him that he had probably had his men offend the prince of Pentos becuase he realized because he hadn't reigned in his troops as active commander (Dallen being outside organizing until recently and Cayden being still out) that he may have took his guarding the princess orders and offended all of Pentos. "Yeah we should probably do that." He said with a self conscious cough.
Akio said:
"Perhaps we could, most likely I or Cayden will offer something if we ever come back to Pentos to ease over some frayed nerves and I doubt everyone is very pleased with us at the moment. But my men are paying for the food we take and the Inn's around the general area are getting quite a boon in business so all in all its not to damaging to our reputation. I will say Cayden is going slightly overboard with the protection detail, then again maybe not." He said that last part almost quiet a muse to himself.
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos.

POV: Aemond Velaryon

Aemond frowned for a moment but was able to hide it by taking a large gulp of wine, he really couldn't tell what they where up to and every time this man spoke it made Aemond more and more curious, but he was set on making sure he played his cards right.

"Cayden, who is he? Your friend or somethin?" Said Aerys.
"You should." Mayi said sternly before shooing him from the room. "Go on now. Get this all settled before breakfast. The princess must get ready for the busy day ahead."

The Disputed Lands, Golden Company Encampment

POV: Lucas Silverspear

The old knight smiled to himself as he observed the jewels left behind from Baelor Blackheart, the former Captain-General of the Golden Company. The man was wicked with a sword, quick with his tongue, and forgiving of misdeeds. He had a heart for every man under his command, but was able to come off as a begrudging wolf, only willing to snuggle up to a man for warmth. 'How it should be.' He reminded himself. Viserys Waters was too close to the soldiers, the pay he was giving them far too generous. The bastard had told the company they were still well of, and while that wasn't a lie, the artifacts from the Blackfyre dynasty told a different side of the story.

Jewels that went back to Bittersteel and the Targaryen's before them were missing, sold the old knight presumed. Rings of gold garnished with rare gemstones found only in the deep jungles south of Basalisk Point were now not in sight, likewise a collection of Valyrian steel knives that dated back to Daenarys the Dreamer were mysteriously absent. Silverspear, the bastard of a bastard, had no strong attachment to these items, other than what it meant for the company as a whole.

"We need to take more jobs." He was alone, speaking his mind to the air as if it would respond. He ought to laugh at what someone might think if they heard him. "We're running out of gold here, buying up sellsails and sell swords every day." They numbered exactly twelve thousand eight hundred and thirty two now, with over sixty ships of various state willing to give them passage across the Narrow Sea. Some were taken by pirates, more often than not they volunteered their services for daily fees. "We sit here and waste gold as if we were hens who squeezed out golden eggs." His red beard shook as anger filled him. Ser Lucas found the last significant artifact left from the Blackfyre line, a white egg the size of his head. Birthed by some dragon shortly before the Dance, Bittersteel had it and two others stolen when he ran, nay, retreated into exile. The Blackfyre's once believed they might hatch it, retake the Seven Kingdom's as Aegon had hundreds of years before them. Now it was a mantle piece, a very, very valuable one.

The egg gave Baelor great joy, the late Blackfyre thought that if he had a son, the egg might hatch. "He had Viserys instead." The whelp proved to be a fill in for Baelor, but Viserys hadn't been able to so much as stir the egg from its rest. "Nay, no one will. Dragons are gone." The egg would need to be sold. It alone would give the Golden Company the funds to hire twenty score more soldiers. More, if sold to the right merchant. Ser Lucas needed every ounce of coinage he could muster if he were to take the Seven Kingdoms. The plot of his would follow Viserys' own, with only having their oh so brave and valiant leader missing once the fighting started. 'It's not so hard to believe his rashness got him killed.' The only problem would be the Golden Captains, but most would meet similar fates. Sooner or late. The large man grinned.

"Captain, get in here!" So roared the fiery man.

It took moments for someone to hear the sound of his voice, pushing the tent flaps apart to see what the infamous Silverspear wanted. He was a younger soldier of clear Essosi ancestry. Perhaps he had a bit of Westerosi in him, but Ser Lucas doubted it. "Find me that old priest, the black one. Voggoro." He clarified. No man would misunderstand who he meant. The Black priest of Qohor was as subtle as Summer Snow. "Tell him Ser Lucas has need of his services."

"As you command." The captain didn't hesitate, he bowed his head in respect and left the tent, orderly as he should be. 'Good.' Ser Lucas thought. 'Now I wait for that old windbag to get here.' He looked back at the pale dragon egg, watching the embers of the fire flicker over its head. "Useless old relic."


The Free City of Pentos

Aetius Mahaeras

The magistrate of Pentos was furious. In just under a day a band of Sellswords presumed themselves worthy enough to roam freely throughout their city, his city. Reports were in from his numerous informants that even their dear Prince was being threatened by the bands leader, some Westerosi noble, at the very moment. Aetius was a man of principle and code, if only to bend it for his own advantages later. But for the public, he couldn't allow such rabble to run amuck in his city.

"Paedrian." He called to his slave in all but name. "A letter, please." The tan skinned indentured servant nodded, producing paper from the confines of a satchel.

"What is your bidding?" He had a meek voice, but such was fitting for an old man like Paedrian.

"One to the Second Sons, they aren't far from us. Another to the Golden Company. They are the only groups large enough for this assignment." The Westerosi would be taught manners, one way or another. "Write to both that there is a contract awaiting them from Aetius Mahaeras, magistrate of Pentos, of the forty families. Make it sound dire and dramatic, the swords will think there's more gold in it for them that way." He chuckled at his devious nature. Aetius was well versed in this game, politics, war, sex, violence. It was all routine to a magistrate from the Free Cities. And few were better at it than him, fewer could find more friends between Lannisport and Qarth than the Aetius Mahaeras, blood of the Andalos and Valyrians.

"As you say." Paedrian was scribbling down on the parchment, looking up at his master every so often, giving Aetius disapproving glances.

The Magistrate rolled his eyes. "Oh speak your mind."

"The sellswords will take time, Lord Aetius. Braavos might also grow suspicious. . Only so many times can you hire them for private ventures." The slave noted. "And who knows what further insults might be thrown from this foreigners lips between now or then?"

Aetius was not amused. "Oh let him prattle. An ill conceived thought, that is all he is."

"As you say, my master." Paedrian hummed. "But the insults may go answered by another magistrate."

The magistrate sighed, Paedrian was correct. "Fine then. Gather my house guard and we'll make for the palace of the prince. This troubling group was last seen there."

In over an hour, Aetius, Paedrian, and fifty Unsullied were on the move from his lavish estate to that of their chosen prince. The magistrate would have left sooner, but he needed to find the appropriate dress to meet with the savages. The moment would be spoken for weeks to come, of how the great Aetius saved the city of Pentos from thieving whoresons. Aetius smirked.

The group made their way to the imposing gate of the palace, and to their shock, it was left open and with no guards. "It's likely his grace has barricaded himself with what men are loyal to him." The Prince wasn't known to be cowardly, but this particular sellsword struck a cord in him. Aetius would find out why that was later, of course. But currently he had other objectives in mind. "Nevertheless, make peaceful the palace." Aetius looked at one of the captains of his freed Unsullied, his nose sticking high into the air.

The Unsullied had no concept of freedom, at least to Aetius' knowledge. The man replied brutishly. "As this one commands." His spear was lifted into the air and he stomped a foot forward, beginning his march. The other forty nine followed, with Aetius and Paedrian not far behind. The Unsullied shouted and smashed the base of their shafts into the granite below them as they entered. There were sellswords all about the palace, scum of the earth drinking and eating without a care. Aetius snarled at them as they recoiled. Some reached for weapons, others gauged the Unsullied for weakness. But it was too late, Aetius saw that clearly. Five were already formed up in their infamous lockstep formation. The Unsullied didn't lash out, they only pushed the Sellswords further into the palace. Using surprise and intimidation as their tool of destruction so far.

The Unsullied continued to fill out the entrance hallway, some steadily moving into adjacent rooms and shouting in some other Valyrian dialect commands to their enemies. Aetius would have no bloodshed quite yet. It was only after the Unsullied spread themselves fully, making a safe passage way for Paedrian and his master did the magistrate move fully into the palace. His eyes locked on several sellswords. 'Are they the captains?' He hadn't a clue. They would receive his ire, all the same.

With two Unsullied against the wall ever few feet, and the captain on Aetius' left, the magistrate lifted his hands and let his voice rise. "What madness is this?!" It was as loud as thunder, drawing winces from several of the sellswords. 'Enjoying too much of our wine, eh?' He continued, a look of contempt heavy on his face. "You worms defile our most sacred of shrines?! Rise now and speak, he who would think himself worthy of a palace of princes?!" His voice was dripping with venom as he continued. "Are you women and cravens from a distant land or men of some valor?! I said rise and speak!" The Unsullied beat the floor with the butts of their spears, adding to his speech.

Aetius felt pride swell inside him. If he were only one thing, it would be a skilled speaker. He had enraged a mob before, off of loose evidence of partial lies. Pentos was his, and this sellsword captain would learn the price of challenging his dominance soon enough.


@Crimson smile





Palace, Pentos, the Free Cities.

Nagito watched as the somber guards rushed into the palace hallway. From their stances and the lack of screaming in the direction they came from the sellswords either all surrender without a fight, an unlikely scenario given the intoxication of some of the band's members, or the Unsullied had been using less than lethal methods of peacekeeping, more likely the case. As a man with tattered clothing holding what seemed only to be a bo staff (what with the katana and wakizashi tucked under his cloak), the Unsullied went past him to handle the more obviously armed members nearby. One tried to corral Nagito with loud sounds and voices, but the Yi Tish only seemed dim and tired, and since he didn't actively intrude upon the peace of the Palace, the guard let him be. However, the Unsullied didn't seemed all that pleased with Nagito helping to block access to Daenna's room with Dom, and while the Yi Tish annoyed the guard, the guard couldn't exactly use force against Nagito, as he would then break his own orders to bring peace to the palace by starting a fight. Irritated, the guard moved on, rejoining his squad and sweeping elsewhere with their patrols and bringing order to the facility.
Palace> Pentos> Free cities

"Stay within the room Princess. " Dom ordered sternly shutting the door against any protest Daenna might have made. He stood firm besides Nagito against the guards but the fact he was causing no disruption to the peace was left alone.

Snarling Daenna hurried to change into her armor and secure her staff and rapier around her waist. tying her shortened hair into a pony tail with a leather band, as Mayi gathered their supplies. They had thought beforehand to leave their bags in the princesses room as it would be most guarded. Hearing the speech outside her door Daenna ignored her hand maidens protest and left her room. Dom shot her a stern glare as she stepped out beside him and Nagito but otherwise made no move to undermined her. She eyed the man with the bo staff coldly.

"I rise and I speak though I know not your name or place. Introduce yourself and I shall return the favor. Perhaps we can end this confrontation with no bloodshed on either parts."
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The Free City of Pentos

POV: Aetius Mahaeras

The magistrate looked at the girl, his lip curling up as he saw her hair. 'Westerosi bastard of their king.' He thought. "I am Aetius Mahaeras, magistrate of this city, protector of the walls, keeper of coins, of the forty families." He announced with great bravado, his hands never seemed to stop moving, as if he were conducting a puppet show. "Your mercenaries," The word was spat from his lips, "Are not welcome here. Their insults are great and it is only my mercy that I let you leave unscathed."

Paedrian inched closer to Aetius, whispering into his masters ear. "The girl is of House Targaryen." He began, the slave was scrutinizing her every form. "Only recently did she arrive, Daenna, third daughter of the Mad King." The informants Aetius had were some of the best in the city, the magistrate was only perturbed that he wasn't told sooner.

Aetius rolled his shoulder, eyeing his adviser from the corner of his eyes, unwilling to directly speak to the man.

"She is valuable." He finished.​

A malevolent smirk formed on Aetius' face. "Dragon spawn of the Red Flame!" He clapped his hands together, bowing his head slightly. "We heard it was a man who led this group, not a princess. You still have caused trouble in this city for us, but. . We may come to some agreement, if you would be willing to pay the price. Otherwise I must request your immediate departure, with force if I must." Aetius came off as pleased no matter what outcome would hit. He held an angry, yet confident smirk as the Unsullied stood as statues by his side. He was not worried, no, this was Pentos, not King's Landing. "Speak quickly child, and do so before the next step is taken."

Adam and popper

Palace, Pentos, the Free Cities.

After getting their fill from the main hall, the two decided to go off and find the others. Struggling to get up, Adam checked for his weapon and felt relieved that it was still attached to his back. Tho he felt a surging pain from his head and rubs his forehead. He looks to popper who surprisingly looked fine and full of energy l. "How come you aren't hung over?" Popper looks at him like the usual idiot he considered him. "I'm a bartender you dolt. I know how my limit meets. You need to do the same." Adam waves him off and the two head out to search. While they roam around the notice some of the guards looking at them with very harsh looks. Either it was how Adam smelled or some other crap. They finally meet two familiar guards who happened to guard the hallway that led to Daennas room. They chat for a bit and then the two walked until suddenly meeting an arse speaking to the Daenna. He was about to speak when poppers grabbed him. "Don't speak and look." He did so and noticed several unsullied soldiers standing by the confident looking bastard. "Hmmm fuckin sullied soldiers....haven't fought one in a while." Poppers looks at Adam with a raised eye.

@Crimson smile
Princes estate> Pentos


"One of my dear friends is the leader of this group but I am happy enough to claim them as my own in his steed. " Daenna stated keeping her cool in the face of such disrespect. " I myself nor my traveling companions have caused any trouble with you or your Prince. I would like to keep it this way if I may. State your price. If I find it suitable I shall pay it in his steed. Otherwise I am sure my friend and I will not be unwilling to leave your city, with our companions and men, peacefully. "
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Beginning what would likely be told far and wide for many years to come though by what side was still left to be told the Red Spears men were spread out in this fashion when the trouble started. Cayden had just returned with his personal guard of 200 who had been starting to disperse when the Unsullied had come in forcing mercenaries back in the building. Several patrols of a couple dozen men around the palace ground heard shouts and such come from the palace and currently started to head back from a few directions. As many as 500 men drinking and celebrating before the Unsullied pushed there way in, Dallen among them, hundreds more scattered through out the palace sleeping ((though many now woke)), and others guarding corridors and talking in small groups before commotion started drawing them to the main entrance along with about 20 men in the stables feeding horses in the early morning.

Meanwhile Cayden who had just been entering and allowing his men to disperse turned as did most of his soldiers. Many mercenaries had begun to rise in anger at his retort but three things restored them to order. First was the appearance of their 3 commanders.

Gerrard when the men entered sword and drew his sword stepping forward with his dozen knights though they did not engage as Daenna spoke, only forming a wall between them and her. Which considering Gerrard was one of the biggest men likely most of them had ever seen and his men were fully armored in plate was likely a pretty intimidating wall though they left room for Daenna to speak with the man. Dallen had when he heard shouts had hastily given Aemond an apologetic look before coming to the door to see the situation. Once he did however he turned to several men near him and starting giving orders to try and get the Red Spear into fighting shape as he started to get them into their squads again and diffuse tensions among his own men. Meanwhile Cayden turned with most of his men, his temper had never exactly been good and now hearing his men and himself be insulted so he brought his guard on an about face turned to face the man, looking down on him with a bit of a sneer.

Second is they expected with glee for their captain to give this pompess ass a tongue lashing and they quieted down to hear it.

Lastly was Daenna's appearance, which saw to shock to the men. Hearing they were guarding a princess was one thing, seeing her in person was another.

Daenna's appearance had also taken some of the wind out of Cayden's sails however and his anger cooled though he still was angry enough that he would not back down easily, especially with how he was speaking to Daenna. "She is not the commander of the Red Spear, who you have some brazenly insulted." He said his voice clear and cool. "My name is Cayden Martell, Prince of Dorne and this here is Princess Daenna of the ancient line of House Targaryns. I would watch your manner of address, she is free to speak for me since we are under her contract but I will not tolerate disrespect towards her or my men." He said looking down at the man with evident disdain.


@Crimson smile



@general ostruppen

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Adam and popper

Palace, Pentos, the Free Cities.

Adam looked at the situation with a bit more enthusiasm. "Well looks like cayden came in a good timing." Poppers nods in agreement, tho still a bit nervous. "Well let's just hope it doesn't escalate. I gotta meet Mary since I promised her to be back." Adam smiles, "Eeeeeh don't worry, I'm sure cayden and his stern looks can win the day and such." Adam then decides to step in and stand next to the guards nearby and giving them a nod, while popper caught up. Some of the guarss nod back and Adam slowly without making much noise whispers to one of the guards. "Who's this guy in front of Daenna?", the guard continues to look forward but whispers as well, "The magistrate...apparently he's pissed about us being roaming around and such." Adam does an *aaaah that's a fuckin stupid face*.
Pentos> Princes estate

"Prince Martell, " Daenna started sharply shooting Cayden a cold glare for his rash, if protective, comment. " I appreciate the gesture but I believe instead of saying such things to someone above your station is unwise. Especially when you should be attempting to control your men and issuing an apology to the Magister and Prince. Not insulting the Magister who is well within his rights to call us whatever he wishes after the insult he perceives we have cast upon him and his beautiful city. Even if he was wrong in his observation of myself or my companions having anything to do with your own actions. Or the actions of your men. "
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Free Cities, Pentos, An Alley, The Past

POV: William Thorne
Akio said:
Cayden clasped his arm eluded. While in practice it might have been a bit foolish to do so since William could have lied then skewered him or even planned to bring harm to Daenna herself but he knew William. His sense of honor was strong and he was a fierce warrior, having him on her side would be a great boon. Besides he had gotten another idea from meeting him. Daenna had guards but if she would make a claim then legitimacy was needed, anything they could do to back up her claim would be a benefit to their side. Not to mention they had many many enemies and they're would come a time where they may try to assassinate the young princess. The best way to give legitimacy and increase the strength of her guard was to form her own Queensguard. "Then if you plan to side with us there is work to be done. You may yet still yet wear the white cloak in your future if you so desire it." He said before breaking their embrace. "Shall we got back and meet Daenna, I feel she may be excited to see you. What did you mean about the only true dragon by the way? Do you know anything about her parentage?" He asked, he knew Kuriva was a bastard but he wondered what he knew.
William sighed. "The Queen was unfaithful, unsurprisingly. I saw her in bed with another man, and nine months later she had a kid. And I know the man who fathered Aerea." He kept a straight face at this last statement, not letting slip her true parentage. She had significantly redder hair than he did, somehow. He still wondered what became of her, sometimes. He shrugged the thoughts off. "We should get going if we want to get there before it's pitch black."

Free Cities, Pentos, Wherever This Confrontation Is

POV: William Thorne

William had bedded down somewhere discreet after gathering his equipment. It was a relatively plain room, but much more than that would have been a form of minor culture shock for William, so it was alright in his eyes. He removed all his weapons, stashed them around the room, and then rolled over and fell to sleep.

In the morning, he stirred of his own free will, eyes blearily blinking away the morning haze. As he stretched himself awake, his mind went over the events of last night, the sudden change in his fortunes. The chance encounter with Cayden, and the information that Westeros was in chaos, and the only living Dragon was in Essos and planning her own claim. It was a little staggering to suddenly have so much going on in his life. And as much as he wanted to fade back away into Essos and have nothing more to do with Westeros, his loyalties to the Targaryens and his life in Westeros were just too difficult to escape the pulls of.

William strapped on his sword, tucked daggers into various concealed locations, and stepped outside of his room and wandered the halls of this place, largely unnoticed. He'd find Cayden somewhere here, he knew it. He just had to find the most likely source of- there it was. Sounded like a commotion. William speeded his step and he glided quickly across the floor, turning a corner to find some sort of confrontation kicking off. Cayden and some Red Spears were confronting what William recognised as a magister and some Unsullied. A silver haired girl who he could only presume was Daenna seemed to be trying to calm the situation, and there were a few other armed men, and a man with a staff, who looked from somewhere in Yi Ti. He knew better than to underestimate someone from Yi Ti holding a staff. He'd learned that the hard way through a surprisingly difficult fight with the bodyguard of a Yi Ti merchant he was hired to kill.

William swiftly stepped back into a nearby, relatively heavy shadow to remain unseen and watched the scene unfold. As it was, Daenna was admonishing Cayden for something about controlling his men. He suppressed a sympathetic wince on Cayden's behalf. A wince would only be movement, and that blew stealth like nothing else.
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New Ghis, Master's Assembly.

Stridas, the Warrior Master.

"It is folly, too much risk! We can't move against the other cites, and rebuild an empire in mere years!" The words were a desperate plead, the Good Master all but begging against the decision. The room was dim-lit, with the atmosphere all but choking the inhabitants within, the Masters sat upon luxurious thrones, set about in a circular motion for the purpose of such meetings. Each one looked grander than any king, head to toe in beautiful silk garments which looked ethereal, and majestic in nature.

"Please... Just have pati - " The monologue was forcefully finished by the echoing sound of a powerful roar as a chair was brutally overturned, the clash of a steel boot audible to even those outside the chamber.

"We have practiced patience for long enough! We. Act. Now. Our ancestors would spit on us for our timidity, find your spine you fools!" The mans voice was practically a yell, the powerful statement received no challenge from the Masters who shook in fear. "I will not sit here, rotting away whilst greatness is in grasp! Do you hear the sound of those men when I promise them an Empire? Do you see the war machine that we possess, yet rusts away inactive, and crumbling?" The words were more a lecture, than an insult. Yet the tone was as authoritative as ever.

Moments of silence passed, as the man bristled for several seconds; yet the crashing of the door being opened with haste alerted the Masters immediately - each one fearing the worst - cowering like cats.
"Master Stridas," The man muttered with a confident tone, awaiting permission to continue, a curt nod was his response. "The First, Second, and Third Iron Legions stand ready at your behest. Morale is high, loyalty is high, and opportunity is within grasp. Do we claim it with both hands?"

The Masters were all but silent, some merely sat in silence; whilst others were pale-faced and shaking vibrantly. Those pompous twats never took a risk in their lives, they were better fit for slaves than Leader.
"Yes. Give the order, we sail in the hour. We've waited long enough!" Stridas replied excitedly, his face breaking into a large grin.


One Hour Time Skip:

New Ghis, Northern Port.

Stridas, the Warrior Master

The walk to the Fleet was filled with primal support, the streets were lined with the roars of thousands upon thousands of commoners, the roads littered with flowers, and wooden-depictions of Harpies. The roars became deafening, however, upon meeting with the First Iron Legion. "Stridas! Stridas! Stridas the Great! Stridas! Stridas! Stridas the Great!" Pride overcame the man, and he boarded his flagship, aptly named
The Imperial Harpy, the rest of the fleet was amassed much the same. The other Legions would set off from separate ports, each commanded by a Commander elected by the particular Legion. "The Empire lives again." First Legionary Razdar zo Chloryk said with a prideful smirk, his hand clasped to his chest. Stridas replied in turn, "The Empire lives again." his own hand clasped to his chest in turn.


Three Week Time Skip:

Astapor, Outer Walls

Stridas, the Warrior Master

Stridas stood powerfully before the great city of Astapor, it's walls manned with an abundance of soldiers; and the gates sealed tight, the prize within the walls would be his. Had to be hi. The fabled Unsullied, true representatives of the Old Iron Legions - yet not free men. But slave soldiers, made killing machined by their masters - a useful tool to possess, no doubt.

All around the army bustled, makeshift tents, and wooden pikes erecting all around. Some 30,000 well-trained, patriotic men surrounded Astapor.
"The Masters within must be as dickless as their fabled Unsullied." Razdar commented bluntly, eliciting a chuckle from Stridas who stared at the walls deep in thought. "Have a messenger sent to the Good Masters with my terms for their surrender, have the other First Legionary's meet in the Command Tent within the hour. If diplomacy fails, we wait. Give them a weak to come to their senses, if that fails, I want Astapor crawling with disease. We'll see how long the will of the Good Masters of Astapor holds out." Stridas commanded with harsh dialect, his eyes piercing the very walls of Astapor. This was but the beginning of his campaign.

Astapor was merely an inconvenience. The Unsullied where of no use trapped in the city, Astapor's defenses were weak, and crumbling, it's walls short, and Masters without courage. To take the city - and 8,000 Unsullied without battle - was a feat of brilliance, and a great boon to the New Ghiscari Empire. Yet no easiness lay ahead, the Dothraki hordes of the Great Grass Sea would be a massive threat, as would a potential coalition between threatened city. Meereen could prove to be a dangerous endeavor, and the already powerful Volantis may seem to dismantle New Ghis before it can grow.

To prosper, Stridas needed allies... But who? He couldn't afford to lose too much strength in a costly battle. Qarth, Braavos, Dothraki, Meereen, Volantis, Basilisk Isle Pirates, all were massive threats, each one capable of ruining the goals Stridas had set. He would not -
no, could not - fail.

Good Masters of Astapor,

Under command of the Council of the New Ghiscari Empire, these are the terms of your surrender. From this day forth, Astapor will consider itself a vassal-nation of its rightful overlord, New Ghis.

Astapor will remain self-governed by its nobility, and will be protected by the Iron Legions of it's overlord.

All Unsullied - and future Unsullied - are to be transferred to the New Ghiscari Empire, as the Unsullied are the main source of Astapor's wealth; the Good Masters will be compensated with substantial grants of Gold Dragons from their overlords in the Imperial Council.

Astapor will prosper, and the sum it will receive for cooperation will be greater than it can ever hope to create alone.

Should the Good Masters of Astapor refuse the terms; they have a week to reconsider, failing this. The city will be choked by the might of New Ghis, Astapor will rot from the inside out, and no man, woman, or child will be offered mercy.

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