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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

The man at the fair mans side lifted his crossbow almost casually to point at his chest, at this range if he fired it would likely kill him instantly but the faired haired man put a hand on the crossbow setting the man at ease. The faired haired man inclined his head to Aemond. How could he not recognize the name of the family that produced the famous Sea Snake who's footsteps Cayden longed to follow as several people looked on with interest at this confrontation. "I have been impolite prince of Driftmark, my apologies. It is late so our client is likely asleep but I invite you to dine with me inside the magistrates, I'm certain she will be interested in meeting you once informed about your presence." He said in a agreeable tone laced with some respect. He did not want to offend this man after all.
"Sounds almost to Impressive, " Dom snorted amused by the tale. He had a certain wariness for stories but was overall more impressed by witnessing the feat. "I can handle a long bow just fine but prefer the crossbow. The Dothraki are known to respect strength more then any thing. I am much the same. If not physical strength then mental strength. It's why I respect the princess. She may have been sheltered but she was always driven not to live the high life. The grief she received for her will could make the most harden warrior break. She stayed strong and continued to be caring instead of spiteful. Though even I couldn't blame her when she shed no tears for her father's death nor mourned for more then show."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Sounds almost to Impressive, " Dom snorted amused by the tale. He had a certain wariness for stories but was overall more impressed by witnessing the feat. "I can handle a long bow just fine but prefer the crossbow. The Dothraki are known to respect strength more then any thing. I am much the same. If not physical strength then mental strength. It's why I respect the princess. She may have been sheltered but she was always driven not to live the high life. The grief she received for her will could make the most harden warrior break. She stayed strong and continued to be caring instead of spiteful. Though even I couldn't blame her when she shed no tears for her father's death nor mourned for more then show."

Gerrard snorted. "From what Cayden told me her father was paranoid and not a very good ruler. I heard he exiled one of his own Kingsguard. For treason apparently but I would like to ask where the proof was. Still I can tell that girls a little spit fire, if she does sit on the throne she probably won't let people walk all over her yet she's kind enough to be fair. She probably won't make a bad queen but politics has never really been about that though." He said scratching his chin.
"She has never been good at politics. Never really tried to learn them." Dom said by way of agreement. "By the time I became her guard her father had given up on teaching her politics or else I would have dragged that girl to her tutor tied up if it made her stay. She is beginning to realize why they are needed and now willing to try and learn. A big improvement from when she was younger. As long as she keep's the cooler personality she has been wearing lately she may actually learn it. She can wait to be her true spitfire self until after. Not a combination I'm looking forward to."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"She has never been good at politics. Never really tried to learn them." Dom said by way of agreement. "By the time I became her guard her father had given up on teaching her politics or else I would have dragged that girl to her tutor tied up if it made her stay. She is beginning to realize why they are needed and now willing to try and learn. A big improvement from when she was younger. As long as she keep's the cooler personality she has been wearing lately she may actually learn it. She can wait to be her true spitfire self until after. Not a combination I'm looking forward to."

"She can learn if she tries. Cayden and Dallen as well as any other tutor we might fine could help though Cayden probably wishes we had a Maester with us. But then again if things are as you say its quite possible a boring teacher like a Maester would not catch her interest. If she does sit on the throne though she will be exoected to marry. Wonder who she'll put at her side. Cayden said she's not thrilled with the idea in the past." He said shrugging.
"She had been betrothed to the King of Ibben in exchange for an army. " Dom admitted less then pleased with the idea. He had little against Ibben but didn't like that his charge was being forced into a marriage by her sister. "Cayden wishes for her to run and find a way to call the engagement invalid. Daenna is uncertain as she holds honor highly and doesn't know much of Ibben or it's people. She doesn't wish for the houses to rebel should she go through with it but it seems that they are already doing so and shall do so no matter what. By doing so she threatens her friendship with Cayden but also gains the army she desires. If she could find a way to claim the throne even with an army from Ib, which would be nearly impossible, she would try to find a natural standing for her problems. As it is she faces many path's and doesn'tknow which one to go down. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"She had been betrothed to the King of Ibben in exchange for an army. " Dom admitted less then pleased with the idea. He had little against Ibben but didn't like that his charge was being forced into a marriage by her sister. "Cayden wishes for her to run and find a way to call the engagement invalid. Daenna is uncertain as she holds honor highly and doesn't know much of Ibben or it's people. She doesn't wish for the houses to rebel should she go through with it but it seems that they are already doing so and shall do so no matter what. By doing so she threatens her friendship with Cayden but also gains the army she desires. If she could find a way to claim the throne even with an army from Ib, which would be nearly impossible, she would try to find a natural standing for her problems. As it is she faces many path's and doesn'tknow which one to go down. "

"Err..." He said scratching his head as if thinking how he wanted to say his next line without offending the man or talking counter intuitive to Caydens plans. "If she had no say in the marriage its not really her honor on the line is it? Its her sisters and if she plans to make a claim she's to be over thrown anyway. And while im not one for politics but I know I would not let a man from a foreign country rule me if I did not chose him. He knows nothing of me or I of him so why should we have any relation? Besides weren't some houses on her side or neutral?" He asked looking at Dom.
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Akio said:
"I've seen him kill a charging knight in full plate with a single shot at 30 meters. Part of it is his bow. Its made of Dragonbone so its draw weight is higher then nearly any other bow except a crossbow and a Goldenheart bow or so he tells me. But since its built like a long bow he can fire as fast as a man using a long bow. He won that of a bet with a Khal who was gathering gifts in the free city to go away basically. The man was interested in our Sand Steeds since they are rare to be seen in Essos. Cayden being the guy he is challenged the Khal to a long distance race to show off his Sand Steed. He had already won from the beginning though. Sand Steeds are fast and while the Dorthraki horses are extraordinarily fast in short distance Cayden tells me his horse can run for a day and a night and still run for another day without rest. The Khal impressed by his horsemanship invited us to eat at his table. Dallen was our translator, he had learned to speak Dorthraki as part of running his buisness. The Khal was proud of his new Dragonbone bow and Dallen is usually a level headed guy who doesn't create problems but the second he saw it he challenged him to an archery contest for the bow, betting his own Sand Steed and a breeding stock to give to the Khal. The Khal was interested since we already beat him once and agreed. I have never to this day seem Dallen look so determind again and he outshot the Khal every time. Ill give the Khal credit that he handed over his bow without a fight, he seemed rather humbled to get outshot and outridden in the same day. Dallen gave him some of our breeding stock anyway with Caydens permission and we earned his respect. Im not even sure if that Khals still alive given the chaos of the Dorthraki sea but it taught me respect for the Khalasars, they were all fierce warriors even if armor wasn't their thing and by god could they drink." He said chuckling.
The man at the fair mans side lifted his crossbow almost casually to point at his chest, at this range if he fired it would likely kill him instantly but the faired haired man put a hand on the crossbow setting the man at ease. The faired haired man inclined his head to Aemond. How could he not recognize the name of the family that produced the famous Sea Snake who's footsteps Cayden longed to follow as several people looked on with interest at this confrontation. "I have been impolite prince of Driftmark, my apologies. It is late so our client is likely asleep but I invite you to dine with me inside the magistrates, I'm certain she will be interested in meeting you once informed about your presence." He said in a agreeable tone laced with some respect. He did not want to offend this man after all.
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos.

Aemond continued to chuckle.

"Ahh thats a shame, perhaps me and your contractor could speak later? or perhaps not if they are busy." Aemond said before he continued

"And you honour me but by no means am I a prince, however when it comes to dinner I eat like a king and I am fucking hungry!" he said amused with himself, Aerys and Aemond now in more of a positive mood making their way towards the Magistrate.
"It's her families honor. Or at least in her mind it is. " Dom corrected quietly. " She also has a larger claim then any of her sisters as both are bastards. Thus making her the next in line to claim the throne should she wish it. While some of the houses where natural or on hher side there are a few major houses who seem to be planning to ally together. They are very powerful alone and together, the Targaryens even with their allied houses, barely stand a chance. So Deanna seeks an army to even the battle field, if only a little. As for the shadow king, arranged marriages are traditional and even though she is against them she is willing to go through with them if they are willing to give her what she needs. She cares about Westeros and believes that it is worth more then her happiness. I disagree of course. The only positive side is that the king is said to be deathly ill and offers her freedom and an army. He is also promising that he shall not try to rule over her outside marital affairs or affairs concerning Ibben. Once he dies Deanna can go on to marry someone she loves, or so I hope."
Lancelot said:
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos.
Aemond continued to chuckle.

"Ahh thats a shame, perhaps me and your contractor could speak later? or perhaps not if they are busy." Aemond said before he continued

"And you honour me but by no means am I a prince, however when it comes to dinner I eat like a king and I am fucking hungry!" he said amused with himself, Aerys and Aemond now in more of a positive mood making their way towards the Magistrate.
Dallen smiled, getting off his horse and handing it to his companion as an offer to walk with him. "I'm sure there is more then enough food to meet your needs." Dallen was a tall man but lanky almost like the powerful bow he carried, and he walked with a certain motion that made it obvious he was trained even though his easy going smile and calm words made it hard to see him as a threat. "I'm sure when she wakes our contractor would be eager to meet you." He said politely as he walked with them.

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"It's her families honor. Or at least in her mind it is. " Dom corrected quietly. " She also has a larger claim then any of her sisters as both are bastards. Thus making her the next in line to claim the throne should she wish it. While some of the houses where natural or on hher side there are a few major houses who seem to be planning to ally together. They are very powerful alone and together, the Targaryens even with their allied houses, barely stand a chance. So Deanna seeks an army to even the battle field, if only a little. As for the shadow king, arranged marriages are traditional and even though she is against them she is willing to go through with them if they are willing to give her what she needs. She cares about Westeros and believes that it is worth more then her happiness. I disagree of course. The only positive side is that the king is said to be deathly ill and offers her freedom and an army. He is also promising that he shall not try to rule over her outside marital affairs or affairs concerning Ibben. Once he dies Deanna can go on to marry someone she loves, or so I hope."

"Maybe the Ibbens could even the battlefield slightly, I'm not gonna lie I've heard stories their a hardy folk even if most of them don't even reach my chest but wouldn't it be better to avoid war entirely? Have her marry one of the neutral or even hostile houses of those with a powerful army. It would seem one solution to avoid war entirely is right the wrongs that started teh war and offer her hand as a balm for their troubles. After all it was not her who fucked everything up for them right? And honestly I rather her marry someone whos gonna live if she decides to marry politically, who knows what the armies of a dead king will do when hes no longer there to control them, even if they do nothing but withdraw from the war it could be devastating. And there is also the matter of the free cities, if Ibben sails for westeros one of them may attack Ib itself, Norvos has competing with them for the Ax for awhile. And there's still the whole problem unless the Ibben's got the strength to beat all of Westeros she can't afford to have all the noble houses pissy at her, if even Cayden disagrees with it who will she go for aid if Ibben can't or wont help her?" He asked musing.
"If she is forced to marry the shadow king I believe she is thinking of leaving Ibben out of the war, giving them the alliance they seek, and only using the army they give her to sparsely at best. Try to find a army within Westeros who won't seem like invaders as soon as she could. I suppose marrying one of the houses that are allying against her sister is a good idea. However, who is to say they would agree? Or that the house would treat her fairly? I will bring the suggestion up to her if she has not already thought of it. At this point we shall find ourselves spending many hours going over potential plans and what not. Before moving or making any large decisions. Or so I hope. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"If she is forced to marry the shadow king I believe she is thinking of leaving Ibben out of the war, giving them the alliance they seek, and only using the army they give her to sparsely at best. Try to find a army within Westeros who won't seem like invaders as soon as she could. I suppose marrying one of the houses that are allying against her sister is a good idea. However, who is to say they would agree? Or that the house would treat her fairly? I will bring the suggestion up to her if she has not already thought of it. At this point we shall find ourselves spending many hours going over potential plans and what not. Before moving or making any large decisions. Or so I hope. "

"Then its worse at best, I think it will be best to marry someone else. If it's a simple alliance they want then marriage is not necessary. They could support us in many ways without using their soldiers. If they take the Ax they can be quite wealthy and support us with finances, political pressure, and ships. Ibben ships are not pretty to look at but their pretty solid and can be used as warships with some modifications. I agree some investigating should be done about the situation in Westeros. Perhaps Cayden should go back to Dorne and feel out the situation before anything is committed to, we don't even know what exactly is going on over there." He said sighing.
"Many paths and yet each comes with more problems then they are worth. "Dom huffed crossing his arms over his chest. "All this political bullshit is getting on my nerves. What happened when conflict was solved by fist rather then words? That was the good old days. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Many paths and yet each comes with more problems then they are worth. "Dom huffed crossing his arms over his chest. "All this political bullshit is getting on my nerves. What happened when conflict was solved by fist rather then words? That was the good old days. "

Gerrard grunts in agreement. "That's why im a soldier not a politician. My life is simple, I charge the direction my brothers point in and they make all the decisions. All I do is kill the enemy in front of me, that all I've ever needed. Ill let everything else fall into place after I do that. Besides at the end of the day isn't this war gonna be won by people like us? When it comes to violence without people like us to swing the sword for them what are they really? Maybe we should just throw all the politicians in a room and have them kill each other and we elect the winner who steps out king or queen." He said jokingly.
Akio said:
Dallen smiled, getting off his horse and handing it to his companion as an offer to walk with him. "I'm sure there is more then enough food to meet your needs." Dallen was a tall man but lanky almost like the powerful bow he carried, and he walked with a certain motion that made it obvious he was trained even though his easy going smile and calm words made it hard to see him as a threat. "I'm sure when she wakes our contractor would be eager to meet you." He said politely as he walked with them.
"Maybe the Ibbens could even the battlefield slightly, I'm not gonna lie I've heard stories their a hardy folk even if most of them don't even reach my chest but wouldn't it be better to avoid war entirely? Have her marry one of the neutral or even hostile houses of those with a powerful army. It would seem one solution to avoid war entirely is right the wrongs that started teh war and offer her hand as a balm for their troubles. After all it was not her who fucked everything up for them right? And honestly I rather her marry someone whos gonna live if she decides to marry politically, who knows what the armies of a dead king will do when hes no longer there to control them, even if they do nothing but withdraw from the war it could be devastating. And there is also the matter of the free cities, if Ibben sails for westeros one of them may attack Ib itself, Norvos has competing with them for the Ax for awhile. And there's still the whole problem unless the Ibben's got the strength to beat all of Westeros she can't afford to have all the noble houses pissy at her, if even Cayden disagrees with it who will she go for aid if Ibben can't or wont help her?" He asked musing.
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos.

"Yeah I bet she would..." Aemond said somewhat mockingly but it also made him think, it must be some important Lady or something for a whole mercenary company to be needed.

"Unfortunately you may have to show me the way to the dining hall, the Magister decided to go his own way before giving me the tour so I would be grateful... unless you just got here too, then I guess the four of us could have a little exploration party." Aemond chuckled while Aerys shacked his head before looking at the sky. Aemond walked carefree however he held himself so that he could easily reach his sword just in case.
Lancelot said:
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos.
"Yeah I bet she would..." Aemond said somewhat mockingly but it also made him think, it must be some important Lady or something for a whole mercenary company to be needed.

"Unfortunately you may have to show me the way to the dining hall, the Magister decided to go his own way before giving me the tour so I would be grateful... unless you just got here too, then I guess the four of us could have a little exploration party." Aemond chuckled while Aerys shacked his head before looking at the sky. Aemond walked carefree however he held himself so that he could easily reach his sword just in case.
"I know the way, you need not worry about a guide with me here." He said calmly. Once they got to the Magistrates it was easy to tell that the place was heavily guarded. To large men dressed as knights or heavy Calvary since knights here were likely to be rare waited at the front door in addition with the normal guard who seemed kind of nervous and under trained around them. There were archers crossbow men sitting in some of the windows and men patrolled the grounds of the house in medium sized groups watching the grounds. He had likely seen small castles less guarded then this. Whoever they were guarding was likely no joke. It was similar inside, with 10 more of the armored figures inside the main doors speaking to each other quietly until they walked in at which point they nodded politely to Dallen making it obvious there were Red Spear men. Many were also dinning in the Kitchens though at Dallens request they left money for what they ate in approximate amounts though likely it wasn't perfect before walking off. Guards were stationed at several key holding points and it was obvious not a small portion of the band was stationed at the house personally.
"Sadistic. " Dom grunted shaking his head. "With how ruthless politicians are they wouldn't hesitate to kill each other off either. Just wait and they will do it for us. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Sadistic. " Dom grunted shaking his head. "With how ruthless politicians are they wouldn't hesitate to kill each other off either. Just wait and they will do it for us. "

"Yet something tells me we'll end up fighting in the end, after all we got to do something to make our pay grade." He said sighing, a decent amount of time had passed since they started this conversation. "But what do I know, I'm just a soldier waiting for my watch to end."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Probably." Dom agreed. "Until then I'm just going to focus on doing my best to ensure Daenna makes it through this. "

He chuckled. "Why does it feel like you have the hardest job." He said rolling his shoulders. "How much longer till she wakes up you think? I'm not allowed to move until she does so."
Akio said:
"I know the way, you need not worry about a guide with me here." He said calmly. Once they got to the Magistrates it was easy to tell that the place was heavily guarded. To large men dressed as knights or heavy Calvary since knights here were likely to be rare waited at the front door in addition with the normal guard who seemed kind of nervous and under trained around them. There were archers crossbow men sitting in some of the windows and men patrolled the grounds of the house in medium sized groups watching the grounds. He had likely seen small castles less guarded then this. Whoever they were guarding was likely no joke. It was similar inside, with 10 more of the armored figures inside the main doors speaking to each other quietly until they walked in at which point they nodded politely to Dallen making it obvious there were Red Spear men. Many were also dinning in the Kitchens though at Dallens request they left money for what they ate in approximate amounts though likely it wasn't perfect before walking off. Guards were stationed at several key holding points and it was obvious not a small portion of the band was stationed at the house personally.
Aemond took note of the many Gaurds throughout the Magistrate, either they were trying to make a statement or dumb, the most likely was probably both.

Once they reached the dining hall there was even more men, all of it seemed a bit over the top and once they left Aemond and Aerys made themselves comfortable seated near the middle of a table.

"Don't you think that the numbers are a bit much? This is the magistrate and your contact is obviously one of importance so I doubt she would be in any danger here, if it helps you feel any better Guest right is a thing in Pentos too..." Aemond said as he welcomed Dallen the fair haired man to take a seat.
Lancelot said:
Aemond took note of the many Gaurds throughout the Magistrate, either they were trying to make a statement or dumb, the most likely was probably both.
Once they reached the dining hall there was even more men, all of it seemed a bit over the top and once they left Aemond and Aerys made themselves comfortable seated near the middle of a table.

"Don't you think that the numbers are a bit much? This is the magistrate and your contact is obviously one of importance so I doubt she would be in any danger here, if it helps you feel any better Guest right is a thing in Pentos too..." Aemond said as he welcomed Dallen the fair haired man to take a seat.
"It is not the city of Pentos that we feel might be a threat, certain negotiations make this necessary in case of certain aspects come into play. Besides the main reason we have most of our power based here we may need to move out quickly at any time so having all our men in a condensed area allows us to move at a moments notice if needed." Dallen said calmly. He said as food was brought out to them by slightly overworked servants. Dallen's plate had zero meat on it even though many of the other plates did and it seemed some of the soldiers were actually helping to cook as crowded as the situation was. There seemed to be none of the slaves certain free sword companies kept around.
"She should be awake soon." Dom said thoughtfully. "She seem's to be sleeping less and less with each stressful situation she finds herself in. I'm almost ready to find a sleeping herb to dose her with to get her to sleep through the night. It isn't healthy. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"She should be awake soon." Dom said thoughtfully. "She seem's to be sleeping less and less with each stressful situation she finds herself in. I'm almost ready to find a sleeping herb to dose her with to get her to sleep through the night. It isn't healthy. "

"You can ask Cayden for one of those, poisons and the like are his kind of thing and he's probably as worried for her well being as you are. Never the less we do have to make a decision what to do first. Only then will we be able to relax in the calm before the storm. We just need a concrete plan, the rest can not be solved in a day." He said yawning. "Still she should accept more help though, trying to solve everything for himself in unhealthy."
"She is accepting more help then most in her situation would. " Dom defended his charge slightly. "Asking for advise and not pushing away potential allies or plans until she can think them through. I believe that she is acting much more wise then one could expect from someone so suddenly thrown unto this situation. "

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