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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

"I'm sure. " Daenna smiled thinly before delving into her own food. Some of the food was rather exotic compared to the meals in Westeros but she found that most of it fit her appetite. Though some was to heavily spiced or to strange to even think to eat. Regardless she strove to try a bit of what she could and expand her palette. As she ate she thought on her current situation. Kuvira has signed me over to marriage to an unknown man who seems to like violence. I risk an army cing after me if I refuse or siding with my enemies. Both options are less then satisfactory. On the plus side my potential husband is near death and my station would be secure. Yet, by marrying him many more houses would threaten my family for letting invaders into Westeros. Of course I can always deny having knowledge of my sister agreeing to any marriage and then unsurp her from the throne but I need an army to do that and the only army offered to me would make unsurping her from the throne harder then ever. There doesn't really seem to be a positive solution to this. She resisted the urge to sigh in frustration but was brought from her thoughts by as a large cube was brought into the room with something distinctly alive inside. Hand twitching toward her rapier she stood and nodded at the scribe as the food was collected. "Please, present the gift. I'm sure it will be delightful."

Vance - Pentos

The scribe stood, his hand on the cloth as he watched the two with an almost sinister smile. That wasn't actually because of anything sinister going on, he was just that kind of guy as could have been told by the conversations leading up to this moment. With a quick jerk of his hand, he pulled the cloth from what was now obviously a cage, the thing flailing in front of the cage for a moment, flashes of white fur being the only identifiable thing behind it until it finally settled on the floor. Inside the cage was a almost what looked to be a large horse, though if someone hadn't taken a single glance and then turned away, it was very obvious it were not. It stood a little taller than the scribe at the shoulders, a white flowing mane of fur along the entirety of its body. Instead of the head of a horse, however, it appeared more like a goat than anything else, the feet also differing from that of a horse and more toward a goat's. In the center of its head, a singular long horn jutting out quite a length almost touched the bars of the cage it were held within. It remained quiet, staring over those new to it. "I present to you, dear princess, one of very few living to this day. The unicorn." The scribe announced, showcasing it as though he were presenting it at a circus. "It has been broken in beforehand and will allow a rider just as any horse or bear would." he said, forgetting that people did not in fact ride bears anywhere else in the world.
When the animal was unveiled Cayden almost knocked over the spear he had slid closer to when he started a bit in shock though outwardly he only twitched starring wide eye'd. Then his face for the first time since the men showed up broke into a smile, this was one of the few times that even Daenna had seen him truly and blissfully happy without reservation like a young boy, a smile stretching across his face. "A unicorn." He said with wonder, getting up slowly as not to disturb the animal almost completely ignoring the scribe entirely. An arrow could have taken him in the chest right now and he would still not be able to take his eyes from this legendary beast. His accent which he managed to shead in the free cities returned to him now, making him see more Dornish then ever. "There were rumors of unicorns in Ibben but the maesters of the citadel couldn't confirm and even the legendary sea snake never met one. What an magnificent animal." This was no simple fake of some goat skeleton sold off by some peddler, how could he not see the differences at a glance when he himself spent so much time in the stables with his beloved Sand Steeds. This was a living creature of legend! Even dragons could have been considered more common then the animal in front of him and it represented all he wanted to find when he got to travel the world as the next sea snake. To see the next herizon and discover things like this. He cautiously walked up to the cage, careful not to startle the animal to get a closer look though when he got there the scribes words registered to him and he frowned. Perhaps because of his negative opinion of the man, perhaps because of his sinister attitude the words broken resonded badly with him. This creature was in a cage, he wouldn't treat a horse like this, and he certainly wouldn't treat a legendary animal like this. "How long has it been in this cage?" He asked with some menace, promising himself if this animal had been harmed there would be a reckoning. Well aware how long the trip from Pentos to Ibben was he wanted to get this magnificent creature out of this cage. @Crimson smile @Elendithas
"It's beautiful," Daenna breathed breathless at the sight of the magnificent animal. Ignoring every one else she approached the animals cage and unlocked it. Holding her hand out a small smile lit her face as the unicorn stepped out and approached her. It butted it's snout against her hand and she giggled at the light ticklish feeling it caused. Stepping closer she ran her hands down it's neck. She frowned when she broke out of her revere and realized what the scribe said. "I thank you for the gift. It is truly magnificent. Yet, a creature as magnificent as this should not be locked up or tamed. It isn't a horse. I can't do any for the latter this far in but I refuse to lock it up from this point on."

Vance - Pentos

The scribe stood beside the cage, the rest of the men who had brought it in standing a ways back. "From the time it was brought aboard the ship in Ibben to the time of its arrival, I would put total time within the cage at approximately one month. Travel time must have been totaled at one and one half months including time at port searching for, acquiring, and loading supplies." He explained, telling a very vague description of the journey and time which the unicorn had been within the cage for the sake of time. Turning his attention with the next phrase to Deanna alone, he patted the side of the unicorn. "I would disagree with you on that point. The unicorn shares many similarities with horses, save for the obvious physical differences. However, the primary difference between the two is the main reason taming was necessary. The unicorn is more fierce, and in fact has a very deadly weapon affixed to its head. Without being tamed, it could be just as likely to pierce your heart on a whim as it is to allow you to ride it, and as I've said, I would never give a gift which could harm you, dear princess." The scribe said, showing the reasoning behind taming the beast. It was not unknown for unicorns to be used as mounts ridden into war, as sightings have been reported, and the fact that it essentially came with a built in lance could only help the rider.
Elendithas said:

Vance - Pentos

The scribe stood beside the cage, the rest of the men who had brought it in standing a ways back. "From the time it was brought aboard the ship in Ibben to the time of its arrival, I would put total time within the cage at approximately one month. Travel time must have been totaled at one and one half months including time at port searching for, acquiring, and loading supplies." He explained, telling a very vague description of the journey and time which the unicorn had been within the cage for the sake of time. Turning his attention with the next phrase to Deanna alone, he patted the side of the unicorn. "I would disagree with you on that point. The unicorn shares many similarities with horses, save for the obvious physical differences. However, the primary difference between the two is the main reason taming was necessary. The unicorn is more fierce, and in fact has a very deadly weapon affixed to its head. Without being tamed, it could be just as likely to pierce your heart on a whim as it is to allow you to ride it, and as I've said, I would never give a gift which could harm you, dear princess." The scribe said, showing the reasoning behind taming the beast. It was not unknown for unicorns to be used as mounts ridden into war, as sightings have been reported, and the fact that it essentially came with a built in lance could only help the rider.
"Yes because all horses are docile and safe." He said half to himself sarcastically. He remembered how when he was younger he had been determind to tame a wild Sand Steed and had been thrown off several times to painful results and nearly trampled when he tried to forcefully mount it. After that he changed tactics and spent over a year feeding it stolen fruits from his own table whenever it came near Sunspear and eventually it started sticking around more and more. It had taken two years all together and Daenna's help to train it to its current level of loyalty and even now he was sure if it was anyone but him and perhaps Daenna without his presence the horse would throw them half way to kingslanding before letting them ride her. He rarely let someone else take care of his horse and it was his most prized pocession though he saw it more as loyal friend. As a mercenary he ate with her several times, often sharring the same meal. He would have to check up in her later and he couldn't help but wonder how the unicorn and the sand steed would get along. "This is a fine gift, but it should have been left in a cage so long. Its a cruel fate to leave any animal like this in a cage. Princess, perhaps we should take him to the stables to meet Shadowfire and make sure he is well fed." He hadn't checked the gender of the unicorn so he just defaulted to calling it a he. Then almost unwillingly it turned to the scribe. "Any special needs we should be aware off?" He asked, he knew had to take care of a horse, he just wanted to make sure a unicorn was no different in that regard. @Crimson smile @Elendithas
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The unicorn nudged her hand when she went to stop petting it making her chuckle. Her attention was stolen by the scribe then Cayden. "Though the unicorn shares obvious similarities with the horse I doubt it was ever meant the be tamed. They are rare for a reason. I refuse to believe that it should be locked up for any amount of time. For whatever purposes. Saying such let's take a walk to the stables. I'm sure he would like to stretch its legs a little."

Vance - Pentos

The scribe watched as the two somehow managed to find something to complain about in a gift as rare as nearly anything they could have thought of. As far as he were concerned, this beast were little more than a piece of property made so by the fact it wasn't strong enough to prevent its capture, and that was how it were to be treated. He had never owned himself a horse or similar creature, so he wouldn't actually know the companionship that came with having it, though even if he had, he wouldn't necessarily care. "Do as you wish with the unicorn," he said, raising an open hand to the air, the dozen or so men that were brought back, standing from their previously lazy positions, stepping in the path of the two. "But I'm afraid I grow impatient. I will not follow you around like a dog all day waiting for an answer as we sit in idle chatter. The councilman does in fact have important things to do both in Pentos and elsewhere. I implore you give either an answer or intention now rather than later." The scribe almost demanded. Impatience was a common trait amongst those in the Shadow council due to their direct contact with the Shadow King so often. This was in part due to the fact he would often take their duties into his own hands if he didn't see results soon enough, putting more drastic measures into place which made their job more difficult.

@Crimson smile @Akio
Daenna tensed hand flying to her rapier as the men intercepted their path. Dom drew his sword and took stance. Ready to fight should the men try anything. Her eyes narrowed on the scribe. "You a mere scribe threaten a princess and her companions? Have you forgotten that the offer you have come here with is to important to decide anything on without serious contemplation? Day's worth in fact if need be. Yet, not even a day has passed and you demand an answer. You are too impatient for your own good and if this were any other situation I would seek your head for such an insult. As it is I need you alive for the time being to go over negotiations for the marriage between myself and your shadow king. An engagement that I accept. Now, step aside so that I can take this creature to the stables. When I come back we can talk further on the marriage contract. Understood scribe?"
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna tensed hand flying to her rapier as the men intercepted their path. Dom drew his sword and took stance. Ready to fight should the men try anything. Her eyes narrowed on the scribe. "You a mere scribe threaten a princess and her companions? Have you forgotten that the offer you have come here with is to important to decide anything on without serious contemplation? Day's worth in fact if need be. Yet, not even a day has passed and you demand an answer. You are too impatient for your own good and if this were any other situation I would seek your head for such an insult. As it is I need you alive for the time being to go over negotiations for the marriage between myself and your shadow king. An engagement that I accept. Now, step aside so that I can take this creature to the stables. When I come back we can talk further on the marriage contract. Understood scribe?"

Cayden stiffened but for now he said nothing as he heard Daenna's reply, simply starring at the men not even bothering to go to his weapons. After all they got what they wanted, and now all that was left to say the cost. Never the less he would not, or could not speak the words he wanted to see in front of the scribe. He simply strode past them as if they weren't there, other then shoving past the guard as he went on his way. He made for the stables at a quick pace, but no matter how long it took Daenna to follow he was waiting by his horse, saddling Shadowfire despite the fact he could have probably been gone a lot sooner. "I think its time for me to return to Dorne, you obviously need no guide to the free cities any longer and I should round up with my men. I'm not gonna watch you marry unwisely." He said glancing at her once before tightening a few straps while waiting for her reply.
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Daenna cast the scribe one last glare before following Cayden. She scoffed as she heard his words. Motioning for him to follow her deeper into the stable's she waited for Dom to check that they were truly alone before speaking. " My sister has agreed to the arrangement, something I'm sure the scribe is aware of. As long as she sit's on the throne then any agreement between her and the shadow king is valid. However, for now nothing is in stone until the contract is formed to both my own and the shadow king's satisfaction then there is the marriage ceremony. It will take time to officiate the marriage considering the shadow king is not within Pentos or I with him. So I have some time to usurp her from the throne once my side of the negotiations are over. If I manage to do so before the marriage ceremony is held I can declare the contract null and void as my sister is a bastard and so hold's no true power to arrange such a thing. If worst comes to fruition I marry the shadow king, kill my sister, and forcefully take the throne like the Targaryens of old had. Or I die trying. Doesn't really seem like I have much more options then that. "
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[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna cast the scribe one last glare before following Cayden. She scoffed as she heard his words. Motioning for him to follow her deeper into the stable's she waited for Dom to check that they were truly alone before speaking. " My sister has agreed to the arrangement, something I'm sure the scribe is aware of. As long as she sit's on the throne then any agreement between her and the shadow king is valid. However, for now nothing is in stone until the contract is formed to both my own and the shadow king's satisfaction then there is the marriage ceremony. It will take time to officiate the marriage considering the shadow king is not within Pentos or I with him. So I have some time to usurp her from the throne once my side of the negotiations are over. If I manage to do so before the marriage ceremony is held I can declare the contract null and void as my sister is a bastard and so hold's no true power to arrange such a thing. If worst comes to fruition I marry the shadow king, kill my sister, and forcefully take the throne like the Targaryens of old had. Or I die trying. Doesn't really seem like I have much more options then that. "

Cayden is somewhat unwilling to follow her further into the stables at first, now that he felt the die was cast he wanted to be on his way but he followed her anyway. He listened to her quietly for a few moments after she finished speaking before speaking himself. "Taking the throne with the Ibbens is impossible, you will gain no support from most of the greater houses and even the common people will spit on these strange misshapen people who kill their sons and rape their daughters. House Targaryan would stand alone and even divided at that and even 300000 Ibbens would not be able to hold the throne if it were to come to pass. The Shadow King is dying so they will not delay in a wedding ceremony as much as you might think so they can obtain whatever the man desires to obtain in the seven kingdoms. They could even forcefully marry you if they desire if your sister has agreed, considering only that strange swordsman and Dom guard you. You may be told your marrying into a position of power but the Ibbens would have no loyalty to you nor would his advisers, look how he treated you back there and apparently hes close to the king himself, why would his people treat you differently. Not only that I'm not even sure if the Shadow King completely enjoys the support of his own people considering the way he took over. You may see his impending demise as a boon perhaps but they second he dies your a figure head. Just like how no one would allow this Ibben king to rule them if you were gone for what reason would the Ibbens have to follow your position, there has never been a female ruler in the history of Ib, much less a foreigner who does not even speak their tongue. Risking it all in the hopes you can over throw your sister half way across the world is folly, especially if he plans to have you escorted to Ib to speak to him directly." He said seemingly pondering an idea that came to mind. "It's to late to go to Bravos, I doubt they would let us run around Essos without retaliating but I could send one of my men to the Iron Bank or even bring a representative here while marriage terms are discussed. If there seems to be no way to avoid the marriage we can escape to Dorne. If your sister is a bastard she should have never have been seated on the throne and her actions as queen invalid. There are plenty angry enough now that you making your claim might make them change their minds. Storms End has risen up in rebellion but many would have many reasons not to want the stag to wear the crown but have enough loyalty to the blood line that if she is indeed a bastard then declaring yourself in Dorne could gain you allies among the great houses. Perhaps even a marriage to the stag could be arranged to defuse tensions completely as long as your sister is removed from the throne and reparations are made." He said offering his own two cents to the situation.
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"So do we have a plan of action then? " Daenna asked softly inwardly smiling. She was no good at this whole large political business or tactics but as long as she had the help of her friends and their advice and insight on any of her ideas she thought maybe she would survive after all. At least until she gains her own footing. "If so, I think we should act quickly. I have a feeling negotiations won't last very long."

Vance - Pentos

And there was the answer he desired. She had accepted his offer of engagement, and that was good enough for him. "Fantastic! As you were," he said, motioning for the group to move back. They had in fact parted to allow Cayden through, as they were well aware that the only actual target were Deanna in the case of issues. "Do have fun with your new companion, dear princess. I'm sure the councilman will wish to be here himself to further negotiate. He will have arrived by the time you're back." He said, taking a seat on a nearby bench and seemingly falling unconscious.

Vance's eyes opened, revealing a bloody scene. Especially so because of how long it took to get a straight answer out of the lady. The girl who were lying on the bed bound and terrified nearly an hour ago lie dead, her wrists slit vertically for maximum bloodletting. A powerful spell required a large amount of blood, and the girl simply didn't have enough to survive after without medical attention, and the amount of time that the two spent going in circles trying to either out-talk him or simply gather information meant that even with medical attention she would die. A shame, really. Another factory for blood being ruined was always less preferable, though it was necessary much of the time. He stood, his hands bathed in blood, and his blade sitting in a bowl of water, now turned completely red as the blade soaked. Grabbing said blade, he put it back in its scabbard, standing from the stool he were set upon and dipping his own hands in the water, cleaning them to a certain degree before making his way towards, and then out of the room, locking the door behind him. Heading down the stairs to reveal this had all occured in an inn, he tossed a bag of coin to the innkeep, who was quite busy with all the mercenaries that had stormed in, and set the key on the counter.
"I appreciate doing business, sir. Have a fantastic evening." He said, making his way out onto the streets where he begun the trek towards the magister's home. He would finally get to meet the princess in person; a somewhat exciting prospect in his mind.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"So do we have a plan of action then? " Daenna asked softly inwardly smiling. She was no good at this whole large political business or tactics but as long as she had the help of her friends and their advice and insight on any of her ideas she thought maybe she would survive after all. At least until she gains her own footing. "If so, I think we should act quickly. I have a feeling negotiations won't last very long."

He snorted. "You know one day your gonna need to learn these things or get married to someone who does because your hopeless at this whole politics thing. They'res a few things we need to do as soon as possible. First we need to obtain proof that Ibben offered this marriage in the first place, an outside force threatening invasion that your sister herself wanted to bring might be just the thing we need to rally others to our cause. That scroll the scribe was carrying or the letter from your sister would be perfect. Next I need to call back the unscrupulous bastards I call my men, the 40000 men of Ib are not here right now and my own group numbers almost 2000, with this we can gain an advantage against the negotiators and that mage while I send a detachment to Bravos to give them an offer. Your job would be to make negotiations as difficult as possible, if it proves to dangerous we got to Dorne with out proof. Dorne does not suffer outside invaders and would rally to your cause and we recognize a woman's right to inherit so it would be as good as place as any to start." He said knowing that at least for now he would stay for a little while, there was work to be done.
"That's why I keep you around." Daenna teased before growing serious. "I'll get my footing eventually. I hope. I told Mayi to burn the letter but knowing her she had the foresight to save it. " Mayi nodded in agreement happy to have done well. " I also have proof of my sister's true status. Which is sure to help. As for the negotiations you should already be aware of how difficult or unreasonable I can be. While I do that you can go about doing what you need. Be careful though. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"That's why I keep you around." Daenna teased before growing serious. "I'll get my footing eventually. I hope. I told Mayi to burn the letter but knowing her she had the foresight to save it. " Mayi nodded in agreement happy to have done well. " I also have proof of my sister's true status. Which is sure to help. As for the negotiations you should already be aware of how difficult or unreasonable I can be. While I do that you can go about doing what you need. Be careful though. "

"Unless you plan to marry me my future wife may disapprove." He teased back only half kidding, he knew he would have to marry someday and he probably wouldn't mind marrying Daenna of anyone, before turning to the task at hand. "If you have the queen's letter then try to get the letter of the scribe if you can, it directly states the offer of the warriors to the Iron Throne. Combined with the proof of her blood line we have every reason to denounce her if it was already done. My troops are not stationed far but ill send 50 men to guard you immediately then once they assemble my own personal guard will come here within the hour as well, hopefully with my return while the rest station themselves in key area's of Pentos. Any force moves in or out we will know. It shouldn't take to long for my men to get to Bravos and return, at which case we can go along with my original plan." He said mounting Shadowfire who snorted as if sensing her masters urgency as she got ready to run. "Watch yourself Daenna, if that mage comes here himself interact with him as little as possible, even with a number advantage. Whatever that man does isn't minor tricks." With that he shot out of the stables, leaving to the closest Inn knowing he could probably find his men stationed all over most of them in this area. He would chose the most sober to form the first 50 while the rest spread the word to the other inns. Assembling 50 almost sober men should just take a few minutes as well as whatever travel time it might take. He got to the first inn in a matter of a few minutes since it was not to far from the magistrates and all but kicked in the door which started his men ((about 15 of them in the bar)) which he sent scattering to gather others while he sent the first few of the most sober and anyone of his own squad to the magistrate. Within a couple minutes of mercenaries riding to different bars there was a new flurry of activity in Pentos as a small steady stream of riders from different area's moved to the magistrates stables while others flocked over the city to gather the rest of the mercenary band though with some grumbling.
Nodding Daenna watched Cayden leave her expression growing cold once he was gone. Once she ensured that the unicorn was safely within a stall and being fed and watered she headed back to the magistrates. She discovered the scribe still unconscious and a man in a cloak that was obviously the mage that had been controlling the man. His aura just screamed with cruel power. Allowing none of her trepidation to color her expression she nodded at the mage in greeting as she sat. Tea was immediately brought out and Mayi silently left. " My companion Prince Martell had some important business to attend to so we shall be starting the negotiations without him. Now if you please, tell me what the Shadow king Dresgan wishes in his side of the marriage and what he might be willing to offer me. Then we can work from there."
Some Tavern in Essos

POV: William Thorne

William dived through the gap between two drunken patrons and hurled himself onto the bench at one of the tables, sliding some way before coming to a halt and setting down his remarkably unspilled drink. As usual, not a single eye turned to him as he performed this maneuver. It was an odd life, being so unnoticed. Sometimes made getting work a little difficult, but by now if someone was looking for him, they'd know how much like a spirit he is. So it wasn't so much of an issue anymore. Especially when he was so damned good at fighting.

Regardless, he had only just got here, so he wasn't exactly expecting anything. Still, in a place like this with his line of work, it paid to stay armed. He patted the sword at his hip, mentally checking his hidden weapons. Mostly in place. Good. A smile edged onto William's lips as he took a careful sniff of his drink. Didn't seem too low quality. The smile fully emerged, and he took a sip, drinking slowly. Didn't help to be drunk if you were looking for work as a hired sword. That only gave bad impressions, that you were unprofessional and incompetent. William was neither of these things.

Vance Hart - Magistrate's Manor

Vance walked the streets of the city, taking arguably the most efficient route to the manor that he could think of. He walked alone, looking at none, but aware of all around him. While he was no warrior or anything of the like, he was capable in combat, and had inordinately great senses to match. Everything went well through the journey to said Manor, though upon arrival, he were alone with those that he had hired. All the more time to prepare, as he saw it. Approaching the scribe, he shook the man for a moment before he woke. "Your work is done, my good man. Fair pay for fair work." Vance stated, handing the man a pouch of coins. As many pouches of coin as he had handed out, there were plenty more. He decided rather than to bring many people from Ibben to Pentos that it would simply be better to bring enough money for any problem that might arise. A costly trip for sure, but it had little if any impact on the royal coffers. "Oh, and that letter I gave to you. I would very much like it back. It has been placed in your satchel." He said, extending his hand to receive it. The scribe confusedly opened up a satchel hanging from his side and grabbed what he could only assume was the letter mentioned, handing it to him as requested.

The scribe took the money, happily stood, bowed to a degree, and then proceeded to leave, a new wealth he had not had before in tow. Vance himself looked around for a moment at the familiar, yet entirely foreign place he were standing, placing the rolled up letter into his robe as he looked. In comparison to his quarters at the Shadow Palace, it was kind of... bland in terms of decoration, for his taste that was. He was notorious for buying some of the most expensive things available to place around his home however, all of which having some practical application save for the occasional exceptionally comfortable chair or portrait.
"If you strong fellows would move that cage by the wall, please." He commanded, them beginning to get the thing out of the middle of the courtyard and next to the wall they assumed he were speaking of. Hmmmm he thought, heading inside for a moment and grabbing the fancy chair he were sitting in before, bringing it outside and directing it to face the entrance that Deanna left from. He sat, crossing one leg over the other with both hands gripping the ends of the arm-rests. A decidedly ominous position, though one he had in fact learned from Desgran himself.

"Good evening, dear princess. A pleasure to finally see you with my own eyes." he greeted, the voice seeming to come from nowhere upon the man's body as his hood was impossibly dark for the lighting, the only visible thing within being two glowing dots where a man's eyes would be. When the tea was brought out, along with the table and other chairs necessary to get him in the position required for Crimson's post, he politely pushed it away. Negotiations of this nature were not something he ate at. "I believe you know what has been offered, dear princess. An army, should your queen need such a thing, and your position at the side of the Shadow King, which holds as much power as you could desire, under the king, of course."

@Crimson smile
Daenna allowed none of her emotions, negative or positive, to show even as the mage's voice made the hair on her arms sand. Picking up her cup she sipped at it before speaking. "The army. I don't want my sister to be the one it answer's to should she need it. I am the one marrying this shadow king so it will be my army and only if I wish it should my sister be able to wield it. After all my sister is known for being rather rash and with a war on the horizon I think it's best if she isn't given an entire army. I am also aware that should my sister parish or be found unfitting for the throne after I marry then I am the next in line to be queen. If that so happen's I know Desgran has the power to dictate if I am allowed to take the throne as my husband. I have no wish for him to dictate something like that so I would like that added to the contract. I would also like to be sure that should I become queen that he does not try to rule over me and dictate my action's. He is the shadow king and will be king of westeros should he be alive when it occurs but I am the Targaryen and the seven kingdoms are mine to rule should it come down to it. Not any husband's I shall take. He shall have more power over Ib and have a say in any decisions concerning Westeros but never can he over rule me when it come's to the seven kingdoms, though he can act as proxy should I need one and have more power then any but I. I also wish to be sure that any alliance with Ib is bound by the marriage but for all other intents separated. That it shall continue to stand after he dies and a new shadow king is dictated. Are these term's agreeable?"

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Aemond Velaryon, The Free Cities, Pentos.

Before continuing the dialogue with the Magister he took a quick glance over his shoulder to see how his crew would doing, they had managed to stock the products on to the carts and had started to bring them onto land to be transported.

Aemond now faced back to the Magister, he had little patience for tasks like these that so he wondered to himself why he even accepted it, his what was to begin with a very convincing smile was now a slightly cruder one.

"I will have to take you up on that offer than, you are a kind and good man I and my men thank you for your hospitality... If you could show us the way to the magistrate then I would be grateful as unfortunately I am not very familiar with Pentos." Aemond inquired the Magister as sincerely as he could.

"I appreciate your compliments, if you would kindly follow me and my men will show you the way." declared the Magister with a nod of the head.

Aemond and his men followed shortly behind the Magister pulling the carts of wine with them and Aemond took note of some of the places of Pleasure in Pentos however he was doubtful he would have time to explore any of them.
Fezzes said:
Some Tavern in EssosPOV: William Thorne

William dived through the gap between two drunken patrons and hurled himself onto the bench at one of the tables, sliding some way before coming to a halt and setting down his remarkably unspilled drink. As usual, not a single eye turned to him as he performed this maneuver. It was an odd life, being so unnoticed. Sometimes made getting work a little difficult, but by now if someone was looking for him, they'd know how much like a spirit he is. So it wasn't so much of an issue anymore. Especially when he was so damned good at fighting.

Regardless, he had only just got here, so he wasn't exactly expecting anything. Still, in a place like this with his line of work, it paid to stay armed. He patted the sword at his hip, mentally checking his hidden weapons. Mostly in place. Good. A smile edged onto William's lips as he took a careful sniff of his drink. Didn't seem too low quality. The smile fully emerged, and he took a sip, drinking slowly. Didn't help to be drunk if you were looking for work as a hired sword. That only gave bad impressions, that you were unprofessional and incompetent. William was neither of these things.
While he himself was being careful not to get to drunk the bar was full of celebrators today as it seemed the entire bar was filled with mercenaries. Judging by the sense of comradship and easy arguments between them they were likely all in the same company and considering they were not shy is telling tales it was easy to know who they were, the Red Spears.

The Red Spears was a relatively new mercenary company who had experienced a very quick rise in numbers and contracts in the last couple years. They were renown for their lightning fast and clever offenses and high maneuverability due to the fact while many of them fought on foot every single one of them owned a horse including an great amount of Dornish sand steeds which that and their symbol make many think they are affiliated with the Westerosi kingdom. They were obviously celebrating when someone suddenly all but kicked the door in to gather attention. There naturally was Cayden, prince of Dorne who spent time at kingslanding, often in the company of Daenna Targayan. It had been some years but he was still recognizable, if anything the heart breaker of kingslanding look more mature then ever.. "Hey you bastards you have to get to work! Pay your tabs and get moving! Round up with Dallen back at the magistrates and he'll give you orders." One of the drunker men looked at him a bit accusingly. "You promised us drinks captain, you usually keep your promises yet you want us to march without even a fair drink?" Cayden gave him a look and the man raised his hands defensively. "Just saying captain, dont worry were going." He got up with a bit of a struggle and the tavern owner seemed a little shocked that the crowded tavern was now empty whike Cayden look around satisfied before his eyes fell on Williams form a bit curiously, he seemed strangely familiar.

Lancelot said:
Aemond Velaryon, The Free Cities, Pentos.
Before continuing the dialogue with the Magister he took a quick glance over his shoulder to see how his crew would doing, they had managed to stock the products on to the carts and had started to bring them onto land to be transported.

Aemond now faced back to the Magister, he had little patience for tasks like these that so he wondered to himself why he even accepted it, his what was to begin with a very convincing smile was now a slightly cruder one.

"I will have to take you up on that offer than, you are a kind and good man I and my men thank you for your hospitality... If you could show us the way to the magistrate then I would be grateful as unfortunately I am not very familiar with Pentos." Aemond inquired the Magister as sincerely as he could.

"I appreciate your compliments, if you would kindly follow me and my men will show you the way." declared the Magister with a nod of the head.

Aemond and his men followed shortly behind the Magister pulling the carts of wine with them and Aemond took note of some of the places of Pleasure in Pentos however he was doubtful he would have time to explore any of them.
When he got to the magistrates estate in front of the magistrates estate a crowd had formed, with groups of men streaming off at random times as a long haired fair man directed men in every direction, his mouth constantly moving as he gave out orders to different squads as his words became distinguishable as one came closer. By his side was a massive man, well over a head taller then any other men there, not saying anything but looking at the castle, brows tight looking at the castle. "Ulfric bring your group to the ports, keep an ear out for gossip from the seven kingdoms and of any word of any troop movement. Salawyn spread your men around the close country side and screen approaches. I want to keep an eye on traffic in and out. Meanwhile I plan to gather my funds for transportation while using our outsiders to scan for any large force approaching by land." He looked to the man at his side. "Your own heavy riders are suited as guards and will be responsible for the princess protection. Spread them throughout the castle and for every man the mage has match it just in case. I will be sending two of my archers with you just in case." The man grunted nodding and walked in the castle some of the most heavily armored and largest men following him. The rest of the troops left leaving just Dallen and 10 archers with him and he looked at Aemons group curiously.

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