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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

"Shut your ugly mouth before I cut out your tongue and make you eat it" Victoria muttered with narrowed eyes when Thaddeus insulted the Dark Lord. Her smile quickly turning into a frown when Alexander began torturing Thaddeus. As much as she wanted to make him stop, attacking him would only make her loose her cover and probably doom them all. "Wait! Are you mad?" She asked the Death Eater, a plan quickly forming in her mind. "He's been tortured enough! You don't want him going completely bonkers, do you?" She asked desperately. The moment only getting worse when Robert showed up and gave her the wand. She could see the outlines of two other wands in his robes and sighed, this was not going to be fun. "Robert!" She squealed, trying to hug him but receiving his hands on her throat instead. Not knowing what to do, she immediately began laughing just like she had done when the Dark Lord had given his proposal for the second time. "Don't you remember? We were having so much... fun down there! I'm sorry I got a little carried away sweetheart!" She replied sweetly with a mad smirk and released his hands from her throat. "I almost got them Robby! They are almost ready for the Dark Mark!" She whispered in his ear as she carefully took out the other wands and replaced them with his wand.
Joey followed Roderick quietly, thinking hard about everything she had read about the Death Eaters as she went. She had done extensive research into how they communicated. Mostly, in person, but they did have owls... Right? If she could somehow figure out some way to disguise herself as a Death Eater's owl and bring a "message" to Voldemort, she could easily sneak into the manor, take out one of the other Death Eaters (not so easy) and steal their wand, free Victoria and company, sig...

"...Hey, Roderick?" She said, walking up beside him, "Are ye sure yer up to this? I mean... Ye only just got out of the infirmary and ye just saw yer friends get kidnapped and everythin...?"
The spell struck Thaddues and all of his body writhed in pain, overloading his senses with just that. He tried to keep himself stood but the pain was enough to bring him to one knee, gritting his teeth and letting out a moan. For a moment there though he genuinely concedered giving up.
Alexander gave a light chuckle as he stopped using the curse on the kid. He looked over to Victoria, his cruel smile still on his face. "There's no such thing as too much torture. However, driving the boy mad would be counterproductive," he said, his gaze shifting to Robert who had just shown up. Alexander stood there enjoying the scene. One of them writhing on the floor in pain and another being strangled. He now was less annoyed that he had to come here. This situation entertained him quite a bit. After a moment, he placed a hand on Robert's shoulder. "Now now. We mustn't ruin the Dark Lord's new play things. There will be plenty of other opportunities to play, and I'm sure it will be quite soon," Alexander said with another slight laugh.
Robert smirked and placed a hand on Victoria's shoulder as he pulled her head away from his ear and tapped her cheek. "You're right, I'm sure these three will be very fun. Aren't you, Vicky?" He replied with a cruel smile and then looked at the shaking figure of the giant. "Pathetic!" He exclaimed and gave a slight laugh. "This one is even weaker than her! And it took us hours to get her under that state, well, it was much worse. The Dark Lord will be furious if we make them go completely insane." He replied proudly, wrapping an arm against Victoria. "Oh is that so? You've almost got them? Then I don't see why we shouldn't call the Dark Lord. That is, unless anyone has anything to say?"
Dorian clenches his jaw as the cruciatus curse is set upon his friend, looking away. His mind racing as he tries to come up with a plan, he know's he can't do much without a wand and using a wandless spell would draw too much attention, and the effort of using it would be too much, rendering him him useless should he actually need to put up a fight. Although as Alexander speaks he finds it hard to not at least throw a simple curse at the man, rolling his eyes and quietly scoffing at the words 'play things'. It's a sick twisted cult, he glares at Alexander as he physically restrains himself from spitting on the man, glancing to Robert as he speaks to Victoria "you gonna wipe his ass too" He murmurs to himself, turning his eyes from Robert to the rest of the house, looking for anything to get them out.
Victoria's mad smile she was wearing as she rested her head against Robert's shoulder and they glared at Thaddeus in his weak state faded when she heard Dorian scoff at Alexander. She quickly walked towards him and slapped him as hard as possible, then pulled his hair and brought him down on his knees. "You will learn to respect those higher than you, understand?" She screamed in his ear and kicked him in the stomach. Taking the opportunity to kneel down behind him and took out the bloody knife she had used to kill the muggle girl and pulled back his arm. Although the knife was bloody, the blood wasn't fresh enough and it wouldn't be believable. She made a cut in her left arm and quickly smeared the knife with her blood, making it seem like he was cutting Dorian's arm. She then forcefully brought back his head and smirked as she showed her fellow Death Eaters the bloody knife. "Look at how happy you're gonna make me. Everyone's gonna see how useful I am, how you don't need curses to hurt a person." She said, almost sweetly and then pulled his head closer to her ear. "If this is not believable I will kill you" She whispered before continuing. "Grab Thaddeus and apparate out of the manor and hide somewhere. Then make a sign to let the others know where you are. Don't get caught and get the fuck out of here, I'll be fine" She whispered and placed the two wands on the hand that she had been 'cutting'.
Thaddaus was relieved to be free of the curse, his tensed up body gradually allowing to relax. He had heard the others call him weak but he didn't care, he was still alive and hadn't broken that is all that matters. He remained down as if significantly weakened but though pained he could walk even run if neededo waiting for the right moment.
As Johanna approached him to his side and saying his name to get his attention. He listened to her speak and instantly recalled all hey had been through, what he been through during this period of time in the first day and half at school, the images of they're talking at the feast to the sneaking out and into the forest.... Talking and foolin about then that moment when a wand was lit by Robert with the Lumos spell seemingly transitioning into the attack, the ensuing battle his resulting injuries and friends kidnapped by death eaters. The fall of his just as he was struck down and ended his chances of helping more then he had, it was a moment of mere flashes of the images he had experienced going through his mind it wasn't a pleasant memory or series of memories. He shook his head and returned attention looking toward Joey, he attempted a smile but instead only gave a poor smile that left little to convince her he was completely fine. "I'm fine Johanna, I'll be capable of getting through this mission. A little concussion and some broken bones or sore aching parts inside me can't keep me down long. Quidditch prepares ye right well for pain though perhaps not all. But nothing I can't get through." Roderick spoke aiming to assure her of his state. " Thanks though.... I'm fine really." He added as they approached the outside of town, just a small distance outside of Hogsmeade.

"Here is good... Let's summon our brooms and head off with some quick and quiet flying. Alright?" Roderick spoke aloud for everyone to hear him but not so loud the people of Hogsmeade could. He took out his wand and cleared his mind of the memories and focused soley on his spell and desired broom. "Accio!!!" He thought and raised his wand pointing it toward the sky..... Soon his Nimbus 2001 appeared darting through the sky and halting to just before him. It was rather a classic broom these days, no longer was it the fastest broom around like in its early days, but it was stylish in Rodericks opinion and always a reliable broom for him over the years as he used often and especially served him well during quidditch season.

He looked toward everyone as he got onto his broom and then looked toward Johanna. Roderick gave a nod and smile, perhaps he was too stubborn to give in and sit this one out.... He often played through injuries if he could pull it off and they weren't to serious during quidditch season, but always knew when to step aside and let his injuries recover with time and rest. But this time, he couldn't sit this one out, he had felt guilty and anger, sadness all in one sitting. He couldn't not do anything to try and help his friends get free of they're captors, perhaps they were free and working they're way out or perhaps they were dead. But he couldn't sit still and rest for too long without trying and finding out personally with Jade, James and Johanna and company.

@explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @DarknessSpirit @Iak Destler @Veyd Sahvoz
Dorian holds back a groan as he holds his stomach, doing the best he can to make her 'cutting' seem believable. Averting his eyes as she cut's into herself instead of him, instructing him on what to do, shaking his head slightly "Vic we're not leaving you" He insists, through a slight pained breath, his ribs aching and his cheek burning from her admittedly impressive slap. "Vic we can get you out of here, I have a plan" He whispers to her, although his plan is shaky at best, it's still a plan.
Victoria chuckled and pressed the knife against his throat, she didn't want them to think they were just talking after all. "I never said you were going to leave me" She replied with a small grin. True, her plan of escaping after them was not a very good plan and she would possibly be killed or tortured by the Dark Lord afterwards but it still meant all of them would probably escape. The other part being that she wanted to continue faking being a Death Eater. Half of the reasoning being that she wanted to save her own skin, the Dark Lord didn't have mercy on anyone and traitors were no exception. The other half being that she wanted to get information to tell the Ministry so they could eventually defeat him forever. There had been traitors in his ranks previously, right? "Alright, what's you plan?"
explosiveKitten said:
Joey followed Roderick quietly, thinking hard about everything she had read about the Death Eaters as she went. She had done extensive research into how they communicated. Mostly, in person, but they did have owls... Right? If she could somehow figure out some way to disguise herself as a Death Eater's owl and bring a "message" to Voldemort, she could easily sneak into the manor, take out one of the other Death Eaters (not so easy) and steal their wand, free Victoria and company, sig...
"...Hey, Roderick?" She said, walking up beside him, "Are ye sure yer up to this? I mean... Ye only just got out of the infirmary and ye just saw yer friends get kidnapped and everythin...?"
"Injuries don't seem to stop any of you" butted in Damen. Night Wing raised up her wand and twirled in in the sky "Lumia!" she shouted as a dark broom made of cherry wood, an uncommon type of wood used for brooms but this one was different, came down and into her grasp. Cherry wood was her all time favorite type of wood that's aroma reminded her of home. Some may not be able to smell the sweet scent of cherry but she did, and that's why she loved it. Damen flicked up his wand and a black broom came down. The wood seemed slightly withered but that was from him attempting to try and use charms and hexes on it. He prepared himself and hovered off the ground a bit, being experienced with flight due to 6 years of being on the Ravenclaw Quidditch team. Night Wing did the same thing but preferred to sit on the side of it abd dangle her feet.

@Saru @explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @Iak Destler @DarknessSpirit
James summoned a broom to him and looked at it. It appeared to be a Nimbus 2000, a broom he had learned to fly with. This made his unease fade slightly, but there was still a nagging feeling he had and now it was making him look physically ill. His face had started draining of it's color and his stomach felt as though it was being flipped and contorted. He looked around at the others and then back to the broom, preparing to mount it.


Alexander pointed his wand at Dorian, the wicked smile returning to his lips once more. "Give me a reason to torture you as well. It's very entertaining to watch," he said. Alexander considered what Robert said about calling the Dark Lord, then began slowly rolling his sleeve up once more. "Yes, I agree. I think if what you say is true, the Dark Lord will want to be here when they turn themselves to his will. I'm sure you will be rewarded for doing so," he said, looking back to Victoria.
"I got a wand now" He explains "I make it look like I'm taking you hostage or something. I saw it on an episode of this muggle show CSI - never mind not important here" He whispers, shying away slightly from the blade against his neck "If it looks like I took you against your will, you still got your edge here but you're not here" He throws a glance to the deatheaters behind her, a small grin edging on his face as he realizes this could actually work.

He grins at Alexander as he points a wand at him "No sir I wouldn't dream of it" He replies looking to Victoria for an answer to his plan, his hand gripped almost invisible on his wand
Keir half heatedly flicked his wand and a custom made mahogany broom, lazed with streaks of green. It was a model from 2 years prior but seemed in good condition. As it came near Keir jumped to his left and landed neatly on his broom with a smirk, the nervous face had vanished and was replaced by the usual happy and bubbly self. "Come on, you have to admit, that was pretty cool." He said as he flew around the face the group again.

@Saru @explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @Iak Destler @DarknessSpirit @Veyd Sahvoz
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Victoria gave Alexander a genuine smile when he said the Dark Lord would reward her. The smile, for the first time since she had woken up at the manor, was actually real. This being because of Dorian's brilliant plan that she had to admit was better than hers. This one didn't involve torture and a possible death, in fact, it sounded almost flawless. "You are brilliant. Let's do this" She whispered and got ready for Dorian's move.
Dorian grins as she accepts, shifting slightly and summoning all of his strength and jumping up wrapping an arm around Victoria's neck and pointing the wand at her neck and nodding to the death eaters "Make a move and you're going to be decorating the walls" He threatens Victoria, letting go of the arm around her neck as he uses the free hand to grab onto Thaddeus's arm, his eyes not leaving the deatheaters in front of them "If you so much as make a move on Hogwarts and you'll be getting a head in a box" using his wand hand to grab onto Victoria's shoulder and twisting his arm's to Apparate them near Hogwarts.
Alexander laughed. He pointed his wand at Dorian. "Do you understand how big of a fool you're being? You don't think there are enchantments in place that block apparation in and out of the manor? You can go ahead and kill your friend, I don't really care. It'll be you the Dark Lord comes after for it, not me. In fact," Alexander paused and quickly touched his wand to the exposed mark on his arm. "Perhaps you could discuss this topic with him yourself," he said with an amused laugh.
"Right" He nods, his mind racing as he thinks of a plan "You know as much as I adore staring into those red enchanting eyes of Voldemort, I just don't think I'm ready for a second date" He chuckles nervously watching him press the wand to his dark mark "No you're really doing this aren't you" He sighs, looking to his friends and shrugging. "I'll distract them, you guys make a run for it, take a dive at the window at the end of the hall, or run for the room they kept us in, there's a damaged wall Thad could easily take down and you can climb from." He tells them glancing ahead of them and nodding "Don't worry about me, I know the entire script to a muggle movie so I'll piss them off for a bit whilst you go get help" He jokes as whispers to his friends, staring down at Alexander as he muffles his voice.
"Fuck that, we're all going" Victoria whispers back as she smiles at the Dark Mark in Alexander's arm. "Blast the ceiling, that will cause enough distraction for me to Apparate us out of here. People with the mark can Apparate whenever we want, at least that's what Michael said." She whispers and then begins laughing maniacally. "The Dark Lord will be here any second now! I'd like to see how you scream in agony as you slowly get tortured to death"
Luke H. Santiago, 11, Gryffindor

Luke climbed out of the portrait hole and walked down the seven flights of stairs. His aunt had never been able to go to Hogwarts since she was a squib. He had thought he'd heard Victoria Weasley saying it was near the Hufflepuff common room. It had to be near the Great Hall to get the food to magically appear and disappear. Deciding the Great Hall was as good a place to start as any, he made his way there.
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Dorian gives a laugh, Victoria always was the quick thinker "Good thinking" He mutters, instinctively using his arm to cover their heads as he shouts "Confringo!" pointing his wand at the ceiling above them, ducking his head away from the falling debris and crumbling ceiling. "Fuck, my aim is slightly off" He laughs to himself, an arm still raised above himself and his friends, protecting them from a small amount of the debris
Alexander quickly covered his head with his arms and dove toward the Victoria and the others, attempting to knock them back away from the falling debris. This was not out of kindness, but of what the Dark Lord would do if the crumbling ceiling crushed his potential death eaters. "You fool! You would rather kill your friends than see to it they get away alive?" he yelled as he jumped at them.
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Victoria frantically searched for her wand below the mess of debris. It wasn't an easy thing to do with an adult Death Eater on top of them but she was able to see it a few centimeters away from her hand. Quickly grabbing it, she quickly grabbed her friend's hands and looked at Alexander before Apparating and gave him a big smile. "Tell the Dark Lord I send him my condolences" She said before Apparating with Dorian and Thaddeus to the woods outside of the manor.
Dorian groans as he feels himself land harshly on the damp woodland floor "You okay?" He asks them both as he sits up, pulling himself to his feet as he looks around "Vic, they're going to be after you now" He sighs looking to her "I got some books I stole about traitors and you might as well be muggle born" He gives her a reassuring pat "It's okay in 12 days wolf me can go tear the crap out of them" He jokes lightly, looking around them and squinting into the dark

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