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Fandom a sans-ational undertale roleplay(spaces still open)

(Ah okay, same for me, Sansational. xD Also, keep in mind I'm not writing this from the perspective of one who has the ship of Sans and Toriel, I have a more neutral view on that being a platonic relationship.)

Sans felt a bit bad when their good time had been cut off. He didn't mean to spoil everything, and now he felt awkward that he had. He just wasn't that kind of guy to bring up... topics such as these. And now that he had, he felt more like trash. Heh. Well, he was kind of trash in a way, but anyways. He had to know about this human one way or another. It wasn't like he wouldn't believe the old woman if she said there wasn't any visitors lately, though. Even if he didn't know her name, she still seemed me trustworthy then a stupid weed that was the bane of his existence. He waited for a response, though, very tense now, and even sweating a bit. This only increased, when the woman began to speak again. Immediately Sans new that the mood had been ruined for sure, and something was definitely up. But she talked about a promise again... heh, another of those.


Sans started to stutter, not sure what to say exactly, and how to tell her that he didn't want to make another promise... or rather, couldn't. The skeleton reached up and let out a sigh as he wiped away perspiration beading on his skull. before stuffing both hands in his pockets once more. He couldn't be trusted with promises, he just broke 'em eventually. It was why he hated them, when he made promises something went wrong or someone got hurt... they were just too much effort and too tiring to keep, except when they were important promises, maybe. He had decided to just shut up until the lady mentioned the possibility of him killing her. Sans let his eyes widen for this one, shifting around even more uncomfortably now.

*l...lady, i wouldn't.

He tried to make his tone assuring as he said this with a usual smile, though it wasn't as wide as it usually was, for obvious reasons. He wouldn't kill an old woman like that, even if he had more sick reason to do so, that would just be... wrong. He would be more interested in uprooting the weed a few times... if he cared enough to do either action, really, and he didn't, especially the first one. But Sans was a bit nervous when the lady said she was going to do something in particular. He still had a relaxed position, even if his expression gave away that he was a bit tense. But suddenly, Sans saw the door start to open. The short skeleton took a step back, hardly able to believe this. So the old lady was going to.. show herself? He thought she always had some sort of reason never to open the door, and never had really questioned it, and had never cared to. What was her business was her business, after all, not his.

But now... he would be able to see his pal in bad jokes and puns, something he had kinda wanted to see for a while. It was a pleasant thing and all... but he wished it hadn't been in these sorts of circumstances. The short skeleton looked up with awe to see the woman who would come out once the huge door came swinging open widely. He was surprised to see that it was.... a woman. Well, okay, he had known that. But it was a goat woman, one who looked... startlingly familiar, from what he had heard and all. He was unable to say anything at first, just stare. After so long... Sans needed a moment to take the image of the woman in, and who he had been exchanging jokes and stories with for the past while. He looked up at her, grinning as usual, and his grin was wide in a welcoming way, even though he was still sweating. And the woman looked as if she had been crying... ah, now he had made an old lady cry, one that he kinda liked, too. If that weed had been lying somehow.... but Sans once more concentrated on her words, unable to look away from her sad and yet serious gaze. Now was the time to address the matter of his promise.

*look... i told you i don't like making promises. no good with 'em.

*heh. need to be honest.

*but, i made a promise to ya...

*so yeah, you could say i'm a skeleton of my word.

He winked when saying his last sentence, meaning it in more of a playful way, though he was well aware that there wasn't much anymore that could lighten the mood now. But Sans also needed to assert himself too, that he could indeed be trusted, but he still needed to know more about this human. Since the story of the weed seemed to be checking out so far strangely enough, he had to check this out, whether this fallen one truly had the power that the flower apparently no longer had. Thinking about the flower, he glanced off at a certain direction for a moment, grinning wider for a moment before looking back at the woman. He had kinda guessed by now that they were being watched by some pair of eyes, though he couldn't quite be sure. But after a few moments, he spoke up again.

*but i still need to know.
Flowey watched, as Toriel contemplated lying to Sans, which would've been a death sentence until the next reset, whenever that was. Thankfully, she didn't. Well, not yet. She hasn't quite outright said anything, but it's inferred that she has the human. While both of them were shocked, Flowey took this opportunity to escape back to the ruins, to check up one more time.

He burrowed under the ground, passing the rather abrupt barrier between permafrost and rock-littered, rich soil. He popped back out at the house entrance, with all of the other (assumed to be) buttercups, then called for the human.

*Hey! Umm... human?


*Didn't quite catch your name!

(Frisk:Marry me!

Papyrus: I... don't feel that way for you.

Frisk:Marry me... Platonically?

Papyrus: YES!!!)
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toriel couldn't quite help from smirking after seeing the skeleton. she had known he was a skeleton, if nothing else that knocking on the door was particularly... bone-like, but looking at him now, she couldn't help be giggle a little. he was the personification of humour.after a moment, though, she regained her previous mood and stared into his eye sockets.

* today, not too long ago. a... a human fell from the only other entrance in this ruin besides this door. it is the only way besides... besides the barrier that can allow any sort of interaction between the overworld and here. it allows humans down but does not allow monsters up. the human was attacked by a... plant of some sort. it sounds silly, i know, but please, believe me. I... i don't want to lose this one. Asgore has 6 souls already. i can't lose another. please. i don't know where you got the information on and, frankly, i don't care, but do not hurt the child. it would break my heart, but if neccesary, i am orepared to protect that child with my life. i can't let Asgore break the barrier.

she fell to her knees and began to sob quietly.
Sans couldn't help but grin more good naturedly and in a more relaxed way when the woman smirked and let out a bit of a quiet chuckle. It was a bit relieving that she was over something.... even if it was his sterling appearance.

*heh. surprised at my looks?

He said this with a normal grin, and almost in a bit of a hopeful way too, to dispel a bit of the tension if only for a moment. He didn't blame her reaction, after all, he was that sort of guy that would provoke that sort of thing. He was a bit surprised that she was a goat lady, but then again, that wasn't all too surprising really either. But it only took a moment for the tense mood to settle in once more, and Sans couldn't help but shift under her gaze. There was a certain weight and... pressure to it, but he couldn't place it. Eventually he calmly stared back, still grinning up normally, even if he was still sweating just a bit still. Soon the woman spoke once more, and his suspicions were accordingly confirmed about the human. So... the weed was maybe telling the truth about a human falling down here. But what Sans was most interested about, was the human having the abilities of the sentient plant. When the old lady mentioned the human that had fallen down being attacked by a plant and having to be saved, he didn't doubt that.

*eh, don't worry, i believe ya.

He believed that all too well. He winked when saying this, even though it was more of a personal joke for himself. Then, when the woman became upset once more about losing that child, something in Sans twitched a bit, from pity and... guilt. He could only stand and stare when the other one fell to her knees and sobbed softly. The short skeleton truly didn't know what to do for her, since as fairly obvious, he didn't deal with these sorts of emotional things all too well. But of course he would honor his promise tot the lady, and not hurt this human. Unless... of course, they messed with Papyrus. Then, well.... he wouldn't know what to do about that. He hoped it wouldn't come to that, but... knowing the sick ways of reality, it probably would one or another, whether this human had the ability to reset and not die or not. He just stood in front of the woman for a moment, before awkwardly reaching out one gloved hand. He slowly rest it on her shoulder, even though since he was of shorter stature it was a bit difficult. He was still grinning, though now it was much more strained, noticeably now. Sans then nodded, for once feeling a bit more solemn about this situation, though still dreadfully puzzled and unsure of what to do with himself.

*i promised i would watch over any human that came through this door, didn't i?

*it'll... it'll be okay, heh.

He was right, actually. Either way, it would always be okay in the end... because of the resets. Frankly that was also his reason for not caring all that much about things either, and many other emotional responses or lack of them, but at least for the others it would be a good thing and all usually. Sans still needed to know just a bit more about this human, though, even though it kind of pained him to ask anything further of the lady, he had upset her so much already.

*look. though...

*i just need to know.

*this human by any chance... act strangely, or differently, from any other humans. maybe?
(i personally really dislike the Soriel [sans X Toriel] pairing, it just feels really forced and not at all neccesary. i much prefer platonic than romantic when it comes to those two.)

Toriel appreciated Sans' efforts. it was fairly obvious he wasn't used to this type of situation, after all, she doubted that a seemingly carefree monster would involve himself in situations like this too often, though his attempts greatly comforted her. she didn't believe Sans was capable of harming a child, though she didn't really know what he was capable of. she rubbed her eyes and took a few deep breaths to regain her composure.

*thank you. i appreciate your efforts at comforting me. the child... they are different than the rest, obviously, they are an individual, they are unique, just like like last si-seven...

she paused for a moment as she remembered the original human, Chara, whom had died along with her first son. all hell broke loose after that and just thinking about it made her teary-eyed.

*this one... this one doesnt talk too much. they don't really resolve things logically. i brought them to a dummy i had made to see how good they were at fighting. they. heh. hehehe, they started to flirt with it. it was quite a sight, actually. they're particularly good at puzzles, infact, i think your brother would like them. i'd show you them but... well, due to the situation involving Asgore and his sould, i've decided to keep them here with me... indefinitely. i can't risk Asgore reaching the surface. it would be a bloodbath. our species would become extinct and they would take so many human lives with them. i've decided to prevent them having any contact with anything outside of this gate. that dastardly flower seemingly had no appreciation for this, but it can be dealt with.

(obviously frisk isnt going to stay in the ruins forever, that would be pretty god damn anticlimactic. i just want to see how it pans out and how itll impact character development/relationships.

also, i'm 110% down for altering the canon to a very large extent. as long as it fits into the hypothetical possibilities of the game, i'm down)
ferociousfeind said:
Flowey watched, as Toriel contemplated lying to Sans, which would've been a death sentence until the next reset, whenever that was. Thankfully, she didn't. Well, not yet. She hasn't quite outright said anything, but it's inferred that she has the human. While both of them were shocked, Flowey took this opportunity to escape back to the ruins, to check up one more time.
He burrowed under the ground, passing the rather abrupt barrier between permafrost and rock-littered, rich soil. He popped back out at the house entrance, with all of the other (assumed to be) buttercups, then called for the human.

*Hey! Umm... human?


*Didn't quite catch your name!

(Frisk:Marry me!

Papyrus: I... don't feel that way for you.

Frisk:Marry me... Platonically?

Papyrus: YES!!!)
how about no?)

* You welcome Floey warmly, even though he did try to steal your soul.

*Your name? Your name is Frisk, you apologize for not saying anything earlier.

Frisk had bent down once again to speak to the flower, smiling drowsily from the warm meal.
(Haha, glad we agree on it, then! :) )

Sans waited in a patient and silent way while the other one regained her composure. He was silent, because, well, that was very understandable considering the previous reaction from her. He was very interested to hear this description, though, of this apparent child. He didn't like it, though, to hear that it was another child. If they turned out to be bad news somehow or something that he would need to... well, destroy no matter what for some reason... well, it'd be hard to have the stomach to exactly kill a kid... not to mention his promise... but if he had to, Sans probably would end up doing it. In a way, he was kind of disgusted with himself sometimes. Not that he really examined himself in a way that much, though, he didn't care enough about himself or his actions to do so unless they had impacted something negatively that shouldn't have been. He grinned a bit weaker when the old woman thanked him for his efforts to calm her, though, and he shrugged, still displaying awkwardness upon hearing that comment.

*heh, no prob...

Sans then listened intently as she began to describe what this kid was like. He still had his normal grinning expression, though his small white pupils focused solely on her form and own gaze implied he was indeed listening closely even if he didn't want to imply so. He was kinda glad to hear that this human seemed to be more of the peaceful and innocent type, then, unlike the kind that he still feared in a way, the sorts of humans that were nothing like that. The fact that they had flirted with a training dummy was enough proof that they must not be naturally violent. When hearing about puzzles and how the kid seemed to solve them well, he grinned a bit wider and nodded.

*heh. yeah, paps 's always working on some sort of puzzle or another.

Sans then fell silent for a moment. His brother was so cool, and also was a human hunting fanatic when it came to making puzzles in case any came and all that. Even though he had never seen the use of such things, his bro had put so much effort into them usually... well, it was a bit disappointing to hear that the little human would be confined to the Ruins. But anyways, understandable, considering what would happen if Papyrus would actually succeed in taking a human to the capital and Undyne... well. that wouldn't be pleasant either. Sans couldn't help but nod to show he respected her decision... even if that didn't weaken his resolve to meet this human and actually find out if they had the powers the weed did.

*yeah, i get ya. just... maybe i could meet the kid, sometime, y'know?

*seems like a real charmer.

He winked when saying the part about the kid being a charmer, because of what he had been told about the dummy. He realized that kinda might sound wrong, though, when he didn't mean it too. He wouldn't hurt the kid, especially if they were confined to the Ruins for now. Sans offered an assuring grin to the other one.

*just to meet with 'em, of course.

At the mention of that dastardly flower, he perked up a bit, having full knowledge of what could be done to that weed, and wouldn't be too sorry to do it, either.

*heh. if ya ever need a bit of "weed extermination", just let me know, i've become an expert with it.

Once again, it was more of an inside joke to himself that only Sans would understand, but he nevertheless grinned wide while saying this statement, seemingly meaning this as a kind and slightly excited offer to help with such thing.... though either way, it would always give him great pleasure to destroy the weed, no matter what kind of power it had now.
[QUOTE="Space Face](Umm...
how about no?)
* You welcome Flowey warmly, even though he did try to steal your soul.

*Your name? Your name is Frisk, you apologize for not saying anything earlier.

Frisk had bent down once again to speak to the flower, smiling drowsily from the warm meal.

Flowey looked at Frisk, up and down, then a sudden realization hit him. The human looked startlingly similar to... Chara. Even if they were lost and confused, they really hated humanity. If this human was violent, Chara's lost soul might adopt a more extreme kill-or-be-killed ideology.

*Hmmm... You resemble someone else, who I used to be good friends with, before...

*Oh, what the heck, you don't care about my life story!

*Especially since all of the emotion has been artificially drained out of it...

*I'm... Sorry? For trying to steal your soul earlier.

*It's just, you have something I usually get to have...

*And I'm feeling a bit of withdrawal.

*I guess you don't want to hear me ramble on.

Flowwey looked at them in a more scrutinous manner again, very interested in how they utilize their newfound powers.

*Hey, do feel, at all, determined, in any way?
Toriel crouched next to Sans and studied his face. she wasn't quite sure whether the skeleton had malicious intentions or not. he seemed like he meaned well but his apparent need to meet the human was rather offputting. regardless, she decided that she should let him in. she sighed sharply

*it is very difficult to read your facial expressions when you're always smiling and don't have eyes. if i hadnt made you promise you wouldn't hurt them, i wouldn't let you in, luckily for you, you have promised not to hurt any children, so, for the time being, i'll take your word for it. however, if you harm the child in any form, trust me when i say, you. will. die. here.

do you understand? come with me.

she offered Sans her hand to guide him to the humans location. she was rather apprehensious, though the thrill of seeing the monster she had been exchanging jokes with for the past while was partially calming her nerves and partially making her more reluctant to say no to them.
ferociousfeind said:
Flowey looked at Frisk, up and down, then a sudden realization hit him. The human looked startlingly similar to... Chara. Even if they were lost and confused, they really hated humanity. If this human was violent, Chara's lost soul might adopt a more extreme kill-or-be-killed ideology.
*Hmmm... You resemble someone else, who I used to be good friends with, before...

*Oh, what the heck, you don't care about my life story!

*Especially since all of the emotion has been artificially drained out of it...

*I'm... Sorry? For trying to steal your soul earlier.

*It's just, you have something I usually get to have...

*And I'm feeling a bit of withdrawal.

*I guess you don't want to hear me ramble on.

Flowwey looked at them in a more scrutinous manner again, very interested in how they utilize their newfound powers.

*Hey, do feel, at all, determined, in any way?
*You forgive the plant, everyone gets a little cranky when things don't go their way. You also tell him that it's fine if he rambles, everyone needs somebody to listen to them at least once.

Frisk ponder over the last question, their face again barely budging from its normal state. That warm fluid-like feeling washed over them again, covering them in a strong feeling that they could do anything.

*You tell Flowey that you do feel... Determined. Whether that's a side effect of gaining Flowey's power or being in the Underground is unknown.

Bending down to talk with the flower was starting to become tiresome, making the child sit down criss-cross applesauce just to pay attention to the flower. They did let out a yawn once or twice during the discussion,but it was to be expected due to their energy-zapping introduction to the Underground... Not to mention a nice warm pastry. Their recognizable sweater crumpled slightly as Frisk leaned forward upon their hands to hear Flowey's words.
*Hmm. That'd do it.

*You've overpowered my determination, taking control of the timeline.

*You better use this power responsibly, or someone will notice.

Flowey looked at them as they sat down.

*...The deal's still open.

*I'm not forcing it on you, it's still an option.

*The resulting entity would be much more powerful with your consent.

Flowey could see Toriel and Sans emerging from the basement, and panics.

(I'm imagining that Frisk is looking "south" at Flowey, who is with the flowers at the base of the tree, looking at Frisk, and has a direct line of sight to the basement stairs, where Sans and Toriel would emerge)
ferociousfeind said:
*Hmm. That'd do it.
*You've overpowered my determination, taking control of the timeline.

*You better use this power responsibly, or someone will notice.

Flowey looked at them as they sat down.

*...The deal's still open.

*I'm not forcing it on you, it's still an option.

*The resulting entity would be much more powerful with your consent.

Flowey could see Toriel and Sans emerging from the basement, and panics.

(I'm imagining that Frisk is looking "south" at Flowey, who is with the flowers at the base of the tree, looking at Frisk, and has a direct line of sight to the basement stairs, where Sans and Toriel would emerge)
( I can imagine Flowey doing this-

*You tell him that you have already messed up in the human world... You don't want to do it down here, expectually now that you can 'time travel' you guess.

One fact stuck in the back of their mind, that the monsters were trapped down here by something called The Barrier. Frisk rubbed their temples, searching for the answer as Flowey stated the entity would be much more powerful. Wait... more powerful, if they were already powerful enough to RESET, maybe...

* You ask him if it be possible to open what Toriel calls 'The Barrier' if you agree or at least be on the way to.

Frisk notices the flower's sudden distress and twists around to see Toriel and... Is that... a skeleton? Frisk's usually relaxed face turns into one of confusion as they scoot in front of Flowey as if to protect the plant. After wiping their now dirty hands on their sweater, Frisk silently regards Sans silently before returning their focus to mom-ster.

*You tell Toriel that Flowey and you were just talking... He hasn't attempted to hurt you nor have you to him.

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(Sorry! o: It seems my timezone is different, since I just woke up... and I slept in too late. xD )

Sans felt a bit of a... well, an uncomfortable feeling again, as the woman knelt down to examine him carefully. It wasn't like he blamed her, after all he was one tough guy to read. It was mostly because... well, he always hid his emotions behind his smile. If felt anything much, it was always dulled, concealed behind his smile. Not like his wide grin was always a cover up, though. Sometimes he just grinned at the irony of even unpleasant things, or most usually in a threatening way. But also, he used it to convey his mood if it was pleasant, or just lazy and non caring about anything. He had adjusted to it, whether it was a curse or just something he had chosen upon himself anyways, it kinda was something he had to do anyways, considering his "chill" exterior, that he liked to keep very much. And Sans didn't like being probed, either. He had become a kind of a "read the audience" guy, after a while. Faces said a lot, and he could easily interpret expressions or emotions easily if he wanted to. But having the same thing done to him... well, it made him uncomfortable,, though he really didn't care that much. Heh. After all, it wasn't like he'd trust himself that well either. When the lady pointed out how hard it was to read his expression, he offered a bit of a strained grin in response.

*...yeah. heh, i've gotten that before.

Sans didn't know what else to say, though of course he was attentive to the warnings that the old woman gave him as well about the situation, which of course he would heed to. It wasn't like he wanted to break his promise, or have a death sentence for himself.

*look, lady... i promise i won't hurt 'em, like i did before. and i won't.

*heh, not really planning on my own death or anyone else's right now.

So after saying this in a bit of a joking way but also seriously to try to portray his honesty in a way that his expression just couldn't be relied on for, Sans took the lady's hand. He felt a bit tense, meeting this human, meeting a human after so long. Not only that, but apparently a very different human, too. Also going into somewhere he had never really gone in before, and hadn't really cared to. But he trusted the old lady with this. He grinned wide as usual, a nice, normal grin since he wasn't feeling any particular emotion yet. He walked steadily as usual, though at one point he dug inside his pocket, and revealed to the lady a certain joke item with a grin. He didn't act like he was showing it to her, but rather just kept it in plain sight for a moment or two so she could see what he had gotten from his pocket, before stuffing it into his other arm that wasn't holding her hand. Heh. Well, at least something would make this meeting just a bit more interesting. He didn't want the woman to think he was arming himself with a weapon, or something. Soon enough, though, he and the old lady emerged from a certain location, and also soon in sight, was the human. Sans immediately observed them carefully right off. After all, this was the thing that could possibly be the future bane of his existence in other timelines. The child had a stripped sweater and seemed to have dusty clothes as well, with brown hair and the usual coloring of a human as far as he could tell. The kid seemed normal, but it did not please him how they seemed to also be protecting something behind them... and glimpses of green and yellow made him guess pretty easily who that was. Nevertheless Sans stepped forward to address the kid. Considering how they hadn't acknowledged him yet, he could tell they were probably quite startled by now, and heh, he didn't blame 'em. But they were in a messed up situation now, in a new world, and they would have to accept guys like he and others existed too. Not that he cared about that sort of thing though, of course. He was here because of this child's apparent special abilities.

*hey, kid.

*don't you know how to properly greet a monster?

Sans asked this with a wide grin, in a friendly way, reaching out one gloved hand from his pockets for the human to shake. Funnily enough, it was the hand with the whoopee cushion waiting to be put into his hand. Huh, weird. He didn't comment on the weed yet, though for a moment his gaze was fixed on the annoying plant. Otherwise though, his small white pupils were concentrated directly on the human child, not diverting away from their small form. Heh. The kid was... kinda cute. But he wasn't about to be mislead, or something. He didn't want this kid to be a repeat of the weed, and hopefully he could make sure of that with this encounter, whether the result would be positive... or, well, negative. Considering his luck and fate of life, it would probably be the second option.
Flowey stood(if you can really call it that) completely still, not daring to peek from behind Frisk. When Sans looked at them from behind Frisk, Flowey began sweating a little, this was serious business. He shouldn't really be here, but where else could he be? He then realized he was asked a question, and honestly thought about it for a moment. He knew that to cross a barrier, you need the strength of a human SOUL AND a monster SOUL, preferably a boss monster, and to destroy the barrier, you would need 7 human souls, and possibly a monster soul as well, just to be sure. An entity containing a monster soul and a human soul would be enough to disrupt it, traditionally allowing the entity through, and maybe a few more monsters, if they are quick enough, before it regained its strength.

Flowey looked again at Frisk, as Sans approached them for a handshake, Flowey began sweating a little more.

*Uhh, Frisk.

He said in a hushed tone, close to their ear,

*The combined entity would have enough strength to disrupt The Barrier for a short while - a few seconds, at best, enough for said entity and a few quick stragglers.

*A seven-souled, god-like being would be required to destroy The Barrier permanently.

Flowey hoped dearly that Sans didn't overhear anything.
MoonLegend101 said:
(Sorry! o: It seems my timezone is different, since I just woke up... and I slept in too late. xD )
Sans felt a bit of a... well, an uncomfortable feeling again, as the woman knelt down to examine him carefully. It wasn't like he blamed her, after all he was one tough guy to read. It was mostly because... well, he always hid his emotions behind his smile. If felt anything much, it was always dulled, concealed behind his smile. Not like his wide grin was always a cover up, though. Sometimes he just grinned at the irony of even unpleasant things, or most usually in a threatening way. But also, he used it to convey his mood if it was pleasant, or just lazy and non caring about anything. He had adjusted to it, whether it was a curse or just something he had chosen upon himself anyways, it kinda was something he had to do anyways, considering his "chill" exterior, that he liked to keep very much. And Sans didn't like being probed, either. He had become a kind of a "read the audience" guy, after a while. Faces said a lot, and he could easily interpret expressions or emotions easily if he wanted to. But having the same thing done to him... well, it made him uncomfortable,, though he really didn't care that much. Heh. After all, it wasn't like he'd trust himself that well either. When the lady pointed out how hard it was to read his expression, he offered a bit of a strained grin in response.

*...yeah. heh, i've gotten that before.

Sans didn't know what else to say, though of course he was attentive to the warnings that the old woman gave him as well about the situation, which of course he would heed to. It wasn't like he wanted to break his promise, or have a death sentence for himself.

*look, lady... i promise i won't hurt 'em, like i did before. and i won't.

*heh, not really planning on my own death or anyone else's right now.

So after saying this in a bit of a joking way but also seriously to try to portray his honesty in a way that his expression just couldn't be relied on for, Sans took the lady's hand. He felt a bit tense, meeting this human, meeting a human after so long. Not only that, but apparently a very different human, too. Also going into somewhere he had never really gone in before, and hadn't really cared to. But he trusted the old lady with this. He grinned wide as usual, a nice, normal grin since he wasn't feeling any particular emotion yet. He walked steadily as usual, though at one point he dug inside his pocket, and revealed to the lady a certain joke item with a grin. He didn't act like he was showing it to her, but rather just kept it in plain sight for a moment or two so she could see what he had gotten from his pocket, before stuffing it into his other arm that wasn't holding her hand. Heh. Well, at least something would make this meeting just a bit more interesting. He didn't want the woman to think he was arming himself with a weapon, or something. Soon enough, though, he and the old lady emerged from a certain location, and also soon in sight, was the human. Sans immediately observed them carefully right off. After all, this was the thing that could possibly be the future bane of his existence in other timelines. The child had a stripped sweater and seemed to have dusty clothes as well, with brown hair and the usual coloring of a human as far as he could tell. The kid seemed normal, but it did not please him how they seemed to also be protecting something behind them... and glimpses of green and yellow made him guess pretty easily who that was. Nevertheless Sans stepped forward to address the kid. Considering how they hadn't acknowledged him yet, he could tell they were probably quite startled by now, and heh, he didn't blame 'em. But they were in a messed up situation now, in a new world, and they would have to accept guys like he and others existed too. Not that he cared about that sort of thing though, of course. He was here because of this child's apparent special abilities.

*hey, kid.

*don't you know how to properly greet a monster?

Sans asked this with a wide grin, in a friendly way, reaching out one gloved hand from his pockets for the human to shake. Funnily enough, it was the hand with the whoopee cushion waiting to be put into his hand. Huh, weird. He didn't comment on the weed yet, though for a moment his gaze was fixed on the annoying plant. Otherwise though, his small white pupils were concentrated directly on the human child, not diverting away from their small form. Heh. The kid was... kinda cute. But he wasn't about to be mislead, or something. He didn't want this kid to be a repeat of the weed, and hopefully he could make sure of that with this encounter, whether the result would be positive... or, well, negative. Considering his luck and fate of life, it would probably be the second option.
ferociousfeind said:
Flowey stood(if you can really call it that) completely still, not daring to peek from behind Frisk. When Sans looked at them from behind Frisk, Flowey began sweating a little, this was serious business. He shouldn't really be here, but where else could he be? He then realized he was asked a question, and honestly thought about it for a moment. He knew that to cross a barrier, you need the strength of a human SOUL AND a monster SOUL, preferably a boss monster, and to destroy the barrier, you would need 7 human souls, and possibly a monster soul as well, just to be sure. An entity containing a monster soul and a human soul would be enough to disrupt it, traditionally allowing the entity through, and maybe a few more monsters, if they are quick enough, before it regained its strength.
Flowey looked again at Frisk, as Sans approached them for a handshake, Flowey began sweating a little more.

*Uhh, Frisk.

He said in a hushed tone, close to their ear,

*The combined entity would have enough strength to disrupt The Barrier for a short while - a few seconds, at best, enough for said entity and a few quick stragglers.

*A seven-souled, god-like being would be required to destroy The Barrier permanently.

Flowey hoped dearly that Sans didn't overhear anything.

'Guess I'll have to think of something else...'

Despite their confusion towards Sans appearance,but manners and curiosity called Frisk to shake the skeleton's gloved hand. Half-lidded eyes met white pupils as Frisk gripped Sans's hand, jumping when the whoopie cushion gave protest at the pressure given. Their heart raced wildly before Frisk smiled widely at the skele-bro, giggling at their overreaction at the noise.

* Well, I didn't think you would be such a Funny Bone.
Sans was completely aware of the presence of the weed there at this point. He stared at the thing a few times, as a sort of warning and also he felt more inclined to not trust this kid so well, knowing they were just talking to this plant. As he went forward to shake the little human's hand, he could also see Flowey whisper something in the kid's ear, and the kid seemingly murmured something in reply. He nearly gritted his teeth upon seeing that, definitely not pleased now. But he kept a straight expression, not having heard much of the conversation of the words whispered, though maybe that wasn't so good either, since he was beginning to suspect bad things about what the flower was doing with the kid. This was too much like some kind of plot, some scheme the flower had. Heh. Maybe the weed was just a bit too good at adjusting to new soil and territory. Well, he'd have to be more attentive for now, but other then that he'd have to figure out what would be best to do in this little game, if he wanted to do any sort of move at all. But surely that'd be best, since.... well, this situation was so new and unexplored, and who knew what bad things would happen this time if he didn't do anything about it. It would eventually reset once more though, right? If he couldn't be sure of that, then... he maybe couldn't afford to sit back and go with the flow anymore. He might have to actually start caring a bit more again about certain things. But Sans temporarily relaxed for the sake of composure when the kid shook his hand. He grinned wider himself and let out a small chuckle.

*hehe, the old whoopee cushion in the hand trick... it's always funny.

Sans easily said with another small chuckle, indeed feeling amusement for his action, which maybe helped lighten mood a bit, though he wasn't sure if his mood was all that lightened yet. When the kid said the statement about not being aware of him being such a funny bone, he let out a snicker. This kid was kinda funny, actually.

*heh, yeah, i'm a real funny guy to the 'bone', y'know?

Sans was quite amused and pleased with himself at the moment, though his gaze kept on the human's own, and he knew to keep the conversation structured and always going in the right direction, heh.

*you're a human, right?

His eyes glanced off to the side for a minute as if in thought, though it was really just a careless gesture to emphasize his statement, as well as his wide grin.

*that's hilarious.

It was hilarious, to him. Heh. After so long, they finally got a human... only for it to possibly this kind of individual that had the power to destroy the Underground or save it instead of getting a normal human. Ironic, huh. Plus the whole idea of this in general just seemed hilarious to him. Maybe he was really getting too much of a detached sense of humor, who knows. He then realized he had not yet introduced himself properly yet, or at least his name and such and kept his grin wide in a friendly way as he spoke again.

*i'm sans, sans the skeleton.

*nice to meet ya, kid.

Sans once again glanced off to the side or in a various direction, seemingly unsure of what to say, though eventually he came up with something.

*you must be taken care of real nicely by the old lady.

Sans grinned a little wider again, though this was for other reasons as he once again glanced in the direction of the weed behind the child.

*got a new playmate too, i see. cool.
*I wasn't doing anything! No plots here!

Flowey really meant it. Losing control over the timeline really made him rethink most of his plots. The people around him were reduced to simple lines of code. Well, except for Sans. He always seemed to know what was going on. Whether it was because of research, or he was just an anomaly, Flowey had to be careful around him.

*Either way, if I mess up, there's no going back, so why risk it?

Flowey looked at Sans, then towards Frisk for support. They believed in him, didn't they?

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Toriel frowned and strode over to Flowey, gripping them by the stalk.

*oh dear... it seems you've returned. i would like to warn you thatharming or corrupting my child in any way will result in your immediate termination. and, from what i can tell, with your "theres no going back" it seems there will be no de-termination either. so i suggest you are very careful what you say and do, because if i have an inkling that you are manipulating them...

she spoke in a hushed whisper. she began to create a fireball in her hand, placing it just below the flowers petals so they became slightly singed.

*there is much, much more where that came from.

she stood up and turned to the human and skeleton.

*Sans... what a nice name, very fitting, i feel. would you mind explaining what is meant by all this? this child... you mean to imply they have some sort of special... attribute? because from what you told me at that door, and from what the dastardly flower is saying, it would seem that is the case. i deeply hope you do not plan on utilising this alleged ability, for i have warned you what will happen if you do so.

she put her hand on the childs shoulder and shot Sans an inquisitive look, as if to request he explains himself.
Napstablook's eyes blinked open, surveying the area around him. He seemed to have drifted off to sleep on a patch of velvety red leaves in some corner of the ruins or other. How he got there he could not remember, but it didn't matter.

*'i bet this would feel comfortable if i had nerves,'

he thought to himself wistfully as he floated upright.

*'i must have really fallen asleep when I was faking it earlier...'

*'come to think of it, where is that person from before... i thought for sure they would have seen me there, since i was blocking the path and all... i guess they didn't notice and passed through... oh... i missed my entrance'

The ghost sighed and drifted through the labyrinth aimlessly, wondering why he had even bothered to leave his house today. As he passed effortlessly over an assortment of puzzles, the quaint little home nestled in the winding paths of the ruins came to mind. The lady who lived there seemed nice, and Napstablook often thought it might not be bad to meet her, but he was always too intimidated to introduce himself and changed his mind whenever he made the attempt to approach her. Instead, he usually observed from a distance.

Today though, he could hear other voices along with hers coming from somewhere nearby. One he recognized as the flower's; he didn't know much about it, except that the particular flower seemed to give off a strangely scary aura, so he stayed clear of it for the most part. The other two voices, though, were completely unfamiliar.

When he peeked around the corner, he saw to whom voices belonged to; the child that he saw that morning, and someone he didn't recognize-- a skeleton.

Quickly withdrawing behind the wall, he sat as well as ghosts could sit, gazing palely at the ground.

*skeletons are frightening... like zombies or ghosts....

He thought for a moment.

*oh... i'm a ghost, aren't i

What should he do in such a situation? It would only be moral to save a helpless child from such suspicious looking characters. Gathering all his courage, which wasnt much, he took a deep breath.

*um... hello...

He called out feebly from behind the crumbling wall. But no one replied. To him, of course, this meant that no one cared enough to answer. But in reality, he hadn't even spoken loudly enough to be heard. He took another glance at the group of monsters.

*there are too many of them right now...

*i should just leave... i'm not even an important character anyway

What a sad thing it must be, to be an unimportant character. Blinking back tears, the poltergeist laid on his side, dwelling on this thought. And as he sank deeper into his misery, he began to cry.
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Kagerou said:
Napstablook's eyes blinked open, surveying the area around him. He seemed to have drifted off to sleep on a patch of velvety red leaves in some corner of the ruins or other. How he got there he could not remember, but it didn't matter.
*'i bet this would feel comfortable if i had nerves,'

he thought to himself wistfully as he floated upright.

*'i must have really fallen asleep when I was faking it earlier...'

*'come to think of it, where is that person from before... i thought for sure they would have seen me there, since i was blocking the path and all... i guess they didn't notice and passed through... oh... i missed my entrance'

The ghost sighed and drifted through the labyrinth aimlessly, wondering why he had even bothered to leave his house today. As he passed effortlessly over an assortment of puzzles, the quaint little home nestled in the winding paths of the ruins came to mind. The lady who lived there seemed nice, and Napstablook often thought it might not be bad to meet her, but he was always too intimidated to introduce himself and changed his mind whenever he made the attempt to approach her. Instead, he usually observed from a distance.

Today though, he could hear other voices along with hers coming from somewhere nearby. One he recognized as the flower's; he didn't know much about it, except that the particular flower seemed to give off a strangely scary aura, so he stayed clear of it for the most part. The other two voices, though, were completely unfamiliar.

When he peeked around the corner, he saw to whom voices belonged to; the child that he saw that morning, and someone he didn't recognize-- a skeleton.

Quickly withdrawing behind the wall, he sat as well as ghosts could sit, gazing palely at the ground.

*skeletons are frightening... like zombies or ghosts....

He thought for a moment.

*oh... i'm a ghost, aren't i

What should he do in such a situation? It would only be moral to save a helpless child from such suspicious looking characters. Gathering all his courage, which wasnt much, he took a deep breath.

*um... hello...

He called out feebly from behind the crumbling wall. But no one replied. To him, of course, this meant that no one cared enough to answer. But in reality, he hadn't even spoken loudly enough to be heard. He took another glance at the group of monsters.

*there are too many of them right now...

*i should just leave... i'm not even an important character anyway

What a sad thing it must be, to be an unimportant character. Blinking back tears, the poltergeist laid on his side, dwelling on this thought. And as he sank deeper into his misery, he began to cry.
*Um, hey, Toriel, I've gotta go...

*Do something!

*See you later!

Flowey then disappeared into the ground with a *POP*.

He popped back out of the ground, next to Napstablook.

*Hey buddy, what's wrong?

*I've been really mean before, and I think I need to fix that.

*I've got one chance to do this. I don't want to take the wrong route.

*You've gotta cheer up!

spookyghostboy said:
hi!!! is this still on?? :o i would love to have the role of alphys!!))))))))))
Woah there, mister! Put OOC posts in the OOC page, and do a @sansational if you want to catch the owners attention. ;)
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The realization hit Alphys midway through her strangely out-of-character commentary that the human child couldn't hear her. She was.. literally.. screaming at nothing. Hopefully no one heard this... Oh, who was she kidding? They probably were used to it after the countless animes she's watched.

Now that she thought about it? The human child's adventures were a LOT like an anime!! Heartbreak.. emotion.. joy.. No wonder why she was obsessed! The human child seemed to be getting puzzles that took YEARS for other monsters to perfect!! It was.. it was so cool!!

'What if I could get the human to like me??'

Alphys chuckled at the thought as she stuffed a forkful of noodles in her mouth. No, the human would never think that she was cool. She was just a dorky loser.

Unless.. she lied..?

No. NO. She NEEDED a fresh start with this human. Wait... wouldn't that just give her a better reason to lie?

She could see it now. Alphys guiding the human through the trifling puzzles of Hotland, impressing the human child.. Maybe she could even convince them to watch some Mew Mew Kissy Cutie with her??

She was sold. The Underground needed at least ONE more person to hate on Mew Mew Kissy Cutie 2 with her.

* Aaaa.. F-fine..

But wait.. if she was playing the hero, who would be the villian? Undyne? No.. not her.

Her face felt hot as she quickly tried to clear her mind of the beautiful fish lady.

Alphys looked around the lab in deep thought.. Her eyes landed on the poster on the second floor of the lab.

*O-oh my god!!

She quickly ran up the escalator, clumisly grabbing the loose flap on the side of the poster with her yellow claws. A note in cursive letters seemed to be scribbled on it:

'Thank you for making my dreams come true.

- Mettaton <3'

* What.. what if you make MINE come true?"

((hopefully this doesnt suck, aaa,,))
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(nah man, that's absolutely stellar, i'd play mettaton but then i'd be juggling 3 characters and its a bit out of my comfort zone, maybe one of the guys here could double up as that or a new member could come and take mettaton or something *shrug* )
ferociousfeind said:
*Um, hey, Toriel, I've gotta go...
*Do something!

*See you later!

Flowey then disappeared into the ground with a *POP*.

He popped back out of the ground, next to Napstablook.

*Hey buddy, what's wrong?

*I've been really mean before, and I think I need to fix that.

*I've got one chance to do this. I don't want to take the wrong route.

*You've gotta cheer up!

Woah there, mister! Put OOC posts in the OOC page, and do a @sansational if you want to catch the owners attention. ;)
Napstablook froze mid-tear, staring at the flower.


he said uncertainly.

*did i interrupt something... i'm sorry

As he floated to a vertical position, one of his tears dropped on to Flowey's petals, burning them with acid.

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