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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"With all the attention he pay's to it, I sometimes question which he likes more. Woman or his horse. " Deanna said in agreement. Taking a swing of her Rum. She had a tolerance for most drink thanks to many nights drinking and gambling with the guards and then her time on the ship. "I wouldn't expect any less. You seem like a man who can hold his drink well. Not at all like Cayden could when we were younger. Once we snuck out of our rooms to go bug the guards into letting us gamble with them. Cayden ended up passing out into his cup by the time he had finished his firs pint. I wasn't much better and we found ourselves carried to bed after our private guards were alerted to our location. He got better after a few more sleepless nights. "

He nearly spit out his drink at that coughing several times as he tried to regain his breath. "Seriously...." He said breathlessly trying to regain his breath after that, it would have been very bad if he had spit taken all over the princess. "He drinks pretty well now but to think he was like that, I was downing pints at 13 years old without much trouble." With his size that was probably true, Cayden had been thin and smaller when he was a kid, it was only starting his last year at Kingslanding that he started growing in height quickly. "Still to think Cayden was taking you our gambling when you were younger, typical of him. He probably got an ear full after all that." He said scratching his head. "Did he always train as much even back then with his damn spear, he trains with that thing till his hands bleed, makes feel lazy watching him." He said now fully recovered.
Free Cities, Pentos, An Alley (Totally Not A Drug Dealer, Guys)

POV: William Thorne
Akio said:
"I take it you deserted the wall and worked in the disputed lands, from your reputation." He said turning past two of his guards with a nod and into a dark alley where he finally stopped, the guards just outside it. Members of the Red Spear seemed to be spreading all over the city, apparently whatever Cayden was doing and what he was protecting was major enough figure to move his entire force. "I never believed you were really guilty of treason and i'm guessing it does not matter not with the situation is Westeros." He turned and looked at William. "William the seven kingdoms are in chaos right now. Kuriva has created a national incident and the Stormlands, Winterfell, and the Riverlands have risen in revolt under Bartheon banners. The Reach, Dorne, and the West have all remained neutral thus far and the Vale has declared for Kuriva and now defends her along with the Crownlands. The person I am guarding is Daenna Targaryan, who's been placed into an engagement with an Ibben lord who offers 40,000 warrior to the crown.... Yet that is not her plan, she plan to makes her own claim. Kuriva is a failure as a leader to allow this to happen and must be replaced to ease the other great houses. I plan to convince Dorne to rally to her aid and try to draw in the Reach and the West to her side." He said watching him carefully, he had never seen him since the day he was exiled so he no idea on his feelings on the Targaryan blood line. If it came to blood he would hold him long enough for his men to come behind him and together strike him down. William could be a powerful ally if he sided with them but a dangerous enemy if he turned against them. Still in the narrow ally when he had no armor he was confident he could take him him down or hold him long enough for his men to flank around and kill him.
William nodded along with the guess as to what happened. Cayden's faith in his innocence was nice, though. He hadn't heard the wrong story and been bitterly against him or anything. Unlikely, but possible. Then the reeling off of events trampled any and all other thoughts into the ground. If Kuvira was now Queen, that meant that Maeryn was dead. Good riddance, Westeros was entirely better off without him. Although by the sounds of it, maybe not. With Daenna now being the only trueborn Targaryen still alive, and her planning to claim for herself, he knew where his duties lay, even if he was barely affiliated with Westeros anymore.

William looked Cayden in the eye, a small, resolute fire in them. "My grudge was against Maeryn, not the Targaryens. And from what I gathered, Maeryn is dead. Thank the Stranger for that. If the only real Dragon is here and planning to spread her wings, then I plan to be at her side. Will you have me?" William held out his arm, waiting for Cayden to either reject it or hold out his own, so they could clasp each other's forearms.
Fezzes said:
Free Cities, Pentos, An Alley (Totally Not A Drug Dealer, Guys)POV: William Thorne

William nodded along with the guess as to what happened. Cayden's faith in his innocence was nice, though. He hadn't heard the wrong story and been bitterly against him or anything. Unlikely, but possible. Then the reeling off of events trampled any and all other thoughts into the ground. If Kuvira was now Queen, that meant that Maeryn was dead. Good riddance, Westeros was entirely better off without him. Although by the sounds of it, maybe not. With Daenna now being the only trueborn Targaryen still alive, and her planning to claim for herself, he knew where his duties lay, even if he was barely affiliated with Westeros anymore.

William looked Cayden in the eye, a small, resolute fire in them. "My grudge was against Maeryn, not the Targaryens. And from what I gathered, Maeryn is dead. Thank the Stranger for that. If the only real Dragon is here and planning to spread her wings, then I plan to be at her side. Will you have me?" William held out his arm, waiting for Cayden to either reject it or hold out his own, so they could clasp each other's forearms.
Cayden clasped his arm eluded. While in practice it might have been a bit foolish to do so since William could have lied then skewered him or even planned to bring harm to Daenna herself but he knew William. His sense of honor was strong and he was a fierce warrior, having him on her side would be a great boon. Besides he had gotten another idea from meeting him. Daenna had guards but if she would make a claim then legitimacy was needed, anything they could do to back up her claim would be a benefit to their side. Not to mention they had many many enemies and they're would come a time where they may try to assassinate the young princess. The best way to give legitimacy and increase the strength of her guard was to form her own Queensguard. "Then if you plan to side with us there is work to be done. You may yet still yet wear the white cloak in your future if you so desire it." He said before breaking their embrace. "Shall we got back and meet Daenna, I feel she may be excited to see you. What did you mean about the only true dragon by the way? Do you know anything about her parentage?" He asked, he knew Kuriva was a bastard but he wondered what he knew.
"Cayden was a small kid. Probably why I could manage to push him down into the mud even though he was older then me. And who said it was him who took me out gambling? I'm the one that had to drag him out of his room in order to convince him to come with me. Even he wasn't foolish enough to willingly face my fathers wrath." Daenna grinned as she took a swing of her rum. "You can bet despite his size he still practiced with that stick of his though. When he first got it I managed to actually beat him a few times with how clumsy he was with it. After he got a handle on it though he got me back. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Cayden was a small kid. Probably why I could manage to push him down into the mud even though he was older then me. And who said it was him who took me out gambling? I'm the one that had to drag him out of his room in order to convince him to come with me. Even he wasn't foolish enough to willingly face my fathers wrath." Daenna grinned as she took a swing of her rum. "You can bet despite his size he still practiced with that stick of his though. When he first got it I managed to actually beat him a few times with how clumsy he was with it. After he got a handle on it though he got me back. "

"It seems you are quite the little spit fire yourself, no wonder Cayden speaks so highly of you." He said taking another long draft of his drink. "To bad his stamina is kind of low and hes so stuck to that spear else he would be a world class fighter though even right now he's still damn good and probably better then me in single combat, especially if he uses his tricks and poisons his spear like he does on the real battlefield." He said stretching a bit. "Always kind of wondered why he never switched to sword and shield, its better against armored knights but he never let go of his spear and trained till he could beat most knights in combat. Even so I can't help but wonder if he could have been better with another weapon." He said before amending. "He's a pretty good archer though, though Dallen manages to out shoot him every time."
"He is from Sunspear. Perhaps he keeps it close because it reminds him of his home. " Daenna suggested idly before drinking. She had no qualms about drinking heavily, though knew it wasn't wise to do so. If she got drnk, which she doubted, Dom would ensure nothing would happen to her. "I've shared some of the better stories so it's your turn. I haven't seen Cayden since he left and have no doubt you have a few stories to tell."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"He is from Sunspear. Perhaps he keeps it close because it reminds him of his home. " Daenna suggested idly before drinking. She had no qualms about drinking heavily, though knew it wasn't wise to do so. If she got drnk, which she doubted, Dom would ensure nothing would happen to her. "I've shared some of the better stories so it's your turn. I haven't seen Cayden since he left and have no doubt you have a few stories to tell."

"Hmmm." He said scratching the side of his face lightly. "Well I can't tell you to many embarrassing stories, he's grown a lot since you've known him and like I said I've been trying to get something on him for a year. However I can tell you how I met him. I am a smith from the free city of Quhor originally, I grew up on the streets there and was eventually in a much longer tale taken in but a weapons smith. I made good stuff, I even made Cayden a new spear after the first broke and my own weapons and armor. Eventually though I got tired of life as a smith and planned to leave after making my own weapons and armor with my two kids. But they don't let smiths leave Quhor easily so I was chased. There were to many to fight so it looked like the end for me but the first time i met him he was flying over a hill on his horse and spearing the guy to my right. Dallen was with him during that time and him and the beginning's of the Red Spears threw back my assailants and slaughtered them. They saved me and my two children, for that I will always owe him." He said taking another draft of his Rum.
"Of course he did." Daenna smirked rolling her eyes fondly. "He likes being the hero. Always has. When we first met I was being chased by my personal guard. They wanted to take me back to my embroidery class. I was almost caught when Cayden grabbed me and pulled me around the corner and into an enclave. I escaped my classes that day and found myself with a new sparring partner. Which was good because my last one begged out of sparring with me. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Of course he did." Daenna smirked rolling her eyes fondly. "He likes being the hero. Always has. When we first met I was being chased by my personal guard. They wanted to take me back to my embroidery class. I was almost caught when Cayden grabbed me and pulled me around the corner and into an enclave. I escaped my classes that day and found myself with a new sparring partner. Which was good because my last one begged out of sparring with me. "

"He does like to play hero, especially to woman." He said rolling his eyes also kind of fondly. "I'm a good 8 years older then him but he always inspires something in you, he's a good leader though sometimes his tactician ability for a large group slacks, he gets to focused on one thing. That's why Dallen handles most of our larger group tactics. But he inspires confidence in his soldiers and they all generally like him." He said leaning back a bit letting his liquor settle.
"He has grown up a lot since he left." Daenna noted. "Before he usually just focused on causing trouble, woman, and training. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as it's been a while. A lot has happened to both of us."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"He has grown up a lot since he left." Daenna noted. "Before he usually just focused on causing trouble, woman, and training. I guess I shouldn't be surprised as it's been a while. A lot has happened to both of us."

"Indeed, and far more on the horizon." He said sipping his Rum. "I know something big is happening in Westeros and we will probably be in the thick of it. So ill just do as I always do. Fight in the direction my brother points, maybe win a better life for my children outside of the free cities. I wish for far better for them compared to what I had. I'm a soldier not a leader. Yours, Caydens, and even Dallen's lives are all a lot harder. You all have to see past yourselves and consider what to do. Me, my life is simple." He said looking at her.
"I truly hope that you will accomplish your wish. " Daenna stated solemnly. "Right now Westeros is on the brick of war. It is my wish, though perhaps naive, to stop the war before it gets to far. I need help to do that. No matter the way this ends I will be in the debt of all who offer their help. Especially against such odds. I must admit that thus far I have acted rashly. I am still trying to act like a child when I need to be an adult. I have been lucky but I shall endeavor to make wiser decisions from here on. If not for my sake then for those extending their help."
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I truly hope that you will accomplish your wish. " Daenna stated solemnly. "Right now Westeros is on the brick of war. It is my wish, though perhaps naive, to stop the war before it gets to far. I need help to do that. No matter the way this ends I will be in the debt of all who offer their help. Especially against such odds. I must admit that thus far I have acted rashly. I am still trying to act like a child when I need to be an adult. I have been lucky but I shall endeavor to make wiser decisions from here on. If not for my sake then for those extending their help."

"Well admitting you need help is certainly the first step to improving. A boy can swing a stick all he wants but only by learning from a professional can grow stronger in a short amount of time. Cayden knows a lot and is pretty bright but if you want advice id probably seek out my other brother in arms Dallen. Hes good at seeing the big picture and is one of those really level headed kind of people who keep calm no matter what the situation. If anyone can look at your situation and offer advice objectively its probably him." He said shrugging.
"I will consider it." Daenna nodded in acknowledgement. Feeling tiredness creep up onto her she placed her pint down and stood with a large yawn. "I believe it is time I retire for the night. A busy day is usually followed by another. I trust you can find your way out."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I will consider it." Daenna nodded in acknowledgement. Feeling tiredness creep up onto her she placed her pint down and stood with a large yawn. "I believe it is time I retire for the night. A busy day is usually followed by another. I trust you can find your way out."

He chuckled getting up with a slight bit of effort due to his armor. "I may be a little tipsy but im not drunk just yet, ill be standing guard duty outside with my men so don't get surprised if im out there in the morning. Now if you will excuse me princess, i hope you have a pleasant night while ill go speak to your guard." He said with a chuckle walking out to look at Dom. "I take it you plan to stand guard with us as well." He said in his usual deep rumble.
"Goodnight." Daenna stated simply before crawling into her bed. It was as soft as her bed back at the red keep and she fell asleep easily. Dom eyed the large man as he left his charges chamber. "You may be Cayden's men but that doesn't mean I don't have my eye on you. I ain't leaving until I'm sure that it's safe to. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Goodnight." Daenna stated simply before crawling into her bed. It was as soft as her bed back at the red keep and she fell asleep easily. Dom eyed the large man as he left his charges chamber. "You may be Cayden's men but that doesn't mean I don't have my eye on you. I ain't leaving until I'm sure that it's safe to. "

The man chuckled. "Then I hope your ready for long nights then, Cayden plans to have me or Dallen guarding her at all times when hes not there till further notice when hes not here. You may be a decent guard but yet its not Queensguard quite yet so for now me and my men will keep watch in the hallway, some of Dallen's men watch the windows just in case, all of them are pretty good archers and while my own men are usually Calvary men they probably fight as well as your average knight so she's well protected for now. Your more then welcome to join us though, I always like conversing with other warriors." He said good naturally looking at the guard.
"Maybe." Dom stated simply. He wasn't one for talking much and when he did talk it was usually full of insults unless it was toward someone he cared about or couldn't disrespect. It did well to hide his intelligence. He didn't try to further the conversation and just leaned back against the wall in a slouch.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Maybe." Dom stated simply. He wasn't one for talking much and when he did talk it was usually full of insults unless it was toward someone he cared about or couldn't disrespect. It did well to hide his intelligence. He didn't try to further the conversation and just leaned back against the wall in a slouch.

"You know speaking of a Queensguard." Gerrard said more then talkative enough for both of them, especially since he was slightly buzzed. "Is that girl ever planning to make one? Your likely pretty skilled yourself and that dude from Yi Ti I heard about sounded odd but if one were to form a Queensguard for her I wonder who would join it."
Dom sighed when it seemed like the larger man wouldn't stop speaking. Giving up he nodded. "She is already forming it. If unknowingly. She came to the free cities with just Mayi and I but since then Nagito has joined us, and another might as well. She is not one to trust others easily but has a good sense when it comes to people. Though at times it may not seem like it. I have no doubt that more shall join to form a rather unorthodox Queens guard. It just takes time. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Dom sighed when it seemed like the larger man wouldn't stop speaking. Giving up he nodded. "She is already forming it. If unknowingly. She came to the free cities with just Mayi and I but since then Nagito has joined us, and another might as well. She is not one to trust others easily but has a good sense when it comes to people. Though at times it may not seem like it. I have no doubt that more shall join to form a rather unorthodox Queens guard. It just takes time. "

"Another? I heard of the eastern swordsmen but i did not know there was another one here among her companions. If she makes her Queensguard official think you and that eastern swordsmen will join it?" He asked looking at Dom arms crossed. "From what my brother told me the vows of those who guard the queen are usually not taken lightly." He said off handingly though there was some curiosity in his tone.
"I have no doubt that I will join it. I basically do so already. " Dom stated. "As for the swordsman I believe so. He seem's intent on protecting her for his own reasons. Ones I respect. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I have no doubt that I will join it. I basically do so already. " Dom stated. "As for the swordsman I believe so. He seem's intent on protecting her for his own reasons. Ones I respect. "

"Mhmm, more honor to you then. Unfortunately the vows of a Queensguard don't fit me and I consider my vow to Cayden higher then any promise I can make. Honestly if it wasn't for Cayden being a Queensguard seems more like Dallens thing, though hes more of an archer then a swordsmen. With that Dragonbone bow of his hes one of the finest archers I've ever seen and trained his men as archers as well. He's the tactician of our group."
"You speak so highly of him he must be something." Dom noted. He was doing his best to speak properly instead of falling back onto his usual slang. "I favor archery though it's been a while since I've wielded a bow. Not since my last hunt. I might grab one the next time I come across a fitting bow. Take it up again. "
Pentos,The Free Cities, Pentos.

The fair haireds man response made Aemond laugh a little.

"I respect your secrecy and devotation to your contractor but... If you must hide them even with this level of protection they would be mighty important no?"

Aemond paused before continuing, to introduce himself he projected his voice so that no one close would miss it.

"My name is Aemond of the House Velaryon brother to Lord Baelor Velaryon Ex Commander of the Windblown and Ex Admiral of the Jolly Fellows, some might know me as the Rogue..."

Aemond had always been rather full of himself and started to approach the fair haired man closer as he spoke.


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