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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Victoria shrugged and sighed, looking at the ground in defeat. "I know, I know. I really messed up didn't I?" She said sadly and looked down at the Dark Mark on her arm. "I should've been stronger. I could've waited a few more hours, I was so convinced this was my way out... I even killed a person. She was younger than my little sister" She commented with a sad smile, looking at Dorian made her smile a bit due to his sense of humor even in the worst times. "No one can know about the mark" She said to both of her friends, standing up and rubbing the arm with the mark and the long cut. "I know there's no way I'm getting rid of this so please don't tell anyone, even our friends. I don't want to end up in Azkaban" She muttered to herself.
Alexander fumed as he got to his feet. He didn't even bother to stop and check on Robert. Instead, he stormed off down the stairs and yanked open the front door. "The Hogwarts brats escaped! They can't have gone too far with apparation so go find them!" he hissed at them and they immediately ran off toward the forest. He had some pretty big explaining to do to his Lord. He hoped that since he had been serving the Dark Lord so well and even killed his own wife on Voldemort's orders, the Dark Lord wouldn't hurt him...too much. Alexander walked back into the entrance hall and got on his knees as he knew Voldemort would soon be here.
Lord Voldemort, feeling one of his trusted Death Eaters calling him quickly dismissed the Death Eaters he had been speaking to and Apparated back to the Riddle manor. Only to find a big part of the roof gone and a mess of debris in the hall where Alexander was supposed to be. Cleaning big pieces of debris way from the floor with his hand, Lord Voldemort noticed the unconscious body of one of his youngest Death Eaters, Robert. Now filled with rage, he made his way towards the entrance hall. All Death Eaters who had been brought there because of the sound became silent when they saw him. "Alexander..." He began, pointing his wand at him and giving him a cold glare. "Crucio. You idiot! How could you let them escape?" He shouted furiously, most Death Eaters behind him running to the forest to find the students. Glad to have an excuse to run a way from their master's wrath. "HOW DID THEY DO IT?"
Alexander felt sharp pains course through his entire body. He had endured this curse before, but it was never the same kind of pain. He couldn't think straight, his body uncontrollably writhed in pain, twisting and contorting. When it finally stopped he looked up at his Lord. "They managed to get their wands back from Robert. He handed the girl her wand, I can only assume either he gave them back their wands or some how the girl managed to get them from him. I was here prepared to oversee the turning," he said, some pain still coursing through him from the curse. "I sent out some others to find them as they could not have gone far. They are too weak and too untrained. Besides, they have only one place to go my Lord and that is Hogwarts."
Voldemort gave him a cold stare and motioned him to get up. "I'll speak with Robert once he wakes up. You will go into the forest and bring those kids back to me. Understand?" He said loudly. The fact that he had actually trusted the girl with the Dark Mark made him even madder, he absolutely hated traitors and he was going to make sure she payed for what she did. Unfortunately, killing anyone from the small group would probably break the alliances with their families and that would give them a big disadvantage. They came from very large, powerful and influential families after all.

(Last post for the night, anyone who wants to control Voldemort can feel free to do so)
"Vic don't you dare blame yourself. You were stronger than any one would have been in that situation. If it was me you know I would of come out with a dark mark just the same. This isn't your fault" he assures her solemnly, a hand on her shoulder as he speaks "now we need to get back to hogwarts, you can stay in our dormitories tonight, I don't want you to go back to find your brother or something waiting for you" he tells her, his heart thumping in his ears as he thinks of the danger they're still in "You're going to be okay, I'll see if I can find some kind of cover up paint or something for your mark so you don't have to invest in long sleeves." He nods to her reassuringly "besides long sleeves aren't in fashion this year" he jokes half heartedly
"Yes my Lord. I will see to it that they are found," Alexander said. His temper was rising. He had just endured the Cruciatus curse because of those little brats. He wasn't about to let them get away. He focused his thoughts on the forest near the house and vanished then reappeared with the telltale loud crack of apparition. Pulling out his wand, he met up with three other death eaters and began searching the treeline. "They can't have gone far! They are weak and at least two of them have taken hits from the Cruciatus curse! If you find them, the Dark Lord will reward you!"
"Right, right, thank you" She replies, faking a smile to make him feel better and to let him know that he was really helping her with his support. It wasn't long before she began hearing voices of the Death Eaters looking for them. Remembering the patronus one of their friends had sent and remembering they were on their way to save them. She quickly made some shields around themselves so they wouldn't be noticed by Death Eaters so easily and looked at the sky, half expecting to see her friends flying around or something. " I doubt the anti-apparition wards in the school are still down and I don't want our friends to risk their lives to save us only for us to return to the school. Besides, we're too weak to apparate anywhere else. Does anyone know how to make a patronus? Because if we tell them to meet us at the forest then we can climb a tree and wait for them to pick us up." She whispered.
Dorian looks to her "give me a second" he nods as he glances around, aware that his patronus would also give their location away to any nearby death eaters. He does a silent prayer before flicking his wand and blinking at the blue light shining from his wand, a large owl flapping its translucent wings in the light "alright, we either just got out of here or are screwed. In which case run, you know what they do to traitors" he nods to her, shoving a hand through his hair
Roderick nodded to Keir, James, Johanna, Jade and Damien. While flying up into the air and making haste for the Riddle manor, he looked back toward Damien and recalled his response from earlier and keeping Keir in view as well. "Aye... I know I've experienced some injuries before... Quidditch and duel club can have that effect, I can take some hits the key is will and being stubborn enough to carry through." He chuckles making light of the situation. "But... Those were common bumps and bruises we all get, right? It may be serious stuff now but we've taken a few in the past to prepare us for stuff similar to this. We have the will and stubbornness to keep us moving and friends we care about to keep us distracted a little from the pain." Roderick spoke truthfully in explaining how it could be possible to keep moving through pain and injuries. Atleast for him that's how he saw it and thought the others were the same or similar. He kept good posture for flying and leaned his upper body down to help with faster movements through the sky, his years of flying and quidditch evident enough in his flying as he weaved in and out of trees and buildings.

Roderick was starting to rise in height going further above then before, rising into the air while coming to notice a Patronus of a large owl appear before them and giving the message. The bright blue light of the Patronus noticeable in the sky and coming to recognize it as the spirit owl appeared and spoke to them of the message. He gave a nod and looked back toward the others as they came into view of the forest,
"Say Damien and Johanna.... Your both experienced flyers and know quidditch well. You as well Keir, slytherin right? I've got a plan B." Roderick spoke out and aiming to gather attention quickly as they approached closer to the forest. "If they are in the forest.... We move into formation just as we would using chasers and beaters. Got it? You three find Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus and pick them up quick. Making you three the chasers and us remaining the beaters... The guards if you will, while you grab them we will distract the death eaters who could be out and in search." He added in explanation of his plan, quickly adjusting his tactics to the updated situation. While then looking ahead and continuing with explantion of his plan. " While you do.... We'll do what beaters to best, *Laughs* keep our mates protected from bludgers and send them back twice as hard. In this case though we will also cut off any death eaters from getting close to our friends by setting the surrounding area aflame. Alright?" Roderick spoke in addition to his plan and laughing a bit during. "Once were done with our resoective tasks.... We fly high and get into that before mentioned formation. Got it? Chasers on the inside and beaters covering the back and sides." He followed swiftly and prepared his wand for action. "Jade and Nightwing to the sides and I'll cover the flank.... James to the front and keep us on track don't fear using obstacles to give a tough aim, got it?. Now Keep tight and don't lose sight." He ordered and swiftly flew down in charge fashion, starting to fly closer to the ground and noticing death eaters already in search, he cast his wand toward the ground around the area Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus would be. Casting one Fire spell after another toward the ground to set it aflame and cut off the death eaters. While preparing for defensive action just in case they caught on and began a offensive of spells.

James took the front of the group and flew near, shooting down spells at the death eaters he could see, while trying to stay over the forest as not to give a clear target. It was hard work doing this, but he somehow managed not to crash. It was then he smelled something burning that wasn't the forest below. He looked back to see the tail of the broom on fire. "Uh, guys! I think I might crash! Brooms need their brush to fly, right?!"


Alexander stormed through the edges of the forest looking for any sign of the brats. This was now less about pleasing the Dark Lord and more personal. They had made a fool of him. Suddenly an area of the forest caught fire. He looked up to see several figures approaching on broomstick. A rescue party it seemed. He stopped to wonder briefly about how they found the manor, but growled angrily, firing a curse up toward the approaching rescue party. The curse hit the lead broomstick on the tail and set it ablaze. Alexander gave a smirk and walked toward the area of the forest that was on fire.

(I will now wait for a few posts before I post again :) )
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Ashlyn wandered through the halls, getting hopelessly lost. She stupidly took directions from a floating person throwing inkwells at students and teachers alike. She was lost in thought when she ran into another student. He was younger than her and she towered over him. She backed up, looking anywhere but the boy. "I apologize. I wasn't looking where I was going."
Keir smiled, this was turning out to be just like a quidditch match back at Hogwarts. He looked between Damien and Johanna with a smirk as he pulled out his wand "so who wants point?" he said with what would probably too much enthusiasm for risking their lives. He then noticed Jame's broom on fire and pointed his wand at it "oh for peets sake, Aguamenti." The tip of his wand grew an icy blue as water splashed over the fire, putting it out"You have to be more careful, I'll have a look when we get back but this is the best I can do for now,Reparo." The ends of the broom slowly straightened out and became a brown again.
Joey was unbelievably excited.

She hadn't gotten her hands on a broom in AGES, and god she was eager to get back on it. Running her hands over the broom handle, she smiled with glee and jumped on, taking off into the sky.

"YEAHAHAHAHHHHHHHHHHH! Woooooooooooooooooooooo!" She cheered, pumping her fists in the air and cheering. She could feel the wind through her hair as she zipped around on her broom, filling her with exhilaration. She rolled her shoulders and cracked her knuckles, starting to do tricks and flips as they flew along. She was enjoying herself perhaps a little too much, but soon enough she fell in with the others. Roderick start to regale them with his plans, and she nodded to him, "Talk Quidditch to me. Dadadada dada dada dadadada!" She mimed playing a saxophone and giggled at all the purebloods who inevitably wouldn't understand what she was doing or quoting. She was clearly much more relaxed at this point, high up in the sky. "But in all seriousness, I get what yer sayin. Sounds good to me."
"Oh, I had completely forgotten about what they do to traitors. Thanks for reminding me." Victoria replied sarcastically, not really caring about controlling her temper at the moment. When the her friends showed up and a fire formed around them, she immediately began searching for more Death Eaters. "It's too dangerous to make them come down!" She exclaimed, looking up at the tall trees and sighing. "We might have to climb! Does anyone have a better idea? Because this one's extremely risky"
Roderick grinned and let out a chuckle. "Aye... I thought you may like that. Good though lets execute it the best we can, we may not be scoring points but we got a game to win here." He laughed in response to Johanna in cheery tone despite the seriousness of the situation. Upon James call out and Keir responding Roderick turned just a bit his gaze toward them and back to one another. " Good move Keir, it could have left us a broom short and mate in trouble." He spoke to Kier and turned ahead to James, "You good, James?" He asked while catching view of where the spell came from and taking notice to the death eaters and they're position as they neared the location of the fire and Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus. "Ah... It won't be that easy, fella." Roderick thought and prepped his wand for aiming toward the death eaters and his intended target of the ground before them. "Confringo!!!!" Roderick spoke softly and focused, his aim decent as he kept focus on the death eaters and the ground before them in specific. He fired off the blasting curse toward them as it hurled forward and sent to the ground before them nearing they're feet and aiming to cause a explosive effect and perhaps injure the enemy or simply back them off from moving forward and slow them down.
Jades face was hard and determine, her mind raced quickly, they were all gonna make it and she would make sure of it. She took notice of the death eaters approching. As soon as Roderick fired, so did she, holding on to her broom as well, she pulled out her wand, and started to hurl stunning spells at the death eaters. Hitting many off their brooks, while dodging, some spells almost hitting her.

James looked back at Roderick. "I think so. The broom is a bit harder to control now, but I'll manage," he said, putting his focus back on the group of death eaters just knocked back by Roderick's spell. James pointed his wand down at the group and shouted a spell. "Stupefy!" The spell hit a death eater square in the chest, knocking him down.


Alexander was thrown backward slightly by the blasting curse, but quickly regained his footing, and darted into the forest just another spell flew by him and hit one of his peers. He looked up to see the group on brooms flying in formation. The stun spell came from the rider in the front of the group. He grinned, thinking he'd deal with that one personally. For now, he took off toward the flames. When he arrived he put up a shield charm, pointed his wand at the flames, and made a hole to step through.
"You are all going to regret trying to escape. Even if I only bring back one of you, it will be enough for the Dark Lord!" he said, flinging a stunning spell at Dorian.
Dorian shrugs as he looks to the trees around him, squinting up at the darkening branches "I suppose it's as good an idea as any" he sighs looking to the tree trunks, trying to get an idea of how best to climb the tree, his eyes catching a glimpse of a figure moving towards them in the darkness, quickly grabbing his wand and casting a shield charm over his friends before feeling his body freeze up and his body falling backwards as he's hit by a stunning charm. The time he'd taken to cast a shield over his friends, he'd neglected his self losing time to counteract the spell.
Thaddues sprang up and forward when his friends managed and escape and picked up a spare wands before following the others out to the forest. When the man from before appeared again and fire a stun spell at Doris he replied with a disarm charm. "You can't hide behind a home base and disarmed prisoners this time. We can bite back this time. "
Jades muggle intincts kicked in as she saw Alexander go through the fire and hurl a spell at Dorian, she took off on her broom, she quickly opened a hole in the fire. She came from his left side. She was as quick as a rabbit and in a flash she yelled in mid air "MUGGLE HERE!!!". Her arms out as she flew straight at him. Her body knocking straight into him.

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Luke H. Santiago

Luke Hyperion Santiago

Year 1/11/Gryffindor

Last heir to Rowena Ravenclaw


Werewolf/Alpha of Lost Stars Pack

Luke watched as the older girl looked anywhere but at him. While waiting for her to acknowledge a simple first year, he studied one of the paintings on the wall he had caught to keep from falling. The painting was moving, like all paintings in the magical world, this one consisting of a group of nuns talking with each other. He looked at the painting for a few minutes, until one of the nuns noticed him looking at him and proceeded to scold him about listening in on others' conversations. Offering a rueful smile, Luke turned his attention away from the painting, and turned his attention to what his classes would be like. @Indigo Knight
(Let's not let this die, okay? I don't know what to do with my character but there are lost of people who haven't posted yet)

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