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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You speak the truth." Daenna started." However, I doubt my sister would care. All she would see is the chance to gain an army and all she need's to do is give the shadow king my hand. I have little doubt that she would refuse especially in such times. I would say that we should work quickly to remove her from the throne so any engagements is invalid but I doubt we can work quickly enough. She would be eager to get me married off as quickly as she can. All we can hope for is that she has somehow become more rational and declined but as I fear this is a naive thought I am going to try and bide my time and not raise any threatening conflicts."

"My lady, theres more." He said and while earlier he had been speaking with anger and cold reasoning now he just seemed a little awkward. "Cross breeding between Ibbenease is dangerous as well. The Ibbenease will suffer no ruler but their own and if you marry one of them many might see you as.... Tainted. Ibben's aren't see as normal people and many of the great houses would feel as if you were corrupted especially if they hear about the idea of a mage in their ranks. Not only that all children of any cross breeding between to two races end up ethier stillbirths or malformed. Even if they survive they will not be fit to rule the iron throne. If you ever seek to replace your sister and save the seven kingdoms from her rule marrying the shadow king would be a large determent to that goal, perhaps even making it impossible. She probably know this and not only plans to get you out of the way but remove you completely as a threat. You must not go threw with the wedding, even if your sister agree's else you will be forced into it for the rest of your life, there will be no room to maneuver, no allies to gather. If you go threw with it and your sister continues with her misrule the line of Targaryans will end on the Iron Throne." He said with some desperation, as if trying to make her see reason.
"You have given me much to think on Cayden." Daenna sighed feeling weighed down. So many problems. Turning she headed to her rooms. "For now let's get cleaned up and entertain this scribe and his men. Later when we have more time and I have had more time to process everything we shall revisit the topic more thoroughly. "

Entering her room's Daenna found Mayi already running a hot bath. Nodding to her in silent thanks Daenna undressed and slid into the scalding water. She washed quickly before getting dressed in a blue sleeveless gown and letting her hair hang in curls except for a single braid that ran down her back. Exiting her room Daenna headed for the room the scribe sat within. On the way she was stopped by the magister. "Excuse me Princess but a raven has arrived from Kings landing. "

Kuvira? Nodding in thanks Daenna accepted the letter and stared at it without really seeing it. If this is from her then it holds my future. Of course I could fight against the engagement but would I win? Her hand shook slightly with her nerves. A slim hand captured her wrist to steady it." Daenna?"

Blinking she looked up at Mayi and saw her worried expression. Dom wasn't that far behind she noticed. Smiling at them reassuringly Daenna gently removed her hand from Mayi's and opened the letter. The contents made her pale and close her eyes in resignation. So I guess the scribe speaks the truth. Building her resolve Daenna folded the letter up and handed it to May."Burn it."

"Yes, Daenna." Mayi hurried to do as told as Daenna began walking to the room where the scribe lay once more. Entering the room Daenna took a seat as tea was brought out and served. "Thank you for your patience. If you wouldn't mind please tell me more about this shadow king."
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Pentos, Free Cities, Essos.

When the dragon daughter left to clean herself, Nagito went over and stood by Dom. The Beggar Swordsman barely began meditating when Daenna returned, hurrying over to read the letter from her homeland. From her expression and body language the news must be grim, as she stood and went back to the man who had approached them earlier. The beggar swordsman followed her back along with the other guard, Dom, and the confident newcomer who sparred with Daenna earlier. He observed the man and those around him as he conversed with the dragon daughter, all the while keeping his sense peeled for unpleasant surprises.
Crimson smile]"You have given me much to think on Cayden." Daenna sighed feeling weighed down. [I]So many problems[/I]. Turning she headed to her rooms. "For now let's get cleaned up and entertain this scribe and his men. Later when we have more time and I have had more time to process everything we shall revisit the topic more thoroughly. " Entering her room's Daenna found Mayi already running a hot bath. Nodding to her in silent thanks Daenna undressed and slid into the scalding water. She washed quickly before getting dressed in a blue sleeveless gown and letting her hair hang in curls except for a single braid that ran down her back. Exiting her room Daenna headed for the room the scribe sat within. On the way she was stopped by the magister. "Excuse me Princess but a raven has arrived from Kings landing. " [I]Kuvira?[/I] Nodding in thanks Daenna accepted the letter and stared at it without really seeing it. [I]If this is from her then it holds my future. Of course I could fight against the engagement but would I win? [/I]Her hand shook slightly with her nerves. A slim hand captured her wrist to steady it." Daenna?" Blinking she looked up at Mayi and saw her worried expression. Dom wasn't that far behind she noticed.Smiling at them reassuringly Daenna gently removed her hand from Mayi's and opened the letter. The contents made her pale and close her eyes in resignation.[I] So I guess the scribe speaks the truth. [/I]Building her resolve Daenna folded the letter up and handed it to May."Burn it." "Yes said:
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Vance - Pentos

The scribe rather than sitting were standing, and observing some of the decor of the magister's home. Much of it seemed awfully mundane for his liking. The purpose of decoration without it having any practical application still baffled him about almost the entirety of the world. He couldn't help but to notice that Nagito, the silent swordsman of the east, had stayed, undoubtedly to watch him. The distrust among the entirety of Deanna's host and herself thus far seemed completely without base in his opinion, though paranoia often proves to save a life, if making it dull when one's life weren't in danger. "You've a wonderful set of blades. I do wonder what it would take to part you from them." He stated, eyeing over the man's weapons. Regardless, seeing those whom he was waiting on enter the room, he made his way back to the chair he had originally chosen. The first to enter was the paranoid prince. "Ah, the hopeful romantic returns." He said, a smile upon his face as he did so. Watching the two in the presence of one another was more than enough to discover the budding love between them, no matter how much more-so the prince seemed to be interested in the princess than the other way around. "Welcome back, dear princess." he said just before she asked her question. About time Vance thought.

"The Shadow King of Ibben. A very recent title to have been created by the first of his name, in fact. The Shadow King leads the people of Ibben to greatness and glory, pulling them from the oppression of those that had kept them down, formerly called The Thousand. He fights for the true freedom of the common man wherever it is that they may be saved. This is what the Shadow King is. But I believe your question, really, was directed at the man behind the name." He said, spilling the average spiel about how the Shadow King is a man of the people, though there was truth in his words. "Desgran is the name of your suitor. In appearance, he stands some six feet six inches tall, lacks the almost coat of fur the average Ibbenese man has, and is large and by far the strongest man I have ever come to know of. He was born the child of an Ibbenese man and a woman of Westeros, both of which went missing long ago and are presumed dead. To make this somewhat short, Desgran was no more than a beggar up into his mid-teenage years. His greatest flaw gave him his greatest strength. That being that as a result of crossbreeding, Desgran has certain issues with his health. A noble man offered to buy him medicine in return for his strength in the arena, which he dominated in its entirety for some two and a half years without competition. This gathered the attention of The Thousand, whom believed putting another famous man in power amongst the Shadow Council would only benefit public support. They were correct for a time, though once Desgran discovered that The Thousand were only using the Shadow Council to further their own goals, raking in profits and oppressing the common Ibbenese, he felt it time to replace them. With his position as the military leader amongst the council, he ordered most all of The Thousand to be... disbanded. From there he took it upon himself to rule, reforming the Shadow Council with competent leaders and appointing himself king. I fear he will not be able to stay at such a position for much longer, however. His health issues have put him near death several times. He only wishes to do one more thing for his people before he inevitably dies in power. And that is to ally them with a great power in the world, that power being the Targaryens. He has read much on the Targaryen blood-line and only thinks of them in a positive light. He would love to meet one before his demise."
"A self mad man then. One who seem's to care for his people." Daenna noted smiling gently and deceivingly. Though she could tell there was more to the story. A darker undertone. He is only half Ibbenese? Almost dead? So if I marry him then I can gain an army and only a temporary husband? However, what will this Desgran try to do to the seven kingdoms while alive? "I like to think I am much the same in the latter area. Despite recent conflict I desire unity and peace among my people. Though like many before me I fear I must go to war to gain such a thing. As such excuse me for my suspicion but I'm sure you understand. You say that Desgran seek's an alliance for the purpose of helping his people however why the Targaryens? You say he favor's my house but still at such a tense time I cannot help but think that it would be wiser to ally with our enemies who have a greater chance at gaining the throne. Is that favor the only thing that makes him wish to ally with my family or is there another reason that you have yet to say? "
Elendithas said:

Vance - Pentos

The scribe rather than sitting were standing, and observing some of the decor of the magister's home. Much of it seemed awfully mundane for his liking. The purpose of decoration without it having any practical application still baffled him about almost the entirety of the world. He couldn't help but to notice that Nagito, the silent swordsman of the east, had stayed, undoubtedly to watch him. The distrust among the entirety of Deanna's host and herself thus far seemed completely without base in his opinion, though paranoia often proves to save a life, if making it dull when one's life weren't in danger. "You've a wonderful set of blades. I do wonder what it would take to part you from them." He stated, eyeing over the man's weapons. Regardless, seeing those whom he was waiting on enter the room, he made his way back to the chair he had originally chosen. The first to enter was the paranoid prince. "Ah, the hopeful romantic returns." He said, a smile upon his face as he did so. Watching the two in the presence of one another was more than enough to discover the budding love between them, no matter how much more-so the prince seemed to be interested in the princess than the other way around. "Welcome back, dear princess." he said just before she asked her question. About time Vance thought.

"The Shadow King of Ibben. A very recent title to have been created by the first of his name, in fact. The Shadow King leads the people of Ibben to greatness and glory, pulling them from the oppression of those that had kept them down, formerly called The Thousand. He fights for the true freedom of the common man wherever it is that they may be saved. This is what the Shadow King is. But I believe your question, really, was directed at the man behind the name." He said, spilling the average spiel about how the Shadow King is a man of the people, though there was truth in his words. "Desgran is the name of your suitor. In appearance, he stands some six feet six inches tall, lacks the almost coat of fur the average Ibbenese man has, and is large and by far the strongest man I have ever come to know of. He was born the child of an Ibbenese man and a woman of Westeros, both of which went missing long ago and are presumed dead. To make this somewhat short, Desgran was no more than a beggar up into his mid-teenage years. His greatest flaw gave him his greatest strength. That being that as a result of crossbreeding, Desgran has certain issues with his health. A noble man offered to buy him medicine in return for his strength in the arena, which he dominated in its entirety for some two and a half years without competition. This gathered the attention of The Thousand, whom believed putting another famous man in power amongst the Shadow Council would only benefit public support. They were correct for a time, though once Desgran discovered that The Thousand were only using the Shadow Council to further their own goals, raking in profits and oppressing the common Ibbenese, he felt it time to replace them. With his position as the military leader amongst the council, he ordered most all of The Thousand to be... disbanded. From there he took it upon himself to rule, reforming the Shadow Council with competent leaders and appointing himself king. I fear he will not be able to stay at such a position for much longer, however. His health issues have put him near death several times. He only wishes to do one more thing for his people before he inevitably dies in power. And that is to ally them with a great power in the world, that power being the Targaryens. He has read much on the Targaryen blood-line and only thinks of them in a positive light. He would love to meet one before his demise."
"Before we got further I have some questions." The prince spoke out, his voice firm. He had remained silent for the entire speech, giving courtesy to allow the scribe to finish and see if he said anything of interest and while he got a few tidbits of very useful information to provide him questions the actual real off about himself seemed as embodied like how any average man may speak on their king. "I'm happy your king has shown a greater interest in Westeros, as your people have never showed interest in the Seven kingdoms and if it was just alliance and a meeting you seek i'm sure this situation could be solved much easier but you ask for the hand of a possible future queen if anything were to happen." He said without saying more on that matter but perhaps if he listened carefully enough let him know that things were not harmonious even among the Targaryens back home which had a duel affect of letting them know the Targaryens were not united but also let them know any deal made with the current queen might not carry agreement around the table. As the second born and first son he had been submerged in the politics of Dorne for some time and while he could be reckless and flighty in his fancies he wasn't stupid. The Martel's weren't as powerful, as populated, or even as armed they made their way equal to any of the seven kingdoms through their cunning and unbending will the prince didn't lack any of that, he would play his own game, after all he refused to let Deanna be a pawn in a game she should be playing. "How exactly did he disband, as you put it, the council of a thousand? Even if he had been military leader there must have been upheaval by taking out the ruling body of Ib. Also what does he hope to gain by marrying into the Seven kingdoms? Representation in our council's? Wealth? I agree with the princess that we would welcome allies but there is likely little we can do for each other, we are on the far opposite sites of the world and a simply journey between our lands could take months if not close to a year. What does he hope to gain other then the good will of Westeros? Lastly their is the fact that if your king is dying he must produce an heir as well as secure someone to carry out whatever agreement that's worked out between us but most children between the men of Ib and other woman end up in still births and even your own king suffers health issues from this problem. He may only be half Ibben but if these health issues carry over to their shared children it would be problematic for both of us, why seek a wife in the seven kingdoms and risk his own future heirs to carry the same problems he has all his life? A sudden death could mean the collapse all the good he has done as you say for your own land. When not simply set up an agreement and find a wife among his own people? To secure a better chance of a healthy heir." He asked his tone questioning but not insulting, he was in much better control of himself compared to this afternoon. @Crimson smile
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"My friend speak's the truth and his suspicion is valid." Daenna stated eyeing the scribe warily. "You left a few large part's out of your little story. That isn't a good way to start a potential alliance. Your king request an alliance through marriage but what he promises is not even concrete. He is ambitious I give him that but he seem's to be aiming a bit high doesn't he? "

Vance - Pentos

He sat patiently enough, losing much of that patience as Cayden jumped in, though he knew to listen. Deanna seemed to trust this man well enough, and insulting a friend of the one you were meant to be negotiating with was a poor idea. "Dear princess, my lord is confident that no matter who's side it were that he were to join, they would hold a grand chance of winning in the long run. He does, however, believe strongly in the might of the Targaryens, even if that might has seen troubled times. Such that he should like that might to grow back to its former glory under the protective wing of Ibben, with potential long-term benefits to both along the way. Ibben assists the Targaryens now, the Targaryens assist the Ibbenese later. Putting aside the personal love he has for Targaryens, this, I believe, is as fair an offer as any." The scribe spoke true of how he felt, though there were always personal thoughts held at bay during times such as these. "I suppose I should spell it out for you then." He said in response to the prince. "Desgran killed those that threatened the prosperity of his people. He avoided backlash by giving immediate results and rewards to the common folk. Those that have opposed him since this time met a similar fate or publicly denounced their previous words or actions against him after some convincing. If Desgran has a hold of anything, it is his absolute power, and his absolute will to use that power for the good of the common man." He said, since the prince either understood and played dumb, or didn't understand the subtleties of diplomatic conversation as Vance saw them. "As for the heir, Desgran is entirely sterile. I have been taking steps to assist in this, but all have been unsuccessful. As a result, the title of Shadow King is passed on to whomsoever the previous Shadow King decides upon. The current king has yet to decide a successor. And regarding sailing times, your estimate leads me to believe you have very little experience on a ship for the ocean. In good weather, it may take as little as three months to get an army from shore to shore. A messenger could do so in as little as a single month." He said, frankly upset at the enlarged number Cayden spat out.
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"I see." Daenna nodded keeping her feelings hidden. Desgran seem's like a real charmer. She thought sarcastically. "I apologize if my friend has upset you in any way. He tend's to be a bit rash and outspoken. Now, before we move on any further. If I marry Desgran and he dies what happen's to me?"
Elendithas said:

Vance - Pentos

He sat patiently enough, losing much of that patience as Cayden jumped in, though he knew to listen. Deanna seemed to trust this man well enough, and insulting a friend of the one you were meant to be negotiating with was a poor idea. "Dear princess, my lord is confident that no matter who's side it were that he were to join, they would hold a grand chance of winning in the long run. He does, however, believe strongly in the might of the Targaryens, even if that might has seen troubled times. Such that he should like that might to grow back to its former glory under the protective wing of Ibben, with potential long-term benefits to both along the way. Ibben assists the Targaryens now, the Targaryens assist the Ibbenese later. Putting aside the personal love he has for Targaryens, this, I believe, is as fair an offer as any." The scribe spoke true of how he felt, though there were always personal thoughts held at bay during times such as these. "I suppose I should spell it out for you then." He said in response to the prince. "Desgran killed those that threatened the prosperity of his people. He avoided backlash by giving immediate results and rewards to the common folk. Those that have opposed him since this time met a similar fate or publicly denounced their previous words or actions against him after some convincing. If Desgran has a hold of anything, it is his absolute power, and his absolute will to use that power for the good of the common man." He said, since the prince either understood and played dumb, or didn't understand the subtleties of diplomatic conversation as Vance saw them. "As for the heir, Desgran is entirely sterile. I have been taking steps to assist in this, but all have been unsuccessful. As a result, the title of Shadow King is passed on to whomsoever the previous Shadow King decides upon. The current king has yet to decide a successor. And regarding sailing times, your estimate leads me to believe you have very little experience on a ship for the ocean. In good weather, it may take as little as three months to get an army from shore to shore. A messenger could do so in as little as a single month." He said, frankly upset at the enlarged number Cayden spat out.
Cayden just smiled, he knew the sea. He spent thousands of hours of time on the docks when he was young and about 6 months at sea even at the risk of getting caught about who he was he was and his parents fury just to feel the wind on his face and the free expansiveness of the sea. In that trip he had only gone to Kingslanding but he had never been so free. Travel at sea was something he understood well. Even though the mages vailed threats had infuriated him and his contempt even more so he couldn't help but smile at the mage. "You live in a perfect world it seems, I've spoken to the sailors multiple times who sail those seas and spent multiple months on the sea itself and you seem to be willfully ignoring the problems involved with sea and with royalty. The shivering sea is not only nearly impassable during the winter but even during the summer months its known for its dangerous climate and cold wins as well as sudden chills where the wind dies or is even pushed in the opposite directions. Now because of both Corsairs and the change of losing an important message to an accident we would obviously have to send an escort of at least 5 warships for important imperial messages which are not built for the Shivering Sea unlike yours and that will show them down. They will also have to stop to refill fresh water, food, and fix any repairs damaged from both the Ice and bitter winds which will slow them down more, especially if they can't stop at a port considering much of the land bordering the Dorthraki sea lacks resources for ship repairs. Now lets say they get wind in their sails 4 days out of 7 and no wind for 2 days and wind blowing in the opposite direction one day for a series of seven days which could be considered average on the Shivering Sea is still 3 days a week where progress is severely hindered slowing them down even further. Now once a messenger were to give his message he must wait for a reply as well which will require deliberation on whatever side it concerns." He said naming common problems with sea travel that he though the messenger was willfully ignoring. "Then they must make the trip back in order to deliver the message back doubling whatever time the trip there had been. For an army it would take even longer because every ship is slowed by the the slowest ship in the fleet because they can not simply outplace the war galleys without problems emerging. It more then triples the time and for a round trip it can take close to a year in which case the matter may be resolved. I understand the sea and I understand its a fickle bitch that rarely gives you good days and can chew you up and spit you out if shes in a bad mood, I think your the one who has forgotten that." He said giving him a look as if saying not to try and fool his knowledge. He wanted to be the next sea snake, he was no fool to the sea.
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Vance - Pentos

Vance sat through the prince's supposedly knowledgeable lecture, listening to the huge number of hypothetical situations he was putting out. The winds seemed to be his most concerning situation, oddly enough trying to argue in such a way as to suggest the ocean had a mind of its own. He understood the comparison, but to him it was an absurd thought, causing him to think on the matter for a few moments. The sea is a bitch? It almost sounds like he actually believes the sea has a mind of its own. I had heard of such superstitions from sailors in the past, but I don't think that even they actually believed it. Perhaps they thought it was a god of some sort. Perhaps it wasn't a god at all, but an entity revered as one by the local populace with an exceptionally strong link to magic. He thought, trailing off as the prince spoke to him, missing essentially the entire last half of what he was saying. Oops He thought. "Gonna have to jot that down for later." The scribe said under his breathe as he turned his attention to Deanna. "I assure you, dear princess, your position will remain unchanged in the event of Desgran's untimely demise. That is not to say, of course, that you will be made the wife of the next in line, but rather that you will maintain a strong status among the leaders of the nation, and your authority will only be contradicted by the current Shadow King himself." The scribe stated, making sure that she knew how her power would be kept in the event of catastrophic organ failure on Desgran's part. "Or," he said, pausing for effect. "You may leave. Though the alliance will surely suffer if that becomes your choice of action.".

Normally, the scribe would respond to Cayden in a somewhat berating manner, pointing out certain logical fallacies, misconceptions or general lack of understanding as far as he was concerned, but having another conversation with someone in the middle of important decision making was a poor idea. One that he thought
all in present company would understand. One subject at a time was necessary for a clear answer to each subject brought up.
Elendithas said:

Vance - Pentos

Vance sat through the prince's supposedly knowledgeable lecture, listening to the huge number of hypothetical situations he was putting out. The winds seemed to be his most concerning situation, oddly enough trying to argue in such a way as to suggest the ocean had a mind of its own. He understood the comparison, but to him it was an absurd thought, causing him to think on the matter for a few moments. The sea is a bitch? It almost sounds like he actually believes the sea has a mind of its own. I had heard of such superstitions from sailors in the past, but I don't think that even they actually believed it. Perhaps they thought it was a god of some sort. Perhaps it wasn't a god at all, but an entity revered as one by the local populace with an exceptionally strong link to magic. He thought, trailing off as the prince spoke to him, missing essentially the entire last half of what he was saying. Oops He thought. "Gonna have to jot that down for later." The scribe said under his breathe as he turned his attention to Deanna. "I assure you, dear princess, your position will remain unchanged in the event of Desgran's untimely demise. That is not to say, of course, that you will be made the wife of the next in line, but rather that you will maintain a strong status among the leaders of the nation, and your authority will only be contradicted by the current Shadow King himself." The scribe stated, making sure that she knew how her power would be kept in the event of catastrophic organ failure on Desgran's part. "Or," he said, pausing for effect. "You may leave. Though the alliance will surely suffer if that becomes your choice of action.".

Normally, the scribe would respond to Cayden in a somewhat berating manner, pointing out certain logical fallacies, misconceptions or general lack of understanding as far as he was concerned, but having another conversation with someone in the middle of important decision making was a poor idea. One that he thought
all in present company would understand. One subject at a time was necessary for a clear answer to each subject brought up.
Hearing what he said next Cayden obviously bristled, his gaze becoming as hard as flint. That was a not even concealed threat and he audibly growled in outrage. "You expect us to make a decision like this in a single hour of learning of it? When we have not even met this king yet that you speak so highly of and even yourself speak through someone else. You ask us to trust you but you give no trust back and you are intentionally threatening us with your way or the highway. At the very least this warrants a few days discussion if not several messages back and forth then decided in the waiting room of the magistrate of Pentos." He said with a bit of anger and exasperation. "So you must forgive me my lord or whoever or whatever you are that your king sent to speak for him if we can't agree to your request right here and now." He said looking at Deanna. "At the very least should we at least be allowed to plan a trip to Ibben so we can speak with your king personally instead of his errand boy." He said deliberately insulting the mage. "If these simply courtesy's are beyond you and your king then I must recommend to my lady to depart, so at least we can let it be said the Targaryan line has never let itself be bullied by those who would not treat them fairly and honestly." He said directing his last words to Deanna, as if handing over the decision to her, for the warrior had said his peace and now crossed his arms, leaning back looking at the scribe with eyes as hard as flint. @Crimson smile
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"You are getting ahead of yourself Prince Martell." Daenna sharply said standing up she motioned toward the servant lingering at the door. "It seem's that the dinner hour is upon us. You are welcome to join me and my companions scribe. If you wouldn't mind I believe it is best to leave any more concerns to be addressed later. Allowing myself to come to a decision that we can work off of. "
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Vance - Pentos

"Yourself?" the scribe questioned. "I am but a simple scribe, prince." he said, that being the only real response Cayden received from that exchange. "Of course, dear princess. My helping hands should be returning soon as well. The load is heavy, even for that bunch of merry men, if you can believe it." The scribe stood from his chair, all but claiming it as his own for the near future. That were one of the things that he seemed adamant about in life. Chair stealing was an unforgivable offense as far as he was concerned. He followed to whatever feast or meal that was being prepared with pleasure. Again, he was no diplomat, but this seemed like a good development.
Aemond Velaryon, Essos, The Free Cities, Off the shores of Pentos.

Aemond lay in bed with two women from Lys under both of his arms relaxing and enjoying the moment until a man interrupted them entering the captains quarters.

"Captain we are ready to dock."

Aemond nodded to the two women and the each climbed out of bed and got themselves dressed before leaving the two men alone... Aemond beckoned the man closer towards him as he sat on the edge of the bed now with a grimace on his face before simply saying.

"Did I look like I was fucking ready to you boy?" Aemond spat out in sudden anger as he drove his leg under the mans knee forcing him to kneel, still naked Aemond jumped out of bed and slammed the mans head into the end of the bed knocking him unconscious.

"I trust you won't make the same mistake again?" Aemond said as he got himself dressed and before leaving the quarters he quickly downed a flask of the wine that they had been transporting for some Lysene nobles but not enough to be noticed.

(To be continued I need to study ships more before I continue the post.)
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You are getting ahead of yourself Prince Martell." Daenna sharply said standing up she motioned toward the servant lingering at the door. "It seem's that the dinner hour is upon us. You are welcome to join me and my companions scribe. If you wouldn't mind I believe it is best to leave any more concerns to be addressed later. Allowing myself to come to a decision that we can work off of. "

He nearly snapped something out of retort, so used he was to arguing with Deanna but this wasn't the time and he said his piece so with visible effort he managed not to say anything though he seemed to be gritting his teeth, they were being taking advantaged of in a negative deal. 40000 men was indeed many but they would offer no benefit if it lost them allies in the seven kingdoms and had to give up so much to maintain it. "Very well princess, if you excuse me I will likely be late to dinner for I have a letter to write." He said walking out his distaste obvious as he went back to find supplies, nearly scaring a poor servant girl in the process. He wrote his letter quickly, detailing the events of his time in Essos shortly before going much further in depth as the last section of the letter about the current situation.

Elia, there is another situation you must be aware of. On my way back to Dorne I met Daenna Targarayan searching for allies among the free cities of Essos. I joined up with her to meet the magistrate of Pentos and we spent some time together before a strange offer came to us. A representative of the island of Ibben who I believe to be a mage as difficult as that sounds brought down an offer to bring 40000 Ibben warriors to Westeros for the princess hand. Ibben's people have shown no interest in Westeros before and it is my belief this supposed Shadow King is not to be trusted! Deanna has yet to make a choice regarding the offer but I believe Dorne must prepare itself, call the banners if you have not already and prepare for war. if Daenna accepts the offer I will send word back to Dorne as well as a likely date for my return unless something comes up. If she denies the deal I will also send word of my current plan of action.

With great love and concern Cayden.

One his letter was finish he quickly sealed with with his seal he found a servant girl that would have very little interaction with the head of house and pulled her aside. "Deliver this message to someone who can send it to the palace of Sunspear in Westeros. Tell no one of this and the seal must remain unbroken or I will know." He said slipping her 3 gold dragons, a massive amount to a simple serving girl. Usually he would deliver the letter himself but despite his words he did not want to be apart long from Daenna in the current situation. He did not trust the mage as far as he could throw him so he needed to get back as soon as possible. Once that was done and he was sure the message was off he went to the dinning room, likely arriving after they had already sat.
Aemond Velaryon, Essos, The Free Cities, Pentos... (Part 2: Valyrian boogaloo.)

Once Aemond had made his way out of his quarters and onto the deck he enhaled sharply before exclaiming.

"Ahh Pentos, there is nothing quite like the smell of cheese and a sweaty fat mans flaps eh?" The crew chuckled and cheered in response, as Aemond slowly walked over to portside taking in the scenery he was approached by his first mate, a man named Aerys Waters (Aerys had served as Aemonds lieutenant in the Windblown.)

"I have spied a look at the port and it appears that we will be met by a magister and a few guards, no doubt to welcome us."

Aemond had a look of disgust wash over his face, he hated the Pentoshi, he didn't like the smell, the accents, the food, nothing.

"Alright then... Aerys be a good man and start preparations for unloading that fuckload of wine, we wouldn't want to keep the good magisters waiting would we?". Aemond said humorously patting Aerys on the back.

Aerys started to grin before he gave Aemond a nod and left to carry out his orders. Once Aemond reached the front of the ship he stood looking on at the city coming closer and closer.

Once the Rogues Eye was successfully docked Aemond made his way onto land to meet the welcoming party with a friendly smile on his face while his men were preparing carts and wagons to start unloading the wine. Aemond shook the magisters hand and thanked him for his warm welcome to the delight of the magister.

" We will bring your payment by tomorrow evening, until then feel free to explore the city and I am sure both I and the other magisters would be happy to accomidate you." Said the magister with some awkwardness.
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"Oh, of course." Deanna agreed as she stood and began walking alongside the scribe to the feast. She greeted Cayden with a nod as she took her seat at the table. "However, I can't help but think you are more then a simple scribe to be allowed to attend to such a sensitive thing such as these negotiations. Just as I am sure that the gift your men are fetching is sure to be satisfying. "
Vance - Pentos

The scribe sat at whatever table it were Deanna had sat at, though on the opposite side of her, so as to make for easy conversing. "I must admit, it was a surprise when I was contacted about meeting with you over such important matters. I suppose I was as good a choice as any, given my past with the king." The scribe claimed, shifting his eyes towards the nearest cup and reaching for it. "But enough about me. I can only assume that you're curious as to what exactly it is I sent so many out to bring. I would tell you here and now, but I believe that would ruin the surprise. And believe me when I say this; the surprise is my favorite part."
Elendithas said:
Vance - Pentos

The scribe sat at whatever table it were Deanna had sat at, though on the opposite side of her, so as to make for easy conversing. "I must admit, it was a surprise when I was contacted about meeting with you over such important matters. I suppose I was as good a choice as any, given my past with the king." The scribe claimed, shifting his eyes towards the nearest cup and reaching for it. "But enough about me. I can only assume that you're curious as to what exactly it is I sent so many out to bring. I would tell you here and now, but I believe that would ruin the surprise. And believe me when I say this; the surprise is my favorite part."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Oh, of course." Deanna agreed as she stood and began walking alongside the scribe to the feast. She greeted Cayden with a nod as she took her seat at the table. "However, I can't help but think you are more then a simple scribe to be allowed to attend to such a sensitive thing such as these negotiations. Just as I am sure that the gift your men are fetching is sure to be satisfying. "

Cayden sat on her left, even if they were divided on exactly how to answer this messenger he would still would not leave her alone with this man to whisper into her ear. He had brought his spear with him, he refused to be without it in this mans presence and leaned it on the chair next to him in easy grabbing range though even without it he still had his knives on his person. "And when exactly is your surprise expected to arrive? He asked more controlled then before though it was obvious he still did not trust the mage.
"I enjoy surprises as well." Daenna smiled sharply. "However, I find that there are many kinds of surprises and happen to favor the enjoyable one's. Not the bad kind. I hope that your gift fall's into the enjoyable category. " The threat was clear even though he seemed relaxed. Servants bustled about setting food in front of them. The magister would not be joining them.
Vance - Pentos

"No need to worry, dear princess. I would never give a surprise which could bring harm to you. And as for its arrival, given the timing of my own, I would imagine it should be here soon." The scribe said, glancing towards the door. Not yet apparently. It would be a little unrealistic for it to have arrived now, given it could have been at most half an hour since he had arrived in the first place, unless of course Deanna took an inordinate amount of time to clean herself. He begun to eat whatever were set out in front of him, some of it being to his liking, and some of it not so much. Of course, he couldn't have known what he did and did not like, so he cautiously poked around at the plate, putting small morsels of what was available into his mouth at a time.

(I'm having a bit of time pass here while he eats, so feel free to have the two either ask further questions while he waits, which will be answered as though the gift hadn't arrived yet, or speak amongst themselves. Unless directly spoken to, the scribe is otherwise preoccupied.)

Not so long after he had finished eating what he liked around him, he heard the telltale sounds of clamoring men trying to carry something very heavy. With a smile, the scribe stood from his chair and begun to walk outside through wherever he had to to get there.
"Here it is, dear princess!" he shouted in excitement. Even though he had been travelling with the thing the whole way here, it were still a rare sight. What stood before him was... a tall cube of cloth covering something else. Behind the cloth, however, could be heard the sounds of movement, slight, though heavy. "I think you're absolutely going to love this. Perhaps even you, prince." he said as he looked to Cayden, moving himself beside the cube and placing a hand upon the cloth.
Elendithas said:
Vance - Pentos

"No need to worry, dear princess. I would never give a surprise which could bring harm to you. And as for its arrival, given the timing of my own, I would imagine it should be here soon." The scribe said, glancing towards the door. Not yet apparently. It would be a little unrealistic for it to have arrived now, given it could have been at most half an hour since he had arrived in the first place, unless of course Deanna took an inordinate amount of time to clean herself. He begun to eat whatever were set out in front of him, some of it being to his liking, and some of it not so much. Of course, he couldn't have known what he did and did not like, so he cautiously poked around at the plate, putting small morsels of what was available into his mouth at a time.

(I'm having a bit of time pass here while he eats, so feel free to have the two either ask further questions while he waits, which will be answered as though the gift hadn't arrived yet, or speak amongst themselves. Unless directly spoken to, the scribe is otherwise preoccupied.)

Not so long after he had finished eating what he liked around him, he heard the telltale sounds of clamoring men trying to carry something very heavy. With a smile, the scribe stood from his chair and begun to walk outside through wherever he had to to get there.
"Here it is, dear princess!" he shouted in excitement. Even though he had been travelling with the thing the whole way here, it were still a rare sight. What stood before him was... a tall cube of cloth covering something else. Behind the cloth, however, could be heard the sounds of movement, slight, though heavy. "I think you're absolutely going to love this. Perhaps even you, prince." he said as he looked to Cayden, moving himself beside the cube and placing a hand upon the cloth.
Cayden didn't bother talking to the scribe, his temper had already gotten ahead of him once and he would not give it an oppertunity to do so again. For now he just listened and watched, information was as much of a currency or perhaps even more so then gold dragons and whatever happened here would be extremely important to the future of Westeros. He ate sparingly, preferring the meats and hotter spicier food that reminded him of the hot food many Dornish including him prefered. However even he could not deny interest about what was in the box. Whatever it was, it was living. He inched closer to his spear just in case the beast, whatever it was, proved dangerous. @Crimson smile
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