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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

Vance - Magister's Manor

Vance smiled politely beneath the darkness in his hood, impossible to tell based on such a fact that he were doing such at all. "It sounds as though you have rather devious plans in regards to your queen. It should be known that young girls are known for being rash in their decisions as well, but this is of no matter. Your terms are fair in my eyes, and I should accept them." He said, leaning forward and resting his elbows on the table. "On the matter of your transportation to Ibben, we could leave now and be there in a month should the weather be favorable. Get it out of the way, so to speak. It should be noted, The Shadow King will not require your persistent presence, and you will be allowed travel as you wish so long as your presence is not necessary and location known so that in the case of danger, assistance can be sent." Vance said, standing from his chair and walking about to the entrance to the courtyard. "So, will you leave with me soon, or shall you be taking your own transportation? Time is of the essence, given the good king's condition."

In regards to the supposed soldiers that were ordered to essentially surround the magister's mansion, there were no-one outside given the entirety of "negotiations" had taken all of a couple minutes. Not to say he wouldn't be seeing them later, as he had intentions to speak with certain magisters and perhaps even the figure-head prince himself before leaving. It weren't as though he would need to hide from anybody anyway, as aside from the whole "murder a woman for her blood" situation was the only illegal thing he had done in Pentos, which in comparison to a highly-armed group of two thousand mercenaries strolling into your city, was of little concern to the magisters. He still had certain negotiations of possibly higher value to attend to.
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He agreed awefully fast. Daenna noted warily. She had hoped he would argue and allow her time, as well as Cayden. However, she found herself trying to come up with more terms that weren't just awfully ridiculous. Keeping her cool Daenna stood. "I do have business to finish here as well as things to gather, and it is awful late, so I will arrange my own travel. I have my own ship that will arrive at my summon's. In three day's time when I am sure my business in Pento's is complete I shall follow you. Then I expect we shall go into the finer details of the alliance between Ibben and Westeros. "

Vance - Magister's Manor

Vance stood in the frame of the gate or doorway, whichever was more likely for the look of the manor, looking into Deanna's eyes. A short pause as he thought came between the two. "Of course. I suppose I could stay another day to set off with you and your companions. Safety in numbers, as they say." He said, noting the fact that pirates were a very real danger. His thoughts were crowding with all that he would have to visit to get his way, or even attempt to get his way, not to mention what he may need to give up to the magisters as they were notorious for being greedy little shitbags.
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"There is also safety in being hidden and staying low. " Daenna insisted. "The crew is strong and loyal to me. The ship brought me to Pentos from Westeros safely and I have no doubt it will continue to do so. I am aware that the sea is full of danger's but I have faith that my journey will be largely uneventful. Plus, it will take more then a day to finish what need's done here in Pentos. The few day's before I leave shall also allow me to gather my thoughts. So much has occurred recently that it is a bit overwhelming. Especially for one as young as myself. I'm sure you understand. "

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Aemond Velaryon, Pentos, The Magistrate.

The Magister trusted Aemond enough that his men and Aemonds parted ways near the end of the journey so that he could attend another meeting/greeting and apologised but explained he was a busy man, however he managed to give Aemond simple directions towards the Magistrate.

As Aemond approached the magistrate he noticed what seemed like soldiers being ordered around, it would be an understatement to say he was suspicious of these men.

Aemond lifted his hand to signal the halt of the carts behind him, his crew seemed to get the jist of it so they prepared themselves for a confrontation as much as they could and moved up behind Aemond.

Aemond called out to the men.

"What business do you men have here huh? If I were to hazard a guess it would not be to meet with the Magisters?"

Lancelot said:
Aemond Velaryon, Pentos, The Magistrate.
The Magister trusted Aemond enough that his men and Aemonds parted ways near the end of the journey so that he could attend another meeting/greeting and apologised but explained he was a busy man, however he managed to give Aemond simple directions towards the Magistrate.

As Aemond approached the magistrate he noticed what seemed like soldiers being ordered around, it would be an understatement to say he was suspicious of these men.

Aemond lifted his hand to signal the halt of the carts behind him, his crew seemed to get the jist of it so they prepared themselves for a confrontation as much as they could and moved up behind Aemond.

Aemond called out to the men.

"What business do you men have here huh? If I were to hazard a guess it would not be to meet with the Magisters?"

Several men turned to the man post haste and put their hands to their swords but the long haired fair man simply lifted his hand and they hesitated waiting for his command. "No we are not here for the Magisters, I guess you could say we are protecting a certain visiting dignitary at the orders of our commander, we mean no harm to you traveler." The fair haired mans voice was cool and polite as he inclined his head to the man in greeting. "You may go inside if you wish, we do not intend to impend your process." He nodded to a few of his men who rode off, while others entered the castle leaving just the fair haired man and a small guard. "My name is Dallen, lieutenant of the Red Spears, and who may you be?"

A bit later a massive man walked in, heavily armored with 12 other men armored in similar heavy armor walked into the room, behind them trailing two men in dark clothing, seeming so similar they could only be twins who approached Daenna carefully, keeping their swords sheathed. Their leader would have towered over Daenna even if she was standing by a head of not more he looked down at her. "Daenna Targaryan I take it? You are as beautiful as my brother says. I am Gerrard Stonefist, honored brother of Cayden who asked me to come and bring my men to bare on your protection in case of any incidents." He said inclining his head to her, a gesture the men behind him, most of them but the two archer twins very large men, repeated.
Free Cities, Pentos, An Inn

POV: William Thorne
Akio said:
While he himself was being careful not to get to drunk the bar was full of celebrators today as it seemed the entire bar was filled with mercenaries. Judging by the sense of comradship and easy arguments between them they were likely all in the same company and considering they were not shy is telling tales it was easy to know who they were, the Red Spears.
The Red Spears was a relatively new mercenary company who had experienced a very quick rise in numbers and contracts in the last couple years. They were renown for their lightning fast and clever offenses and high maneuverability due to the fact while many of them fought on foot every single one of them owned a horse including an great amount of Dornish sand steeds which that and their symbol make many think they are affiliated with the Westerosi kingdom. They were obviously celebrating when someone suddenly all but kicked the door in to gather attention. There naturally was Cayden, prince of Dorne who spent time at kingslanding, often in the company of Daenna Targayan. It had been some years but he was still recognizable, if anything the heart breaker of kingslanding look more mature then ever.. "Hey you bastards you have to get to work! Pay your tabs and get moving! Round up with Dallen back at the magistrates and he'll give you orders." One of the drunker men looked at him a bit accusingly. "You promised us drinks captain, you usually keep your promises yet you want us to march without even a fair drink?" Cayden gave him a look and the man raised his hands defensively. "Just saying captain, dont worry were going." He got up with a bit of a struggle and the tavern owner seemed a little shocked that the crowded tavern was now empty whike Cayden look around satisfied before his eyes fell on Williams form a bit curiously, he seemed strangely familiar.
William looked around curiously, moving his eye but not his head to conceal the action. He'd heard about the Red Spears, but never really thought much of them. After all, it wasn't like he'd ever need to know them well. He doubted that he'd be interacting with them much. This statement was proven wrong when the door was slammed open by... someone. He called out to his soldiers. Judging from the way they reacted, his soldiers were the Red Spears. Fuck, there was something about that face that he couldn't shake as being familiar. The man had a quick back and forth with one of the men, but seemed to win it. Suddenly, the tavern was largely empty, and the man finally laid his eyes on William. Those eyes... they were familiar...

Cayden! That was it! He was looking at the Viper of the Sands himself. William couldn't help but smile a little at the chance encounter. Although the fact that he was in charge of the Red Spears was interesting. He had no doubt that the man was in charge, for Cayden was not the type to settle for less. He raised his glass to Cayden, wondering if Cayden recognised him back. True, he had changed greatly over the five years, especially with the loss of an eye and the white cloak of a Kingsguard. He still remembered the man, but a boy of twelve when he turned up in Kings Landing. He possessed that look and touch of adventure that only a gifted few men could lay claim to, and it remained with him to this day.

At last, William decided to stand and speak. "If you're looking for some extra swords, the name's Ashten Rose." The alias slipped off his tongue easily, almost accidentally. He'd conditioned himself into treating that as his name over the past years. He'd amend the error in private, but for now that would do. "You may have heard the name. Some people whisper and call me 'Shadow', if that rings a bell. Either way, I'm a handy sword to have around, although I'd need to go upstairs to get the rest of my equipment if we're heading out now. We'll talk pay later." He spoke with a confidence that he would not be refused, for few would refuse the name of Ashten Rose coming to their aid. He'd either be a fool or ignorant to do so. Or mistrustful of others, although recognition should change that.
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Fezzes said:
Free Cities, Pentos, An InnPOV: William ThorneWilliam looked around curiously, moving his eye but not his head to conceal the action. He'd heard about the Red Spears, but never really thought much of them. After all, it wasn't like he'd ever need to know them well. He doubted that he'd be interacting with them much. This statement was proven wrong when the door was slammed open by... someone. He called out to his soldiers. Judging from the way they reacted, his soldiers were the Red Spears. Fuck, there was something about that face that he couldn't shake as being familiar. The man had a quick back and forth with one of the men, but seemed to win it. Suddenly, the tavern was largely empty, and the man finally laid his eyes on William. Those eyes... they were familiar...

Cayden! That was it! He was looking at the Viper of the Sands himself. William couldn't help but smile a little at the chance encounter. Although the fact that he was in charge of the Red Spears was interesting. He had no doubt that the man was in charge, for Cayden was not the type to settle for less. He raised his glass to Cayden, wondering if Cayden recognised him back. True, he had changed greatly over the five years, especially with the loss of an eye and the white cloak of a Kingsguard. He still remembered the man, but a boy of twelve when he turned up in Kings Landing. He possessed that look and touch of adventure that only a gifted few men could lay claim to, and it remained with him to this day.

At last, William decided to stand and speak. "If you're looking for some extra swords, the name's Ashten Rose." The alias slipped off his tongue easily, almost accidentally. He'd conditioned himself into treating that as his name over the past years. He'd amend the error in private, but for now that would do. "You may have heard the name. Some people whisper and call me 'Shadow', if that rings a bell. Either way, I'm a handy sword to have around, although I'd need to go upstairs to get the rest of my equipment if we're heading out now. We'll talk pay later." He spoke with a confidence that he would not be refused, for few would refuse the name of Ashten Rose coming to their aid. He'd either be a fool or ignorant to do so. Or mistrustful of others, although recognition should change that.
Having cleared the room Cayden was satisfied yet something about this sell sword raising a glass to him that seemed familiar. Cayden had always been skilled at recognizing people and faces but his look and loss of an eye changed the room of his face much and when he had been in King Cayden had never seen the man without his white cloak. Cayden cocked his head like a curious bird, something that William would likely remember from his time at Kingslanding. His accent had been stronger then, before years of time in Kingslanding and the Free Cities had helped him generalize his tone but when he spoke it was with the same sure confidence that had landed him in so many dangerous situations and into many beds even in the Red Keep that he was constantly complained against due to his tendency to ignore rules and restrictions and anything else that could tie him down. The man was simply not made for sitting still, a shame considering he was smart enough to be a Maester as many Maesters had been want to say. Never the less despite this he was also known for his loyalty so it was unlikely he ever really offending William and he had always respected the position of Kingsgaurd though he claimed he would never be able to take vows like that for celibacy would be a far too difficult fate.

"Ashten Rose, your reputation is deadly though I'm not sure you would find much excitement with us at the moment." He said looking at him as if still trying to figure out what made this man seem so familiar. "We are guarding a certain individual in the city of Pentos and while its not likely any harm will come to her I am simply taking precautions." Years as a mercenary made him careful and while the "Shadow" had a good reputation he wasn't sure that at the moment he needed man outside his own band to guard Daenna or did he even want to have men of possible questionable loyalties in her guard, it was not his life he was playing around with after all but hers. "I'm Cayden of the Red Spears, have we met before? You seem familiar to me." He said a bit stumped to who the man might be.
Free Cities, Pentos, An Inn

POV: William Thorne
Akio said:
Having cleared the room Cayden was satisfied yet something about this sell sword raising a glass to him that seemed familiar. Cayden had always been skilled at recognizing people and faces but his look and loss of an eye changed the room of his face much and when he had been in King Cayden had never seen the man without his white cloak. Cayden cocked his head like a curious bird, something that William would likely remember from his time at Kingslanding. His accent had been stronger then, before years of time in Kingslanding and the Free Cities had helped him generalize his tone but when he spoke it was with the same sure confidence that had landed him in so many dangerous situations and into many beds even in the Red Keep that he was constantly complained against due to his tendency to ignore rules and restrictions and anything else that could tie him down. The man was simply not made for sitting still, a shame considering he was smart enough to be a Maester as many Maesters had been want to say. Never the less despite this he was also known for his loyalty so it was unlikely he ever really offending William and he had always respected the position of Kingsgaurd though he claimed he would never be able to take vows like that for celibacy would be a far too difficult fate.
"Ashten Rose, your reputation is deadly though I'm not sure you would find much excitement with us at the moment." He said looking at him as if still trying to figure out what made this man seem so familiar. "We are guarding a certain individual in the city of Pentos and while its not likely any harm will come to her I am simply taking precautions." Years as a mercenary made him careful and while the "Shadow" had a good reputation he wasn't sure that at the moment he needed man outside his own band to guard Daenna or did he even want to have men of possible questionable loyalties in her guard, it was not his life he was playing around with after all but hers. "I'm Cayden of the Red Spears, have we met before? You seem familiar to me." He said a bit stumped to who the man might be.
William noted the cocked head and smiled. He was definitely speaking to Cayden. He reminisced momentarily on his time in Kings Landing, when he wasn't being sent to the Wall by an insane king, or living a mercenary's life in Essos. Those were better days. William's smile grew a little, both in size and wistfulness. By the intensity of Cayden's gaze, he hadn't recognised William yet. He would, eventually. Either on his own, or with the occasional hinting that William was going to give him.

"I'm not looking for excitement, Cayden of Sunspear. Money is always welcome in my purse. We have indeed met before, but I'd rather discuss that privately, or at least a little less loudly. Suffice it to say, I have ample experience in the protection of important persons." William said slowly, deliberately choosing his words. He took a slow step towards Cayden, testing to see if the man would let him closer, or if he was suspicious. He didn't try to hide the step, rather making sure it was obvious, not mistaken for the subtle sidling of an assassin.
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Vance - Magister's Manor

"You misunderstand, princess. I only meant to stay in Pentos for two days. Three will be fine." He said, though in reality he had been here closer to a week, working based off of rumors and shoddy scouts hired from local inns to find someone fitting a broad description. There were some truth in his words, however. He meant to stay until Deanna had been found, afterwards meeting with the magisters. After all, the meetings with the magisters depended largely upon the answers Deanna provided him. "Farewell for now, princess." He stated, leaving through the entrance to the courtyard and proceeding through the streets of Pentos. In his time here, he had learned of where exactly the magisters gathered and lived, though some were more elusive than others. Regardless, it would be best to meet with them all at the same place in the interest of time. That of course meant going to the magistrate. He walked the darkening streets, watching as mercenaries moved about in small packs. It seemed that Deanna were making moves of her own. This were something he would have to address at a later time, as mobilizing an entire mercenary band behind his back weren't exactly the most trust-worthy thing to do.

@Crimson smile
"Mayi." Daenna called as she watched Vance leave. Her voice was as cold as her expression as she tried to keep herself together. Mayi joined her as she heard her name. "Yes, princess?"

"Draw me a bath please and then leave me. I wish for privacy. " Daenna ordered as she felt her control slipping. Turning she entered the manor before Mayi could respond and hurried to her rooms. A bath was quickly drawn by her concerned hand maiden and she sank into it gratefully. Only when she was sure that she was alone did she allow herself to slip fully into the boiling water. The tub was large and she was able to float flat on her back with just her nose breaching the top to allow her to breath. Opening her eyes she stared at the blurry ceiling ignoring the sting caused by the water as she finally lost control. So much had happened that she hasn't had much time at all to adjust. If any.

She decides to help her sister and gain's some new companions that she isn't even sure she can trust. She find's her old friends and discovers that Westeros is worse off then she first thought. Her sister arranged an engagement for her to a strange king from a place she rarely ever heard of in exchange for an army and he had ties to magic and was dying. Now, she has to deal with politics and try to survive. Yet, she doesn't even know her next move. She is just blindly, and foolishly, throwing her trust at her friends words and allowing him to act as she pleases because she can barely control herself at the moment let alone make good decisions. Closing her eyes she felt them sting as tears escaped them and mixed with the water. I need a plan. I need time to think things through but have so little knowledge that It scares me. I am walking blindly to a fate I don't even like and for what. Westeros? Had I not planned to leave that place behind from the beginning? Why am I trying to protect it. Even from my own sisters. I could disappear. Just leave in the night and disappear. But what would I be leaving behind me?
Fezzes said:
Free Cities, Pentos, An InnPOV: William Thorne

William noted the cocked head and smiled. He was definitely speaking to Cayden. He reminisced momentarily on his time in Kings Landing, when he wasn't being sent to the Wall by an insane king, or living a mercenary's life in Essos. Those were better days. William's smile grew a little, both in size and wistfulness. By the intensity of Cayden's gaze, he hadn't recognised William yet. He would, eventually. Either on his own, or with the occasional hinting that William was going to give him.

"I'm not looking for excitement, Cayden of Sunspear. Money is always welcome in my purse. We have indeed met before, but I'd rather discuss that privately, or at least a little less loudly. Suffice it to say, I have ample experience in the protection of important persons." William said slowly, deliberately choosing his words. He took a slow step towards Cayden, testing to see if the man would let him closer, or if he was suspicious. He didn't try to hide the step, rather making sure it was obvious, not mistaken for the subtle sidling of an assassin.
When William slid close to him Cayden hadn't reacted, his eyes open. In shock as he now looked at the former member of the Kingsguard. "William?" He asked his voice dropping low into a shocked whisper. Very few people knew directly he was Cayden of Sunspear in Essos and both his words and his smile had caused him to suddenly become aware of who he was speaking to. "You were sent to the wall." He said quietly before shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. He had never believed William could have been a traitor when he learned he had been exiled to the wall. He saw to much honor in serving in his sacred duty, but even sons of great lords could not challenge the kings out decisions with his own guard. If he was here that meant he deserted the watch but he couldn't bring himself to care much, he should have never been sent there to begin with. He glanced around the room, his eyes finding the bartender watching them with interest. "Follow me Ser, I have a lot of interesting things to tell you." He said urgently leaving the inn without a backwards glance.
Akio said:
Several men turned to the man post haste and put their hands to their swords but the long haired fair man simply lifted his hand and they hesitated waiting for his command. "No we are not here for the Magisters, I guess you could say we are protecting a certain visiting dignitary at the orders of our commander, we mean no harm to you traveler." The fair haired mans voice was cool and polite as he inclined his head to the man in greeting. "You may go inside if you wish, we do not intend to impend your process." He nodded to a few of his men who rode off, while others entered the castle leaving just the fair haired man and a small guard. "My name is Dallen, lieutenant of the Red Spears, and who may you be?"

Akio said:
When William slid close to him Cayden hadn't reacted, his eyes open. In shock as he now looked at the former member of the Kingsguard. "William?" He asked his voice dropping low into a shocked whisper. Very few people knew directly he was Cayden of Sunspear in Essos and both his words and his smile had caused him to suddenly become aware of who he was speaking to. "You were sent to the wall." He said quietly before shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. He had never believed William could have been a traitor when he learned he had been exiled to the wall. He saw to much honor in serving in his sacred duty, but even sons of great lords could not challenge the kings out decisions with his own guard. If he was here that meant he deserted the watch but he couldn't bring himself to care much, he should have never been sent there to begin with. He glanced around the room, his eyes finding the bartender watching them with interest. "Follow me Ser, I have a lot of interesting things to tell you." He said urgently leaving the inn without a backwards glance.
Should I marry this shadow king, do as Cayden plans, or run? By running I can form a new life for myself and leave Westeros to it's own battle. By marrying the shadow king I am doing the thing I never wished to do. By doing as Cayden say's I am not honoring the engagement and risk the Ib teaming up with my enemy. Yet, by marrying the shadow king I can form an alliance between Ib and Westeros and should they keep their part of the contract then I will be allowed the freedom I have always wished. I can keep the Ib out of the war but still offer them the alliance that they wish. Ensuring my enemies don't gain them and that the houses of Westeros don't rebel further by allowing the Ib to enter Westeros as an act of war. Or I can use the 40000 to nip this war in the bud and take over the throne from my sister. However, I risk upsetting the houses and Cayden. I do know one thing. From now on I must think further on my choices before acting so rash and must find a teacher to learn the art of politics from. I may be only 15 but it's obviously no longer a time for acting childish and going by the skin of my teeth as I have been doing. Every choice has consequences.

Feeling much calmer and more in controlled after her hour long soak Daenna finally emerged from the water and had to still as the sudden shift in temperature made goosebumps rise. Shivering she hurried to dry off and dress. Mayi had set out her nightgown as she bathed. Dressing quickly she tied her hair into a low ponytail before settling into the seat by the window. Leaning her head back she looked out onto Pentos. The sun was lowing as it got late and the light it cast onto the city made it gleam.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]
Should I marry this shadow king, do as Cayden plans, or run? By running I can form a new life for myself and leave Westeros to it's own battle. By marrying the shadow king I am doing the thing I never wished to do. By doing as Cayden say's I am not honoring the engagement and risk the Ib teaming up with my enemy. Yet, by marrying the shadow king I can form an alliance between Ib and Westeros and should they keep their part of the contract then I will be allowed the freedom I have always wished. I can keep the Ib out of the war but still offer them the alliance that they wish. Ensuring my enemies don't gain them and that the houses of Westeros don't rebel further by allowing the Ib to enter Westeros as an act of war. Or I can use the 40000 to nip this war in the bud and take over the throne from my sister. However, I risk upsetting the houses and Cayden. I do know one thing. From now on I must think further on my choices before acting so rash and must find a teacher to learn the art of politics from. I may be only 15 but it's obviously no longer a time for acting childish and going by the skin of my teeth as I have been doing. Every choice has consequences.
Feeling much calmer and more in controlled after her hour long soak Daenna finally emerged from the water and had to still as the sudden shift in temperature made goosebumps rise. Shivering she hurried to dry off and dress. Mayi had set out her nightgown as she bathed. Dressing quickly she tied her hair into a low ponytail before settling into the seat by the window. Leaning her head back she looked out onto Pentos. The sun was lowing as it got late and the light it cast onto the city made it gleam.

After getting out of the bath two things became obvious now looking out at the city. First the magistrates house was more heavily guarded. Beyond the guard rotations she first say when she got here a new group of people now held several key areas. They didn't raise any flags or banners nor did they stop anyone on their business, in fact it might have been hard to tell they were guarding anything if not for their weapons. Cayden's soldiers could be considered skilled warriors in their own right but they were unused to guarding so they were not very watchful or at least most of them weren't. Some seemed to be keeping a careful eye on the situation. Obviously Cayden had been busy, unless another large troop presence had entered the city. Secondly a small fleet of ships had come to port, though there were no sailors on them at the moment.

There was knock on the door as she sat down and a massive man walked in. Standing at well over 6 feet he would likely be one of the biggest men she had ever seen. He was armored though he wore no helmet making him seem even more massive and his sword sheath was unusual. "Daenna Targaryan, it seems my brother understated when he told me about you." The man said in an deep amused tone. "I mean no harm, my name is Gerrard Stonefist. Cayden sent me to over see the guard here." He said introducing himself, inclining his head to the princess.
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Pentos, The Free Citites, Essos

POV: Aemond Velaryon

As Aemond watched most of the men leaving his men relaxed a bit as the confrontation defused as soon as it began, that caused Aemond to smile, he thought that the man must think highly of himself if he left only one guard. To show that he was co-operating he ordered most of his men besides a few to continue transporting the carts into the Magistrate leaving himself and his first mate Aerys Waters with the fair haired man and his guard.

"I hope you don't mind me being nosy but... what kind of client would require a mercenary group to be protected in Pentos?" enquired Aemond with a smug grin on his face, he knew sellswords from his many years in mercenary companies of his own such as the Windblown or the Jolly Fellows.

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Daenna took note of the groups guarding the Magister's estate for future reference and found that they ruined the beauty that the sun had allowed onto Pentos. She stood as a knock sounded before the door opened and a massive man strolled in. Her hand reaching for her rapier automatically and cautiously. She only relaxed when she spotted Dom standing behind the man. If the man meant any harm Dom would have stopped him. He might not have succeeded but he certainly wouldn't be standing and allowing the man into her rooms. One of Cayden's men? Her unasked question was answered when the man introduced himself. Relaxing Daenna nodded in greeting as she retook her seat. Though she was still wary of having a man she didn't know personally in her rooms. "I thank you for going through the trouble of protecting me. Even if you are only doing as Cayden has asked. I am grateful. "
Lancelot said:
Pentos, The Free Citites, Essos
POV: Aemond Velaryon

As Aemond watched most of the men leaving his men relaxed a bit as the confrontation defused as soon as it began, that caused Aemond to smile, he thought that the man must think highly of himself if he left only one guard. To show that he was co-operating he ordered most of his men besides a few to continue transporting the carts into the Magistrate leaving himself and his first mate Aerys Waters with the fair haired man and his guard.

"I hope you don't mind me being nosy but... what kind of client would require a mercenary group to be protected in Pentos?" inquired Aemond with a smug grin on his face, he knew sellswords from his many years in mercenary companies of his own such as the Windblown or the Jolly Fellows.

The fair haired man smiled good naturally though his gaze was extremely shrewd. "I'm afraid I haven't had a chance to meet her yet since I've been organizing the defenses, I've simply been following my captains orders." He said in a carefree tone carefully avoiding the question. He had no idea who the man was so he would not simply tell him everything, even if Gerrard was with the princess, to a man with a following of his own warriors. "I am going to go meet with her now, may I ask for your name?" He asked. While he hadn't met Daenna yet he had been given the details so if the man in front of him was of Westerosi birth it was possible she might have some business with the princess herself so he couldn't impend him, but he could travel with him to lessen the danger.

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna took note of the groups guarding the Magister's estate for future reference and found that they ruined the beauty that the sun had allowed onto Pentos. She stood as a knock sounded before the door opened and a massive man strolled in. Her hand reaching for her rapier automatically and cautiously. She only relaxed when she spotted Dom standing behind the man. If the man meant any harm Dom would have stopped him. He might not have succeeded but he certainly wouldn't be standing and allowing the man into her rooms. One of Cayden's men? Her unasked question was answered when the man introduced himself. Relaxing Daenna nodded in greeting as she retook her seat. Though she was still wary of having a man she didn't know personally in her rooms. "I thank you for going through the trouble of protecting me. Even if you are only doing as Cayden has asked. I am grateful. "

He snorted giving her an easy going smile. The man seemed the rather cheerful and carefree type. "If my brother speaks as highly as he does of you how could I not pledge my sword? Cayden is my brother in every way that matters so his will is my own. Ill protect you of my own accord as well as my captain asking me to." The massive man was surprisingly well spoken for a mercenary, at odds with the usual thoughts on is massive build, and it was obvious by his words that his relationship with Cayden was far closer then the simple loyalty of a subordinate to a leader. From his word because Cayden spoke well of her he was willing to help her of his own accord, meaning even if Cayden would die he would not simply scatter to the wind like most of the others might though his loyalty to Cayden would probably take precedent over anything else in this situation. "Though I must ask that you tell me some stories of my brother in his youth, he said you too knew each other in the red keep and I've been looking for something to hold over his head for the better part of a year." He said chuckling, looking at the princess.
Free Cities, Pentos, An Inn > Outside Said Inn

POV: William Thorne
Akio said:
When William slid close to him Cayden hadn't reacted, his eyes open. In shock as he now looked at the former member of the Kingsguard. "William?" He asked his voice dropping low into a shocked whisper. Very few people knew directly he was Cayden of Sunspear in Essos and both his words and his smile had caused him to suddenly become aware of who he was speaking to. "You were sent to the wall." He said quietly before shaking his head as if to clear his thoughts. He had never believed William could have been a traitor when he learned he had been exiled to the wall. He saw to much honor in serving in his sacred duty, but even sons of great lords could not challenge the kings out decisions with his own guard. If he was here that meant he deserted the watch but he couldn't bring himself to care much, he should have never been sent there to begin with. He glanced around the room, his eyes finding the bartender watching them with interest. "Follow me Ser, I have a lot of interesting things to tell you." He said urgently leaving the inn without a backwards glance.
The look of recognition was a good start, and then the whispered name sealed it. Excellent, that obstacle had been overcome. William had also noted the bartender's interested gaze, but Cayden had beaten him to the suggestion of moving outside. It seemed that the Dornishman was unperturbed by the fact that to be here, he must have deserted the Wall. It had been an agonising decision for him, pitting his sense of duty with his indignation at being wrongfully sent to the Wall and his desire to be anywhere but up north. His duty lost out, clearly.

William swiftly followed in Cayden's footsteps, his own footfalls making hardly a sound. He'd wait for Cayden to start saying his interesting things, the boy needn't be rushed in that matter. So he followed along like a second shadow to Cayden, silent and discreet. He'd have to go back for the rest of his gear later. Even with just his sword and the various hidden daggers on his person, he was still an ex-Kingsguard. Yes, this would suffice for now.
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"I am grateful to find that Cayden has formed strong loyalties." Deanna smiled leaning back in her seat. A servant bustled in carrying rum. At the sight of it her grin turned mischievous. "Oh, I have plenty of embarrassing stories to tell. Cayden was adventurous when we were children, though I see that hasn't changed. Take a seat and have a drink if you wish. I think one of the best stories to start off with is when Cayden was caught sneaking a peak into the woman's bath house. No charm could save him from the wrath of seven woman. Though I'm sure he didn't mind the sight of them since they were in a state of half-dress. The black eyes he suffered was one of the first wounds they made sure to give him."
Fezzes said:
Free Cities, Pentos, An Inn > Outside Said InnPOV: William Thorne

The look of recognition was a good start, and then whispered name sealed it. Excellent, that obstacle had been overcome. William had also noted the bartender's interested gaze, but Cayden had beaten him to the suggestion of moving outside. It seemed that the Dornishman was unperturbed by the fact that to be here, he must have deserted the Wall. It had been an agonising decision for him, pitting his sense of duty with his indignation at being wrongfully sent to the Wall and his desire to be anywhere but up north. His duty lost out, clearly.

William swiftly followed in Cayden's footsteps, his own footfalls making hardly a sound. He'd wait for Cayden to start saying his interesting things, the boy needn't be rushed in that matter. So he followed along like a second shadow to Cayden, silent and discreet. He'd have to go back for the rest of his gear later. Even with just his sword and the various hidden daggers on his person, he was still an ex-Kingsguard. Yes, this would suffice for now.
"I take it you deserted the wall and worked in the disputed lands, from your reputation." He said turning past two of his guards with a nod and into a dark alley where he finally stopped, the guards just outside it. Members of the Red Spear seemed to be spreading all over the city, apparently whatever Cayden was doing and what he was protecting was major enough figure to move his entire force. "I never believed you were really guilty of treason and i'm guessing it does not matter not with the situation is Westeros." He turned and looked at William. "William the seven kingdoms are in chaos right now. Kuriva has created a national incident and the Stormlands, Winterfell, and the Riverlands have risen in revolt under Bartheon banners. The Reach, Dorne, and the West have all remained neutral thus far and the Vale has declared for Kuriva and now defends her along with the Crownlands. The person I am guarding is Daenna Targaryan, who's been placed into an engagement with an Ibben lord who offers 40,000 warrior to the crown.... Yet that is not her plan, she plan to makes her own claim. Kuriva is a failure as a leader to allow this to happen and must be replaced to ease the other great houses. I plan to convince Dorne to rally to her aid and try to draw in the Reach and the West to her side." He said watching him carefully, he had never seen him since the day he was exiled so he no idea on his feelings on the Targaryan blood line. If it came to blood he would hold him long enough for his men to come behind him and together strike him down. William could be a powerful ally if he sided with them but a dangerous enemy if he turned against them. Still in the narrow ally when he had no armor he was confident he could take him him down or hold him long enough for his men to flank around and kill him.
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I am grateful to find that Cayden has formed strong loyalties." Deanna smiled leaning back in her seat. A servant bustled in carrying rum. At the sight of it her grin turned mischievous. "Oh, I have plenty of embarrassing stories to tell. Cayden was adventurous when we were children, though I see that hasn't changed. Take a seat and have a drink if you wish. I think one of the best stories to start off with is when Cayden was caught sneaking a peak into the woman's bath house. No charm could save him from the wrath of seven woman. Though I'm sure he didn't mind the sight of them since they were in a state of half-dress. The black eyes he suffered was one of the first wounds they made sure to give him."

Seeing Rum the man grinned and sat. The steel of his armor was incredibly well made for a mercenary and seemed to be Quhorien steel, called the best of the best right behind Valayrian steel. He moved easily in it and it was obvious the armor had been made specifically for him. He chuckled hearing her story. "Cayden always had a funny attitude when it came to woman. Strong sense of pride and a face worthy of a prostitute that could have any number of woman in his bed yet he always seem to get himself in trouble for it, sometimes its hard to tell if the guy is reckless or just tends to forget a lot of rules apply to him to." He said with a grin. "He probably made some cheeky comment when they were beating him to, and what was he 13?" He said letting out a low bellied laugh.
"Yep. If I'm correct he tried to flirt with one of them as they were beating him." Daenna giggled. Picking up her own rum she held the cup close as she spoke. "She didn't take to it kindly and beat him fiercer then the others. It wasn't the first time he got caught being a peeker though one of the few times I caught him on it. Then there was a time, right after receiving his horse, that we were trying to tame the steed in order for him to ride it. Arrogant as he was Cayden attempted to climb onto the steed and found himself flying into the mud. I was just able to stop him from getting stomped on. Though it was hard because of how much I was laughing. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Yep. If I'm correct he tried to flirt with one of them as they were beating him." Daenna giggled. Picking up her own rum she held the cup close as she spoke. "She didn't take to it kindly and beat him fiercer then the others. It wasn't the first time he got caught being a peeker though one of the few times I caught him on it. Then there was a time, right after receiving his horse, that we were trying to tame the steed in order for him to ride it. Arrogant as he was Cayden attempted to climb onto the steed and found himself flying into the mud. I was just able to stop him from getting stomped on. Though it was hard because of how much I was laughing. "

He roared with laughter at that and took a long drink of Rum, it was obvious he was no stranger to alcohol as he only sighed in bliss after his swig. "They really bring out the best stuff for royalty huh." He said grinning at her as he took another swig. "Would never guess that Cayden would be the one being thrown off horses. He rides well enough now he can shoot from horse back like the Dorthraki and he loves that Sand Steed of his, I've seen him put more attention into that horse the all the woman he's bedded." He says laughing again, he seemed to be a man who laughed easily. "Of course I prefer a larger breed of chargers, most Sand Steed's can't hold my weight even without my armor but my charger Maximus does just fine even if he is a stubborn animal." He said good naturally as he pored himself more rum. "I can't get to drunk since im supposed to guard you but a little is fine, I usually fight better a bit buzzed anyhow." He said taking another smaller swig.
"With all the attention he pay's to it, I sometimes question which he likes more. Woman or his horse. " Deanna said in agreement. Taking a swing of her Rum. She had a tolerance for most drink thanks to many nights drinking and gambling with the guards and then her time on the ship. "I wouldn't expect any less. You seem like a man who can hold his drink well. Not at all like Cayden could when we were younger. Once we snuck out of our rooms to go bug the guards into letting us gamble with them. Cayden ended up passing out into his cup by the time he had finished his firs pint. I wasn't much better and we found ourselves carried to bed after our private guards were alerted to our location. He got better after a few more sleepless nights. "

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