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  1. RedMantis

    Kickstarter Martial Arts POLL

    Mantis Style Represent! What better thread to de-lurk for?
  2. RedMantis

    A new age begins. . .

    Gosh, that'll be tricky then. They're both two words. seems to be available. Pounce on it!
  3. RedMantis

    KoC Motivational Posters

    Here's a few I made awhile ago.
  4. RedMantis

    Keychain #306-310

    So would Marena have to make one Conviction roll to make the sacrifice and another Conviction Roll to hold onto her obsession?
  5. RedMantis

    Keychain 206 through 210.

    I'm so very happy that keytarklaivekannon has arrived!! It takes my old "Gun Keytar" joke to the next level! ... 7b82_o.jpg Which was based on the Gun Katar, also somewhat related to the characters in today's comic...
  6. RedMantis

    Battle of Deren's Ford

    That was the battle near Halta with Bull of the North and Tepet Arada, right? I think there was a mention of it in The East when they talk about the situation with Halta, Linowan, the Realm, and Bull. Not much info though. Can someone with that book verify?
  7. RedMantis

    Alchemicals, Essence and Size

    Clockateers. In first ed most people referred to them as Locusts right? In reference to the Locust Crusade? Or was that just one group?
  8. RedMantis

    Five Days Darkness

    Luckily I just got Integrity Protecting Prana last session and bought my Integrity up. I led the circle on an expedition to Denandsor and all the players got a lesson in Dodge MDV. A couple people bought it up mid-session since it was favored for them. It was pretty a good out of game social...
  9. RedMantis

    Five Days Darkness

    Oh don't I know it. My cover identity with the guild allows me to use Bureaucracy charms to smooth out sooooo many wrinkles for myself and the party. I think right around when I bought Essence 5 I set up a bunch of paperwork to allow a certain number of my associates to accompany me through...
  10. RedMantis

    Vanishing from Mind's Eye Method- Charm Clarification

    That's what I thought after I went over it a couple of times since that's the precedence that's been set in game. The problem is the retroactive terminology doesn't fit then. I'm getting bits of the puzzle but I haven't been able to piece them together very well.
  11. RedMantis

    Getting through Customs the hard way.

    The ports in the West and South are more plentiful and less restricted. There are few ports in the North with ships bound for the Threshold. There are few ports in the East with ships bound for locations other than Port Calin (where the Realm conducts trade with the rest of the East since...
  12. RedMantis

    Vanishing from Mind's Eye Method- Charm Clarification

    I posted from Work and didn't have the book, Anyone with a book should have no trouble finding the charm, sorry I couldn't conjure up a page number for you. So I activate it and apply it to a whole scene? Is there a statute of limitations on how long I can wait before using it?
  13. RedMantis

    Five Days Darkness

    That is the bigger concern now that I've reviewed the information. If I get caught, sure deep poodoo but for all the might the Celestial Lions have I can trump them on stealth. I just have to decide what I would do with the peach. I'm going to start researching powerful people in Creation that...
  14. RedMantis

    Vanishing from Mind's Eye Method- Charm Clarification

    OK guys, I've been talking about my namesake, Red Mantis the Night Caste Burglar, for awhile and there's something I need to know before I buy the last of the base book Stealth charms for him. How the heck does VftMEM work? ... Eye_Method I get the...
  15. RedMantis

    Five Days Darkness

    I don't plan on living forever but the the peach info in the 1st Ed sidereal book makes the peaches seem WAY easier to steal than I had thought. Especially for a burglar night caste like my character. I just hope the ST doesn't give me "1st ed means nothing" crap he spews when something doesn't...
  16. RedMantis

    The Empty City

    :shock: *blink blink* You're welcome! ...what'd I say....? My ST has always admitted that he's very bad at coming up with unique names so we let things like that slide. Almost every character he's played in a modern game is named after some friend of his from high school or a coworker...
  17. RedMantis

    Five Days Darkness

    Yeah I asked him about that and he said it didn't. Just another thing to smack him around with. As for the consequences of theft. Oh yeah I know, otherwise it would've been the first thing I did in Yu-Shan. My character has Essence 5 so that smooths out the minimums of a lot of Yu-Shan red...
  18. RedMantis

    The Empty City

    The reason I say "N/A" is that for most of this game there was no access or information on level 6 and 7 artifacts. It's not like the pagoda is in the background section of the Dawn caste's character sheet. It's more of a gigantic plot device. As a place to live it's not glorious, no. It's got...
  19. RedMantis

    The Empty City

    It's a flying pagoda. I can't remember what the book reference is for the thing. It's about 15 stories tall, has a ring of essence cannons, 2 hangars for smaller flying craft (it had a working celestial rickshaw on board when we found it), and flies REALLY friggin fast (he admits that he...
  20. RedMantis

    Five Days Darkness

    I haven't read up on them in the Yu-shan book like I should because I've never seriously tried to steal more. When I asked him where they were he just gave me a district. Are they actually all over the place? Or was your reply shock that I'm waltzing around like a goggle eyed tourist in the...