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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

"Why? You always used to be able to treat me like just one of the guys. I wouldn't think that would change now however if you are so worried I guess we can spar. Don't think that will stop me from throwing you into horseshit again. Even if by accident. " Daenna teased ignoring Mayi as she wordlessly moved to tie Daenna's hair back into a braid.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Why? You always used to be able to treat me like just one of the guys. I wouldn't think that would change now however if you are so worried I guess we can spar. Don't think that will stop me from throwing you into horseshit again. Even if by accident. " Daenna teased ignoring Mayi as she wordlessly moved to tie Daenna's hair back into a braid.

"We've both grown since them and now we got our own names to worry about." He said flexing his thin but powerful muscles and he rolled his shoulders. He looked at her with some curiosity since it had been years since they fought again each other. "What weapon do you use now days anyway?" He asked as he stood up stretching.
"I always had to worry about my name." Daenna pointed out as she stood as well and removed her cloak. Raising her arms up above her head to get the kinks out. "Though I guess it is a larger worry now that I am not in the safety of the Red Keep. I'm using a rapier now. I find it easier to use then a sword."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I always had to worry about my name." Daenna pointed out as she stood as well and removed her cloak. Raising her arms up above her head to get the kinks out. "Though I guess it is a larger worry now that I am not in the safety of the Red Keep. I'm using a rapier now. I find it easier to use then a sword."

"It's not just that, if I rub the princess of dragonstones face in the mud how can you go back to the Seven Kingdoms." He teased some of his old melancholy leave him as the initial moment passed. No matter what he said he was eager to fight her, it had been years since they had probably sparred. "Do you want to spar in the training yard and give the guard a show or find somewhere more secluded?" He asked straightening out to his over 6 foot lanky height.
"You managed to go back to Dorne after what I did to you so I think I'll survive." Daenna grinned as she anxiously began moving in place. She couldn't wait to fight her old friend. "Let's spar in the yard. It will be more satisfying if I can embarrass you in front of a crowd."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You managed to go back to Dorne after what I did to you so I think I'll survive." Daenna grinned as she anxiously began moving in place. She couldn't wait to fight her old friend. "Let's spar in the yard. It will be more satisfying if I can embarrass you in front of a crowd."

He rolled his eyes but never the less left the room, his spear already with him. He quickly identified the training yard and strode past several curious guards and servants without even a backwards glance. By this point their meeting with the magistrate had become common knowledge. "How should we duel, point system? Or to surrender?" He asked turning to her.
"Surrender." Daenna decided after a moment drawing her rapier. The weight if it was comfortable and normal. "The point system isn't as fun."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Surrender." Daenna decided after a moment drawing her rapier. The weight if it was comfortable and normal. "The point system isn't as fun."

Cayden nodded, he didn't want to hurt her but he was fairly confident he could control himself but at that point he did something completely unexpected and started taking off his shirt, reveling hard muscles and a strong body covered in scars, most that she had never seen before. A canvas on his body telling some of the story that war had inflicted on him. "Very well." He said with some exasperation tossing his shirt aside so it landed on a sword post, twirling his sword once with a sort of easy confidence before holding it out in front of him as if preparing to intercept a charge. "You may have the first move."
Daenna eyed the scar covered torso curiously. I guess he has been through a lot since we were kids. Snorting she nodded and removed her shoes. She always found that they dragged her down even if they made her kicks stronger. Turning sideways she crouched slightly onto the ball's of her feet and held her rapier toward him. Quickly she moved and smacked his blade lightly in jest before returning to her spot. "Your turn."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna eyed the scar covered torso curiously. I guess he has been through a lot since we were kids. Snorting she nodded and removed her shoes. She always found that they dragged her down even if they made her kicks stronger. Turning sideways she crouched slightly onto the ball's of her feet and held her rapier toward him. Quickly she moved and smacked his blade lightly in jest before returning to her spot. "Your turn."

He rolled his eyes. "I thought we were gonna spar, very well then I will go first." He took a breath and suddenly when his eyes met her they were cold, lethal, and dangerous. Never before had she met someone like this who felt that person honestly wanted to kill her, her guard would have never allowed it. "Here I come." He suddenly sprung forward on one foot, closing the 5 foot distance in a single moment as his spear flew towards her eye, though slower then his full speed thrust and ready to turn aside at any time he meant to test her.
Daenna felt herself began moving the moment she saw the look in his eyes. Rapier moving to block the attack quickly even as she moved to the side so the attack missed her. Her rapier clashed with his spear forcing it to the side with the strength behind the deceivingly light hit. She arched a brow at him. She knew he would begin moving again as well so got ready to dodge or block any attack that came at her.
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna felt herself began moving the moment she saw the look in his eyes. Rapier moving to block the attack quickly even as she moved to the side so the attack missed her. Her rapier clashed with his spear forcing it to the side with the strength behind the deceivingly light hit. She arched a brow at him. She knew he would begin moving again as well so got ready to dodge or block any attack that came at her.

Deanna had only barely blocked the blow before he was already moving again. Most spear wielders usually tried to keep a distance and for most the spear was a beginners weapon, easy to use even in battle though very difficult to master. He rotated on the balls of her feet turning while at the same time lashing out a closed fist at her stomach, while without enough force to rupture any internal organs the fist carried great force as he used the power of his rotation to lend power and speed to his fist as he moved along with the rotation. Whether she dodged or was hit by the blow he used the continuing rotational force to turn his spear with one hand to slice at her throat, at full speed now so that the spear would be a blur to the untrained eye and carry a heavy weight lended by his rotational force and weight he could put behind his blows while sliding back to abuse the longer reach of his spear.
Daenna exhaled sharply as she barely caught sight of a fist heading toward her and the flash of his weapon. The fist hit and she allowed herself to move back with it to take off the bite of the hit even as her muscles clenched with the exhale to soften the hit. She grabbed the wrist of the hand that punched her even as her rapier automatically moved to intercept the spear. Not fast enough to push it back but to slow it down.
Her sword managed to shift his spear slightly to the right, giving her only a light cut on the neck though she knew Cayden probably would have pulled back teh blow if he thought it would kill her and his rotation stopped as her grip snapped tight on his arm but here his combat experience showed. Without even a moments hesitation with the snap of movement as his body started to stop he lashed out with a heavy kick to her her rips even as he rotated on one foot to keep his balance with sudden loss of moment for as the kick landed or missed he twisted his caught hand to grab her wrist as he stepped back one step and pulled her with him to try and catch her off balance before he let his spear slide forward in his other hand and stab downwards are her leg, not bothering to try and make the awkward angle to hit her stomach.
Letting the hand go Daenna shifted a bit and the kick grazed her side. She was suddenly grabbed and pulled forward. Her rapier lashing out she went on the offense and stabbed toward Cayden as she was pulled closer. She was aiming for his arm and had a controlled grip. Ready to pull back or away should she need to. Kicking a foot forward she used it to balance and anchor herself as she raised her other leg up and rotating slightly kneed him in the stomach inadvertently dodging the spear that grazed her leg.
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Letting the hand go Daenna shifted a bit and the kick grazed her side. She was suddenly grabbed and pulled forward. Her rapier lashing out she went on the offense and stabbed toward Cayden as she was pulled closer. She was aiming for his arm and had a controlled grip. Ready to pull back or away should she need to. Kicking a foot forward she used it to balance and anchor herself as she raised her other leg up and rotating slightly kneed him in the stomach inadvertently dodging the spear that grazed her leg.

Cayden had to be somewhat impressed, she had managed to turn most of his blow to grazes even though his motions were quick and seemingly random. Whatever master she had been training with had trained her well in a sort amount of them, still he wasn't a brawler and he should probably regain some distance. Using his now free hand he pushed against her knee to force himself back to gain distance. The jump would throw off her aim at his shoulder though she still managed to extend and land a small cut that he simply ignored. Taking another step back he suddenly started using the greater range of his, thrusting forward with incredible speed so that his spear was a blur as he thrusted 3 times at her chest before rotating bringing heavy spear blow around in arc at her sis and if she blocked or dodged using the recoil to attacked the other side with another arcing attack in seconds, aiming to batt er her down slightly.
Leaping back a step with the force of Cayden pushing off her leg Daenna resumed her sideways position and raised her rapier. Her rapier and feet was moving almost before she could gain her balance as she was attacked rapidly. Her rapier moved faster then the untrained eye could see and just a second faster then the spear with the light build behind the blade and the strength behind the attacks. Whatever attack's she missed she used her arm guard to block through ended up with a graze or scratch when she was't fast enough. Her feet carried her around the worst of the hit's that she couldn't block or miss as she danced around the heavy blows.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Leaping back a step with the force of Cayden pushing off her leg Daenna resumed her sideways position and raised her rapier. Her rapier and feet was moving almost before she could gain her balance as she was attacked rapidly. Her rapier moved faster then the untrained eye could see and just a second faster then the spear with the light build behind the blade and the strength behind the attacks. Whatever attack's she missed she used her arm guard to block through ended up with a graze or scratch when she was't fast enough. Her feet carried her around the worst of the hit's that she couldn't block or miss as she danced around the heavy blows.

As she tried to dance around and block his blows he let out a laugh of exhilaration as he fought on. Usually when he fought he was fighting for his life and it was a different sort of joy to him but he always loved putting his muscles and skills to the test. He only seemed to get faster as he fought on and many of the guards starred in awe at the two nobles fighting, other trained soldiers might match them for nethier one was fighting full out but for these town guards this might as well be a life or death fight between members of legend and heros. Meanwhile Cayden was not fighting how he usually did, usually fighting fighting armored knights was a different feeling then fighting someone as fast as him with mostly formal training while holding back but he was started to find a rythem. Staying out of range using the greater length of his spear he delivered fast and powerful blows, each time trying to knock her blade a little more off guard, providing a little more speed and extra power till she blocked another long sweeping spear blow to her right did he step in and did something no formal trainer would even recommend doing by stepping in and lashing out with the wooden hilt of his weapon at her head with enough force to stun her before sliding his foot around and trying to knock her feet out from under her.
The sudden shift in Cayden's attack's alerted Daenna to him shifting to his next move. Laughing slightly with exhilaration at fighting someone who was a challenge, even if they weren't fighting at their full ability, Daenna dunked the blow to her head so that it skimmed the top instead of hitting her full strength and leaping over the foot aiming to knock her down used her lighter build to her advantage. Racing forward she aimed her rapier out and toward Cayden's neck.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]The sudden shift in Cayden's attack's alerted Daenna to him shifting to his next move. Laughing slightly with exhilaration at fighting someone who was a challenge, even if they weren't fighting at their full ability, Daenna dunked the blow to her head so that it skimmed the top instead of hitting her full strength and leaping over the foot aiming to knock her down used her lighter build to her advantage. Racing forward she aimed her rapier out and toward Cayden's neck.

Cayden despite his exhilaration was breathing a little bit heavily and while he could fight for much longer it didn't make sense for him to exhaust himself just on a sparring match so he decided to end it quickly. As he leaned forward to stab him he started moving out of the way looking as if he was gonna dodge before suddenly grabbing the blade of the weapon as it passed him in a completely unexpected and unorthodox motion. He was wearing leather gloves and the rapier was a stabbing weapons so while it cut through the gloves due to it being good castle forced steel it blunted it enough he wouldn't permanently damage is hand as he lashed out with his other fist, using the fact she was off balance to try and punch her hard enough in the rips to wind her and end the battle.
Letting go of her rapier in an unorthodox move as she felt it be grabbed Daenna twirled out of the way. Dodging the punch aimed at her stomach as she twirled Daenna leaped back a few feet and gained her balance before lashing out. Moving quickly forward Daenna leaped toward him and wound her arms around his neck, unbalancing him. Dragging him down her knee met his defenseless stomach harshly hoping to wind him.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Letting go of her rapier in an unorthodox move as she felt it be grabbed Daenna twirled out of the way. Dodging the punch aimed at her stomach as she twirled Daenna leaped back a few feet and gained her balance before lashing out. Moving quickly forward Daenna leaped toward him and wound her arms around his neck, unbalancing him. Dragging him down her knee met his defenseless stomach harshly hoping to wind him.

When she let go of her rapier he instantly felt a lack of force and through it aside. Unable to bring himself to use his spear against the now defenseless Deanna he through his back as well a meter or two. "So it comes to this anyway huh." He thought as she wrapped his arms around his neck rather then try to keep his balance he let himself fall sideways to dodge the knee, bringing her with him as he rolled away from their weapons while he wrapped his powerful arms around her lower body and aimed to bring her up in the air with his greater strength to essentially carry her on his shoulder before swinging her around to try and drop her on the ground.
Desgran - Shadow Palace

Throughout the dark halls of the palace, a thunderous, pain-filled fit of coughs and wheezes could be heard over the construction, the diplomats' meetings, the council of generals and the general sound of working servants. It grew loudest on the opposite side of the door to Desgran's study, a huge room that was in fact changed from a library to accommodate his hunger for knowledge. This hunger didn't grow from sheer curiosity, but of desperation. Inside sat Desgran upon a large stone chair. How it was even brought into the room was a mystery, but there it sat, him atop the thing leaned over a similarly large stone table covered in books filled with books ranging all kinds of magics, scattered on one end of the table while the other had the more scientific type. Desgran himself were coughing for what seemed like hours, a veritable stream of blood pouring from his mouth as he did so. A tall man, shorter than Desgran by only a few inches, wearing a set of blood-red robes and a hood over his head stepped into the room, closing it with haste such that none would witness their all-powerful leader at his weakest. "Vance. Bring me my-" Desgran squeezed out between coughing fits, a particularly bloody one shooting out across the table and floor upon the opposite side of it. He needn't say anymore; Vance had come into the room with medicine in hand, and strangely enough, a live prisoner in tow. He handed Desgran his medicine, who scarfed it down in one gulp, continuing the coughing though at a noticeably weaker rate. Vance himself shoved the prisoner to the ground, a heavily bound man from the Dothraki sea, presumably a criminal or warrior from a failed raid on the colony, and pulled a rather odd dagger from his belt. The pommel was adorned with a stone that shone a deep red like that of blood, the blade itself being wavy through the whole length. Without a word, he plunged the dagger into the man's throat and begun to speak the native language of Asshai, a shrill, ululating phrase coming from the darkness of the hood he hid behind. Only moments later, Desgran had stopped the coughing fit, sitting up as though it had never happened. "Thank you. Since you're here, I need you to do something for me." Desgran stated. This were almost certainly going to be an order of some kind rather than a polite question. Vance was prepared for whatever it may be, however. "Take an emissary, some soldiers, and... well, whomever you think you may need. You're going hunting." Desgran stated with a smile, Vance himself having a look of excitement upon his... well, body language?
Daenna laughed breathlessly as she was grabbed and thrown down. She wheezed as she landed on the ground harshly. Kicking her legs out at the defenseless points in Cayden's legs that cause the legs to buckle in one last move she didn't bother trying to climb to her feet and continue the fight.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna laughed breathlessly as she was grabbed and thrown down. She wheezed as she landed on the ground harshly. Kicking her legs out at the defenseless points in Cayden's legs that cause the legs to buckle in one last move she didn't bother trying to climb to her feet and continue the fight.

He not expecting this next counter attack fell to his knees but he grabbed a handful of her hair and shoved it into the dirt of the training area laughing as they wrestled as he wrapped his arms around her chest in a bear hug holding her close to him, though he dimly noticed her chest pressing against his arms. "Surrender?" He asked with a breathless laugh.

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