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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

"I would make a pretty girl actually" Dorian agrees with a laugh "I'd put flowers in my hair and wear pretty dresses" He chuckles before frowning as their conversation turns back to their problems at hand "At the end of the day this is a school, and they'll see what we're doing as a dangerous activity. I mean we are going to be learning more advanced spells and skills" He looks to them disdainfully before adding "I'll forge us some notes to get some books from the restricted section, there might be something we need"
He nodded."I suppose we should try to get the defence against the dark arts teacher and maybe the headmistress, the later one might be tricky." Another flare of pain made him pause again before sighing."We... We should get started, sooner we start the sooner we thrush old voldy and ensure he doesn't come back again."
"Well you better start asking questions too kid, people do that when they try to meet others. Make it seem like you're trying to be friendly and pay close attention to their personalities." Michael replied, ignoring the insult and seeing as a childish attempt to seem mature. "We need to get them once they're separated, maybe find a way to turn them against each other. The Hufflepuffs are going to be hard to separate though, unlike my sister who'll probably run away from her friends if that gives her a chance to hurt us." He said, turning to Valentina.

"Then why are we wasting our time here instead of going to the restricted section?" Victoria asked, her eyebrows going up as an idea began forming in her mind. "Think about it, the professors are all in class and the Aurors are taking care of the security around the school. Everyone thinks we're recovering in the infirmary so no one will be expecting us in class. Besides, I doubt anyone would give us any permission to go to the restricted section even if their lives depended on it." She suggested with a devilish smirk.
Valentina nodded, agreeing with Michael. Their little clique seemed too ragtag - an unlikely group of friends, or allies, or whatever they were. “I wouldn’t be all that surprised when she comes running and one of the Hufflepuffs follow her. But she’ll have a hard attacking any one of us. We can all hold our own, and if she tries to attack me in our dorm room, I can have an impromptu duel, there’s enough of us,” she motioned to her forearm subtly enough, “that it’ll be okay. But the real question we should be asking is, how are we going to turn them against each other? And how do we give her the opportunity to come after one of us without her being suspicious? Unless she throws all caution to the wind, she should be smart enough to realize that we’re going to be closer than we ever were, and we’ll be looking for an opportunity to hurt her.”
"Aren't you lucky you know a dark haired guy who taught himself to forge signatures when he was 11" He laughs, throwing his hand into his pockets for some spare parchment paper and his quill, leaning the paper against the wall as he scribbles a barely legible note and signs it fluidly, passing the note to Thaddeus with a grin "if you have it she'll be too scared to say no even if she faults it" He shoves his quill back into his pockets and turning to his friends once more
Keir smirked to himself, as he listened to Valentia and Micheal talk amongst themselves. He honestly thought most of these questions had obvious answers, while he didn't deny their duelling abilities, their thinking ones were defiantly not up to par. He let them have their back and forth before sighing loudly to get there attention "you guys are asking all the right questions but not seeing the obvious answer, which is the same for all of them. Me, I wasn't just over there to say hi. I'm in their friend group now, as for turning them against each other The Imperious Curse should take care of that, and let me deal with your sister, if anyone can out fox her, it'll be me".
Valentina watched Kier closely, ripping her eyes away from Michael. Her eyes quickly assessed him, as if she'd see something she hadn't a few moments prior. "But they still know you're in Slytherin." Valentina stopped, thinking. "What if, instead of a whole conquer and divide mission, you try to figure out how they're going to attack us? Try to find out their dirty little secrets? If you're in their friend group, they might trust you. Or let something slip. After last night, they're not going to trust any other Slytherins. You're young enough to be considered innocent, and if you're in the inner circle..." She trailed off, ending the comment sheepishly. It was a weak suggestion, but it popped into her head.
"You can get closer to them," said Night Wing, shifting to her actual, human, self in an instant and finishing off Valentina's sentence "As they say, keep your enemies close and your friends closer.....or is it the other way around?" She said, putting her finger to her chin in thought. She'd heard enough of what they all said to get the just of their plan. Which lead her to her own idea and theories on the subject. "You know, it would be easy for someone quick and quiet to do the eavesdropping...especially a little crow listening to their conversation." Night Wing taunted, pulling out her wand and pretending to actually notice how beautiful the wood work was.



Once Damen had finished eating he closed his book on curses and hexes. It was always good to gain as much knowledge as you could on whatever you could so you could protect yourself if need be. Knowledge was power. It was getting pretty close to Breakfast being over but Night Wing hadn't showed up yet, not like he particularly cared or worries. With that, he left the Great Hall in search for something to do for the time being.

Prouvaire said:
"Aren't you lucky you know a dark haired guy who taught himself to forge signatures when he was 11" He laughs, throwing his hand into his pockets for some spare parchment paper and his quill, leaning the paper against the wall as he scribbles a barely legible note and signs it fluidly, passing the note to Thaddeus with a grin "if you have it she'll be too scared to say no even if she faults it" He shoves his quill back into his pockets and turning to his friends once more
Thaddues smirked as he looked at the note given to him by Dorian and stroked his beard as if thinking. "Not bad. Attrocious handwriting, quick hand main text but florishing signature. This is teacher handwriting if ever i saw one. Hell you can use this as doctors note. Well done."
Micheal nodded , now looking at the kid with and approving smile. "Right, Valentina and I will take care of the Imperius curse. However, I think you shouldn't try to outsmart Victoria just yet. We are talking about the one who escaped by outsmarting high ranking Death Eaters and the Dark Lord himself. No fourteen year old would succeed in something like that." He replied. He recognized the kid was a good thinking and using the Imperius curse was a good plan, yet, he didn't want to leave such an important role to someone who wasn't fully trained yet. "Why don't you go see if you can find them? They couldn't have gone far and if I know my sister , I know she's as far as possible from any classes." When Night Wing made her appearance, he chuckled and remained silent . He had no idea who this girl was and they definitely couldn't trust anyone without the mark in such an important mission.

"My! Aren't we lucky?" Victoria said, reading the note with a big smile. "Well, what are we waiting for? More Death Eaters to arrive?" She whined , grabbing her friends by their shoulders and taking them to the library. Once they were there, she took out a few history books from the table and put them in her bag. Just in case they had something the other books didn't. "Alright, we have to look for any information regarding the Death Eaters, the first two wars and any kinds of books about Dark magic we can find."
Dorian beams up at Thaddeus, proud of his own handy work, the smile quickly disappearing as they arrive at the library. The idea of sifting through books for hours on end suddenly seemed rather unappealing now that they're faced with actually completing the task. With a quiet grumble he dumps his bag and jacket onto a chair on the table, before sulking off to find some books he'd think were relevant. After scavenging the shelves, he returns with a large stack of books, most of which look untouched for years. He drops the stack with a heavy thud and looks to his friends "Okay I've got Dark Magic, Something on Wars, Order of the Phoenix, defense spells, and advanced hexes and jinx's. How much is relevant to us is probably 2% but we got to start somewhere"
Thandues followed them to the library and sighed at the work ahead of them. It seemed they had a lot of work ahead of them but he needed to get to it. He took a deep breath trying to ignore the pain a this side and went on to look for some books. He came back with a couple of books. " I found some on curses... Even some on the forbidden curses.."
Valentina nodded when Michael said they would handle the Imperius curse. When Night Wing appeared, Valentina looked at her narrowed eyed. Michael, smartly, had shut up. "And why would we ask you to do anything for us?" She challenged. "We're not exactly friendly with you," she pointed out. They were all speaking in pointedly quiet tones, and Valentina's comment came out more like a hiss than anything.


Brian Was In The Slytherin Hallway Talking to A Bunch of girls that we're Drooling over him. @Anyone

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After awhile of study and reading his books. Roderick closed each and stacked them on the desk to his right and relaxed himself back in the chair. He then rose from his chair and pulled out his wand silently using the Reducio spell on his three books and placing back in his robes. Content with his studies and having completed his time of reading and going over different thoughts, Roderick took his broom and returned his wand to its holster and left the classroom beginning to walk up and down the halls on his way to next destination.
Brian Turned As Roderick came up and walked down the halls before Roderick could get further Brian grabbed his arm. "Where You Heading Rod?" Brian asked. @Saru
Roderick turned upon feeling a grab at his arm and turned to see Brian there and asking after his destination. He paused a little surprised for a moment and looked toward the halls and back toward Brian with a nod and quick smile. "Well I was thinking of heading for the library and checking into a few things, see if perhaps they have a few higher level books on advanced spells then what they offer us in class, with the common books." He responded to Brian and looked over toward the girls in the hall and flashing a Roderick smile and wink, before turning his gaze back toward Brian. "What about you? Any plans Brian?" Roderick asked him in turn. @Mariam
Brian Chuckled lightly "Dude, You need to stop stressing over this whole spell or books or whatever it is your talking about, just relax and hang out with me" Brian explained putting a hand on Roderick Shoulder.

"Please Man, Don't be like my sister she's into stuff like that, Which is annoying" Brian continued. @Saru
Roderick laughed softly and kept a grin on his face afterward. He remembered his earlier years where he was not as stressed with studies and obsessed with books and learning on a higher level with no real reason other then learning and advancing himself in knowledge. The simple cause being his desired career and getting closer to graduating with each passing year. " Easier said then done. A sixth year for me is one less year left before entering my final year of school and moving onto a career. I wouldn't want to fall behind on my goals." He replied sounding rather serious for just studies and learning greater spells. But shook his head realizing Brian had a point. A little down time wouldn't hurt though and he could likely still fit in a quick stop at the library for a pick up, and read later on. " But maybe a time away from studies and spell learning wouldn't hurt. Though I think a pick up for later reading is still on the agenda." He chuckled and looked toward Brian for a moment. " With the times it wouldn't hurt to add to my Arsenal and knowledge of spells. But that aside," he paused for a moment and gave thought to a few things and his schedule. " What did you in mind for today?" Roderick asked and thought of Brians comment about his sister, " We have something in common, Huh? But really studies and books can be quite useful and free while we're in school. Why not take advantage?" @Mariam
Brian Shook his head "Listen, Either you come hang out with me or what, Or You Can Just Go To My Sister and do study session, Make up your mind, I'm good i already know my education i don't need extra learning or books, Because for my future i wanna have alot of power and that's all i don't need all of this crap" Brian explained. All Brian wanted to do was have power he never thought of his future being all that bright he just thought of it as power. Roderick was starting to get Brian mad because all he keeps talking about his studies and all Brian wants is fun. @Saru
With a loud groan, Victoria placed a heavy pile of books on the table and sighed. There was no way they were going to read every single book they'd found before their graduation. Still, they really needed as much information as possible and they had to start somewhere. Deciding to stay away from the history books for now, she threw them away and took Thaddeus's books instead. "Good. We're gonna have to start learning more about these curses if we're going to learn how to cast them whenever we want to." Victoria commented. It was true, she had only been able to cast the cruciatus and killing curses because she had been extremely angry at the person she had casted it against. Yet, she didn't know whether she'd be able to cast them against someone she wasn't so angry with. "Well, I say we take these babies to the room you told us about and start training right away. That is if you don't want to do anything else , of course."

Michael came to the conclusion that they were going to have to find a more secluded spot to continue planning their attack if they didn't want the entire school knowing what they were up to. He would never understand why the two girls had tried to join the conversation so suddenly, he wasn't friends with any of them after all. "Nothing that concerns you two" He replied, looking at the new girl and Night Wing.

(@Mariam they aren't in the library, they're in the great Hall.)
Dorian nods to Victoria "we need to focus on resisting and defending our selves against what they're going to haul onto us" He sighs standing up and shoving some of the books into his bag. "We can go check it out, make a start on research and setting up our own little order" He replies, throwing his bag over his shoulder and glancing around at the library, their new task giving the feeling as if they were constantly being watched and it was sending goosebumps up his spine.
Valentina's eyes darted between the two new girls. Before today, people usually kept away from her. Possibly because she was an older Slytherin student, possibly because they knew she didn't take nicely to those not in her house, possibly because they knew she was a Queen, and her name's reputation. Queens, for generations, had been hit wizards. Even her own father was one. Regardless if her family were suspected Death Eaters, it was enough to stay away from the family. "Well, I'm going the common room," she said airily, knowing full well that Kier and Michael both were Slytherins. Even so, Valentina wasn't worried about skipping a morning class or two. She took a step, figuring they'd join her. If they wanted a place no one would interrupt, their common room would be the best bet, or at least an empty corridor down in the dungeons.
(Also, I won't be able to post for a while so if anyone wants to control my characters then you're more than welcome to do so)

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