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    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Fantasy A Guild of Heroes


The God-Emperor of Mankind

Ask how to serve, but also ask why.
Anonymous, Motto of the Guild of Heroes

Note: Listening to theme song mandatory

Author's note: read intro aloud in an old, wise man voice for better effect

A Guild of Heroes

Your wish is to hear yet another story? Oh, dear. That's quite unexpected.... Fine. Then sit down and tune your ears, young one, this honored elder will tell you another epic tale of heroic might.

100 years ago, evil became commonplace. The forces of darkness swept the land, showering it in hatred and decadence. Among the places most touched by this corrosion was the country of Albion, lying in the middle of the continent of Gael. This is a lighthearted story, one of moral struggle and idealism, in a world of heroes and villains. A tale of strife and a fable of passion!

As I was saying, the forces of evil were all over the place. But one man stood up to the challenge. His name was William Black, and he is the founder of the Guild of Heroes that took on his legacy of bringing help to those in need and halting evil at all cost. Some of them live off of pay for the contracts they propose, others live off of donations, others do it for free. This sometimes leads to them being compared to mercenaries, but the Heroes are far from it. Indeed, the only reason some ask for the occasional coin is because they need to live. Then again... there are some... questionable folks, even among Heroes...

Unfortunately, a year ago, William Black passed away at the age of 91. As an old man, he died in peace, and now the Guild has to continue his eternal quest.

Now, it is year 515 of the calendar, the dawn of a new century approaches, and with it come many challengers. Dark lords vying for supremacy, Goblin thieves stealing people's clothes, and other malignancies.

... Why are you still reading this, you impudent fool!? The princesses won't save themselves! There are dragons to slay, demons to exorcise, dungeons to plunder! Go on and carve your legend.

The story begins here...

About Characters
You're allowed to make any race and class you want, of whatever alignment you wish. You can be good, or evil, but obviously, you cannot be a member of the Guild if you're being a jerk out in the open. Guild members are expected to be kind and merciful, so killing people with no remorse kind of goes against the whole code (unless it's in self-defense.)

Players are expected to be a member of the Guild, or otherwise make a character that will frequently interact with the Guild (villains, mercenaries, suppliers, etc. are all valid characters.)

About The Story
This time, instead of hardcore dark lord and cultist hunts in the very beginning, we'll start off nice and easy. We will begin with small jobs; raiding a bandit camp, or hunting a pack of werewolves. We'll step it up a bit later on, with things like dragon hunts, or exorcising demons. Then we'll pick up the traces of larger plots and other things that might threaten the kingdom or even planet.

I am more than open to player ideas and suggestions. PM them to me, or tag me in the OOC. Wanna be a dark lord or a spy trying to infiltrate the Guild? Sure, but let me know.

  1. Use common sense.
    1. I am always right.
    2. If I am wrong, refer to the rule above.
  2. Obey standard RPN rules. Be good, kids.
  3. If you can't fully commit yourself, don't bother making a CS. I'm deadly serious. It's preferable this way. And if you have to go away? That's okay. Just let me know you'll be going, and for how long, even permanently. Don't be afraid to tell me, I'm your friend, okay? *Hug*
  4. A writer's block is not an excuse. When you encounter the feisty beast, simply think about the characters right now that don't have anyone interacting with them and interact with them, or depending on the situation, withdraw coolly.
  5. I expect at least a small paragraph per post (4 lines of text.) It'd be nice if you can do that or more.
  6. I expect at least one post daily, and I encourage you to post more than that. Be active and stuff.
  7. No metagame, controlling other people's characters, asspulling, yadda, yadda, etc.
  8. I will leave the power levels up to the discretion of each player. This doesn't mean you should make a mary sue that has every true magic and scroll of infinite power in the universe available to them. Villains should be buffer than heroes, though.
  9. If you want your character to get a new spell, weapon, item, or otherwise other such things of plot relevance; include it in your post as "NEW SPELL: (Insert explanation)/NEW ITEM: (Explain)," etc. This applies to any such items and phenomena that affect the flow. After you do that, I will like your post. Once I do that, you have a green light to edit your CS and include it.
    1. Be sensible about this. If it's just a sword with a fire enchantment don't tag me. Only tag me on things you would consider doubtful in strength so that I may render judgment.
  10. I know this may seem trivial for the first pages of the RP, especially if you played from the beginning; but I very much ask that you always include the name and location of your character above the post. If I was a new player and saw several hundred pages of stuff that I have no idea about; I'd be very confused, so this will help new players easily jump into the flow. Be a team player! *High-five*
  11. Write with somewhat proper grammar and don't use small/distracting fonts. I will reprimand anyone that doesn't follow this, and maybe kick them out if they repeat the offense. I don't ask you for miracles of the English language, just something that won't have me wanting to rip my eyeballs out of my eye sockets. If you have problems with English, just download Grammarly to your browser and it'll do all the grammar for you.
  12. Listening to "I Need A Hero" by Bonnie Tyler is recommended when posting or making your character.
  13. Feel free to control NPCs that have little relation to the plot, like random enemy mooks and so on.
  14. Best comes last: Have fun! \(^ _ ^)/
A mind without purpose will wander in dark places.
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Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Hanarei Hanarei Archdemon Archdemon Vagabond Spectre Vagabond Spectre Drakonsheart Drakonsheart Alteras Alteras Silver Wolf Silver Wolf DizjayDeathPride DizjayDeathPride @Lena Oxton Sir Basilisk Sir Basilisk RazingCatfish RazingCatfish Acethekidd Acethekidd Vampunk Vampunk Bishop Bishop PressureCooker PressureCooker CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse MouseDuke MouseDuke Graystone713 Graystone713

Villagers were walking through the tight, muddy streets formed out of gray brick. Birds sat on the edges of the roofs above their heads. Upon walking into one of the larger, more spacious streets where movement is more open, one cannot help but admire the royal castle in the distance as it was magnificent and massive. The roads to it beset by caravans of traders from lands far away, as well as noblemen coming to deal with politic turmoil and the small businesses like trading posts, inns, taverns, or other shops, like blacksmiths, or even refined restaurants. Interesting people walked around the sides of the large streets, ranging from local, individual citizens to more exotic characters, like a half-orc bounty hunter, or a seasoned veteran in adventuring riding upon a tamed Displacer Beast and unsettling the commoners. The peaceful city of Bowerstone, the capital of Albion, was operating just as it does every day.

Little people took the time to make a note of the shady figures in the corners and back alleys. Typical thugs and gangers, but also more subtle and nasty folk, like an apprentice necromancer clad in black robes waiting beside the local chapel for the priest to leave to get food, so that he can enter the unsupervised cemetery and get to work.

Crime in Bowerstone is low in contrast to the rest of Albion. And the populace knows who to thank; the Guild of Heroes. Found roughly seventy or so years ago, the organization deals in what regular mercenaries have no interest in. To put it otherwise, the Guild of Heroes stops crime. Some say it's good, that they help. Some say it's bad, that they make the guards lazy. But there are just some things that a guard can't deal with, like the apprentice necromancer entering the cemetery after the priest just left, and raising an army of undead to raze the capital. That's where the Guild steps in. Led by the courageous, they step in, apprehend the necromancer, stop his army, and hand him over to the guard after placing a pair of anti-magic cuffs on his wrists. It's an ordinary sight, really, just as usual as the bank robbery next street. Besides, just think about all the merchandise! The kids love that stuff. Several children playing around, one of them pretending he's Robert Black and setting out to defeat an evil lich with his friends is just a sight too heartwarming to tell them they're disrupting public peace.

Regardless, you can count on the Guild of Heroes. With their base of operations in Fort Black, named this way after the famous founder, virtually anyone with a latent sense of justice can join. When they are recruited, initiates are placed into two categories: Untrustworthy, or Unskilled & Untrustworthy. The former are people who have proven themselves capable of various, useful things. Perhaps they are healers with a knack for problem-solving and diplomacy. The only issue is that the Guild still doesn't know whether they are enemy spies or incompetent goofs with no idea of good and evil. The latter on another hand, are basically what I just described but they don't have any real life experience and are mostly useless. In both cases, the Guild places them under the supervision of an ordinary hero; sometimes as apprentices, at times they give whole coteries to a single, competent agent. Once they are both skilled and trustworthy, the initiates become heroes.

That's when the myth begins anew, and the new hero inspires many others to join the Guild and continue William Black's eternal quest to cleanse this world of darkness. The guildsmen collect money in the form of donations or even pay received from the person they are currently helping, but it all depends on the hero and contract in question. For example, destroying a dangerous magical beast that no civilian knows about may not bring many rewards save for, perhaps, alchemical ingredients or even meat derived from the creature in question, which may be enough for some.

Either way, save a princess or something.

Chapter 0: Heroes of Justice
Date: 515-06-01
Time: Morning
Weather: Calm blue skies, fairly hot but the wind keeps the temperature bearable, a nice day for a game of catch.
Goals: An ordinary day of the most ordinary sort. Introduce the characters and their daily life and personal struggles. Interact to keep it alive.
Optional Goals: Side-quests.

The ironclad gate is open. To the sides, two tall walls of gray stone and even taller towers revealed the occasional but scant hero who happened to have nothing better to do than to guard his home, as well as numerous summoned familiars that guarded the walls dutifully and paying full attention to anything on the outside. Inside the walls, however, was a large courtyard complete with a fountain and a small statue of the Guild's founder on a marble block.

The humungous fort has a number of facilities. A massive forge, a mess hall, and a kitchen full of hired cooks and helpers, an extensive library full of both mundane and esoteric knowledge, a dungeon where the most dangerous perpetrators of all of the continent are kept in a life-long custody, and deep underneath the fort, there was the rumoured vault where all of the most dangerous artifacts not meant for irresponsible hands were stored, alongside with the Guild's considerable wealth. The dorms where most of the heroes reside are in a large building connected to the main castle in the center, where the administrative part of the Guild is, alongside with a few shops, a bar, a reception, the armory, training rooms, and in a tower; the Guildmaster's office and chambers.

The sun slowly rose above the horizon as the fort came to life...
Viviette Arbeider
Bedroom > Reception/Bar

Viviette was awake, staring at the ceiling. Her face was scrunched up. She could feel it. And it was annoying her. There's a drop of Holy Potion of Mercy on her right horn, sparkling in blood red with sunlight pouring through the window. "Goddamnit, Leon." She could just hear the words that Father would always reply, "God's name is not be used in vain." Grumpy as ever, Viviette sat up. The drop fell down onto her blanket and sizzled away the demonic taint building up in her bed. She could smell the drop of liquid doing work, leaving behind the smell of... wait... that isn't holy smoke, that's the smell of breakfast!

She quickly got up out of bed, put on her clothes, and rushed out to the kitchen, where the first of the cooks have begun their daily task of feeding one of the greatest guilds of all time. "Morning Viviette." "Hello Anton," She said as she sat on the counter. Soon a few of the cooks and waiters brought around a full set of breakfast. She drank her cup of milk, still kinda conscious about her growth, since she is pretty short compared to other people. Once she was done with breakfast, she piled it together, making some effort to be polite to the chefs.

She walked to the Reception/Bar and took the pile of paper off her counter. Flipping through the pages, she sorted them one by one. "Let's see, let's see, I see the dragon in the dark forest is alive and well. Ooo, a new request by councilman Lynn, always top risk and top reward." She continued through like this, before picking up the update quests and pinning them to the wall behind her. With that done, she sat down, pulled out a flask of ale, and began sipping it, to give her some spike in her step for the morning. Viviette straightened her bowtie and prepared for the day. Father Leon was probably already at Bowerstone, making his rounds.

Birdsie Birdsie You okay with her giving out small side quests? I'll leave the big guild ones to you.
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Wobb Gooblesplatsh
Low apartments > Guild hall
A slime's tale begins!

Today was the day. Wobb had been training for some time, and today was the day! So Wobb stretched, slid out of his sleeping pot, and went out to greet Lenca, who seemed to be up and working on something over the stove.
"Good morning, Wobb. You sleep well? A good hero needs his rest, you know."
"Yez, I did. Today'z za day!"
"I know, I'm excited too! That's why I'm preparing a hero's scramble for us. Because you can't fight evil on an empty stomach! At least not very well."
"Youdabess, Lenca!"
Between a starving artist and a ravenous slime, the scramble lovingly made with eggs, monster bacon, and sweet peppers stood no chance. And though Wobb's sense of taste found it delicious, he would also be the sort to eat literal garbage. Once breakfast was over with, Wobb got equipped. With armor donned and heroic blades in blobby hands, he looked in a dirty mirror and smiled. He was gonna be a hero! For real!
"Well, you look prepared for danger. But you're forgetting something, aren't you?"
"Uh... swowds. Awmor. Arraheads..."
"You need to give me a big 'ol hug before you go, you little rascal! C'mere!"
Lenca said, embracing the slime as tightly as she could, her painter's frock protecting her clothes as best they could during their heartfelt embrace. Afterwards, they only needed to nod. It was time. So Wobb left the little apartment and slid throughout the streets, waving to everyone he saw. Some knew him, and waved back. Others didn't, and nervously hid. But although it was a long and twisting path through the low end of the city, it wasn't long before he found himself before the front doors. After he was sure his quilted cap was straight and he looked ready for adventure, he walked in through the open doors, actually stepping through with actual legs. Immediately he felt at ease. The lady at that desk had horns! Surely he wasn't the strangest thing to join this guild. Oh, wait! It was time for his introduction! He had rehearsed it so hard, and now it was finally time! Oh boy oh boy oh boy
"Wobb Gooblesplatsh, Jam ov Justizz, Slimy saviouw, and wising hero, wishes to join da guild!"
He triumphantly proclaimed, striking a dramatic pose as he introduced himself to the horned lady, who was sure to be an important figure in Wobb's quest to become a hero! If only he knew how thoroughly unimpressed she'd be...
Viviette Arbeider

"A Greater Slime is attacking the guild. Oh no!" Viviette said in a sarcastic manner as she prepared a hellfire punch. Just as she walked around the counter, it made its pose. "Oh, it has a name..." Viviette continued to stare at the slime, trying her best to keep a straight face before cracking up at his entrance. She returned to her seat. And looked at the slime for a moment. Some time went by before she sighed. "Come over here." She pulled out a pen and paper and slid to toward him. It was an application of membership. "Qualifications?"
Graystone713 Graystone713
》Near the guild in a forest 《

The sound of gentle and calm music had made it's way throughout the forest. The one who made this beautiful music was no other then demon lord of fire, The fox demon Matsuo. Matsuo wondered why he had this flute..and how he learn to play. He could only remember his fight with earth lord and that he was the demon lord of fire. Matsuo also remembered ruling a large nation . Everything else was fuzzy...what a major bother. " Why do I have this instrument? And how come I know how to play it." Of course he stopped playing to take a better look at it. "Also..where is the food I asked for eons ago?!" The fox's ears drew back in annoyance. " This is just perfect. A lord like my self..living outside in the wilderness..I miss my palace.."

" S-sorry lord Matsuo, we can hardly find food here..but we manged to find fish ,some fresh water , and even some berries for you. I'll prepare it at once." A small anthro like two fox laid the fish on the ground, starting a fire on a pile of sticks. The poor thing had gotten spooked by the look on his face." Teh, just hurry it up, I'm starving over here. By the way, where are the others? Have you heard from them yet?" Matsuo watched as the two tailed fox cooked." No..sorry, but I'm sure they will be back at any minute now my lord"

Just as he said something, two tan three tailed fox appeared. "Lord Matsuo, we found something. It appears to be a large building protected a wall and some creatures are guarding the gate. What would like to do next?" One of them spoke and bowed its head. " Oh? A large building you say? I think..I'll take it for myself. It's better then staying out here. After I have eaten, we'll go to this building. Don't worry about the guards, I'm sure we can handle them."
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
Guild reception area
The bureaucratic blockade!

Wobb never knew how the guild accepted members, and as the flame on the lady's hand wavered, it seemed like a trial by combat was in order. Except the flame died, the horned lady reconsidered, and she beckoned him over to the desk, where a real challenge awaited: PENMANSHIP. Wobb did know how to read and write. But he was awful at it. He just kept dripping onto the papers and staining them all a uniform color of blue. But, aha! Everything was in red ink! It could still be seen even if he did make a mess!... And he was already dripping. Now, as he clumsily filled in what he understood, he spoke.
"Quali... Huh? Whassat?"
He said, having no idea what the word meant. And even now that he'd filled out as much of the sheet he understood, he saw a great many unknowns. Pre-existing medical conditions? Mother's maiden name? What we're these things? This test was only the first, and here he was, surely failing it! What would his heroes do?... Well, he'd never seen them do this sort of thing to begin with, so that wasn't much help.
Robert Black
Guildmaster's Chambers > Guildmaster's Office

Slowly, the calm eyes opened, blinking a few times as the blurry image came into a more refined form. Robert slowly rose from the bed, sitting and looking around the room.

Light from the sun showered the space in front of him, coming in through a large space that led to a balcony. Being in a tower, two walls of the room were perpendicular, but the third wall was the quarter of a circle. The bed he was in was not parallel to either of the walls, facing said balcony on the quarter-circular wall. To the left of the bed was a small desk with an appropriately large chair and several documents and ink on it. To the right was a basin with water with a mirror above it. Beyond the basin was a door that led to the bathroom and beyond the door to it, another door that led to a corridor with a cross-shaped intersection. Beyond the desk was a small wardrobe The room was rather minimalistic with a lot of the space unoccupied by any actual furniture. The bed, the desk, the basin, the wardrobe, and the balcony were the only real things there and it seems like either he kept his personal items elsewhere or he simply didn't have that much, to begin with.

Slowly rising, Robert walked up to the basin and splashed his face once to wake up quickly and come to his senses. Robert began daily calisthenics to warm up and keep his body fit then proceeded to the bathroom for daily hygiene. He dressed up in his usual, formal clothes-slash-robes and checked himself out one last time in the mirror, adjusting his hair. He stood there for a few seconds, just to make sure. Just to ensure that everything was in place, and once his self-doubt was gone, he relaxed a little. The last step in his daily routine was to go to the room opposite of his own. There, was his study, workshop, and office. He walked inside, then knelt and made his short, morning prayers.

Robert, once he was done communing with the deities, took his sword and sheathed it. It was his duty to carry the blade at all times. It was technically a family heirloom and of no small importance. He made his way down to the mess hall for breakfast and then back into the office.

Then came the worst, most boring job ever. Administration. Although he disliked bureaucracy, order must be. Drinking water from a very unfitting goblet, he read the messages sent to him via carrier pigeon. Some were invitations to the parties noblemen were having; he paid them no heed having no interest in such social gatherings, although he sent voluntary representatives to places where the attendance of one may be useful for the Guild's greater good. He cared a lot about his image, but not to the point where he would be held as arrogant, as that was the last of his wishes. He just wanted to live up to the expectations. Some others were contracts of minor importance; hunting bandits, or beasts, or other such things. He relayed them to Viviette as quickly as possible so that a hero may take them.

That's about it.

Malcador Black
Malcador's Room > Reception

In a darkened room where the windows were clouded by shutters, Malcador sat on a wooden chair, whilst consuming a piece of bread. Just next to the window was a large desk fitting of a scribe or a mage, in this case, the latter. The desk was lightened by the dim glow of a single candle at the center. To the left was a tall stack of books on alchemy, to the right were complete potions of mysterious abilities that are yet to be tested.

Malcador stood up and walked back to a large shelf behind him, fitting of a library, which yielded many books. He took one of them and skimmed through chapter eleven, before putting it back into place. He walked around it and to a chest with raw alchemical ingredients with neat labels on them. Thanks to his brother's position and their sibling bond, he had all the funding he required, as he managed to convince Robert that his research could produce some interesting and helpful results to both the Guild and the world at large. Today, he was testing elixirs. Potions that were meant to provide the body of the drinker with some sort of advantage. Malcador usually sold his craft to the guildsmen to boost their efforts and continue his research.

It was quite difficult. Deep down, he knew that this 'research' was just an excuse for distracting himself. It was never in his deep ambition to be an alchemist, or a mage. He wanted only one thing... Not liking where his thoughts suddenly took him, he took the ingredients and cast them into a cauldron to prepare the next batch which would come out in approximately six hours, in other words, roughly around noon. He took the already done elixirs and put them in a neat basket. He walked out of his room with it.

Malcador placed the prepared elixirs at the doorstep of guild members who subscribed for his services previously, then walked down the stairs and into the administrative center. At first, he was going to mind his business and go to the small stand where he sold his crafts, but then he overheard the new guild member. A thing he enjoyed was display of his intellect, although again, it was ultimately just a distraction to his true nature.

"The word 'qualifications'. It basically means what you can do. She's asking what kind of skills you possess. In other words, what you can offer to the Guild if we were to accept you. Are you a warrior, perhaps?" Malcador suddenly stepped in, judging the slime man's favored style of combat based off of the worn-down armor and rusted blades.

Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713
Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

Fort Black, home of the famous and revered Guild of Heroes, is no doubt one of the most well known and famous location this side of the continent. Not only is it the home of the Guild of Heroes, known for fixing up the messes others causes and occasionally saves the world, it is also home to some of the strangest creatures that has ever set foot upon this world.

Some are so strange in fact that it would be hard to tell if they are rumors or the truth. The housewives gossips with each other that a dragon masquerading as a cute little girl is a member of the guild, the guards posted on the walls have reportedly seen a twin-headed ogre in mage clothing leaving Fort Black with a stupid grin on one head and an exasperated look on the other, the playing children excitedly talk about the supposedly sentient, if slightly murderous, monster cake that prowls the fort's dungeons.

While these were no doubt imaginative flights of fancy, one cannot deny the strangeness of some of the members of the guild. As if to embody that very strangeness, a curious little beast is currently prowling the hallways towards the guild hall. If somebody had told you that a dog-sized cat was awkwardly walking on two legs with a mean look in its eyes, wearing a brown pointed hat and grey robes was a member of the guild, would you have believed them? Of course not! That is preposterous and would no doubt earn whoever had said that a smack on the face.

Yet that is exactly the case. This cat named Vernarax Kailron, Vern for short, is an actual, bona fide, genuine member of the guild. Makes you wonder if the upper echelon has all gone cuckoo doesn't it? Maybe they have, maybe not, but you cannot deny the power this cat possesses, should you be lucky to see it of course.

Now let's get back on track before we stray too far from the story. The aforementioned cat had just left the dining area having just finished its meal. It was a decent meal, cut down to size for him of course. He'd had to sit on a high chair just to he able to eat, but hey, that's nothing compared to the time a new chef tried to chase him off the table and tried to feed him out of a bowl. That girl was lucky people had been there to restrained the wrath of the furry feline, it could have been a messy scene otherwise.

As the cat had entered the Guild Hall, it had earned a lot of curious stares with little effort. By this time most of the patrons here already knew of him and knew better than to mess with him, but every so often a young greenhorn or a cocky mercenary would get the idea that it is funny to pick on a cat. Well, Vern can't deny that the result was hilarious, for him at least.

'Let them come' He once said when the patrons tried to stop the foolish men from committing a grave mistake 'It's an elder's duty to discipline the younglings'. Unfortunately, or fortunately, no one had decided to try their luck. In fact, some were even more focused at another scene. A humanoid slime covered in shabby armor was trying, struggling, and failing to fill out a form.

"My gods, I once heard that slimes are idiotic creatures with not an ounce of brain cell, but who'd have thought that one would have enough to even have an ambition but to lack the brain power to write legibly." The cat said as it approached, it's voice surprisingly smooth and husky. The cat had no actual intention to insult the slime, well he actually did, but this was actually the first thought that popped up from his mind.

Vern felt sorry for the poor girl who had to entertain the sod, he really was. He's pretty sure the girl's name was Viviette, bah, just call her Vivi for short. "Say Vivi, is that guy seriously trying to enter the guild? Can it even lift a sword? Seems like he'll fall apart when he's hit by a strong gust of wind." The cat said to the poor girl. "I mean, I've encountered Queen Slimes back in the day. They're quite the terrifying creatures, capable of consuming anything that it comes across and even able to recreate the bodies of those it consumed using its slime, but this bumpkin isn't even close to those things. He's definitely an Untrustworthy and Unskilled, that is if he even gets accepted." The cat said with a smirk.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Alteras Alteras
Viviette Arbeider
Guild of Heroes Reception Area/Bar

"Morning, Sir Malcador," Viviette said without moving from her bored look position. "Want some ale? Not really strong, but, you know, just to get the day started." Before Malcador could reply, Vern came in from the Guild Hall. "And good day to you too, Vern," maintaining her sarcastic speech. "Unfortunately, yes. Even did a pose when he came in. Something... Like... This!" She said as she recreated the pose from earlier.

Returning back to her seat, she yawned and took a sip of ale. "It might be a bit to early in the morning to be in the mood." Viviette sighed as she stared the slime still struggling to write on the paper. Looking over it, she took the paper and said, "You got all the required information anyway. You'd probably want to get into a trial before anyone comes running with a toxic potion or something." She turned to Vern and Malcador and just gave them a look that said, 'you're already here. you handle it.'

Graystone713 Graystone713 Birdsie Birdsie CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
Guild reception desk
Enter the guild grumps.

A new voice called to Wobb, and he looked to see a white-haired fellow with a whole mess of potions. While he was admittedly helpful, his tone seemed... Well, Wobb didn't know the word condescending, but he felt the meanness in that sinister edge. But before Wobb could speak, another voice came up, from a cat! And given that it, like himself, spoke and wore clothes, it must've been a greater cat! Its attitude, however, showed that it was also a meaner cat. Were these truly heroes of the guild?... Maybe chivalry was dead. But Wobb wasn't going to give up on the idea yet. Maybe he'd bring it back.
"I'm Wobb Gooblesplatsh. I'mma swashbucklew. I'm speedy, dodgy. I'm sweet. I'm squishy-stretchy. Good with arraheads. Good with goop. And I twy my hawdest not ta be a jewk. So twy me. Chawwenge me. I'm tuff'n'uff."
Said Wobb, crossing his arms and frowning. He didn't care what potion man and the meaner cat had in store, he was ready for it!
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Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

"Ah, the Guild Master's brother. What a pleasure it is to be graced by your presence." The cat said when Malcador had approached them, doing a little cat bow. "Must be nice, being the brother of one of the most powerful and influential man around. Not that it's anything you should be ashamed of. I'm sure that you are very skilled with whatever it is you do." The cat said, sarcasm drips from each and every word that comes out of his mouth.

'Leeches like him are what destroys this world' is what comes up in his mind whenever he sees Malcador. Sure, one could argue that Vern is judging him too harshly without even knowing the guy well, and they'd be right. But try telling your cat that it's bad to scratch up couches or leave dead mice all over the place, let's see where that gets you. Anyway, as far as he's concerned, Malcador is a no good bum who leeches off his brother's success to indulge in his own thing.

Vern of course did not miss Vivi's pointed stares at him and Malcador. Gods, she was the one who gave the brainless pile of goo the form, let her do the test! Still though, he can't blame the girl for not wanting to muck about with the half wit. He'd take on a Queen Slime any day over this hodgepodge, at least Queen Slimes are sometimes pretty to look at.

"Oh no, me dumb cat. Cat no do no test, cats dumb. Meow meow." He said in a very mocking manner that sounds slightly similar to how the slime kid sounded. "Me can't even lift up pen, me no can do test. Bye meow!" It said as it walked away in a silly and stupid manner. He's quite torn really. Mocking a half wit or looking silly, which is better than which? Ah, who cares, certainly not this cat as he heads towards the request board, hoping to see something even mildly interesting.

Graystone713 Graystone713 Birdsie Birdsie Alteras Alteras
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Reception Desk

"Why don't we just test the guy? See how he fights and all." Ariel walked up to the reception area. She had on only her casual gear. Just a simple white dress. She wasn't armed, which wasn't saying much considering that she could arm herself at will. Her ears, tail, and furry parts were very much visible and fluffy as always. She kept her tail away from the slime man, so as to not get his gooey essence all over her tail

"Just standing and asking questions won't do much in terms of skill. If needed, I can test him." Ariel looked at Vern. She knew that this was pretty much just a formality. Government bullcrap. This was just legal stuff, as if he was being hired to do this type of stuff

No one seemed to give this slime the benefit of the doubt. Kessiah decided to give him a chance though. Maybe he was good, but had an underdog thing going on right now.

"So you're a slime, eh?" she started with a smirk. "You probably have a lot of natural defensive talent. Resistant to explosions, resistance to heat and cold, the ability to trap enemies with ease, a power magic catalyst. I believe you'd be good in a support role. I'm Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra. Call me Kessiah or Ariel." She didn't hold out her hand to shake. This slime guy may be into vore. He didn't seem too in control either

That was only her first impression though
Graystone713 Graystone713
Alteras Alteras
CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
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Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area/ Bar

Viviette sighed. It was clear enough the pompous cat wasn't gonna deal with a new recruit, thankfully Ariel came in. "The west training grounds are all yours, of course you could battle right here if you wanted," she said as she placed a small placard and clipboard on the counter for Ariel to take.

She then turned to Vern and pointed up the wall. "For your caliber, I would recommend the following quests:
- Force the Dragon in the Dark Forest to a more remote location and obtain its eggs
Reward: alchemical ingredients, one of the eggs of course, and a sizable amount of gold.
- Assist Councilman Lynn in creating and testing a new potion, everything from ingredient gathering to testing. Potion effects unknown.
Reward: knowledge of Potion recipe, gold.
- Babysit the Mapleburns
Reward: Tons of gold.

Viviette paused for a moment to smile, "ahh, the Mapleburns, the most volatile kids you've ever meet in these realms, and that's coming from me! Sorry Vern, there probably isn't much to interest you."

Birdsie Birdsie CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Malcador Black

"I have to decline that offer," he said in reply to her proposal of drinking. "My work requires a flawlessly clear mind, so I prefer water. I never drink alcohol before noon," he added, hoping she would remember it for the future. How much he wanted to rip her eyeballs out at the very suggestion of drinking this early in the morning -- and not even thinking that he perhaps doesn't want to! How utterly irritating. Once again, Malcador was briefly taken into a dark place in his thoughts but quickly ran away from the darkness, racing back into a lighter area. Despite that, he looked deeply unsettled for a second, and it was very visible.

Malcador looked at Wobb. He carried little malignant intent at the slime, but he failed. Against his better morality, judgment, and even willpower, he had to make the joke when the slime-man asked for a challenge. "Go read a dictionary," he grinned maliciously. Soon, the smile was replaced by a frown of concern. "But seriously, you need to get rid of the speech impediment or there will be a language barrier. Just saying," he warned.

Malcador looked down at the catman soon after. Having been warmly welcomed by sarcasm, he caught on and decided to repay the welcoming embrace of his words in kind. "Ah, the representative of the most predatory and fascinating woodland critters crossbred with a -- begrudgingly stating -- talented mage. How are you today?"

'If you say something like that again, I will strangle you with your pillow,' he thought in the same, exact time that Vern thought of him as a leech. Of course, Vern was partly right. Malcador was, in fact, in a sense, a freeloader. He pulled off some extra funding from his brother for no reason other than scientific pursuits and his own pleasure, but if everyone knew the truth, the fact why he did these things, they would reconsider calling him a leech.

He looked at Ariel as she arrived and patiently listened to her words, but then came out when she said something that was just a rumor. His voice was purely scientific. It was cold and distant. There was a severe reserved vibe to it, a lack of friendship in the tone of his words. "Technically, he is about as resistant to heat as he is capable of rational, intelligent thought, so not very much. The rumor that slimes have high resistance to temperature is just foolish superstition, trust me, I've tested it myself. Although, it is true that they hold a small inherent knack for resisting cold temperatures. Note that what I said applies only to the core species, and not mutated abominations like this representative," he went into a fairly long, elaborate speech about it. "I mean, little slimes have the ability to shape their bodies into a humanoid form with enough power to actually stand and move like that. He must be stronger physically than most of his species, and the fact he can talk in itself is quite impressive. Although primitive compared to say, an average human, he is actually a very powerful example of his own race."

"Either way, I am Malcador Black. Pleased to make your acquaintance," he turned to Wobb, although his words may have seemingly friendly, the tone they were uttered in was cold and robotic.

Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

Vern listened as Vivi listed the quests she recommended for him. It was quite helpful really, seeing as most of the things posted are either mundane or boring like joining the nightly patrol or investigate the recent disappearances of chickens or eliminating a band of bandits for the umpteenth time. Really, what is it with bandits that they keep popping up like weeds? Is the economy really that bad?

"That dragon may be interesting. Hopefully it's a sentient one, he could be knowledgeable. Of course it's probably just a mindless beast, nevertheless one could always hope." He said to Vivi. An elder dragon, that's what they called it back in the day anyway, have intelligence surpassing humans and are quite long lived. Maybe one of the could tell him what happened during the times he has been slumbering.

"Though do I only have to drive it away or can I kill it or, I don't know, tame it? You know, just in case I accidentally kill it with one hit. That use yo happen quite a lot back in the day, I was just suppose to restrain them but who knew dragons were so fragile?" He said to Vivi, obviously sneaking in bragging about himself.

"Not sure if I want to go to that potion making quest. Gods know what that man may be concocting and if it has any side effects on me since I am a cat. So yeah, not that." He said, it wasn't even worth considering.

"As for the Mapleburns, the less said about those diminutive mischievous scoundrels the better. Gods, I can't even hit them once since 'it's not right to hit kids'." He replied to the girl, a shudder going down his spine. Vern had the misfortune of crossing paths with those devilings. "And don't even dare putting my name on the quest as a joke. I will scratch up your face every night until you resemble pulled pork." He said when he noticed her smile.

"I've been having a great say so far Guild Master's Brother." He said, refusing to call the leech by his name. "I had been practicing manipulating the arcane for the better half of the morning. As wise man once said, practice makes perfect and perfection is a constant effort. You should try it out sometimes, effort." He said with a snide grin. If it's a battle of wits and subtle insults he wants he'll get it.

"Resistance to the elements differ between species you know." He corrected Malcador. "Say what you will about their lacking intellect, slimes are an expert when it comes to adaptation. The coloration of the slime can often times indicate their habitats and resistances. Red slimes are more resistant to heat, Blue slimes can endure the cold better and won't freeze up in a cold environment, Green slimes secrete poison and can dissolve matter faster, etc." He said with a smug grin as he faced the leech.

"All slimes are quite resistant to physical attacks, especially slashing and slicing. But you are quite right when you said that this specific specimen is quite brilliant for having a humanoid form and an ego. Little known fact is that slimes are made up of millions of little creatures, with each brain working in concert with one another. Which is why slimes are only capable of basic cognitive processes. The fact that this one has an ego means that it could have created a sort of pseudo-brain, like a main brain that is in charge of all the tiny ones." He said, looking quite proud. Truth be told, his knowledge may be outdated for who knows how long, but he gives jack about that.

Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Birdsie Birdsie
Wobb Gooblesplatsh
Still in guild reception
A friendly, fuzzy face

Wobb almost had it. Were he a less honorable slime, he might've shot an arrowhead at him. Heck, he was considering firing some kind of warning shot before she showed up. A wolf-lady? And she was actually being nice? Finally! If the horned receptionist was the peak of niceness here, he would've gone mad! Not that she was mean, she wasn't, but finally someone was actively nice! So, he took her cautious hand in his, and knelt down to kiss it, as one might for a noble maiden. Though this inevitably left her with a messy hand, he didn't eat people. He didn't even like to eat bugs on accident.
"Wobb Gooblesplatsh, at your sewvice. Shaww we commensh in honowable singwe combat?"
He spoke as elegantly as he could manage, and actually inferred that her testing him would essentially boil down to a duel! Truly, he was bringing chivalry back. Or, at least he was trying VERY hard to. He might've tried too hard, but she was nice AND she complimented him! He couldn't help himself. But then... Mr. White spoke again. Oh. He was really trying to start a fight, wasn't he. Well, Wobb was better than his taunts!... Well okay he needed to get better at making a solid mouth. But still, he wouldn't stoop to his level and hit him. Or the cat, since he piped up again.
Blaise Tavish

From his position at the bar, one Blaise Tavish narrowed his eyes, partly in bewilderment and partly in digust, as he witnessed the curious exchange happening not fifty feet in front of him.

As he sat, his hand gripping the handle of his flaggon tightly, he couldn't help but to scowl as he watched the conversation progress. Was Viviette legitimately taking a slime seriously? What good could possibly come from accepting a gelatinous mass with the brain capacity of a ten year old? He could hardly believe what he saw when she handed him the entry form.

This guild is going to hell. He thought as he took a long gulp from his tankard, savoring the sweet taste of the hops as they cascaded down his throat.

As if the blantant mistake of letting the glorified blob apply for membership weren't enough, it seemed that a whole host of individuals that Tavish detested decided to converge upon the reception desk.

First came Malcador, a mage and the brother of the guild's commander. He wasn't completely intolerable but carried a condescending aura with him wherever he went, making even the simplest of conversation seem like a chore.

Then came Vern, who was supposidly some sort of higher life form before he was transformed into a cat. Blaise had no liking for this particular individual because, in short, he was a horse's arse. If pride were an addictive potion, Vern would be hopelessly hooked on it.

He was happy when the sentient feline decided to shut his mouth. Any more of his rambling and Tavish may have been driven to crush him beneath his boot.

As for the Kessiah and Viviette, Blaise had no true problems with them, aside from the issue of Viviette's race. While he certainly never spoke of it, he detested the thought of being within such close proximity to a demon.

It wasn't that he hated her, it was that he hated what she was capable of. All demons, at least from his point of view, had the highest inclination to commit evil than any other being and were bound to do so at least once in their lifetime.

In short, he saw her as a timebomb; all that needed was for her fuse to be lit and then the explosion would be inevitable. He only hoped that he wouldn't be around to see it.

In all actuality, I probably won't. He reasoned as he saw the demon and Vern turn to the request board.

Blaise himself was not a guild member; he operated more as an extra man when the guild needed someone to get a job done quickly and professionally. However, many looked down on him for his rather... Brutal way of dispatching his enemies.

He was not one to show mercy or empathy while in battle, leading him to use tactics that the guild deemed inhumane.

It was because of this that the guild refused to grant him full membership and, at times, went to great lengths to disassociate themselves from him.

He worked by contract, pledging his services to the guild for a certain amount of time and recieved room, board, and food for the duration of his service.

Not that it mattered to him, however; for he served a master far stronger than any collection of mortals: the Great Bear, Otso.

He was Otso's Vessel. His host, his servant, his bloodied right hand. He had been under the bear's possesion for nearly twenty five years, doing his bidding without question.

What was his bidding? The destruction of evil men and their followers by any means necessary.

He was a warrior, nay, a crusader, fighting for his master's cause. Every ounce of blood spilled from those who plague the world with their malevolvent schemes was one step closer to the liberation of the world from their grasp.

The guild was a perfect outlet for this, so his master encouraged him to work with the people within it.

He was here to renew his contract but, apparently, the slime had taken the attention of Viviette. He simply waited, sipping on his ale as he watched.

Birdsie Birdsie CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Alteras Alteras
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Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area/ Bar

Viviette sighed. It was clear enough the pompous cat wasn't gonna deal with a new recruit, thankfully Ariel came in. "The west training grounds are all yours, of course you could battle right here if you wanted," she said as she placed a small placard and clipboard on the counter for Ariel to take.

She then turned to Vern and pointed up the wall. "For your caliber, I would recommend the following quests:
- Force the Dragon in the Dark Forest to a more remote location and obtain its eggs
Reward: alchemical ingredients, one of the eggs of course, and a sizable amount of gold.
- Assist Councilman Lynn in creating and testing a new potion, everything from ingredient gathering to testing. Potion effects unknown.
Reward: knowledge of Potion recipe, gold.
- Babysit the Mapleburns
Reward: Tons of gold.

Viviette paused for a moment to smile, "ahh, the Mapleburns, the most volatile kids you've ever meet in these realms, and that's coming from me! Sorry Vern, there probably isn't much to interest you."

Birdsie Birdsie CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Malcador Black

"I have to decline that offer," he said in reply to her proposal of drinking. "My work requires a flawlessly clear mind, so I prefer water. I never drink alcohol before noon," he added, hoping she would remember it for the future. How much he wanted to rip her eyeballs out at the very suggestion of drinking this early in the morning -- and not even thinking that he perhaps doesn't want to! How utterly irritating. Once again, Malcador was briefly taken into a dark place in his thoughts but quickly ran away from the darkness, racing back into a lighter area. Despite that, he looked deeply unsettled for a second, and it was very visible.

Malcador looked at Wobb. He carried little malignant intent at the slime, but he failed. Against his better morality, judgment, and even willpower, he had to make the joke when the slime-man asked for a challenge. "Go read a dictionary," he grinned maliciously. Soon, the smile was replaced by a frown of concern. "But seriously, you need to get rid of the speech impediment or there will be a language barrier. Just saying," he warned.

Malcador looked down at the catman soon after. Having been warmly welcomed by sarcasm, he caught on and decided to repay the welcoming embrace of his words in kind. "Ah, the representative of the most predatory and fascinating woodland critters crossbred with a -- begrudgingly stating -- talented mage. How are you today?"

'If you say something like that again, I will strangle you with your pillow,' he thought in the same, exact time that Vern thought of him as a leech. Of course, Vern was partly right. Malcador was, in fact, in a sense, a freeloader. He pulled off some extra funding from his brother for no reason other than scientific pursuits and his own pleasure, but if everyone knew the truth, the fact why he did these things, they would reconsider calling him a leech.

He looked at Ariel as she arrived and patiently listened to her words, but then came out when she said something that was just a rumor. His voice was purely scientific. It was cold and distant. There was a severe reserved vibe to it, a lack of friendship in the tone of his words. "Technically, he is about as resistant to heat as he is capable of rational, intelligent thought, so not very much. The rumor that slimes have high resistance to temperature is just foolish superstition, trust me, I've tested it myself. Although, it is true that they hold a small inherent knack for resisting cold temperatures. Note that what I said applies only to the core species, and not mutated abominations like this representative," he went into a fairly long, elaborate speech about it. "I mean, little slimes have the ability to shape their bodies into a humanoid form with enough power to actually stand and move like that. He must be stronger physically than most of his species, and the fact he can talk in itself is quite impressive. Although primitive compared to say, an average human, he is actually a very powerful example of his own race."

"Either way, I am Malcador Black. Pleased to make your acquaintance," he turned to Wobb, although his words may have seemingly friendly, the tone they were uttered in was cold and robotic.

Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Ariel Kessiah D'Ambra
Reception Area

What a bitch, Ariel thought with a roll of her eyes while he talked. She didn't need such a stiff telling her stuff she already knew. Different slimes have different properties. Don't judge a book by its cover. His entire speech was summed up in less than 10 words. Speaking like she was some trainee wizard. Speaking about him with this air of superiority right in front of him. Pretty much every one of his words went in one ear and out the other. She was close to walking away, but he had power on his side, so she couldn't do much. Something about him didn't sit right. Maybe it was that fact that everything turns into a speech. Maybe it was the fact the she's challenged him before and he refused on stupid-ass grounds. She's personally clashed blades with all but the Guildmaster himself. Whether or not she was victorious was irrelevant. She just needed to gauge a person's skill, especially in the fight-heavy Guild, where skill improvement were the cornerstone to success. Maybe it was her pack mentality speaking.

Ariel put on the placard and took the clipboard. Ugh, she thought. This shit was so tedious. What happened to the power of a recommendation for seasoned experienced warriors? All this paperwork......... "Of course, Viviette. I'll take this trainee to the ground and test him. I don't want to rip him apart in here and get Goo everywhere." She beckoned for the slime guy to follow.

When he kissed her hand, she was half flattered and half weirded out. It felt so weird being covered in slime. So much for avoiding being doused in the goo. Still, she smiled politely. "Let's get going to the Training Grounds." She didn't seem all that bothered by his speech. Then again, she could talk to pretty much any animal perfectly. While slimes weren't animals, she heard English words with all kinds of accents, inflections, and impediments.

"Vern, let me go on that dragon mission with you. I could use a dragon egg, and you take the rest." Ariel said as she started walking off with the new potential trainee.

CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse
Graystone713 Graystone713
Viviette Arbeider
Reception Area/Bar

Viviette stood up and took down the dragon request, before handing it to Vern. "Looks like it's just a collective request from merchants and travelers, I think the "moving" part is from the shaman folk. Up to you how you want to deal with it, they just don't want it disturbing the inner roads."

She took another sip of her ale before deciding she's awake enough. "Duely noted," she told Malcador as she put it away. Viviette watched Wobb kiss, well more like spill, Ariel's hand. "Since we're doing introductions, I might as well go. Viviette Arbeider, Guild of Heroes Liaison of Quests." She managed to said it just as they were headed out.

Birdsie Birdsie Graystone713 Graystone713 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Sir Basilisk Sir Basilisk Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Swift Thundercloud

Guild Hall
Current Obsession: Dragons

A loud yawn escaped the maw of the feline man as he stretched, arms above his head and fingers interlocked. So far, the morning had been boring, which was very unsatisfactory to the Tabaxi. When he had joined up with the Guild of Heroes, he was ready for adventure! Excitement! But at the moment, it was only boring jobs and uninteresting requests. At least the people who joined up with the guild tended to be interesting, otherwise Swift would have left already. He did take pleasure in telling stories about the guild and its members, often entertaining crowds in taverns or small groups in the city with his tales -- most of them embellished or flat-out made up. There was one particular story that he was proud of that was still rumored as truth around the city, that one about the sentient monster cake that roamed the dungeons of Fort Black, occasionally eating ne'er-do-wells or just the unlucky passerby who happened to walk by when the cake was hungry, and who went into a rage and vowed vengeance whenever he came across his fallen brethren, otherwise known as any non-sentient cake that had been eaten. A ridiculous tale, really, but those children took the tale to heart, and still recite it as if it were gospel truth. Now, however, Swift was not making up stories about the guild's members, but rather walking down the hallway in a bored manner, tail swishing back and forth behind him as he walked towards the guild hall. Might as well see what jobs were posted...

The tiger man's ears perked up as he got closer to the guild hall, and vaguely heard the word 'dragon'. Interest suddenly piqued, the tabaxi slipped into the room silently and quickly sidled up behind Vern while he was distracted with talking to Malcador. "Dragons, eh? That is something that I would be very much interested in," a low growl-like voice uttered in an almost-purr, heavy with an accent that was difficult to place. "You know Old Man, I speak draconian, I should come with you on such a task, yes?" Swift addressed Vern, a self-confident smirk on his face and his tail swishing back and forth with some excitement. He then noticed the slime that seemed to be the center of attention at the moment. "Oh, hello there er....ma'am," Swift mentioned, making a guess at the slime's gender. He had a hard enough time with other races' genders as it was, this creature's gender was definitely lost to the tabaxi, but he at least tried. "Swift Thundercloud, at your service. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance. If you are joining the guild, you should find me later, I can tell you all sorts of stories of the ins and outs of daily guild life," the tabaxi made a flourished bow as Ariel led the slime creature out to test his skills. Swift then turned his attention back to Vern. "So, dragons, yes?"
Alexander Bishop

Alex pulled his hood down as he walked through the big, grand doors of guild. It had been a while since he had actually spent time around people or 'Sentient beings' so the sight of many different individuals all crowded in the same space intimidated him slightly. He walked past the tables where grand and noble hero's sat and made his way to the,sort of,reception area. Some horned lady behind a counter was conversing with a few other men, a tiger man and a slime. Slime? The slime appeared to be in the middle of making a few drastic decisions so Alex stood behind it in a sort of queue. Listening in in on the conversation not by his conscious decision but by the fact he had nothing else to listen too. The slime sounded well spoken enough and even seemed excited to be joining the guild.
Alex simply waited for the well manned slime to finish before he would walk forward and push the young horned lady for answers to his questions.

Alteras Alteras
Vern the Cat
Guild Hall

"So it's more of a option than a restriction then? Well, what do I even care. Those tree hugging, nature loving, weird ass hermits can do whatever the hell they like. No one's stopping me from riding a dragon." He said to Vivi, a bit glad about the situation. As he said, he can take care of shamans no biggie, but they are very annoying with relentless they are and with their undying devotion towards nature and shit. "Use to ride dragons back in the day, a really handy way of traveling if I do say so myself.

Vern made a little shrug, looking very adorable when he does it when standing on two feet. "Sure, you can tag along." He said in reply to Ariel's request. "You can take all the eggs for all I care, I only want the big one." He said to her. Truth be told, he'd be better off riding the smaller dragons since they're more his size, but that's not majestic enough. Theatricality over practicality as he always say.

"Oh yes, dragons. I'll ride the big one, so be sure not to injure it, not that you could anyway. You can come along too big cat man." He said to Swift. "Subtly ignoring the slime by showing a bit of goodwill then promptly changing the subject, nice one." He said with a wink. He purposely said it out loud, not really to hurt the slime or shake the cat man, but because he was genuinely impressed, no matter how insignificant it was.

Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Graystone713 Graystone713 Kylesar1 Kylesar1
Location: Guild reception

The giant Lizardman walked through the streets of Bowerstone with a large cart that held the gigantic body of a Basilisk ((Think the one from Harry Potter)). The beast was mostly a snake but it sure as hell was a Venomous one. The whole fight lasted the entirety of last night as Nalnux couldn't just directly fight it. He was singing in his original language of Silaxin, nobody knew what exactly he was saying. Many villagers and nobles alike saw the large Lizardman cart the beast to the Guild, many looked amazed and some looked scared at the Giant Lizardman. Some kids began playing a game to gain the attention of their Hero, often playing games of one kid pretending to be Nalnux fighting off a horde of three dragons. The gesture always touched his heart, and he usually gave the kids a pat on the head.

Soon he arrived at the guild and he walked into the guild reception area carting the large beast in there. He notice many of the ususal figures and even a new one! A Slime no less! Wonder if the little man was joining up! Nalnux would like to see the kid in action. He saw Malcador, the guild masters brother, Vern the mean cat, Swift whom he actually did like, Viviette the demon receptionist, Ariel whom he still has no title for, and many other people he saw as he stopped in front of Viviette.

"I hope I'm not interrupting something but I killed the White Basilisk of Gavendor. Tough big bastard but here he is. Oh and Malcador? Here's that Basilisk tooth you wanted so badly."

He tossed the giant tooth to the man, whether he catches it or not wasn't Nalnux's concern though if he got pricked that might be bad since Basilisks are very venomous. He looked to the slime and smiled, well as much as he could being a Lizardman.

"You here to join the Guild little guy? I think introductions are in order! I am Nalnux! What's your name my slimy little friend?"

Nalnux had to kneel down and held out his hand to shake the kids hand, while also waiting for his reward for killing the beast and doing the optional objective of returning the body to the guild. Well it was going to be a trophy for Nalnux, but some guy did need the body to help convert the tough scales into armor for the guards or something. The head belonged to Nalnux though, which is why it's already separated from the body!
Alteras Alteras Rin Nyx Rin Nyx Kylesar1 Kylesar1 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Graystone713 Graystone713 Birdsie Birdsie ((I hope I got everyone, if not please tell me))
Malcador Black
Reception > Courtyard > Alchemical Stand > Schola Progenium > Courtyard

"Me too, cat wizard," he stated condescendingly. He had quite the haughty tone when he continued. "Ah, I've never thought of putting effort into my life. It's not like I am a crucial distributor of magical remedies and arcane amulets. Indeed, I daresay I'm not a famed political figure that is a factor in state politics at all," he added. Malcador saw the lizardman approaching and tossing the tooth of a large, clearly magical creature to him. "It's a fang. Regardless, thank you very much. I will need this," he said, carefully placing the fang in a pouch at his side.

Malcador turned to Wobb. "Regardless, this specimen shows potential and enthusiasm, that some--" he stared daggers at Vern, maliciously and sharply. "lack." Malcador looked back at Wobb with a half-smirk. "I just hope he's not too..." He walked past Wobb, and as he did, he did, he gently knocked his hands on Wobb's armor. "soft." After a brief giggle, he walked back away with the elixirs in his basket.

Malcador walked outside and handed three elixir flasks to a hero who had a bottle of wine at his hip. 'Only the most pompous of pricks would carry a bottle of wine around to drink around people,' he thought, but this was a daily occurrence. All kinds of people made their way through the fort after all. Afterward, he made his way to the stand he owned, although it was run by a semi-sentient, some would say, outright robotic homunculus servant. Malcador based the creation off of his own genes, however, limited the brain functions to the very minimum, save for a very well-developed part of the brain responsible for logical thought and calculations, so that it could assess the prices very quickly. The creation of homunculi was seen unethical except for two cases:
  1. When it had free will and was not a slave to its owner.
  2. When it was not truly sentient and more like a computer than a real person. In this case, the Order of Hermes and the other mage organizations usually classify the homunculus familiar as more of a 'golem but with a body of flesh.' Just a subservient mind pattern with no real concerns for its own existence and little capacity to feel emotion. This was the case for Malcador's salesman.
Of course, some Puritans tend to disagree.

Malcador dropped the delivery of elixirs there. The next batch of potions would be ready for the phase two of brewing in roughly six hours, so he still had time. The carefully selected ingredients needed some time to boil and mix themselves precisely. Despite that, he still had a fairly concise schedule befitting of someone who takes a great deal in planning out their daily life. Right now, he would go to the local school. He was invited by the principal to give the students a lesson about the basics of magic. The school was, of course, a mundane one. He wouldn't have to go to great detail about the foundation of magecraft, and only focus on the 'superstitious' parts of it. Why do demons steal our souls? How to avoid being played by a wizard? How do I know whether or not the thing in front of me breathes fire? This kind of questions. He did it for free, to further the name of science and distract himself with jovial banter with a bunch of stupid children, most of whom were spoiled aristocrat brats and only paid a quarter of their attention to the actual lesson. Their thankless behavior was the leading reason why Malcador despised aristocrats, and despised, albeit much less, children.

He used the previously acquired fang to demonstrate why snakes, especially magical snakes are bad. He simply poked a pre-captured rat with it and it was instantly paralyzed much to the despaired gasps and impressed remarks of the class. Why snakes, in particular, you ask? Simple, really. Malcador hated snakes. He really did. The little bastards repaid in kind. He was bit thirty-five times over the course of his life, almost always with potent poison in his veins. This is a number almost twice as large as his own age. Once the lesson was over, Malcador headed back to the Guild after a brief applause of the class who, by the end of it, was actually amazed and interested in the lesson.

Malcador returned to the Guild, and having nothing better to do, sat down in the courtyard to get some fresh air, while reading a book he snatched from the library. It was about the experiences and achievements of a spellblade-went-enchanter-slash-mind-mage who wrote about why giving sentience to weapons and armor is a bad idea.

(Phew, finally done. Also, open for interaction.)

Alteras Alteras Graystone713 Graystone713 CrimsonEclipse CrimsonEclipse Kylesar1 Kylesar1 Sir Basilisk Sir Basilisk

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