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Fantasy A Bunch of Horrible People Get Drunk

A gentle chuckle escaped her lips. "You don't seem like the intimidating type of guy, you seem very mellow. But if you needed to..... How would you try intimadating me?" She asked with a soft yet playful smile.

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"Oh you know I am." He grinned. "I always do and have plenty of money to waste in this lovely little establishment too." He winked and took another sip of the vodka, nearly gagging again. This stuff was terrible! Why did these people always seem to think he was a heavy drinker??


"I can be intimidating when I want to be." He chuckled, flashing her a sly smile. "To intimidate you? Well...I dunno. I've got a pretty good aim. I could hit somebody across the bar easily with a dart or glass. Or break out the holy water on them. A lot of them really hate that."

Glen stood up. He didn't know if he was already feeling his drinks, or if it was just the music, but he felt dark magic pulse through his blood. He headed for the dimly lit back rooms, looking back every few steps to check to see if the giant was still following him.

They slipped into a smoky corridor that seemed to stretch on forever. It was empty, but Glen could hear loud chattering and movement behind the many red doors. One of them flew open, and what came out of it was the ugliest, hairiest beast he'd ever seen.

"Whadder you lookin at, human?" it snarled at him, showing off its rows of sharp teeth.

The werewolf's spiky fur reeked of cheap cologne and booze. It was obvious he was drunk, maybe even more than that considering he just came out of a back room.

He shoved the man with a huge, clawed hand. "I HATE humans."


"Try this, fangboy," Rachel poured some OJ into his glass before stirring it with a small stick. She winked at him, though it looked like she was just blinking since she wore an eyepatch, then slid over the glowing counter to the young man who had joined them.

She gave him a welcoming grin. "Annnd what can I get'cha, pal???"

@Chris Montaview
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Lilianna's eyebrows raised at his statement, and she snickered like a child. "A dart or glass may hurt but that wouldn't stop me, and that water would only give me more strength." She smiled sweetly at him her gaze innocent. "No, if I wanted to have you, I think I would make you serve yourself up to me." Her sweet smile showing for a second a more devious side. "So good luck trying to stop me, when you wouldn't even be able to stop yourself." She giggled her laugh like soft chimes in the morning as she returned to her innocent demeanor.

"Thank you kindly dear." He smiled brightly and took a bigger sip this time. It was far sweeter, definitely more to his liking. Thank goodness he was a regular here and she always knew what he liked.

Johnathan found himself getting lost in her words for a moment. Getting drawn in by something he could not explain... He had to quickly force himself back down to earth and shake if off. He'd have to try and keep his guard up around her. "Is that so eh?" He responded. His voice still held a tone of being aloof. "Well I'd like to see you try. I'm tougher than you think! I've dealt with more difficult patrons." He chuckled.

It was a little hard to keep up, but Jean was able to finally get through to the shady halls. "So many people, oh dear.." He wheezed, continuing to follow Glen through the haze.

The sound of a growling voice that erupted from an even more horrifying face was enough to make the old man fall backwards.

As he began to convulse uncontrollably, Jean simply whispered hymns and prayers that were the only things that could console him.
egghead said:
Glen stood up. He didn't know if he was already feeling his drinks, or if it was just the music, but he felt dark magic pulse through his blood. He headed for the dimly lit back rooms, looking back every few steps to check to see if the giant was still following him.
They slipped into a smoky corridor that seemed to stretch on forever. It was empty, but Glen could hear loud chattering and movement behind the many red doors. One of them flew open, and what came out it was the ugliest, hairiest beast he'd ever seen.

"Whadder you lookin at, human?" it snarled at him, showing off its rows of sharp teeth.

The werewolf's spiky fur reeked of cheap cologne and booze. It was obvious he was drunk, maybe even more than that considering he just came out of a back room.

He shoved the man with a huge, clawed hand. "I HATE humans."


"Try this, fangboy," Rachel poured some OJ into his glass before stirring it with a small stick. She winked at him, though it looked like she was just blinking since she wore an eyepatch, then slid over the glowing counter to the young man who had joined them.

She gave him a welcoming grin. "Annnd what can I get'cha, pal???"

@Chris Montaview
@Chris Montaview just in case you didn't get any notifs buddy!!!!
Chris looked up at the woman who was almost all red. She looked very interesting! "Oh, um, yes I would like some vodka please." He didn't know why he felt so nervous!

(Sorry, I just got the notice!)
Glen squeaked as the wolfman grabbed him by the shirt and lifted him off the floor like he weighed nothing. The beast growled in his face, breath hot and angry and hateful. It looked like he was about to devour him whole. "Hrr, I'll KILL you, human!!!"

The man panicked. He quickly reached down into his jacket, and clumsily pulled out a small pocketknife. Without thinking, he jabbed it deep into his assailant's side.


Glen fell to the floor and watched through hazy eyes as the wolf howled and writhed in agony. Back in the bar, patrons raved on, oblivious. It was like they were in a pocket dimension; nobody seen or heard what was happening.


A hexed pendant around Rachel's neck pulsed angrily, an indicator that there was something bad going on, and buzzed urgency, but she stayed put to mix the young man a cocktail. She'd deal with it later.

"Mm, here you go," she hummed as she pushed the drink to him with one finger. "Drink up, sweetie. You'll grow up big and strong."

@Chris Montaview
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Chris thanked the woman as he took a sip of the drink. He felt like something was wrong, with a place like this alot of things could go wrong with all these different species mixed together. So finished his drink and went to investigate.
As the scene taking place before them grew more and more slovenly, Jean realized he had to do something. He limped his round body over to a pile of bottles and cigars near the wall.

He smashed the bottle against the wall and filled it with burnt cigars. "I'll save you, Glen!" Jean yodeled as he threw the broken bottle at the abomination's legs. He threw the rest of the glass shards, few actually landing on the intended target.
The monster shrieked, enraged, as its mangled body twisted around and wrenched out the knife. Thick, dark blood oozed from the wound and coated the beast's fur as it grabbed Glen again with murderous hands.

It shook him around violently, ready to kill, then howled loudly as something punctured its leg. Broken glass and cigars flew everywhere, and blood sprayed onto the already very red floors and walls. It was chaos, but nobody in the bar seemed to notice.
Chris heard the sound of bottles breaking and he ran towards the sound of a man's voice and a wolfs howl. He saw the wolfman was hurt, cigars and blood on the floor! It was a mess. "Stop!" He yelled trying to help the other man save his friend. "Stop it now!"
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Jean couldn't comprehend what to do next, his vision growing blurry and mind becoming overly frantic. His lips began to whisper prayers again when he spotted a handsome young man rushing towards him and Glen.

"My... My savior!" The old basajaun inhaled and exhaled ecstatically as he began to get off his back. "Save the poor boy, please, oh..." Jean slumped against the wall, eyes filled with tears that flowed down his face and were lost in the tangle of gray hair.
Turning around to the wolfman Chris took a deep breath and mumbled something in an ancient language, then he yelled "PROTECTION!" And the wolf was thrown back and trapped in a see through box that was unbreakable. He sighed and went to go see if both the men were ok!
Lilianna smirked "I'm sure you have." She said then held out her hand to him. "I'm Lilianna." She said the words sliding off her tongue. Her ocean blue eyes looking up at him carefully.

"Johnathan." He cleared his throat to keep his voice from cracking due to nervousness and extended his hand out to return the gesture. "It's a pleasure to meet you." He smiled sweetly, getting lost in her eyes for a brief moment.

"I know~" Lilianna giggled softly her eyes closed as she felt his warm delicious hand around her's. She sighed hungrily bringing back her hand taking a sip of her drink. Then she looked back at him, her previous behavior returning as she smiled at him. "How do you get off?" She asked curiously then glancing at the clock.
"Oh...in an hour or so." He sighed, glancing back at the clock. "Of course I could always ask my boss if I could leave earlier. I'm sure she wouldn't have a problem with that since I have been working extra hours this entire week." What was he even saying? He hardly knew this woman yet he was thinking of taking hours off for her?

"That'd be wonderful." She grinned happily her hips swaying back and forth as she leaned against the counter. Then as if that was a cue two large men came up on either side of her "Can I buy you a drink?" The first asked way too close to her. Their aggressiveness triggered her submissiveness and she blushed looking down at her glass. "That's sweet..., but I think I'm good." She said softly, and this made the two men's grins grow darker. "We think you're not." The second said his large hand sliding from around her shoulders down to her derrière. "I see-!" Lilianna yipped in surprise. Then looked to the two men with a smile so full of purity it would make angels cry. "Follow me~" she sung softly. These two men were well over twice the size of her and would be a feast of kings for her. She couldn't tell what species they were but they definately were not human. "I'm gonna need a refill." She said sliding her glass over to Johnathan. But before he could do that for her she was walking away the two men practically carrying her their hands so intently on her. The hummed tune of '99 bottles of beer' coming from her lips as she lead them out of the bar and to a nearby hotel. It would be almost a 2 months before someone would find those two men's mangled dead bodies in the basement water tank a smile forever frozen on their decaying lips. Yet young Lillianna was on her way back to the bar. Once out of water her tail was gone and her gills sunk back into her skin, the water had washed away their blood and the only proof of her ever being with them was her full stomach and now damp hair. She had been gone for a mere hour and a half, so she doubted John had saved her drink but she didn't care she could always get another one and with having now eaten she was in a great mood. "Miss me?" She asked with a smile taking a seat on a bar stool In front of John.
"You got it." He smiled and flipped the glass over to wash it out. Polishing it up nicely before filling it up again. This time he snuck in one of their most expensive beverages, hopefully she would like it. He didn't know why he did it, but he just felt so compelled to... He could hardly seem to wait for her to return either and when she did. A bright smile returned to his face. "Heya! Welcome back. I may have missed you a little bit." He chuckled. Sliding the glass back towards her. "Did ya go for a little dip there?"

Marron clicked his tongue at the sight. "That poor poor sap."

"What's the matter?" One woman at his side cooed as she stroked his hair.

"Oooh nothing, just watching the human over there. He's a real cutie, but going to get himself into a pickle talking to that siren." He grinned and lounged back in the booth. "At least he's lucky she fed on those bozos. That'll save him a bit. Now...anyway. Where were we again?"
Glen pulled himself together...literally, as one of his arms had fallen off during the scuffle. He picked it up nonchalantly, grumbling a bit to himself as he pulled out a small stapler from his coat and began to pin it back to his shoulder.

The werewolf wasn't so lucky. It lay slumped against one of the see-through walls, breathing quick and ragged before it succumbed to its wounds and died. The spell wore off, and its corpse fell to the floor with a thump.

"What the hell is going on here?"

The red woman from the bar slipped into the hallway, her pendant buzzing uncontrollably. She gave them all a sharp look as she prodded the dead wolfman with her heel. "You all realize what a shitload of money you just lost me? Geez, you didn't even let me watch you kill the guy."
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She peered at the sign, and then down at her body. Legs? Check. Did she want to open them tonight? .. No, absolutely not. This place was shadey, but, hell, what WASN'T in this city? Shaking her head, she decided to enter. What could go wrong? She entered, standing in the doorframe and looking around. She spotted the bar, and her face lit up. She did a quick fistpump, before happily skipping over, trying to not bump into anyone. This was going to be a fun night.. Or, couple of days like the last time she went out drinking. Let's... Not talk about that.
Chris's eyes widened in horror as he looked at the now dead werewolf. He didn't mean to kill him! He was shaking a little, he had never killed anyone before! "Oh god, I-I didn't mean to! I didn't know!" He said as he raised a shaking hand to his mouth. "Oh, no....I think I'm gonna throw up..." He whispered more to himself.

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