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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Victoria stopped laughing when Night Wing landed next to her and asked what was wrong with her arm. She quickly pulled down her sleeve to completely cover the mark and smiled. "Bad habits" She said calmly. "I always rub my arm when I'm nervous or excited, don't worry about it" She finished, standing up and looking around for the others. "Shouldn't there be teachers here? I mean, I'm sure they've been looking for us, right?" She asked, placing her hands on her hips.
Roderick looked toward Victoria get down off the broom and announced they were back. Noticing her gladness to finally be back and excited. He narrowed his eyes toward her arm and pondered a thought before taking note of Damien and Nightwing's arrival along side them, noting Damien's heading straight inside while Nightwing asked after Victoria's arm. Roderick shrugged and got off his broom holding it with a grip in his right hand with his wand sheathed, looking toward Victoria and Nightwing. " You gotta love flying..... The wind through your hair and that breeze close against the skin. Haha there's nothing like it. But I suppose you still prefer the grounded scene, huh Victoria?" He laughed in asking of her and listening to her question. "Oh right.....i forgot about them. I bet they will be out soon." He responded the mere thought of McGonagall's reaction to them was enough to bring him back to attention and think twice. She was kind and fair, but quite capable of being strict and setting people straight in situations like theirs. He wouldn't have changed his past move, but this was still something he would rather draw out in a way. Though perhaps it was best to get this over now. " Well..... She won't be happy, but we're all back safe and that's something. Aye I can't imagine how the others will react, Professor Flitwick won't be happy either though glad we're safe. Slug horn and them all, I couldn't say. Aurors are probably around as well..."
Thaddues breathed a sigh of relief on arrival back to the castle. Flying on a broom was something he was never keen knowing his girth could prove troublesome. He stepped of the broom and stretched. "You say what you want Rody... I am jusst glad to have my feet on the ground... Better still if i actually get to bed. "As for the teachers i figure that the return of Voldermord would be more pressing than out excursion."
Victoria scoffed and looked at the broom with anger when Roderick mentioned her love for staying on the ground. "Who would've thought a flying stick would cause me so much pain?" She commented.

"So what if they aren't happy? They better build a statue for us and I expect a jolly good grade in Defence Against the Dark Arts" Victoria exclaimed throwing her hands up. She though it would be more than an outrage if the teachers said anything bad about their disappearance and rescue, if anything, they should be treated like heroes for escaping the Dark Lord. Just then, multiple teachers and aurors arrived the scene and began taking the students to the infirmary .

(Gonna wait a few posts before making the time skip)
"Don't know and don't care" called back Damen. Walking back inside of the castle he thought: well this turned out to be a drag. The expression was all over his face. Damen headed back to the Ravenclaw common room, already tired.

Night Wing looked back at Victoria, obviously hiding something. She walked up to her with a giggle, giving Victoria a big hug "Sweety, you don't need to lie" said Night Wing.

September 2, 2017

Luke H. Santiago

The second day of September brought warm sunrays streaming through the windows of Gryffindor Tower. Luke automatically woke up and cast the time spell, one of the first spells that his father had taught him before his parents had been killed. "Tempus," said Luke and glowing green numbers shown in the air in front of him. 7:00 AM. Pushing Felix away from his face, he sat up and looked at the calendar he had to see when the next full moon was. Eleven days from now. Sighing he got up and made his way to his trunk, pulling out a fresh robe and some clothing to wear underneath before making his way to the bathrooms to take a shower and get ready for the day. The other first-years were getting up ten minutes later as he made his way out of the bathroom, fully dressed in a sweater and blue jeans. Pulling his robe over his head, he threw his dragonhide gloves into his bookbag and made his way downstairs with Felix to the common room to wait for the rest of the first years and the prefects to take them down to the Great Hall for breakfast.
Ashlyn rubbed her eyes as the plants started singing. The dang plants started singing! She threw her pillow to the end of the bed and sat up. "Shut that infernal noise, or you will find out just how easy it is to strangle a plant." The plants ruffled their leaves, but stopped. She got ready for the day, grumbling about her detention she had gotten for defending herself and the little kid... Come to think of it, she never did get his name. She shook her head and trudged to the dining room for breakfast. She sat at the table farthest from the door and began filling her plate with scrambled eggs, and bacon, ignoring the stares she got. ((Oh no! She's sitting at the Slytherin table! Hehe))
Marian heard the students outside of her room chattering, "Was it morning already?" SHe yawned as she stretched in bed. Marian looked up at the cieling before throwing her legs off the bed and standing up, she gave one more stretch before walking over to the bathroom and freshening up. Marian got her house colors on and made way downstairs and her boot was in her bootleg and she began to head towards the caffeteria. Marian was excited about school but since she has gotten here she hadn't made a single friend since yesterday. Maybe they didn't have time to talk to her or maybe they just ignored her, it wouldn't be the first time for Marian whenever she came into a new school.

Marian began walking towards the Gryffindor table and sat down seeing that there was already a plate at each seat. She sat down and put some warm scrambled eggs, pancakes, bacon, and sausage. Marian can eat a whole feast if you sat her down at one and never gain a pound, she was blessed but even so she still worked out by running at least twice a week. Marian began to dig in and eat, sleep was still in her eyes and calling her back to bed but once she got her breakfast, sleep was a thing in the past.
Luke H. Santiago

Eventually the first years of Gryffindor all arrived in the common room and were escorted down to the Great Hall where they were passed around their schedules. Luke sat a little apart from the other first-years, not wanting to deal with their constant chatter. On his finger was the Santiago Heir Ring, given to him when he was seven like was common in all pureblood families. Even though his aunt was a squib and his uncle a Muggle, they made sure Luke had been brought up with an appreciation for both the wizarding world and the Muggle world. He also had the Ravenclaw Heir Ring as well next to it, a raven head surrounded by sapphires on white gold. Since he was a werewolf he couldn't touch silver. The Santiago Heir Ring was made of gold and had a wolf and a dragon on it with the letter S inscribed between them, rubies for the wolf eyes and onyx for the dragon's eyes.

Putting his schedule in the pocket of his robes, Luke put some different foods on his plate along with a glass of orange juice and started his breakfast. A glance up at the ceiling of the Great Hall told him the morning sky was clear and sunny. It was a good thing that his ink bottles, quills and parchment were already in his bag. All he needed now was to get his textbooks and hope he made it down to class in time. He didn't feel like getting detention so early into the school year. Why couldn't Gryffindor have put his home near the Great Hall like Hufflepuff and Slytherin?
Thaddeus woke up on an infirmary bed, having been prevented from going to the dorms until they made sure he and some of the others are OK. He was lucky to get any sleep at after everything that happened stuck in his head and the constant creaking of the bed under his weight. He groaned and tried to sit up and look who was about.
Victoria opened her eyes when she heard a bed creaking close to her, moving over to see who was finally awake. Even with the heavy medicine and threatening commands from Madam Pomfrey, she hadn't been able to get more than an hour of sleep during the night. It wasn't because of pain, most of her wounds had been completely healed, only leaving a few scars. Yet, she could still remember the horrible things that had happened at the manor and she had a good feeling that she wouldn't sleep for a long time. She didn't want to let it ruin her life though, she wanted to move on from everything that had happened and live a happy life. " 'Morning sleeping beauty, it was about time one of you came back to life." She said with a big smile, stretching to make it look like she had just woken up. "I've been staring at the ceiling for half an hour now, it's impossible to sleep with all of you snoring loud enough to wake up the whole school." @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
"Your not exactly a sound sleeper either, hon. "He said sitting on the side of the bed and stretching. Despite sleeping he still felt tired and worn out with his body feeling stiff. "I saw you tossing and turning and sighing... And tapping your fingers" Evidently he was unconvinced that she slept."Not that i slept well when I finally nodded off...."He was about to tell her of his recall of the previous nights events in his sleep but thought better of it."I am starving, I could murder a whole pig... Even a cow."
"I talk in my sleep, no wonder why you heard me at night. That also explains why my roommates always complain about me, in case you were wondering." Victoria replied, sitting up on the bed and looking at the others who were still asleep. She wasn't very happy about lying to her friends but she felt it was necessary, she didn't want them to be worried after all. She had never realized how much she hated all of the attention until the teachers, aurors and healers took all of them to the infirmary and cured their wounds. Luckily, she'd been able to hide the Dark Mark from the aurors and had erased the minds of the two healers who had seen it. A brilliant plan in her opinion, a pity she couldn't brag about it for hours. "Eat. The term you are looking for is eat, not murder. But yes, I could eat a whole cow as well. Do you think we should go to the Great Hall?"
Roderick stirred and tossed before finally awaking and rising to a stand, pushing off his bed after he had gotten himself up to sitting on the edge. He looked around the room noticing Thaddeus and Victoria talking to one another, then completing a scan of the infirmary. "I must of been quite tired last night.... I feel like i slept like a bear. Hibernating through winter." Roderick chuckled and stretched a bit, before walking around the room to one of the windows that looked out into the grounds. " Food..... How great that sounds right about now." He responded and turned from the window. Walking over toward the others and giving a smile, glad to be back and for now atleast everything was back to school and away from death eaters sight.
Damen rolled over off his bed and got up. What happened last night? He thought, not being able to remember for some odd reason. That was odd. Probably morning tiredness. He walked into the common room, getting ready for the day before he headed to the Great Hall.

A crow sit perched up on the window sill of the infirmary, listening to them talk. She lept down and landed on Victoria's lap, chirping a bit.

@thefan1 @Saru @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
"Eat, murder my meaning is clear with either word."He commented though admittedly he felt a little disappointed that Victoria felt he had to lie about her lack of sleep. "You have baggy eyes." He said simply to Victoria to show he wasn't convinced but didn't dwell on it. He stretched before trying to get of bed, shots of pains flared through out his body with the movement like light version of the curse they pit him through but managing to continue." Well, I say we shouldn't wait we seem to be fine.... Besides I need to feed Moira as well."
"I never said I had a good night's sleep okay?" Victoria snapped, now getting extremely defensive over her actions and not wanting to get caught. She didn't want her friends to think she was untrustworthy for lying to them first thing in the morning. When Roderick came around, she smiled and stroked the wings of the crow ontop of her. "Good morning to you too Rod, great to see someone got some sleep around here." She said solemnly. "When we go to the Great Hall, could I sit with one of you? I know I'm supposed to sit with the other Slytherins but I'm not especially eager to face my brother and Robert's friends at the moment. Even if Jade's there." She said in a sad, tired tone. The thought of facing her brother and Robert's friends was frightening, she didn't want to know what they would do to her as soon as they were alone together.
The previous day had rushed by in a blur.

Joey soon found herself waking up in her bed in the Gryfinndor girls dormitory. She could make out the sleeping figures of all the other girls in their beds and came to the realization that she didn't even have to go to class today. Slowly, so slowly, she sat up in bed and shrugged the covers off, slipping out of bed and slipping her school clothes on. She normally went to romp around the castle before classes anyway.

With a huge yawn Johanna slipped out of the girl's dormitory and down the spiral staircase to the common room.

@Anybody in Gryffindor?
"Either one of use would be happy to have you sit with us. Not that we really sat in out assigned table beyond the first and last day the previous years." Thaddeus said unsure who she really wanted to seat with, part of him wondering why not him?
(Luke's in the Great Hall with the other firsties @explosiveKitten)

Luke H. Santiago

Did they have classes on Saturday? Luke wasn't sure but since they had gotten their schedules from their Head of House, Luke assumed they did. He briefly wondered if the stupid students who had snuck out had got detention or been expelled like they should have been, glad that it wasn't the full moon yet. Even though he had merged with and accepted his inner wolf years ago, he'd probably get put down regardless or end up in Azkaban if these stupid kids came across a young werewolf like himself on the full moon. Hearing a commotion from somewhere behind him, the young werewolf turned his head towards said commotion in the Great Hall, some other students at his house table following suit and saw the girl from last night sitting at the Slytherin table. He shook his head and turned back to his breakfast, pushing his inner wolf down who'd begun to stir at the commotion. Usually his wolf didn't make an appearance unless the alpha was angry or upset. But his schooling and life depended on nobody knowing what he was, according to that bigoted Ministry.
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"Right , how could I forget?" Victoria replied, a small smirk forming on her face as she remembered what they had done right before going to the forest. The ones in Slytherin had been extremely mad but they hadn't been able to do anything about it , it made her feel glad to see they had always been fighting against the Slytherin blood purists. Suddenly, her stomach grumbled and she made her way to the door, glad she wouldn't have to go to her room to change into her uniform since she had changed into a new one as soon as they had arrived. "I'm starved, who's coming with me?" She asked, looking at everyone in the infirmary.
Marian had finished her plate of food and went to throw her scraps away. Marian looked to the side and saw everyone sitting together, "why is it so hard meeting someone?" She asked herself in her head and shrugged her shoulders. Marian grabbed her backpack and walked out of the cafeteria. Marian saw that she had a good couple of minuets till her class started so she went outside to the school tower where all the owls came to bring notes that came from their parents or friends or even loved ones. There she saw Nani, her pet owl. Nani was a beautiful pet owl she received on her birthday a year or two ago. Marian walked over to the window and saw Nani, she began petting her soft back. Marian loved petting Nani since Nani helped calm her down at times, "You have it easy Nani," Marian said and let out a soft chuckle as Nani turned her head towards her.
Alaina wandered into the cafeteria with her stomach growling demanding food. She had heard about the death eater attack and wondered what students had been involved. Good or bad, she wanted to know who they were and get the details as she was feeling quite curious. She sat down with a few people from her house and nibbled some food she had picked up. She watched the Owls swoop and flap their wings, they dropped off mail from families and friends form back home. A letter was dropped into her hands and she opened it and read it hastily. It was just her mother checking on her, she sighed and put it in her pocket.

Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

Madden had ended up hiding in her dorm, behind the curtains and she had not slept the entire night. She had just sat on her bed the whole night and just was thinking. When she saw the first peek of the bright sun pouring out of the window, she had stood up, and dressed. Going to the toilet and going through all of the basic of morning routines, such as tooth brushing and so on. She then took her messenger bag, and rushed down to the Great Hall, the girl still managed to be a little lost, despite all of the the six years she spent in the walls of Hogwarts.

"Just my luck..........." The student sighed. But she finally found herself at the doors, while rushing to doors, the girl had tripped, and a soft 'Ouch' could have been heard from the crumpled body.

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