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Fandom a sans-ational undertale roleplay(spaces still open)

*No, you didn't interrupt anything...

*Oh! There's the problem!

*You're too submissive!

Flowey, despite receiving some minor chemical burns, smiled pseudo-genuinely at the ghost.

*I'm a bit out of my comfort zone, someone took something from me.

*That's why I wanted to change things for the better this time!

*It's... Napstablook, right? What an oddly peculiar name.

*I think it fits you!

Flowey continued this stream of compliments, hoping to cheer up the ghost. He really meant it, as much as he can without feeling empathy. He thought he was really making progress on that whole "feelings" thing. He couldn't wait for it all to end, so he could really feel all of these emotions. He would have to make
(Sorry I haven't replied in a while! I was waiting for @Space Face until replying. Just a friendly little reminder for them, but it's completely understandable if they've been busy or such or if I simply should have replied sooner. :) Also welcome to our Alphys and Napstablook performer, such a pleasure to see these characters in the mix as well! Both introduction posts are lovely. And I couldn't roleplay a Mettaton to save my life, unfortunately, my apologies. x] It would be amazing if another could, though!)

Sans grinned down at the flower even more intensely now after it spoke. Just because some of the chips were down and the flower had one life and felt the need to change its ways, didn't mean it still wasn't a dirty brother killer from many timelines. Not only that, but also extremely dangerous, too. He tilted his head a bit when staring down at it, though. At least the weed appeared to be not likely to change anytime too soon.... but still, he couldn't afford to trust anything that thing said.

*welp, let's hope so, pal.

He eventually spoke in a friendly and accepting way, stepping back from the weed with a wide grin on his face that was seemingly friendly as well. Though really, he didn't trust the weed at all. He would play it nice for now, like he had promised Papyrus. But he wouldn't trust the weed, and rather be more attentive to it still, make sure it didn't.... well, go off the beaten road that it promised it would take for now. Sans had stepped back for the old woman, who was... much more blunt, with her demands to the flower. Not that he could blame her though, heh. He didn't get to see the sentient weed threatened by a fireball every day, after all, so it wasn't like he could complain all that much. The skeleton was a bit interested to see that fireball, realizing how powerful the lady might indeed be. But oh well, it wasn't like he was intending to try to get on her bad side anyways. When her attention focused on him and the kid again, he offered a bit of a warmer grin for her sake when she spoke about his name, and shrugged good naturedly with an extra wink.

*yeah, hope so, since it's my name and all.

*heh, thanks.

But then, the lady brought up a special... attribute that the kid might have. Sans' pupils got just a bit smaller from surprise that she mentioned that so directly, but he was quick to recover with his usual grin, though now a few sweat drops slid down his skull once more. Gee, the lady didn't really give him many options, did she? He had wanted to test this kid out, maybe see these abilities in actions, to see for himself if this was the new anomaly. He was pretty sure it was, too, since the weed would have to be working really hard just to manipulate something if it wasn't true, which seemed to be fairly unlikely. Plus the way the flower acted now... well, it seemed to at least be trying to put on the act of being friendly and all now. But how to explain this to the old lady? He kind of didn't want to ruin his nice guy act to the kid either. Or at least, so they would be more relaxed around him and such, which was more of what he would have preferably wanted. But heh, guess it was too late for that now. Might as well try to kind of give some sort of explanation... though not about the timelines and such, and anomalies. No one needed to know about those, or get an explanation about 'em. He started to sweat a bit once more, something the old lady seemed to have a real talent for making him do.

*heh, yeah....

*the kid might know it too.

Sans still grinned as wide as ever as he spoke, though it was a bit more strained now, that he was doing something out of his comfort zone that he wanted to do so much, but oh well. It still didn't make it any easier to explain, though.

*heh... ya see, ya have a lot of... well... determination, don't ya?

He referred to the kid, motioning one gloved hand towards them as a waving motion towards them.

*well... just this kid might have more of that, then...

*the other humans. that's all.

Sans tried to still make these words come out in an easygoing way. though it was more forced, and perhaps confusion. Welp, if it was, it wasn't like he wanted to put in the effort to explain things n a more complicated way right now... it would lead to topics he would be even more uncomfortable, and he didn't want to share that sort of information. This whole situation was more uncomfortable then he had wanted, really. He shrugged, his grin becoming wider.

*eh, not like i know too much about these detailed stuffs, anyways.

Sans watched a bit curiously and suspiciously as the weed seemed to be quick to want to make an exit after the lady threatened him with that fireball, and disappeared in the ground. He was amused, thinking that this was just because the flower was simply frightened of the old lady at first, until he heard voices from a distance away, though really only one. The weed was close by, talking to someone. Or at least, that's what the skeleton assumed that he heard. He was still kind of amused, and not too suspicious anymore of it and the voices. The skeleton couldn't help but wonder who exactly the weed was talking too, though, unless it had some sort of affection for talking to itself. He decided to just add a neutral comment about it though, and not much more as of yet. He glanced in the direction of where he had heard the annoying voice as usual, though he didn't appear to concerned as he spoke up once more.

*heh. looks like weed made new pal over there.
MoonLegend101 said:
(Sorry I haven't replied in a while! I was waiting for @Space Face until replying. Just a friendly little reminder for them, but it's completely understandable if they've been busy or such or if I simply should have replied sooner. :) Also welcome to our Alphys and Napstablook performer, such a pleasure to see these characters in the mix as well! Both introduction posts are lovely. And I couldn't roleplay a Mettaton to save my life, unfortunately, my apologies. x] It would be amazing if another could, though!)
Sans grinned down at the flower even more intensely now after it spoke. Just because some of the chips were down and the flower had one life and felt the need to change its ways, didn't mean it still wasn't a dirty brother killer from many timelines. Not only that, but also extremely dangerous, too. He tilted his head a bit when staring down at it, though. At least the weed appeared to be not likely to change anytime too soon.... but still, he couldn't afford to trust anything that thing said.

*welp, let's hope so, pal.

He eventually spoke in a friendly and accepting way, stepping back from the weed with a wide grin on his face that was seemingly friendly as well. Though really, he didn't trust the weed at all. He would play it nice for now, like he had promised Papyrus. But he wouldn't trust the weed, and rather be more attentive to it still, make sure it didn't.... well, go off the beaten road that it promised it would take for now. Sans had stepped back for the old woman, who was... much more blunt, with her demands to the flower. Not that he could blame her though, heh. He didn't get to see the sentient weed threatened by a fireball every day, after all, so it wasn't like he could complain all that much. The skeleton was a bit interested to see that fireball, realizing how powerful the lady might indeed be. But oh well, it wasn't like he was intending to try to get on her bad side anyways. When her attention focused on him and the kid again, he offered a bit of a warmer grin for her sake when she spoke about his name, and shrugged good naturedly with an extra wink.

*yeah, hope so, since it's my name and all.

*heh, thanks.

But then, the lady brought up a special... attribute that the kid might have. Sans' pupils got just a bit smaller from surprise that she mentioned that so directly, but he was quick to recover with his usual grin, though now a few sweat drops slid down his skull once more. Gee, the lady didn't really give him many options, did she? He had wanted to test this kid out, maybe see these abilities in actions, to see for himself if this was the new anomaly. He was pretty sure it was, too, since the weed would have to be working really hard just to manipulate something if it wasn't true, which seemed to be fairly unlikely. Plus the way the flower acted now... well, it seemed to at least be trying to put on the act of being friendly and all now. But how to explain this to the old lady? He kind of didn't want to ruin his nice guy act to the kid either. Or at least, so they would be more relaxed around him and such, which was more of what he would have preferably wanted. But heh, guess it was too late for that now. Might as well try to kind of give some sort of explanation... though not about the timelines and such, and anomalies. No one needed to know about those, or get an explanation about 'em. He started to sweat a bit once more, something the old lady seemed to have a real talent for making him do.

*heh, yeah....

*the kid might know it too.

Sans still grinned as wide as ever as he spoke, though it was a bit more strained now, that he was doing something out of his comfort zone that he wanted to do so much, but oh well. It still didn't make it any easier to explain, though.

*heh... ya see, ya have a lot of... well... determination, don't ya?

He referred to the kid, motioning one gloved hand towards them as a waving motion towards them.

*well... just this kid might have more of that, then...

*the other humans. that's all.

Sans tried to still make these words come out in an easygoing way. though it was more forced, and perhaps confusion. Welp, if it was, it wasn't like he wanted to put in the effort to explain things n a more complicated way right now... it would lead to topics he would be even more uncomfortable, and he didn't want to share that sort of information. This whole situation was more uncomfortable then he had wanted, really. He shrugged, his grin becoming wider.

*eh, not like i know too much about these detailed stuffs, anyways.

Sans watched a bit curiously and suspiciously as the weed seemed to be quick to want to make an exit after the lady threatened him with that fireball, and disappeared in the ground. He was amused, thinking that this was just because the flower was simply frightened of the old lady at first, until he heard voices from a distance away, though really only one. The weed was close by, talking to someone. Or at least, that's what the skeleton assumed that he heard. He was still kind of amused, and not too suspicious anymore of it and the voices. The skeleton couldn't help but wonder who exactly the weed was talking too, though, unless it had some sort of affection for talking to itself. He decided to just add a neutral comment about it though, and not much more as of yet. He glanced in the direction of where he had heard the annoying voice as usual, though he didn't appear to concerned as he spoke up once more.

*heh. looks like weed made new pal over there.
sansational said:
Toriel frowned and strode over to Flowey, gripping them by the stalk.
*oh dear... it seems you've returned. i would like to warn you thatharming or corrupting my child in any way will result in your immediate termination. and, from what i can tell, with your "theres no going back" it seems there will be no de-termination either. so i suggest you are very careful what you say and do, because if i have an inkling that you are manipulating them...

she spoke in a hushed whisper. she began to create a fireball in her hand, placing it just below the flowers petals so they became slightly singed.

*there is much, much more where that came from.

she stood up and turned to the human and skeleton.

*Sans... what a nice name, very fitting, i feel. would you mind explaining what is meant by all this? this child... you mean to imply they have some sort of special... attribute? because from what you told me at that door, and from what the dastardly flower is saying, it would seem that is the case. i deeply hope you do not plan on utilising this alleged ability, for i have warned you what will happen if you do so.

she put her hand on the childs shoulder and shot Sans an inquisitive look, as if to request he explains himself.
. I am so
. I had to do some tests for school.... But, I'm good with rolling on. WARNING: This may trigger someone.)

Frisk froze when Toriel stomped past them, the flare of both aggression and DETERMINATION that flowed from the mom-ster gave them vertigo. When Toriel had comeback from frightening Flowey, she could feel Frisk slightly edge away from her paw as she held their shoulder. From that small touch, Toriel could almost feel a touch of anger and perhaps fear within Frisk.

* . . . You feel a bit afraid. . . Toriel seems nice and motherly, but she can also be aggressive and ruthless when she needs too. . . That act was a bit over the top. Flowey did have problems,but he wasn't trying anything.

*. . . You are reminded by Toriel's actions that you are in a world where there are monsters who want to kill you for your soul, a feeling becomes power, and. . . You have no idea what to do or think. Toriel seems too set in protecting you to allow you to help achieve her dreams and Sans. . .

*Sans is way too difficult to understand. . . No matter how many puns, jokes, or pranks he pulls.

* Then You think of all the people you can meet, friends you can make, and perhaps. . . find a family?

*You feel lonely despite have Sans and Toriel with you. . . Sans last comment somehow seemed funny to you.

* You start to cry, but at the same time you start laughing. . .

The weight of what truely happened to Frisk finally cracks down on their head, causing them to sit down to process the rest of the information... Tears streaming down from their faces as they held it in their hands while small sputters of chuckles accompanied by gasps of air were muffled by Frisk's hands.
toriel was lost for words. one moment this child seemed happy as can be, and the next they were a blubbering mess on the floor. she edged closer to Sans and whispered in his ear

*good job, you made a child cry... i think... i think they're crying.

she rushed over to the child and crouched down in front of them with a faked happy, upbeat tone and face.

*my child, what is wrong? did the flower freighten you? did mister Sans frieghten you? please stop crying, i'll bring you inside and you can have some more pie whilst our good friend Sans tells stories, right Sans?. would that make you feel better?

she embraced the child in a hug as they wept into her shoulder as she shot a "just go along with it" glance at Sans. despite her motherly instinct, she had never been good at stopping children from crying, she usually got far too emotional doing so and ended up sobbing on the floor with them.
Asgore smiled to himself as he hummed a little tune, pouring the pail and gently covering the large area covered in golden flowers. Ever since Tori left, he only found comfort in watering the flowers here. Sure, Undyne would come around once in a while to have a chat, even train a little, but other than that, he would receive little monster-to-monster communication. He finally emptied the pail and set it gently next to his throne.

Asgore sighed gently as he turned and loomed out his window to the expansive underground. Thoughts raced into his head; old memories. Memories of the surface world, before they were sealed underground. Memories of his family. Memories of the six humans that had fallen down, which seemed like such a long time ago. A single tear rolled down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. He wasn't sure why, but he had a feeling.....something important was going to happen soon.
(No problem, don't worry Space Face! :) It's completely understandable, then. Also, so nice to have an Asgore performer too, welcome! <3 )

Sans had absolutely no idea how to respond or how to react when the human kid sank to the floor and started to... cry? Or, maybe it was crying, he couldn't exactly tell, but they were letting out some sort of strong emotion, and they were taking something hard. He couldn't understand what he had done. After all... he hadn't done anything wrong, right? He wasn't... well, he wasn't good with these sorts of situations, at all. Sure, sometimes Paps could get emotional or upset about stuffs... but even then, he was more awkward and flustered about comforting his brother. All he really knew how to do with his brother was offer silent support the best he could, or some short comforting and honest words to calm the other one down. During those moments... he actually felt a bit more of a warmer and concerned emotion, which wasn't so bad to have. But heh, he still didn't consider himself good with emotional matters, or even to understand them that well, at all. After all, Sans just wasn't an emotional guy himself. He didn't do tears, he sure could feel sadness, but... it wasn't like he usually needed comfort about it. No one needed to know about what he knew, or how he felt about things either. Sans just stood there for a few seconds, staring, his white pupils smaller then before. He was still mentally debating what to do when the old lady whispered towards his hearing area a small accusation about making the child cry. He peered at her, and offered a weak grin.

*...didn't mean to, honest.

He glanced at the kid helplessly, unsure of what to do about the situation, no matter what he thought of to maybe do or say.

*hey...hey kid, 's okay, didn't mean to upset ya.

*honest, pal.

Sans tried to say in a friendly way, though his grin was still strained, and he was sweating once more, the sticky drops sliding down the back of his skull. He decided rather tactfully to have the lady try to comfort the kid, though, as it seemed she was probably much better at handling such thing. She seemed to be that kind of person, after all. He stood back cautiously from the two, though still watched attentively, knowing that it wouldn't be that good to back up from the situation, but keep his mouth shut for now, yes. He still had his original purpose in mind, even though... well, it was kinda hard to think about doing now, with this poor kid crying and laughing and well... it was hard to tell what was wrong with 'em, really. He maybe had been hardened over the well.... the timelines, and not have much compassion or mercy or spirit left in him, and those pleasant and warm sorts of emotions... but he wasn't without them completely, either. He couldn't help but pity the kid a bit, having fallen down in a world where more then one monsters might try to kill them and collect their soul... to save all monsters. Undoubtedly the strongest of them, Undyne would to which was why he never wanted to get too attached to well... humans like these But that was a long past ago that he didn't want to think about. Sans felt a bit of pity for the kid, though, and his overall awkwardness and lack of knowledge of how to handle this situation caused him to nod automatically when the lady suggested that he could tell them stories. He nodded emphatically, and cracked a wide grin with a shrug.

*yeah, sure kid, would be happy to.

He sure hoped that this would calm the kid down, because he was sure anything else he attempted to do would probably fail.... and he would have to leave things up to the old lady, since she sure seemed know how to handle things well enough, at least it appeared that way to him.
(Thanks for the welcome! Asgore is my favorite character. Haven't been able to find an Undertale RP where he wasn't taken.)

But now, Asgore felt....reinvigorated. Instead of returning to his moping, he thought he might take a walk. See his supposed Kingdom once more. His subjects would be glad to see their King out and about; but in truth, Asgore just needed a distraction. He walked out of his Throne Room and continued down the stairs, his cape trailing by with him. Once he reached the elevator, he stepped inside quickly, and a few moments later, stepped back out. He made his way past the Judgement Hall, then his home. The empty places flashed by him until he eventually reached the top of the Core. He smiled to himself as he saw how far he had come already. He felt like a new monster with this new bout of energy! Hope filled his heart....for a reason he couldn't explain. He swished his cape once for dramatic effect, and began making his way through the Core.
Napstablook looked at Flowey uneasily. His speech seemed a little too... forced.

*um... i guess so

By now he was too distracted by the conversation to remember that he had been crying.

*what did they take from you.... maybe... maybe i could help,

he offered genuinely.

(Sorry that my post was so short. I probably won't be on much for a while either, I'm sick and I feel terrible.)

(Also, I want to menton that you're all amazing roleplayers! I wish to someday be half as good as you.)
(d'aww thanks. I like to think that it's all in a day's work! Although, sickness really can take it out of you.)

Flowey soon became bored of the ghost, he thought maybe cheering them up would probably spark some emotion within him, but he still felt as cold and emotionless as ever. He said his goodbyes to the ghost, and left, reappearing near Sans and Papyrus'(s) house. He was sure that Papyrus was busy, and didn't want to get onto more bad terms with Sans, so he continued, wandering around Waterfall, into Hotland, where Alphys'(s) laboratory was.

He looked up at the white building. It was a sore thumb among the red and orange of Hotland, and the grey of the Core. Wait. Is someone on top of the Core? He'll have to investigate that later. He knocked on the door to Alphys'(s) lab.


*You in there?
Alphys couldn’t help but giggle a little. Her plan would be completely fool-proof! She just needed a way to get a hold of Mettaton… It would be hard, after all, his schedule was abounded with countless acting performances and meet and greets..

Her stream of brilliance was interrupted with a knock on the door. Oh god.. Who could that possibly be? Maybe another monster family wondering where their child is..

There was another knock as Alphys anxiously scurried to the lab door.

*Uh…w-who’s there?

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sansational said:
toriel was lost for words. one moment this child seemed happy as can be, and the next they were a blubbering mess on the floor. she edged closer to Sans and whispered in his ear
*good job, you made a child cry... i think... i think they're crying.

she rushed over to the child and crouched down in front of them with a faked happy, upbeat tone and face.

*my child, what is wrong? did the flower freighten you? did mister Sans frieghten you? please stop crying, i'll bring you inside and you can have some more pie whilst our good friend Sans tells stories, right Sans?. would that make you feel better?

she embraced the child in a hug as they wept into her shoulder as she shot a "just go along with it" glance at Sans. despite her motherly instinct, she had never been good at stopping children from crying, she usually got far too emotional doing so and ended up sobbing on the floor with them.
MoonLegend101 said:
(No problem, don't worry Space Face! :) It's completely understandable, then. Also, so nice to have an Asgore performer too, welcome! <3 )
Sans had absolutely no idea how to respond or how to react when the human kid sank to the floor and started to... cry? Or, maybe it was crying, he couldn't exactly tell, but they were letting out some sort of strong emotion, and they were taking something hard. He couldn't understand what he had done. After all... he hadn't done anything wrong, right? He wasn't... well, he wasn't good with these sorts of situations, at all. Sure, sometimes Paps could get emotional or upset about stuffs... but even then, he was more awkward and flustered about comforting his brother. All he really knew how to do with his brother was offer silent support the best he could, or some short comforting and honest words to calm the other one down. During those moments... he actually felt a bit more of a warmer and concerned emotion, which wasn't so bad to have. But heh, he still didn't consider himself good with emotional matters, or even to understand them that well, at all. After all, Sans just wasn't an emotional guy himself. He didn't do tears, he sure could feel sadness, but... it wasn't like he usually needed comfort about it. No one needed to know about what he knew, or how he felt about things either. Sans just stood there for a few seconds, staring, his white pupils smaller then before. He was still mentally debating what to do when the old lady whispered towards his hearing area a small accusation about making the child cry. He peered at her, and offered a weak grin.

*...didn't mean to, honest.

He glanced at the kid helplessly, unsure of what to do about the situation, no matter what he thought of to maybe do or say.

*hey...hey kid, 's okay, didn't mean to upset ya.

*honest, pal.

Sans tried to say in a friendly way, though his grin was still strained, and he was sweating once more, the sticky drops sliding down the back of his skull. He decided rather tactfully to have the lady try to comfort the kid, though, as it seemed she was probably much better at handling such thing. She seemed to be that kind of person, after all. He stood back cautiously from the two, though still watched attentively, knowing that it wouldn't be that good to back up from the situation, but keep his mouth shut for now, yes. He still had his original purpose in mind, even though... well, it was kinda hard to think about doing now, with this poor kid crying and laughing and well... it was hard to tell what was wrong with 'em, really. He maybe had been hardened over the well.... the timelines, and not have much compassion or mercy or spirit left in him, and those pleasant and warm sorts of emotions... but he wasn't without them completely, either. He couldn't help but pity the kid a bit, having fallen down in a world where more then one monsters might try to kill them and collect their soul... to save all monsters. Undoubtedly the strongest of them, Undyne would to which was why he never wanted to get too attached to well... humans like these But that was a long past ago that he didn't want to think about. Sans felt a bit of pity for the kid, though, and his overall awkwardness and lack of knowledge of how to handle this situation caused him to nod automatically when the lady suggested that he could tell them stories. He nodded emphatically, and cracked a wide grin with a shrug.

*yeah, sure kid, would be happy to.

He sure hoped that this would calm the kid down, because he was sure anything else he attempted to do would probably fail.... and he would have to leave things up to the old lady, since she sure seemed know how to handle things well enough, at least it appeared that way to him.
* It's not Flowey's nor Sans's fault. COUGH. I'm... SNIFF. Fine... It's just what's happening to me finally... HIC. Got to me... I enjoy your company, but... SNIFF. It's hard to see where... COUGH. You fit in where everyone understands everything more then you do. HIC.

*You feel much better after a hug from Toriel,but you feel a bit bad for getting the skeleton in trouble.

As they wiped their eyes with one of the colorful sleeves of their sweater, Frisk gave off a melancholy aura as they attempted a smile. . . failing miserably. The mention of a few of the comforting things they had first experienced in the Underground seemed reasonable, yet something still felt missing, though Frisk couldn't explain what.
It took Asgore a while to make his way through the winding passages of the Core, as he was never good with direction. Nevertheless, he made it through with a smile on his face and entered the Hotel. His subjects looked up at his entrance and waved towards, to which Asgore would smile and wave back before continuing on his way. He exited the building and continued his way ever downward. The first thing he thought to do was check on Alphys: it had been quite a while since he had seen her. The last time was when they were speaking of....Determination. While he wasn't too keen on speaking of it, he still would like to speak to her anyway. He passed by RG 01 and 02, who saluted as he walked by, and Asgore chuckled, putting them at ease as he drew ever closer to her Lab.
Toriel beamed as the child seemed to lighten up. they were fairly obviously still not okay, butt hey werent crying, and that was a huge improvement. she had hoped the child wouldn't experience the outside underworld as much as they have so far, and Sans talking to them, speaking about some sort of power confused them greatly, she feared.

*Please Sans, come and join us for a slice of pie. we can exchange stories, it will be fun! i know you're a busy man, youve told me all about your work, but surely you can take a while off, especially with such a special appearance here. i'm sure the child is extremely exited to hear some of your stories, just please, keep the violence to a minimum.

she was hand in hand with Frisk as she spoke , swinging their arms slightly. after she had finished, she began to make her way towards her house door.
*It's me, Your first determination experiment!

*You remember me, right?

*You made me before all of those failed amalgamates.

Flowey couldn't hold it back. After all, he hadn't done that yet, he needed to know what happened if he said that. Old habits.

*How's life as the Royal scientist been?
*F-failed.. amalgamates...

Alphys' chest tightened. How did someone find out?? Who was she kidding, it was bound to happen someday.. but.. she wasn't prepared.. No, not today. Not ever. Her claws started to clam up, her ears ringing... She was loosing all remaining control over herself. The textbook definition of an anxiety attack.

Memories came flooding back to her all at once.

* D-d o I have a name for it..?

* I-I call it "Determination!!"

* I p-promise, this study will be a s-success!!


* I-I know you're cold.. I feel a-awful, too

* Y-you want to go home? I.. I wish you could.

* Come on, Alphys.. Jump.. Do it.. You need to know whats down there.. For science.

She should have left those coffins closed.

All those all those Amalgamates were her fault. She took the innocent lives of monsters and created abominations. She hurt so many people...

Everything was her fault.

damn it damn it dAMN IT DAMN IT

Her voice quivered as she spoke.

* I-If this is a joke.. Then.. i-it's.. it's.. a..

Before she could finish the sentence, she burst out into tears. Right in front of this stranger.

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As Asgore finally reached the entrance to Alphys' Lab, he breathed a sigh of relief. That was some walk through the Hotlands! All those puzzles didn't seem to help much either, not to mention that it was insanely hot. He wiped some sweat from his brow as he approached, but then he began to hear a familiar sound....crying? He pace sped up, and his mind blotted out the small flower as he approached the door and knocked lightly.

"* Excuse me, Alphys. Are you alright? It sounds as if you are crying."
Hearing Asgore's soft, soothing voice through the door was like a lullaby pacifying her inner demons. Alphys always wondered how the King always seemed so calm during distressing situations. She wished she could say the same for herself..

Was that really him, talking through the door? Why was he acting so oblivious?


*Why would you d-do that??

*That.. that wasn't funny..

Alphys said between very ugly sniffles. She was never the confrontational type, but she really thought out of all people Asgore would be the most sensitive to the topic of Determination.

@Knight Nate
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A confused expression overcame Asgore as he scratched the back of his head, his crown moving with the scratches.

*Hmm? Say what things?

*I'm afraid I have no idea what you speak of, Alphys.

*Why don't you open the doors and we can talk about it over a nice cup of tea?

Asgore was sincere with the offer; he always found that talking about your problems calmly with some good tea always helped, and that's why he brought tea packets with him wherever he went, just in case.
(Let's see how I can do with the "punny" side of this character. x] Also I figured out how to use Sans' text type for his statements, yay!)

Sans couldn't help but feel more relieved when the human kid seemed to calm down just a bit more.. and at least be able to talk through their sniffles and hiccups. It was a bit adorable, actually. The kid actually was quite cute, for a human. But after a while of experience... he knew all too well by now to not be fooled by appearances. Though... this kid seemed pretty sweet so far, and innocent. Maybe they didn't know about this apparent ability that they might have... which was control over all the timelines, everything. Well, they didn't seem to. If so, surely the kid couldn't be that bad. But he wasn't about to let his guard down about this situation... he couldn't afford to, really. Even though it wasn't that hard for Sans to think about playing it nice for now with the human, and being friendly to them and all like the lady wanted. Really, it wouldn't be that of an unwelcome thing to do. Heh. Kids weren't so bad, anyway. They were usually a great audience when it came to telling jokes. When the old lady asked if he would like to come and have a piece of pie with them, despite being a busy man, he almost let out a snicker, but instead just grinned wide. He nodded readily, finding the action an inviting one to do.

*yeah, i usually have a ton of work to do...

*a skele-ton.

Sans couldn't resist the opportunity to use such a pun, and immediately winked once saying it.

*but i think i can tear myself away from my work for a bit.

When the other one requested that he not tell any stories with too much violence, he offered her another nod and a hopefully convincing grin.

*aw, throw me a 'bone' here. i'll be sure to be careful about it.

After making his next pun that gave him some amusement, Sans then followed the two figures of the woman and the child with a wide grin as usual, his gloved hands stuffed in his pockets as he followed them both through a door that seemed to lead somewhere homely, wherever it was. He hadn't been in such a location before, but then again, that wasn't very surprising, since the skeleton had never visited the Ruins before, either.
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Flowey, unable to feel emotion, had trouble responding to Alphys'(s) outburst, he tried very hard to understand,

*Sorry, that was kind of mean.

He tried to make up for the mistake,

*But, it wasn't all for nothing!

*You made me, remember?

*Alphys... just open the door!
Toriel giggles at Sans' puns as she led the child to the sitting room. they were fairly commonly used, but Sans managed to make them funny every time, an ability she was rather envious of. she noticed that she didn't have enough chairs for both of them to sit down, at least Frisk seemingly preferred sitting on the floor, playing with the toys used by the previous children.

*Sans, please take my chair, as our guest, it would only be polite to allow you the privelege. i will get you two some pie. i would ask you if you wanted tea, but i think you'd need a femur organs to stop it from dripping onto my chair.

she smirked at her joke before walking into the kitchen, slicing off two fairly large portions of pie. she enjoyed making it. it was the same recipie she had used when baking for asriel so many years ago. she had kept it the same, almost in rememberance. infact, it was almost identical to the pie papyrus had cooked, not that she knew that.

she returned a moment later, offering the food to the child and the skeleton.
* O-okay..Uh..

* Ok.. I'm g-going to open the door..

* Aaa, pl-lease don't kill me..

The lab door slowly creaked open. A familiar, friendly figure greeted her.. but.. Next to him was a tiny, yellow flower.. And.. He was alive? The same flowers used as vessels for the experiments..

* Oh my god..!!

* A-asgore.. I-I didn't know..?

* I'm s-sorry for accusing you of this..

Alphys tried to remain calm, even though she was clearly horrified. Why were her past failures NOW coming back to bite her in the ass? And at the weirdest moment too..

* Y-you can come in if you want...

* It's a bit m-messy but.. uh.. y-yeah!!
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Flowey looked at Alphys, with a confused look. He made a mental checklist of how to calm down a

*You look...


*Look, don't be sad!

*Anyone in your position would've done that!

Flowey then comes up with a great idea. He doesn't quite know how empathy works, but it has something to do with experiencing something someone else did, right?

*...I would've done that too.
The flower woke Alphys up from her momentary daze.

* W-what?

* That was.. a bit u-uncalled for..? Ahaha

She gave a nervous little chuckle. It sounded like a dying goat. Oh my god. She was just messing things up more, wasn't she?

* I-I just wasn't expecting Asgore here!! I.. I wasn't expecting anything!!

* Let alone..

* This..?

Alphys glared at the flower, obviously looking very uncomfortable. She wasn't lying. She hadn't seen Asgore since the.. Determination experiments. She looked down remorsefully, giving a sad little grin.

*God, I'm SUCH an idiot..

No. Not in front of company.. Not in front of Asgore. She tried her best to lighten up her demeanor, but as she was told by Mettaton, she was a terrible liar..

*Anyway.. uh.. d-do you guys want anything? I have e-enough instant noodles to go around!!
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