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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

Madden frowned and appeared to be lost in thought. She didn't really understand how they got out of the..............what was it again?...........well basically imprisonment, the odds of them coming out alive were a bit too small in her opinion. But she chose to not question it, she got in to trouble too much because of her curiosity, and did not need to happen now. "Yeah, let's go eat......." In truth Madden wasn't very hungry, but she needed something to fill up her mind.

@thefan1 - Victoria Knight @Anyone Else​
Keir chuckled to himself lightly at what Victoria said about friends before kinda of shrinking back at the fact he had said something mean about her brother "im sorry, I had no idea. I didn't mean to offend it's just... doesn't matter." He quickly bowed in response before coming back up with a smile "yeah, Keir, Keir Lewis Anderson, or as they like to call me Louise"
Victoria snorted and shook herself, noticing the boy's alarm when she had scolded him for insulting her brother. Honestly, she didn't care whether others insulted him or not since she was the one who insulted him the most out of her group of friends. However , reset events had made her think more about her family and she really didn't want Micheal involved with the Death Eaters. Even though they didn't have a healthy relationship, she still had a soft spot for her brother and couldn't forget their strong friendship before he began obsessing over blood purity. "Calm down, its not a big deal. Trust me, you're not offending me in any way." She replied calmly and took a bite of her toast. "My name's Victoria Knight, by the way."
Night Wing was intrigued at Victoria's little tussle with the other guy who she did not know. Then more people they met. Today was starting off great, at least she'd get the oppurtunity to meet them as well. She debated to herself on whether or not to reveal she was, indeed, a person and not a crow. . . . Ah why not? She flew off of Victoria's shoulder and shifted to a person "And I'm Night Wing!" she said aloud, happy to let them all know.

(This is what she looks like)


@thefan1 @Iak Destler @Whoever else
Keir got halfway through a smile before falling backwards as what seemed to be a bird morphed into a human next to Victoria "holly mother of muggles!" Keir held his head in shame as he stood up before chuckling to himself a bit and started going in circles around Night Wing "you're an Animagus, that's sooo cool, and you're so young as well. How the hell did you past the process, that's so cool"

@thefan1 @Iak Destler @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Thaddeus looked at Victoria for a moment, a little surprised at the trust she gave Kier. "Thaddues, you will have more than her to content with in the due...."He went to say before Night Wing made her presence know. He smirked."My god.. That is really cool I must say. A pleasure, Night wing. It is rare to find an animalgus let alone one at your age."
As Roderick spoke with Alaina and kept attention to listen to her when she responded. He looked toward Victoria noticing speaking with Keir naturally he was suspicious after the back and forth behavior the guy had since the meeting of Keir and since the manor. He wasn't sure if the guy was up to something or merely meant what he said to Victoria that seem to keep him in good terms with her, but either way he knew Victoria knew what she was doing, it wouldn't be easy to get one past her after all. He looked to Thaddeus and Nightwing noticing her transformation back into human form, he was impressed she could transform like that. A animagus at her age was impressive. Roderick turned back toward Alaina and drank some more of his juice while keeping focus on the conversation he was having and listening everyone speak.
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
Thaddeus looked at Victoria for a moment, a little surprised at the trust she gave Kier. "Thaddues, you will have more than her to content with in the due...."He went to say before Night Wing made her presence know. He smirked."My god.. That is really cool I must say. A pleasure, Night wing. It is rare to find an animalgus let alone one at your age."
Night Wing's bluish green eyes glistened in the light that came from the windows, blushing from all the attention she was getting "How old do you think I am? I passed by studying. . .Took me a while" she said while walking over and hugging each of them. She loved the mornings, they always gave her some sense of home. After hugging them each she stood by Victoria and practically shouted "You're in Ravenclaw! I'm so glad I've made another friend!!"

@Iak Destler @TheGuyWithSouvlaki @thefan1
Victoria chuckled and put down her mug when Night Wing shouted how glad she was. "Slytherin, not a Ravenclaw. I'm just here to avoid my wonderful coomrades and their wonderful obsession with blood purity." She exclaimed , looking down at her Slytherin robes and then back to the girl. "That's impressive , can't believe you went through all of that studying to become an animagus. I think I would burn the books if I ever tried it." She commented.

@Veyd Sahvoz
"Well and on this table you get such wonderful company like myself."Thaddues said with a smirk to Victoria before looking at Night."Though technically I am hufflebuff. As of your age, I have learned from experience not to guess that sort of thing about women."
Keir said with pride and a smile "I'm also Slytherin" His smile faded instantly when he spoke again, his voice sounding upset. "however I agree with Vic, the people over there are ass holes." Keir sighed before smiling again as he looked back up, his voice back to that of a child "so, how many of you are going to duelling club?"

@ThatGuyWithSouvlaki @thefan1 @Veyd Sahvoz
Victoria's smile returned when Keir asked them about the dueling club and she crossed her arms with a smug smile. "I definitely am." She replied, dueling club being her favorite thing to do in the school and she probably owned her life to the club. Who knows what would've happened with the Death Eaters if she hadn't known how to defend herself. "Death Eaters chasing us, joining is the right thing to do. Besides, I can't wait to kick your ass. "

@Iak Destler
Roderick finished his drink and rose from his seat giving a nod to Galahad and seeing him fly off his shoulder and toward the outdoors for some free roam flight. He listened to Keir and Victoria speak of duel club and ask if they were attending, he gave a simple smile and nod in response to hearing the question posed. He didn't yet speak of his own intention and waited a moment before doing so, as he recalled his order of classes today and where duel club fell on the schedule. "Of course I shall attend. Coming into my sixth year and have yet to miss one duel club event so far. I wouldn't desire starting now." Roderick spoke and walked over toward them before he would start walking on toward class. He grinned at Victoria's comment and took note of each present and who he has dueled before and who might he duel next. Duel club was quite entertaining and educational at the same time, it was certainly useful for aspiring auror and needed for one. It was just as high on his list of favorites at hogwarts as Quidditch was on the list. D.A.D.A and Charms were his favored classes while Duel Club and Quidditch were his favored activities.
"Of course i am joining. Somebody has to knock you down a few pegs, Vic."Thaddues said smirking before shaking his head."Though I have to admit that was a poor showing by me last night. Can't repeat that. "
Victoria snorted and rolled her eyes. "Sure , good luck with that buddy. Don't be mad when I send you to the infirmary though." She replied smugly, crossing her arms and sighing when Thaddeus said his performance had been poor. "Oh shut up. You helped as much as everyone else did. Besides, do I need to remind you that we escaped Vold- the Dark Lord himself? I mean, anyone else would've gotten killed but we escaped! You did great you big dope."
Night Wing slightly giggled when she boasted about how good she was at duelling "Can I try?" she asked, giving Victoria puppy dog eyes with her bright, glistening, greenish blue eyes. An idea popped into her mind and she hugged Victoria in joy "We could be partners!!" she suggested, pulling out her wand and making a heart in the air with it.

"You're just full of excitement aren't you?" Victoria replied as Night Wing made hearts with her wand. She wondered how the girl could stay so enthusiastic in a time of war but she appreciated her light mood. Everyone needed to lighten up after all. "Alright , we can be partners. Just a warning, I tend to play dirty sometimes so don't expect me to be a very nice person during dueling club." She warned, trying to keep a straight face while speaking.

@Veyd Sahvoz
A thin light breaks into Dorian's vision as he wakes up, his head pounding as he tries to open his eyes, blinking away the heavy throbbing, and forcing himself to sit up, his sides aching and skin burning as he tries to move. His vision slowly coming back, Dorian glances around the hospital wing, and pulling a heavy hand to his eyes and rubbing almost furiously, who knows how long he's been stuck here. He could ask Madam Pomfrey, although that would mean fussing and probably longer in the hospital wing, something he'd refuse to do, even so he quietly throws his feet off of the bed, trying to haul himself up, however failing slightly. His legs wobbling slightly as he pulls himself to his feet, using anything remotely steady to lean on as he pulls on his clothes, that had been left neatly folded by the end of his bed.

This simple act had taken the breath from his lungs, and left his vision slightly hazed, a dark fuzz surrounding his sight. Although this didn't deter him. Using every ounce of will power he has to move silently from the hospital wing and towards the great hall, occasionally leaning against the walls and giving his usual grin to the portraits that throw him glances, or ask him about his health. It felt good to be conscious again, he thinks to himself with a laugh, sighing in relief as he see's the large doors to the great hall. Practically sprinting, or as much as a sprint he can manage, leaning against the heavy door, his eyes scanning the halls for his friends. Grinning broadly as he spots them over on the Ravenclaw table and walking over, a grin on his face despite the struggle in his lungs

"Like Voldemort, I rise again" He greets his friends
Victoria could help but flinch when Dorian mentioned the Dark Lord and clenched her jaw. It felt odd, having such a reaction to his name when she had freely shouted it throughout her house to make her family mad. She supposed it was because the close encounter, or the trauma. Not wanting to think about it at the moment and leave the subject for the end of the day, she stood up and hugged Dorian with a big smile on her face. "You're alive!" She exclaimed, giggling softy and noticing his appearance. "Are you okay? How do you feel?" She asked.

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He beams back to her, wrapping his arms tightly around her, relieved to see his friends alive and smiling "Kinda feel like I'm going to be sick, and the room occasionally spins but I'm good, Vic. How're you doing?" He asks her, frowning in slight worry, he knows the events were traumatic for all of them, but most of all Victoria, and he wasn't going to let that go ignored.

Eyes widening and a soft gasp coming out of her mouth, Victoria quickly forced Dorian to sit down and subbed his shoulder. "Are you sure you want to go to class today? I mean? What if you pass out or worse?" She asked, her worried frown similar to his. She raised her eyebrows when he asked if she was alright and she answered with a shrug. "I've been... well, better. Don't you worry your ugly head about me, what really matters is you kinda look like, excuse my French, shit."

Dorian smiles warmly as his friend sits him down, thanking silently for how caring his friends were even after such a crappy night. As she mentions class he gives a nod of his head "This is my one chance to get a 'get out of jail free card' for whatever crap I pull in a lesson, I'm going to lap this up" He chuckles hoarsely, his throat feeling dry with the sudden speaking and a troubled night.

"Vic even if I'd of walked to this hall essentially being nearly headless nick I would still be worrying about you" He tells her, trying to laugh off her concern. Truthfully he had experienced this kind of dark magic, but the effects were always the same, no tolerance can be built up to this

"Like Shit huh? Ya know I'm actually feeling better than I look for once" He jests, grabbing a cup of pumpkin juice and practically downing it.
Victoria let out a small chuckle and sat down next to Dorian. "Right, because you're so handsome you have lines of girls running after you." She replied sarcastically, rolling her eyes and taking a sip of the pumpkin juice. "Yeah well, we're gonna end up like nearly headless Nick by the end of the day so we need to be very careful. All of us." She said, noticing the glares some of the Slytherin students were giving them. "We should probably stick together from now on. And I mean all the time. That, and we can't leave the castle without ten thousand Aurors following us so if anyone has something to attend to outside of the castle you better make it wait or I will murder you before the Dark Lord does."

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