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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Avery slipped out of his bed clothes and into his robe, a blank expression on his face. After everything that happened yesterday, he was just tired, and no amount of sleep could rest him. Sighing, he made his way to the cafeteria, grabbing his food and going to sit with the other Slytherins. It was very clear that one member of the table was missing, Robert, but Avery tried not to think about that much as his owl came flying in. He had a package from his step-mother, who he had no intentions of befriending. Really, he didn't know why the lady even bothered, Avery didn't like her, so she shouldn't like him either. Oh well, he opened the gift anyways, and was slightly surprised to see such a bright pink wrapping paper. Was that lady trying to embarrass him? He ripped the pink of the package before anyone could really see it and get the wrong idea, and pulled out a little book. From first glance, it looked empty. But the more he studied it, the clearer the words became. It was his mother's old journal! She may have treated him badly, but Avery still cherished the gift. Still the fact that it came from his step-mother took away from the novelty of it. Whatever, he put his things away and went back to eating.
Not wanting to wait for the others and starve to death in the process, Victoria decided to make her way to the Great Hall alone. As she walked, several students began pointing and whispering with their friends and Aurors tipped their heads in respect. News about the capture and escape had spread like wildfire and apparently everyone wanted to know more about it. She thought the teachers would've made up a fake story to cover their disappearance and keep everyone under control, for some reason, this never happened. As she came closer to the Great Hall, she came across a friendly face and a huge smile broke out in her face. "Madden!" She exclaimed and ran towards the fallen girl. "I thought I would never see you again" She said, dropping to her knees and hugging her.

Michael had to stop some of his fellow Slytherin Death Eaters from attacking his sister as soon as they saw her by the entrance of the Great Hall, making them sit down and giving them a glare to shut them up before they could utter a word. "You idiots! Do you think attracting attention when the castle is filled with aurors is a good idea?" He spat, sitting back down and rolling his eyes. "Do I seriously have to sit in the Slytherin table to babysit a couple of imbeciles who can't control themselves?" He spat, looking at Michael after he'd received his gift. "Unbelievable, those traitors are still alive and now one of them carries our mark."

@Lilah Tunth @SomatoToup123
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Thaddeus followed Victoria for bit before deviating to go to the dormroom were he found something important sleeping on his bed. Little Moira, well little compared to him that is, a stray he found at one of his visit to hogsmeet a year or two ago and was a good friend since. He picked up the kitten from the bed and stroked and she purred back moving her head against his hand. He soon placed her in his robe pocket were she settled in and went back to sleep, before he walked down to the hall.
At first Roderick followed for a bit the others, then turned for the Ravenclaw common room and up toward his quarters to go wash up and change into fresh clothes. After awhile Roderick had changed and washed up now heading back down towards the common room and out toward the halls and to the great hall. He took a gaze around the halls as he walked passed and gave a smile toward passing students as they eyed him soon as they saw him. "Hmm.... Either my new cologne is working rather nicely with the ladies... Or the tale of our adventure last night and the initial attack has spread like fire through the school." He chuckled in thought. As much as he would have liked his cologne to have been the reason for all the attention he was receiving his morning, he knew quite well it wasn't. It wasnt his status as captain either, he was now in his second year as Ravenclaw's house Quidditch team captain. So it was nothing new this year. Roderick continued down the halls and on toward the great hall for breakfast and getting his day started and catch up wih the others, as he did his black barn owl Galahad came into view and flew down landing on his raised and extended arm. Slowly bringing it closer to his body after Galahad landed, the bird enjoying the pet under his chin as Roderick happily gave his old pal attention after a long night. "It's good to see your alright, Ol chum..... Catch anything good to eat while I was gone?" He asked with smile while walking into the great hall. Galahad softly responding with a answer. "Good..... That's a hunter for ye. Keep those wild and troublesome pests at bay and under control, yeah?" He continued as Galahad again responded now with movement of his head. Roderick gave another gentle pet to Galahads head before guiding his arm up and near his shoulder, gesturing for his pet to move on toward his shoulder and that Galahad did, hopping off his arm and up toward his shoulder.

As Roderick walked through the great hall looking for everyone, he stopped before a section of his houses table. Noticing a girl he had seen a time of two before in the common room and in dueling club, Roderick paused for a moment before speaking.... He put on his usual charm and smile as he looked toward Alaina,
" Hello, mind if I and perhaps a few friends of mine join ye?" He asked, he hadn't yet seen Victoria, Thaddeus and company since he went to freshen up and change into clean clothes. But was sure they may be around at some point.

Alaina looked up and smiled at the boy she recognised from ravenclaw common room and one of the clubs she went to. "Hi, I don't mind you sitting down with me." She said pausing after a few secounds she looked back up at him with curiosity. "Weren't you one of the people who had to do with that death eater thing?" She asked Rodrick with an arched eyebrow. She took a chunk out of her toast still looking up at him interested. "Your names roderick isn't it? Right?" She said not sure if that was his name or not.

Roderick kept his smile and took the sest across from Alaina and before him and where he stood. Remembering how hungry he was before, Roderick reached for a piece of toast from the plate of toasted bread that was on the table and up for students to take from, while listening to Alaina. "Thanks." He replied first to her not minding that he join her and sit down. The look on his face as he went take a bite from his buttered toast showed a little shock at the question. He was sure others knew, he could tell while walking the halls this morning. But hearing the words aloud was something quite different, though he had expected it. He was still a little shocked by it. He couldn't say why, but he was. He finished his bite and swallowed. He gave a polite smile and chuckle as he reached for a drink and took a first sip before answering. "Ah.... Huh.... Well yes. I was involved with that attack last night and what followed." Roderick kept a soft smile. Perhaps it was the spotlight that caught him off guard so to speak, unsure what to say and without a certainty of how to say it. He was usually better prepared but today... He was not. Quidditch Spotlight and performing well in classes and dueling club, all of that was quite different compared to this experience. Death eaters and survivng the attack and his part with his friends to sneak back out and fly to riddle manor in attempt and success of helping their captured friends escape. It was quite more then he was used to even in his sixth year. " I suppose it's all known now? I guess its expected. But yeah I and some of my friends were apart of that adventure. Quite.... Something." He continued and pondered what he should say, how much was known? The whole tale or just the attack? He wasn't certain. Roderick then looked toward Alaina with a smile and nod. "Aye yes.... Roderick McDonald. You have right miss.... Huh..." He paused and chuckled a bit. He was usually better with names and from those of his house, he was usually better at remembering them. But these past couple of days, he was a little behind and out of form. "Alaina. Haha I knew that. Sorry.... It took me a moment to remember usually I recall names of my house better then that and others I have met in other houses as well." He ate his toast and dished himself up a plate of food from the center plates on the table. He then looked toward Alaina.. "So Alaina, how are you doing? Everything alright for you this year?" He asked

She reached for another slice of toast to fill her up. "Everything's been pretty normal, things have been going quite good in lessons I suppose for me this year." She said before buying into her toast. "How's your year been so far, if you've had an experience with a death eater it must be interesting. Way more interesting than mine." She said between chews. She reached for another slice of toast still feeling hungry.

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Roderick listened to Alaina as she spoke and he ate food from his plate and taking a drink after a few bites. "Aye... I suppose it would be rather normal so far this year. So early and all. Still I hope we have more exciting classes and opportunities his year." He replied and paused to take some more bites of food from his filled plate. " It's been like a movie..... Or a book like you might read in your spare time that's a novel and not the normal educational sort." He continued feeling his old storyteller impression coming to him, though held back and decided to get to know her better before getting into his old self and the character he was and could be when he wanted too. " We started off like everyone else here in the sorting ceremony then as we all or most have done, snuck off into the forest for some good ol and normally harmless adventure.... Then boom, were swarmed and tested. But overall my year so far at Hogwarts has been good. I think I missed the first set of classes this year with the attack and what followed, the stay in the infirmary. But well it being still in the first week and all, I am sure I'll catch up in no time." He added and gave a pause to eat some more. "But aye.... It has been interesting and trying all at once. Adventure, risk and dangers to others can provide some excitement and all." Roderick continued and gave a smile.

"It's probably a good thing I am in dueling club and have been for years now. Or else.... Well who knows" he laughed at first then paused and shook off the following thought of what could have happened to them if not for their experimce in dueling club and all. " Anyways.... I bet things exciting have or will happen for you as well. Who knows.... Perhaos dueling club and Defense against the Dark Arts and Charms classes will become even more exciting this year with the return of death eaters and their lord." He spoke

She looked distantly remembering the dark lord and his death eaters. "Yes, I think those classes and clubs will get more interesting for definite." She said with a quieter voice as she was thinking about it all. "You'll probably just need to do a bit of extra research to catch up." She said back to her original louder voice. "I hope we have more opportunities this year aswell, we probably will need them with the dark lord back." She said with smaller voice again. She paused for a few secounds trying to process how the dark lord had came back before thinking about something else. "What job would you like to have when you leave school?" She asked interested.

Joey soon showed up in the Great Hall, with a big yawn. Her eyes were clouded with sleep as she stumbled down the rows of tables to find a place to sit at the end of the Gryffindor table. Immediately upon sitting down, the nearby people looked at her and after a moment's hesitation scooted away. She hardly even noticed as she grabbed a glass of pumpkin juice and filled her plate with food, idly chomping on some bacon and remaining lost in thought as she continued to stuff her face full of food.
Roderick continued eating while listening to Alaina. " It should add some fun and new experiences, that's for certain." He replied and took a drink from his glass. "Yeah.... Well it shouldn't be any trouble. A little extra study and catching up doesn't bother me none. I don't mind the work actually." Roderick paused and finished his plate, gave thought to Alaina's response and the dark lords return. Truthfully he wasn't certain who could stop him this time. There were plenty of able and powerful wizards and witches around from the last war and some young wizards and witches with ability and power to hold their own against death eaters and other counterparts..... But the dark lord, Voldemort was something else entirely. A top wizard of all time nearing the most powerful wizards and witches of all in mentioned history. Who would be the one to face him this time without Dumbledore and who knows if the great potter was aware and would be back to stop him again. He then shook off the thought and returned his attention to Alaina, " Yeah, we will indeed with him about. But I bet we will and hope so as well." He spoke a tad softer then before and pausing to take another drink from his glass. He smiled at her next question and expression has brightened. "Well... I always wanted to become an Auror. I have been working quite hard at acheiving that dream, each year I have stepped up my game in duel club, classes and studies. Found a few tricks to multitask and manage my schedule with that and hanging around with friends." Roderick spoke in reply to Alaina, "Though only time will tell if I am good enough. But I thought about possibly a fall back plan just in case, maybe returning to hogwarts as a professor and maybe even succeed Professor Flitwick as the head of house Ravenclaw and also perhaps as the charms professor. Or maybe become the next Professor of Defense against the Dark Arts." He added with a smile. " That or turn pro and become a professional Quidditch player. But becoming an Auror has always been my first choice. What about you, Alaina? What's your dream job after school and wanting to become?" Roderick finished and asked with interest about Alaina's own dreams and wanted career after school.

Keir walked towards the Great hall, ignoring the looks from other students he was getting. The news had clearly spread fast about the whole death eater mansion thing 'I wonder if anyone mentioned the fact that Victoria killed at least 2 people and the Dark mark was above her head. Probably not, things would never go that well.' He thought to himself as he entered the great hall only to notice Micheal at the Slytherin Table. He quickly ran over and sat down next to Micheal with a big grin on his face "what are you doing here Micheal?"

Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

"Victoria................?' The girl blinked slowly. 'But how................?' She hugged the girl back, and uncertainty was written all over the way she moved, and Madden briefly wondered whether or not the Slytherin was even real. 'What happened last night?' She questioned inside her head.

"How are you Victoria?" Madden looked at the other girl, and raised a brow. "And more importantly, why would you think you would never see me again?" She asked, faking innocence on the matter, in order to find everything out.

@thefan1 - Victoria Knight @Anyone Else​
Night Wing remained, as a crow, on Victoria's shoulder, not wanting to get off. She slowly nudged over closer to her neck where the most warmth was and chirped as she burrowed there. This was going to be an intresting morning, that is if she stayed as a crow and went sling with it. Who knows, she might make new friends.



Damen sat alone at the Ravenclaw's table in the Great Hall, bot interacting with anyone, just a book in hand while he ate his breakfast. To him there was nothing else to do in the morning, seeing as how people were annoying. When he ran out of bacon and muffins he pulled out his own wand, pointing it at the tray. The students there moved away as fast as they could, thinking Damen was going to cast a spell on them after giving them a cold stare with his mismatched red and black coloured eyes. He just sighed and flicked his wand "Wingodiumliviosa" he murmered as the whole tray floated to him.

Victoria looked down and cleared her throat when Madden asked her why she thought they would never see each other again. She'd thought everyone in Hogwarts knew about the attacks and the capture, however, she knew not everyone knew what exactly had happened inside the mansion. Sure, the theories came very close to what actually happened but she knew they would probably never understand how it felt being there for hours. "The attacks" Victoria admitted , wondering whether she should continue or not. She meant to keep the Dark Mark a secret but she had no idea how she was going to explain their escape without Madden figuring it out herself. She was a Ravenclaw, after all. "I was captured and...well, I didn't think I would ever get to see you again." Victoria said slowly as she caressed the crow's peak.

@Lilah Tunth

Micheal smiled when Keir decided to sit down next to him and rolled his eyes. "Babysitting the idiots who can't control themselves around the new heroes" He spat, using a mocking voice for the last word. Somewhere close to them, a student shouted out something about them being the reason for Robert's death. Clearly sick of Micheal keeping them from attacking. Micheal shut him up with a glare and looked at his sister hugging a girl by the entrance. "I know, I know. But Robert was a smart man and he wouldn't have attacked them in such a short period of time after the attack." He spoke, calming down the others before turning back to Keir. "Victoria has the Dark Mark, the Dark Lord told me she faked being insane to receive the mark and escape. We just need to show the Aurors and they'll stop protecting her and hopefully her friends. Then, we'll finally attack. You understand?"

@Iak Destler
Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

"Captured? By who? Death Eaters?" Madden's eyes widened. 'So I didn't imagine anything. The sparks.........they were calls of help.' The girl thought and realized something. 'Wait a second..........she escaped? But how? Victoria is no Harry Potter, she wouldn't be able to escape something like a swarm of Death Eaters.'

"But how'd you escape?" She asked Victoria, clueless.

@thefan1 - Victoria Knight @Anyone Else​
Keir sighed as he put a hand to his face at the mention of people not being able to control themselves, he was one of the youngest and newest yet he could control himself better than those idiots, how disgusting. Keir took another bite, listening to Micheal before speaking up "I tried to get her to roll up her sleeve but her friends arrived just in time. If we could get her mad again and get her to kill someone, I could cast Morsmordre above her again, people can't ignore something like that twice in a row."

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Thaddues walked into the Hall and scanned around for his friends. He noted Victoria''s brother on the Slytherin table talking quietly with his friends in a manner that worried him. Still he saw Victoria and approached her and the others, a tried to find a seat."Hey vic, your brother has that evil plotting look in his eyes, I am surprised he doesnt tap his fingers and chuckle evily."
"I was rescued. Roderick, Johanna, Jade, Damen, they all came to our rescue." Victoria replied with a big smile, remembering the brilliant escape that she was still amazed of. "They took us to the mansion and I managed to trick some of them into thinking I wanted to be a Death Eater, then we escaped by destroying one part of the mansion as a distraction and the others picked us up afterwards. I still can't believe we actually escaped." Victoria spoke, slowly rising from her spot on the floor and glancing at the Slytherin table. She knew she couldn't even think about sitting there and felt like a thousand knives would be thrown at her if she even dared to get close to it. "I'm starving, mind if I sit in the Ravenclaw table? My fellow Death Eaters aren't very happy with me at the moment." She commented , then turning to Thaddeus and let out a loud sigh. "Well, I did kill one of his best friends yesterday. I'm surprised his eyes aren't red and he's not drinking blood."

@Lilah Tunth @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki

Micheal slapped Keir in the back and let out a loud laugh, it was great to see they were getting such good and young Death Eaters. "Good thinking, kid. Now, we just need to get one of the traitors locked back in the mansion and get her to kill him." He said, receiving a couple of cheers from the other Death Eaters in the table. "We just need to make sure they see each other's Dark Marks. We can add some mudbloods corpse next to the traitor to make her actually want to kill whoever we're using. They'll attack each other, thinking they're with the Dark Lord but Victoria will probably win due to the other's injuries. That, or I could befriend her and pretend to be attacked by the traitor."

@Iak Destler
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Keir thought to himself for a second, this was why he was aloud to become a death eater at such a young age, his mind. Keir closed both hands over each other, leaning on them as he listened to Micheal's plan "The latter sounds better, people always tend to have a soft spot for family, even if they're not nice to each other, family is family." Keir said as he looked up to Micheal with a smirk, behind his eyes you could swear you could see gears turning. "oo, that's a thought, I know how to get her where we want, when we want". With that he walked over to where Victoria was moving tables and grabbed her arm sheepishly "Hi there, hehe, I was just wondering if I could apologize for my actions yesterday, it's just that my family was killed by death eaters when I was in my second year here, and well, the thought that a death eater killed somebody I knew again stopped me from thinking... Friends?" He extended his left arm for a handshake, purposely letting his sleeve roll up to reveal nothing on his inner arm.

@thefan1 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
"Ah your family... Puts a new meaning "to trust him like a brother" that is for sure." He said shaking his head before moving aside a bit to offer her a seat. When Kier approached he recognised him from the Slytherin table and looked at him darkly. He walked over to Eli and stood next to her, he wanted to say something but held his tongue letting Victoria deal with him.
Victoria flinched and instantly placed a hand over her wand, still on edge after the capture. When she remembered who was speaking to her, she rolled her eyes and let her guard down for a second. She didn't exactly see him as a threat but he did come from the Slytherin table and she had seen him with her brother before. Well, she didn't want to make any more enemies and he didn't have the Dark Mark on his arm so she shook it and raised an eyebrow. "Don't let it happen again, kid. Or you might just end like Robert. Understand?" She said coldly, not ready to trust anyone from Slytherin at the moment.

@Iak Destler @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
When Victoria took his arm he kinda of did a little jump on the spot, saying to himself "yeeees... I mean, thank you and I won't end up like Robert. As for what I did you can beat me up at dueling club or something hehe... can I er, can I sit with you, the Slytherin kids are assholes to me. Even that damn Gryffindor is a pain." He said looked over his shoulder with a annoyed but sad look on his face, his voice sounding miserable and a fast change from the happiness that is was a moment ago.

@thefan1 @ThatGuyWithSouvlaki
Ashlyn started eating, but a group of students had another idea. "Oi, beaver, this table is for Slytherins." Ashlyn looked up from her plate, feeding her begging sugarglider a bit of egg. "I was not aware of that fact, and it's a badger, not a beaver." The older student crossed his arms at Ashlyn's correction. "Well?" Ashlyn stood up and, picking Nunu up, began walking away from the table. "What a nutter. I bet ya her parents thought she was a squib until now. They're probably a whole family of nutters..." Ashlyn listened to the group talk, a single tear tracing her cheek as she pretended not to care.
"Please, you think you can go against me in the dueling club? Sorry to break your dreams kid but I stick to duels against my friends." Victoria replied with a proud smile and crossed arms. She was never this mean to other people, especially ones from her house who didn't want her head in a plate but she couldn't help but be mean to the kid who had witnessed what had happened in the forest. It was an odd way to keep herself from choosing bad friends again and she was willing to do anything to never let that happen again, not after what had happened with Robert. "The Gryffindor might be a pain but he's my brother so watch it. And yes, you can sit with us. I know what it's like to be hated by the Slytherins. Glad to see we have something in common... er, Keir, right?"

@Iak Destler

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