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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Of course. However, you see my time is short as I have other business to attend to for my sister. So you see unless you can become more civilized soon I'm afraid there won't be another chance to talk. I'm sure a man as busy and important as you Magister understands this? Or at least Crawford assured me you did." Daenna stated watching the man's face grow as pale as a sheet and sweat began to build on his brow at the name. More so then it did at the appearance of Cayden. There is obviously an amusing story behind that.

"I see..." He said obviously set off balance that would be nearly impossible to recover as long as the conversation was kept short. "What is it you need?" He asked his body trembling slightly as he tried to puzzle out why they were here.
"Information." Deanna stated bluntly. "More specifically information concerning the event's in the seven kingdoms and what has transpired since my sister's coronation."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Information." Deanna stated bluntly. "More specifically information concerning the event's in the seven kingdoms and what has transpired since my sister's coronation."

((since it seems ill never get an answer lets move on

The magistrate stumbles through every fact he knows about the current situation in Westeros, in his fear much of what he said is common knowledge or irrelevant small details but overall she gets a picture about what has happened in the seven kingdoms since she left as well as snibits of news she hadn't heard even while she had been there.
So Westeros is not in a good state...Daenna mused keeping her displeasure from her face. Nodding she stood startling the magister and sent him a charming smile. "It has gotten quit late. Do you perhaps have some room's for my friends and I for the night?"

"O..of course Princess," Nodding shakily the magister stood and gestured to a servant who came running. "I'll have some room's readied for yourself and your friends immediately. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]
So Westeros is not in a good state...Daenna mused keeping her displeasure from her face. Nodding she stood startling the magister and sent him a charming smile. "It has gotten quit late. Do you perhaps have some room's for my friends and I for the night?"
"O..of course Princess," Nodding shakily the magister stood and gestured to a servant who came running. "I'll have some room's readied for yourself and your friends immediately. "

Cayden threw a jaunty wave at the magistrate as he got up and left the room, winking at the servant girl who walked up to see her master in his night cloths and with food all over the floor as pale as a ghost and waited for Deanna and didn't speak till they were out of hearing range before frowning. "Well, the situation is worse then i thought, i must write my sisters." He said chewing on his thumb, a nervous twitch of his though you rarely ever sat it.
"Of course," Daenna agreed before turning to the servant girl leading them. " Fetch us some raven's girl. Fast and well rested one's."

"Of course Princess," Bowing the servant hurried to do as demanded leaving Daenna and Cayden in front of their rooms. Pleased Daenna entered her room's motioning Cayden to follow. Taking a seat at the table Mayi and Dominic sat in the seats to her right and left leaving the rest empty. "Hopefully, my sister's can be corralled to better think their actions through. It seem's now that father is gone whatever little control he had on them has fallen. Not pleasant to hear about in the least."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Of course," Daenna agreed before turning to the servant girl leading them. " Fetch us some raven's girl. Fast and well rested one's."
"Of course Princess," Bowing the servant hurried to do as demanded leaving Daenna and Cayden in front of their rooms. Pleased Daenna entered her room's motioning Cayden to follow. Taking a seat at the table Mayi and Dominic sat in the seats to her right and left leaving the rest empty. "Hopefully, my sister's can be corralled to better think their actions through. It seem's now that father is gone whatever little control he had on them has fallen. Not pleasant to hear about in the least."

"If your sister doesn't control herself war in unavoidable, its only one or two great houses feeling threatened for now but for how long if your sister continues on this path." Cayden's brows were tight, wrestling with the difficult problem before him. "If you were not here and as important as you are or as certain of the abilities of my sisters I would have returned to Dorne and called the banners. The entire situation can change with the drop of a hat and your sister is the one holding it." He said rubbing his temples.
"Then perhaps we should go back to Westeros. Together. A sign of friendship between our families will hopefully hold off any hostilities between them for a time if it comes down to it." Daenna nodded as her mind raced to find a possible answer. " Once there I can marry one of the houses within the seven kingdom's while you deal with your own house. Perhaps one of the lords to the angered great houses will agree to marry me to distill conflict between them in exchange for something they desire."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Then perhaps we should go back to Westeros. Together. A sign of friendship between our families will hopefully hold off any hostilities between them for a time if it comes down to it." Daenna nodded as her mind raced to find a possible answer. " Once there I can marry one of the houses within the seven kingdom's while you deal with your own house. Perhaps one of the lords to the angered great houses will agree to marry me to distill conflict between them in exchange for something they desire."

For some reason the idea of her marrying seemed to make him discontent. "Yet I still doubt you want to marry, they could set you up with someone twice your age." He said shaking his head as if to dismiss the notion. "Still if we do return and war starts then we would have brought nothing back at all and you may even be taken as a hostage by a sceaming lord against your sister. Nor can i publicly declare friendship between our houses without permission, I have not the leader of house Martel." He said also working over the problem. "A show of strength might work better, especially if you show initiative to be a good ruler for then lords will look to you as a replacement if things go worse, how targaryan would survive." He said looking at the ground.
"Of course I don't want to marry. Especially not someone I don't even know or care for. You know I never wished to be married for alliance or power. It was one of the things I always fought about. "Sighing aggravated Daenna stood and began pacing in front of the table. "However, what else can I offer in exchange for what we need? What strength is there to show? The Targaryen's lack any real army that is loyal to them and any army here come's with a unspoken price. Worse we lack time. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Of course I don't want to marry. Especially not someone I don't even know or care for. You know I never wished to be married for alliance or power. It was one of the things I always fought about. "Sighing aggravated Daenna stood and began pacing in front of the table. "However, what else can I offer in exchange for what we need? What strength is there to show? The Targaryen's lack any real army that is loyal to them and any army here come's with a unspoken price. Worse we lack time. "

Cayden pursed his lips tightly. "Bravos has always wanted more say in Westeros, offering them a seat on your councils and promising to repay the debts of the Iron Bank should mull them over, their a patient people, and they're strength at sea is unmatched even by the reach and dragonstone combined. If war breaks out then the golden company would pay any price to take seats back in Westeros and replacing traitorous houses with these new lords who would owe you everything could be considered a wise move. Even before the idea of marrying you off we should remove your sister from the throne for mulling over one offense means nothing if she simply creates new offenses." He says agitated.
"You know I always forget your smarter then me when it come's to plans." Nodding Daenna retook her seat. "Alright. So first order of business is to get in touch with the one's that rule Braavo's correct?" Snorting Daenna leaned back in her seat and teased her friend." You know at this point I should just marry you. You seem to be helping me more then any other potential husband will. If only you weren't such a heart breaker."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You know I always forget your smarter then me when it come's to plans." Nodding Daenna retook her seat. "Alright. So first order of business is to get in touch with the one's that rule Braavo's correct?" Snorting Daenna leaned back in her seat and teased her friend." You know at this point I should just marry you. You seem to be helping me more then any other potential husband will. If only you weren't such a heart breaker."

He looked at her for a second like he had never considered the idea and now was seriously doing so before he fixed her with a grin. "I see myself as a gift to a world what can I say." He said leaning back. "Still.... If I were to marry I would probably mind marrying you the least." He said with a rare ring of seriousness in his tone as he fixed her with his piercing eyes. Then he grinned again and his gaze became impish. "Maybe you should marry me anyway, and ill promise to bring the girls to both our beds, threesomes are always fun." He said with a laugh.
"Oh, how considerate. " Daenna shot back sticking her tongue out impishly. "Is that what you offer all the girls so they bed such an ugly man? Or am I just special?"
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Oh, how considerate. " Daenna shot back sticking her tongue out impishly. "Is that what you offer all the girls so they bed such an ugly man? Or am I just special?"

He smiled a bit at that. "No your defiantly a special one Deanna Targarayan." He said his eyes a bit soft when he looked at her before turning back to business. "The leader of Brovos is actually quite easy to fine, unlike Pentos the sea lord of bravos has absolute control of the city. He also handles affairs with the iron bank though hes not an owner." He said looking at her from the corner of his eye.
"Oh, good so it should be easy to get into contact with him then." Daenna nodded glad something was going right a she resisted the urge to blush from Cayden's words. "Hopefully, things go smoothly with us for a while. I don't say this often but I could use a break from the drama for a bit."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Oh, good so it should be easy to get into contact with him then." Daenna nodded glad something was going right a she resisted the urge to blush from Cayden's words. "Hopefully, things go smoothly with us for a while. I don't say this often but I could use a break from the drama for a bit."

"Really, and what happened to the girl I always knew to run into trouble." He teased with a grin. "If i remember correctly you always tried to spar with the boys even when they were bigger then you in most cases." He says with a bit of fondness. "You know now that i think of it we haven't found in four years, think you've gotten any better?" He asked a challenging note in his voice.
"I still run into trouble but I've gottan better at hiding it and if I remember correctly I used to challenge those boy's and win." Daenna smirked. "I may not have real world experience like you but I think I can still take you on. Why is that a challenge?"
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I still run into trouble but I've gottan better at hiding it and if I remember correctly I used to challenge those boy's and win." Daenna smirked. "I may not have real world experience like you but I think I can still take you on. Why is that a challenge?"

He smirked and his eyes turned to the door. "I don't know, think Mayi would kill me if it was a challenge." He said the note of challenge still obvious in his voice as he turned to her his eyes sparkling with impish delight. "I doubt your a match for my spear anymore." He said with a laughing note in his tone.
"Mayi would kill you if you ruined my dress but since I'm wearing armor she wouldn't mind. " Daenna gained a mischievous smile." Still using a spear? I think I could still take you though I always though real men didn't need to use weapons."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Mayi would kill you if you ruined my dress but since I'm wearing armor she wouldn't mind. " Daenna gained a mischievous smile." Still using a spear? I think I could still take you though I always though real men didn't need to use weapons."

He turned to her looking her up in down. "I seriously advice you not to fight me in hand to hand, it probably would not go very well for you." He said quite seriously, with only a slight note of teasing in his voice. "I would feel like i was taking advantage of you." He said looking at her.
Akio said:
He turned to her looking her up in down. "I seriously advice you not to fight me in hand to hand, it probably would not go very well for you." He said quite seriously, with only a slight note of teasing in his voice. "I would feel like i was taking advantage of you." He said looking at her.
"You seem to be pretty sure of yourself there." Daenna noted leaning back into her seat and crossing her arms. " When you left we could spar on equal ground and I had just began learning some more fighting styles after father relented and let me get more tutors. Obviously you've grown as well in the art of fighting to be so worried. What's changed?"
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You seem to be pretty sure of yourself there." Daenna noted leaning back into her seat and crossing her arms. " When you left we could spar on equal ground and I had just began learning some more fighting styles after father relented and let me get more tutors. Obviously you've grown as well in the art of fighting to be so worried. What's changed?"

"Deanna during the wars ive fought ive fought with weapons and with my hands in almost equal measure. I even fought in the great fighting pits of Mareene against tigers with nothing more then a linnicloth and a spear. There's a difference between real experience and actual combat." He said, his eyes actually darkening a shade.
"You know I forget that after you left we had different experiences. I stayed and trained so that I could be strong enough to defend myself under the protection of my father while you went out and fought in real wars. " Daenna sighed. "I guess I'm just more used to the snot nosed brat that I threw into the pig pen. Not to mention the horse shit."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You know I forget that after you left we had different experiences. I stayed and trained so that I could be strong enough to defend myself under the protection of my father while you went out and fought in real wars. " Daenna sighed. "I guess I'm just more used to the snot nosed brat that I threw into the pig pen. Not to mention the horse shit."

He grins, seeming boyish once again. "We could certainly fight, but I would prefer a spar. I'm better at controlling my weapons then my fists and i don't want to hurt you... Much. Besides..." He cleared his throat and looked at her body. "If we decided to wrestle like before it might grow a lot more awkward like it previously did." He said with a bit of a sly grin.

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