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Fandom a sans-ational undertale roleplay(spaces still open)

Following the human and Toriel through the Ruins, Flowey couldn't help but feel a slight amount of fear as he watched them menacingly complete each puzzle, and when the Froggit got in their way was the worst, they didn't even give it time to attack! They shot the creature up with... with... friendly conversation... and then Toriel came to scare the monster away. It's like the human actually cared for the things around it! He knew of a time when he cared, but didn't ever remember why. Once, the kid turned back to explore the Ruins more, and they nearly caught sight of him again. He managed to burrow into the ground before that, though.

Flowey eventually grew tired of this charade, and went to check up on what Sans was doing. Upon his arrival, Flowey could see Sans and Papyrus were convesing, but couldn't exactly hear what. Upon closer inspection, he realized Sans had gotten Papyrus to tell him about Flowey. Not this early! He's going to have to play it safe for now. He popped up from outside a nearby window, as if he was a potted plant, and said,

*Howdy! What are you up to, Papyrus?
Papyrus' head shot round to the new voice. He grinned and gave flowey a wave before motioning flowy to acknowledge his brother.

*speak of the devil, we were just talking about you. i don't believe you have met my brother in person, have you? i have spoke about him before, i believe. Sans, the lazybones, brother the The Great Papyrus. Sans, this is my friend, Flowey. you know, the one we were just talking about who taught me how to make that scrumptious pie!

Papyrus was not aware of just how accurate the term "devil" was, and was more focused on the fact that two people wanted to talk to him at once! what a day. he was aware that Sans and Flowey had very different personalities, but he truly hoped his beloved brother and one of his best friends could get along.
Flowey slightly cringed at the word "devil", knowing Sans would recognize him,

*Heheh, yeah. "Devil" doesn't, uh, quite describe little ole' me.

*Howdy, uh, Sans!

*I'm Flowey, Flowey the Flower!

Flowey hoped for his life that Papyrus's presence was enough to keep Sans from attacking him. He doesn't have the power to reset, this is essentially his last life.
Luckily enough, Papyrus was beginning to explain who exactly his friend was. Sans listened in a relaxed way, pretty chill with Paps telling him about whoever the friend was and probably going on about it for a little while. It was kinda nice when his brother told him about things, anything really. He was able to tune out from other things, and just concentrate on his bro, which he didn't consider that bad of a thing. But soon enough after listening, he tensed just the slightest bit. The echo flower. Something about that... just gave him a bit of a dreading feeling, and a feeling of danger.

How could an echo flower talk back with nothing to echo? Sans' grin became a bit strained as he thought about this, possibilities coming to mind about who Papyrus' pal was. Before he hadn't cared too much, after all if Papyrus had friends everywhere, what was strange about that.... but now, this might be an innocent thing for now, but he also had a bad feeling about this. When Papyrus patted his head, Sans let out a soft chuckle, usually have that sort of reaction when he was touched or patted by his brother in that way.

*aw, bro.

He then turned his grin back up to look at Papyrus, and to hear more information about this little flower friend. He was put even more at unease when Papyrus said that it was a vibrant yellow color. That didn't sound good either... and he wasn't exactly assured either by the fact that whoever this was hung around his brother a lot to help him. Perhaps it was nothing to care about.... but maybe this time warranted a bit of "digging" for whoever this was. He was staring downwards at the ground for a short time, before he looked back up his brother when he was told about the pie.

*cool, thanks bro. might try a bit.

Sans was about to ask more in a casual manner, like how often the flower came along, or something of the like, when suddenly he turned his head to hear a voice. Something in him cringed a bit when hearing that all too familiar voice. When Papyrus noticed too, and exclaimed upon it, the short skeleton slowly turned his head to look at the source of the voice, seeing that it was a talking plotted plant. His grin grew a bit wider, though he clenched his teeth a bit too. So, he was right to feel a bit concerned about this little friend. It was the weed. The weed of every timeline. It was only confirmed when the flower spoke again, "introducing" himself to Sans. They both knew that he was aware of the weed. This was the thing that meant sure danger... the thing that was the bane of his existence in the past timelines. Heh. At least he had repaid the favor a bit. For the briefest moment, while making eye contact with Flowey, Sans' pupils disappeared for a moment. He grinned emotionlessly at the flower with blank eye sockets as a sort of warning, before his small white pupils quickly returned into view


*this is the friend paps been telling me about.

He nodded toward the flower, his grin being seemingly friendly and unaware of the little devil.

*hey there. guess you already know my name, heh.

*i would normally shake hands, but....

Sans winked while saying this, meaning it in more ways then one.

He stepped closer to the flower, tilting his head a bit, but didn't make any other move.

*nice to meet ya, pal.

He made his grin wider, then stepped back next to Papyrus. Now that was over, he examined the flower closer, free to think his own thoughts about the situation. Usually he wouldn't care too much about the weed. After all, it didn't matter that much about what happened to him or the stupid thing, they were still going back either way, always. Since the flower was the anomaly, controlling everything... there wasn't much left to care about anymore. It seemed Flowey enjoyed messing with Papyrus, too, in almost every timeline. That's what forced Sans to care a bit now about what this flower was doing, and planning. If it had something to do with Paps... well, he couldn't allow that, not again. But he would wait for now, he had to with Papyrus there.

He didn't have a full awareness of the timelines, after all, and the slight memories and feelings were mostly what he had to go on when it came to this sort of thing. Observing a bit, and going along with the flow for now wouldn't be too bad of an option... if only he was ready to step forward and do what he needed to do when the time came, and also to make sure that his brother wouldn't lose his innocence or his life over this affair. Heh. He supposed he was just too lazy to make any moves yet in whatever the game was this time. Typical, though, for a day he was already feeling disturbed about to end up like this. It seemed he couldn't ever get much time with his bro in these sorts of times, to just relax and enjoy his brother's pleasant company.
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Papyrus' smile lowered a bit listening to his brother talk. it seemed friendly, but there was something... off about it. it was strange. Sans usually kept his composure perfectly. Maybe he was shocked. after all, flowey was quite a strange looking monster. a thought crossed his mind. Maybe Sans was racist! what a thought! what a scandal. what a headline, he thought. "Punny Ketchup addicted lazybones skeleton is racist against a moving, talking flower with cowboy-esque phrases" not quite a catchy title, if papyrus was honest. regardless of his imaginary news headline, he needed to adress the issue.

*Sans. I... I was just... Just inviting you to go get that pie I was talking about, wasn't I? Maybe you should come and eat it inside. I'm sure our good friend Flowey doesnt want your crumbs all over him, right?

he gave Sans the "you and I need to talk" Look and motioned him inside
Flowey shrunk back slightly when Sans took a step towards him. Sans probably thought Flowey was still in control. The chess game him and Sans were playing just grew another side. That kid was now in control of the timeline, and Flowey had to get that information to Sans some way or another.

*Heh... Sans, see you soon!

As Sans left with Papyrus, Flowey quickly added, in a very serious tone,

*Hey Papyrus, I need a favor. Sometime, can me and Sans... talk?

*... Shorty-to-shorty. You wouldn't get it.

Flowey gave a worried smile to both of them as they left, remembering the human once again. This was hard, having to juggle who to watch, and not being able to reset!
sansational said:
toriel barely managed to conceal a grin.
*come, child, much awaits you.

(OOC: imma skip the rest of the puzzles, they're fairly repetative and shit so theres no point in talking about them.)

toriel sat back down in her chair, picked up her tea, which was now cold, and placed it in a sink.

*my child. you must be hungry. that fall and those puzzles mustve given you quite an appetite! i will bake you some pie.

she walked into her kitchen area consisting of a crude device resembling a fridge, a few counter-tops, a stove and a large clock with "skele-time" written on the 6th hour. toriel began to take out various ingredients from her fridge device. flour, eggs, butterscotch, cinnamon etc.

*my child, do you prefer butterscotch or cinnamon?
*You tell Toriel that whatever is easiest to make is fine. You don't want to waste her effort after helping you.

While Toriel began to make whatever pie she is making, it allowed Frisk to truely process what happened and compile these events into a more understanding list:

1. You, for some reason or reasons, had come to Mount Ebott. You don't remember why nor will you have time to ponder about what, when, who, why,and how.

2. Despite having a high-level of thinking proccess, you somehow don't see the massive hole that you tumbled through to the Underground.

3. You met Flowey the flower, a desperate creature in need of your soul to become a God. Relies on sugar-coated words and his? Her? 'Friendliness Pellets'. Not someone to underestimate, the bugger can clearly take care itself.

4. You met Toriel, a wonderful and kind Goat monster that radiates good intentions and a motherly attitude. Her name slightly reminds you of a tutorial, this feeling only strengthen as she showed you how to solve puzzles and much more as the two of you made your way to Toriel's home.

5. ... You most likely are stuck in a world with different rules and people who rather kill you if they could. Toriel's mentioned that you aren't the first,but some feeling deep within says you can be the last. This thought... Fills you with DETERMINATION.

You snicker at the clever pun written on the clock and wonder why its there... If there are monsters that look like very ugly frogsOops, large 'handsome' Frogits, could there be more that look like animals or maybe something different? You look at Toriel, maybe it isn't a good idea to ask such a question and insult the mom-ster... You give a small giggle at your own joke.
Sans was a bit surprised, to say the least, when Papyrus called him inside. He saw immediately that it was not just to get pie, and spare the flower getting pie crumbs all over him, since it was pretty obvious that wasn't it. He wondered.... if Papyrus had noticed. Surely not, he didn't think his bro was... that observant, even if being observant was a good thing too sometimes. Paps usually didn't notice stuff like his mood before, or his little implications that he gave to the flower. Sans noticed that certain look, though, and knew that there was no good arguing with that.

He nodded without a word, and shrugged carelessly, more nonchalant about whatever his brother wanted. The shorter skeleton flashed the flower one last wide grin though, before beginning to head inside so Papyrus could say whatever he wanted to say. Sans was unfamiliar with this situation... seemingly. It was hard to exactly know anymore. He was being very attentive to the sounds around him, and heard his brother pause for a moment, and thought he heard the flower's low voice again. Sans' eyes narrowed a bit, but he kept his grin and face straight, and opened the door to his and his brother's house, then kept it open for Papyrus to enter too.

Then he shut it, glancing once more outside before he did so. What could the weed be planning now... but Sans didn't want to know for now. Papyrus had noticed his behavior, something he hadn't expected, and didn't know how to exactly explain. After all, it was a process, it usually went the same. The main thing was to guess the flower's intentions this time. He couldn't afford not to, really. Sans turned his attention to his brother though, tilting his head with a slightly inquisitive gaze, yet he kept his demeanor relaxed and not visibly emotive as usual as he stared up at his brother, hands stuffed in his pockets again.

*what's up, bro?
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Papyrus sighed sharply as he opened the fridge and fumbled around inside, carefully considering his choice of words as to not offend his brother if his gut feeling had been without merit. he pulled the pie out and placed it down, glancing at the door again, then back to sans. he spoke in a much more serious hushed voice than usual and his smile dropped.

*sans... i... you're my brother, and i love you very much, but... there, with my friend Flowey, things seemed a tad... hostile. i don't know your reasons as to why you would be hostile towards someone youve just met, but... Sans... Flowey is a very nice monster, they are kind and helpful and encouraging and i consider them a good friend. a friend i would greatly appreciate that you tried your best with them. i don't know if youve heard a rumour or they remind you of someone unpleasant or if you're just downright racist, but please, if for nobody else, then try your best with them for me.

Papyrus gave Sans a sad smile before sliding a foil encasement with about 1/4 of a pie left.

*take as much as you want, everyone else has already tried it. it isnt quite a perfected dish, that lies to my beloved spaghetti, of course, but nonetheless, our friend we were just talking about helped me a large amount and it sounded like they knew what they were talking about, so dig in.
Sans watched his brother's actions carefully, knowing what was going to come soon. He could tell his brother was a bit hesitant about bringing this up... and frankly, he was too. It wasn't like he could even try to tell Papyrus about.... everything. The burdens and knowledge he carried, everything he actually aware of, the little "game" he had to play with the weed of every timeline. No, of course he wouldn't. Sans knew it would be unfair to do such thing. He just had to keep dealing with this situation... somehow, and keep it cool. He could be a bit nicer to the flower, if he had to. He could probably force it. Sans almost visibly started when Papyrus began speaking, and he shifted his bones a bit more when Paps started out. He wanted to respond the same of course.... but he knew there would be more. And there was, as it seemed that his brother had indeed noticed his less then completely friendly behavior towards Flowey. He didn't know how, but the most important thing was that he didn't know how to respond to this. He was in a more slumped posture as usual, staring down at the floor, when suddenly his head shot back up to look back at Papyrus when his brother wondered if he was racist. Heh. Now that was also something unexpected, and made him a bit humiliated that his brother would assume that a possibilty.

*racist? aw, c'mon bro, you know me. too lazy to feel that about anyone, heh... am i right?

It wasn't necessarily that Sans was too lazy, rather that he just didn't care about that sort of thing. Why should he? After having the bane of his existence in the form of a sentient plant, he didn't really care about being "racist" or the like. Admittedly, though, he could never look at certain plants or yellow flowers the same way again. He paused when he knew he should respond further, yet he didn't really want to. Sans looked down again, shifting his hands inside his pockets and his frame a bit more.

*maybe the second reason.

He muttered this a bit more darkly, his pupils disappearing for a moment, before he realized they had. It was merely an emotional impulse. He immediately looked up at his bro again as his small white pupils reappeared. Sans was starting to sweat, his grin once more becoming as genuine as it would ever be when forced.

*heh... sorry, bro. yeah, i'll try for you, sure. don't worry. we'll be practically pals in no time.

Sans winked during the last part of his sentence, having to resist the urge to grit his teeth. He and the weed would be friends alright, though it depended on the actions of the plant. He stared at the pie for a moment that Papyrus had gotten out, and then nodded, his grin becoming warmer. His bro was so cool, trying out this sort of thing out of his comfort zone, he would have never wanted to do that. Heh. hopefully the flower hadn't poisoned it or something, though Sans doubted that. It wasn't the weed's.... style, in his experience. Though who knew what the flower could be capable of if he really wanted to be.

*thanks, paps.

He took a section of the slice, and then stuffed it in his mouth unceremoniously, not caring to put much more effort into it then that. He chewed it up, though what happened after that point was always up to interpretation. Sans chewed thoughtfully, then nodded at his brother again in a supportive way.

*thas' real good, actually.

It was pretty good, for his brother to be trying something new that was more edible. Paps was still improving with his spaghetti, though he still had a while to go with that, yet. This actually did taste pretty good, though also.... unfamiliar. It had a strange feeling, that was different, but it wasn't a bad thing, he liked it, surprisingly enough. Heh. Well, at least the flower was good for something when it came to this. He finished eating, then looked downwards again, once again feeling a bit uncomfortable, and guilty for making Papyrus worry about these sorts of affairs. Sans' grin became weaker, though he didn't look up to meet his brother's gaze.

*i'm... sorry paps. i'll be nice to 'em. don't worry.
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he walked over to Sans and looked at him, with a solemn look, studying his brothers face. he snarled slightly, making eyesocket contact, he turned away from his brother, as if he was disgusted with his actions before breaking into a huge goofy grin and giving Sans a "noogie" (he had learned the action from undyne during their training. he was sure to be careful. Sans was a tough skeleton but he was pretty fragile physically.

*I... um... i learned that from Undyne, not really my style, if i do say so myself, so that isnt going to happen again, but anyways, thank you Sans, I very much appreciate you attempting to tolerate my friend. Of course i expected you to enjoy my cooking, after all i am the Great Papyrus, Master Chef and soon-to-be Royal Guard Member!

Papyrus did his typical pose (OOC the one highlighted, if i did it right) and opened the door to usher Sans outside.

*our good friend Flowey would like to speak to you, i believe. "shorty to shorty" was the phrase they used.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.ea3eceea5a6b2cfbb1d623997cc64f29.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="105774" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_02/image.jpeg.ea3eceea5a6b2cfbb1d623997cc64f29.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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(Sorry, it's been the early hours for me, and my brain might as well be slop at this point. xD )

Sans stared at his brother intently now, waiting for a response. He tried not to show he was, but it was pretty obvious he was a bit apprehensive. When Papyrus made eye socket contact, and then snarled in a disgusted way, his eyes widened, and something in him nearly stopped for a moment as he stood with a frozen grin on his face, unsure what to do or how to react. It didn't take long for Paps to turn back though, and react much more positively, and even give him a "noogie". Sans was very surprised about this, but nevertheless relieved, like a pressure had just been lifted off his chest. He chuckled despite himself, unable to hold it back, and his laugh was in an actually slightly joyed way. It was the purest chuckle that he'd had in a while. He had to lean forward a bit when Papyrus did so, still chuckling softly and his grin now much warmer then before, before his brother stopped. He looked back up and probably could have hugged his bro tight at that point, but held back when Papyrus started speaking again. In exchange for that? Yeah, he could probably be a bit nicer to the flower, for now. He was almost a bit disappointed when he heard that wasn't going to happen again, but he understood that. It was more Undyne's style, then Paps' own.

*whatever floats your boat, bro.

Sans responded with a wide grin, and probably would be beaming if his face wasn't the pure white of a skeletal one. It was moments like those... that he really craved, probably because they didn't get to happen too often. He only wished he could offer the same back. But anyways, maybe eventually he'd gain enough spirit in himself to treat situations the way Papyrus did. But then again.... he couldn't really afford to do that. That was Papyrus' thing, that was Paps' attitude in life. It was why his bro was the best one any guy could have. But not the same for himself.... he had to try to make sure that his brother could keep that attitude, could keep being hopeful and optimistic in things without getting hurt. But any moment with Papyrus usually proved it worth it immediately. When Paps made his typical pose when he mentioned his ambitions, Sans nodded in a confident way. He probably wasn't the best dose for his brother's ego, but eh, what he did was what brothers were for probably.

*'course bro. you're the best.

He felt a bit more awkward after saying this, and shifted a bit, and was quick to start towards the door along with his brother. It was then Papyrus' turn to open the door so they could head outside. Sans began to do so, but paused when Flowey mentioned was then, in one chilling moment as his grin once again froze on his expression. So, the flower had wanted to speak to him, ey? Well, that was one step. He'll just have to see what the weed wanted now, he knew that the façade wouldn't last for long... as much as he wished it could.

*really. heh, we're getting to the friendzone already. i'll talk to 'em.

Oh yes, they were going to get to the "friendzone" alright after this talk, though whether that would be in a bad or positive way after this encounter would have to be determined. Sans walked out the door to the snowy outside air again, and then looked straight outside to peer at where Flowey was. He had been grinning genuinely and warmly now, and even though he didn't let that pretense drop yet, his grin did become just a bit more forced.

*ey, pal. wanted to talk to me?

He kept his tone and expression pleasant, for Papyrus' sake, or at least mild and toned down. He also kept his hands stuffed in his pockets, and his position slump a bit, as it was his normal casual position. Sans let his grin become the least bit sinister though, when he made eye contact with the weed again, not meant for Paps' eyes, though that moment didn't last long.

*shorty to shorty, was it?
(I'm rolling with the "we're roleplaying out Frisk's first timeline, the events right before 'n' such and I'm rambling now")

Flowey had been considering his options, physically testing them all out was not an option any more. Telling Sans the wrong thing might just get him killed, no retries. Telling Sans too much would give him a backstabbing chance, and not telling him enough will warrant suspicion, sugar coating or not.

*Uh... Yeah.


*Usually, I'd be pulverizing you right now, knowing your every thought before you think it, slowly lasting longer and longer, but...

*I can't do it anymore.

*Not that I'm giving up, mind you, but I actually have lost control over the timeline.

*The one in control is a... human... who has fallen down here.

*They're the worst!

*They insist on dealing with things peacefully every time!


*I guess the point of this is to tell you...

*I'm not your opponent any more.

*What made me a serious threat to you and everyone else is... with someone else now.

*So... Don't kill me?

Flowey honestly face-palmed internally at the last part, knowing Sans would think he was spouting nonsense to stab him in the back later. To be honest, Flowey nearly considered it for a moment, before quickly shutting the thought out. If he was going to... do whatever was going to come next, he had to prove himself trustworthy.
(Yup, I will too. <3 I must say you are an amazing Flowey performer by the way, as are the Frisk and Toriel/Papyrus performers as well are such lovely roleplay partners!)

Sans stared at the flower, kneeling down in order to be closer in hearing range, still grinning widely. He wanted to make sure Papyrus wouldn't hear this, whatever was about to be said by the weed. He was on guard, of course, even though he still showed himself as relaxed and casual. He couldn't afford not to be careful when it came to the flower, so he was always tense in case something happened. He listened attentively, at least curious about what Flowey would want to say to him before their usual procedure, their usual song and dance. When the weed started by saying how usually he'd do the same process that they usually were doing this, Sans didn't doubt that. It was frankly unnerving how the flower knew every thought he had, almost everything he was going to say too. Heh. Maybe the weed just had plenty of experience. But when the flower said it couldn't do a certain thing anymore, naturally Sans was very interested in this. That meant.... if the weed didn't have the power to do it anymore... to go back, to never die, to practically have the power of a god.... The skeleton had to lean back a bit, hardly able to comprehend this information. He was just mentally steeling himself to go along with the flow again, to try to protect Papyrus again from the stupid plant without bothering his bro... now that was disturbed, and while he didn't like that, it was.... also strange. To have such a change in this procedure. To have many changes, today. It was something Sans almost didn't want to take in. But of course he did, his grin becoming ever wider as he stared at the plant. Of course, he suspected a trick. It undoubtedly wouldn't be the first time Flowey lied or manipulated, why should now be any different?

Perhaps he was just being messed with, only for his almost nonexistent hopes to be crushed when it turned out to not be true. As the flower continuously babbled, that became more and more a possibility to him. But there was something else that came to mind. The old lady Sans told jokes to, behind the big door in the woods outside of Snowdin. That lady....he had made a promise to. To protect any human that would pass through that door. Now... now would that come back to bite him? He didn't know what to think about these human stuffs. Now apparently one that had fallen down there had the powers of the weed of every timeline. Though.... the flower could be lying, of course.

*so... human, ey? interesting.

Sans' tone was still relaxed at first, though now it had something else to it, another undertone that could be deciphered now that this was more of a private conversation between him and the weed. His eyes narrowed a bit, making his grin look more devious, an expression he used often when it came to the flower.

*...where are they now.

Sans wanted to let out a small chuckle about the pathetic plea to not kill the flower this time. If he killed the flower this time then... no more pain, no more suffering for the entire timeline. Maybe... maybe this human wouldn't know how to use their powers or something, maybe somehow there would be no more resets. No more reasons to make his life and actions feel so meaningless and repeated. But that was a bit too much to hope for, he just couldn't even try to hope for that much anymore. He couldn't help but let out a small sound of satisfaction after Flowey finished speaking though, for there was an undoubted feeling of it.

*heh. naw, no need to.

*as long as....

He leaned closer to the flower when murmuring his last statement in a dark tone, white pupils disappearing to leave pure black eye sockets even if his grin stayed in place.

*Y o u | d o n t | m e s s | w i t h | m y | b r o t h e r, w e e d.

Sans then patted the flower on the back of the "head" rather roughly, though not enough to actually cause damage, it was simply more of a rough friendly pat, though nothing else about him suggested friendliness. The short skeleton then straightened, grinning down at the flower in a bit of a threatening way once more, before changing his grin to a more forced friendly and warm one, and stepped back a bit from the weed.
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[QUOTE="Space Face]*You tell Toriel that whatever is easiest to make is fine. You don't want to waste her effort after helping you.
While Toriel began to make whatever pie she is making, it allowed Frisk to truely process what happened and compile these events into a more understanding list:

1. You, for some reason or reasons, had come to Mount Ebott. You don't remember why nor will you have time to ponder about what, when, who, why,and how.

2. Despite having a high-level of thinking proccess, you somehow don't see the massive hole that you tumbled through to the Underground.

3. You met Flowey the flower, a desperate creature in need of your soul to become a God. Relies on sugar-coated words and his? Her? 'Friendliness Pellets'. Not someone to underestimate, the bugger can clearly take care itself.

4. You met Toriel, a wonderful and kind Goat monster that radiates good intentions and a motherly attitude. Her name slightly reminds you of a tutorial, this feeling only strengthen as she showed you how to solve puzzles and much more as the two of you made your way to Toriel's home.

5. ... You most likely are stuck in a world with different rules and people who rather kill you if they could. Toriel's mentioned that you aren't the first,but some feeling deep within says you can be the last. This thought... Fills you with DETERMINATION.

You snicker at the clever pun written on the clock and wonder why its there... If there are monsters that look like very ugly frogsOops, large 'handsome' Frogits, could there be more that look like animals or maybe something different? You look at Toriel, maybe it isn't a good idea to ask such a question and insult the mom-ster... You give a small giggle at your own joke.

(SHIT. i just realised i hadnt respinded to this, im really sorry about that, if it ever happens again, please PM me c: )

Toriel held up her hands and closed her eyes, in a zen state. slowly, flames phased into existance above the unbaked pie and slowly baked it. She stopped periodically to check on it or to take a break.

*i am sorry my child, despite my magic powers, i cannot speed up the process

she seemed exhausted. the continuous use of magic evidently taking its toll on her. finally, it was done. she carried a large slice out on a plate and presented it to the child.

* please, be careful, it is very hot, i would not want you burning your hands or mouth. i could not decide what to use in the pie, so i used both butterscoth and cinnamon. i do hope you enjoy it.

she smiled sweetly at the child before glancing at the clock. she would have to leave in a little while if she was to meet her friend. she remarked to herself how he was skele-tons of fun, which caused a slight giggle. however, the child was her main priority. she had to make sure they were comfortable in their new home.
sansational said:
(SHIT. i just realised i hadnt respinded to this, im really sorry about that, if it ever happens again, please PM me c: )
Toriel held up her hands and closed her eyes, in a zen state. slowly, flames phased into existance above the unbaked pie and slowly baked it. She stopped periodically to check on it or to take a break.

*i am sorry my child, despite my magic powers, i cannot speed up the process

she seemed exhausted. the continuous use of magic evidently taking its toll on her. finally, it was done. she carried a large slice out on a plate and presented it to the child.

* please, be careful, it is very hot, i would not want you burning your hands or mouth. i could not decide what to use in the pie, so i used both butterscoth and cinnamon. i do hope you enjoy it.

she smiled sweetly at the child before glancing at the clock. she would have to leave in a little while if she was to meet her friend. she remarked to herself how he was skele-tons of fun, which caused a slight giggle. however, the child was her main priority. she had to make sure they were comfortable in their new home.
(It's alright, not everyone can be lightning-fast at replying.)

*You tell the goat mom that waiting is fine, you can't rush perfection.

Frisk noticed Toriel's exhaustion as she handed the delicious-looking pie and quietly smiled at her efforts to please them, taking a bite of the slightly oozing pastry and chewed. The flavor was absolutely exquisite, it could literally be called the best darn pie they ever had the pleasure of eating. They take another bite, savoring its flavor before smiling at Toriel.

*You thank Toriel and praise her on her cooking skills.
(yeah, but i remember seeing the post and half replying to it then fogetting)

she gave the child a warm smile before crouching down to their level

*now, my child, you must stay here for the time being. it is much too dangerous in the rest of the underground and the trials i have put you through are nothing compared to what would await you. i am prepared to let you live a long, happy life here with me, theres a warm bed, plenty of food and a loving person here always, there is no need to leave. doing so would endanger your life and... well, i can't afford to lose another child to the harshness of the underground. not only would i not be able to bear the guilt, but... i... i fear t-that the surface may... suffer a r-rather unhappy end.

she choked up a bit whilst contemplating the occurance of humans and monsters having to fight for a second time and a single tear formed in her eye, almost immediately being soaked up by her fur, leaving a small, dark area underneath her eye.
MoonLegend101 said:
(Yup, I will too. <3 I must say you are an amazing Flowey performer by the way, as are the Frisk and Toriel/Papyrus performers as well are such lovely roleplay partners!)
Sans stared at the flower, kneeling down in order to be closer in hearing range, still grinning widely. He wanted to make sure Papyrus wouldn't hear this, whatever was about to be said by the weed. He was on guard, of course, even though he still showed himself as relaxed and casual. He couldn't afford not to be careful when it came to the flower, so he was always tense in case something happened. He listened attentively, at least curious about what Flowey would want to say to him before their usual procedure, their usual song and dance. When the weed started by saying how usually he'd do the same process that they usually were doing this, Sans didn't doubt that. It was frankly unnerving how the flower knew every thought he had, almost everything he was going to say too. Heh. Maybe the weed just had plenty of experience. But when the flower said it couldn't do a certain thing anymore, naturally Sans was very interested in this. That meant.... if the weed didn't have the power to do it anymore... to go back, to never die, to practically have the power of a god.... The skeleton had to lean back a bit, hardly able to comprehend this information. He was just mentally steeling himself to go along with the flow again, to try to protect Papyrus again from the stupid plant without bothering his bro... now that was disturbed, and while he didn't like that, it was.... also strange. To have such a change in this procedure. To have many changes, today. It was something Sans almost didn't want to take in. But of course he did, his grin becoming ever wider as he stared at the plant. Of course, he suspected a trick. It undoubtedly wouldn't be the first time Flowey lied or manipulated, why should now be any different?

Perhaps he was just being messed with, only for his almost nonexistent hopes to be crushed when it turned out to not be true. As the flower continuously babbled, that became more and more a possibility to him. But there was something else that came to mind. The old lady Sans told jokes to, behind the big door in the woods outside of Snowdin. That lady....he had made a promise to. To protect any human that would pass through that door. Now... now would that come back to bite him? He didn't know what to think about these human stuffs. Now apparently one that had fallen down there had the powers of the weed of every timeline. Though.... the flower could be lying, of course.

*so... human, ey? interesting.

Sans' tone was still relaxed at first, though now it had something else to it, another undertone that could be deciphered now that this was more of a private conversation between him and the weed. His eyes narrowed a bit, making his grin look more devious, an expression he used often when it came to the flower.

*...where are they now.

Sans wanted to let out a small chuckle about the pathetic plea to not kill the flower this time. If he killed the flower this time then... no more pain, no more suffering for the entire timeline. Maybe... maybe this human wouldn't know how to use their powers or something, maybe somehow there would be no more resets. No more reasons to make his life and actions feel so meaningless and repeated. But that was a bit too much to hope for, he just couldn't even try to hope for that much anymore. He couldn't help but let out a small sound of satisfaction after Flowey finished speaking though, for there was an undoubted feeling of it.

*heh. naw, no need to.

*as long as....

He leaned closer to the flower when murmuring his last statement in a dark tone, white pupils disappearing to leave pure black eye sockets even if his grin stayed in place.

*Y o u | d o n t | m e s s | w i t h | m y | b r o t h e r, w e e d .

Sans then patted the flower on the back of the "head" rather roughly, though not enough to actually cause damage, it was simply more of a rough friendly pat, though nothing else about him suggested friendliness. The short skeleton then straightened, grinning down at the flower in a bit of a threatening way once more, before changing his grin to a more forced friendly and warm one, and stepped back a bit from the weed.
*Alright, alright!

*I won't mess with Papyrus.

*But, about your other question...

Flowey burrowed back to the Ruins, looking back and forth for the Human. He could've been easily in and out if they hadn't taken over control.


Flowey saw movement within M-...Toriel's home, and could smell a fresh butterscotch-cinnamon pie. He could see a clock inside, marked "skele-pun time". The hour hand slowly marched towards the spot.

Flowey returned to Sans looking back and forth once again, then replying, careful not to say anything... touchy,

*They're with your fabled "old lady", having some pie.

*Also, it's nearly "skele-pun time"?

*You might want to go to that door within, if I'm not mistaken, ten minutes.
sansational said:
(yeah, but i remember seeing the post and half replying to it then fogetting)
she gave the child a warm smile before crouching down to their level

*now, my child, you must stay here for the time being. it is much too dangerous in the rest of the underground and the trials i have put you through are nothing compared to what would await you. i am prepared to let you live a long, happy life here with me, theres a warm bed, plenty of food and a loving person here always, there is no need to leave. doing so would endanger your life and... well, i can't afford to lose another child to the harshness of the underground. not only would i not be able to bear the guilt, but... i... i fear t-that the surface may... suffer a r-rather unhappy end.

she choked up a bit whilst contemplating the occurance of humans and monsters having to fight for a second time and a single tear formed in her eye, almost immediately being soaked up by her fur, leaving a small, dark area underneath her eye.
Frisk gently wipes the dark spot dry with sad look, how many chirldren had this poor mother cared for only for them to be destroyed? How many days had she hoped and wished for everyone to see the surface, only to reminded how they got there in the first place?

* You hug the mom-ster, promising that you will wait to adventuring to the rest of the Underground until Toriel has given you her blessing to leave.

* You also tell her that you are prepared to be the best child for her, to the best of your abilities.

Frisk squeezes the mother tighter before holding her hands, smiling softly.
she met their smile, though it was for their sake more than anything. the last thing she needed was a crying child

*thank you, thank you very much. i appreciate your compliance very much, i must meet a friend soon, however, please, make yourself at home. your bedroom is the first one to the left, please don't look for me, i'm going to the entrance of the real underground and theres always a risk of danger looming. i request that you do not follow me.

she embraced the child in a hug before grinning and waving

*goodbye, my child, i wont be long!

she made her way to the ruins door and waited for him. she felt there would be less jokes and more talking today
Sans nodded with limited satisfaction when the weed agreed not to mess with Papyrus. It wasn't like he could trust these words, anyway. But at least he had used a bit of intimidation tactics, to make sure the flower knew that if it broke its word, then it woulf have a real bad time. For now he was satisfied with this response, though, and nodded, his grin more neutral now.

*good, then, pal.

He then watched as the flower went to check on where the human child was. Sans watched as the flower burrowed back into the ground. Heh. Weird. But he had grown used to these kind of abilities that the flower had, to pop up seemingly anywhere it wished. While the short skeleton waited, he whistled an innocent tune, leaning back up against a wall of he and Papyrus' house. He was on high alert now though, instinctive wise. Usually this didn't amount to much, though he could be attentive enough when he wanted to be. Sans needed to know who this fallen human was. Chances are, though he didn't care, it would make Paps' day to have a human show up to capture. And also Undyne would be pleased too, probably. Having a human down here, their SOUL needed in order to possibly break the barrier to the surface, would probably make a lot of others hopeful, and also determined to capture and kill the human. Heh.

But that wasn't his problem, not anymore. He had given up hope of the monsters reaching the surface long ago, and also of any human being some sort of savior. That wasn't up to him to determine anymore, anyway. What interested, Sans, was their apparent abilities to reset, to possibly do with the timelines what they wished, just like Flowey had. Unless the weed was lying. But it didn't seem like this would be much to lie about, or that great of a trick to play, either. He would still be ready in case the flower backstabbed him somehow, he always had to be. Eventually though, Flowey returned. Sans still leaned up against the wall, not glancing at the weed yet still he was grinning. There was an almost distant look to his gaze, though Sans also was paying close attention to whatever the plant would say next. When he was told what the human was doing, he was not surprised. After all, that was likely that the place in the woods would be the place for a human to go seek shelter from the kind old woman.

But yes... he had almost forgotten what time it was, despite it being such a strange game changing day. The thing that he and the old lady did- tell jokes through a door, it was something they both had grown extremely fond over it. He had that in mind, at least. The old woman was so sweet, she had adjusted her schedule to the times when he usually came, and he eventually had a time when he would come at least pretty punctually. It was kind of really nice, to be able to talk the old lady with things, and exchange stories about things. He usually ended up telling her a lot about his cool bro and what Papyrus' latest shenanigans had been, more then just about himself. since he wasn't the most interesting guy. But now, there would probably be more to talk about then exchanging bad jokes or just some casual conversation. Sans had that certain feeling. But the thing was, he would also be leaving that flower alone now, to go talk to the old lady. He grinned wide, and nodded once more.

*welp, i better be off, then.

*have fun.

He paused for a moment, flashing the weed one last wicked, slightly threatening grin.

*be careful.

Sans then straightened from his slumped position and with a final wink with narrowed eyes at the weed, he took a step forward, and then was gone. He didn't really bother, to walk all the way there. It was a waste of energy. Heh. Or maybe that was just another excuse for being lazy. As always, though, the short and stocky figure appeared in the woods. Now, this was an appointment he usually looked forward to. Sans let out a small sigh, though, because he knew this time would be different, either way it had to be. But just for now, just one moment, he could pretend to have a shred of decency in him, and just have it be a normal session with no talk about humans. But of course, he didn't take any time to waste over such moments anymore. Sans knocked on the door after hesitating for a few minutes, his grin wide as he waited for a responding voice, and his tone the same playful and mild tone it always was.

*knock, knock.
Toriel had arrived 5 minutes earlier and was eagerly awaiting Sans' arrival. she had occupied herself with a joke book, jogging her memory on a few jokes. she wasn't quite sure how to bring up the child in conversation, she could slide it inbetween jokes or just come out and say it, not that it really mattered, the last few children Toriel had told Sans about had been responded with indifference. the sudden noise made her jump, making a brief yelping noise as she stumbled over a stray rock

she sighed as she regained her balance and composure.

*goodmorning Sans, fasionably late, as always, i see. if i didn't know better i'd think you were keeping me waiting on purpose. though i suppose you were probably busy taste testing for you're brother, or making skull-tures

she giggled at her, admittedly fairly forced, pun. she placed her hand on her mouth as she realised he had began a knock knock joke and she had started a speech.

*w-who's there, i mean?
Sans was a bit concerned when the other one behind the door seemed surprised by his knock on the old large door. Maybe he should have walked a bit of the ways here, even if it was only a few steps... just to not scare the poor lady again. He couldn't deny he was a bit fond of her, or at least considered her a pal. Plus, he knew she must be pretty alone, or at least lonely in there. This also provoked a bit of his pity, even though he didn't do pity all that much anymore. Sans grinned in a more relaxed way, though, as she started to speak again, and he leaned against the door, feeling a bit apprehensive about things... but for a moment just was relaxing in the company of the woman, even if they couldn't exactly see each other. It was probably stupid, he didn't even know the lady's name. But they were still bad joke pals, and he didn't really like the idea of these sessions ending sometime.

*sorry for scarin' ya.

He was quick to tell the old lady in a bit of a less playful tone, but then listened to what she had to say otherwise. pretty attentive to what she had to say, though he was still wrestling in his mind to figure out some way to bring up the subject... of the human, though there wouldn't be any easy way to do that, most likely. Sans grinned wide once she finished speaking, pleased with the pun she used.

*heh, yeah, paps usually keeps me busy. wanted me to try a pie this time.

*nice one. "goat" any more?

He let out a chuckle, though, when the lady realized that she had interrupted his classic knock-knock joke. Really, she was too sweet of an old woman. He was lucky that she had even noticed him telling knock knock jokes to emptiness behind the door- this lady was a much better audience then that, and also she wasn't too bad herself.


Once he would get a response of 'iva who?", Sans would properly respond.

*iva got sore hands from knocking.

He let out a bit of a chuckle, though it was weaker, and it faded quickly. He looked down at the snowy ground where many twigs lay scattered, easy to step on. His hands were stuffed in his pockets, and he felt uncomfortable trying to bring up another subject, but it felt necessary at the moment... to find out more about this human, that seemingly had the power that the weed once did in the timelines. If the flower was lying... well, it wouldn't matter, he'd just pass over the thing he'd asked like nothing happen, and the weed would have one bad time later. But now, might as well get it over with for now. Sans was bad at bringing up such subjects, he never was good at being sensitive like Papyrus could be, he was better with just being plain about it, put simply enough. But sometimes it didn't turn out to be the best way to handle conversations.

*h-hey, feel a bit bad for coming out and saying this, but... you... um... you had any... certain guests recently?
(hey bud, due to the fact that the format of knock knock jokes are fairly short interrupted interactions, feel free to control my character when telling them, just so we don't spend five messages going "knock knock"

"whos there?"

"little old lady"

"little old lady who"

"wow, i didn't know you could yodel" )

she giggled pre-emptively at the joke.

*iva who?

she spent 30 seconds after the joke chuckling away to herself, however, their good time was cut off at the mention of any special visitors. she shot up, wide eyed and didn't respond for a few moments. they considered their options, whilst she thought her friend was fairly harmless, she could never be too sure, telling an outside monster about the human, especially when they already had 6 souls, seemed like an idiotic move. she could always deny it, say that nobody had come except him and continued with their friendly session, she could come right out and tell him. though he seemed very interested, perhaps he had alterior motives. she shuddered at the thought. she chose not to lie, the truth that she had the most valuable thing to monsters and not telling her only true friend would eat away at her. instead, she chose a more... subtle approach. her voice was much quieter and apprehensious now.

*I-I need you to promise me something. i need you to promise me something very very important. something more important than my wellbeing. and for this reason, i'm going to do this. i trust you wont kill me, don't make me regret that

she signed sharply as she held down a lever and forced it upwards, as she did, she considered this one of her last moments, there was a high potential whomever was on the other side had lied and was malicious, though the child was more important. nevertheless, a few tears fell and wet the fur near her eyes. The door opened and she looked down at the skeleton.

*i.. I needed to s-see you face to face for this. Sans, are you a man of your word? because i made you promise something to me a long time ago, and its very prevelant.
Flowey, still eternally searching for the little secrets of this world while they lasted, had chased (or... searched for) Sans, finding him at the door. He watched, and then the door opened. There she was, ex-Queen Toriel, she looked like an emotional disaster waiting to happen.

*She looks...


*Not that I would know, I'm incapable of feelings.

*Well, not all feelings.

*Just hope, compassion, perseverance, empathy, righteousness, justice, happiness.

*I kind of miss the "old days" where nothing seemed to matter.

*But now...

*Every move I make has infinitely more impact than before.

(I have to go to bed now, short post or not)

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