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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Roderick stayed atop his broom overlooking the forest, eying his friends positions and noticing the mark in the sky. He was becoming rather irritated at his point and upon his notice of James following the death eaters to the manor. All frustration of the failing mission was becoming evident on his face, disbelief at all hat was going on. "AH..... Come on it's not like we're all on vacation. We are right outside of the riddle manor, Ya? Dark lord... Death eaters.... Have we forgotten this? Or just testing our luck and skill huh?" Roderick spoke in frustration and flew down toward Victoria, Jade and Keir. It was here he noticed Keirs wand pointing toward Jade and Victoria, anger swelling up inside and recalling the bits he had heard from the conversation and back and forth. He pointed his wand at Keir and silently stared at him "Drop it Keir.... That didn't come from them and your risking all for a ill placed accusation. Now disarm or force my hand!!!" He ordered his confidence in his abilities and the situation clear in his tone as he was both frustrated and serious with little room for patience at this point. "We now have to get James back and out of here. Everyone get on brooms and let's hurry." Roderick continued keeping his wand directed toward Keir and his eye not losing sight of him.
The pain in her leg getting worse to the point where she wanted to cry every time she moved, she just hit her lip and nodded. She didnt want anyone to worry about her. Not while everyone else was in more hurtful injuries. She didn't mean to be so rude to Victoria, especially after they were just reunited. But she no longer had fear of herself being captured or taken but now of the frinsds around her. She was worried for Victoria. She didn't know what they did to her but Jade was worried on what made her so calm and almost happy in killing Robert. And she used the killing curse. "Accio." Jade muttered a bit weakly, not on purpose. She hoped on her dark broom and flew up without a word. She searched for James and found him quickly when zoomed down and stopped in front of him. "James we don't have time we gotta go now, the others have to get to the infirmary. And it's not safe." She said in a weak but firm voice. The pain in her leg was excruciating.
Keir shot of another stunning spell, missing Jade entirely. Keir let out a sigh as Jade flew out of sight and took a few steps closer towards Victoria, the sweet and scared look on his face gone, replaced by a malice smirk."sweet sweet vic, such a shame really, they'll find your frozen body here, a dead death eater next to you and the dark mark above your head. Oh the things they will do, if only I could be there. But alas, I am needed at Hogwarts"

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Victoria scoffed when the younger kid pointed his wand at her and pointed her own wand at his chest. "You sweet, naive little boy. They'll find your dead body and a dark mark above your head. Oh the sweet things they will say about me, if only you were there to see it. But alas, I am needed at Hogwarts." She replied with a maddened grin before sending a stunning spell his way, the spell followed by a giggle. "Did the little baby think he could actually do anything against me?" She mocked as she walked away from the boy and closer to Roderick. "I could kill him to you know, he looks like such a burden. Just tell me what to do and gladly do it, I swear."

@Saru @Iak Destler
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Roderick sighed and would of fired a stunning spell of his own but gave pause when Victoria responded to him and directed her wand at Keir's chest. He gave a smile and looked toward a approaching Victoria giving a nod and chuckle, "You know I respect your skill and that you can handle yourself. Just old Roderick instincts you know." He replied calming down a little from his frustrated state. "I'm like that ol hound.... Loyal and protective despite knowing well others abilities to protect themselves." Roderick laughed a bit and straightened his expression a little. "Well.... As much as I love a good duel and adventure, plus kicking death eaters around with good old fashion ability. I don't rather like being in their backyard.... Bad tactics and begging for our small victory to be lost and turn our situation into something worse then before." He added light heartedly and getting a little serious as he went on. " We can become easily outnumbered again.... Just like in the forest, our upper hand and unexpected arrival has been spent. We need a new hand to play here, let's regroup and get everyone back safe and away from Voldemorts territory. Sound good?" Roderick spoke to Victoria and kept watchful of the surroundings and keeping his wand at the ready.

James looked to Jade, still holding his side. "That was my father. He's been lying to me for years. I want some answers!" James said, a tear forming in his eyes. "He was the only family I had left now that my mom is dead. Now he may as well be dead too," he said bitterly, wiping the tear from his eye. "He needs to be killed before he does anymore damage than he already has."


((I will post for Alexander a little later. For now, it's just going to be James.))
Victoria nodded at Roderick with a small smile and began walking towards her other friends. "Thank you, really. We would be dead... or worse if it weren't for you." She replied sadly. She was extremely grateful to have friends as good as them and she knew that she would never be able to make everything up for them. It was true, without their rescue she would probably still be pretending to be a Death Eater and doing who knows what to keep the Dark Lord happy. Now she didn't care if they wanted her dead or if she would spend her life running away from Death Eaters, anything was better than becoming one of them.
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Keir went to charge at Vic before realizing Rodrick was there, in his moment of enjoyment he had completely blanked Rodrick out((totally wasn't me missing a post *cough cough*)) and decided against taking both of them on and to go back to his facade "fine, but if she kills me it's on your conscience. Now lets go back, I don't think I've ever been so serious in my life and I never want to again. Accio" Keir raised his wand as he broom flew out of the nearby bush and he put of his childlike smile once more "A good relax in the common rooms will be nice" he then look at Victoria and yelled at her "stay away from me, you killed a man, death eater or not and now people will be after you. I don't want to be caught up in that."
"I don't have a broom, remember?" Victoria suddenly commented, ignoring Keir until he decided to yell at her. Her crazed smile back, she raised her arms and laughed. "I know that sweetie! I know!" She yelled back. "I've killed two people today! I know everyone is going to try to kill me and maybe there will be wanted posters with my face in them all around Diagon Alley! Maybe I'll even go to Azkaban! My fucking life is over and it's not gonna get any better so give me a break and let me forget about it for just five miserable seconds!" She yelled at the boy. She didn't regret killing the girl and Robert, she felt like the girl would've thanked her if she had been in her right mind and Robert had been a horrible person but she knew the problems were just beginning and she wanted to forget about her suffering for a while. She promised herself she would be able to cry and complain all she wanted to once they were back in Hogwarts but for now she had to focus on getting everyone out of here.
"Ah well..... You know I and everyone would come running or flying in this case, when ever you need us. I wouldn't feel right if I sat back and did nothing like the headmistress and all those professors and Aurors would prefer. In any case it's no trouble I'll do it again any time." Roderick smiled and took a moment in pause noticing Victoria's sadness in tone. "Cheer up miss... You have much to celebrate once were out of here atleast. You survived Voldemort and I would say bested him and his death eaters. Now who could say that?" He smiled and attempted to brighten up the situation a little, he knew of his friends killing of Robert and killing another while here at the manor and forest. But believed her actions justified and for the best. "Good.... Your coming to realize the needs of us all and the situation were all in. Now let's get moving, maybe Jade went to get James?" He spoke while looking to Keir and deducing the situation and everyone's position that he couldn't see from his vantage point. "Well.... True the original plan was for I, Jade, James and Nightwing to act as the beaters or guards in the formation with I taking the flank position. But things may change now, Keir can have point and lead the flight formation back." He spoke and looked to Victoria and offering his hand, "If you like, I'll take over the chaser or huh... shared broom role and can fly back with me." Roderick replied to the realization of her not having a broom. " The terms here I took from quidditch... But chasers in this plan were to take one of you each on their brooms while the beaters covered the sides, front and flank on the way back." He explained keeping his broom lower to the ground and wand in hand while his free hand remained in offer to Victoria.

@thefan1 @Iak Destler
Jade almost fell off her broom. Her leg went numb. She couldn't feel it or move it but she wouldn't let that stop her. She did however land. She grabbed James shoulder, slightly for support abut mainly to wake him up. "James!!! Your father isn't going anywhere. He's going to continue to serve him for now. But we have people that need help now and we went leaving you!" She pulled him into a tight embrace. And said "don't worry we'll get him, I'll make sure of it. But we need to go. It's time to go now." She said softly and soothingly. Before taking a couple steps backward and getting back on her broom. "We need to go." She said softly.
James's anger subsided a bit when Jade embraced him. He realized how much help she needed, and was reminded of his aching side at the same time. He sighed and nodded slowly. "Alright," he said and raised his wand, grimacing with pain as he did so. He called out the summoning spell for his broom, but nothing seemed to happen. "That's not good," he said, looking at Jade.
Jade shrugged. "You can share one with me. We don't have time to look comon." she said extending. Her arm out for him.
Victoria nodded and took Roderick's outstretched hand with a smile, having regained her posture after her dispute with Keir. "You have a plan for everything don't you? " Victoria asked with a raised eyebrow. "Let's go find Jade and James first. Then we can go find the others and get out of here before they come out with more people." She said calmly. All she was thinking was to keep the Dark Lord away from them and that meant leaving before he could come out and kill them all.
James hesitated for a moment, then took her arm and climbed onto the broom. He looked at her hesitantly. "You sure you can fly with two of us on the broom?" he said, also now unsure where to put his arms. Either around her waist or holding onto the broom handle. He couldn't believe that at a time like this he'd feel embarrassed to hold on to her waist, but he did. As such, he put his hands around the broomstick, hoping this would be enough to keep him balanced on the thing.
Roderick grinned with chuckle as he helped Victoria up as she took his hand. "Aye I do.... It's all in the role of the captain for house ravenclaw. Plus I always fancy a little tactics, it's rather good for the mind. A mental excercise if you will." Roderick replied with with continued chuckle, it may seem odd for others but to Roderick tactics were fun and he loved wizards chess, so every opportunity he had for tactics he often if not always could come up with one or two. Especially when needed. " Sounds good, hold on and will be off." He added in response and began to fly up higher and taking a chance to see over the forest and try and spot James and Jade while keeping a eye out for everyone present. He had flew around above the forest grounds and near the tree tops, his eyes looking around for James and Jade. After a few moments he came to spot them and gave a nod. "There... I bet it's Jade and James on that broom." Roderick spoke flying over and coming into view of them, "Good... You found James and both of you are fine and seeming ready. Let's move and regroup with everyone, we still have Dorian and Thaddeus to pick up and Johanna and Damien and company to catch up with." He spoke as they approached Jade and James atop her broom.
Jade laughed out loud at James question. "Nope. We have a 80% chance of crashing. But I guess we'll find out!" She said in a sarcastic cheery voice. Jade spotted Victoria and Roderick, she waited for them to get down lower then listened to Roderick. Jade did a slight lunge foward to throw up but stopped herself. The pain in her leg was making her sick. She squeezed her eyes shut for a moment to regain herself then looked at Roderick and said "you lead I'll follow." She said firmly. She really needed to see what was going with her leg.
James couldn't help but laugh at her statement, which he regretted almost instantly as pain shot through his side. "Damn. Broken ribs really hurt," he said, giving a light chuckle. He couldn't help but notice how she was acting. "Hey, if you need me to fly the broom, I can," he said, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder and giving her a small smile. When Roderick came up, James gave him a slight nod. "Sorry about breaking formation back there..." James said, deciding to omit the fact his father was a death eater.
Roderick gave a nod to both Jade and James in response. He took notice to Jades slight lunge forward and eyes closing. While hearing James mention his ribs being broken, "Are you going be ok until we reach hogwarts?" He asked them both concerned and thinking of the flight back being a little challenging for them. " It's fine James, I couldn't say I would have done differently if I were you and all. But considering everything, breaking formation is nothing serious. It's the trip back and having us all safe and back to hogwarts before Voldemort shows up and his death eaters swarm us, that's important. I like a challenge but facing Voldemort is quite the task for us right now." He added in reply to James. " But right, I'll lead and you guys follow but stick close. We can find the others and get back to hogwarts quicker once all of us our found and good to go." Roderick spoke starting to fly off and begin searching for the others.

@thefan1 @DarknessSpirit @KalenNighteyes
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Jade shook her head at his offer to fly. "Don't worry I'm fine, just the head injury from earlier." She said smiling back a little. She clenched her teeth in pain however. Then Roderick asked if they would be fine. "Great!" Jade said through clenched teeth a little to enthusiastically and followed behind him shortly after.
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Victoria silently watched the conversation between Jade, James and Roderick while she took in their injuries . She didn't want to say anything in fear that she could make them feel even worse than they already did but she knew they just couldn't just ignore the injuries. They would probably never make it back with them. She remembered how she hadn't been able to stand up after the torture and remembered Robert had given her some kind of healing potion to make her recover some health. "Who wants to check his corpse?" Victoria asked. "He gave me a healing potion a few hours ago and said he would give me more if I behaved. He might still have it in his robes. It would be a miracle if it isn't broken or if he still has it but we have to try."
Thaddues was trying to make a sense of everything, he just saw his friend cast a forbidden curse on somebody. Part of him was relieved, it was not like he didnt deserve it but he was afraid what effect it would have on Victoria. He just wanted this night to be over and get to bed but he had to push on for longer. He approached Victoria. "hey are you ok?"He asked her.
Jade nodded, agreeing to Victoria's suggestion. She felt guilty however that she noticed her injuries. "James gets it. I'm fine." She said stubbornly. She wouldn't let anyone prey about her leg. Although she was screaming internally.
James shook his head. "I have a few broken ribs. Big deal. You, on the other hand, look like you're going to pass out," he said without trying to sound modest. He really did want her to have it, but he was starting to get that Jade could be a bit stubborn about things. He tried to suppress a chuckle at the thought but failed miserably.
Jade expressed a look of irritation and embaressment. "If you won't take it then Roderick will. Or Vic. Or Thaddeus or Dorian. I'm fine." She said in a bland irritated voice. She started to speed up a little on the broom in urgency.

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