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Fandom A Song of Ice and Fire RP (Game of Thrones) - Additional IC

Daenna hummed nodding. "Good. It's nice to have choices should I need extra help and have something to offer. Speaking of which we should probably head to the docks. Crawford is waiting for us. I have already arranged for him to purchase a ship for anyone else we would have brought with us. All it needs is a crew which I believe you men can supply. Correct?"
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]Daenna hummed nodding. "Good. It's nice to have choices should I need extra help and have something to offer. Speaking of which we should probably head to the docks. Crawford is waiting for us. I have already arranged for him to purchase a ship for anyone else we would have brought with us. All it needs is a crew which I believe you men can supply. Correct?"

Dallen nodded. "Many of our men have some proficiency in sailing thanks to Cayden and while the best sailors are in his guard which he took with him many of our men are more then capable to get us to Ib." He said standing gracefully. "When we get there I will start testing your knowledge on basically any topic I can think off. Our topics of study will cover everything from politics to the subtleties of language so the sooner we start the better."

POV: William Thorne

William stood patiently near Daenna, easily blending in, almost accidentally, with a small crowd watching three men playing some dice game. He attached himself to the outside of the group, keeping an ear on the conversation and attempting to digest the information the man gave. He smiled a little at the mention of Braavos, and briefly wondered how Cayden's Braavosi friend turned out. He hoped it was well, he had taken a liking to that man. He'd really missed a lot in Westeros. He'd need to ask Daenna what he'd missed. Like who was still in the Kingsguard. That'd be an interesting question. He snapped his focus back to the conversation, and it was covering how the man, Da-something, was offering to help Daenna study various topics. If her earlier disposition indicated anything, she may be interested in a little swordplay, too. William made a mental note to ask about that once he got the chance. He had a lot of questions that needed answering.
"I don't believe I would expect any less." Daenna nodded standing as well. "If your men our ready to leave we should disembark for the docks. The sooner we get this marriage over with the faster we can complete our next move."
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I don't believe I would expect any less." Daenna nodded standing as well. "If your men our ready to leave we should disembark for the docks. The sooner we get this marriage over with the faster we can complete our next move."

He nodded gesturing for her to walk with him on the way to the docks. Naturally since they were teacher and student he payed no attention to formalities in his mind. He felt a bit of sadness and sympathy for the girl, forced to marry a man she didn't love. He didn't have Caydens level of distaste for arranged marriage but he wasn't fond of it. He hoped the marriage would be able to remain one on paper since if her husband was sterile since there would be no interest in an heir. "Our ships will stop in Braavos for supplies and to pick up an old friend of Cayden that you likely know as well." He said starting to leave the inn.
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"I would like to explore Braavos while we are docked." Daenna stated as she lead the way to the docks. Dom arched a brow as him and Mayi caught up with them. "I don't think that's wise. It's unknown territory. You should curve your adventuress spirit until a less dangerous time."

"Perhaps, but when will that be?" Daenna asked drily. "Months? Years? I may never get another chance and I may always be in danger. If I am scared that every little move I make will lead to my death or the death of those following me then nothing will get done. I admit that perhaps visiting Braavos isn't an important move currently but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised."

They neared the docks. Crawfords ship standing out but at the same time blending in with the others around it. "Your be the death of me." Dom grumbled making Daenna smile. " Perhaps, but hopefully not for a while."

POV: William Thorne

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I would like to explore Braavos while we are docked." Daenna stated as she lead the way to the docks. Dom arched a brow as him and Mayi caught up with them. "I don't think that's wise. It's unknown territory. You should curve your adventuress spirit until a less dangerous time."
"Perhaps, but when will that be?" Daenna asked drily. "Months? Years? I may never get another chance and I may always be in danger. If I am scared that every little move I make will lead to my death or the death of those following me then nothing will get done. I admit that perhaps visiting Braavos isn't an important move currently but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised."

They neared the docks. Crawfords ship standing out but at the same time blending in with the others around it. "Your be the death of me." Dom grumbled making Daenna smile. " Perhaps, but hopefully not for a while."

William followed the group once more, simply walking nearby and keeping watch and listening in. He walked and did his best to look unobtrusive, but this was a little more difficult in the slightly sparser crowds. But he did his best to at least look vaguely inconspicuous. He'd need to step in at some point, and that point was fast approaching, but that didn't mean he couldn't just subtly watch for now.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I would like to explore Braavos while we are docked." Daenna stated as she lead the way to the docks. Dom arched a brow as him and Mayi caught up with them. "I don't think that's wise. It's unknown territory. You should curve your adventuress spirit until a less dangerous time."
"Perhaps, but when will that be?" Daenna asked drily. "Months? Years? I may never get another chance and I may always be in danger. If I am scared that every little move I make will lead to my death or the death of those following me then nothing will get done. I admit that perhaps visiting Braavos isn't an important move currently but perhaps we will be pleasantly surprised."

They neared the docks. Crawfords ship standing out but at the same time blending in with the others around it. "Your be the death of me." Dom grumbled making Daenna smile. " Perhaps, but hopefully not for a while."

"If we were to stop in any of the free cities Braavos is probably the safest." Dallen said backing up the princess, giving her hand maiden and body guard an appraising eye. "The Red Spear is well known in the free cities and while Braavos is usually disdainful of mercenary companies Caydens connections in the city and the way he ran the band gives us a healthy reputation. One of yours and Caydens mutual acquaintances also resides in Braavos, one who would enjoy meeting you again." Dallen said with a small smile, if they indeed stopped in Braavos there was someone he wanted to see.

POV: William Thorne

Akio said:
"If we were to stop in any of the free cities Braavos is probably the safest." Dallen said backing up the princess, giving her hand maiden and body guard an appraising eye. "The Red Spear is well known in the free cities and while Braavos is usually disdainful of mercenary companies Caydens connections in the city and the way he ran the band gives us a healthy reputation. One of yours and Caydens mutual acquaintances also resides in Braavos, one who would enjoy meeting you again." Dallen said with a small smile, if they indeed stopped in Braavos there was someone he wanted to see.
William couldn't help himself from stepping into the conversation. It wasn't like he was trying to hide from them. It was more of an instinct thing. Quite often, getting the drop on someone is the difference between a sword in your gut and a sword in theirs. "You mean, more than I have, despite my being mostly ignored?"
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"Don't say I didn't try to stop you." Dom huffed as Dallen backed her up. Smiling Daenna nodded. "Wouldn't dream of it."

"What have you been up to?" Daenna asked William as he announced his presence. "Since you left father's service."

POV: William Thorne

[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"Don't say I didn't try to stop you." Dom huffed as Dallen backed her up. Smiling Daenna nodded. "Wouldn't dream of it."
"What have you been up to?" Daenna asked William as he announced his presence. "Since you left father's service."

William shrugged. "Night's Watch wasn't for me. Lost my eye there. Left after about a year and went to Essos, where I came into the mercenary life. Went by Ashten Rose, sometimes get called Shadow. That's the short of it, at least." William reached around and scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. People tended to react badly to him escaping from the Night's Watch. He didn't blame them, he'd look down on himself, too. But there was no way he was staying there. "I've got a fair few questions to ask you, at some point. Haven't exactly stayed in touch with Westeros. Missed the last three or four years of events. Tytos still as corrupt and painfully useless as ever?"
"As far as I'm aware. Though I haven't stayed up to date with the other lords lately. " Daenna shrugged smiling sheepishly. She had always hoped to get out of the whole ruling business. Leave it with the family. Instead she is fighting for the throne she doesn't even want. "Father passed recently and their are a few families trying to take the throne from my sister. "
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"As far as I'm aware. Though I haven't stayed up to date with the other lords lately. " Daenna shrugged smiling sheepishly. She had always hoped to get out of the whole ruling business. Leave it with the family. Instead she is fighting for the throne she doesn't even want. "Father passed recently and their are a few families trying to take the throne from my sister. "

"House Bartheons, House Tully, and House Stark have all risen in rebellion to the throne. For now Lannister and Tyrell stand neutral as well as Dorne though Cadyen plans to bring Dorne and of he can the Lannisters to us. Only the Vale and the Crownlands actively support the Queen." He said quietly, relaying the information to William before giving Daenna a look. "You should know the main opponents your house, remember their names." He repreminded gently as his eyes met hers.
"I'll be sure to." Daenna agreed as Crawford took notice of the group and beckoned them abroad. "I see that the girl's trip was faster then first thought. Ye be joining us at the right time. We are celebrating tonight. Another successful endeavor!"

"It's good to be welcomed so warmly." Daenna stated fondly as she boarded the ship. Dom was led away immediately to help get the ship ready for the voyage.
[QUOTE="Crimson smile]"I'll be sure to." Daenna agreed as Crawford took notice of the group and beckoned them abroad. "I see that the girl's trip was faster then first thought. Ye be joining us at the right time. We are celebrating tonight. Another successful endeavor!"
"It's good to be welcomed so warmly." Daenna stated fondly as she boarded the ship. Dom was led away immediately to help get the ship ready for the voyage.

Dallen looked at the ship, observing the type of ship and its sails for a moment. While he didn't know nearly as much as Cayden about sea travel and ships one did not stay long around him without learning a few things. Cayden was a warrior but his first love affair before even combat was the sea and he passed much of that knowledge on to his adoptive brothers. "Not a bad ship, how do you know the captain?" He asked looking at Daenna with some curiosity.
"My sister hired the ship to carry me away from Westeros. Though, I have since gained their loyalty. Crawford seem's particularly fond of me." Daenna answered easily as she returned the greetings of many of the crew. They had seemed welcoming at the beginning of her voyage to Pentos but it was soon revealed that they held a wariness toward her. She had fought to earn their trust. Throwing herself into the chores assigned to her and never backing from a challenge which would foretell her character. "Something I am grateful for. I would hate to have been forced to depart from such a ship."

Voggoro Moatte

Black Priest of Qohor​

Swaying softly in the quiet waters of the Pentoshi harbour, the large vessel that currently found itself host to a captain of the Golden Company stood stalwart at port, it's crew members working quickly to prepare the ship for another voyage. Voggoro had boarded this particular vessel around the prosperous shores of the Free City of Lys, booking passage all the way to the war torn coasts of Pentos, where his task was to be completed. He had taken too long in preparation, several weeks going by since he had departed the disputed lands and he knew all too well that the Silverspear would not look upon him fondly when he returned long after he was bid, though in all honesty Voggo cared little for the man's desires, nor his task, though he did appreciate the gold and subsequently the whores that would come his way upon its completion.

"She's nearly here, hoist the fucking sail" Voggo let out a smile as he listened to the sailor's work, already aware of who it was they were expecting. It had been a great feat of luck to land upon this particular vessel and it was clear to him that it was only made possible by the divine intervention of the goat, intervention that would have to be paid for in blood as soon as he was back in more friendly waters. He shouldn't have even known about who it was they were expecting and it had been a hard secret to discover, though after a tankard of the strong rum in all of Qohor, the sailors lips seemed to loosen somewhat.

As he sat his hands moved aimlessly towards the medium sized box that he carried upon his shoulder, opening it to once again look at the treasure within. 'All this fuss about a fucking rock' he thought to himself with a smirk, eyeing the green and gold patterns inlaid upon its surface, it was a beautiful piece, that he couldn't deny, though since he was unable to eat the thing and as far as he knew unable to fuck it, it had little value to him, nor would it have value to most anyone else, except mayhaps the reportedly crazy woman, who came from a dynasty that thought themselves dragons. They even drank wildfire or so he'd heard, in an attempt to make themselves more fierce and dragonlike, though Voggo doubted its effects would be any different on them than they would be on anyone else, a burnt throat, charred hands, and an expensive funeral.

The dragons were all dead, and these Targaryen, though amusing, were clearly delusional. It was written in the old scriptures that dragons had descended from the goat himself and were the children he had with mortal woman. Deadly creatures with power over fire and death, though Voggoro wasn't sure he believed any of that. For one goats didn't lay eggs, nor did woman as far as he could tell, and for another it contradicted several other important writings regarding the faith, the goat was all seeing, as was he all knowing and if he had the time to fuck mortal woman, then that was likely all he'd ever be doing. Voggo, just sighed, mayhaps this wasn't the time for a religious debate with himself, especially since the goat was being so favourable to him as of late.

Voggo was disturbed from his musings by a sudden noise upon the harbour, the goat priest looking up to see that which he had been sent to seek: a young girl with the hair and eyes of old Valyria. He smirked waiting for her to finish whatever she was saying to her companions and board the ship. His original plan was to talk to her in Pentos and then if all went well take her back to the Silverspear, though he preferred waiting for her upon the ship itself, where neither could escape or flee and he had all the time in the world to make an introduction.

Voggo stood, his black cloak flowing in the sea breeze, the man lurking in the shadows behind the ships cargo, waiting for Daenna to pass him "Printheth Daenna I prethume" he placed a single gloved hand upon the girls shoulder, looking for the expression upon her face, savouring her surprise, this was going to be a lovely evening.

@Crimson smile @Akio @Rhosvyn @general ostruppen @Fezzes
Dallen smiled, if there was one thing this girl had an advantage in despite her lack of knowledge on politics is she seemed to make loyal friends easy with the common people and seemed to be willing to set aside noble pride to grow close to them, along with being open to new things. As long as he could keep her safe while Cayden made to gather allies in Westeros they would have a chance. Even just having his own house on his side would provide a good place to hide and grow in strength. He was about to answer when he heard a slurred voice, or perhaps that was a lisp and he saw a hand on Deanna's shoulder.

Knowing that whoever it was is far to close to properly use his favorite bow he grabbed his dagger and with a quick movement he grabbed the man's wrist of the hand on her shoulder and put a dagger to his neck with the other or at least attempted to. He was a usually level headed man but a man slinking in the shadows of the ship, looking for Daenna and even laying a hand on her was not something he could ignore. "Who are you?" He asked his voice level as he watched the man, his eyes cold and lethal, he was slightly shocked the man didn't even try to budge even with a knife at his throat, even when Dallen tried to move his hand. His swiftness showed his skill considering he came from the shadows unannounced.

Now noticed, several if the members of the Red Spear coming along as part of the guard reacted, turning to the priest, some putting their hands to their own weapons just in case looking for more possible enemies if this man turned out to be hostile. Dallens knife dug slightly into his neck, drawing the barest hint of blood. If he so much as made another move to Daenna he would cut his throat. Gerrard, who was already on the ship, stood and put a hand on his broadsword with a growl. His eyes narrowed looking between Dallen and the man, no one else would be quick enough to interfere other then Dallen and those closest to Daenna if the man acted and he felt frustrated unable to do anything.

@Hypnos @Crimson smile
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The Stepstones

POV: Aerys Waters (Aemonds first mate.)

Aerys was dying for a piss ever since dawn, he had been practising holding it in to see how far his will could take him before his body gave up and so far it was far harder than the bastard sellsword expected. He undid his breeches hastily and let his member hang over the edge of the boat before letting a long stream of urine loose, he was proud of how far it was going, sneering at the sailors/sellswords surrounding him.

"I'd bet 20 stags that I could piss farther than the lot of you combined!" He boasted confidently, relieving himself took far longer than expected and it would have been awkward if the ever men weren't busy at work. He ripped a flask of wine that was attached to his hip and took a few swigs of it before wiping the residue off of his mouth. Once completed he redid his breeches stepping down from the edge of the ship, soon after he heard some shouts and banging causing him to hurriedly run to the backside of their ship. Seven hells what is going on here?! he thought to himself as the pirates boarded his ship and began attacking the crew. In a split decision he grabbed one of the men by the collar and hurriedly shouted an order at him "Get the others, tell them some fucking pirates are trying to fuck us in the rear!"

Aerys drew his longsword from its sheath and brandished it for all to see "To me!" he shouted before charging in to the crowd of pirates.

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The Stepstones

Quentyn Sand

"Fuck them in the rear!" Quentyn heard his firstmate holler, a large beast of a man who hailed from the Summer Isles. Most of the crew were across onto their newest vessel, alongside Captain Quentyn. The ship seemed woefully unprepared for a sudden strike, making the captain question just what they were doing in the Stepstones in the first place. They were Westerosi, if their weapons were anything to base them off of. Quentyn smiled wickedly.

"Kill the sea dogs but leave the officers ta' me!" The privateers acknowledged the command with a terrifying roar. They were sloppy fighters, to be honest, but their ferocity was enough to make even seasoned sailors who'd braved a hundred storms wet himself. Quentyn stayed back, a dagger in one hand with a short sword in the other, observing the fighting.

His firstmate cut through a man's leg with the fat axe of his, sending the unfortunate sailor sprawling on his back and crying blood from his stump. Another one of his men were run through by a brute with a longsword, another chopped into the wooden banister of the boat, missing his target completely. "To the gods of the sea, send them already away!" He felt obligated to move forward, and he already had a target in mind.

Quentyn pushed through to the man with the longsword, a dark gleam in his eyes. "Ever taste the Dornishmen's knife?" He hollered, a mad laugh echoing in his voice as he swiped at the man's chest with his short sword, the dagger in his hand moving to dig into his arm only seconds behind the sword.


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Voggoro Moatte

Black Priest of Qohor​

Voggoro smirked as he caught a glimpse of steel coming from the sheath of the Princess' guard, his smile only growing further as the man's dagger drew close to his old flesh, feeling the cold bite of metal against his neck. He had been expecting something like this to occur if he were to grab the Princess and it gave him a good few seconds to look over their numbers and equipment, something that would prove invaluable if it were to come down to any kind of bloodshed. Though not immediately obvious to those surrounding him, Voggoro had not drawn his own weapon, his Qohorik short sword remaining sheathed at his hip, his quarterstaff useless upon the deck bellow, if it came down to fighting a simple survey of the men surrounding him proved that he would be doomed, though he had little doubt that he could take the princess with him.

"Calm down! Calm down!" He raised one hand in mock surrender, the other snaking itself down Daenna's back "If I wanted to fucking kill her, I think that ith pretty clear that the'd be dead already. You thir" he gave Dallen a nod "are frankly awful at your job" he gave them a smile, showing off his rows of golden teeth "Were I am man of vile intentionth, which I can thafly athure you I am not, then your Princeth here would be dead ath a fucking doornail, which would be a tragedy to uth all" he patted her firmly upon the back, in a way that would be reassuring were he someone she had known before though as a stranger seemed all too odd.

"Ath to my identity, I think that it'th clear that I'm not from around here, I am Voggoro Moatte, a priest from the Freetht city of Qohor, and I come in peathe" The priest reached into one of the pockets of his great black cloak, at first seemingly going for a weapon though all that he pulled out was a single white handkerchief "I hathe been the thent here by by thome very powerful people, people of have taken an interetht in our young Princeth here." He opened his mouth again though closed it abruptly "I'm afraid that ith all I can thay to the liketh of you, the retht ith meant only for the earth of the Princeth herthelf, I can't rithk another thlip up in thecurity" he looked Dallen clean in the eyes "And jutht a thmall bit of advithe my friend, prehapth it would be better if you knife was drawn before I had already laid hand upon your charge, it might thave you from embarrathment in the future" he could still feel the knife upon his throat, a small amount of blood from his neck dripping upon the back of Princess Daenna. Voggo turned his head slightly, appearing to clear his throat but instead spitting directly in the eye of the large man slightly to his right, showing them how little regard he had for their threats.

@Akio @Crimson smile
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Daenna Targaryen: Pentoshi Harbor

Eye twitching as her brain caught up with the events Daenna stepped away from the old man, or rather priest, unsheathing one of her many daggers to give herself some protection should her guards fail her. Facing the man the girl lost all resemblance of any previous warmth. I let myself relax to soon. We haven't even pulled away from shore. "State your business with me Priest. If I find it to my satisfaction I may let you keep your head. Perhaps even your hand. "

Dom snarled as he wiped the spit from his eye. Reaching behind the man he grasped the old mans neck in a bruising grip, one meant to press on some pressure points and paralyze, with one hand as the other captured the wrist of the hand that grabbed Daenna. "I have a very rusty dull knife with your name on it. "
Dallens eye twitched at the priest words, he knew he had been to lax. He thought the real possible dangers would lay on Ibben and on and with so many men on the ship how could he have figured that someone else would be on here. If he had been hostile he would have failed at the trust Cayden had given him the very day he left the city. He cursed quietly to himself, he was not someone used to guard duty and that inexperience might have costed her life in another situation, though he wondered why the strange samurai didn't even seem to move even now. Never the less if this man was a messenger for some power he couldn't be lax, even if he found himself furious at the turn of events and his own failure.

He stepped back, his dagger disappearing into his sheath in a quick movement and he raised his hand to Dom. "Let him stand on his own accord, if he is a messenger he deserves to be heard and be given some courtesy." He said even as he thought, "Even if we have been giving any." He stood tall and glanced at Daenna, he knew there was no way he was letting her meet this goat priest alone unless he chain to the mast and he hoped she would understand that. He took a deep breath to steady himself and looked at the man. "I've been lax on introductions even if you seem to know some of us. I am Dallen Melcolm, adviser to the princess representing Cayden Martell of Dorne." He said looking at him, adding those words to make it clear that he had position to hear his words, he was sure Cayden would not mind using his authority. "You must understand why your sudden appearance would be... Disturbing to members of the guard and why many would not know whether to trust you or not alone with the princess, since you already pointed out our lack of precaution you should understand that fact." He said stepping near Daenna, moving with a sense. "We can go some place more private, but even the queen herself has her Queensguard with her when receiving messages of business for protection, so leaving you too alone might not be possible as a member of the royal family she is afforded the same." He said his voice calm, this man had agitated him but the black goat held complete sway in Quhor and while he did not know exactly what power he represented so he could not afford to offend him to far less he offend some great power when they needed every alliance possible, yet he could still not afford to leave those two alone. Not when he didn't know his purpose.
The Stepstones

POV: Aerys Waters

As Aerys charged into the pirates boarding their ship he saw a large dark skinned man, likely from the summer islands, cleave through one of his crews legs with a large axe, the poor fellow was left screaming in pain with his bloody stumps "May the warrior give me strength" he said to himself, it was all he could do given the circumstances. One of the pirates charged him, Aerys managed to impale his longsword through his chest, running right through him, he caught glimpse of another pirate having similar luck, the man got his weapon stuck in the Bannister and a member Aemonds crew tried to cut off his arms, unfortunately for the pirate the cut was far from clean, blood spattered in all directions as his arms were hacked away with piercing shouts.

A cocky young lad from Aemonds crew took out his knife, he began to swing it around like some kind of acrobat but when he went to slit one of the pirates throats he lost his hand, his knife and his privates as the axe swung up and he fell to his knees.

A dornishman, presumably the Captain of this band of scoundrels (heh, sellswords calling pirates scoundrels) he held a shortsword in one hand and a dagger in the other "Ever tasted the Dornishmans knife" the man hollered with a mad echo, Aerys managed to squeeze in a reply "Not quite how I remember the song, although I presume the sept never allowed a shaved goat to be a bride!" mocking the dornishman.

He met his shortsword with his own and pushed it to the side as hard as he could, but seconds later he found a dagger being stuck into his arm, he yet out a sharp yell "bugger!" before attempting to kick the dornishman in the chest and backing off a bit (dagger still in his arm mind you.)


The Stepstones

POV: Aemond Velaryon

Aemond found himself looking out at sea and thought to himself "What if I don't find this legendary 'Black Eyes'", "What if I fail this mission?" although dreary thoughts he scoffed to himself "Aye, what if..." he was so distracted that he barley heard the calls of a young man running towards them.

"C-captain!!" the frightened man called.

Aemond was taken aback a bit, he was aware that some may find him unnerving but he was quite offended one of his own men would speak to him with fear, perhaps he was a new one.

"What is it man... does it have anything to do with why the ships stopped? Are you slacking off back there?!" Aemond said looking him in they eye, a slight tone of anger.

"No captain! Ser Aerys! Pirates!" the boy spat out quickly, borderline incoherent.

"EH?!" Aemond shouted loudly "Slow down boy or you may as well not be talking at all."

The boy responded with a fake calmness to his voice "Pirates on the ship Captain... Ser Aerys is holding him off we must hurry!"

A spark went off in Aemonds eyes and spat over his soldier into the ocean, "Pirates think they can attack my brothers ship and get away with it eh? Oh well I was getting bored anyways, could use a good fight..." he looked around at his men, not many had armour and those that did wore simple leather, they may be sellswords but they didn't want to drown. Aemond rested his arm on the hilt of his sword "We best get a move on the lads, they won't be able to hold out for long without us." He said before moving forward, his men followed behind him.

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Dom glanced at the princess at Dallen's word and only when she gave him a subtle sign to do as Dallen says did he grudgingly let the Priest go. Moving to stand behind the princess he kept his eyes on the priest. "We can use Crawford's office to speak. Dominic, Dallen, Crawford, and two of the Red Spear shall accompany us. There you may tell us what you wish."

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