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Fandom a sans-ational undertale roleplay(spaces still open)

Asgore raised his eyebrows in confusion as he looked around for the source of the voice. His eyes landed on the small flower on the ground next to him. Strange....since when did flowers grow in Hotland?

Or speak?

He looked back to Alphys, then to the flower again. He smiled as he decided it would be best to introduce himself.

* Howdy!

* I'm sorry, I didn't see you there! I must have nearly stepped on you.

* My name is Asgore. Who might you be?
Flowey hadn't expected Asgore to sneak up to him so quietly. He wasn't very sure why he didn't hear him. Asgore's question suprised Flowey, but he quickly shook himself out of his daze.

*I am... uh, Flowey!

*Flowey the flower!

He gave a customary smile, then turned back to Alphys,

*You've gotta stop torturing yourself like this!

He went through the little checklist again... Tell them you feel sorry, tell them it's not their fault, that anyone would've done it that way, that you would've done it that way, that they should stop torturing themselves, he seemed to be on the right track!
((sorry for not responding. the last couple days have been traumatic, to say the least. i'll get to work on this soon.))
sansational said:
Toriel giggles at Sans' puns as she led the child to the sitting room. they were fairly commonly used, but Sans managed to make them funny every time, an ability she was rather envious of. she noticed that she didn't have enough chairs for both of them to sit down, at least Frisk seemingly preferred sitting on the floor, playing with the toys used by the previous children.
*Sans, please take my chair, as our guest, it would only be polite to allow you the privilege. i will get you two some pie. i would ask you if you wanted tea, but i think you'd need a femur organs to stop it from dripping onto my chair.

she smirked at her joke before walking into the kitchen, slicing off two fairly large portions of pie. she enjoyed making it. it was the same recipe she had used when baking for asriel so many years ago. she had kept it the same, almost in remembrance. in fact, it was almost identical to the pie papyrus had cooked, not that she knew that.

she returned a moment later, offering the food to the child and the skeleton.
(That is such a cute image of Sans and Toriel sitting in the sitting room in a warm atmosphere telling bad jokes together while Frisk plays on the floor nearby- mhhh. Dx )

Sans of course took some nice pleasure from hearing the old woman let out a giggle or two at his puns. Heh. He always liked to see such reactions to his jokes, even if that didn't really happen often when it came to others receiving them. Really, the old lady was the one of the only ones that appreciated his kind of humor, aside from a few other pun enthusiasts in Snowdin. He just had to respect someone who had a liking for bad puns like he did, y'know? It was not often he found others that had the same interests that he did in a way... or at least, in some respects, heh. Even though he loved his bro to bits... it wasn't like the other one and he had too many similarities, if any. It was what made his brother so cool in the first place, though. But anyway, finding a woman that loved bad puns like he did and starting a thing like telling bad jokes through a door was something he had been pretty cool with. Getting to see the woman again now was a nice thing... even if it had kinda been in tense circumstances and all, with the kid. The short skeleton continued walking behind the old lady and the kid, a wider grin on his face now that he had received that sort of reaction. When they reached the sitting room of this place, he looked around it for a little bit. It was a nice place, alright. It sure was homey, something that he liked to see in a place. Not that Sans was going to become a stickler for home decorating anytime soon, though. When the woman offered him a place on one of the chairs in the room, he glanced at her, and then the kid, uncertain for a moment, but eventually he sat down there, soon slumping against the chair, not bothering to keep a straight posture as usual.

*heh, thanks.

He hoped the kid wouldn't care too much about it. Sans couldn't help but wonder if the pie that the lady mentioned would be like the pie he had recently eaten that Papyrus had made. Heh, he'd probably a bit biased though- his bro just was too good of a cook, and was well, his bro. He could never forget the other one's delighted reactions sometimes when he told Paps that he was improving with his cooking or when something was great, which was true sometimes. When the old lady told a pun of her own though, he let out a chuckle or two upon hearing it, and slapped one bony knee.

*good one, heh.

Sans waited with the kid while the lady got the pie apparently, glancing at the child a bit more curiously now that they were alone for a few moments, but of course still kept friendly for now. He tilted his head a bit, leaning back against the chair so he could get a bit more comfortable.

*so, do ya like pie, kid?

After asking this casual question to the human, he waited until the goat woman returned with the pie, which when he got a closer look at, actually did look like the pie Paps had also made. Huh, weird. His brother had said he had learned the recipe from Flowey, the weed. He could only wonder how the old lady knew it too, though he had no sure way of knowing it was exactly the same yet. Sans took one of the slices of pie that he was offered, and had a wide grin as he did so. This was nice, the atmosphere, everything... it felt so homely, and that was usually a feeling he only got when he was in he and his brother's house with Papyrus. It was kind of nice, to get it here too, to be with the kind and hilarious old lady, and also this human child that was too adorable and likable... though that didn't mean he had completely warmed up to the kid, though, not at all. They were just...a cute little thing, but then again, the humans like this one usually were. Heh. Sans soon remembered in a moment to thank the lady for the pie, though, as he took a bite or two of the pie, chewing experimentally. Yeah, it was real good alright, kinda like Papyrus' pie too like he had thought. It was still pretty good, too.

*thanks again, good pie.
Toriel had gotten compliments before from the children of the underground, but she had guessed they were being polite. after all, it was monster food. the amount of energy in a human body would destroy any monster food into nutrients almost instantly after swallowing. she wasn't exactly a scientist, but she had managed to scavenge a few books about... physics? and chemestry? and space? the things were very oddly named. far too complicated, in her opinion, though the concepts were fascinating. they were fairly easy to grasp, though that may be due to the countless number of times she had read them. despite her limited knowledge of the sciences, she was almost certain she understood how human nutrition worked and doubted monster food would be satisfying for them. Sans, however, now he would be able to, and thus, the compliment made her face light up, a small blush burning her cheeks under her fur.

*T-Thank you Sans, its very much appreciated, though i'm sure that my cooking is nowhere near that of the resturant you so regularly visit. what is it called? Grillbz? Grillis? i remember hearing of it when i wasn't in these ruins, but that was a long, long time ago and my memory is fading in my old age. regardless, the comment is greatly appreciated.

she took her place on the floor next to Frisk. she sat cross-legged and watched as they played. she spoke gently. the child was just crying after all.

* my child, why don't we listen to mister Sans' stories? i'm sure he has many more than the ones he's told me, though i think youd like to hear about Sans brother. from what i'm told, he's cool to the bone. heh
MoonLegend101 said:
(That is such a cute image of Sans and Toriel sitting in the sitting room in a warm atmosphere telling bad jokes together while Frisk plays on the floor nearby- mhhh. Dx )
Sans of course took some nice pleasure from hearing the old woman let out a giggle or two at his puns. Heh. He always liked to see such reactions to his jokes, even if that didn't really happen often when it came to others receiving them. Really, the old lady was the one of the only ones that appreciated his kind of humor, aside from a few other pun enthusiasts in Snowdin. He just had to respect someone who had a liking for bad puns like he did, y'know? It was not often he found others that had the same interests that he did in a way... or at least, in some respects, heh. Even though he loved his bro to bits... it wasn't like the other one and he had too many similarities, if any. It was what made his brother so cool in the first place, though. But anyway, finding a woman that loved bad puns like he did and starting a thing like telling bad jokes through a door was something he had been pretty cool with. Getting to see the woman again now was a nice thing... even if it had kinda been in tense circumstances and all, with the kid. The short skeleton continued walking behind the old lady and the kid, a wider grin on his face now that he had received that sort of reaction. When they reached the sitting room of this place, he looked around it for a little bit. It was a nice place, alright. It sure was homey, something that he liked to see in a place. Not that Sans was going to become a stickler for home decorating anytime soon, though. When the woman offered him a place on one of the chairs in the room, he glanced at her, and then the kid, uncertain for a moment, but eventually he sat down there, soon slumping against the chair, not bothering to keep a straight posture as usual.

*heh, thanks.

He hoped the kid wouldn't care too much about it. Sans couldn't help but wonder if the pie that the lady mentioned would be like the pie he had recently eaten that Papyrus had made. Heh, he'd probably a bit biased though- his bro just was too good of a cook, and was well, his bro. He could never forget the other one's delighted reactions sometimes when he told Paps that he was improving with his cooking or when something was great, which was true sometimes. When the old lady told a pun of her own though, he let out a chuckle or two upon hearing it, and slapped one bony knee.

*good one, heh.

Sans waited with the kid while the lady got the pie apparently, glancing at the child a bit more curiously now that they were alone for a few moments, but of course still kept friendly for now. He tilted his head a bit, leaning back against the chair so he could get a bit more comfortable.

*so, do ya like pie, kid?

After asking this casual question to the human, he waited until the goat woman returned with the pie, which when he got a closer look at, actually did look like the pie Paps had also made. Huh, weird. His brother had said he had learned the recipe from Flowey, the weed. He could only wonder how the old lady knew it too, though he had no sure way of knowing it was exactly the same yet. Sans took one of the slices of pie that he was offered, and had a wide grin as he did so. This was nice, the atmosphere, everything... it felt so homely, and that was usually a feeling he only got when he was in he and his brother's house with Papyrus. It was kind of nice, to get it here too, to be with the kind and hilarious old lady, and also this human child that was too adorable and likable... though that didn't mean he had completely warmed up to the kid, though, not at all. They were just...a cute little thing, but then again, the humans like this one usually were. Heh. Sans soon remembered in a moment to thank the lady for the pie, though, as he took a bite or two of the pie, chewing experimentally. Yeah, it was real good alright, kinda like Papyrus' pie too like he had thought. It was still pretty good, too.

*thanks again, good pie.
sansational said:
Toriel had gotten compliments before from the children of the underground, but she had guessed they were being polite. after all, it was monster food. the amount of energy in a human body would destroy any monster food into nutrients almost instantly after swallowing. she wasn't exactly a scientist, but she had managed to scavenge a few books about... physics? and chemestry? and space? the things were very oddly named. far too complicated, in her opinion, though the concepts were fascinating. they were fairly easy to grasp, though that may be due to the countless number of times she had read them. despite her limited knowledge of the sciences, she was almost certain she understood how human nutrition worked and doubted monster food would be satisfying for them. Sans, however, now he would be able to, and thus, the compliment made her face light up, a small blush burning her cheeks under her fur.
*T-Thank you Sans, its very much appreciated, though i'm sure that my cooking is nowhere near that of the resturant you so regularly visit. what is it called? Grillbz? Grillis? i remember hearing of it when i wasn't in these ruins, but that was a long, long time ago and my memory is fading in my old age. regardless, the comment is greatly appreciated.

she took her place on the floor next to Frisk. she sat cross-legged and watched as they played. she spoke gently. the child was just crying after all.

* my child, why don't we listen to mister Sans' stories? i'm sure he has many more than the ones he's told me, though i think youd like to hear about Sans brother. from what i'm told, he's cool to the bone. heh
(Sorry about the small post. I'm having a bout of writer's block.)

*Feeling content, you silently nod your head, satisfied by the comfort given by Toriel and Sans.

Frisk was a bit disturbed by the toys,but the fact that they were near their biological age made them somewhat comforting as well. They gently messed with the toys, mix and matching the toys with a purpose unknown, while they listened to Sans and Toriel.

' Toriel seems relived that I managed to contain my tears, poor Sans didn't know what to do.'
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(no worries man, hey, if you want, you can take a break or something whilst your writers block passes. @ferociousfeind offered to take over frisk if anything goes amiss)

Toriel nodded as she wrapped an arm around the child, pulling them in closer. she seemed more excited for the story than Frisk. in truth, she probably was. a highlight of her day was listening to Sans' stories and she had remarked on many occasions about how she would enjoy meeting his brother, Papyrus.

*Please, Sans, start whenever. pick any story you would like, i suppose that would be difficult, after all, your life sounds much more eventful than mine.
(Sorry, I've been busy and I sort of forgot about roleplay. Not that it matters. I wasn't doing much anyway.)

Napstablook sat at his computer-- err, hovered in front of his computer, tapping at the keyboard in whatever mysterious way he did with his ghostly form. He was working on his latest single, one that would be heard only by his own ears, no doubt. It was a lonely occupation, no doubt, but he enjoyed it.

Maybe it would have been better if "that person" were still around... but, oh... I suppose it can't be helped.

Napstablook shook himself, pushing those thoughts aside. It was pointless to dwell on those days. Closing his eyes, he adjusted his headphones and lost himself in his music.
(hey man, no worries, in truth, this roleplay is looking like its dying, which sucks ass, but i suppose it can't be helped. not many replies anymore and stuff)
Undyne sighed, as she still tried to learn to play the piano

"Darn it!! Why is it so hard?!!" She yelled, throwing the spear that materialized in her hand from thin air at the window.
After some shenanigans Flowey wasn't about to repeat to himself in his head, he said his goodbyes to Alphys and Asgore, and decided to see whatever Undyne was up to. "For the lols", as someone he used to know used to say.

*Hey Undyne!

She was not at her house. (This is assuming Undyne is practicing at the piano next to the secret door, before the statue)

Flowey searched around, and found her pounding on a piano some space away from that wretched statue with a music box.

*Hey, Undyne! You having trouble on that thing?
sansational said:
Toriel had gotten compliments before from the children of the underground, but she had guessed they were being polite. after all, it was monster food. the amount of energy in a human body would destroy any monster food into nutrients almost instantly after swallowing. she wasn't exactly a scientist, but she had managed to scavenge a few books about... physics? and chemestry? and space? the things were very oddly named. far too complicated, in her opinion, though the concepts were fascinating. they were fairly easy to grasp, though that may be due to the countless number of times she had read them. despite her limited knowledge of the sciences, she was almost certain she understood how human nutrition worked and doubted monster food would be satisfying for them. Sans, however, now he would be able to, and thus, the compliment made her face light up, a small blush burning her cheeks under her fur.
*T-Thank you Sans, its very much appreciated, though i'm sure that my cooking is nowhere near that of the resturant you so regularly visit. what is it called? Grillbz? Grillis? i remember hearing of it when i wasn't in these ruins, but that was a long, long time ago and my memory is fading in my old age. regardless, the comment is greatly appreciated.

she took her place on the floor next to Frisk. she sat cross-legged and watched as they played. she spoke gently. the child was just crying after all.

* my child, why don't we listen to mister Sans' stories? i'm sure he has many more than the ones he's told me, though i think youd like to hear about Sans brother. from what i'm told, he's cool to the bone. heh
[QUOTE="Space Face](Sorry about the small post. I'm having a bout of writer's block.)
*Feeling content, you silently nod your head, satisfied by the comfort given by Toriel and Sans.

Frisk was a bit disturbed by the toys,but the fact that they were near their biological age made them somewhat comforting as well. They gently messed with the toys, mix and matching the toys with a purpose unknown, while they listened to Sans and Toriel.

' Toriel seems relived that I managed to contain my tears, poor Sans didn't know what to do.'

(My apologies for the slow replies too. >.< )

Sans couldn't really argue the fact that the stuff they made at Grillby's was extremely good. Though actually, usually the only thing there he was usually interested in most was the ketchup they had there. It was real good for soothing a fellow, or at least getting his mind off of the trash things that he knew and didn't really want to think about too often. The ketchup had a sort of sharp tang too it too, something that made him want more, or at least like the taste to the point of gulping down bottles of the stuff when he had the chance. But... actually, this pie was pretty good too, even more preferred then the usual food there at Grillby's, he couldn't exactly deny that either. He let out a chuckle as the lady had trouble remembering the name of the place.

*'s called grillby's. a real cool place to hang out during breaks.... even though it can get real 'hot' too with the guy working there.

He was amused at himself for the inside joke, even if the other one wasn't too aware of who exactly ran Grillby's, though it was indeed Grillby himself. The short skeleton winked at the other one when she seemed to especially appreciate the compliment. He couldn't exactly claim how to know how to compliment one well, though after the many times of supporting Papyrus through words when it came to the other's cooking and such, one got a bit of experience.

*heh, no problem.

Sans didn't mind watching the kid as they played on the floor some more while talking to the goat woman, though he felt a bit guilty when she sat on the floor, it was kind of funny to see her do so next to the child. She seemed like such a sweet old woman. He could only wonder why she had decided to stay here alone and isolated for so long. At least he had met her behind the door. He kind had some sort of familiarity about the other one though, he wasn't sure where, though he kind of had an idea... but it didn't matter to him. The skeleton was distracted from this thought process, however, when he was asked to tell them a story now. Just a bit more encouraged by the warm atmosphere of the place with the child and the other one, he actually didn't feel much objection to doing this. Well, until he realized he wasn't exactly sure what to tell. Sans let out a bit of a chuckle when the old lady said that his life sounded much more interesting then hers. Oh, wow, if only she knew. But then again, no one needed to know what he knew, and was aware of. The funny thing was that his life wasn't eventful, or at least this one. He was used to playing the same games with the weed of every timeline, of course. In fact, that was pretty much his life anymore, waking up in his bed in Snowdin, realizing how it had all started over once more, and then waiting for the flower to make a move so it would be judged for every action it took and meanwhile just going along with the flow of things until then. Pretty much a miserable situation, but after so many resets, so many times that he was aware of when his brother died, or maybe even he himself died, it was hard to care about trying to something out of the normal routine now. His life was pretty boring, anyways. And if he did his job right, then the 'game' between he and the weed would continue for a long time to come. Except.... well, for this kid that had put a bit of a complication in things. It frankly made him confused for now, but... well, this kid was such a sweet little thing. At least that was a sort of assurance for now. Sans pulled himself out of his objective observation of how his life was pretty boring and eventually meaningless when Papyrus was mentioned, and he thought about his brother. Yeah, he maybe had some stuffs to tell about his cool brother. The other one was usually the only positive thing about any timeline, so surely it wouldn't be too hard to recount something involving the other one. He grinned a bit wider as he rested one arm on the armrest of the chair and peered down at the lady and the child playing with the toys. Usually he wasn't a higher height then anybody much, so admittedly this was a bit of a nice change, heh.

*ah, my life's not too interesting. you see, i'm a sentry in snowdin forest.

*i watch out for.. stuffs.

The skeleton winked at anyone who was glancing his way when he said the last statement. He didn't really mention the whole capturing humans thing yet specifically though, whether the lady had already revealed this to the kid or not. He didn't really ever care about finding a human yet, anyways, or at least using their soul for anything. It was a bit of a cruel practice anyways. and... well. because of the knowledge that he was aware of it, it was never worth it to try to go back, or try to get to the surface anymore either. Something... whatever that would be would just snatch control somehow and they'd end up right back where'd they started, right? So he didn't really care about his job to watch for humans, so he didn't find any need to mention it in detail. His pupils glanced off to the side for a moment as he said his next statement, making him look a bit more playful or impish, and he rather meant it that way.

*but... i never really care about that sort of thing. heh. guess it's just not my thing.

*but my brother, papyrus...

Sans grinned a bit wider at the thought of his brother, or rather just mentioning the other one. If only the kid could meet him, it would make the other one's day for sure... it would surely be alright though, after all his bro couldn't exactly be dangerous to anyone, and usually he wouldn't even want to be. Or at least, he didn't think so for sure. It was Papyrus, after all.

*he's the most dedicated sort of guy you would ever see. he's the coolest guy you could ever meet, too.


The short skeleton paused when trying to think of an accurate description of his brother physically. It was a bit difficult, since he was used to the image of his brother in his mind always with the feelings about the other one readily attached. but... he wasn't exactly good at describing stuff. Eventually he just shrugged and listed his hands in the air as he did so, offering a bit of a playfully weak grin.

*he's like me, but taller.

Sans now had to try to think of some sort of tale to tell. Heh. Oh, boy, was he not good at that sort of thing. Mostly because usually nothing much came to mind when he thought about stuffs in his life that might be of any sort of interest, and also he didn't really care to recount anything that happened to him anyways. He was silent for a short time, until eventually the skeleton thought of something. Hopefully he could amuse the two with his stories, or at least give it some sort of shot. He was the sort of guy that liked to please the audience, after all, if he could. He leaned back against the back of the chair comfortably and settled down, ready to try to tell some sort of story to them.

*so i was out at my post to watch for things. bein'... attentive as usual there.

*anyways, i was taking a nap, and when i opened my eyes again... i saw something weird.

He paused for a moment to see what they thought of this, before continuing on. This was a bit of a long shot, but it was the only funny thing he could think of at the moment that wasn't rather more funny to him for ironic reasons.

*it was a cute little figure, that was short and plump and seemed to have short hair too, from the shape of it, and seemed to be the most adorable thing around for miles.

*like you, kiddo.

Sans winked at the child with a bit of a mischievous grin, not so good at this sort of thing, but it was kind of amusing to try at least. His grin became a bit more dimpled and his pupils glanced off to the side a bit as he became a bit amused himself from remembering the story.

*it was dark and i couldn't see so well, so naturally, i called out a friendly greeting to it, and a tasteful joke to lighten their mood.

*i said something like 'heya there.
ice to meet you.'

*but... the thing didn't even react to it, or move an inch, and just stayed facing me. so naturally, i tried to once again tell a tasteful joke.

*'you're looking a bit
snowdin there pal, you lost?' i asked.

*obviously this thing wasn't very gentlemanly, since there was still no response or reaction from it.

*eventually my brother came along, and saw it too.

*heh. he got really excited, thinking right away that it was a new pal to give puzzles and japes to.

*so he called out to it too, being the cool bro he is. and there was no response to that either.

*my brother eventually picked the thing up, tucked it under his arm, and went trotting away like it was the best day of his life. strangely enough, it didn't have any reaction to this.

*we had made it halfway through town, when i started to realize something was up. the figure hadn't moved a bit, or made any sound, either. i had told about a half a dozen jokes to it by now, and still no response.... except my bro's groans, of course.

*so i had just stopped papyrus, naturally concerned about someone who won't even emote at my hilarious jokes. but when i tugged on his arm, i accidently tugged the thing under it, and strangely enough, a cord attached to it. when i pulled it, suddenly the thing lit up bright right under my bro's arm.

The skeleton couldn't help but lean over a bit while letting himself have a chuckle in remembrance of a certain moment, the one that was his favorite out of all of them. His grin became wider and his expression more amused.

*you should have heard my brother's shriek.

*now at first, we thought that it was some sort of light up monster thing. but turns out...

*it was a lamp.

Sans let out a few more chuckles as he reached the conclusion of his story. Wait... what was the conclusion of his story? What was the point of it? Ah well, it was kind of funny... hopefully. He had just kind of told that since it had come to mind and all when the old lady had requested he tell the kiddo stories. And ones about Papyrus; antics sometimes when it came to trying to achieve his lifelong dream were always kind of amusing too... though of course that wasn't the point of the story, in truth he admired the fact that Paps had dreams in the first place to ever make fun of it. He decided on an ending sentence anyway as an awkward closing statement, though he still grinned wide and winked as he spoke.

*so guess the point is... even if you don't find a joke buddy sometimes, who knows, you might just find something to 'light' up your life anyways.
Undyne looked behind her, as she noticed that flower was watching her, and then talked to her.

"No! And who the heck are you?!" She asks, not remembering any Flowers that she used to talk recently.
MoonLegend101 said:
(My apologies for the slow replies too. >.< )
Sans couldn't really argue the fact that the stuff they made at Grillby's was extremely good. Though actually, usually the only thing there he was usually interested in most was the ketchup they had there. It was real good for soothing a fellow, or at least getting his mind off of the trash things that he knew and didn't really want to think about too often. The ketchup had a sort of sharp tang too it too, something that made him want more, or at least like the taste to the point of gulping down bottles of the stuff when he had the chance. But... actually, this pie was pretty good too, even more preferred then the usual food there at Grillby's, he couldn't exactly deny that either. He let out a chuckle as the lady had trouble remembering the name of the place.

*'s called grillby's. a real cool place to hang out during breaks.... even though it can get real 'hot' too with the guy working there.

He was amused at himself for the inside joke, even if the other one wasn't too aware of who exactly ran Grillby's, though it was indeed Grillby himself. The short skeleton winked at the other one when she seemed to especially appreciate the compliment. He couldn't exactly claim how to know how to compliment one well, though after the many times of supporting Papyrus through words when it came to the other's cooking and such, one got a bit of experience.

*heh, no problem.

Sans didn't mind watching the kid as they played on the floor some more while talking to the goat woman, though he felt a bit guilty when she sat on the floor, it was kind of funny to see her do so next to the child. She seemed like such a sweet old woman. He could only wonder why she had decided to stay here alone and isolated for so long. At least he had met her behind the door. He kind had some sort of familiarity about the other one though, he wasn't sure where, though he kind of had an idea... but it didn't matter to him. The skeleton was distracted from this thought process, however, when he was asked to tell them a story now. Just a bit more encouraged by the warm atmosphere of the place with the child and the other one, he actually didn't feel much objection to doing this. Well, until he realized he wasn't exactly sure what to tell. Sans let out a bit of a chuckle when the old lady said that his life sounded much more interesting then hers. Oh, wow, if only she knew. But then again, no one needed to know what he knew, and was aware of. The funny thing was that his life wasn't eventful, or at least this one. He was used to playing the same games with the weed of every timeline, of course. In fact, that was pretty much his life anymore, waking up in his bed in Snowdin, realizing how it had all started over once more, and then waiting for the flower to make a move so it would be judged for every action it took and meanwhile just going along with the flow of things until then. Pretty much a miserable situation, but after so many resets, so many times that he was aware of when his brother died, or maybe even he himself died, it was hard to care about trying to something out of the normal routine now. His life was pretty boring, anyways. And if he did his job right, then the 'game' between he and the weed would continue for a long time to come. Except.... well, for this kid that had put a bit of a complication in things. It frankly made him confused for now, but... well, this kid was such a sweet little thing. At least that was a sort of assurance for now. Sans pulled himself out of his objective observation of how his life was pretty boring and eventually meaningless when Papyrus was mentioned, and he thought about his brother. Yeah, he maybe had some stuffs to tell about his cool brother. The other one was usually the only positive thing about any timeline, so surely it wouldn't be too hard to recount something involving the other one. He grinned a bit wider as he rested one arm on the armrest of the chair and peered down at the lady and the child playing with the toys. Usually he wasn't a higher height then anybody much, so admittedly this was a bit of a nice change, heh.

*ah, my life's not too interesting. you see, i'm a sentry in snowdin forest.

*i watch out for.. stuffs.

The skeleton winked at anyone who was glancing his way when he said the last statement. He didn't really mention the whole capturing humans thing yet specifically though, whether the lady had already revealed this to the kid or not. He didn't really ever care about finding a human yet, anyways, or at least using their soul for anything. It was a bit of a cruel practice anyways. and... well. because of the knowledge that he was aware of it, it was never worth it to try to go back, or try to get to the surface anymore either. Something... whatever that would be would just snatch control somehow and they'd end up right back where'd they started, right? So he didn't really care about his job to watch for humans, so he didn't find any need to mention it in detail. His pupils glanced off to the side for a moment as he said his next statement, making him look a bit more playful or impish, and he rather meant it that way.

*but... i never really care about that sort of thing. heh. guess it's just not my thing.

*but my brother, papyrus...

Sans grinned a bit wider at the thought of his brother, or rather just mentioning the other one. If only the kid could meet him, it would make the other one's day for sure... it would surely be alright though, after all his bro couldn't exactly be dangerous to anyone, and usually he wouldn't even want to be. Or at least, he didn't think so for sure. It was Papyrus, after all.

*he's the most dedicated sort of guy you would ever see. he's the coolest guy you could ever meet, too.


The short skeleton paused when trying to think of an accurate description of his brother physically. It was a bit difficult, since he was used to the image of his brother in his mind always with the feelings about the other one readily attached. but... he wasn't exactly good at describing stuff. Eventually he just shrugged and listed his hands in the air as he did so, offering a bit of a playfully weak grin.

*he's like me, but taller.

Sans now had to try to think of some sort of tale to tell. Heh. Oh, boy, was he not good at that sort of thing. Mostly because usually nothing much came to mind when he thought about stuffs in his life that might be of any sort of interest, and also he didn't really care to recount anything that happened to him anyways. He was silent for a short time, until eventually the skeleton thought of something. Hopefully he could amuse the two with his stories, or at least give it some sort of shot. He was the sort of guy that liked to please the audience, after all, if he could. He leaned back against the back of the chair comfortably and settled down, ready to try to tell some sort of story to them.

*so i was out at my post to watch for things. bein'... attentive as usual there.

*anyways, i was taking a nap, and when i opened my eyes again... i saw something weird.

He paused for a moment to see what they thought of this, before continuing on. This was a bit of a long shot, but it was the only funny thing he could think of at the moment that wasn't rather more funny to him for ironic reasons.

*it was a cute little figure, that was short and plump and seemed to have short hair too, from the shape of it, and seemed to be the most adorable thing around for miles.

*like you, kiddo.

Sans winked at the child with a bit of a mischievous grin, not so good at this sort of thing, but it was kind of amusing to try at least. His grin became a bit more dimpled and his pupils glanced off to the side a bit as he became a bit amused himself from remembering the story.

*it was dark and i couldn't see so well, so naturally, i called out a friendly greeting to it, and a tasteful joke to lighten their mood.

*i said something like 'heya there.
ice to meet you.'

*but... the thing didn't even react to it, or move an inch, and just stayed facing me. so naturally, i tried to once again tell a tasteful joke.

*'you're looking a bit
snowdin there pal, you lost?' i asked.

*obviously this thing wasn't very gentlemanly, since there was still no response or reaction from it.

*eventually my brother came along, and saw it too.

*heh. he got really excited, thinking right away that it was a new pal to give puzzles and japes to.

*so he called out to it too, being the cool bro he is. and there was no response to that either.

*my brother eventually picked the thing up, tucked it under his arm, and went trotting away like it was the best day of his life. strangely enough, it didn't have any reaction to this.

*we had made it halfway through town, when i started to realize something was up. the figure hadn't moved a bit, or made any sound, either. i had told about a half a dozen jokes to it by now, and still no response.... except my bro's groans, of course.

*so i had just stopped papyrus, naturally concerned about someone who won't even emote at my hilarious jokes. but when i tugged on his arm, i accidently tugged the thing under it, and strangely enough, a cord attached to it. when i pulled it, suddenly the thing lit up bright right under my bro's arm.

The skeleton couldn't help but lean over a bit while letting himself have a chuckle in remembrance of a certain moment, the one that was his favorite out of all of them. His grin became wider and his expression more amused.

*you should have heard my brother's shriek.

*now at first, we thought that it was some sort of light up monster thing. but turns out...

*it was a lamp.

Sans let out a few more chuckles as he reached the conclusion of his story. Wait... what was the conclusion of his story? What was the point of it? Ah well, it was kind of funny... hopefully. He had just kind of told that since it had come to mind and all when the old lady had requested he tell the kiddo stories. And ones about Papyrus; antics sometimes when it came to trying to achieve his lifelong dream were always kind of amusing too... though of course that wasn't the point of the story, in truth he admired the fact that Paps had dreams in the first place to ever make fun of it. He decided on an ending sentence anyway as an awkward closing statement, though he still grinned wide and winked as he spoke.

*so guess the point is... even if you don't find a joke buddy sometimes, who knows, you might just find something to 'light' up your life anyways.
(don't worry bud, you write tenfold better than i do, so as long as you don't abandon the roleplay alltogether, i have no issues with how long you take. c:)

Toriel sat, glancing between Frisk and Sans as he spoke. she always enjoyed Sans' stories,whether it was his post-commentary quips, his soothing way of speaking, the either amusing or interesting antics or just hearing Sans gush about his brother, she could listen to them for hours on end and, on a few days, she had. She enjoyed the sense of companionship that, previous to Sans, she would only recieve when a child fell down or way back when she was the Queen. Those were the days. When she was greeted cheerily by her husband and children each morning, when she would visit Snowdin and have a friendly little chat with that innkeeper (she assumed that, since she had kept herself cooped up in the ruins for so long, the inn had been passed down or the old keeper had passed, nevertheless, she reminiced fondly on the chats they used to have) or when she would visit the Temmie village, the cute furballs would always make her smile, she often remarked to Asriel about how much she would like to have one as a part of the family, though taking it away from their friends seemed cruel, plus, unlike the pets any fallen humans had talked about, the Temmies seemed to be much more... academically minded.

funnily enough, now that she thought about it, she never remembered seeing Sans in any of the locations she visited during her rule. she had previously assumed she would know who her friend was from her rule if she saw their faces, but she was certain no skeletal monsters resided in Snowdin, or Hotland, or anywhere during her time outside the ruins. she made a point to ask him about this later.

she gasped when he mentioned grillbys, how could she forget? the nice flaming barman who seemed to be ageless. he looked and acted the exact same from when she was a child to when she left for the ruins. she considered Grillby a good friend back in the day and felt guilty for forgetting him. she chuckled when Sans made his jokes, though she shot him an inquisitive raised eyebrow whenever he seemed to joke about something she wasn't aware of, this character certainly was a curious case. Toriel made sure to explain some of the puns to Frisk, without the knowledge of the underground, they really didnt make sense

*my child, i should explain. The underground is split into many sectors, much like your world, though *much less extensive. one of these places is called Snowdin. it is a cozy little place, a few dozen *residents who all get along. the town itself is covered in snow, thus the name, as is mister Sans' *sentry post. hah...

she trailed off. explaining a joke really ruined it, though she had expected understanding a ruined joke was much better than not.

The story itself was entertaining, she thought, though a little unbelievable. she remarked to Sans on this

*wow, that's a new one, must've happened recently, huh? very... humerous, if i do say so myself.

she chuckled at her rather overused joke. she wasn't as good at coming up with new material as Sans and tended to repeat herself, he didn't seem to mind, however, which she was thankful for.

she found the idea of the two mistaking a lamp for a monster rather farfetched, though it wouldn't be the first time the two had done something odd.

she noticed that she had a goody smile spread across her face and suspected this had been that way for qhite a while.

*You look... well, you look much different that what i expected you to, it was quite a surprise to say *the least. would you like anything at all? you are a guest after all. oh, my apologies, it has just *occured to me, you must be late for your job! how careless of me for keeping you for so long without *that consideration. please, if you're busy, don't let us keep you. Not that i'm trying to make you *

*leave, you're welcome here any time.

she grinned wearily. in truth, she rather enjoyed the atmosphere in the room, though the thought of getting her friend in hot water with whoever his employer was, was something she did not want to do.
JJKab said:
Undyne looked behind her, as she noticed that flower was watching her, and then talked to her.
"No! And who the heck are you?!" She asks, not remembering any Flowers that she used to talk recently.
*Hmmm. I see. Either way, what you were just playing sounded... kinda nice.

Of course Undyne wouldn't recognize him, it was rather early on in the usual line of events. Oops! He put on his most convincing and innocent smile.

*My name's Flowey!

*Flowey the flower!

*You're Undyne, right?

*I've heard some things about you from other monsters.

*Strong, charismatic, doesn't take no for an answer, determined to restore what's right...

Flowey continued the flow of compliments, its how you get people to trust you!

*These are all really great qualities! You're rather lucky to have them!

*Now... As a flower, I don't always trust monster's words.

*Could you... demonstrate your strength?

Undyne chuckled, as she noticed that the Flowey... that was his name... offered her a challenge

*Right then, punk! Let's go!

*I'll show you!

Saying that, Undyne walked towards her home. Her ponytail was swaywing left and right.
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[QUOTE="Spoopy Pyro]((Hello, I hate to interrupt or anything, but would it be alright if I join?? (^.^)

I might be the only one interested in getting it back off the ground, but yeah, you could, technically, still join.
sansational said:
(don't worry bud, you write tenfold better than i do, so as long as you don't abandon the roleplay alltogether, i have no issues with how long you take. c:)
Toriel sat, glancing between Frisk and Sans as he spoke. she always enjoyed Sans' stories,whether it was his post-commentary quips, his soothing way of speaking, the either amusing or interesting antics or just hearing Sans gush about his brother, she could listen to them for hours on end and, on a few days, she had. She enjoyed the sense of companionship that, previous to Sans, she would only recieve when a child fell down or way back when she was the Queen. Those were the days. When she was greeted cheerily by her husband and children each morning, when she would visit Snowdin and have a friendly little chat with that innkeeper (she assumed that, since she had kept herself cooped up in the ruins for so long, the inn had been passed down or the old keeper had passed, nevertheless, she reminiced fondly on the chats they used to have) or when she would visit the Temmie village, the cute furballs would always make her smile, she often remarked to Asriel about how much she would like to have one as a part of the family, though taking it away from their friends seemed cruel, plus, unlike the pets any fallen humans had talked about, the Temmies seemed to be much more... academically minded.

funnily enough, now that she thought about it, she never remembered seeing Sans in any of the locations she visited during her rule. she had previously assumed she would know who her friend was from her rule if she saw their faces, but she was certain no skeletal monsters resided in Snowdin, or Hotland, or anywhere during her time outside the ruins. she made a point to ask him about this later.

she gasped when he mentioned grillbys, how could she forget? the nice flaming barman who seemed to be ageless. he looked and acted the exact same from when she was a child to when she left for the ruins. she considered Grillby a good friend back in the day and felt guilty for forgetting him. she chuckled when Sans made his jokes, though she shot him an inquisitive raised eyebrow whenever he seemed to joke about something she wasn't aware of, this character certainly was a curious case. Toriel made sure to explain some of the puns to Frisk, without the knowledge of the underground, they really didnt make sense

*my child, i should explain. The underground is split into many sectors, much like your world, though *much less extensive. one of these places is called Snowdin. it is a cozy little place, a few dozen *residents who all get along. the town itself is covered in snow, thus the name, as is mister Sans' *sentry post. hah...

she trailed off. explaining a joke really ruined it, though she had expected understanding a ruined joke was much better than not.

The story itself was entertaining, she thought, though a little unbelievable. she remarked to Sans on this

*wow, that's a new one, must've happened recently, huh? very... humerous, if i do say so myself.

she chuckled at her rather overused joke. she wasn't as good at coming up with new material as Sans and tended to repeat herself, he didn't seem to mind, however, which she was thankful for.

she found the idea of the two mistaking a lamp for a monster rather farfetched, though it wouldn't be the first time the two had done something odd.

she noticed that she had a goody smile spread across her face and suspected this had been that way for qhite a while.

*You look... well, you look much different that what i expected you to, it was quite a surprise to say *the least. would you like anything at all? you are a guest after all. oh, my apologies, it has just *occured to me, you must be late for your job! how careless of me for keeping you for so long without *that consideration. please, if you're busy, don't let us keep you. Not that i'm trying to make you *

*leave, you're welcome here any time.

she grinned wearily. in truth, she rather enjoyed the atmosphere in the room, though the thought of getting her friend in hot water with whoever his employer was, was something she did not want to do.
MoonLegend101 said:
(My apologies for the slow replies too. >.< )
Sans couldn't really argue the fact that the stuff they made at Grillby's was extremely good. Though actually, usually the only thing there he was usually interested in most was the ketchup they had there. It was real good for soothing a fellow, or at least getting his mind off of the trash things that he knew and didn't really want to think about too often. The ketchup had a sort of sharp tang too it too, something that made him want more, or at least like the taste to the point of gulping down bottles of the stuff when he had the chance. But... actually, this pie was pretty good too, even more preferred then the usual food there at Grillby's, he couldn't exactly deny that either. He let out a chuckle as the lady had trouble remembering the name of the place.

*'s called grillby's. a real cool place to hang out during breaks.... even though it can get real 'hot' too with the guy working there.

He was amused at himself for the inside joke, even if the other one wasn't too aware of who exactly ran Grillby's, though it was indeed Grillby himself. The short skeleton winked at the other one when she seemed to especially appreciate the compliment. He couldn't exactly claim how to know how to compliment one well, though after the many times of supporting Papyrus through words when it came to the other's cooking and such, one got a bit of experience.

*heh, no problem.

Sans didn't mind watching the kid as they played on the floor some more while talking to the goat woman, though he felt a bit guilty when she sat on the floor, it was kind of funny to see her do so next to the child. She seemed like such a sweet old woman. He could only wonder why she had decided to stay here alone and isolated for so long. At least he had met her behind the door. He kind had some sort of familiarity about the other one though, he wasn't sure where, though he kind of had an idea... but it didn't matter to him. The skeleton was distracted from this thought process, however, when he was asked to tell them a story now. Just a bit more encouraged by the warm atmosphere of the place with the child and the other one, he actually didn't feel much objection to doing this. Well, until he realized he wasn't exactly sure what to tell. Sans let out a bit of a chuckle when the old lady said that his life sounded much more interesting then hers. Oh, wow, if only she knew. But then again, no one needed to know what he knew, and was aware of. The funny thing was that his life wasn't eventful, or at least this one. He was used to playing the same games with the weed of every timeline, of course. In fact, that was pretty much his life anymore, waking up in his bed in Snowdin, realizing how it had all started over once more, and then waiting for the flower to make a move so it would be judged for every action it took and meanwhile just going along with the flow of things until then. Pretty much a miserable situation, but after so many resets, so many times that he was aware of when his brother died, or maybe even he himself died, it was hard to care about trying to something out of the normal routine now. His life was pretty boring, anyways. And if he did his job right, then the 'game' between he and the weed would continue for a long time to come. Except.... well, for this kid that had put a bit of a complication in things. It frankly made him confused for now, but... well, this kid was such a sweet little thing. At least that was a sort of assurance for now. Sans pulled himself out of his objective observation of how his life was pretty boring and eventually meaningless when Papyrus was mentioned, and he thought about his brother. Yeah, he maybe had some stuffs to tell about his cool brother. The other one was usually the only positive thing about any timeline, so surely it wouldn't be too hard to recount something involving the other one. He grinned a bit wider as he rested one arm on the armrest of the chair and peered down at the lady and the child playing with the toys. Usually he wasn't a higher height then anybody much, so admittedly this was a bit of a nice change, heh.

*ah, my life's not too interesting. you see, i'm a sentry in snowdin forest.

*i watch out for.. stuffs.

The skeleton winked at anyone who was glancing his way when he said the last statement. He didn't really mention the whole capturing humans thing yet specifically though, whether the lady had already revealed this to the kid or not. He didn't really ever care about finding a human yet, anyways, or at least using their soul for anything. It was a bit of a cruel practice anyways. and... well. because of the knowledge that he was aware of it, it was never worth it to try to go back, or try to get to the surface anymore either. Something... whatever that would be would just snatch control somehow and they'd end up right back where'd they started, right? So he didn't really care about his job to watch for humans, so he didn't find any need to mention it in detail. His pupils glanced off to the side for a moment as he said his next statement, making him look a bit more playful or impish, and he rather meant it that way.

*but... i never really care about that sort of thing. heh. guess it's just not my thing.

*but my brother, papyrus...

Sans grinned a bit wider at the thought of his brother, or rather just mentioning the other one. If only the kid could meet him, it would make the other one's day for sure... it would surely be alright though, after all his bro couldn't exactly be dangerous to anyone, and usually he wouldn't even want to be. Or at least, he didn't think so for sure. It was Papyrus, after all.

*he's the most dedicated sort of guy you would ever see. he's the coolest guy you could ever meet, too.


The short skeleton paused when trying to think of an accurate description of his brother physically. It was a bit difficult, since he was used to the image of his brother in his mind always with the feelings about the other one readily attached. but... he wasn't exactly good at describing stuff. Eventually he just shrugged and listed his hands in the air as he did so, offering a bit of a playfully weak grin.

*he's like me, but taller.

Sans now had to try to think of some sort of tale to tell. Heh. Oh, boy, was he not good at that sort of thing. Mostly because usually nothing much came to mind when he thought about stuffs in his life that might be of any sort of interest, and also he didn't really care to recount anything that happened to him anyways. He was silent for a short time, until eventually the skeleton thought of something. Hopefully he could amuse the two with his stories, or at least give it some sort of shot. He was the sort of guy that liked to please the audience, after all, if he could. He leaned back against the back of the chair comfortably and settled down, ready to try to tell some sort of story to them.

*so i was out at my post to watch for things. bein'... attentive as usual there.

*anyways, i was taking a nap, and when i opened my eyes again... i saw something weird.

He paused for a moment to see what they thought of this, before continuing on. This was a bit of a long shot, but it was the only funny thing he could think of at the moment that wasn't rather more funny to him for ironic reasons.

*it was a cute little figure, that was short and plump and seemed to have short hair too, from the shape of it, and seemed to be the most adorable thing around for miles.

*like you, kiddo.

Sans winked at the child with a bit of a mischievous grin, not so good at this sort of thing, but it was kind of amusing to try at least. His grin became a bit more dimpled and his pupils glanced off to the side a bit as he became a bit amused himself from remembering the story.

*it was dark and i couldn't see so well, so naturally, i called out a friendly greeting to it, and a tasteful joke to lighten their mood.

*i said something like 'heya there.
ice to meet you.'

*but... the thing didn't even react to it, or move an inch, and just stayed facing me. so naturally, i tried to once again tell a tasteful joke.

*'you're looking a bit
snowdin there pal, you lost?' i asked.

*obviously this thing wasn't very gentlemanly, since there was still no response or reaction from it.

*eventually my brother came along, and saw it too.

*heh. he got really excited, thinking right away that it was a new pal to give puzzles and japes to.

*so he called out to it too, being the cool bro he is. and there was no response to that either.

*my brother eventually picked the thing up, tucked it under his arm, and went trotting away like it was the best day of his life. strangely enough, it didn't have any reaction to this.

*we had made it halfway through town, when i started to realize something was up. the figure hadn't moved a bit, or made any sound, either. i had told about a half a dozen jokes to it by now, and still no response.... except my bro's groans, of course.

*so i had just stopped papyrus, naturally concerned about someone who won't even emote at my hilarious jokes. but when i tugged on his arm, i accidently tugged the thing under it, and strangely enough, a cord attached to it. when i pulled it, suddenly the thing lit up bright right under my bro's arm.

The skeleton couldn't help but lean over a bit while letting himself have a chuckle in remembrance of a certain moment, the one that was his favorite out of all of them. His grin became wider and his expression more amused.

*you should have heard my brother's shriek.

*now at first, we thought that it was some sort of light up monster thing. but turns out...

*it was a lamp.

Sans let out a few more chuckles as he reached the conclusion of his story. Wait... what was the conclusion of his story? What was the point of it? Ah well, it was kind of funny... hopefully. He had just kind of told that since it had come to mind and all when the old lady had requested he tell the kiddo stories. And ones about Papyrus; antics sometimes when it came to trying to achieve his lifelong dream were always kind of amusing too... though of course that wasn't the point of the story, in truth he admired the fact that Paps had dreams in the first place to ever make fun of it. He decided on an ending sentence anyway as an awkward closing statement, though he still grinned wide and winked as he spoke.

*so guess the point is... even if you don't find a joke buddy sometimes, who knows, you might just find something to 'light' up your life anyways.
A spout of giggles poured out of Frisk's mouth at both Toriel's and Sans' puns, a small smile graceing their face as they brought a hand to hold the laughter that was wanting to burst out.

"I can see that happening."

*Hearing Sans' tale and the feeling of love, the regular kind, softens the hard lump in your soul. SAVE?

*Something in you says not to get too comfortable... Flowey still offers you a way to be stronger...But how can you trust him... or Sans...


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