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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Angelique sighs "Then I suppose you don't want to see them again, fine by me, not my loss" she says and turns around "Well professor, you know where to find us if you want to see them, same goes for you Jade" she says and walks of.
McGonagall raised an eyebrow when the girl came inside, practically yelling her lungs off due to her discovery. Taking in her reaction when she noticed she was there, the Headmistress could only assume they had been planning to save them without asking any adults for help. "Excellent work Miss, however, I'm afraid none of you will get to go to the manor to rescue anyone. What you have to do is stay here and get some rest. I'll tell the teachers you might not be going to class tomorrow due to this unexpected tragedy." McGongall replied solemnly. Then turning to Angelique as she walked away. "I'll contact you if it is completely nevessary" She replied, now turning back to the teenagers. "Now, do you have anything we could use to contact them? Is there any way you spoke during vacations that didn't involve an owl?"
Roderick began to move around and getting himself up slowly, rising from his bed and getting to a stand. He had listened and absorbed everything that had been said while closing his eyes in thought and trying to gsther himself and his emotions as to not explode and let loose for the first true time since all this happened. He couldn't stand the thought of not helping them personally, sitting back and doing nothing but rest, yes rest was good and honestly the best thing for recovery.... But Roderick wasn't one for sitting back when he had friends or family in trouble, danger or the school was at risk. Every fiver of his being screamed to respond more forcefully and demand they have a part in this, they after all had a score to settle and it was they're friends in danger. He kept biting his tongue while starting to pace as everyone spoke. Hearing Johanna enter and speak of her success, listening to McGonagalls latest response and question. he shook his head and clenched the fist at his stomach, holding back his temper. He respected the Headmistress and her reasons for it all, he knew she knew best about situations like these, but still he couldn't see it the same way as her, it was too personal and against his beliefs to just sit this out. "I have been studying the patronus charm.... I think I can cast it well enough now.. But my ability with it hasn't reached the point of what I have read yet, I have read about being able to communicate through a patronuus charm, your personal one letting people who would recognize it as you and could be used for communication in secretive form." Roderick responded trying to hold himself in a calm manner and tone.

Johanna threw the book down on an empty bed and sat down hard, with her arms crossed, with an angry huff.

"...As much as I would love to be able to skip out on classes Headmistress, I don't think I can accept the 'no classes' offer. The ones that were taken aren't my friends. I was just there to witness it., and then I was there to drag Roderick back to the castle." When she heard the word 'owl' she perked up immediately and looked up, then realized they weren't talking to her.

"...I could disguise myself as a Death Eater's owl and fly in there..."
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"Professor, I could call Rose and tell her to come here, we can go there, get them back and come back here" Angel says stopping "And I'm not doing this for those bastards, but for myself" she says and takes out her phone, the only muggle thing they use and she tells Rose to meet them.

Rosemary sighs and gets up, her cat jumping on her shoulder as she leaves, using some shortcuts she soon arrives "What?" she asks and sees McGonagall "Hi, why did I get called here?" "We are going to save the friends of that idiot there" Angel says pointing to Jade, Rose shrugs "Sure" she says and looks at the headmistress "I can get you in, but I need to cause a distraction, then you can go and get them out" she says and sighs "It's our only chance"
After hearing all of the options, she found Roderick's to be more appealing than the others. Well, other, she had heard Johanna mutter something but had not been able to figure out what she'd meant. Of course, Roderick's idea could only be used for one simple message but it was all they could do to save the students. "Excellent idea my boy!" The Headmistress exclaimed moving closer to his side. "Now, you will need to be extremely concentrated understand? And remember, the happiest thought" She reminded him before turning back to the two girls who had given their own ideas. "I'm sorry but I won't be able to get in and get out with just a distraction. No one could, really. We'll speak about how you can get us in and out later, young lady" She replied, giving her a suspicious glance before turning to Johanna. "I'm sorry, could you repeat that again? I couldn't hear you properly"
"Bitch." Was all Jade said. The thought of not going killed her, but the bruises and large black eye, along with dried blood on her body said to much. She bit her lips.
Roderick looked toward the Headmistress and gave a polite nod. "Thanks Ma'am." He spoke softly and listened to her as she approached closer to his side."Right... Extreme concentration and happiest thought." Roderick responded starting to give a thought to the spell and what his happiest thought would be, what he would say in message to them. "I think I got it... But what would the best message be for me say. It must be a short one after all...?" He thought to himself while listening to the others, he gave a smile and thought something that was short and to the point of it all. While a small plan formed in his head, nothing complete but forming and getting his head back to norm, starting to feel like himself again in that regard. " I think I am ready.... No I know I am." Roderick spoke reaching for his alder wand and preparing himself.
(If you're wondering what happened to @Flame Demon post, I had to delete it. If you read it, I think that's enough confirmation. If you want to know then pm me or ask in the OCC chat. )
"W-What?! N-nothin!" She sputtered some, ran a hand through her nervously, then cleared her throat and leaned forward a little, "I didn't say anythin I dunno what yer talkin about... heheheh..." She swallowed nervously and eyed McGonagall, surprised that the Headmistress had actually heard what she said. "Uh... Ye got this Roderick... woohoo...?"
explosiveKitten said:
"W-What?! N-nothin!" She sputtered some, ran a hand through her nervously, then cleared her throat and leaned forward a little, "I didn't say anythin I dunno what yer talkin about... heheheh..." She swallowed nervously and eyed McGonagall, surprised that the Headmistress had actually heard what she said. "Uh... Ye got this Roderick... woohoo...?"
"Are you always like this?" he asked, 2 books in his hands as he cocked an eye brow at her. At this rate he'd wished he stayed asleep, but Night Wing would be there soon.

(All of you in the infirmary and please tag me, I'm not getting notifications)
Roderick took a moment and exhaled a breath, allowing some time to calm himself and allow for a easier concentration and flow of thoughts... He was prepared to begin but had a plan in mind to share with the others yet with the headmistress McGonagall in the proximity it wouldn't be the best moment to share his plan. So instead he waited for a bit and kept his thoughts gathered and in mind for when he would need them. Roderick quietly looked toward Jade, James, Johanna and gave a nod with a corner grin on his face as he looked toward them all. He then noticed another student enter... A Ravenclaw as well. He seemed to be speaking with Johanna or toward her direction, as a couple books were in hand.

Roderick then gave a thought to another form of communicating with the others of his plan while McGonagall was still in range. " Right, I got the preparedness and message set." He began while tapping his free hand a bit, aiming to use Morris code to reveal to them he has a plan for them if they are on board, doing so by using his index finger and the side of his one leg. Though he wasn't sure how many knew Morris code or if perhaps they all did. He did so quietly and as unnoticeable by McGonagall as he could. "Now just a moment and I'll begin..." He spoke motioned for his wand slowly to rise to a higher position then before.

@DarknessSpirit @explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @Veyd Sahvoz
James sat back down in the chair and just listened. His thoughts were going all over the place. He wanted to help, but wasn't sure how to begin to even offer his help. Tyrus took this opportunity to take his place on James's lap once more. He smiled slightly and began to pet the cat. He looked back up and watched as Roderick began to prepare to cast his spell. He noticed the rhythmic tapping that Roderick had started. Morse code? Now what is he up to? James thought. Getting a general idea of the message, James nodded to Roderick ever so slightly, trying to not alert McGonagall.

(@Veyd Sahvoz @DarknessSpirit @explosiveKitten )
As much as McGonagall wanted to stay and take care of the students and see if Roderick's patronus charm could work, she had to go see if the other aurors had found anything in the woods. Not to mention, she needed to meet the new aurors who had arrived to take care of the students. She had to make sure they were smart enough to take care of everyone in the school, the ministry hadn't been able to send of their best men and women after all. It was either that or bring dementors again, which was something she wanted to avoid. "Well, that'll be the Aurors" She commented as she heard a group of adults speaking in the hallway. "I must go, see if you can communicate with the others and report to me immediately if anything happens. You better not be thinking about leaving this castle, you're in enough trouble as it is" She said sternly and walked away.

(Decided to get McGonagall out of the way so the students can go to the manor if they want to. Just a reminder, they probably won't be able to apparate there since they are all under age and the manor would be so guarded that death eaters would immediately know"
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Dorian looks to his friend and then to the door, sitting back on the floor, trying to focus himself should he need to use a wandless charm again as before opening his mouth to call for help, as he takes a breath the door springs open and their friend walks in, a more bloody, and dirtied version of their friend, but Victoria nonetheless, practically sprinting across the room Dorian gives her a tight hug, relief spreading through his body as he wraps his arms tight around her. "Vic I am so sorry" He pauses, shaking his head as he steps back, his body shaking slightly with the strain of the day, and relief at the sight of his friend. "This is all my fault I'm so sorry Vic" He repeats as his heart hammering in his ears. "We need to get out of here, Are you okay to walk out?" He asks her, glancing for an escape route .
Thaddues was about to jump on the person who entered stopping just in time to see it was Victoria. He was over joyed to see her alive and relatively well, taking and in embrace after Dorian and lifting her for a brief moment. "We are relieved to see you OK."He said before smirking. "Hey we were meant to save you not the other way around. How can we be heroes now?" He complained joking as kept watch for the guards.
Ashlyn followed the directions Roderick gave her and came to a stop at the aforementioned gargoyle. "Where is the dang office?" The gargoyle turned to her and spoke, scaring her. "You have to say the password, my dear child." Ashlyn crossed her arms. "I was summoned here, but I got turned around. If I knew the dang password, I'd have said it." The gargoyle kneeled to eye level. "Then I'm afraid you will have to wait until McGonagall comes back. She shouldn't be long." Ashlyn sighed and sat down next to the gargoyle. She smirked as an idea came to her. "Do you play poker by any chance?" With a nod from the gargoyle, she pulled out a deck of cards from her pocket and shuffled, dealing as Nunu watched from on top of Ashlyn's head. (Bored and couldn't think of anything else to type.)
Dorian gives a laugh and looks to Thaddeus, "You've got a point, we could of had it all, now who's gonna write about us in the history books" He jokes, the pain numbing at the relief of having his friends safe around him, his voice holding now a light tone instead of a wavering sense of worry as was before. "You know we would of made great heroes, we could of had capes, and masks" He chuckles, leaning slightly against the wall and glancing to the door behind their friend
Roderick gave the slightest of nods to James and then looked toward McGonagall with a smile. "Aye Madam.... No worries we'll have everything for ye." He spoke in response and gave his best convincing tone and expression. " I am confident it all shall go to plan." He continued and kept still while appearing to ready his wand, while the headmistress McGonagall left the room waiting ever still until she was out of view and range of them. Roderick then looked to them all, eyeing each of them with a confident and serious look on his face and in his eyes, far changing from his smile and act he managed while McGonagall was present. "Alright gather around.... Anyone taking part and can be trusted to keep quiet about this all, I've got a plan and we must execute it at once. Precision and execution you know." Roderick spoke quietly and serious, feeling his old captain self returning to him and taking charge of the situation. " I'll cast the Patronus charm and send off the message. But we'll need brooms and able flyers, we'll use silence and sneak to the passage and use the tunnel and make for Hogsmeade." He added and looked to each of them in the eye, keeping with his serious and ravenclaw captain esque nature. " We can't afford a single mis step... Understand? Not one single error or all could be lost." He paused and clenched his wand tight and kept focus. "Once we get to Hogsmeade with the brooms, we'll fly off for riddle manor. After all we can't appirate there, it's too far and only the address to focus on." Roderick added explaining more of his plan.

" McGonagall was right about not being able to cause a distraction for one or two to get inside and free them. It wouldn't work with Voldemort and his death eaters. So instead I have devised a different tactic for once we arrive." He gave a grin and a nod of his head. It would come to truth that his plan would rely on chance and hope they're friends were free from any binds or free the whole time, but it was the best chance they would have here. " It's likely well guarded, so we must fly in and approach low to the ground and quiet from a slight distance from the manor, we make use of any trees, giant rocks anything to make use for cover. Got it? Keep your wands ready and brooms near ye." He nearly ordered and made clear the importance of this statement. "We take out the guards outside with silent and swift stun and knock out spells. It will from there allow us to proceed with phase six of my plan. We then use our knowledge of spells and bombard the blasted manor with loud, damaging spells to get theyre attention. Allowing Victoria, Dorian and Thddeus a chance to notice it and have a chance to get out of there and escape." He spoke firmly but had a sad look on his face for a moment, knowing his plan may result in placing them all in danger, it was a tactic he used often in wizards chess and even in Quidditch. A sacrificial play or one potentially sacrifice for the overall goal and plan. He hoped all would work fine and they all made it back fine and with Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus in tow. But had his doubts he would try and hide from them. " I won't lie to ye... We're the distraction unit and will bloody be in right danger here. But it's our best chance to get them back, I'll do everything I can to keep the plan accordingly and smooth like, I'll do what I can to see we all make it back right. But remember it must be executed and precise!" He continued and looked at each of them again. " Timely and fluent motion, no missteps. Who's in?" Roderick finished, he was prepared to cast his Patronus but wanted to hear from them first.

(Ok cool. Yeah that's true, I think I have another way there. I'll have Roderick cast the Patronus and send the message on my next post. Just waiting for everyone to respond to the plan.)

@thefan1 @DarknessSpirit @explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @Veyd Sahvoz

Jade listened instantly. "I'm in." She said sternly. She wouldn't forgive herself if she didn't come along, and she needed to save them.
James shooed Tyrus off his lap and away so he could listen. The Bengal gave a hiss of protest but darted off out of the infirmary. All in all it sounded like a pretty decent plan. There was a slight problem, though. James had never really gotten the hang of flying on a broom. It was one reason he never went out for the Hufflepuff Quidditch team. James pushed the thought of his crappy flying to the side. He'd have to make due for his fellow classmates. There was a lot at risk and any fear he had of getting on a broom was secondary. "I'm in too. No matter the cost," James said.
Victoria gave a small grunt when Dorian and Thaddeus hugged her. She knew they meant well and she was just as relieved as them to see that everyone was alive and well but she didn't really appreciate them crushing her broken ribs. She quickly pushed them away and sighed. "You want to be heroes?" She replied with an arm around her ribs and sighed. "Alright. But you need to trust me, with anything I do or say. Don't even think about doubting me for a second and be very quiet. Act scared if you want to" She sighed and slowly opened the door. Knowing her job was to turn her friends into Death Eaters and being a Death Eater herself, she wanted to get out as quickly and safely as possible. "Here's the plan, we're going to walk outside and head towards the exit. The we'll find a way to get out of here and return to Hogwarts. Any questions?"
Roderick gave a nod and took a breath in relaxing himself for the spell. He looked to Johanna and The new arrival pondering they're response to the plan and if they would part as well. Meanwhile he stepped back a bit to allow room for casting his charm, he raised his wand and focused as greatly as he could, concentrating on his happiest memory as McGonagall reminded him too. "Expecto Patronum!!!" Roderick spoke aloud with a firm and confident voice, thinking clearly of his happiest memory and concentrating as greatly as he could possibly achieve. Successfully casting a corporeal Patronus in the form of a hound sending it off into the manor in order to send the message and communicate with Victoria, Thaddeus and Dorian. " Ready, listen, set and part." Roderick spoke in message through his Patronus spirit and giving a hint to they're coming to help and listen for the signs.

Roderick meanwhile looked to the group around him, Jade, James, Johanna and company. While his Patronus aimed to look toward Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus giving the message and fading away omce it was given and vanishing before it could be heard or seen by those it was not meant too.
"Let's get to it then, if we're all in and ready. Let's start getting our brooms and head for Hogsmeade." He spoke in soft tone. "Better yet... Let's get to Hogsmeade and use the Accio spell to summon our brooms then. Good?"
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James nodded, but then thought of how weak Roderick was before, as well as Jade. He looked between the two. "Are you sure you two are up for this right now though? I know time is of the essence, but if you are still too weak to go, that could hinder this as well."


Alexander grumbled as he appeared outside the manor. While he was loyal to his Lord, he didn't like having to come to the manor so soon after what Voldemort asked him to do. His wife, though he loved her, his Lord's commands were something he took seriously. Even if he didn't understand it, he was to carry out the order. The guards at the front door tried to stop him from entering the house but he waved them off angrily. "Piss off ya blighters. The Dark Lord called me here. You wouldn't want him to get put out with you, now would you?" he said, continuing through the door and into main foyer. Of course he knew about the plan to capture students from Hogwarts. Hell, he had even offered Voldemort his own son. Voldemort mentioned he would not be making that mistake a second time, but that perhaps Alexander's son would, eventually, become useful.
Keir, tugging at his Slytherin robes nervously poked his head through the door, his blue eyes darting between the other students, and spoke up, his voice shaky and prepubescent "Are you guys going after the students who vanished? If so I want in. I'm not good with offensive spells but I can perform things like the Full Body-Bind Curse very easily."

// @Saru @thefan1 @DarknessSpirit @explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @Veyd Sahvoz
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