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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Valentina kept her glare on the party’s backs - if there was one thing she knew frightfully well was that you never, ever turned your back on our enemy. Valentina didn’t enjoy thinking of Victoria as her enemy; after all, the girls were in the same year and house, but after what just happened...yes, she could refer to her as an enemy. If this was the real world, Valentina knew she could throw anything at them, right at that moment, but she didn’t. She pocketed her wand and turned to her fellow Slytherins, and to the arriving professors.
Thaddeus allowed himself an evil grin at Dorian spell, beforr nodding at Dorian when he indicated to leave. Despite his anger knowing it won't end well if they continued this fight, their time will come in time. He looked back he gave Valentina an evil smile before winking at her, a sort of we will meet again sign before turning to his friends and following them out. "Normally I would agree with you Dorian but sometimes you need to win a battle before you fight it. I am not saying harm is necessary most people there are just ignorant but something needs to be done. "
"call me a Slytherin sympathizer but most of them are just as scared as us, they'll have families in the circle and working for Voldemort, and unlike us will be too scared to speak out against it. If we can persuade them to stand with us then we'll have the advantage." He shrugs, shoving a hand into his hair and glancing behind them "I get what you mean though, their ignorance blinds them and they won't listen to reason unless we give it to them, even if that is through a crappy duel"
Victoria scoffed when Dorian mentioned her brother and shrugged. "What about my brother? I mean, he's a good duelist and obsessed over blood purity but he's no threat to us. The Dark Lord is the one we have to worry about. As long as we don't raise much attention to ourselves we'll be fine." Victoria replied, looking down and smiling. "I think that went rather well. I mean, we didn't hurt anyone but we showed them not to mess with us. That's good, right?" She asked, rubbing her arm. "Don't pity them! Sure, they care about their families but if there's one thing a Slytherin loves is power. They want to be who they are and we can't start to show sympathy."

Micheal had been watching the entire dispute with an amused grin directed to the Slytherin girl. He had seen her in some meetings and classes before , but he wondered why it had taken him so long to notice her. In his eyes , anyone who insulted his sister and her friends was a friend. After the spell, he made his way towards the girl and gave her a firm handshake. "Micheal Knight. Good to see someone is standing up to them." He said, introducing himself. "Pity about last night, huh? To think a blood traitor now carries our Mark... I could only imagine that in my nightmares."
“Valentina Queen,” Valentina said to him. She’d seen him before; her year, her house, and at meetings. She’d never spoken to Michael herself, but her brothers had, once or twice. She shrugged, her eyes quickly traveling his body, before meeting back at his eyes. “Robert was a friend,” she said simply, “blood traitors now, and next thing we know, mudbloods and half-bloods will be able to carry the mark.”
"Old Voldy is powerful but the only reason he is around as long as he did as much about his followers as himself."Thaddues spoke up." If he doesn't have his followers he has no support and I don't care how powerful you are one against the world, the world wins. Not to mention any information we might gain from an enemy turned friend. "
"Sympathy is what separates us, we got morals. They'd cut someone down if they so much as sneezed at the wrong time" He replies to Vic before turning to Thaddeus as he speaks "Exactly!" Dorian grins clapping a hand on his friend arm in almost excitement "Not to mention if we were able to convince people to join us, we could be that option for people who are working for Voldemort out of fear"
"Ah, another Queen? I've spoken to your brothers before." Micheal replied simply, his upper lip slightly going up in disgust when she said who would be able to carry the mark in the future. "Never. That's why we have to kill them before it happens. Starting with the three of them, I fear they can do much more." He replied.

"Killing someone because of a sneeze is what helps win a war. Remember the man is a genius and he knows how to rule." Victoria replied solemnly. Turning to her friends with a raised eyebrow when they began talking about being a chance for the ones serving the Dark Lord out of fear. "So you're saying we could start a group and fight Voldemort?" She asked, thinking about how the idea could turn out. "That's actually not a bad idea, its been done before right? We could get all of our friends and recruit even more people! Who knows? We could be the next Order of the Phoenix."
“The final Queen,” Valentina added. She wasn’t surprised that he knew the family name. Her brothers were, for Queens, friendly enough at meetings. Valentina couldn’t help but smirk at when the disgusted look crossed his face. “I agree. What do you think they’re capable of?” She asked, narrowing her eyes slightly. She had an idea; the girl had murdered the boy. That had to count for something.
"That should be a given, we can't fight the dark ones on our own. However awesome I might be at fighting dark wizards. "He said with a confident smirk to add some lavity to the situation. However he had to pause and touched his side as a flare of pain hit him from one of his woulds. Like being struck by the curse all over again in that point.
"It's like you can read my mind Vic, we all know people who would be wiling to join us in our fight, we can go train everyone to kick Voldemort's ass, and how to properly defend ourselves against assholes that think they're better than other because they have centuries of inbreeding in their genetics" Dorian grins at them "Besides I've always wanted to stand on a table and give a rallying speech" As they walk Dorian notices Thaddeus's flinch of pain and frowns "Are you okay buddy? Do you need to stop for a moment?" He asks, a tentative hand on his friends arm
Keir had watched the whole thing from his temporary seat next to Victoria, he acted kind of hurt when they said things about Slytherin but stayed quiet. Once the group had left the great hall Keir got up and moved over to Valentina and Micheal with a sigh and an annoyed tone in his voice "Really did you have to start that, like come on, are you trying to get yourself pinned?" The 14 year old boy was no where near as tall as Valentina yet had a sought of strong aura.

@thefan1 @redwood
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Valentina looked down at the boy who’d rudely interrupted her conversation with Michael. “That’s my own problem, then,” Valentina told the boy. He was significantly shorter than her, but she figured he’d grow. “And I didn’t start it. I defended myself verbally,” she added, shrugging.
Prouvaire said:
"It's like you can read my mind Vic, we all know people who would be wiling to join us in our fight, we can go train everyone to kick Voldemort's ass, and how to properly defend ourselves against assholes that think they're better than other because they have centuries of inbreeding in their genetics" Dorian grins at them "Besides I've always wanted to stand on a table and give a rallying speech" As they walk Dorian notices Thaddeus's flinch of pain and frowns "Are you okay buddy? Do you need to stop for a moment?" He asks, a tentative hand on his friends arm
"No, it's fine..." Thaddues said stubbornly removing his arms from his side and stood straight as if normal."Still a bit raw that's all... Anyways we need to find people to join and see if the teachers will give us a room to train."
"Thad if you need to chill we can stop" Dorian frowns in concern for his friend before carrying on "I'm not sure how to go about people, but I already have a room. My room for my time of the month it's mine exclusively, it's in the dungeons and has a great view of the lake" Dorian grins at him digging around in his robes for the rusty key
Roderick continued sitting within the Defense against the dark arts classroom and read his three books going from one to another in seeming study. 'Transfiguration' 'Defense against the Dark Arts' 'Charms' being his three selections of reading during the time. He quietly read beginning to hum softly a simple tune from one of his favorite songs, while pondering in thought a few different topics in his mind. Quidditch, classes, his selection of books he was reading and the likely response he would receive in the coming days along with his friends after word about the mansion would have likely spread far enough that slytherin would become more of a problem. Atleast those allied to those blood purists followers old Voldemort had in his pocket.
Prouvaire said:
"Thad if you need to chill we can stop" Dorian frowns in concern for his friend before carrying on "I'm not sure how to go about people, but I already have a room. My room for my time of the month it's mine exclusively, it's in the dungeons and has a great view of the lake" Dorian grins at him digging around in his robes for the rusty key
"Your time of the month. I always wondered what you so every month when you disappear... now that I got the answer, you are ugly for a girl."He said jokingly before trying to think while he had the pain on his side. "Maybe start off with the dueling club for recruitment."
ThatGuyWithSouvlaki said:
"Your time of the month. I always wondered what you so every month when you disappear... now that I got the answer, you are ugly for a girl."He said jokingly before trying to think while he had the pain on his side. "Maybe start off with the dueling club for recruitment."
"Now I thought it was rude to comment on a lady's appearance" Dorian laughs, glad to have a distraction from the throbbing in his head. Nodding to what Thaddeus is saying "We should always speak to everyone who saved us last night as well and we need to keep this lowkey, so no elitist gets wind and tries to shut us down" He suggests, pushing his sleeves up and shoving his hands into his pockets
Night Wing, unlike Damen, actually went somewhere. She remained in her crow form on Victoria's shoulder, not wanting to get off. In fact she was just starting to fall asleep. Oh how everything just made sleep that more complicated to achieve. She nuzzled near her neck, tightening her small grasp on her shoulder.

@thefan1 @Iak Destler @Whoever else
"To be fair, you'd make a prettier girl than a boy." Victoria replied, giving the back of his shoulder a small tap. "We should make a list of people who might be interested and then call for a small meeting. See if they're up for it. I could buy some training equipment next time we go to Hogsmeade and we could recruit people outside of Hogwarts for extra support." She suggested, her left hand carefully stoking Night Wing's feathers as she spoke. "Should we inform the teachers and Aurors? They could be a great help but there's the possibility of bringing down the group for training to fight for a war."

"They know how to work together in dangerous situations and are good duelists. The giant certainly knows how to cause distractions and is very strong when it comes to duels and torture. The guy has a lot of courage, I'm actually surprised he's not a Gryffindor. My sister is a good liar and knows how to manipulate people. Then again, the two Hufflepuffs are weak for their kind and friendly nature, they'll try to save their friends before they save themselves and my sister is a bit... Unstable after last night. That will work as an advantage." Micheal replied, rubbing his cheek with a small grin. They had more chances to win than they did and they obviously had more power. With the Dark Lord taking control over the ministry in a few days , the little group didn't stand a chance. When Keir came around and began arguing with Valentina, he rolled his eyes and loudly cleared his throat for their attention. "Relax, Queen. Keir is with us so you might want to behave around each other from now on. Did you get anything interesting while speaking to the group?"
He smirked at Victorias comment to dorian." I am sad to say that is true." He chuckled and winked at Dorian." Sorry buddy, you make it too easy." His smile faided and went serious for a moment." We can contact them but i think we should be a bit selective of which ones we tell about the order, i have a feeling most of them wont want us to have this little group."
Keir, being probably the youngest death eater in training ever, gave a quaint smirk at Valentina before turning over the Micheal with a sigh "Sometimes I wonder if I should train you in the art of deception... anyway, no I didn't. I wanted to gain their trust and '/Apologize/' for last night. You don't go asking questions when trying to gain trust.Which remains me, an other thing you should do is put yourself in danger for the group, think you could arrange that? Maybe you confront a member of their group, get them to duel you, over power them and I'll step in to try and break it up and see how things go form there".

// @thefan1 @redwood
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Valentina nodded at Keir, a bit more calm, “That’s not a bad idea. We all know they’re going to try to do something soon. They’re going to try to duel one of us, try to tell us they’re better or something...” She trailed off, thinking, before answering Michael’s question. “Interesting? Well, the Hufflepuff who sent the jinx acted then regretted. Right after it, he rounded the entire group off. He sent the jinx for calling the giant a half-breed, but he could have sent any spell, but he didn’t do anything to hurt me. I don’t think he particularly wants to hurt anyone, but he was the defender. Your sister, she’s not remorseful whatsoever. Look out for her - she can do something horrible in the future and not feel a thing. Unstable is one word for it.” She shook her head, looking between the two boys with a slight frown. “The giant, I can’t tell, besides that he’s a Hufflepuff. He’ll probably try to protect his friends first.”
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