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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

explosiveKitten said:
"...Ugh. Well if yer going to help, get over here, pick up a book and... I dunno deductive reasoning or something." She sighed, grabbing the nearest book, The Second Wizard War, began to flip anxiously through it, searching desperately for an answer to her problem. She read most of every line... okay, half... Okay she was only skimming the words and pretty soon she found herself getting bored of reading this dumb textbook. She yawned big as she read it.
@Veyd Sahvoz
Damen's mismatched coloured eyes read every word on the first 4 pages of the book he randomly picked up. He made sure to read only what was important, to him and the death eaters that is.
"....Ugggggh I'm not getting anythiiiing!" She sighed and closed the book she was reading. "There has to be something! If I go back to the infirmary with no leads and no plan Jade will flip her lid! .. Again." She sighed and looked around, then picked up the book about Voldemort's life. She stared at the cover, then she opened the book and skimmed around for some time. "...Wait... WAIT!" She suddenly jumped up, "THE- THE MANOR! THE RIDDLE FAMILY MANOR!" She shouted, hoisting the book over her head, "Of course! Why the hell didn't I think of that!" She ran off with the book, then scooted back into the library with whoever he was, "Hey sorry for skipping out on ye I GOTTA GO!" Then she ran off again.
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Robert watched with cold, dead eyes as Victoria joyfully killed the kid and sighed when she called him filth. If it had been anyone but her, he would've killed them or at least harmed them as soon as the words left the mouth. However, if Victoria was as mad as she seemed to be then it was clear that she had enough for one night. Her physical appearance explained it perfectly. He slowly kneeled down so they were at the same level and gently touched her chin. "You made the right choice Vicky. Now nothing will ever stop us. Soon, our world will be the perfect pureblood utopia. No more muggles, mudbloods or mistakes." He said soothingly and tucked one strand of her messy hair behind her ear. He needed to get her love back somehow, didn't he? Quickly reaching into the pockets of his robes, he took out a small healing potion and helped her drink it. "This should be enough to get you walking dear, now, we're going to get you upstairs to see if you can convince your friends. If you succed then you'll get another potion. If you fail... Well I'm afraid the Dark Lord won't be very happy and you already knows what he will do to you if you're not happy. Why repeat that right?"
Victoria quickly yanked the potion away from his hands and drank it down as fast as possible. Almost immediately, she began feeling some of the pain decrease and her body began calming down. The potion was so simple that she was sure she would be able to make one without much trouble, however, she was glad for any kind of help. Not from Robert though, not from the slimy idiot who had been lying to her for years. "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer" She thought as she slowly cupped his cheek and smiled, flinching when he told her what would happen if she couldn't convince her friends. "Our utopia, love." She replied with tenderness as she wrapped her arms around his neck and brought their faces closer. "I love you, Rob." She whispered in his ear before kissing him. Knowing he would be to concentrated in the kiss to concentrate on anything else. Slowly,she moved her hand lower until she could reach his pocket and feel his wand inside. Firmly grabbing his wand, she pointed it against his neck and finally broke the kiss.

"I love seeing you in pain." She whispered, almost seductively. Before he could make a move, she yelled "Crucio!" As loudly as possible, watching in amusement as he suffered under the effects of her curse. Standing up, her legs still in pain and having to lean against the wall for support , she watched as he squirmed in pain before finally deciding if had been enough and stopping the curse. She was tempted to kill him right there and end any more problems but a better idea suddenly came to mind and she decided to paralize him and erase his memory for now. "It looks like you have failed the mission. The Dark Lord is not going to be happy and you already know what he will do to you if he's not happy, right?" She asked in a mocking tone. Then finally going up the stairs, using anything she could find to support herself as she made her way to the guest room where her friends were being held in.


Minerva McGonagall was not having a good night, not even remotely close to one. The sorting ceremony had started normally and the children had been sorted without any difficulty. In fact, she had been glad to see she was receiving such a wonderful new group of students, some being the children of people she considered her friends and former students. The problems began when the feast came to an end and the prefects were just starting to take the new students to their dormitories. It had been impossible to miss the gigantic Dark Mark in the sky and unfortunately, everyone in the room knew what it meant. Thus turning the Great Hall into a pandemonium or terrified children screaming and running around the entire place. She couldn't blame them for being scared though, even she felt chills run down her spine when she spotted the Dark Mark so close to the school, no matter how much of a true Gryffindor she was, she still felt scared. It had taken the teachers hours to get the students to get to their dormitories and lock every room and window. Now, she was running to the infirmary to question the students who had faced the Death Eaters themselves just after calling the ministry to demand aurors in the school and calling St.Mungos to send them extra healers, just in case.

When McGonagall entered the infirmary, she immediately spotted the three students sitting together as they received treatments from Madame Pomfrey. Judging by their appearance, it was clear that they had been the ones to face the Death Eaters. She had been noticed about there being more students involved and she hoped no one had died or gone missing, she had been expecting a larger group in the infirmary after all. "May I ask what happened in the forbidden forest during the sorting ceremony?" She asked firmly. Not wanting to reprehend them for their stupid actions before getting an answer from them.
James looked to Roderick and gave a nod. "I'm sure it'll be feeling better in no time. I'm not really worried about it," he said. As he sat there a moment, contemplating his shoulder, he felt something rub against his leg. He looked down to see Tyrus standing there looking at him with his sharp blue cat eyes. James pat his lap and Tyrus happily jumped up. "Hey Ty. Hope you got enough to eat," James said with a small smile as Tyrus nudged his face on James's chin. After a moment of this, the bengal did a couple circles and finally laid down.

James looked up at Professor McGonagall and shook his head.
"Death eaters were out there. It was like they walked into a trap or something."

@DarknessSpirit @Saru
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Jade could only feel more rage as the professor entered and questioned them. She looked down in solemn, not wanting to look her in the eye. She couldn't reveal they were takken, thus would try to stop them. They couldn't do anything. "We went out in the forest. We were talking and fooling around, then Robert lit his wand. There were to many death eaters to fight. I was knocked unconcious. Robert knows the rest." Jade knew Robert would tell the same story he told them, which was her plan. She continued to look solemnly at the ceiling.
Roderick looked to James and nodded, "That's good." He replied and turned to the arrival of Tyrus and Headmistress McGonagall.... He turned toward Jade and shook his head knowing he should have expected this but still found himself ill prepared to face her and answer her questions. He was on board with Jade about the others being captured and not mentioning it, after all they would be prevented from helping get back they're friends but needed a moment to phrase his words in his mind and then attempt to work his face into a believable one as he spoke, something about McGonagall made it difficult to pull off one of his stories or try his impressions she was to experienced for his attempts. So instead he stayed quiet for now allowing Jade to take the lead and James a chance as well if he wanted to add in. While he raised his head and looked toward the Headmistress giving a honest expression of what happened to them with what Jade had said.

As some time passed he had his story ready to follow Jades lead and keep from mentioning anything in relation to Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus.
"Right Madam.... It's just as Jade said." Roderick began gathering himself and doing a bit of pacing himself, rushing his words wouldn't make his story convincing for it could just make her suspicious of them. "Like she said... We went into the forest, yes. We just talked and fooled around a bit, nothing serious just fun. You know how students are.... Sometimes we explore and do things you and other professors wouldn't approve of, it must have been like that during your time as a student." He continued aiming to bring the headmistress to recall her time as a student, hoping it may help them and make future plans a bit easier to pull off. A little less attention on them was preferable to constant watch and the likely result he had figured would happen. " Anyways after awhile Robert lit his wand and shed some light in the forest and where we were. Suddenly it was chaos.... Swarmed by death eaters, spells cast both they're spells and our own. We fought them.... Aye we did but we were outnumbered and caught off guard by the attack. I was struck from behind and fell forward, hitting my head and enough pain in my body, I loss consciousness."
explosiveKitten said:
"....Ugggggh I'm not getting anythiiiing!" She sighed and closed the book she was reading. "There has to be something! If I go back to the infirmary with no leads and no plan Jade will flip her lid! .. Again." She sighed and looked around, then picked up the book about Voldemort's life. She stared at the cover, then she opened the book and skimmed around for some time. "...Wait... WAIT!" She suddenly jumped up, "THE- THE MANOR! THE RIDDLE FAMILY MANOR!" She shouted, hoisting the book over her head, "Of course! Why the hell didn't I think of that!" She ran off with the book, then scooted back into the library with whoever he was, "Hey sorry for skipping out on ye I GOTTA GO!" Then she ran off again.
(No idea what the hells going on lol)

Damen appeared bext to her, trying to keep up with her rather fast pace. "You wouldn't mind if I tag along?"
Ashlyn jumped as someone walked up behind her and started speaking to the group. She listened quietly, picking Nunu up and playing with him before a word caught her attention. "Death eaters? That sounds like a bad name for a good band." She blushed a little in embarrassment as she realized what she had said. 'I need a brain to mouth filter.' "Sorry. I'll just be on my way. I have to go see the headmaster anyway. It was nice meeting you, Roderick. Everyone else, adieu."
"Hm" the Headmistress replied as she heard the supposed events that happened just minutes ago. The stories seemed convincing enough but she remembered the prefects and teachers who were heads of houses informing her about more students missing than the ones currently in the infirmary. "Very well, I shall question your friend Robert for more information however. I was informed that more students were missing? Do you know where they might be?"
At the common room (feel like my characters are being ignored completely here) Rosemary heads to her shared room, she pets her cat as she lays on her bed, that day had been a success, but it would really put Angelique in danger.

Angelique sneaks out again and she uses shortcuts to get to the infirmary "Professor, they were taken away by the death eaters, they were after the purebloods, I tried to stop them, but I was knocked unconscious" she says and stops "And I'm sure the others will tell you they died, but they wouldn't kill people who would be perfect for their army" she says.

Jade looked at her with a glare, with venom in her tone she said "where's your sister?" Her tone cold with venom, low in a hiss. Both were with them when the attack happened, yet she looked hardly unscathed and Rosemary still hadn't made a Apperance.
"She went to get some sleep and my injuries already got treated" Angelique says and she adds "It has been a rather tiring night" she says and adds "And I would have saved the others if I could, don't misunderstand for being like most of them" she says and narrows her eyes "Of course, I could go back to acting mean to you, doubt you want that though"
"Both of you stop!" McGonagall exclaimed , placing herself between the two girls to stop the argument. "Now its not the time to argue about such fooolish things!" She continued in a firm voice that had helped her during her years as a teacher and as the Headmistress of Hogwarts. "Now, Miss Blake" She said, turning to the youngest girl in the room. "I agree with you. All students who were reported missing are either purebloods from very ancient families or have some kind of special quality that would not doubt attract attention from Voldemort" She said calmly as she began pacing around the infirmary. "The teachers and aurors didn't find any bodies though, so they are probably still alive. If Voldemort hasn't killed them yet, of course" She finished. She didn't want to tell her students that their friends were probably dead in such a direct and harsh way but she was afraid she had no other choice. "I'll contact the ministry and order a search for them however, I'm afraid they are most likely dead. I know my students and I know they wouldn't give in to Voldemort so easily. If we can't find them by tomorrow morning" She gave a loud sight before continuing. "I'm afraid we'll have to prepare a proper funeral for your friends. I'm terribly sorry."

Victoria was not having a fun time finding her friends either. The manor was gigantic and she had checked too many rooms to count. As she walked with difficulty aroud the manor, she passed Death Eaters with their smug faces when they noticed the Dark Mark on her arm. "Oh I know what they're thinking, the happy bastards." She thought to herself as she passed a small group of Death Eaters boasting about some chaos in another country. Victoria recognized their ugly faces as some of the gentlemen who had happily tortured her less than an hour ago. She knew they were happy to see that their hard work had payed off and they now had a new member. As much as she hated admitting it, she didn't want to stop being a Death Eater. Not that she believed in what their cause was or she hated mudbloods and muggles now, it was the complete opposite. She knew what Voldemort did to traitors and escaping was not a good idea but what if she didn't escape? She was sure she wouldn't be in the inner circle but she would be close enough to know what they were doing and learn their plans beforehand, she could betray them without them even knowing. She was still obviously going to escape, but she had a feeling this wouldn't be her last time in the manor.

She finally recognized the door of the guest room where she had been dragged out of a few minutes later, just as she was about to give up. The door was locked but not with any charms so she was able to open it very easily, even an eleven year old could do it! Stupid idiots, no wonder why they lost twice. Taking a big breath, she opened the door and quickly locked it behind her, hiding the arm with the mark behind her shoulder. "Did you have fun without me?" She asked, her usual happy tone replaced with an incredibly sad one. Probably because she was so glad to finally see them again that she was trying not to cry.


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"Professor, why would Voldemort kill those who would be useful to them?" Angelique asks and tears start forming in her eyes "I don't want to be falsely accused of helping the death eaters just because my parents are helping them" she says, she hated being misunderstood, but she couldn't do anything against it.
"Miss Blake, no one is accusing you of such a thing and no one has mentioned whether your parents are Death Eaters or not." McGonagall replied to calm the nervous girl. "Now as for your other question... Well, I can't give you then answer you are hoping for. No one knows how Voldemort's mind works but we know he is an extremely dangerous and intelligent man. He cares about power and can't afford to have any traitors in his ranks, that's why be only accepts ones who are truly loyal to him" McGonagall explained slowly to make sure the girl could understand. "If your friends don't agree to join Voldemort and become Death Eaters then he will kill them. If he hasn't done so already. "
"But I know they are, because they are always gone and sometimes I overhear them talking to each other about plans, but they noticed me and stayed quiet after that" Angelique says and she sighs "It's not that hard to piece together professor" she mumbles and she looks down "I don't want people getting hurt, but I don't want to risk getting killed myself" she says and sighs "I suppose I should go get to bed before Flitch walks in and gives me detention or something, would be embarrassing getting detention on your first day, but I guess I'm panicking a little with everything that happened"
James couldn't help but feel a bit angry toward McGonagall. "I can't believe you'd be so blunt with information like this, especially your students! Sure, they might be dead, but you could at least have a little compassion!" Tyrus gave a meow of anger as James shot to his feet, knocking the bengal to the floor. James was furious now. "How can you sound so heartless?"
"Whether your parents are Death Eaters or not it doesn't help us in our current situation. If you are certain your parents are Death Eaters then inform the ministry and I'm sure they'll do something about it but it is completely irrelevant at the moment." McGonagall said with a defeated sigh. It was no secret some of her students came from Death Eaters and were blood purists themselves because of their upbringing but she had to focus on finding out whether those students were alive or not. She turned to James a few seconds after his little outburst, not with anger but with compassion. She didn't appreciate anyone speaking to her with such little respect but she understood they were teenagers going through some really hard times. "Because emergencies like these cannot be dealt with compassion. At least not when we aren't certain if they are dead or not. I'll show as much compassion as you want if we have a funeral. Now, enough chatting. Does anyone know if there is a way to communicate with your friends? Or maybe, do you know where they might be? My first guess is Riddle manor but it must be filled with Death Eaters and its too dangerous to go."
"I know where they are" Angelique says and she says "At a mansion, but please don't ask how I know that", she sighs and adds "I'm sure that's the hideout of most death eater, my guess is that mansion, I might someone who can get us in, or go to get them". She wanted to help, the question was, would her sister be able to help, if she told the dark lord she was pretending to be nice it would probably work.
"Yes, let's go ask Rosemary." Jade said spitefully. It's was obvious now, and Jade couldn't help but feel stupid. Rosemary and her dissapeared, which meant one of them was a death eater. She knows the mansion, as she said so one of them had been there. But who? She was assuming it was Rosemary since she had not been seen fighting. She couldn't help but be rude, this girl could have helped them, right? Jade wanted to cry, and huddle up in the corner, but she couldn't just give up yet, no matter what the professor said.
"Get us in?" McGonagall asked, placing a hand on her chest. "You kids are not leaving this school for a long time. If we do find the manor then the Aurors will take care of it. I can't put you in any more danger, no matter how good you are with a wand. I'm sorry, but I just can't allow it" She explained. Being a Gryffindor, she admired the kid's loyalty and bravery towards their friends but she couldn't risk getting them killed. "Very well, bring your sister here and we'll see if she can help"
"Alright" Angelique says and she asks "But I'm sure everyone's tired, can we do this tomorrow?", she looks down when Jade comments and she clenches her fist "Look I don't care what you have to say about me, but do not talk like that about my sister, she's currently our best hope of getting your friends back!" she snaps.

Johanna came running straight into the infirmary, "I GOT IT! I got it, I got it!" She proceeded to start dancing around with the book in her hands, proceeding towards the infirmary kids, "They are DEFINITELY at the Riddle Manor! It's the only place that makes sense!" She proceeded to read from the book, "It even has a fricking address in here, now we just have to go rescuuuuuu-" She only seemed to realize that McGonagall was there.

"...oh. Hi."
"And she's probobly one of the reasons their in there!!!!!" Jade snapped back, Jade looked at Johanna. "We.... Kinda already figured it out Johanna." She said in a softer awkward voice, making her smile a little.

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