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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

"It is simple. What is not to like? And here I thought we stay here and wait."Thaddues said sarcastically before looking back at the others."Coast is clear, come on."He said moving out of the cell and picking a direction to go."Eh... eenie meenie miney that ways."He pointed in one direction and walked on quickly and quietly through be dark corridor.
"Alriiiiiight brooms and shit, thats what I want to hear!" Johanna said, making fists and making a victorious gesture. "Lets do this! I am SO ready for this!" She got up and turned to leave, then stopped and looked up, "Do any of ye need a quick crash course on flying brooms? Cause if ye doooo, Gryffindor qudditch captain, right here."
As Victoria walked through the long hallways of the manor, luckily without encountering Death Eaters at the moment, she noticed a bright light running closer towards them. She recognized the light to be a patronus in the shape of a hound once it was right in front of them. "Ready, listen, set and part" She repeated after she heard the message and the bright hound disappeared. "What does that mean?" She muttered to herself. She could only come to the conclusion that one of her friends from Hogwarts had sent it, there was no other possible explanation. But where they going to come try to rescue them? She really hoped they didn't, after all, she didn't want anyone else to be captured or killed and she definitely didn't want anyone discovering the mark on her arm. Who knew how they would react if they knew she joined the Death Eaters? "No matter, come on. We need to get outside. By the way, does anyone know how to apparate? Because I can't, and if I could barely fly before then I wont be able to fly in my current... er, condition"


James considered Johanna's offer. "I'm not great with a broom, but I should be able to manage I think," he said with a chuckle that blatantly said he wasn't confidant one bit.


Alexander made his way up the staircase. He figured the reason why he was called was to supervise the turning of the prisoners. It wasn't until he reached the top of the stairs that he realized just how dark it was in the manor. He didn't understand why the Dark Lord wanted the mansion so dark. It wasn't hard to light a few lamps. With a sigh, he pulled out his wand. "Lumos," he muttered and continued walking forward.
Noticing another light in the distance and this time knowing it was from a wand, Victoria quickly looked around to see if she could find a way to escape before the Death Eater caught them. Unfortunately, all of the other guest rooms were locked and she didn't want to explain why she was with the captive students in a different room. Not seeing another possible way to escape, she roughly pushed her two friends against a wall and pointed her wand at them. "Listen to me, you better act like you're so scared that you're about to cry or we're all going down." She whispered before turning at the light and smiling. "So it seems someone wants to join us!" She exclaimed, pointing her now lightened wand at the stranger and giving him a maddened grin. "Who are you? Don't you know it's rude to interrupt? You don't want to teach our future friends bad things now do you?"

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Roderick looked toward James and took a moment, the question was justified and had brought up a good point. But from what he could tell his body and head were doing fine now with the help from the potion and treatment Madam Pomfrey used. He still wasn't back to full strength but close enough. He looked to him and gave a nod, "Aye.... I'm not back to full strength and that last scuffle was enough to cause me to barely manage until you guys found me. But I have enough strength back to help see this done, I'll be good. What about you Jade?" Roderick spoke in assurance to James and speaking to Jade to check on her condition. While turning to Keir another he wasn't sure if he had met or not, Roderick could tell he was from slytherin from the robes and color scheme. Noticing further he seemed nervous or perhaps something else troubled him, either way Roderick eyed him curiously odds said he was another blood purist, but he also knew slytherins who were quite the opposite. Not wanting to judge prematurely he gave a nod to Keir and allowed it. Numbers always helped improve matters, right? Was the line of thinking he had throughout after all time was not able to be spared for long at the moment to give it more thought.

"An right... I forgot about that possibility. Good thought Johanna, but let's hurry and keep out of sight from the teachers the best we can and act casual when we do." He spoke and began to leave the infirmary and head for the hidden passage to the tavern and quick route into Hogsmeade. " Ha... I'm sure you'll do fine. It's only the matter of practice and air time, now is a good chance at that." Roderick laughed a bit and attempted to help with a confidence boost. "If you're all set and ready to depart. Let's hurry and see about getting there in time to give a little distraction for our friends to use."

@DarknessSpirit @explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @Iak Destler @Veyd Sahvoz
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Saru said:
Roderick looked toward James and took a moment, the question was justified and had brought up a good point. But from what he could tell his body and head were doing fine now with the help from the potion and treatment Madam Pomfrey used. He still wasn't back to full strength but close enough. He looked to him and gave a nod, "Aye.... I'm not back to full strength and that last scuffle was enough to cause me to barely manage until you guys found me. But I have enough strength back to help see this done, I'll be good. What about you Jade?" Roderick spoke in assurance to James and speaking to Jade to check on her condition. While turning to Keir another he wasn't sure if he had met or not, Roderick could tell he was from slytherin from the robes and color scheme. Noticing further he seemed nervous or perhaps something else troubled him, either way Roderick eyed him curiously odds said he was another blood purist, but he also knew slytherins who were quite the opposite. Not wanting to judge prematurely he gave a nod to Keir and allowed it. Numbers always helped improve matters, right? Was the line of thinking he had throughout after all time was not able to be spared for long at the moment to give it more thought.

"An right... I forgot about that possibility. Good thought Johanna, but let's hurry and keep out of sight from the teachers the best we can and act casual when we do." He spoke and began to leave the infirmary and head for the hidden passage to the tavern and quick route into Hogsmeade. " Ha... I'm sure you'll do fine. It's only the matter of practice and air time, now is a good chance at that." Roderick laughed a bit and attempted to help with a confidence boost. "If you're all set and ready to depart. Let's hurry and see about getting there in time to give a little distraction for our friends to use."

@DarknessSpirit @explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @Iak Destler @Veyd Sahvoz
"Very well" said Damen, Night Wing flying into the room and turning from a crow to a beautiful young lady. She still had her robes on and pulled out her wand "You call?" she asked, giving them all a playful stare with her eyes glistening blue and green.
Alexander looked at the girl who had pointed his wand at him. "I could ask you the same question," he said taking note of the school robes they appeared to be wearing. "If you are the students from the school, why are you skulking around the hallways in the dark? This is not where you should be." Alexander eyed the other two who were against the wall, then looked back at Victoria. "Perhaps I should fetch the Dark Lord," Alexander said, beginning to roll up his sleeve. "I'm sure he'll clear this right up."


(Only going to post as Alexander for now until the others RPing those going to the manor reply :) @Saru @explosiveKitten @DarknessSpirit )
Jade nodded. "I'm fine." Was all she said in a hard voice. She wouldn't let anything get in her way. She quickly followed behind Roderick. Ready for the call.
Thaddues obeyed Victoria, standing up against the wall and looking down with a sullen look. He was worried for the two of them as the death eater came and talked with Victoria. He was torn when the man said to bring in Voldomort, unsure whether to attack or not to risk Victoria's cover.
Victoria nervously gulped when the man asked them about what they were doing here and kept her twisted grin until he began rolling up his sleeve. "Oh there's no need to! " She quickly replied and rolled her own sleeve to show him the mark. Then quickly grabbed Thaddeus and pulled him in front of her and pointed her wand at his neck. "I was just taking these two out for a little walk to see the manor, wasn't I sweety? Didn't you like our fun field trip? Are you having second thoughts about joining, little boy? Or are you scared" She said with a mocking voice, addressing Thaddeus. Then returned to the Death Eater. "What are you doing here? Are you the one who's supposed to check on us? We're capable of taking care of ourselves, sorry to waste your time." She replied with a normal tone. She quickly turned back to her friends and gave them a pleading look, hoping that they could understand her cover now and they wouldn't blow it.

@Prouvaire @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @KalenNighteyes
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Thaddues was surprise to see the mark on Victoria, never knowing about her past the time she knew her. He didn't know what to make of it but there was no time to think on it. When she grabbed him, he made a show of struggling and eventually let her pull him and wimpered when she pointed the wand. "Traitorous bitch... Never... "He managed to reply.
James took a deep breath and nodded. He followed Roderick as he led them to the secret passage to Hogsmeade. He hoped that despite what could be going on at the manor that the others were at least still alive. Suddenly a knot formed in James's stomach. He had this feeling something was not quite right, and what ever it was made him feel slightly ill. With a shake of his head and another deep breath he managed to push the feeling to the side. He needed to focus or else something bad could happen. No one dies tonight, he thought firmly.

Victoria placed her wand firmly against Thaddeus' lips and gave him an angry look. "You might want to control your language around me or I might just cut your tongue out, understand?" She said aggressively and then turned back to the other Death Eater with a frown. "If I recall correctly, the Dark Lord ordered me to turn them into Death Eaters myself. Why don't you let me convince them my way? Besides, It hasn't been as fun as I expected it to be." Victoria quickly replied, trying to think of a way to get past the Death Eater without attacking like she did with Robert. She didn't want them to know she was planning to betray them in the future, after all. "By the way, I happen to be new and I've got no clue where the exits are. I'm thinking about taking these to on a small raid to celebrate after I turn them. The problem is, my father who you probably know won't let me out of the manor for a while. Do you know any way we can get out without being detected?" She asked, her voice being innocent but her smile being cold and cruel. She had no idea if her father or brother were in the manor and the thought frightened her but it seemed like a convincing lie. Well, at least in her mind.
Ashlyn threw down her cards as she lost again to the gargoyle. The headmaster had seen her, and she resumed her game of poker. Several teachers and students gave her funny looks, but she didn't care. She stood up and gathered her cards. "Well, I should be finding my bed and things. I had fun." She retraced her steps, hoping that the students were still there. If she wasn't mistaken, at least one of them had been a Hufflepuff. She wasn't tired, but she still had to set up Nunu's cage. She absentmindedly took an apple slice out of a baggy and bit half off, giving Nunu the smaller half. She almost choked when she heard someone say 'students who vanished.' "Who to the what now?! Did you just say people disappeared? That's great. Dad's going to kill me..." ((How the holly heck do you put a quote???))
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Dorian opens his mouth to answer but is cut short as Victoria pushes them against the wall his eyes glancing to the figure down the hall, holding his hands up defensively, his eyes glancing to Victoria's wand. If only they hadn't taken their wands he could try apparating them all. His thoughts are cut short as his eyes fall on Victoria's mark, although not surprised by the reveal. He's sure that they would have done whatever they can to convert Victoria, the smart thing to do would be to lie and convert, although working undercover could probably more dangerous than just letting them use the unforgivable's on you. Regardless he still keeps his trust in his friend "Wands" He utters to Victoria, glancing to the Death Eater down the hall, thinking back to his parents and wondering whether they'd be here. Heck they'd probably be thrilled at the idea of him having a possibility of converting.
Alexander considered this for a moment. He wasn't sure whose kids these were, but it didn't really matter. Something didn't seem quite right about the situation. "Of course I know the ways out. I could get you out undetected, but I can't let you go alone. I'll be joining you to supervise," Alexander said, stepping to the side. "You take the lead. I will guide you," he said, motioning back down the hallway toward the stairs.
Listening to Dorian's request, she looked down at the wand she was using and smiled. "Actually, do you know where they might have our wands? They took mine when they brought us here and I don't like casting the cruciatus curse" She giggled and winked at her friends before continuing. "With a wand that doesn't belong to me. How about you take us there first and then we'll find an exit? Who knows? Maybe by the time I get my wand the Dark Lord will be available and we might get to see him in action. Wouldn't you like to see the most powerful wizard in the universe, filthy blood traitors?" She said with a small grin, tapping Dorian's cheek.
Roderick continued on moving as fast and quietly as possible, heading for the room of requirement while looking back to ensure the others were following behind him. He kept his gaze aware looking for signs of others and keeping note of positions of those who were coming with to the manor. He continued up and toward the seventh floor and left corridor thinking clearly of what he needed passing it three times until the room became available to them, Roderick entered gesturing for Jade, James, Johanna and company to hurry inside behind so that they could shut the entrance before they are seen. He then continued for the tunnel that connected Hogwarts to the hogs head bar with a secret passage or once secret passage, in truth he wasn't certain it was exactly secret any longer after the second war and the occupation of Hogwarts by the death eaters and its use by they're enemies. "Alright..... We're getting there but keep aware. We don't want to draw attention and we must get a bit out of the town before summoning our brooms and flying out of here to the manor." Roderick spoke continuing on through the tunnel and toward the painting, where he would then open it from their side and enter the bar, quietly getting positioned inside the hogs head and moving for the door leading them outside.

@DarknessSpirit @KalenNighteyes @explosiveKitten @Veyd Sahvoz @Iak Destler
Dorian has to remind himself of the situation before cracking a smile, forcing himself to keep one of worry and pain as Victoria speaks to the other death eater, he'd have to remember to congratulate her on those acting skills. Ironically the muggles would be pleased to have her on their television boxes. Dorian gives her a sarcastic smile as she speaks about Voldemort "it's a date" He mutters, rolling his eyes as he tilts his head away from her wand. Despite having trust in his friend, having one too many wands pointed in his direction through his 17 years of life has given him enough to take even caution from his friends.
"The same dark lord who failed twice." Thaddues muttered defiantly as much as he could. Victoria was doing a good job keeping them alive but was getting more worried the calm. The death eater was no fool and the longer they were around him the riskier it became. But he continued his act and followed hoping they get wands soon.
Alexander glared at Thaddues and aimed his wand at the boy. "You are lucky the Dark Lord wants you alive. However, that doesn't mean that I can't do this," Alexander said, a cruel smile forming on his lips. "You will regret that insolence. Crucio!" Alexander called, reveling in the fact he was given an excuse to torture one of them.
Kernel kept to the back of the group, he knew of some of them, mostly because he would of clashed brooms in a Quidditch match, but other than that he knew nothing about the rest of them so he kept to the back and quiet. His hands reached for his pocket as he playing with his wand, his head looking at the ground, only looking up every now and again to keep up and check where they were going.
(Sorry for not replying, I stopped getting notifications)

Robert woke up in the cold dungeons with a considerable amount of pain, wandless and with no idea of what happened to get him in the sorry state he was in. The pain wasn't too bad so he was able to get up and get the wands that belonged to the prisoners. However, what he was not able to find was Victoria, who was supposed to be there. Figuring she would be turning her friends with his wand, he quickly ran upstairs, only to find Alexander torturing Thaddeus with Victoria and Dorian watching. He quickly approached them and stood beside Victoria and gave the girl her wand, expecting his in return. "Well look who's still alive!" He exclaimed, then put his hands around her neck and began pressing. "You might know what happened down there, don't you Victoria?"
Luke H. Santiago, 11, Gryffindor

Luke Hyperion Santiago had been nervous about attending Hogwarts though he was also excited about the prospect of being able to get a formal education in magic. His aunt had been forced to fight the Minister of Magic to allow him to attend Hogwarts for he wasn't exactly a normal wizard. Despite the second wizarding world being over, his kind and other magical beings were still treated as second class citizens by the majority of the wizarding community in Britain. For Luke wasn't just a wizard. He was a werewolf and that meant he had no rights in the magical world. The fact that he was related to Rowena Ravenclaw was a well kept secret in his family and they let the world think that the Ravenclaw line had died out.

Luke had been forced to swear to precautions in front of the Minister of Magic in order to attend Hogwarts and hold a wand. He wasn't allowed to tell anyone he was a werewolf, he wasn't to get in any trouble while at school, and he wasn't to ever bite anyone or risk biting anyone. Otherwise his wand would be taken and snapped and he would be sentenced to termination through the Veil or end up within Azkaban. Of course the sorting hat knew he was a werewolf, as did the Headmistress, and precautions had been taken to ensure he wasn't a danger to students. He had to take the Wolfsbane even though it made him sick, and had to use the Shrieking Shack on the night of the full moon.

He had been sorted into Gryffindor and had kept quiet as other students talked with each other. Enjoying the Welcoming Feast which had a lot of different dishes though he wished there were more vegetables. His wolf was nervous and pacing in the back of his mind, unsure of these possible threats and this new environment. Luke had accepted his wolf as a child thanks to the help of his beta Antonio who had been his father's beta as well and found out that the transformations were easier when a werewolf accepted their inner wolf. After the Welcoming Feast there were announcements and then the first years had been led by their respective fifth year prefects to their dorms. Gryffindor House was behind the portrait of the Fat Lady on top of the seventh floor.

He was sitting in the common room, reading his Potions textbook with his kitten Felix sleeping on the armchair he was sitting in, absorbed in his textbook. Thanks to his oversensitive hearing, he had heard rumors that three students had snuck out into the Forbidden Forest and rubbed his forehead between his eyes. Getting hungry, he decided to see if he could find the kitchens and get something to eat from the house elves while he studied.
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