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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Roderick looked to Jade and watched her sit on the edge of her bed, listening to her respond and feeling a sadness while trying to find his thoughts and see, think a bit more clearly. He had no plan, no strategy to offer.... No tactics of any kind. It wasn't like quidditch, it wasn't like duel club and practice. They're was no second chances, they're was no room to fail and grow. He felt useless and a mess, his mind still clearing up and while the pain lowered and treatment took effect and started to do something for him, he wasn't certain of what to say next or if he should. He was glad to see Jade calming down and allowing for time to rest and pull together with a goal of learning information and forming a plan. Oh how he wished he had a time turner for moments like this, but he didn't and it was only wishful thinking in after thought of what had happened. He opened his mouth seemingly several times but no words came out, nothing seemed right to say or seemed the best time for it. Finally after awhile passed since Jade said "Okay." And the silence filled the room, he shook his head and smiled.... He wasn't sure why, the thoughts he had in mind were varied, scattered and were both sad and memories a bit more cheery. Perhaps it was the cheery memories that brought a smile to him, he wasn't sure. A mixture of emotions running inside and swelling up trying to keep them in check, while a part of him wanted to let loose and get it off his chest. But finally he spoke with a simple and calm tone and response "Okay."

As he laid there in his bed and looked to the ceiling, Roderick turned his head and gaze and looked toward the girl who had walked up and asked for guidance to the headmasters office, he hadn't seen her before and would likely not be allowed to help guide her in his state with madam Pomfrey giving him a look to stay put. While he also knew it wouldn't have been good to push himself to much and after he just mentioned rest. He smiled and looked to Madam Pomfrey and Madden then toward James, "Normally I would love to help ya miss, but I'm a bit banged up and wouldn't be much help to ya right now. But I could give directions if you would like or perhaps they could help you as well," Roderick replied with a kind tone and smile.
Charlotte clung to the wall as more and more of her peers entered into the infirmary. Somewhere covered in blood and bruises, others seemed to be tagging along for support. At first, it seemed stupid of her to get involved, but these people where for a lack of a better word family-wither they got on or not. Being as curious (and occasionally stupid) as she was, Char put her long, leg in front of herself, starting to take a few steps. Pivoting right on her black ballet flats, her eyes widened as she saw every house represented. “What did I miss?” She mumbled to herself.

Taking a deep breath in, Char walked to the room’s approximate center and looked from side to side. Trying to make the best of this situation (and trying to get the gossip she craved), Charlotte let out a small chuckle.
“Well, I guess that’s the last time I sleep in. You all look like you got on the wrong side of a centaur.” Her chocolate eyes gave everyone the once over, wondering what really happened.
Apparently Madam Pomfrey had taken note of James cradling his shoulder because she came rushing over and placed her hands on either side. She made an "mhmm" sound and, with a wave of her wand, there was an audible pop as James's shoulder popped back into it's socket. James groaned loudly as the pain seared through his shoulder. His vision was nothing more than bright lights. "Thanks for the warning," James said, cradling his shoulder once more. Madam Pomfrey gave him a smug smirk and hurried off to continue her work elsewhere. She had always had a terrible beside manner. James shook his head and looked at Jade. He was glad she seemed to have calmed down a bit.

When he heard Roderick talking to someone he turned his attention that way to see who he was talking to. He shook his head in response to Roderick's question. "Five years of school here and I've honestly never been to the Headmaster's office. Sorry," he said.
Roderick looked toward Charlotte as she entered the room and toward the center, she seemed familiar to him. Perhaps he had seen her in the Ravenclaw common room or dueling club? Yeah it was starting to come to him, she was of Ravenclaw but couldn't remember if they had met properly in introduction and learning each other's names before. He looked to Ashlyn and James then toward Madam Pomfrey, it sounded like madam Pomfrey had helped James and his shoulder, though her bedside manner wasn't her specialty but her skills were great. He wasn't certain yet how to help Ashlyn beyond giving directions in his state of recovering, James mentioned having not been to the headmasters office before to Rodericks shock, he couldn't say the same. He had been there a few times and not always for the best reasons, he wasn't a troublemaker persay but has been in trouble a time or two with his adventures and that time he may have taken his with fued some other students a bit too far while he dueled them outside but that was a whole other story. Roderick then returned his attention to Charlotte and gave a smile though his attempt was likely seen on his face as a fail, his sadness was still fresh and unresolved in what troubled him. " If only so...." He replied softly images coming to his mind in flashes of the attack and ensuing battle. The memories of it all that he recalled and had been informed of so far filling his mind after she spoke in mention of sleeping in and they appearing as if they got on the wrong side of a centaur. "Sorry..... Didn't mean to drift off like that, it's been a long night and not the greatest. A long story or perhaps too short when you think of it, but no centaurs didn't cause this..." Roderick replied to her uncertain how to tell her or if he should... What they had experienced was horrible and could cause alarm if told while alternatively it may be for the best if everyone was told about the danger and reality of the situation. More could come into harm and be unprepared to deal with... To defend themselves if not told and prepared for such possibilities. Roderick unintentionally went silent thinking about what he should or shouldn't say in continuance not wanting more trouble or alarm to come because of what he said or harm because he didn't. " I am Roderick by the way... Roderick McDonald." He spoke deciding to break the ice first and introduce himself to Charlotte and Ashlyn and to see if they have met before and he forgot with all that had happened or if this was they're first meeting.
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Prouvaire said:
Dorian frowns in though practically jumping as an idea hits him "I don't know if it will work, but I low key know how to cast a wandless spell. I mean I haven't done it in about a year" He admits to his friend as he struggles to get to his knees, trying to focus on his friends bindings, muttering "Diffendo" trying to keep his voice low so as to not attract attention from those in the building, despite his best efforts his charm only manages to sever a small incision into the bindings, his mind too preoccupied to currently cast the charm efficiently. The charm is a second year spell and the struggle to cast it wandless, something he has one many occasions before gives an edge of defeat to settle in his stomach as he tries to summon all of his willpower to ignore the sounds echoing from the corridor and to focus purely on the charm, so far it only having cut one of the bindings, and not enough to actually free his friend.
"Well it is a start." He said kindly rather than sarcastically, feeling one of the bonds break."What was that? The d spell?" He asked lowering his voice before trying to pull the bonds apart. They are giving away more know, heartening him up glad that they had more of chance now. "Try it again.. I think one more and i can pull it. Then the rampage begins... No one magics my friends."
Dorian laughs gently, the kindness of his friend greatly appreciated as he tries to summon his concentration "it's a severing charm" he explains "simple enough to do, usually requires wand focus but the right concentration usually works" he sighs, uttering the words again as he manages to be more successful, cutting more of the bonds. "Once we're free of these, we need to get wands. We're no use against anything without them" He grins at his friends as the bonds become looser
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He pulled the bonds apart and stood. First thing he did was to scratch his ankle."Ah finally, that itch was killing me."He muttered in relief before walking over and helping untie Dorian. "Here we are...Come on let's go."He said moving to the locked door and trying to push it.
Ashlyn reached in front of her, scratching the inside of her elbow. The action tugged her sleeve up slightly, showing the top of her tattoo. "Thanks. I appreciate it." Their accents only reminded her how far from everything she was familiar with and she wondered if maybe she should have convinced her dad to stay in Salem. She smiled slightly at the introduction. "Ashlyn Nightingale. I just arrived and the letter told me to report to the headmaster's office, but I got turned around and got lost." Nunu choose that time to crawl out of the pocket she had made for him. He jumped into the closest person and stood on their shoulder, looking at Ashlyn. "Nunu. It's not nice to climb all over people." ((Decided Nunu would be older than the picture, so I changed it.))
Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

She should get off the floor.

Or stop crying, she would get depression like this.

But get off the floor first.

"Thank you for that........it calmed me for some reason....." She said to.....???........was it on R? Being the person she is, she forgot already. Rudie? No. Robert? Not it. Randy? She didn't think so. She really needed to get a proper brain. She shouldn't forget names! Names are important! Stupid of her and her stupid memory to forget.....anyway, she stood up, whilst trying to remember the nice, even though rather blunt in her opinion, guy's name. Then a certain transfer student and fellow Ravenclaw arrived at the scene. She didn't even say hello, she saw no point when they wouldn't notice anyways. The transfer said that she needed to go to the headmasters office, not a surprise, first years get lost when they see it for the first time too. She didn't know the way there if she was honest with herself. Strange huh? She practically lived in Hogwarts the past six years and yet she forgot the way so easily. Why the only things she remembers are either bad memories or information from books? She should maybe test try that cheering charm on herself, she, the last few month was rather gloomy. She was after all, extremely good with a wand. Perhaps, the only thing, she agrees she is good at, is casting charms. How did she get from forgetting names to being good at charms? Well, she better not question herself, so, whatever.

She got of from her position on the floor, clutching the wall, she lost balance for a couple of seconds. And nearly slipped, 'Forget that, not only brain, but spinal brain also.' Tucking her copper-ish hair behind her ear, she mumbled out something.

"Well, I'm gonna go......"
Dorian laughs lightly as he stands up, thanking his friend and pushing a strained hand through his wild curls. His frown focused entirely on the door, their next problem in getting wands. "You got a plan for acquiring wands?" He asks, deep in thought as he moves silently around the room laning against a wall as his body continues to ache and complain against him putting his whole weight on his body. "We can maybe attract attention and I'll distract and you can steal wands" He pauses thinking about the dangers of that plan "Or break out of this room and see if we can find our own wands first"
He sighed and looked around thoughtfully, door sort of came into the room compare to the rest of the wall next to. This meant their was a corner by the door he could just barely hide in and ambushthe guards. "The first.. Shout for them say that I somehow escaped and your pissed that I left you. I will hide in the corner and jump them when they come in."
On his walk to the library Damen tried to push the thoughts of how boring this seemed. The first days were always boring, that is until they got the clubs started, perhaps he could take a nap. Nah, that was Night Wing's thing. Walking into the library the first thing he did was look at books about potions.

Jade held a strong determination in her eyes and hardened face. She looked at Roderick. Her face hard. "We keep the information between Johanna, James, me and you." She wanted to speak more, and tell him not to tell the truth, thus would have to go with Roberts story, to prevent putting danger on themselves, but with random people in the room she decided they could talk later, her blue hair a ratted mess.
[QUOTE="Veyd Sahvoz]On his walk to the library Damen tried to push the thoughts of how boring this seemed. The first days were always boring, that is until they got the clubs started, perhaps he could take a nap. Nah, that was Night Wing's thing. Walking into the library the first thing he did was look at books about potions.

Johanna was frantically looking through the books on the shelves, pulling something from the shelf and looking at it, sometimes flipping through it, sometimes simply looking at the cover and putting it back. Soon she had compiled a stack of books she thought would help her and plodded out from among the shelves and sat at the table in the middle of the library. She laid out all the books across the table, "The Second Wizard War, Known Death Eaters, The Life of the Dark Lord, Family Trees, these all look... helpful. I suppose." She looked at the four books with a look of scrutiny and groaned out loud, "I don't know which one will give me the information I need! UGHHHHH!"
explosiveKitten said:
Johanna was frantically looking through the books on the shelves, pulling something from the shelf and looking at it, sometimes flipping through it, sometimes simply looking at the cover and putting it back. Soon she had compiled a stack of books she thought would help her and plodded out from among the shelves and sat at the table in the middle of the library. She laid out all the books across the table, "The Second Wizard War, Known Death Eaters, The Life of the Dark Lord, Family Trees, these all look... helpful. I suppose." She looked at the four books with a look of scrutiny and groaned out loud, "I don't know which one will give me the information I need! UGHHHHH!"
"What informatiom are you looking for?" asked Damen, walking around the corner of a shelf.
"AH! JESUS!" Johanna shouted whipping her wand out and pointing it at the boy that had appeared from behind the shelves. "Who are ye?! Actually no, forget it! Just- Just roll up yer sleeves! Don't question why, just do it!" She didn't relax and she kept her wand trained on the boy who had just randomly appeared.

@Veyd Sahvoz
explosiveKitten said:
"AH! JESUS!" Johanna shouted whipping her wand out and pointing it at the boy that had appeared from behind the shelves. "Who are ye?! Actually no, forget it! Just- Just roll up yer sleeves! Don't question why, just do it!" She didn't relax and she kept her wand trained on the boy who had just randomly appeared.
@Veyd Sahvoz
"Woah! Easy on the wand" he saud with a little chuckle. Not the first thing he'd expect but hell, this school was weirder than hell. Slowly rolling up his sleeves he held out his arms, unfazed by tge wand.
Joey looked at his bare forearms and sighed, spinning her wand around between her fingers a bit, then with a flourish she shoved it back into her pocket. "What I'm looking for, is an address, a place, somewhere of importance. To Death Eaters." She narrowed her eyes at the new kid, then turned and rested her hands on the table to look over the books. "Three students at the school have been taken by Death Eaters. Do you really not know whats going on? Did you not see the Dark Mark outside?!"

@Veyd Sahvoz
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explosiveKitten said:
Joey looked at his bare forearms and sighed, spinning her wand around between her fingers a bit, then with a flourish she shoved it back into her pocket. "What I'm looking for, is an address, a place, somewhere of importance. To Death Eaters." She narrowed her eyes at the new kid, then turned and rested her hands on the table to look over the books. "Three students at the school have been taken by Death Eaters. Do you really not know whats going on? Did you not see the Dark Mark outside?!"

@Veyd Sahvoz
What the hell did I miss? He thought to himself, rubbing his eyes and walking towards her, a bit taller than her. "I was...asleep in my common room heh heh" he said, scratching the back of his head while pondering on the though of death eaters.
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James looked between Roderick and Jade. He was starting to feel slightly out of place now and started being drawn more toward the library. However, he felt that he should remain here because, undoubtedly, teachers would be coming in to question them about what happened in the forest. His shoulder still ached horribly and that didn't help his thinking process very much. Rather than risk getting in more trouble by leaving and because he felt like his brain was beginning to turn to mush, he just took a seat between Roderick and Jade's beds. Maybe Johanna would come back up soon with some information.
"...We JUST got to the school today! HOW in the BLOOMIN HELL did ye manage to fall asleep IN YER COMMON ROOM?!" She was about to go off on a rampage on this guy, before she clenched her fists and sighed, sitting at the table, "Look, if yer not going to help yer only going to irritate me, so do somethin useful or leave me alone."

@Veyd Sahvoz
explosiveKitten said:
"...We JUST got to the school today! HOW in the BLOOMIN HELL did ye manage to fall asleep IN YER COMMON ROOM?!" She was about to go off on a rampage on this guy, before she clenched her fists and sighed, sitting at the table, "Look, if yer not going to help yer only going to irritate me, so do somethin useful or leave me alone."
@Veyd Sahvoz
"Well let me see what you're looking at and I might be able to help. I am a 6th year student you know" he said, not really caring but if it involved death eaters it's serious.
"...Ugh. Well if yer going to help, get over here, pick up a book and... I dunno deductive reasoning or something." She sighed, grabbing the nearest book, The Second Wizard War, began to flip anxiously through it, searching desperately for an answer to her problem. She read most of every line... okay, half... Okay she was only skimming the words and pretty soon she found herself getting bored of reading this dumb textbook. She yawned big as she read it.

@Veyd Sahvoz
Roderick looked toward Charlotte curious of her reaction and pondering if they had met before or only have seen one another with them being of the same house. He then turned his head to Ashlyn and NuNu a little suprised to her pet but smiled all the same, he always liked animals so seeing one like Nunu was no different. "It's no trouble... Let's see Ah... Right the hall, give me a moment my heads better but still a little trouble compared to norm." Roderick began and thought of the mention he just made, if one of his siblings were here they would jump on that and give him a good shot or two in jest. He chuckled at the thought and returned his attention to Ashlyn noticing more of her accent and it's origins, noticing more of her status and mention of being a new arrival and her letter. "Ah.... Ha there we have it. Right then Third floor that tower as it is called with the gargoyle statue blocking the entrance, well actually it is the way into the office. But yeah the third floor approach the gargoyle and with a word your off rising upward in circular motion to the headmasters office." He smiled then realized it may have sounded rushed and not as detailed as he would of liked. But felt it was not bad and kept his smile and looked toward Ashlyn and NuNu, "Well Met though miss Ashlyn Nightingale. If you see a black barn owl flying about, no worries for NuNu that would likely be Galahad and he is well behaved as long as your not of Ill sort, normally hunts more wild creatures you know." Roderick continued

He then looked toward Madden and grinned,
" Your quite welcome Miss Madden." He responded and watched her for a moment and as she mentioned she was going to go, Roderick gave a wave goodbye and kind nod. As he was about to say more Roderick noticed Jades look, her expression that was quite serious when she spoke to him and looked toward him, he was rather split on the decision with everything that happened it was hard not to consider both sides. But ultimately he agreed with Jade and gave nod as he replied. "Right... Perhaps... Right I'm with you." He spoke softly to Jade while looking to her.

Roderick then looked toward James as he took a seat between they're beds,
"Shoulder feeling alright, after Madam Pomfreys work?" He asked while looking toward him

@DarknessSpirit @KalenNighteyes @Keyana Veronica @Indigo Knight @Lilah Tunth

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