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Fandom 19 Years Later (Harry Potter Role Play, Accepting)

Roderick looked toward Jade as she reps ponder to him, telling him what Robert had said and what had happened to Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus. While Johanna carried him over her shoulder and toward the infirmary, he shook his head in disbelief though felt it a poor choice at the moment.... "Can't be..... Why kill them..... And what of the bodies if they were?..... Doesn't add up," he replied managing to keep a decent tone so he could heard. " And where did he disappear too? My head may hurt but I recall him leaving during the fight barely into the attack and then nothing.... Not even a chase from those death eaters, it doesn't add up to me.... Nothing does," Roderick continued

He then looked up toward Jade as her hallucinations started, part of him wanted to laugh at first, though it wouldn't feel to good in his state. While the other hand he was bit concerned with her hallucinations surely it wasn't a good sign, he wasn't certain what happened to her in the attack he couldn't recall everything and wasn't sure where she was hit or how much damage she took from the attack. Roderick was however sure of his concern for her and the others, unknowing what he could do to help or how long it would be before he could. Then Roderick looked toward Jade with a smile, a thought came to him.... A little way to bring some humor perhaps even now.
"Well that's good.... Means my beard is coming better then I thought." He joked in response to Jade and his giant whiskers she was seeing.

He listened to James speak with Jade about getting her inside to the infirmary and continue there with what colors she was seeing now. He then looked toward Johanna and then toward James, it was appearing they were coming to the infirmary and with the help of James and Johanna they made it. He looked toward the infirmary and was partly glad to begin his treatment on his injuries while on the other hand.... He knew it was not going to be pleasant, madam Pomfrey treated him well enough in the past with his quidditch injuries and that time a students spell backfired and hit him accidentally causing a concussion. But this time likely would be a sight, his mum would likely hear of this and who knows how the professors would react.

Though in truth he didn't quite care about that, too much has happened there were still his friends he hadn't seen yet and Jade was going through likely a similar emotional state as he was with they're friends still out there and taken or dead or lyin there in need of help. He still wasn't sure where they all were, he knew of Victoria and Dorian now, Jade mentioned she didn't know yet about Thaddeus. But what of Sarah and them? He wasn't sure or could remember himself if there was a sign of what happened to her before he was struck for the final time in the battle.
" Do you guys know about Sarah and where the others went? Besides Victoria and them, I know now of them. But the others with us back there." Roderick asked James, Johanna and Jade

@explosiveKitten @DarknessSpirit @KalenNighteyes
Madam Pomfry then takes care of Angelique and the two can leave, heading back to the great hall, Rose wonders if Micheal will be fine, but she couldn't know since he didn't go back with them. Angelique sighs and she looks at her sister, slightly worried what would happen if someone found out about her being a death eater.
James looked toward Roderick and shook his head. "I don't know. I know there was another girl I helped who ran back to the castle for help. I think she was in Hufflepuff with me." Again James found himself wishing he'd been a more social person. "I'm probably one of the worst people to have helped you guys in the forest. I only recognize you guys, I don't know really know your names and I'm sorry for that." James let out a light sigh and looked back to Jade, then to Roderick. "I'll do anything I can to help you get your friends back. I promise."
As Johanna walked through the portrait tunnel and into the hallway that contained the infirmary, she listened to the chatter of the many students (including being called a unicorn) and carried Roderick into the infirmary, strolling right over to where James and laid Jade down, and proceeded to place Roderick on the bed next to hers. "Look...I can tell ye with certainty that yer friends ain't dead. They're alive. Unconscious maybe... But Voldemort wouldn't order the killing of purebloods, which is what I assume yer three friends were. No, if anything, they were taken and are being held. Where, I wouldn't know... Probably someplace significant to Voldemort and the Death Eaters. But I wouldn't be able to tell ye where... I'm sorry." She sighed, looking ashamed.

@Saru @KalenNighteyes
Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

'Coward.....that's what you are......' Madden thought to herself while walking back to the Ravenclaw common room. The moment she saw spells being fired she chikened out, and ran to the castle. To inform authorities of an attack on the school, in her opinion, a sensible reaction and action. Walking down multiple hallways, she worriedly gazed out of all the colored, gothis styled, glass windows. Insults to herself ringed inside her mind, as she cwlled herself out for her cowardice, the sorting hat was right to never put her in Gryffindor. Why couldn't she stood there? Helped Victoria? Granted, she barely knew any of them, but still!

She was too afraid to look danger in the eyes.

And with that she broke down in a hallway and started to sob uncontrollably, calling herself a pathetic child. What if they died there? Death Eaters aren't jokes......would it be her fault? And with that, she started stifling her choked wails.

If they died in the hands of Death Eaters, would it be her fault?

Unknowingly, she sits, clutching her knees next to the hospital wing.
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Roderick looked to James and nodded quietly and slow, his mention of a girl from Hufflepuff coming back to the castle had given Roderick hope and figured it must have been her, another sign of something good. " Aye, it must be Sarah. I am glad she's alright too.... I shouldn't have.... Ah well, I can't change it now." He spoke and cut himself off and changed the path of what he was going to say. " Nevermind that fella.... You helped and I am grateful to ya for it. If you three hadn't turned back and found me, i lik.... Well it may have not of turned out as well as it did. I was too weak to go much further on my own, barely managed to appirate out of that forest after getting myself up and moving for a time." He gave a smile and silent thanks, while looking to Johanna as she brought him near where James placed Jade and laying him down on the bed next to hers. He looked toward Her as she spoke and told them of certainty that they're friends were alive and just wasn't sure where they were, though likely somewhere of meaning to the risen dark lord... Voldemort and his death eaters. " Victoria and Dorian were.... Though Thaddeus wasn't, he was a half blood like me though half giant. Perhaps his giant blood is the reason for him... Though I can't say for sure." Roderick spoke in reply to Johanna with shake of his head, it was starting to add up not all of it but a little piece here and there. He then looked to James and gave a nod of his head, "I appreciate it, James right? I think I remember Ya in class once or twice before. Names Roderick... Roderick McDonald. We could use the help in getting them back." He spoke returning to Johanna and noticing her look of shame. " Now no apologizing from Ya either... Johanna right? We played against each other last year in the cup, your a seeker correct? You two have helped us more then I thank Ya for, we'll find them and I don't plan to stop until we succeed and pay those fools back or I ain't worth keepin my name and worthy of such friends." Roderick said with a little more strength in his words then he had in awhile. As he spoke to James, Johanna and Jade he thought he could hear another outside the wing and hearing tears. He looked toward the entry and curiously eyed in that direction.. " Aye.... Is that someone I hear out in the hall? Come let's see who you are and what troubles ya." Roderick attempted to call out to The person unknowing of who it was and that it was his fellow Ravenclaw and recently met friend in Madden.

@explosiveKitten @KalenNighteyes @DarknessSpirit @Lilah Tunth
Rosemary hears sobbing, but heads back none the less, the darkness had concealed her identity for anyone, besides her sister, she walks on, deep in thought so she doesn't notice her sister stopping.

Angelique hears it as well and decides to follow her sister after a while, no one wanted anything to do with her because of the fact she's a Slytherin.
Madden Oswald

Ravenclaw | Sixteen | Half-Blood

Her eyes widened, did someone notice her? Stupid question. Of course they did. She wanted to say something but all that could be seen was her mouth opening, no words seem to come out. But at least now she was completely silent, not sobbing on the floor like a child who didn't get a candy. She finelly said something, but it was incomprehensible, even to herself.

"Just..fknigrm.!" She seemed to say something more but it all came out as gibberish so, they probably wouldn't understand. She wiped her tears.

Even if they did understand the words coming out of her mouth, they still wouldn't get the situation she was in. After all, how can some random, possible first years understand what she is going through. Maybe that sounded too self-pitying, or arrogant, she couldn't bring herself to care.

"The hell do you want to know from me?!" Finally, something understandable! Even though she didn't mean to curse, or sound rude......but at least it did not come out as a un-understandable mess.....

Jade stayed silent during the conversation. As she heard crying she got suddenly very annoyed. This was known as Jades mental break down, she refused to cry in front of anybody so she got mad really mad. As the sound of crying escalated into sobs she screamed "SHUT UP FOR GODS SAKE!" Angrily standing up and pacing around, her anger ignoring the pain in her head. Frustrated and confused at the events that took place she yelled "Fuck!" As she picked up a pillow and threw it across the room.
"Well don't thank me yet, Roderick." Johanna said to Roderick, nodding her head when he guessed her name, then rubbed the back of her head awkwardly, "We still have to find yer friends, right? Thank me then." She looked up from Roderick and stared out the window, with her arms crossed, then jumped when Jade threw something. Though with her own quick reflexes she managed to grab it out of the air before it could hit anything. She blinked at the pillow and looked Roderick, "Does she normally act like this?"

@Saru @DarknessSpirit
Dorian frowns in though practically jumping as an idea hits him "I don't know if it will work, but I low key know how to cast a wandless spell. I mean I haven't done it in about a year" He admits to his friend as he struggles to get to his knees, trying to focus on his friends bindings, muttering "Diffendo" trying to keep his voice low so as to not attract attention from those in the building, despite his best efforts his charm only manages to sever a small incision into the bindings, his mind too preoccupied to currently cast the charm efficiently. The charm is a second year spell and the struggle to cast it wandless, something he has one many occasions before gives an edge of defeat to settle in his stomach as he tries to summon all of his willpower to ignore the sounds echoing from the corridor and to focus purely on the charm, so far it only having cut one of the bindings, and not enough to actually free his friend.
Roderick looked toward Madden and gave nod while a little shocked from the fire that from her after a bit of unclear words that were first used in reply to him after he asked who was there and what troubled them. "Now that's a bit more like it, miss. Show a little of that and you'll come out of that shell I seem to guess you had from our first meet. Just curious I was... I heard someone outside here and got a little curious was all." He responded calmly allowing her emotion and curse to pass him by without taking it personal of anything. " Now if you don't want to talk, it's your call just asking was all I intended." He continued with a smile and didn't press her to talk about what was wrong.

He then turned to Jade and took notice of her and her rise from her bed, he heard call for shutting up and cursing as she paced and threw a pillow. He recognized this state and let her be for a moment as Johanna spoke to him response and asked him about Jade.
"Aye true.... But percentages miss Johanna percentages." He replied and repeating the word. "If we have this many of us here and survived, if Sarah was that hufflepuff you all helped and who had come back here for help, like I think she be.... like I hope. Then that's a majority, and I'll accept that for now until we get them all back and safe. Percentages " he again repeated the same word while taking what they had so far and thought to have in how many were here and safe, as something to take heart in and to give hope for the others. " Well.... I think it's her way of handling it all, she has been through a lot and we all have tonight. She'll be fine once we can settle this and she has time to relax a bit." He replied

He then looked back to Jade, he wasn't sure what to say normally it seemed like Victoria handled this best with Jade and her mental break down or needing to relax. He shook his head and rose to a propping himself up on his beds headboard and pillows, clenching his stomach as he did and ignoring the pain.
"Come on Jade.... Relax alright? We'll get'em back and settle this right. Until then though whether we like or not, must calm down and relax. Victoria would say the same if she were here. Relax and we'll figure this all out and find them. I promise it!" Roderick attempted his best shot to try and calm Jade and help her ease a little.

"I just need a few hours to recover a bit and I'll help anyway I can." He stated thinking less of his injuries and allowing Madam Pomfreys treatment to take and begin his healing. He could tell by Madam Pomfreys look at him, he may have understated his status a bit and not taking it seriously enough, but he shrugged and wasn't going to sit comfortable until his was settled and everyone was back and safe.

@Sioof @explosiveKitten @DarknessSpirit @Lilah Tunth @KalenNighteyes
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Ashlyn cradled Nunu to her chest, taking comfort in the fact that he was still moving. "She should have been more careful, Nunu. You're a tiny baby that could get hurt very easily." She left the infirmary that she had brought him to and carefully slipped him into a pouch on her neck. She then walked out the doors to the grounds. She shivered slightly before pulling her jacket closer to herself. "Jeez, this school is bigger than I thought it would be." She turned toward the forest. "Sweet. they have a forest. What say you we go into the dark, scary forest?" She shivered again before turning back inside. "On second thought, it's too cold." She went back inside, wandering around the castle before finding herself at the infirmary again. "Damn it. I'm walking around in circles."
Robert wasn't in the mood for more fights with the blood traitors and didn't want to continue acting like he was mourning his girlfriend so as soon as they arrived to the infirmary, he'd disapparated back to the manor. It wasn't like he had anything else to do anyways. He didn't have to look for something to do for too long though, for the Dark Lord was not making his way towards him. "Robert" The Dark Lord said, his tone of voice making Robert wonder if he was somehow relieved that he was there. "My Lord" He replied, bowing his head. "The girl, Victoria is in the dungeons. I need you to come with me and see if you can convince her to join, although I must warn you her mind is probably very delicate at the moment. I fear she might be too mad to obey any commands." The Dark Lord ordered and motioned him to follow him. Robert, with a small grin obeyed and followed his master to the dungeons.

The dungeon was Robert's most hated part of the manor. It was incredibly dark, enough to force him to light his wand in order to see his own feet. Dirty with dust all over the floor and a rat would occasionally walk past and there were chains attached to dead bodies in the other side of the room. He was barely able to distinguish Victoria rocking back and fort in one of the corners, surrounded and covered in blood that he assumed belonged to her. As much as he enjoyed seeing blood traitors in pain , seeing Victoria in such a sorry state didn't make him feel any happier. He assumed it was probably because he actually like her, not just when he was faking being in love with her. He wondered if she joined they could make a real relationship between them work. Maybe.

Voldemort, unlike Robert, was pleased to see that Victoria's fiery spirit had gone and now she seemed to have surrendered, possibly but still not a fact.
"You look pathetic" He commented, walking in front of her and pointing his wand at her face so he could see her expression. "You can end all of this. Have more power than you could ever imagine and be feared by the entire world. I'm giving you one last chance to join us, Victoria Knight. You join me and I'll send my best healers to get you out of the horrible unimaginable pain you're in, or I'll kill you." He said coldly. "You know I love you Vicky, I hate seeing you like this. Don't you understand we're helping the world? Please, I know you're smarter than this"
Avery was tired of the commotion going on inside of the infirmary, so instead of staying there, he pulled his curtain open, revealing his bored expression, and slipped out. Along the hallway, even more commotion was being made about some unimportant girl with unimportant problems, and Avery couldn't even bring himself to care enough to listen. It wasn't until he was met again with the Dark Lord, whisking Robert away to deal with Victoria, that the boredom finally subsided. Now, Avery had a choice. He could follow the two, hoping to get in on some of the action, or he could go bother some first year who didn't know right from wrong. The latter was tempting, but doing anything to please the Dark Lord over-weighted the options.

Avery knew he didn't have to, but he sneaked along anyway, making sure to keep up with the twists and turns. It didn't take long for him to figure out that they were headed to the dungeons, probably the worst place to keep someone alive. But, the worst the better when it came to things like this. The dungeons were a truly horrible place, it was dirty, smelly, and the lighting was horrible. He heard Robert and Voldemort stop and continue to threaten Victoria, who was pretty much lifeless in a corner, and although he didn't see her well, Avery could already tell the state she was in. He didn't make his pretense known to the other two, deciding to just stay back and watch, then leave before they could see him.
Johanna listened to Roderick as he talked Jade down, trying to reason with her when she was obviously beyond reasoning. She was just panicking at the prospect of losing her friends forever. Joey looked at her, unsure what to do to help any. She hardly had any friends to be protective. She supposed she would freak out if one of teammates was injured badly by one of the Death Eaters... But she wouldn't outright start acting like this. While she was lost in thought, a brilliant idea bloomed in her head. Since this was all happening.. why not..?

"I'm going to the library." She said rather suddenly, turning and marching away a few steps before turning back to them again, "They have to have books on the Second Wizard War when Voldemort was defeated last. That has to have some information!" She shouted at them, then turned and ran out of the infirmary.

@Saru @KalenNighteyes @DarknessSpirit
James took in everything that had gone on, especially Johanna's idea about going to the library to look up information. He was sorely tempted to go with her, but he felt he should stay here for the moment and join her after Madam Pomfrey kicked him out. As he was about to stand and go over to Jade, his right shoulder twinged with pain once more. He looked down at it but couldn't see anything unusual. Instead, he rubbed it and gave it a quick rotation, which only hurt even more. "Damn. Guess that hit I took in the shoulder was worse than I thought," he said. Shaking his head, he stood and walked to Jade. "Roderick's right. Right now, the best thing you can do is lay down and rest. You being up and pacing around isn't going to help anything right now. What you need is rest," James said, motioning toward her bed. "You have my word that I will do what ever I can to help get your friends back."
Victoria was in a completely different world at the moment. All her mind could process was the horrible pain she was experiencing. She could remember the last few horrible and agonizing moments of her life too graphically, it was bad enough to make her wish someone would just erase her memory. She didn't care if she forgot about her magic and had to live as a muggle for the rest of her life, she would do anything to just forget. Sadly, she knew she would probably never forget. They had used so many painful and horrible curses on her that she had lost count after just a few minutes after the torture began. Even though no one was causing her any harm at the moment, she could still feel the effects of the curses like they were still being inflicted. The question on whether it was too late to beg for death came to her mind as her first coherent thought and she certainly hoped the pain would disappear, even if it meant that she would have to die to free herself.

When the light of Voldem- The Dark Lord's wand hit her face, she quickly hid it in her hands and hugged herself tighter, if possible. She could barely understand what he was saying but she knew it probably had something to do with his proposal to join him and become a Death Eater for the rest of her life. She was getting ready to decline, it being hard enough to make a sound that didn't involve screaming, when she caught Robert's comment. She was shocked and felt horribly betrayed when she heard his soothing and caring voice speaking so highly of what the Death Eaters were doing. They weren't helping the world, even a Victoria who was so close to becoming completely insane understood that. However, he had called her smart and that really got her thinking. What was she doing? This wasn't the Victoria who came up with elaborate but effective plans to save herself from her problems at school and the one who could get out of any situation only using her cleverness. She had never felt so stupid before. Instead of finding another way to help Dorian she had insulted the Dark Lord and where had that gotten her? "No." She thought to herself. "He's right, I can find a way out of this. I'm smart enough, right?"

Making up a plan to escape wasn't as easy as Victoria had imagined, she couldn't make up one of her silly stories and hope the Dark Lord would believe it, she couldn't use any objects to prove that she wasn't a good material for a Death Eater and she could barely move a muscle. Not to mention, she still felt completely terrified and on the edge of insanity. The way she saw it, there was only one way out of her situation. She slowly raised her head and looked at the Dark Lord directly in his eyes. Then she began to laugh uncontrollably, a noise that seemed quite horrible coming from her scratchy throat. "I'm free!" She exclaimed as she continued laughing as hard as she could. "Thank you, oh thank you so much my lord!" She continued, her laughing fit starting to become a bit more controlled. "I was so blind, so foolish to think that those filthy muggles and mudbloods deserved to live. Nothing more than thieves to steal the magic that is rightfully ours." She said with some sort of relief in her words. Spatting out the names muggle and mudblood with as much anger and venom as possible. "My Lord, there is nothing in this wide world that I wish more than to serve you as your loyal servant forever" She finished, raising her left arm and pulling out her sleeve. Knowing what was going to happen next but not regretting it. The only easy and convincing way to convince him that she had changed was to fake insanity and complete surrender.
Jade looked at them like they were insane "Rest?! Are you kidding me! Who knows what there doing to them. I'm gonna kill Robert. Oooooooh and don't even start with Micheal. And what the hell happened to Rosemary!" She clutched her head in frustration and pain. "Maybe I'll blackmail Robert into telling me where..." She trailed off in words.
Roderick looked toward Johanna and nodded his head, "Sounds like a good plan. I couldn't imagine a better way to find information about Voldemort." He responded as he watched her leave for the library. " It must have something mentioning a location of his, that may be used again or likely to be." He added and looked toward James and Jade. "Perhaps Madam Pomfrey could take a look? She may be able to take care of that shoulder." Roderick spoke in offered suggestion, while turning to Jade and thinking of her state, she was frustrated, vengeful from the looks of it. Not that he could blame her.... What was Roberts part in all this and how did he fit? He had questions of where he went during the battle and why wasn't he given chase by any of those death eaters, from what he could gather since being found by Johanna, Jade and James the role Robert played was seeming obvious or perhaps it was meant too? Things were not looking highly in his favor and perhaps they had it right and he knew something or more? Either way and no matter what was happening to Victoria, Dorian and Thaddeus it couldn't be solved and taken care of so quickly, rest would help a little with their state of mind and allowing for injuries to heal and heads to cool and clear a bit. " I can't speak for Rosemary.... No clue what happened there, hell my head is still processing everything and piecing it all together while asking you guys about information I dont have or yet recall. But I do know we can't settle this like a blink, right?" Roderick began pausing for a moment and shutting his eyes for a moment then opening them again to look back toward Jade. " We need rest... Like it or not we're unable to act swiftly and come like Knights charging a castle against some tyrant King, now can we? Come on Jade.... " He said with a sigh and wondering where he pulled at Knights business from. He didn't like this much either but this was necessary, rest was needed and jades head must have been hurting from what he could see in her face, he could be wrong but it looked as so for him. " We need you here and relaxed a bit. Not saying give up.... Hell no to giving up. But we can't solve it yet, it's going to take time and They're strong.... Smart they can hold for a time to buy themselves a chance or until we can help them once we learn of it all. It's going to take a team effort here, all of us pulling together and forming a proper plan. Right? So come on let's rest a bit and settle down enough to give ourselves the best shot we can muster."
Rosemary and Angelique make their way to the Slytherin common room, Rosemary wasn't hungry and Angelique was about ready to fall asleep "Won't they notice?" the younger one asks while hiding a yawn "They won't" Rose says and she stretches, she would probably need the sleep as well, she wondered when the others were done with whatever they were doing.
Jade put her head in her hands for a moment, while sitting down on the edge of her bed. She looked at Roderick, her face solemn and calm. She heaved a heavy sigh. "Okay." She got settled back into the bed. Her face blank and sad.
Ashlyn shrugged, seeing the people standing outside the infirmary. "Might as well find my way to the headmaster's office." She walked up to the cluster of people. "Excuse me? I, um, kinda, maybe don't know where, um, the, uh, headmaster's office is. Could one of you, maybe, take me there? If you don't mind." She shrank in on herself, berating her shyness in her mind. The last bit was nearly a whisper as she had lost almost all the confidence she had had when she walked up.
Robert had to admit it was incredibly surprising (and a bit disturbing but no one had to know that) to see Victoria in such a weak, defeated state. He knew that with enough torture a person would go completely mad but he had never seen it himself and he especially didn't think the first person he would see it happen to was Victoria Knight. He liked her well enough but he knew the cause was ten thousand times more important than her safety and her mental health. Not to mention, he had been trying to get her to join the Dark Lord for ages. It was about time she finally came around, no matter how. Then again, did he really want to see her suffer like that? True, he didn't actually love her but he still held a soft spot in his heart for her, as much as he hated admitting it.

Voldemort, however, still had his doubts about the girl. He had seen hundreds, thousands of people bow down to him after he broke them just like Victoria was doing. This didn't mean he could be suspicious, besides, he had thought that Victoria had a stronger will than that. Maybe all she needed was an extra task to show how loyal she could really be. Placing his wand against her inner forearm, he clearly whispered in a hiss that almost sounded like a snake "Monsmorde". In just a few seconds, the dark mark began appearing on the girl's arm. Thus officially branding her as a Death Eater forever. "You made the right choice Victoria" Lord Voldemort said as he pointed his shining wand to another corner were most of the corpses were. There, the two could make out the shivering body of a frightened human muggle who couldn't be older than ten years old. The girl was quietly pulling her hair as she stared at the three figures in front of her. Voldemort pointed his wand at her and cast a non verbal cruciatus curse. The girl immediately began screaming in pain and begging him to stop.

"Her mother married one of my Death Eaters a few moths ago. Her parents were both executed but the foolish man begged to save his daughter's live. She's completely mad now, Victoria. Enduring one curse a day these past months." Voldemort explained before conjuring a knife and throwing it at Victoria's feet. "Your first task is to kill the girl" He said coldly. " I want to see how capable you are to follow instructions" He finished, turning to Robert. "Keep an eye on her, I must take care of more serious matters" He ordered before leaving the dungeon.
Getting the Dark Mark wasn't as painful as she thought it would be, it was definitely nothing compared to what she'd just endured, the worst part about getting the Dark mark wasn't the physical pain but the terror and paranoia that came with it. Her plan was obviously to escape with her friends and return to Hogwarts but would she be able to do it now? What if her friends actually noticed the Dark Mark? Well, she could just bandage it and always wear long sleeves to keep it a secret from the teachers and aurors. She had no intention to go to Azkaban after all. But what if the Dark Lord could find her using the mark? She couldn't remember anything about what she had learned in class about the Dark Mark, hell, there was a moment when she couldn't even remember her name! But she knew he had some sort of control over it and it served as some kind of connection between him and his Death Eaters. The horrible name repulsed her now that she was technically considered one, but it didn't matter how much she hated the idea of being branded. She couldn't let Robert or the Dark Lord know she was faking her madness and devotion.

As she crawled towards the frightened little girl, not being able to walk yet, she was trying desperately not to cry or shout in horror at what he wanted her to do. She had never killed a human being before, she wasn't a murdered and didn't want to be remembered as one and the idea of murdering an innocent child who had lost her parents and was probably living in her own personal hell made her eyes water. However, she kept a big, twisted smile on her face and chuckled a few times as she got closer to the kid. "I will do anything for you, my lord. Thank you for giving me an opportunity to show my devotion and worth" She said gratefully once she was standing directly in front of the crying girl. She froze when she saw the girls face and studied her behavior closely and wondered if that was how she had looked like a minute ago. She knew exactly what the girl was feeling, the horrible sensation that her life was coming to an end but it wasn't close enough to end her suffering. Keeping her own death wishes in mind, she slashed the girl's throat with one swift movement and watched in excitement as the girl's lifeless body fell on the ground. She then finally turned to Robert. "Now you see? Can you see how our cause is helping the world? Taking down disgusting filth like this..." She said with a nervous but proud voice. "Now you see how easy will it be to end the life of filth as disgusting as you" She spat.
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