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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

"He's at the manor with the others" Robert said smugly. "You should've seen the others when I told them they were dead. Most of them didn't believe me but one mud blood was so pathetic! Typical Hufflepuffs" He commented with a chuckle. Only then remembering who and where they were. "We better head inside though, they wont think anything bad if we're being healed by Pomfrey"
As the dark lord entered the room Dorian felt his heart sink, his stomach convulse, and his throat close. The room spinning worse than before, each corner of the room twisting and turning in his vision, every grain of wood seemingly squirming and moving as his eyes struggled to focus. The words of the dark lo- Voldemort. He refuses to be scared of a name, even when confronted with fear itself. The words echoing around his ears, each letter of speech dragging themselves down his ears, a likeliness to nails being scraped down a chalkboard, a sound so physically revolting he finds it hard to gather his strength to speak. Every moment of his life his family had told him of this moment, of Voldemort, and how he would rise to power, how he'd always doubted them and mocked their prehistoric views. But now he stands before them. The urge to protect his friends, the need to stand up against the words 'mudblood' and 'blood traitor' thrown so easily and without care, making him itch with repulsion. "I'm going to be honest. I really like not being attacked, I'd also rather have a decent pasta bake over having to see my family" he speaks, his throat practically collapsing under the strain. He immediately regrets the words, not wanting his last words to be some sarcastic comment about food he hesitates for a moment.
Lord Voldemort immediately reacted and pointed his wand at the boy who dared to make fun of him with a sarcastic remark. "So it seems you have a sense of humor. Let's see if it's still there after I'm finished with you" He said, giving the boy a glare that would make grown men bow down and cry. With one quick wand movement, he cast the Cruciatus curse on the boy and watched as he suffered the worst pain anyone could imagine with a wicked smile.
Avery nodded and smirked, proud of how well Robert could lie. It was a really essential tool when you're a Death Eater, even he knew that. The only problem was that Avery had just left the infirmary, so going back in might cause some problems for him. "Oh well." He shrugged to himself as he back up and made his way inside. All he needed was an excuse for why he was there, that's it. Pomfrey gave him a curious look, but he just shot her a glare, which immediately shut the older lady up. Smirking again, Avery moved to a bed and laid down, taking a piece of chocolate from the bed stand and preparing for the worst.
Victoria went completely pale when the Dark Lord himself entered the room. She knew they were screwed, there was no way they would be able to overpower Lord Voldemort in their condition, especially if they were in a house probably filled with his Death Eaters. She felt shivers run down her spine every time he spoke and she couldn't help feeling extremely disgusted. They were in front of the man who had managed to come back to life after all, it was impossible not to feel so terrified that maybe jumping out of the window was a better fate that whatever Voldemort had in store for them. When he mentioned wanting to recruit them, she felt like the entire room was spinning uncomfortably. So she had to options, become a Death Eater and ruin her life fighting with the people she despised for a cause she found horrible or die. Using her Slytherin traits, she had planned to accept becoming a Death Eater and then fleeing before he could give her the dark mark. Her plan was immediately erased from her mind when he began torturing Dorian right in front of him. Any intelligent plans and manipulation techniques didn't matter when she saw him suffering right in front of her. "STOP IT YOU BRUTE!" She shouted, not completely in control of herself anymore. "I'LL KILL YOU, YOU MONSTER!" She shouted and began weakly hitting his legs while shouting every curse word she could think about.
Laid out across the cold ground of the forest, blood strolling down his forehead and chin while his body weakly motioned about and forced his right arm to move, swinging over toward his wand as his eyes barely remained open long enough between the throbbing of his head and pain felt in his body, through the pain and wincing Rodericks green eyes focused on his wand...... His arm moving over and reaching for it, while aimed to move closer and force himself up off the ground. Memories from the attack just starting to come to him, as he *coughed* bringing more pain with it and blood splattering from his mouth onto the ground while gripping his wand. "Victoria.... Dorian.... Thaddeus..." He softly spoke getting himself up off the ground with a push from his left hand and while right held his wand near his stomach. Rodericks stand was weak and the pain that racked his body and the throbbing of his head only furthered the difficulty of keeping his slightly slouched over stand, "Jade.... Sara...." He continued softly the strain he was under didn't help his volume of tone any, but he spoke aloud anyway. "What.... Where.... Wh..." Roderick paused for a moment feeling a burst of pain cutting off his words. Meanwhile more memories from the battle came to him in flashes racing through his pain ridden mind and head, slowly Roderick began piecing everything together.... Starting with the initial attack, Robert took one in the shoulder... Then like a swarm the battle ensued, spells cast all around him.... Toward him... Toward them all. Chaos.... Rushed reactions.... Defensive spells, shield charms..... Protego, so many spells of all sorts being cast outward and toward them, he responded quickly.... Roderick began to recall where he began.... He remembered casting a number of spells toward the death eaters. He recalled using the shield charm... Protego a number of times, attempting to use his speed of draw and casting to match the death eaters, aiming to cancel one another out before their spells could reach. He thought if protego wasn't strong enough on some the spells a another offensive spell timed just right could work, "Damn.... Death eaters!!!" Roderick cursed and hobbled along through the forest, slowly trying to make back toward hogwarts, slowly trying to find his friends. At some point after fighting off death eaters he was struck from behind and lost conciseness, falling toward the ground and everything after was blank. He could recall before that... Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus separated from them.... A plan, he couldn't recall the details. He didn't know yet what had happened to everyone else..... Or exactly how everything ended with everybody that was there. Vaguely he remember some other students joining them in the fight, but still it was all fuzzy only bits of it coming at a time, while Roderick pieced it together.

The longer he weakly walked on toward the direction of Hogwarts and out of the forest, the more he recalled what happened the more his anger raged on, his temper taking over and clouding his thoughts as he cursed himself at the failure of protecting the others... Allowing death eaters to get the better of him after all that time spent in duel club, studying spells and dedicating himself even more to it all and his favored classes of D.A.D.A and Charms, spending all that extra time after class to try and advance himself further... Make it more likely he would become a Auror and be able to handle himself like on during such encounters. It was a waste.... He may have lost his friends to those elitists. How... Why let him survive and not let them. Roderick would keep asking himself unaware so far of the status of his friends and if they lived or not. While in his current and emotional state he couldn't help but think the worst, he didn't awaken to find anyone near or having seen them yet.

Through the fuel of his anger and stubbornness to give in to the pain, Roderick pressed on and out toward the forests Perimiter.... Though in truth he was still far from view of the castle... The more he walked and cursed.... The more reality sank in..... He wasn't going to make it far without treatment, he wouldn't last the night if his blood continued to stream down his head and mouth, the scrapes on his arms and legs weren't helping control the loss any, he was going to have to try and focus, gather enough strength to appirate out of the forest. ''What a state to attempt it..... Haha..." Roderick managed to chuckle thinking of the focus it took to appirate and the pounding his head was taking presently. Slowly he gripped his wand tighter... Raising it up toward his chest and attempted to calm himself long enough to focus, to slow himself down and think only of Hogwarts... Only of the castle steps... The pathway, something out this blasted forest and closer to Hogwarts.

He attempted multiple times to concentrate.... To focus on his desired location...to picture it in his mind. After a few curses Roderick finally achieved it.... He raised his wand and performed the apparition spell, causing him to vanish with a low pop left in his wake. He reappeared outside the forest dropping to his knees Roderick looked around him and saw how far he was still away from Hogwarts, barely outise of the very place he wanted to leave,
"Da.... Blas......soddi....errrrrr!!!!" Roderick sounded off in anger and frustration.... He couldn't even manage proper focus yet.... He didn't reach his aimed location to appirate. He still hadn't seen anyone yet..... Signs were only getting worse, his anger growing yet a saddened state mixing in as tears started roll from his eyes, thinking about all he perhaps lost.... For what? An adventure he had to go and mention.... He combed his left hand as it raised through his brown messy style hair as his wand and right hand motioned against his cheek and stubble.

Roderick stayed there for a moment on his knees and shaking his head. His strength diminishing, head throbbing and the cold catching up to him while he merely looked on toward the castle.
As soon as the girl began insulting him, he stopped cursing her friend and wrapped his long fingers around her throat and brought her up with one hand. "You dare?" He asked as he squeezed her neck, making his hands incredibly hot so she would feel her throat burning. "You stupid girl, do you want to die?" He asked. Suddenly, a brilliant idea sprung into his mind. The girl had a bright future as a Death Eater and her fiery spirit and protective attitude towards her friends only made her a better candidate. He knew there were other ways to convince her to join, it could have some deadly consequences but it was surely worth a try. Besides, he'd wanted to try using this technique for a while now. "Did you know that a person can go mad with enough torture?" He asked as he stroked her cheek, the idea sounding better and better with each passing second. "The question is, can madness be controlled to turn you into who I want you to be?" He asked, more to himself than to the girl. He turned back to the boy again and smirked. "I'm going to take your friend for a little meeting with my best Death Eaters now, please wake your friend while we're gone." He said as he walked towards the door with Victoria and locked the door behind him.

(I don't want to risk writing a bad torture scene and it's getting quite late so I'm going to bed. Just say you can hear her screams while you try to escape or something)
James looked at the others when he heard the crack of apparation. "Did you guys hear that? It sounded like someone apparated and it sounded close," James said looking around. He raised his wand and continued walking ahead, seeing the edge of the forest coming into view.
As soon as the words had left his lips he'd knew he would regret them. Even so, nothing could prepare him for nothing could of prepared him for the pain he felt. Every second, dragging for decades. Every moment a fresh set of white hot knives dragging through each nerve, his skin burning in pain, and his hands gripping at air, clenching into fists as pain ripped through every fibre of his being. Every second the wand is pointed at him his body trying to curl in, the pain ripping him repeatedly, his throat being torn by each scream that dared to leave his lips. But with each passing moment his mind focused on nothing but the pain he knows this is why he must fight. This is why he needs to keep resisting the influence, Nothing good comes from those who use these curses. As his friend hurl's insults that his ears fail to pick up he feels his body be released, fighting for breath as agony stills within his body, ever so slowly slipping from him, he learns to breathe again, heavy pants that cause more pain than good, his eyes barely focusing as he sees fiery eyes glare into his, sending shivers of ice through his veins, the ice freezing him as he watches his friend be dragged from the room.
Johanna glared as Robert walked away, disgusted that he dared to call her the liar. She could only hold herself back. She couldn't rush forward and accuse him of what she thought he was... But she would FIND evidence. She turned to go back towards the castle and prepared to head inside, when he heard the sound of someone Apparating. Immediately she ran there, expecting to see a Death Eater, instead finding a fallen student. She approached slowly, knelt down in front of him, looking him, before quickly lifting up his arm and slipping his sleeve down to check for a Dark Mark. Upon finding none, she mumbled a quick, "Alright don't worry, I'm gonna carry you to the castle okay? Look, look..." She rolled up her own sleeves to show she had no Dark Mark, "I'm not a Death Eater, okay? Just... Stay still." She then proceeded to pick up the fallen student and hold him over her shoulder, and rush towards the castle, hoping and praying she wasn't too late. She saw someone in the distance and shouted, "OY! GET MADAME POMFREY! QUICK!"

@Saru @KalenNighteyes
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Victoria almost cried out of fear when she heard what Lord Voldemort wanted to do to her. The mere thought of going mad was terrifying enough. Forgetting who she was, her friends and all of her happy memories just to become a horrible, twisted version of herself was probably her newest fear. Not to mention, the way he wanted to make her mad was the worst of all. Just knowing that she was about to experience what Dorian had just experienced made her even more scared than she already was. Once Voldemort dropped her in the dirty floor of what seemed to be some kind of dungeon and more Death Eaters entered the room, she began filling her head with the happiest thoughts she could imagine. Her friends, the dueling club, Hogwarts, she thought about anything that could make her happy. She'd once heard that back when Azkaban was guarded by dememtors, some prisoners would try to stay sane by never loosing their happiness and most joyful memory. She could only hope that could help her. Once the first waves of the most horrible torture she could imagine hit her, she screamed like she had never done before and all of her happy thought left her mind. She kept wondering if it was too late to beg for death now.

(Last post of the night. I have school tomorrow so I probably won't log in until like 6pm. Sorry)
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Jade squinted as she turned around, she instantly recognized it as Roderick on Johannas shoulder. She let out a strangled cry of relif and happiness. She almost jogged towards him instantly. Until a sharp pain in her head started to hurt. And small tiny grains started to go in front of her vision. Everything was almost black and she could barley hear. "Oh god I really need a cigarette." She said loudly as she clutched her head in pain, gritting her teeth and squinting her eyes. "Oh god MAKE IT STOP" she almost yelled in pain. She forced her eyes open with all her strength. Feeling quite sick she said to Johanna "I can- I can help him." She stuttered out weaker then she hoped.
James ran to Jade. "Maybe we should just get up to the castle. You both need help right now." James did another glance around, his nerves beginning to get the better of him. He looked back at Jade. "You can do what you wanted to do when we are safely up at the castle. Right here isn't such a good idea." He put a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Let me help you."
"Uh, no. No you can't. Look at you, you look like you've had too many butterbeers. No, no, no, Jade, right? You are coming to Madame Pomfrey's with yer friend here, ookay?" Johanna said, grabbing th girl with her spare arm before she could fall over, then proceeded to rush inside, "James, you make sure she gets inside and up the staircase. Better yet, follow me. I know a portrait to go through." With that she proceeded to rush inside and halfway up the staircase before rushing to a portrait and mumbling the password to the man in the portrait. She then turned to look back at James. "Well? Come on, then!"

@Saru @KalenNighteyes @DarknessSpirit
"Wh......Oth....." He managed to speak barely more then a mumble, while his strength and even his anger couldn't hold him much longer. He could hear others... He could hear voices, finally a sign of something good. He could barely raise his head his body just wanted to give in already, he felt weak and a mess of himself, he raised his head holding for as long his will and remaining strength could manage trying to look toward the voices, feeling his sleeve being rolled but his vision was becoming blurry from the pain. He heard Johanna speak to him that she would carry him to the castle and telling him to look, look.. Roderick shifted his gaze trying to look down with some focus, trying to focus his eyes and look... He heard her mention she wasn't a death eater and from what he could make out she didn't appear so, no mark... She mentioned for him to stay still and called for someone, pomfrey. But he was stubborn still, when he heard Jades voice he motioned toward its direction and weakly he forced a smile to come across his face. "Yo.....you... Your alive.... Gods that is good to hear." Roderick spoke as loud as his voice would allow him so he may be more audible then before.

Roderick then looked to Johanna with remaining smile,
"I owe ya one miss.... Sorry ....." He paused and winced in pain while tears of joy and sadness slowly rolled down. "I was hopin.... Hopin... To be no trouble, damn appiration couldn.... I faile...d, but I'm thankful to ya... Don't let my state make ya think less of my true thanks." Roderick spoke earnest in his words, not meaning to let his guilt and emotional state to make him sound less to take away from his thanks.

He heard another voice and the talking of Jade, Johanna and this voice the voice of James. He slowly gathered his thoughts and focus for a moment longer, he was beginning to recognize James and Johanna and they're voices.
"I owe Ya... All..... What, what of the Oth... Others? Gods let them live... I couldn't...gods please..." Roderick spoke thankful and saddened both in his tone, his words broken up by the pain and his state.

@explosiveKitten @DarknessSpirit @KalenNighteyes
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Feeling sick, her mind started to fog. "Roderick they took them, they took Veronica and Dorian, I don't kno- I- don't know about Thaddeus. Rodrick lies about them being dead no trusty him" her voice sounding higher pitched

She turned and looked at Johanna with wide eyes "oh. Oh my you have a large horn on your head" she said slowly but in a happy voice. She did! It was white like a unicorns! She looked at Roderick "wow I never noticed you had giant whiskers!"

She looked up at the red sky. (Which its night) "the sky is red, James is blue too, Roderick is yellow and pilots are too!" She squealed happily, hallucinating a bunch of crazy things and dancing weakly around.
Turning her head towards the meowing feline at her feet, Charlotte parted her lips "No one for us here Gyps." The sigh that followed was loud, and blunt. A few of the passing first years quickened their pace when they noticed Charlotte's unimpressed exspression. Backing up a few steps, she wistled to her fuzzy companion. Gypsie did not look happy to be whistled at. She quickly turned her tail up, and wandered off in the oppsite direction. "I see how it is than.."

Charlotte walked down the hall, past numerous offices before passing the hospice room. The inquisitve being that she is, Charlotte pressed herself up against the wall. Many people where mumbling and chuckling. Some people where crying but in the back she heard whispers. She wanted to get close, but at this moment, she had no reason to go in.
Thaddues struggled with his bounds when he saw Voldermort and the fact he was to his friends. He was afraid of course but not of Voldermort, he was afraid of him when everything started he was used to it but he was more concerned for his friends. His struggles seemed in vain as the bonds were magically strengthen. He sighed before looking at the Dark Lord. "Well i am pretty much in the same leaning as the others... So what re you going to do with me than huh?"
Rosemary enters the great hall and she gets hugged by Angelique "You look horrible, let's get you to the infirmary" she says leading her younger sister up the stairs "Sorry avout before, I might have gotten a bit overboard" she mumbles. Angelique sighs "As long as you won't have me over I'm fine" she says, upon arriving and entering she puts her sister on a bed while quickly using a spell to cover her dark mark. "I hope the others are alright" Angelique says and Rose says "I'm sorry, they didn't make it, death eaters practice long enough so they can use spells without saying it, well if you practice enough you could do that too"
Dorian looks to Thaddeus as he stirs, the dark haired boy shuffling over to his friend, his entire body aching with the movement "Thaddeus! You okay buddy?" He asks quietly, his eyes glancing to the door as he speaks "We need to get Victoria, and warn the school" He winces slightly at the pain but glances to the bindings, furrowing his brow in concentrations he thinks of ways to break them, something seemingly impossible without a wand. "We gotta find a way out of these"
James gave Jade a confused look, then took her hand and motioned toward the castle. "Come on. Let's go inside and up to the infirmary. You can tell me what color things are in there okay?" What ever was going on with her couldn't be good.
"Been better... However nothing i wont survive." Thaddues said groaning a bit before looking about for a way to escape." Well, unless you know some silent spells i have no idea. The bounds are magical strengthen so i cant get free... I can probably break down the door if i was free though." He suggested, he sighed." Got knows what they are doing to Vic.."
Jade burst out in laughter then suddenly stopped. "Now your turquoise." She started laughing once more. Looking at his now purple face. She couldn't come to her senses. She suddenly stopped. "Oh god I do not feel good." She said in a serious tone, her eyes widening at Johannas green face.
James brought Jade into the infirmary and laid her down on a bed. "Wait here okay? I'll be right back." James said, walked to the nurse and explained what was wrong with her. He then walked back over to Jade's bed and sat down in a chair next to it. "She'll be over here to help you in a few minutes." James said and glanced around the room. His mind began to wander a bit. What Robert had said made no sense. If these were death eaters and they were after pureblood students, they wouldn't kill them. Voldemort wouldn't spill the blood. Back when he was around, the blood traitors were all locked away in Azkaban. They must have taken them somewhere. It was the only logical conclusion James could think of, which was not good. James considered mentioning this to Johanna, but he figured there would be a better time than this. Instead, he turned his attention back to Jade and wondered what color he was to her now, a small smile appearing on his face at the thought.
Madam pomfry came in and gave her medication, and she was told to rest there all night and tommarrow without getting up. Much to Jades dismay, who was now quite paranoid and fueled with revenge. "BITCH!" Jade screamed at Madam Pomfry as she left the room. Sitting up in the bed.

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