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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

"You wish!" Daenna shouted playfully. Her feet kicked back at his knee caps in an effort to make him loosen his grip around her. "I'll never surrender."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You wish!" Daenna shouted playfully. Her feet kicked back at his knee caps in an effort to make him loosen his grip around her. "I'll never surrender."

"You asked for it." He said stiffly enduring her kicks considering she could not put much force in her current position and he reached with one foot and spilled a bucket of water meant to clean blood from the floors onto the dirt floor of the arena allowing it to become muddy while some blood from his wounded hand and shoulder bloodied her cloths. He held her face over the rapidly forming mud. "Shall we watch you take a dive?" He asked playfully, "Mayi may get upset at me for messing up your hair." He said mischief in his voice.
"Ruin her hair and I'll chop off your balls." Mayi called sweetly but threateningly causing many of the men watching to instinctively cover their privates. Laughing despite her situation Daenna struggled a bit against the arms holding her and when she couldn't get lose sighed. "I would say mercy but honestly I don't really care. Mayi does though."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Ruin her hair and I'll chop off your balls." Mayi called sweetly but threateningly causing many of the men watching to instinctively cover their privates. Laughing despite her situation Daenna struggled a bit against the arms holding her and when she couldn't get lose sighed. "I would say mercy but honestly I don't really care. Mayi does though."

He considered, or at least pretended to consider for a second before looking at Mayi. "Ill spare the hair!" He called out before shoving Deanna's face into the mud. The meant he had to readjust the grip of his arms as he taunted her. "Look its the princess of dragonstone eating mud, what would your sister say." He said while rubbing her face more into the mud with very little personal regard to her though he kept well in mind to keep most of the mud out of her hair.
Closing her eyes tightly Daenna kicked angrily back at the prince aiming for the private area between his legs. When she felt his arm relax a bit around her she wiggled one of her arms free and scooping up some mud blindly smashed it back into his face.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Closing her eyes tightly Daenna kicked angrily back at the prince aiming for the private area between his legs. When she felt his arm relax a bit around her she wiggled one of her arms free and scooping up some mud blindly smashed it back into his face.

He managed to block the kick by bending his knees in but he sputtered a bit from the mud but laughed at her before rolling with her around and sitting on her legs so that he was on top with her pinned beneath him in a very unintentional but quite sexual looking position. "Are you still as ticklish as remember I wonder?" He questioned, remembering in one of their duels he had almost lost but pulled out by a cheap trick.
"Don't you dare!" Daenna shouted a bit desperately. She hated being tickled. Reaching out she hurriedly dug some mud and manually applied it to his face. Careful to get it into his eyes,nose, and mouth. Her other arm reached out to apply pressure to a point on neck that could make someone collapse from the pain. Though the pain is only there until she let's go.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Don't you dare!" Daenna shouted a bit desperately. She hated being tickled. Reaching out she hurriedly dug some mud and manually applied it to his face. Careful to get it into his eyes,nose, and mouth. Her other arm reached out to apply pressure to a point on neck that could make someone collapse from the pain. Though the pain is only there until she let's go.

While she managed to get the mud in his face he had been through a lot worse as he closed his eyes and he didn't give her much time to pressure him as he suddenly started tickling her, in spot where he knew she was the most sensitive, his fingers moving cleverly from one sensitive spot to another, showing the skill with his hands he always seem to have even when they were young.
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"N-NO STOP!" Daenna shouted desperately as she noiselessly laughed. Her finger instinctively twisted harder on the pressure point in an effort to grab a hold of something as her other hand grabbed at Cayden's face and began pulling at his left cheek. Pulling it to the side and making a hilarious picture that didn't help her laughter.

Vance Hart - Pentos

Vance stood amongst the squat brick buildings, thinking on the state of Pentos. His time in the Port of Ibben had given him unreasonable standards for the home of a ruler, and while some of the manors and palaces were impressive in their own right, none compared to the size and grandeur of the Shadow Palace. He had been sent to Pentos by the Shadow King himself on an important matter to himself, not of state. As far as Vance was concerned, this meant that the Shadow King's trust in him was absolute, something he may manipulate at a later time. For now he was gracious and willing to do whatever it were that the Shadow King asked of him, in this case, potentially retrieving one of the most valuable assets in the coming war. An heir with a claim to the Iron throne. The Shadow King had no interest in the Iron Throne himself, but with the backers it would entail, it would be nigh-impossible to lose. "Counselman Hart." A man similar in body type to Vance said just as he came to the door. "I believe we have found the girl."

Vance turned and left the room, following a couple of scouts whom had been hired from within the city. They knew the lay of the streets better than any of his own people, so it was necessary in the interest of time to spend the small amount of extra coin for their services. They led him to a quaint two-story building, up the stairs and to a window where they pointed to a group of people speaking and... having sex? It were difficult to tell from this distance, but the girl obviously had the Valyrian features associated with a Targaryen. White hair, pale skin, and more to the description of Daenna herself, young. This were more than anyone else in the city thus far had matched her description. Though, looks alone weren't quite enough to warrant an approach with generally secret information. "And what else about her leads you to this conclusion?" Vance asked in a tone that was along the lines of 'why did I even have to ask this'.

"According to local eyewitness account she arrived very recently by way of boat, most likely hailing from Westeros. If you want to find another white haired young girl that recently came from Westeros, I'm afraid you won't find any." Said the scout. Vance had already decided on a plan of action after the information of the boat. It were true; none other in the city matched the description better, so he would have to take his chances.
"Here," He said as he tossed a pouch full of coin backwards at the two, keeping his sharply glowing eyes on the girl "I'm sure I can find you again if I need any more work done. Go now." Vance told the duo, both of them exiting the room with what they had worked for. "Not one for hiding, are you, Deanna?" He spoke to himself as he turned away from the window, making his way to a group of people occupying a nearby inn. None of them were of Ibbenese origin, oddly enough. "The girl has been found. Come with me." He commanded, just over a dozen men standing from their tables and proceeding with him out of the inn and towards the two smearing mud on each other, or at least that was what it appeared to be on first sight. They winded their way down several roads, making sure to keep together, all of them armed with simple weapons in the case of a violent outcome.

When the group finally came across the two, Vance was nowhere to be found among them, and instead a middle-aged well-dressed man stepped forward with scroll in hand. "Deanna Targaryen?" He asked loudly, some of the men behind him resting their hands on the sheathes to their weapons, not so much in aggressiveness as laziness, though not all would be able to so easily tell the difference, let alone a fifteen year old girl.

@Crimson smile @Akio @everyone else with characters present
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"N-NO STOP!" Daenna shouted desperately as she noiselessly laughed. Her finger instinctively twisted harder on the pressure point in an effort to grab a hold of something as her other hand grabbed at Cayden's face and began pulling at his left cheek. Pulling it to the side and making a hilarious picture that didn't help her laughter.

"Surrender!" He called out his voice a bit distorted from her pulling at his face as he resisted the pressure on the point as best as he could, though it was starting to hurt he found great enjoyment in her laughter and to have her helpless underneath him. He began to tickle her faster and with the intention of forcing her to surrender when suddenly a load shout disrupted his play only for him to turn and see a dozen armed men. Perhaps because he lived to long as an mercenary in a world where betrayal and battle were common he immediately rolled off Deanna reaching for his spear carefully. While he could tell the men were more lazy then hostile he didn't take any chances, reaching his spear in moments and then standing looking at the men. "Who are you?" He did not introduce himself and laid a cautioning hand on Deanna's shoulders. The Targaryens had little influence in Essos and yet these men were searching for her and that made him weary to identify themselves.
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Daenna immediately stopped laughing at the sound of a nearby shout. Tensing she grabbed her rapier as Cayden let go of her and rolled to her feet. Her rapier was held next to her in preparation to attack but relaxed enough not to seem d threatening as she faced the group. Though she noticed the men seemed more lazy then threatening. "Who is speaking?"
Vance Hart - Pentos

The sharp glow of an odd pair of eyes watched from the darkened hood of Councilman Hart, who remained seated in a tall building a fair distance away. He had stepped away from the hired men in the rush of a group of merchants on the way to the magister's home, who had likely heard of Deanna's true identity, though she didn't seem to do a good job of hiding it. This was all planned, of course, though the only one in the group of hired men to know of it was the one serving as an emissary. The less to know the reason he's there, the better.

"I am but a simple scribe for hire, princess. I've been authorized to speak on the behalf of one who speaks on behalf of the Shadow King of Ibben. A letter from the Councilman, m'lady." the scribe said as he took no more than a couple steps forward, and extended the hand with the scroll in it to Deanna.

Princess Deanna,

On behalf of the Shadow King of Ibben, I have been authorized to negotiate the terms of a potential alliance between your own house and the Shadow King. Apologies for my lack of presence, princess, but it has come to my attention that particularly dangerous men have pledged themselves to your safety, and believe me, I know how rash some Targaryens can be. I am not entirely indisposed of however. I will be overseeing the meeting from an undisclosed location if said negotiations depend solely on my presence. Now, onto the meeting.

My lord has sent me, and I this pleasant scribe to you, to make an offer. Simply put, forty thousand warriors of Ib will answer your direct call to defend the Targaryens of the Iron Throne if you so wish, and in return, my most humble lord asks only for the hand of a member of said house. That member, as my lord desires, is you, princess.

At the bottom of the letter lies the mark of the god-king of Ib. This isn't the exact seal that Desgran would like to have, but the restoration of the palace uncovered them, and no other official seal has been created as of yet.
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The shadow king? The name unnerved Daenna and she eyed the scribe as Dom stepped forward to take the scroll hand on his sword. Opening the scroll Dom scanned it and no emotion's crossed his face as he silently handed the scroll to Daenna. She read the contents and her expression grew formal and cold. Holding it out for Cayden to read in a silent sign of trust Daenna turned to the scribe and began the play of politics. "My sister is the current ruler of my house and the one that decide's who is given my hand. Has she been made aware of this offer? Rather or not she has I cannot give my answer until she has contacted me."

She may have plans to overthrow her sister if she needs to but she can't exactly show disrespect toward her rule until she decides to take action. Unity is a needed factor so early in the game.
Elendithas said:
Vance Hart - Pentos

The sharp glow of an odd pair of eyes watched from the darkened hood of Councilman Hart, who remained seated in a tall building a fair distance away. He had stepped away from the hired men in the rush of a group of merchants on the way to the magister's home, who had likely heard of Deanna's true identity, though she didn't seem to do a good job of hiding it. This was all planned, of course, though the only one in the group of hired men to know of it was the one serving as an emissary. The less to know the reason he's there, the better.

"I am but a simple scribe for hire, princess. I've been authorized to speak on the behalf of one who speaks on behalf of the Shadow King of Ibben. A letter from the Councilman, m'lady." the scribe said as he took no more than a couple steps forward, and extended the hand with the scroll in it to Deanna.

Princess Deanna,

On behalf of the Shadow King of Ibben, I have been authorized to negotiate the terms of a potential alliance between your own house and the Shadow King. Apologies for my lack of presence, princess, but it has come to my attention that particularly dangerous men have pledged themselves to your safety, and believe me, I know how rash some Targaryens can be. I am not entirely indisposed of however. I will be overseeing the meeting from an undisclosed location if said negotiations depend solely on my presence. Now, onto the meeting.

My lord has sent me, and I this pleasant scribe to you, to make an offer. Simply put, forty thousand warriors of Ib will answer your direct call to defend the Targaryens of the Iron Throne if you so wish, and in return, my most humble lord asks only for the hand of a member of said house. That member, as my lord desires, is you, princess.

At the bottom of the letter lies the mark of the god-king of Ib. This isn't the exact seal that Desgran would like to have, but the restoration of the palace uncovered them, and no other official seal has been created as of yet.

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]
The shadow king? The name unnerved Daenna and she eyed the scribe as Dom stepped forward to take the scroll hand on his sword. Opening the scroll Dom scanned it and no emotion's crossed his face as he silently handed the scroll to Daenna. She read the contents and her expression grew formal and cold. Holding it out for Cayden to read in a silent sign of trust Daenna turned to the scribe and began the play of politics. "My sister is the current ruler of my house and the one that decide's who is given my hand. Has she been made aware of this offer? Rather or not she has I cannot give my answer until she has contacted me."
She may have plans to overthrow her sister if she needs to but she can't exactly show disrespect toward her rule until she decides to take action. Unity is a needed factor so early in the game.
Cayden took the scroll silently, never taking his eyes off the men till he looked down to read the scroll his senses on high alert. He read the scroll with growing disbelief. The shadow king? Claims of 40000 swords? He immediately grew suspicious. He looked up and tossed the scroll back at the scribe, his eyes cold and dangerous. "Forgive me if I am being blunt but I have to ask since ive never heard of this shadow king before. Is there proof of this 40000 warriors or they they are sworn under one banner? Ib has never had any wish to get involved in Westeros or even show much interest off their island yet you come to us suddenly offering 40000 swords, equal to any great house of Westeros, to our cause can't help but make me suspicious." Even though Dorne was not yet sworn to the Targaryans he would make his voice known and presenting a united front was never more important then now. "And I am ever more weary with the idea of handing over one of the heir's to the throne due to the promise of someone I've never heard of before and who's honor is not proven." He said subtly insulting the Shadow King. "What prove do you have of these claims." He said with a ring of challenge in his voice, not backing down even with smaller numbers.
Vance Hart - Pentos

Vance sat at the window, watching tirelessly as the scribe introduced himself and handed over the scroll, at that moment choosing to reveal his special occasion dagger. It were the same one he used to kill that prisoner back at the palace, though it were only marked with the runes for assisting in keeping Desgran alive. Those were of no consequence however, as the scribe himself were marked with what was necessary. Arguably the least pleasant part of this whole situation were in fact putting the markings on the man. Still, he needed blood, which given his experience in the streets was of no consequence. Turning from the window, he looked towards a bound, gagged, and terrified young woman lying on the bed of a rented room. "Don't worry dear, I only need a little." Vance said in an attempt to calm her, approaching the girl with his sacrificial dagger slowly.

The scribe looked at the two as though he were confused by their responses. He didn't actually think he would need to do any negotiating with what the councilman said.
How am I expected to know what to say?! I'm not even from Ibbe- the man thought just before the expression on his face suddenly went completely calm, a soft, almost completely unnoticeable change in the way the man's eyes... glowed? "Dear princess," he bowed, as though meeting her in person only just now. "Her majesty Kuvira was sent emissaries some time ago. I can assure you, she is very well aware of the offer." the scribe said, his tone of voice having changed from almost scared to rather confident, cocky even. He waited until the man beside her had finished reading and responding, catching the scroll thrown at him with a single hand before putting it behind his back. "Proof of the warriors? No. You'll simply have to take my word on that, though I did bring some things to, oh, well I suppose 'soften you up' would be the correct phrase." The scribe claimed as he motioned for the men behind him to leave, or rather go and retrieve something. "I'm afraid it is a large shipment, we'll have to wait for them to return. Shall we?" He asked, motioning for them all to head inside if possible. He had no idea of what local customs the Pentoshi had, but he was sure that holding a potentially incredibly important meeting out in the mud was not one of them.
Magic? Daenna thought instantly wary of the man before her as she noticed the change in him and his glowing eyes. Or the ones associated with him. Magic was a wary and distrustful subject in the seven kingdoms and Daenna held to that distrust even if she was slightly fascinated in such a subject in the past. She held her hand up to silence Cayden or her companions as she spoke. She may trust them but they had just stepped into new territory. Unknown territory. It would not be wise to anger a magic user. "Until my sister send's word to me personally I am afraid I cannot go forward into negotiations or agreements on just your word alone. If I did I would be seen as very foolish. However, I see no reason for that to stop any relations as we wait for word. I would like to learn more about your shadow king if you wouldn't mind. As he is a potential suitor it is my right. "
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Elendithas said:
Vance Hart - Pentos

Vance sat at the window, watching tirelessly as the scribe introduced himself and handed over the scroll, at that moment choosing to reveal his special occasion dagger. It were the same one he used to kill that prisoner back at the palace, though it were only marked with the runes for assisting in keeping Desgran alive. Those were of no consequence however, as the scribe himself were marked with what was necessary. Arguably the least pleasant part of this whole situation were in fact putting the markings on the man. Still, he needed blood, which given his experience in the streets was of no consequence. Turning from the window, he looked towards a bound, gagged, and terrified young woman lying on the bed of a rented room. "Don't worry dear, I only need a little." Vance said in an attempt to calm her, approaching the girl with his sacrificial dagger slowly.

The scribe looked at the two as though he were confused by their responses. He didn't actually think he would need to do any negotiating with what the councilman said.
How am I expected to know what to say?! I'm not even from Ibbe- the man thought just before the expression on his face suddenly went completely calm, a soft, almost completely unnoticeable change in the way the man's eyes... glowed? "Dear princess," he bowed, as though meeting her in person only just now. "Her majesty Kuvira was sent emissaries some time ago. I can assure you, she is very well aware of the offer." the scribe said, his tone of voice having changed from almost scared to rather confident, cocky even. He waited until the man beside her had finished reading and responding, catching the scroll thrown at him with a single hand before putting it behind his back. "Proof of the warriors? No. You'll simply have to take my word on that, though I did bring some things to, oh, well I suppose 'soften you up' would be the correct phrase." The scribe claimed as he motioned for the men behind him to leave, or rather go and retrieve something. "I'm afraid it is a large shipment, we'll have to wait for them to return. Shall we?" He asked, motioning for them all to head inside if possible. He had no idea of what local customs the Pentoshi had, but he was sure that holding a potentially incredibly important meeting out in the mud was not one of them.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]
Magic? Daenna thought instantly wary of the man before her as she noticed the change in him and his glowing eyes. Or the ones associated with him. Magic was a wary and distrustful subject in the seven kingdoms and Daenna held to that distrust even if she was slightly fascinated in such a subject in the past. She held her hand up to silence Cayden or her companions as she spoke. She may trust them but they had just stepped into new territory. Unknown territory. It would not be wise to anger a magic user. "Until my sister send's word to me personally I am afraid I cannot go forward into negotiations or agreements on just your word alone. If I did I would be seen as very foolish. However, I see no reason for that to stop any relations. I would like to learn more about your shadow king if you wouldn't mind. As he is a potential suitor it is my right. "

Cayden had seen the confusion in the scribes eyes and wondered why he would be sent if he couldn't negotiate at all only to see his entire demeanor change in a way that shocked him. The uncertainty left his face, his reactions were quicker then a scribe should be, and his eyes seemed off in a way he couldn't describe. His entire body stiffened and while he could not say what exactly set him of edge every instinct was flaring in his body to leave this place. "If you plan on turning this to an extended engagement then shouldn't you allow us to refresh ourselves? As you can see your... Visit." He said making in clear in his mind the interruption was unwelcome which while being rude he didn't bother or rather couldn't control his voice in his current state. "Has caught us off guard and if you wish to do this as an extended engagement then I rather not do it with mud drying on my face." He said his voice still gold but with a slight undertone to it that let Deanna know he was actually afraid of something, despite showing no fear when the 12 warriors had initially arrived. He looked at Deanna making it clear he was not asking for permission but informing. "Shall we got get cleaned up my lady before we continue this conversation?" Even though her hand might have stopped him from talking under another circumstance he wanted to speak to her alone.
"Ah, of course how rash I must seem." Daenna nodded in agreement to Cayden's words seeing what he was really doing. Bowing her head respectively at the scribe? she motioned toward the door's leading inside. "I'm sorry in my eagerness I had forgotten my own messy state. If you do wish to carry this conversation inside I must request your patience as I get cleaned up. I'm afraid to carry on in such a state would be both impolite and improper."
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Vance Hart - Pentos

"If you think this intrusion is unpleasant, you probably don't want to know what my original plan for this was." The scribe stated, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth as he begun to walk inside. "By all means, go ahead. Wash up, discuss matters between yourselves. It's all the same to me. You'll come around." he added before taking a seat on one of the more extravagant chairs inside. Vance was a talented mage, sure, but a diplomat he was not. As far as he was aware, the two were only slightly suspicious of what had just occurred, but it were better this way. A sudden change in personality was much better than letting some run-of-the-mill scribe dictate potential terms for an alliance of house and nation. Vance was prepared to describe Desgran to the best of his abilities. Again, he wasn't a diplomat of any kind, but he was good at talking things up to be better than they were, though in Desgran's case, the man was already extremely impressive.

(didn't get a notification for those posts, sorry.)
Elendithas said:
Vance Hart - Pentos

"If you think this intrusion is unpleasant, you probably don't want to know what my original plan for this was." The scribe stated, a soft chuckle escaping his mouth as he begun to walk inside. "By all means, go ahead. Wash up, discuss matters between yourselves. It's all the same to me. You'll come around." he added before taking a seat on one of the more extravagant chairs inside. Vance was a talented mage, sure, but a diplomat he was not. As far as he was aware, the two were only slightly suspicious of what had just occurred, but it were better this way. A sudden change in personality was much better than letting some run-of-the-mill scribe dictate potential terms for an alliance of house and nation. Vance was prepared to describe Desgran to the best of his abilities. Again, he wasn't a diplomat of any kind, but he was good at talking things up to be better than they were, though in Desgran's case, the man was already extremely impressive.

(didn't get a notification for those posts, sorry.)
Cayden walked away, not sparing a look back at the scribe. Now that he gained some distance and a large part of the fear was past he felt only rage. This mage who spoke for the shadow king would divide the seven kingdoms, the idea of letting the Ibben's solve the problems of the seven kingdoms was already hard enough to swallow, but Sorcery? The blatant threats? Soldiers from across the sea serving one who went and called himself the Shadow King? The priests of the seven against them would hail them as demons, bringing in hairy foreign men from across the sea carrying the same magic that doomed Valyaria with them under the service of the nameless one himself how could this go well? Bravos and the free cities at least, if seen slightly distasteful and disorganized at times would be considered human and many times had mercenaries from the free cities had been hired in war and Bravos had a very strong reputation even in the seven kingdoms. Gaining their support would be more then just an offer of troops but just the aid the Iron Bank could provide could float the war in their favor. This Ibbenease king was unnecessary and a dangerous unknown variable. He rounded on Deanna after he was sure they were out of range to be heard. "Tell me your not considering this?" He ask looking at her. @Crimson smile
"Rather or not I am means nothing." Daenna stated more relaxed now that they were away from the magic user. "In the end it isn't my choice. It's my sister that decides. If she send's word telling me that I am to become formally engaged to this so called shadow king there is nothing I can do to refuse. All I can do is try to get control of the negotiations for my hand so that I come out on top. If she states that I am not to marry then I can refuse and naively hope for no further conflict. However, in the mean time we must be polite to this magic user and not offend him nor his request. Entertain him and bade our time. Caution is our best bet until I get confirmation for further movement. "
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos.

Seeing the events taking place in front of him, Nagito placed a hand on the hilt of his sword. He narrowed his eyes at the talking scribe whose eyes glowed. The Yi Ti warrior was no stranger to magic, as his time at Qarth placed him perilously to their Warlocks. Still they had never directly placed themselves in a position to or actually moved against him, so the effects of magic were still foreign to him in general. He stayed cautious though, and as the group moved away from him, the beggar swordsman gathered up the rear and followed the dragon daughter out from where they had been sparing. Nagito kept one eye to the group they departed from, just in case.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Rather or not I am means nothing." Daenna stated more relaxed now that they were away from the magic user. "In the end it isn't my choice. It's my sister that decides. If she send's word telling me that I am to become formally engaged to this so called shadow king there is nothing I can do to refuse. All I can do is try to get control of the negotiations for my hand so that I come out on top. If she states that I am not to marry then I can refuse and naively hope for no further conflict. However, in the mean time we must be polite to this magic user and not offend him nor his request. Entertain him and bade our time. Caution is our best bet until I get confirmation for further movement. "

WanderingJester said:
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos.
Seeing the events taking place in front of him, Nagito placed a hand on the hilt of his sword. He narrowed his eyes at the talking scribe whose eyes glowed. The Yi Ti warrior was no stranger to magic, as his time at Qarth placed him perilously to their Warlocks. Still they had never directly placed themselves in a position to or actually moved against him, so the effects of magic were still foreign to him in general. He stayed cautious though, and as the group moved away from him, the beggar swordsman gathered up the rear and followed the dragon daughter out from where they had been sparing. Nagito kept one eye to the group they departed from, just in case.
He snorted. "Your sister," He said the word with a large amount of distaste that wasn't there before. "Would be the stupidest person in the seven kingdoms to accept. There is no doubt that the men of Ib are capable warriors but they would receive no good reception in the seven kingdoms, even is Essos slavers who are the lowest of the low see both the men and woman of Ib useless for anything but hard labor and fighting. Their story, stubby creatures that rarely stand over 5 foot but they have great big jutting jaws and have a constant presence of hair all over their body. The maesters of the citadel have gone as far to suggest that they are possibly another species. The men of Ib usually care little beyond their island and are so distrustful of outsiders they are not even allowed to leave the ports and even when they come to us they keep to themselves. They would be a strange army serving a dark king, I would not be surprised if the priest of the seven say you called down demons on our homes. And the warlock? If rumors spread the Targaryan dynasty with lose all the respect the faith gained for them after Balor the Blessed, it would turn into open war between the faith and house Targaryan and thousands will rally behind them." He looked away and his next works he spoke quieter. "Dorne is distrustful of invaders, the last to do so was the Targaryans and while that ended up all well and good in the end we suffered greatly under the dragon for the first hundred years in repeated attempts at conquest. Dorne will never let the Ibbenease on their land or fight with them and something tells me many other will see the same, the north especially where things are already sparse." He said clearing his throat. "You could isolate house Martel and Stark along with many possible others and bring their sword and spears against you as much as you gained. It would be folly." He said laying out what he believe would happen with the coming of the shadow king.
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"You speak the truth." Daenna started." However, I doubt my sister would care. All she would see is the chance to gain an army and all she need's to do is give the shadow king my hand. I have little doubt that she would refuse especially in such times. I would say that we should work quickly to remove her from the throne so any engagements is invalid but I doubt we can work quickly enough. She would be eager to get me married off as quickly as she can. All we can hope for is that she has somehow become more rational and declined but as I fear this is a naive thought I am going to try and bide my time and not raise any threatening conflicts."

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