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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Ashlyn sighed after searching her brain for any mention of a kitchen. "I'm afraid I have no answer to your question. I just arrived, and I'm not a very reliable source of information about the school." She scratched the inside of her elbow as she looked around. "Why they don't give us maps is beyond me."

eclipsehowls said:
(I'm waiting for @Indigo Knight to respond to me.)

((My bad. Snowstorm hit us, and we had no Internet for a while. And before you say I was on, yes my account might have been online, but my friends like to get into my accounts from time to time.))
(That's alright.)

Luke H. Santiago

Luke Hyperion Santiago

Year 1/11/Gryffindor

Last heir to Rowena Ravenclaw


Werewolf/Alpha of Lost Stars Pack

Luke sighed as the answer wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear but if the girl had just arrived then it was hardly her fault for not knowing where the kitchens were. "Maybe they want an excuse to give everyone detention," suggested Luke. "It would certainly make navigating around the school and getting to classes easier, especially if one happens to be a half-blood or muggle-born who wasn't raised within the wizarding world," he said. He knew he'd left the common room before curfew hit and wasn't sure how long it was until curfew as he didn't have a watch and even if he had had a watch, he was pretty sure it wouldn't work here with all the magic in the school. "Well, how about we go find the kitchens together? I could learn what to expect tomorrow with my first year classes," Luke said. @Indigo Knight
Alexander was knocked down, tackled by a girl who screamed something about being a muggle. He was slightly dazed by the fall, but he managed to push the girl off of him. He shook his head, trying to get his senses back and stood up. He turned to her and pointed his wand at her. "You are a fool, girl," he said, raising his wand.


James flew over the scene, taking in everything. Within the ring of fire were several figures. One of them was clearly Jade, who was still on the ground while a death eater pointed his wand at her. His eyes widened and, without thinking, he flew right at the death eater and tackled him to the ground.
"Run Jade! Get our friends out of here!"

Roderick shook his head for a moment at the sight of Jade and James both off their brooms and near the death eater who seemed more active and able then some of the others. The plan was starting unravel a bit, they needed to move swiftly and get the others on brooms and out of here. But this death eaters presence seemed to complicate things more so then he had expected, but he soon exhaled and focused on the area as a whole.... Looking at every spot the surroundings had to offer and taking in the situation entirely. "Alright..... Let's think this out, Roderick. What should our next move be?" He thought for a moment noticing a couple of death eaters approaching the fire, recalling James and Jade's position. An idea coming to mind and a smile across his face. He flew quickly over toward the nearing death eaters and aimed his wand and thought clearly his spell in mind, "Glacius!!" Roderick thought and cast the spell a growing breath of frost moving toward and freezing the death eaters solid and tapping them in ice and from movement. He then turned quickly around and flew towards Alexander with a focused and serious look forming his expression and wand at the ready for another.... "Glacius!!!" Roderick thought again and cast the frost spell toward the wand hand and arm of Alexander aiming to freeze his wand and arm solid inside a cast of ice. While flying off again and above the area as a whole once more taking note of the situation and keeping watchful and prepared for defensive action.
Jade felt the impact of the ground before she knew it, stupid again. Stupid temper. She was quickly thrown off of Alexander by none other then him, and grabbed her wand before he could yell a spell, quickly yelling a Sheila charm around herself. Just then James flew out of no where. And tackled him to the ground. THEN Roderick flew down and casted the freeze spell. Before going back up with everything happening at once, Jade didn't notice the sharp pain in her leg until she moved to get up and fell back down. "Ouch" she said while gritting her teeth and forcing herself to stand. She needed to get Dorian and the others. Now that she got Alexander out of the way, "Accio!!" Jade yelled. And Harley jumped weakly as her broom came from beneath her. She flew back up and opened another hole through the flames. "We need to go!" Jade yelled in a horse voice.
Alexander was both tackled to the ground once again and his arm was frozen. Not taking a moment to look to see who tackled him, he hit his assailant with his frozen arm, shattering the ice as it impacted against the boy's side. Alexander aimed his wand toward Victoria and spoke. "If you agree to remain behind, I'll let your friends go, unharmed! Otherwise," he turned his wand back to the kid laying on the ground. "I'll kill them, starting with this one," he finished, finally noticing the boy's face. His son. He glared down at James, then turned back to Victoria.


James felt his ribs crack as he was smashed hard in the side by the death eater's frozen arm. He groaned in pain and looked up at the death eater. James suddenly couldn't feel anything but shock. He couldn't move his limbs to force himself off the ground and to his feet to face the death eater: his father. He just lay there, letting the shock and disbelief overcome him, not caring about whatever happened next.
Jade looked down at Alexander. Her face flared up in anger. She quickly looked back towards the three. "Get out of here now. I'm not going with you guys. You get the others and they'll get you back to Hogwarts. You don't turn around you don't hesitate you get the hell out of here. We'll handle this situation when we get back." She said in a strange, commanding, fiery tone. With that she turned sharply and dove down towards Alexander. She could see some similarities in both of their faces. She pointed her wand at him "Glacius!!" She said pointing at his entire arm holding his wand. She stood in front of James. "Leave them before I freeze you entirely." She said angrily.
Alexander's eye twitched slightly as his arm, once again, froze. He eyed the girl who stood between him and James. "You're quite brave. My offer still stands, however," he said, nodding toward Victoria. He had to get his arm unfrozen so he focused on a spell in his mind and the ice shattered. He looked once more to his son. Foolish boy. I could have spared you from finding out this is who I am. He returned his gaze to Jade.


James was pulled back to his senses when Jade stepped in front of him. With some effort, he managed to get to his feet and put an arm on his side, cradling his damaged ribs.
"Dad...What are you doing?"
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James question made the prices fit together in her mind. "Makes sense." Jade said rolling her eyes. God she hated drama. She did a hollow laugh to the sky before saying to Alexander "you think a threat of a life will do it? There is a threat everyday of our lives! It just takes somebody to say it! And we're all gonna die sooner or later so it doesn't really matter does it. Wether you like it or not alll three will be getting back to Hogwarts tonight in a matter of seconds while the others pick them. This kids your son and no matter how sick and demented you are you will never kill him. You kill me and they will sure as hell not go back to Voldemort. You kill any of us and that will just motivate them to get even further not pursue you. You can leave now or I can make you a giant ice cub and drop you off the cliff." Jades voice cold and menacing then ever before; and it would send chills up anyone's spine.
Robert furiously send spells left and right in the forest, not really aiming at anyone not caring if his spells actually worked. He was just so filled with rage that he wasn't even thinking anymore. This rage coming from what the Dark Lord had said and done to him after he'd woken up underneath what reminded of the roof. His task was to kill, he could capture if he wanted but he desperately needed to kill someone. Not caring who did, he just felt like someone had to die that night and he was going to be involved. Walking into a fight between a mud blood, Alexander and his son. He decided to let Alexander do his job and turned to the next possible target, Victoria. With a victorious grin on his face, he send a stunning spell at her and watched as she hit a nearby tree. "Well look at the little traitor, receiving the Dark Mark without being loyal? Just because you wanted to stop someone from hurting you?" He taunted, his wand still pointing at her. "That will be nothing compared to what will happen once we return to the manor, who knows? Maybe you'll finally go mad before we even get there!" He said with a malicious smile. "Crucio!" He shouted, casting the spell over and over again. He finally stopped for a second and looked around the burning forest. "How pathetic are you? Did you really think it would be that easy?"

(Just so no one's lost, I want to make a new character because I'm getting tired of Robert so I decided to kill him. I spoke with
@thefan1 and we agreed this was a good way to let him go so please, don't interfere with this fight)
Completely taken back by Robert's curse, Victoria frantically searched for her wand after being thrown against a tree. She was able to find her wand but she was struck with the now-familiar Cruciatus curse right in the chest and her thoughts concerning her wand and her friends were immediately forgotten for a few seconds. She could feel the curse stop and then come back just a few seconds later, it was a miracle that she was able to hear Robert's harsh insults through her screams. His words allowed her to actually make a coherent thought while being struck by the curse over and over again. It was true, she had joined because she wanted to stop the pain, not because she wanted to be useful or save her friends, her first thought had been to save herself which made her selfish, stupid and weak. She was determinate to never let that happen again, no matter what. When the curses finally stopped, Victoria took this opportunity to grab her wand and point it at Robert. With a smile that could make the ones she had faked while she pretended to be insane seem innocent, she casted her first Cruciatus curse against Robert and watched with joy as he fell to the ground and she stood up.

"I'm pathetic? Just look at you!" She spat, slowly and painfully making her way towards her enemy while she continued casting the curse. "Betraying your friends?" She asked, the curse stopping while she spoke but returning when the question was over. "Joining the Dark Lord?" She asked again, repeating the same process as the previous question. "What did you expect out of this? None of this would be happening if it weren't for you and your foolish blood purist bullshit!" She screamed, now right in front of Robert. She considered kneeling down to his level and mocking him with the same innocent voice she used while she was in love with him but she didn't want to sink to his level. Without thinking it twice, she pulled him up by his robes and kissed his forehead before dropping him back on the ground. "Too bad it didn't work love, I hope you're proud of yourself" She spat before pointing her wand at his head and screaming "Avada Kedavra" as loudly as possible.
Keir noticed Robert being tormented and chuckled to himself under his breath, he had never really liked the guy, so Keir decided continued to watch until Victoria had finished her speech. He landed in some bushes near by and looked around to see if anyone else could see him however during this moment of distraction he began hearing the words of the killing curse and quickly grabbed his wand from beneath his robes, turned around and aimed at Victoria's wand "expelliarmus!" It was too late however, when the disarming spell had reached Victoria's wand, the damage had already been done, Robert lay dead on the floor. He quickly hid himself from view again and started weighing up his options.
Jades head turned sharply to the righ as she heard faint noises of a killing curse, yet it sounded like Victoria. But that couldn't be right, right? Jade turned back and shouted a complete stunning spell at Alexander before grabbing James wrist and started to pull him in the direction of the curse. She let go of his wrist after a couple steps though, realizing that he could do what he wanted. She jumped over shrubs and bushes, yet limping a lot. As she ran towards the scene, not noticing the guy in the bushes she came to the clearing. Only to see what she had dreaded. Not a dead Robert. But that she had casted it. "Victoria...?" She asked softly, in a questionable tone.
Even though she was hit by a desarming charm and her wand was a few feet away from her and she could hear someone coming towards her through the sounds in the bushes, she could stop staring at Robert's curse with a proud, astonished smile. "Yes Jade?"She replied calmly, finally coming out of her 'trance' and retrieving her wand. She didn't enjoy killing people, killing two was more than enough for a night, but she couldn't help but feel extremely relieved to know that she had killed Robert. She had proven him wrong in his last and painful moments on earth. She had proven than she wasn't as pathetic and weak as he thought she was and she had never felt better for herself. It wasn't like she wanted him to like her or she lived for his approval , she just wanted to make his last moments inssuferable in any possible way and she had to admit it felt really nice to know she was the cause of death of a Death Eater so close to Voldemort. Victoria had always been a vengeful person after all. " Is there something wrong?" She asked her friend.
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Jade wanted to hug Victoria but she hated to seem cocky. Instead she came in with reality. "Fuck. I should've done that with James father back there. But you do know what this means?" Because Jade did. They were all Voldemorts enemys now. They all wronged him. They were all screwed now that she killed Robert.
Keir thought of a plan inside his head as he aimed his wand to the sky and with a slight laugh chuckled "Morsordre." A green light shot into the sky as the clouds swirled above the forest forming a skull, with a snake protruding from its mouth. He came slapped himself a few times and came running out of the bushes in a rush "what the" he quickly raised his wand, his aim moving between the two of them. "Which one of you did it, mmm, which one of you is a death eater!"

@DarknessSpirit @thefan1
Victoria simply shrugged and leaned against a tree, looking extremely relaxed like she had nothing to worry about. "Yes, I know exactly was this means and I don't see how it makes a difference. We've been targeted by him since today in the woods and I'm the only one who's gonna suffer because of this idiot's unfortunate death" Victoria replied calmly. When the Dark Mark appeared in the air and another student came out of the bushes demanding to know which one was the Death Eater she chuckled and pointed his wand at him. "Why would a Death Eater kill a fellow Death Eater? Get your mind together, there are no Death Eaters here"
James winced with pain as Jade dragged him away. The revelation of his father being a death eater was a lot for him to handle. His mind was racing and the pain he was feeling didn't help. Whether it was the pain or the stress of the situation, James ran over behind a tree and promptly threw up. Nothing made sense anymore. He had, of course, seen the green flash of the killing curse and the body of the now dead Robert, but that isn't what bothered him. He trusted his father, but now that he knew he was a death eater, it was like James was experiencing the loss of his mother all over again. A couple tears managed to form in his eyes, but he quickly wiped them away. He knew now what his father was and, as such, knew what he had to do. He stood up as straight as he could and began walking back toward the manor. His father would pay.


Alexander recovered from the stun spell. He knew he was to be punished by the Dark Lord. That's when a plan formed in his mind. His cruel smile returned and he made his way back to the manor. He roused any death eaters he found along his way, and told them to follow him back to the manor. Alexander was not going to suffer for this nearly as much as these others were.
Jade was quickly angered by here calm demenor. "Voldemort doenst just kill Vic, he makes you suffer. remember that." She said coldly and hurt before turning and limping off. Ignoring the guy from the bushes.
Keir was a bit ticked off at being ignore and aimed his wand in front of Jade's feet "Stupefying. You ain't going anywhere until I found out who did this, in fact, show me your wrist. The dark mark is in the sky right above us and it only comes out when a death eater kills so one of you two just murdered this man and now there is a dark mark, simple deduction"

@DarknessSpirit @thefan1
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Ashlyn smiled softly, amused by the young boy's statement

eclipsehowls said:
(That's alright.)
Luke H. Santiago

Luke Hyperion Santiago

Year 1/11/Gryffindor

Last heir to Rowena Ravenclaw


Werewolf/Alpha of Lost Stars Pack

Luke sighed as the answer wasn't exactly what he wanted to hear but if the girl had just arrived then it was hardly her fault for not knowing where the kitchens were.
"Maybe they want an excuse to give everyone detention," suggested Luke. "It would certainly make navigating around the school and getting to classes easier, especially if one happens to be a half-blood or muggle-born who wasn't raised within the wizarding world," he said. He knew he'd left the common room before curfew hit and wasn't sure how long it was until curfew as he didn't have a watch and even if he had had a watch, he was pretty sure it wouldn't work here with all the magic in the school. "Well, how about we go find the kitchens together? I could learn what to expect tomorrow with my first year classes," Luke said. @Indigo Knight

. She pulled her cards out and started shuffling them as she walked slowly ahead. "Might as well, seeing as I don't even know where the dorms are."

Luke H. Santiago

Luke nodded and continued down the steps to the Entrance Hall, down the Grand Staircase that led up to the door leading to the upper levels of the school with its classrooms, the Ravenclaw and Gryffindor Towers, and bathrooms. "I could go for some hot chocolate," said Luke. It might keep him up to continue reading his Charms textbook. He watched a few students entering the Great Hall from the Dungeons across the hallway and began walking across the hallway to the doors leading to the Great Hall. The Chamber of Reception was a room off the Entrance Hall but he couldn't imagine the kitchens being there. They had to be somehow linked to the Great Hall so that food could appear and disappear. He just wasn't sure how and he hated not knowing how it was done. Opening one of the heavy doors of the Great Hall, Luke looked around. There were some students who were sitting at their house tables and chatting with friends but it seemed mostly deserted. Luke figured most of the students were up in their dorms getting ready for bed or relaxing. As he surveyed the room, he saw a couple older year students at the Hufflepuff Table and glanced at his companion. "Should we ask fellow Hufflepuffs where the kitchens are?" he asked. @Indigo Knight

Jade turned around outraged, as she couldn't move. "Why don't you then, guy who popped out of the bushes only moment after it appeared." Her voice stone cold.

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