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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Dorian holds a hand to his chest in mock offence "Are you saying that I actually have to attend my classes, Vic I have never been so hurt. No cruciatus curse could hurt as much as actually attending my lessons" He grins at her, reaching over the table for some bacon and toast. His stomach rumbling eagerly, munching on the food thoughtfully as he thinks to what she's been saying "Vic, I agree completely. I mean if we don't stick together we're essentially screwed like seriously. But what are we going to do when it's my well time of the month? I don't want to you know turn when you're at risk" He lowers his voice as he speaks but, only slightly. Frowning as he follows Vic's eyes to the glares of the slytherin students "You know you'd think they'd want to move past their stereotype"
Victoria took out her wand and pressed it firmly against Dorian's forehead with a slight smile after he finished mocking his pain. "Oh, I'm such a monster! Here, I'll give you a real cruciatus curse instead of the pain of class." She replied sarcastically, slightly twisting her wand and then putting in back in her robes. The playful mood leaving when he mentioned his 'time of the month', she rubbed her chin and sighed. "Well... When that happens we can... Well, isn't there some sort of potion you can take?" She asked, lowering her voice as well. "Why would they? With the Dark Lord rising, they probably want to be in his good graces. Which includes sticking to the stereotype . I mean, I would certainly do that if I had to. It's not that hard anyways."
He laughs loudly at her threat and grins "You wound me Vic, you know i'd rather suffer an unforgivable than actually attend my schedule" Dorian pauses for a moment as he thinks to her question"There's wolfsbane which allows me to keep my human mind, but it's expensive. I've been stealing the ingredients since my first year. But if we're not allowed out, there's no way Hogwarts is going to fund that habit. They were iffy enough giving me a gross ass chamber to freak out in" He shrugs casually, glancing back to the slytherin's. Their smug attitudes flaring an anger within his gut "Stereotypes are toxic" He grumbles, glancing to his friend with a soft smile "Vic you know you're going to be okay right? Even with that premature tattoo you got" He nudges her trying to lighten the mood
Victoria nodded, trying to come up with a plan to get Dorian what he needed to keep his mind during the transformation. "Alright. Some of us will distract the adults while you get the wolfsbane and we'll lock you in your room until you go back to normal. You do steal it from school right? Because going to Hogsmeade and stealing would be ten times worse, especially with out current situation." She replied solemnly. Giving a soft nod to the stereotype comment and smiling a bit. Her smile immediately disappearing when he asked if she knew she was going to be okay. Out of instinct, she looked down to make sure the mark was still covered and rubbed the skin around it. "Don't mention the tattoo." She commanded, followed by a nervous cough to stop her form breaking down. "I'm branded, Dorian. Hell, I could go to Azkaban for this! I know I'm not going to be okay, at least not while he's around. What if he can see where I am through the mark?"
Walking down the halls after a good breakfast Roderick headed for the Quidditch field with his broom in hand, deciding to take a few laps of flying before class would start. He had a small grin on his face as he looked around the field with a inhale of breath and exhaling with a peaceful expression replacing his fading smile. He positioned his broom and got into a comfortable form upon its black wooden surface, ready to fly. He kicked off the ground and began flying around the Quidditch field flying around the higher sections of the towers surrounding the field and connecting to the sections of seats where students and teachers gathered to watch the games. While mixing it up with some simple and creative flying around the field in the lower sections closer to the actual field and back up and around the towers and sections of seats, flying around until a number of laps had been completed and then Roderick would start flying in and out of the towers and goal posts to practice his skills and control while flying. "Hmm...... Maybe some creative improv for flying would be useful tactics in actual games?" Roderick pondered curiously to himself while flying around the field in both standard and creative forms of flying practicing and maintaining his ability for skillful flying.

After awhile had passed and his set number of laps were complete, Roderick flew toward the front doors and landed before them. Now getting off his broom and returning to the halls of the castle with his broom in hand, walking down the halls on his left and heading for his first class aiming to arrive early and do some studying before class would begin. He walked into the room stepping through the doorway and heading over for his usual seat and setting his broom behind him and against the wall on the back row. He took some books and opened each of them while looking around the room with a straightened posture and expression. Roderick then shook his head in thought and looked down toward his books and began to read seemingly each of them at once.
"I'll make it work" He nods, he'd been stealing from Hogsmeade as it was less likely for him to be suspicious, that and the potions room gave him the creeps, he'd just have to grow some courage and sneak into the potions cupboard, his hate for the subject causing him to pout slightly.

"Vic relax, well maybe don't relax. That's a bit impossible right now. But he can't track you I don't think. You can signal for Voldemort through it, pass barriers. And I think it hurts in relation to Voldemort. He can summon you but you don't technically have to go to that summoning. I mean he might kill you for not going, but you don't have to go." He frowns as he tries to recall the information he read back in their second year. "Besides you won't go Azkaban, we can all back you up. I mean reliable sources, werewolves, and half-giants are." He jokes nudging her lightly, eating more breakfast
Valentina sat at her usual spot at the Slytherin dining table, a somewhat formidable figure, sitting with a number of other sixth years, sitting with her back completely straight. She’d heard the whispering and rumors about Robert since the moment she woke up, and the fact Victoria was sitting there, talking to that Hufflepuff Dorian, almost completely emotionless, was slightly unsettling. Valentina, of course, heard the other rumors, that Victoria herself had something to do with what had happened to Robert, but she had a hard time believing it. But that wasn’t stopping her from staring, like most of her friend group.
Victoria nodded and smirked, hearing Dorian's reassuring words really helped her and she really needed the support. "It's good to have an expert by my side when it comes to... Well, the thing." She replied with a sad tone. "I'm sure the ministry would love to see you defend me. Now I know I'm never going to Azkaban. Thank you." Victoria replied, looking around and noticing a group of Slytherins focusing too much on them for her liking. "Gotta love being stared at like some weird animal." She commented.

(Sorry for late, crappy reply. The Walking Dead is back and its hard to write while watching )
"If they try to send you to Azkaban I'll wolf it up and save ur ass. I don't know if dementor's can kiss a wolf?" He chuckles, although the sound dying off as he follows her gaze to that of a Slytherin. It was this that made him glad to of broken his families tradition of getting sorted into Slytherin, although he still feels like he was misplaced. Being thrown in with hard workers was kind of off putting to Dorian, especially when he had a tendency to not actually go to his classes.

"Take a picture it lasts longer" He beams over at the Slytherin's as he calls across to the Slytherin's, who were apparently trying kill them with their looks.
It’s totally fine. I tried to get into the walking dead so many times. I just couldn’t do it. /: )

Valentina didn’t look away when Victoria’s eyes met her pale green ones. Amongst the whispers, Valentina wanted her eyes to convey that maybe the other girl should associate herself with people of her own house, not
Hufflepuffs. After all, Victoria knew why her name was being fervently whispered, and why so many eyes were trained on her, right? She had to. She should at least talk to her Slytherin friends...Valentina thought for a moment, but kept watching them even after she said something back to Dorian, but when the boy snapped the picture comment to her and her friends, she sneered, but didn’t say anything.
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"Ah, is good to have a wolf to save my ass. I'll keep it in mind next time I'm in mortal danger." Victoria replied, taking another sip of her pumking juice and almost choking on it when she heard the picture comment. She wiped her mouth with her sleeve and tried to control her laughter by slapping a hand against her mouth. Deciding to follow his example, she turned around and smiled at the Slytherins. "Don't you have a funeral to prepare? I'm sure little baby Robby wouldn't like it if all of you spent your valuable time starting at us."
Valentina leaned back, rolling her eyes. “Robby was your boyfriend, and your housemate, not this lowlife Hufflepuff,” she shot back. He was also a Death Eater; Valentina felt like she could feel the mark on her forearm burning at the mere thought of a fellow Death Eater that she knew so well dying the way Robert did. “But I guess he wouldn’t want you there, even if you didn’t do any terrible things to him, considering the company you keep.”
Victoria couldn't contain her laughter this time and she let out a loud, wicked laugh that slightly mimicked the ones she gave out in the mansion. "Oh, I think I did a very, very bad thing to him. I sure hope my love forgives me though, wouldn't want to marry someone who's mad at me." She replied mockingly and stuck her tongue out at the Slytherins. Something even she considered childish, it was still fun. "This company I keep." She paused to point at Dorian. "Happens to be better than all of you combined, thank you very much. Why don't you go tell that to Vol- the Dark Lord, see if he likes it? I mean, that if he does let you speak after kissing his feet."
Dorian grins at Victoria as she speaks to them, his eyes wide and a hand hovering near his mouth at her comment. "Vic that is the best thing I have ever heard shouted at Slytherins. Although I do feel like now we'll be the ones preparing funerals. Our own that is." He laughs, beaming over at the Slytherin students as Valentia speaks back to them "Low life? Yikes. I usually get blood traitor. Got to admit it's refreshing to get a change." Dorian quips, fighting back a smile at how wound up purebloods actually get when others aren't in Slytherin."Anyway my company is great, besides my family are also assholes like you guys, so by right of name you shouldn't be so mean" He laughs again pulling a pouty face at them and grinning at Victoria's comment about him "Feet? Come on Vic you know they're kissing Ol' Voldy's ass"
Valentina bristled, if it was any more possible. Low life, blood traitor, it was all the same. Her friends were hissing at her to back down, but, honestly, she didn’t know when to stop. “What happened in that forest?” She said, backing down slightly, almost not expecting an answer. Like it mattered. She’d never been friends with Victoria, especially not the Hufflepuff, but this behavior seemed the opposite of what Valentina had experienced with Victoria, but then again, they’d never socialized before. Valentina kept to the Death Eaters; last thing she needed was to be known to socialize with blood traitors and sympathizers. Her parents would kill her for that.
What happened in the forest?" Victoria repeated, an amused smile on her face. "Oh, the little snake doesn't know what happened does she? Oh poor little baby, you'd think they'd have the decency to inform themselves before treating us like shit. Oh well..." She said in a mocking voice. Preparing herself for the joy of answering the question and having an excuse to talk about the forest. "Well, where do I start? Oh I know! I'll start by telling you a group of teenagers beat full grown Death Eaters with thousands of injuries after fun torture sessions! Didn't you love that part, Dorian? I have to say watching Robby die was a wonderful experience I would like to repeat? Maybe you'd like to be my volunteer?" She asked, taking her wand out and pointing it at her. It was not like she planned to kill her in front of everyone, she just couldn't control herself.
At this point, several others were watching them, once the other girl pulled out her wand. “You’re crazy. You wouldn’t dare,” Valentina shot back with a slight waver in her voice. In the corner of her eye, she saw one of the seventh year boys stand up as if to intervene if he needed to. Still, Valentina new better and sat still, afraid if she moved Victoria would get spooked and do something with her wand.
"Oh i wouldnt push her." Thaddues said to Valentina standing by Vic and looking out at the others slytherins with a threatening look. " With what we have been through the other night.. your "higher breed" are not exactly popular with us."
Valentina’s pale eyes shot to Thaddeus, momentarily forgetting the threat of Victoria. Valentina had been mentally telling herself that Victoria wouldn’t dare hurt her, so Valentina had enough bravery to shoot, “And half-breeds, blood-traitors, and whatever else you can call yourselves don’t exactly sit well with us.” She motioned to her friends, all annoyingly Slytherin, all annoyingly backing the brown-haired girl with the pale eyes. During this time, the girl’s hand closed around the hilt of her wand. If Victoria tried anything, she’d be ready.
At the words 'half breed' anger soars through Dorian, pushing himself up from the table and blinking away the dark dots that are forming in his eyes from the sudden movement. "I dare you to say that again" He hisses, his hand clenched around his wand, the tip directed straight at the dark haired girl across from them, ignoring the dizziness that was swaying him slightly, his brow furrowed in anger, he refused to let people insult his friends, regardless of the consequences.
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Slightly upset there’s no strikethrough option, perfect time for a “I came out to have a good time and I’m honestly feeling so attacked right now”))

Valentina stood, rising to her full height of 5’9”. She was used to towering over her friends, and she wore her height like a badge of honor. At this point, her wand was out, idling at her side. Valentina was comforted only knowing that growing up in her family, the Queen family, she was used to ducking spells - especially from her brother Felix. And, besides,
Avada Kedavra had always been an eminent threat within her home. “Half-breed,” she challenged, without the slightest waver in her voice. If Dorian really wanted to throw a spell at her, he’d be in trouble with the Headmaster/Headmistress; Valentina could simply pull the defense card.
(omg that's amazing @redwood)

Annoyed, and provoked Dorian swiftly points his wand to the various plates and dishes in front of the girl and shouts "Bombarda" causing the contents of the table to fly up and clatter in a loud bang, the effect more to be a simple warning. He doesn't actually want to fight, his head is hurting far too much for that. And he knows most slytherins will be acting from fear, regardless the words half-breed being thrown to his friends was enough for him to consider shouting flipendo at her and knocking her into the wall. He was already going to be in enough trouble for using an aggressive charm, so using a jinx wouldn't be much else, and his fury over last night was raging through him. But he restrained himself, she wasn't worth the trouble. Instead he holds his hands up and tugs on his friends cloaks "lets go" he mutters to them, already regretting his momentary outburst
Valentina stood, stoic and emotionless; she only let her demeanor crack when the contents of her and friends’ breakfasts went flying. She kept her wand out, watching the Hufflepuff gather his things, his hands held up in a submissive gesture. When Dorian said “let’s go”, Valentina let herself smirk. She could, and would, count this as a victory. She turned her eyes on Victoria and Thaddeus, egging them to make an even bigger scene than he had.
Victoria laughed loudly when Dorian casted the spell against the Slytherins and quickly gathered her things to flee from the room. She countless of spells she wanted to use on them, to teach them a lesson on what happened when they tried to mess with them but it was currently not a very good idea. With professors arriving to see what was going on and trying to find the culprits, all they could do was flee. Seeing the girl's daring glare, she smiled and bowed. "Don't worry my love! This won't be the last time we meet, will it? " She said mockingly, turning to her friends once more. "I'll think of something to show them not to mess with us. Real pain, enough to make them bow when they see us." She said with a big grin. "Let's go"
Dorian follows them as they leave, rubbing a hand to his head "I shouldn't of done that, I only did it to get them to back off but I know we're going to pay for that now" He grumbles, pulling on his sleeve as he walks alongside his friends "Do you think we should maybe lay off them, I mean it's fun but they do have Voldemort on their sides. And my family, and worst of all your brother Vic" He sighs halfheartedly as he shoves his wand back into his pocket, still keeping a hand grasped onto it though.

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