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Fantasy A Light In The Dark...

neerios said:
Avi sighed, swiftly rearranging and replacing components in the ear piece. When she returned to Chi, she softly clicked the ear piece in and held one of the small buttons on the underside. "Rerun memory file and security: password; Chi." vi wasn't 100% sure if that was the right code, or if it would even work. But she could always hope.
Chi slowly opened her eyes and looked around slowly before staring up at Avi "chi?..." she asked adorably, placing a hand on the ear thing briefly before suddenly jumping onto Avi in a hug "chi!" she said, obviously still broken but now at least smiling. @neerios
Avi hugged Chi in return and sighed in relief. "Now we just have to get your speech programming up to date. Not sure how to do that exactly..." Avi's voice trailed off as she stood to read through Gapeah manuals, but obviously none would work for Chi. Its not like she was built. She was born.
neerios said:
Avi hugged Chi in return and sighed in relief. "Now we just have to get your speech programming up to date. Not sure how to do that exactly..." Avi's voice trailed off as she stood to read through Gapeah manuals, but obviously none would work for Chi. Its not like she was built. She was born.
Chi watched Avi for a moment but soon became bored, she started to wander off and exit the workshop.... incredibly silently despite the fact that she almost immediately walked into a wall as soon a she left, getting up she rubbed her face before looking around again w-who...wa...z...th...at. her thoughts were scattered because of the memory wipe destroying her speech program... truth be told she still hadn't remembered anything... she was as blank as someone could be but the woman she saw had seemed so desperate for her to do something that she copied the small...child? was it? from before. @neerios
Avi shut the manual in frustration, dust flying up around her as she grabbed her bag and slung the strap over her shoulder. "I'll be back... need to find a Gapeah who can actually help..."

With that, Avi stepped through the arch way and quickly switched on her microphone, speaking into it with a hurried tone. "Requesting repair Gapeah, 1 mile radius from current location..." She had faith that at least one repair Gapeah was in range, but there weren't a lot around these days. Now all they had in the New World were new shiny upgraded Gapeah, the type of Gapeah wanted nothing to do with.
Chi stood up slowly and looked around, spotting something shiny she walked up to it and poked it.... the item turned out to be a small toy brought from the old world... it was a small metal robot, the type that you wind-up and watch it walk off all stiffly.... Chi picked it up and found simply watched it walk off, coping it she stood up and moved in the same way.

After a while of aimless wandering after finding the robot she'd ended up back at Avi, she simply froze in the stiff, toy robot-position and blinked at her. @neerios
Kenzie felt tears coming down as it started to pour down she missed her parents they were dead she just curl in a ball crying not wanting anyone to bother hoping that girl won't come back soon as she cried about her parents
NightCasterZ said:
Lila followed Chi curiously. "Do you remember me, sis?" She asked worriedly.
Chi turned back to look at Lila "chi..." she said blankly, still remaining in the toy robot pose. @NightCasterZ
NightCasterZ said:
Lila nodded. "Yes. You're Chi."
Chi also nodded but only because she was mimicking the girl "chi." she then stated, pointing at herself. @NightCasterZ

(My new Youtube Vid!!):


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Kat was on the bed the girl brought her to as she curl up' i want to talk but can't' she wrote crying as she looked around
A voice suddenly awoke Ky from his nap. Even in sleep, the intense training he had endured in his childhood came to effect. With a fluid motion he sprung back up, and quickly switched into a martial arts form. It was still dark, so the only thing he could see was glowing green eyes, signs of nightvision. "Who are you..what do you want?"

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Chi stared at the girl hugging her briefly before starting to walk away again in the same weird robot-like way as before, after a while she came upon the guy from before... instantly she ran up and jumped on him into a hug, mimicking the only way to show happiness she'd been taught in the last hour... she was still only wearing an un-buttoned jacket. @Adrian Johaanson @NightCasterZ


Zeldafangirl said:
my cherrie or someoone else)
Kenzie looked at the guy as she sighed" kezie" she say she couldn't speak as she pointed to her throat trying to tell him she couldn't speak she grabbed her notebook' my name is kenzie i can't speak due to a accident from two years ago i was in a coma i just woke up' she wrote to him
(It's not you!! just gapeah's.... xD but... ok?...)
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Ky was caught by surprise..if his father was here..he would've been disappointed. "C-chi?" He questioned as soon as he saw the long blonde hair. "Chi!" He exclaimed happily.
[QUOTE="Adrian Johaanson]Ky was caught by surprise..if his father was here..he would've been disappointed. "C-chi?" He questioned as soon as he saw the long blonde hair. "Chi!" He exclaimed happily.

Chi got off and stared at him, pointing at herself and nodding "chi!" all she was doing was mimicking like before and she even managed to copy a smile as the jacket fell off her leaving her fully exposed. @Adrian Johaanson
Ky whipped around so fast, that the Flash would've been jealous. With a blush and a stutter he muttered. "C-chi your n-naked."
[QUOTE="Adrian Johaanson]Ky whipped around so fast, that the Flash would've been jealous. With a blush and a stutter he muttered. "C-chi your n-naked."

Chi blinked before looking down at herself and back at him "chi?..." she asked before going up to him and unintentionally leaning her chest against him whilst trying to get his attention. she didn't understand at all.... @Adrian Johaanson
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Carbon remained still despite his target being right in front of him. Several Gapeah were in the area, but none seemed to be moving. Only the target and humans were unaffected. Something was capable of immobilizing all Gapeah. Someone had activated the master override. All Gapeah on Chi would be reset to their factory settings. Chi of course was part human and thus unaffected. For now the threat had passed. Whenever Carbon came back online he would follow his original directive of guarding the first subject he scanned.
[QUOTE="Adrian Johaanson]Ky sniffled back a nosebleed before, backpedaling straight into the Gapeah, and crashing to the ground.

Chi blinked blankly at the situation "chi?..." She asked doing strange hand gestures and obviously trying to say something... K-ky...hu..rtz?... She thought in a malfunctioning kind of way, going over to him and poking him a bit, her fixed ear piece had a flashing light on it but the broken one was slowly falling apart, she suddenly face planted onto him and didn't get back up. @Adrian Johaanson
[QUOTE="Adrian Johaanson]The nosebleed Ky was obviously trying to hold back, unleashed itself and knocked Ky unconscious.

Chi made muffled sounds of distress as she quickly sat up and started shaking him "ch-chi!" She said concerned as the light on hercother earpiece started weakly blunking, turning on her extremely damaged language program "ky...h-hu...rtz?..." She asked slowly and focused on the words. @Adrian Johaanson
Kenzie was in the room where the girl brought her too as she was hitting her face she acts like a little kid she couldn't talk she looks sad as she was drawing scrible and circles the only thing she knew was sign and to write @anyone

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