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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

"Don't go getting all sentimental on me," Daenna scolded folding her arms across her chest. "I want you to put your entire focus onto your mission. Not focus on what happens to me unless something unexpected happens. "
"Don't go getting all sentimental on me," Daenna scolded folding her arms across her chest. "I want you to put your entire focus onto your mission. Not focus on what happens to me unless something unexpected happens. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Don't go getting all sentimental on me," Daenna scolded folding her arms across her chest. "I want you to put your entire focus onto your mission. Not focus on what happens to me unless something unexpected happens. "

He rolled his eyes. "I'm sure once I get to westeros there will be plenty to keep me occupied." He said crossing his arms looking up at the sky. Soon it would be time to leave. "Besides I trust Dallen explicitly to make sure you don't go picking fights like usual." He teased with a grin, his face lighting up slightly.
"Excuse me," Daenna mock huffed. "But I am not the one that starts the fights. I just end them. I will attempt to control myself should I ever feel the sudden urge to start one. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Excuse me," Daenna mock huffed. "But I am not the one that starts the fights. I just end them. I will attempt to control myself should I ever feel the sudden urge to start one. "

He raised an eyebrow, his horse was being led up by one of his men, down the coast he knew one of the ships was being prepared for him, he needed speed so he was taking his own ship the second they left, his honor guard would go with him. "Really? And who was the perky little girl who challenged me to a spar when we were all but children." He said teasing her.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"You teased me for slipping in the mud." Daenna argued halfheartedly. "You deserved what you got and you know it. "

He smiled as his horse was led up and handed to him, the horse nuzzling Daenna affectionately as it rode up.
Patting the horses muzzle Daenna glanced back toward the inn. "I may try to learn some of the Ibbenese culture while studying. It's good to know what I'm getting into. Perhaps I can find a tutor on board. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Patting the horses muzzle Daenna glanced back toward the inn. "I may try to learn some of the Ibbenese culture while studying. It's good to know what I'm getting into. Perhaps I can find a tutor on board. "

"Maybe you can even find a translator so you can speak to your Yi Ti swordsman." He said teasing before someone walked behind him, a member of his personal guard. "Prince Cayden, the ships are ready to depart." He reported causing Cayden to glance over at him and nod, it seemed it was time to leave. "I must go." He said with some sadness. On a whim he reached forward, light caressing her cheek for a split moment before mounting Shadowfire. "Stay safe till I see you again, even if everything else is gone there is always a chance as long as your alive and that I will return, go to Dorne if you have no where else to go." He said as Shadowfire almost seemed to bounce in place, as if eager to go. "Till next time Daenna Targaryen." With that he turned towards the port, trotting off into the crowd.
"Till next time.. " Daenna echoed with a sigh. Nodding she made her way back toward the inn. She needed to eat then get into contact with the magic user and inform him that she was ready to depart. Crawford should arrive by then.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Till next time.. " Daenna echoed with a sigh. Nodding she made her way back toward the inn. She needed to eat then get into contact with the magic user and inform him that she was ready to depart. Crawford should arrive by then.

Free Cities, Pentos

POV: William Thorne

William slipped into the background as the two friends talked a while longer and then parted. Probably the most tender moment either would experience in the next while. In few meantime, he had a royal to protect. He quietly fell in step close behind her. She didn't seem to notice, so he decided to make his presence known. "From the sounds of it, you'd better hope there is a next time. If it makes you feel any better, I'm sure he's competent enough to survive. I could go run and swim after him, if you'd like." he joked somewhat grimly. "He'd probably try and toss me back off the ship and tell me to stick with you."
"He may be competent but we are faced with a number of threats. Each one challenging our survival more then the last. " Daenna replied as they entered the inn. Dominic and Mayi were waiting with their small amount of supplies. Taking her bag she smiled to them gratefully. "However, I have little doubt he will try his damnest to face them with as little outside help as possible. So no need to attempt to help him. We have to get into contact with a magic user. "

"Already done." Dom informed the princess. Mayi and he had been hard at work since the princess left. He should receive it soon. Crawford has also sent word that they have docked and are waiting for you."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"He may be competent but we are faced with a number of threats. Each one challenging our survival more then the last. " Daenna replied as they entered the inn. Dominic and Mayi were waiting with their small amount of supplies. Taking her bag she smiled to them gratefully. "However, I have little doubt he will try his damnest to face them with as little outside help as possible. So no need to attempt to help him. We have to get into contact with a magic user. "
"Already done." Dom informed the princess. Mayi and he had been hard at work since the princess left. He should receive it soon. Crawford has also sent word that they have docked and are waiting for you."

Dallen knew when Cayden had left, riding out as if there was a storm at his back shooting across the cobbl stones. He had already outlined a basic plan with Cayden about what he wanted him to do along with Gerrad. Now he did not know when and if he would meet with his blood brother again. "Ave and farewell brother." He said under his breath before to the task at hand. He rembered his orders. Use his wealth to recruit as many free agents as possible to grow the read spear and ready them for combat in Westeros. And more importantly teach Daenna about warfare and politics as well. He remembered Caydens words. "Westeros is probably more chaotic then even we realize." He had said leaning close to him as they listened to him intently. "Daenna will need to grow and learn if she is to take lordship of all of Westeros. You two are my brothers, my right and left arms. I can trust no other with these tasks. I know I'm asking a lot from you but teach her and protect her with all your strength so I can go to Westeros without worry. I beg of you." He had asked inclining his head to them.

He not even need to ask, Cayden had freed his mother, and gave her home and hearth far away from her suffering in Essos, he had saved Gerrards life and the life of his children. Both of them would die before they failed the trust that Cayden put in them. He would not be able to meet his brothers eyes if he were to fail in his task. Snapping off the last few orders to prepare the red spear for travel. Handing over overseership to one of his men to make sure his orders were carried off he gracefully walked inside the inn, his eyes shifting to the princess as he approached her. "Greetings princess, we have not met directly up to this point but I am Dallen, and I, like Gerrad, am Caydens sworn brother and Commander of the red spear his absense." He said doing a small bow to her.
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"It's a pleasure to meet you Dallen. " Daenna acknowledged upon the arrival of the one so highly spoken of. "I have heard only good things about you."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"It's a pleasure to meet you Dallen. " Daenna acknowledged upon the arrival of the one so highly spoken of. "I have heard only good things about you."

"And I you, only lacking some experience." He said smoothly with a faint smile. Cayden without a doubt was handsome and had a powerful sex appeal, Dallen was another kind of beauty. With fair skin and long hair down his back that many noble ladies would envy he still had a graceful appeal not traditional but no less handsome. While he did not have the Targaryens near ethreal look that set them appart his calm smile and stance gave off an aura of gentle benevolence and grace that made him have a sort of untouchable quality while seeming to have a great kindness and understanding of all he looked at with his eyes the color of honey. "It is a honor to meet you, Cayden has explained the situation to me so I understand the situation well." He said watching her.
"Then we are on the same page." Daenna smiled pleased. "Good. The sooner I begin my studies the less defenseless I shall be politically. Are you ready to set sail?"
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Then we are on the same page." Daenna smiled pleased. "Good. The sooner I begin my studies the less defenseless I shall be politically. Are you ready to set sail?"

He nodded. "The majority of the red spear will be staying here, we can't expect the Ibbens to house an entire company but a guard and a few ships have been prepared. The rest will stay here and begin improving the companies battle readiness and use my assets to prepare for war. As for matters of your education we may start as soon as you accept me as your teacher." His eyes narrowed at her. "I will warn you however if you take me as your teacher I will treat you as I might any other student at least in private and not take it easy on you and will expect you to listen. If you can not accept that I would suggest finding another teacher." He said with quiet dignity that left little doubt he meant his words, unlike some of her teachers if the past her Royal name would not influence him.
"That's good." Daenna approved not put off by his words. "I would disapprove if your treatment was softened by my status and gladly accept you as my teacher. It would be unwise to come off as though we were about to take Ibben with force. So I'm glad to hear that most of the men are not joining us on our journey. I would advise they head to a different city to stay in until needed. So the rulers of Pentos are not further offended."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"That's good." Daenna approved not put off by his words. "I would disapprove if your treatment was softened by my status and gladly accept you as my teacher. It would be unwise to come off as though we were about to take Ibben with force. So I'm glad to hear that most of the men are not joining us on our journey. I would advise they head to a different city to stay in until needed. So the rulers of Pentos are not further offended."

He nodded at her observation. "Indeed, beside as our time here proved the Red Spear are mercenaries so they will need something to keep them occupied, the majority of them will be going to Lys in the disputed lands, where my subordinates will be working to grow our numbers, your personal guard will be something between 25- and 75 men preferably." He said nonchalantly. "How much do you know of the political climate of Essos?" He asked obviously expecting an answer.
"Not much." Daenna admitted as she moved to take a seat at one of the many tables. Gesturing for him to join her. "I'm of the belief that the the free cities are ruled mostly by the magister's. The prince's are just figure heads. I learned about them when I was a child but I don't seem to have retained much of the knowledge. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Not much." Daenna admitted as she moved to take a seat at one of the many tables. Gesturing for him to join her. "I'm of the belief that the the free cities are ruled mostly by the magister's. The prince's are just figure heads. I learned about them when I was a child but I don't seem to have retained much of the knowledge. "

"The free cities all for the most part have different systems of government and even in Pentos in which you just described while the prince lacks any decision making power the position has more power then Cayden might have given credit for due to his low opinion of the person holding it." He said as he sat down. "The free cities are known as such despite their difference because they have one common point. They were founded by or created by those from the freehold of Valyria. Every one of them has a rich history in their own right and can be studied for years but due to our lack of time ill keep it abridged. The nine free cities are Braavos, Lorath, Lys, Myr, Norvos, Pentos, Quhor, Tyrosh, and Volantis. Each of them is well known for a certain reason and has their own leadership. Knowing some of their history will make the difference if you ever have to associate with them in the future. Can you tell me why any of them were founded, their relationship with the other 3 cities, or any special facts you remember." He said testing her knowledge.
"The free cities Lorath, Lys, Myr, Norvos, Pentos, Quhor, Tyrosh, and Volantis were founded centuries ago as colonies of the Valyrian Freehold. When the Freehold and its dragonlords were destroyed in the Doom of Valyria four hundred years ago, the empire fragmented in the Century of blood. When the dust settled, nine independent city-states were left in western Essos. Braavos was founded by escaped slaves. Braavos is the most powerful of the free cities and unlike the other cities doesn't practice slavery." Daenna stated as memories of her lesson's began to form. She had hated her stern tutor who worshiped her father but as a child loved to learn about Essos with dreams of exploring the foreign land and actually was fond of the stories of her ancestors. More for the mystery and escape then any true interest. Perhaps that's why I don't remember the political side of it all. Or why I seem to remember a lot about Braavos. It was always the most fascinating city. "It's home of the iron bank of braavos and an assassins guild. Though I can't seem to remember it's name. I'm also not completely sure of the free cities ties to the other cities. Or if I am I can't remember it."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"The free cities Lorath, Lys, Myr, Norvos, Pentos, Quhor, Tyrosh, and Volantis were founded centuries ago as colonies of the Valyrian Freehold. When the Freehold and its dragonlords were destroyed in the Doom of Valyria four hundred years ago, the empire fragmented in the Century of blood. When the dust settled, nine independent city-states were left in western Essos. Braavos was founded by escaped slaves. Braavos is the most powerful of the free cities and unlike the other cities doesn't practice slavery." Daenna stated as memories of her lesson's began to form. She had hated her stern tutor who worshiped her father but as a child loved to learn about Essos with dreams of exploring the foreign land and actually was fond of the stories of her ancestors. More for the mystery and escape then any true interest. Perhaps that's why I don't remember the political side of it all. Or why I seem to remember a lot about Braavos. It was always the most fascinating city. "It's home of the iron bank of braavos and an assassins guild. Though I can't seem to remember it's name. I'm also not completely sure of the free cities ties to the other cities. Or if I am I can't remember it."

"The assassin guild is the faceless men of Braavos, men rumored to have the ability to change their look and appearance to look like anyone in the world. Cayden spent some time trying to find them and even spent some time with them though he says he never saw one change face though im not sure if thats true or not since he avoids speaking of his time there. And to say Braavos is the most powerful free city is to discount Volantis whos power on land once let them subjectate two other free cities. If Braavos owns the sea, Volantis does the ground and they heavily dislike each other. Rarely are two cities so opposite. Quhor is the only place left in the world that can change the shape of Valyrian steel. They are ruled by the religion of the Black Goat of Qohor who demands daily blood sacrifices of them. Lys is know as Lys the Lovely. They are best known for their courtesans and bed slaves unmatched in the entire world and it is there the blood of the freehold runs the strongest. That was from wear i was born. They often war with Tyrosh and Myr over the once rich disputed lands in a never ending war. Tyrosh is known best for a certain kind of Dye created from a sea snail which produces some of the richest colors for many nobles cloths even in Westeros. They are ruled much like pentos though the Archon has great political power. Meanwhile Myr is well known for beautiful artistry of all kinds and works glass without equal in the known world, they are ruled like pentos but with no over riding figure, ruling as a council. They are all deeply involved in the slave trade and there are 3 slaves for every free man. Norvos is ruled by the bearded priest who worship a god known only to them, who chose a council to speak for them though the priest have all the real power. They too are deep in the slave trade and dark rumors surround the city and their often in alliance with Qohor though their religions despise each other. Pentos is a trading city known for their arts in the area of performance. They are ruled by the magisters who elect a prince. The princes role is ceremonial and if things go bad for the city they slit his throat and elect a new one, though for the common people of pentos he means much. Lorath is near Ib and they main exports are fish and whale oil and they often conflict with Ib. They are ruled by a council of magistrates who elect 3 princes who serve for life but with no real power, they are the the Harvest Prince, the Fisher Prince, and the Prince of the Streets. Volantis itself is ruled by a council of 3 leaders divide into two factions, the elephants and the tigers. The tigers favor expansion through war and dominance the the Elephants are traders and favor expansion through economic dominance. They have families that can prove descent all the way back to Valyria. They are the most involved in the slave trade with 5 slaves for every freeman. This is a very brief overview, if we plan to enter one of those cities I may go into detail." He said finishing up and giving her time to process.
Taking a moment to arrange this new information in her head Daenna nodded humming. "I see. Will any of these cities have something to offer me? "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Taking a moment to arrange this new information in her head Daenna nodded humming. "I see. Will any of these cities have something to offer me? "

Any of them can offer you something. The free cities are wealthy and powerful and it's unwise to disregard any of them." He said with slight repreminded. "Braavos is probably the most willing to help. The Iron bank and Baavos sea power would be two great pillars for anyone who can get their assistance, their assistance can make beggers Kings and they've always wanted influence in Westeros. But their price will be high. The 3 daughters will be able to provide money and ships for help against one of the others but you will lose any chance with the other two. The Elephant's of Volantis could consider helping but you'd lose any chance with Braavos and their price will be high. And of course the magistrate of pentos has shown interest. The rest aren't too concerned with westeros beyond trade but may be willing to provide funds in return for favors." He said outlining basic chances.

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