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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

"Cayden all that I can promise you is not certain. At this point nothing is. " Daenna warned softly. "However, should Dorn follow me I will do my best to ensure that they are rewarded. Rather by being given more fertile land and a seat upon my council once I am Queen. Or by somehow giving them something they desire when the war still rages over Westeros. Yet, currently it is only my word and promise toward such things that I can give you."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Cayden all that I can promise you is not certain. At this point nothing is. " Daenna warned softly. "However, should Dorn follow me I will do my best to ensure that they are rewarded. Rather by being given more fertile land and a seat upon my council once I am Queen. Or by somehow giving them something they desire when the war still rages over Westeros. Yet, currently it is only my word and promise toward such things that I can give you."

He rolled his eyes. "Of course its not certain, it never is. But we take those promises anyway, do you know why?" He raised a fist to his chest. "Because we make our own fates. If we want land we take it from our enemies, if we want a seat on your councils we earn it with our loyalty, we fight and die for those promises because we are not asking to be given things we don't deserve, we are asking for the right to keep what we earn. So give us your promises and as long as you keep your word I can try to bring your offer to my sisters." He said his voice proud and strong. He was a politician but he was a warrior first, he saw the odds in front of him and did not allow defeat to enter his mind. The only thing he thought was how to overcome those odds. "My people will want land, they will want representation on your councils, and we want something to counter something the foreigners will take when they take your hand." He said knowing that would be the minimum to make Dorne accept a queen married outside Westeros.
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"Those terms are agreeable. " Daenna nodded. She saw little wrong with what he deduced Dorne would wish for. Any of her other allies may complain about not gaining the same but she was sure a compromise could be made that satisfied all. "Let us retire to the inn. The walls have ears here and I find myself growing increasingly uneasy. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Those terms are agreeable. " Daenna nodded. She saw little wrong with what he deduced Dorne would wish for. Any of her other allies may complain about not gaining the same but she was sure a compromise could be made that satisfied all. "Let us retire to the inn. The walls have ears here and I find myself growing increasingly uneasy. "

He nodded. "We can discuss exact terms there." He agreed, his sisters would likely need a more fleshed out deal to throw their support behind it, Elia was a more careful sort and no matter what the plan was risky. The rewards for them would have to be significant to risk going to war with much larger factions for her to consider the idea.
Free Cities, Pentos

POV: William Thorne

William listened as the Magister, by the Seven he wanted to end that man, negotiated some kind of deal with Daenna. Everyone filed past him, and he stood stock-still in the shadows, remaining entirely undetected as they went. Now Cayden and Daenna were all alone, discussing various things including Ibbenese soldiers and Dorne. So, Daenna really did intend to take the throne of Westeros? A bold move indeed. However, at Daenna's statement that 'the walls have ears' he could not resist the chance for his dramatic entrance.

The Shadow stepped quietly out of the shadows. "Indeed, the walls do have ears, Daenna Targaryen." He held his hands a little away from his sword, to show that he posed no threat. Cayden knew, but he did not want to alarm Daenna. He glided a few steps closer to the two, a smile gracing his features.



A spy? No they wouldn't have announced their presence.
Daenna thought turning toward the voice that suddenly spoke. She found a man that seemed oddly familiar holding his hands up in a gesture of piece. Eyes narrowing her hand swayed toward where her rapier and staff hung side by side. "Who be thee that creep's within the shadows? If you be a spy then you aren't very skilled. Exposing yourself. Nevertheless you seem to have heard much. Give me a rreason not to slice you down right here. Perhaps, the reason why my friend here doesn't seem alarmed by your presence. "
Free Cities, Pentos

POV: William Thorne

William's smile remained fixed to his face, taking her threat in stride. "I doubt you could deliver on that threat, there's one. And you'd be cutting down a fairly handy ally, there's two." William took another gliding step forwards, bringing the conversation in a little quieter. For Daenna was right, the walls in these parts could never be trusted to not carry words farther than their sounds would travel. Such was one of the reasons he delayed in revealing his identity, although either Cayden would tell her or she'd piece it together herself soon enough, so he may not have need to speak the words themselves.
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"You question my capabilities, while also stating your worth." Daenna noted eyeing the man. He seemed familiar and blurred memories came to mind of when she was younger. That of a kingsguard. Could it be? Eyes narrowing Daenna took in the familiar features. It is. Realizing his identity she didn't make a move to relax. "You have been gone a while. You have missed much and I have grown in that time. I doubt I would have much trouble in delivering on my threat. Though I am curious about the meaning behind your worth."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You question my capabilities, while also stating your worth." Daenna noted eyeing the man. He seemed familiar and blurred memories came to mind of when she was younger. That of a kingsguard. Could it be? Eyes narrowing Daenna took in the familiar features. It is. Realizing his identity she didn't make a move to relax. "You have been gone a while. You have missed much and I have grown in that time. I doubt I would have much trouble in delivering on my threat. Though I am curious about the meaning behind your worth."

At this point Cayden stirred, he was the man who brought him here and valued loyalty highly and had always liked the former kingsguard who had only seen to have gotten more skilled in his absense, harden by his travels. "This is probably a man should not be taken lightly Daenna, I've taken you've already guessed who he is and he pledges his sword to your cause. What's more he seens to have information regarding your siblings blood lines and as such has come to swear to the last true dragon. His loyalty does him credit." He said looking at the man while lightly reminded Daenna to not refuse a freely given sword and her old guardian. "What's more he brought a problem to mind which has value with his presence. Daenna I think you should form your own Kingsguard if you are to make a claim. While many in the current guard are loyal and true knights until we dispose of Kuriva they are sworn to a false pretender and many may die over the course of the war. You can not be guarded by my mercenaries all the time nor as good as Gerrard is with a sword are they a proper guard. By forming a new Kingsguard it will give your claim legitimacy and let your sister and the great houses know you plan to make an earnest claim for the throne while giving them authority to be at your side at all times to oversee your protection. Once you make a claim we can expect assassins and their like and your Queensguard can protect you from these threats. You should also hire a taste tester, poison could be a real concern as time passes." He said offering his arguments.
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Daenna glanced from her friend to the old face before her for a moment before finally, slowly, letting her hand drop from her weapons. "I am in need of loyal men and in no position to turn one away. Though do not expect to hold my own trust until I have deemed you trustworthy. I have already put thought into such an action as creating a kings guard but haven't had time to enact it. I do admit it would be useful. As well as a taste tester. Though I have very few ideas on who to add to the kings guard outside yourself, Dom, perhaps Nagito, and a few others."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna glanced from her friend to the old face before her for a moment before finally, slowly, letting her hand drop from her weapons. "I am in need of loyal men and in no position to turn one away. Though do not expect to hold my own trust until I have deemed you trustworthy. I have already put thought into such an action as creating a kings guard but haven't had time to enact it. I do admit it would be useful. As well as a taste tester. Though I have very few ideas on who to add to the kings guard outside yourself, Dom, perhaps Nagito, and a few others."

Cayden rolls his eyes. "Me as a Kingsguard." He said releasing a breath. "There are so many things wrong with that picture, don't think I could survive sexless for god knows how many years." He said shaking the image out of his head. "Dom is a pretty certain choice, I would have to test the Yi Ti swordsmen before I could speak on him and William here could probably do well if he wore white again. Dallen might be interested to, if the kingsguard allows for archers in its reutine. Its probably advantageous not to fill all the spots at once though, leave then open for honerable men who might join us later or kingsguard that leave your sister." He said giving his own opinion on the kingsguard rouster.
"Ah, yes the whole no sex rule. " Daenna smirked. "Should have known that would have been a selling point for you. I do agree that it would be wise to leave some spot's open and I see no problem with Dallen joining. Though if William does join I would like for one of the others to keep an eye on him. Same with all the other new people. Until we are sure of their intentions. "
Pentos, Free Cities

POV: William Thorne

Well, that wasn't what he was expecting from today. Joining another bodyguard outfit for a claimant to the throne of Westeros. The Kingsguard in all but name and prestige. It was a dilemma. He'd tried to put his old life behind him and forget. But here it was, coming back and knocking down his door. His brain whirled with the sudden decision for a few seconds, and the silence started stretching out into more and more awkward lengths. He wanted to say no, to just disappear back into the folds and pretend this encounter never happened. But something pulled him the other way. He wanted the familiarity. He wanted to go home. He wanted...

William turned on his heel, rubbing his forehead. He didn't know what he wanted most. That was one of his problems, but one that he couldn't do much about. Oh, seven hells, it wasn't like it was a better life as Ashten Rose. He drew his hand back away from his forehead and straightened his stance, spinning back around to face the other two again. "I'll do it. But... ditch the white cloak for now. We're not the Kingsguard. Not yet." Suddenly, William's face lit up with a small laugh. "Third time I'll be swearing chastity, huh?" He nodded to Cayden. "More for you."
Fezzes said:
Pentos, Free CitiesPOV: William Thorne

Well, that wasn't what he was expecting from today. Joining another bodyguard outfit for a claimant to the throne of Westeros. The Kingsguard in all but name and prestige. It was a dilemma. He'd tried to put his old life behind him and forget. But here it was, coming back and knocking down his door. His brain whirled with the sudden decision for a few seconds, and the silence started stretching out into more and more awkward lengths. He wanted to say no, to just disappear back into the folds and pretend this encounter never happened. But something pulled him the other way. He wanted the familiarity. He wanted to go home. He wanted...

William turned on his heel, rubbing his forehead. He didn't know what he wanted most. That was one of his problems, but one that he couldn't do much about. Oh, seven hells, it wasn't like it was a better life as Ashten Rose. He drew his hand back away from his forehead and straightened his stance, spinning back around to face the other two again. "I'll do it. But... ditch the white cloak for now. We're not the Kingsguard. Not yet." Suddenly, William's face lit up with a small laugh. "Third time I'll be swearing chastity, huh?" He nodded to Cayden. "More for you."
He chuckled. "Well I guess white would be hard to sneak around in." He said joking before rubbing his temples looking at Daenna then back at him. "Though something tells me I'm gonna get married before wars end for some alliance or another so I doubt I will be a bachelor for much longer. Etheir that or I'll be dead so etheir way I doubt I'll be sleeping around to much." He said shaking his head with amusement before growing serious again. "Lets go, I need to be packing for my trip and we need to finalize our deal Daenna somewhere where we might not be heard." He said striding out of the inn waiting for Daenna.
"Good to have you on board," Daenna nodded toward William as she followed Cayden. "I pity the lass forced to marry you." She teased feeling rather light heartened despite the tense beginning of her day.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Good to have you on board," Daenna nodded toward William as she followed Cayden. "I pity the lass forced to marry you." She teased feeling rather light heartened despite the tense beginning of her day.

He made a face, turning his nose into the air like he was offended. "I am a reputable prince of Dorne, of good reputation, money, and experience unlike my half brother, most woman would be quite happy with such a proposal. Maybe I'll just marry you and we'll suffer together, I mean I almost feel sorry for this poor Shadow King." He teased.
"Please, any man would treasure me." Deanna playfully scoffed sticking her nose in the air. She couldn't hold it for long and burst into giggles. "It feels good to be so relaxed after such a tense morning. I don't think we will have many moments like this soon."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Please, any man would treasure me." Deanna playfully scoffed sticking her nose in the air. She couldn't hold it for long and burst into giggles. "It feels good to be so relaxed after such a tense morning. I don't think we will have many moments like this soon."

He snorted, waving his hands dismissively. "Maybe if they could deal with your fierce independence and willingness to fight. You better hope that your new husband doesn't blink when you show up to bed in chainmail." He said before chuckling before growing a bit serious. "Then we enjoy the ones we have, besides you'll be the one relaxing and waiting for your wedding, I'll be in Westeros trying to get you allies so I'll be the real busy one." He said joking a bit again, the both knew none of this would be easy.
Pentos, The Free Cities, Essos

POV: Aemond Velaryon

Aemond felt a tap on his shoulder, his one eye slowly opened as the full moon came into view.... the Magister that had received him was standing behind his shoulder with two cups of wine, the seat beside him where Aerys once sat was now empty, it didn't take him long to notice he passed out.

"Ser..." the Magister began with a smile on his face, he slowly sat down on the chair as he handed the wine to Aemond.

"Apologies for leaving you earlier but it seems you have made your own way... I never expected that sellswords would be here, do well to take note that isn't common and I can assure it won't happen again any time soon." he continued with a jovial chuckle.

Aemond sighed but then let out a faint smile, the time of unconsciousness didn't provide him any rest he was still drained.

"It was a surprise I admit... but no apologies needed."

The Magister took out a letter and handed it over to him.

"I mean't to give this too you sooner but unfortunately I couldn't find you... I am sure you will understand." The Magister said as he got up from the seat.

"Oh and don't worry about your money, we will be sending one of our own ships to Lys." he said as he walked off.

Aemond rubbed the sleep from his eye before opening the letter, it was from his brother, the first honest smile welcomed itself on Aemonds face this day. Best head home with haste eh? he thought to himself, Aerys likely returned to the ship and the crew had their cabins, he would return to the Captains Quaters and set sail for Driftmark in the morning.
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The Narrow Sea, Off the Shore of Pentos

POV: Aemond Velaryon

Aemond stood on the deck of his Rogues Eye, he watched as the city of Pentos faded off into the distance, it almost felt like he was never there after all nothing worthy of note happened, it was a let down to say the least... Mayhaps his mind would change if he returned for a visit in his free time.

Aemond paced up and down his ship breathing in the fresh air, the smell of cheese and sweat had finally escaped him now it was the sea and wine, which just so happened to be 2 of Aemonds favorite things in life.
"Real funny," Daenna rolled her eyes as they approached the inn. She grew more serious upon entering. "I shall be training while you are gone. I hope that by the time we reunite I have a basic grasp of what I need to know. At the very least. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Real funny," Daenna rolled her eyes as they approached the inn. She grew more serious upon entering. "I shall be training while you are gone. I hope that by the time we reunite I have a basic grasp of what I need to know. At the very least. "

"That will be helpful if you manage it, try not to fall asleep in your lessons again." He said with a tease walking in with her, he had men packing for him since yesterday. He felt a bit sorry for his horse making another trip across the narrow sea but it would be good to be back in westeros again even with all the commotion. "I should be ready in an house, mind seeing me off then?" He asked with a smile.
"I'll try." Daenna nodded as she watched Dom and Mayi go to secure her rooms. " Of course I'll see you off. I'll be happy to say farewell to your ugly mug."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I'll try." Daenna nodded as she watched Dom and Mayi go to secure her rooms. " Of course I'll see you off. I'll be happy to say farewell to your ugly mug."

"I'm sure you would." He said amused but he also sounded a bit sad. "It may be awhile before we meet again, and the next time I see you you'll be married or a widower." He said looking her up and down as if taking a last look at her. "I will miss you." He said his voice choking a bit slightly but he covered it up well.

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